Page 1: Cocaine Drug Addiction

Cocaine Drug AddictionCocaine is an extract from the leaves of the coca bush. It is origin comes from Columbia, Peru and Bolivia, South America, and is classified as a Schedule II drug, due to its very high potential for abuse and addiction. The most common form of cocaine is produced in a white powder form, that is ingested by snorting. Another, commonly known product of cocaine is crack cocaine (less expensive form of cocaine)-it is crystallized in a rock formation and used for smoking. The least popular use of cocaine is pure cocaine which is injected through a needle.

While the cocaine uses snorts the cocaine powder, it gets inhaled up into the nose where it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Once cocaine reaches the brain, dopamine gets released, triggering euphoric sensation. Since cocaine is considered a stimulant, it became an famous and dominant party drug. Cocaine had become easily sold on the streets, and its condensed form to be dispersed in the small packages.

Cocaine addicts experience an intense desire for months after their attempt to quit drug abuse; and even after years of drug free life, a sudden provocation can create a relapse. According to medical experts, cocaine tendency is to alter the part of the brain responsible for experiencing sensations. In the initial stages of cocaine drug addiction recovery, symptoms of depression, restlessness and irritability make it challenging to maintain the ability to stay sober.

According to NIDA, this is how cocaine affects the brain:

Page 2: Cocaine Drug Addiction

Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that increases levels of dopamine, a brain chemical (or neurotransmitter) associated with pleasure and movement, in the brain’s reward circuit. Certain brain cells, or neurons, use dopamine to communicate. Normally, dopamine is released by a neuron in response to a pleasurable signal (e.g., the smell of good food), and then recycled back into the cell that released it, thus shutting off the signal between neurons. Cocaine acts by preventing the dopamine from being recycled, causing excessive amounts of the neurotransmitter to build up, amplifying the message to and response of the receiving neuron, and ultimately disrupting normal communication. It is this excess of dopamine that is responsible for cocaine’s euphoric effects. With repeated use, cocaine can cause long-term changes in the brain’s reward system and in other brain systems as well, which may eventually lead to addiction. With repeated use, tolerance to the cocaine high also often develops. Many cocaine abusers report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. Some users will increase their dose in an attempt to intensify and prolong the euphoria, but this can also increase the risk of adverse psychological or physiological effects.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment OptionsCocaine drug addiction treatment can be obtained at either in outpatient or residential treatment facility. It depends on the individual needs of a drug addict. Residential treatment is mostly preferable, as it acts as a form of volunteered confinement, and allows a person to be surrounded by medical professionals, caring for the person daily, and also receive an appropriate counseling to help an addict to change his thinking and his way of life.

For someone with less severe addictions, may find that treatment on an outpatient basis may be sufficient. However, regardless of the treatment option, the longer a person commits to an active treatment plan, the more successful recovery and drug free life you are going to get.

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