Page 1: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics.

Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines that governs a person’s or group's behavior. Some might simply say it is the best or right thing to do. The opposite of the best or right thing to do could be called unethical.

Think for a moment. What are some morals/principles that you have?

Page 2: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Common human morals/principles/values (ethics)

Did you think of any of the following for yourself?

Do not gossip * Tell the truth * Do not vandalize property * Have courage * Do not have sex before marriage * Keep your promises * Do not cheat * Treat others as you want to be treated * Be trustworthy * Do not judge * Be dependable * Respect others* Be forgiving * Keep your self control * Have integrity * Be accountable and take responsibility * Have patience * Be loyal * Have respect for yourself * Be tolerant of differences * Seek justice * Have humility * Serve mankind * Be generous (from

Page 3: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

The professions – all kinds of professions have a code of ethics

from left to right (lawyers, social workers, medical)

Page 4: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

You are a Direct Support Professional• Regardless of what your department

title may be, you are considered to be a Direct Support Professional (DSP)

• DSPs have a code of ethics that was created by the National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals

• Visit to learn more about your profession.

Page 5: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

NADSP Mission Statement

“The NADSP mission is to promote the development of a highly competent human services workforce which supports individuals in achieving their life goals.”

Page 6: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Ethics When it comes to working with people with

developmental disabilities (DD), there are some ethical approaches or guidelines we can take from the previously discussed list:

Treat others as you want to be treated Do not judge Respect others Have integrity (doing the right thing even when no

one can see you) Be accountable and take responsibility Be tolerant of differences

Page 7: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Check point Another way of describing ethical approaches for Direct Support Professionals is:A) Being immoralB) Judging other peopleC) GuidelinesD) Contacting a lawyer

Page 8: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Correct Answer is…


Page 9: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Ethical Dilemma – what is it? It is like being stuck on what to do in a

difficult situation. Note: The code of ethics is not meant to give

exact solutions but rather help DSPs come up with best possible outcomes with or on behalf of the individual.

The code of ethics was formed by DSPs, advocates, families, professionals, and researchers.

Page 10: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Why do ethics (guidelines) exist for DSPs?There are many reasons! Feel free to read the Preamble (Introduction) of National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals Code of Ethics.

Here are some of the reasons:

• Assist people with DD to lead their own lives• Community inclusion to overcome prejudices in society about

people with DD• Support individuals in with their unique gifts, preferences, and

needs of each person. • Maintain the promise of partnership and respect that must

exist between in the helping relationship between DSPs and individuals.

Page 11: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Check pointAn ethical dilemma could be describe as:

A) Using the code of ethics everydayB) A debate between Democrats and

RepublicansC) Talking about individuals behind their

backD) Not being sure of what to do in a


Page 12: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines


Through the next several slides, you will read a variety of scenarios. Think about what you should do as a Direct Support Professional. See what might be the best possible outcome.

Page 13: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 1Marcos is a individual and he is nonverbal. He goes into the canteen at the day program and gives money to the staff there. The staff gives him a banana out of the 3 different fruit on the counter. He does not have any food allergies and able to chew food. Marcos returns to his day program room and begins to stomp his feet and cry. His DSP goes to the canteen and asks the staff if something happened in the canteen because Marcos returned to his room and is very upset. His classroom staff is now wondering what happened while he was at the canteen…What do you think happened?

Page 14: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

What probably happenedThe staff did not ask Marcos what he would like to purchase from the canteen. Although Marcos cannot speak, he can probably point to the item he wants to purchase. A choice was made for him instead of him being able to make a choice for himself.

Page 15: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics#1

Person-Centered Supports:

As a DSP, I will honor the personality, preferences, culture, and gifts of the people who cannot speak by seeking other ways of understanding them.

Page 16: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 2Cynthia is an individual who attends the day program. She is very independent and even uses public transportation to come and go from program. It is winter and very cold outside. Cynthia has a coat but does not want to put it on. You are concerned that she might get sick and try to convince her that she needs to put it on but she refuses. She stated that she understands.What would you do?

Page 17: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Possible Best OutcomeSpeak with Cynthia and treat her as the adult that she is but also letting her know that you are concerned that she will get sick. If she refuses to put her coat on, it’s ok. You made an effort to help her understand the risks but ultimately respected her to make her own decision. If it was an individual who has a greater developmental disability and not have the capacity to understand, you would have to need to assist the individual with putting on his/her coat.

Page 18: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics# 2Promoting Physical and Emotional Well-Being:

As a DSP, I will assist the individuals I support to understand their options and the possible consequences of these options as they relate to their physical health and emotional wellbeing.

Page 19: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 3

You work for the Community Habilitation Program and work with an 8 year-old girl with DD. Her mother says that she has been trying to use calm and relaxing music with her daughter to help her when she is feeling hyperactive (too much energy). The music sounds really boring to you and after trying it once, you stop using it and put on some fun music that you know she likes. When it is time for you to leave, the child seems unable to calm down. The mother asks you what happened. What do you think went wrong in this situation?

Page 20: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

What probably happenedAlthough you may have thought the fun and more exciting music may have been better for the little girl, your value against the mother’s value for the daughter was not in the best interest of the child and the child remained hyperactive. There may be times that you will disagree with an approach that a family member is taking and want to impose your own values but as DSPs, we must be very careful not to do this.

Page 21: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics #3Integrity and Responsibility

As a DSP, I will be conscious of my own values and how they influence my professional decisions. Recognize the importance of modeling valued behaviors to co-workers, persons receiving support, and the community at large.

Page 22: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

SCENARIO 4Ms. Valdez came to an Esperanza residence to drop off some new clothes for her daughter, Marsha who lives at the residence. Paul who is residential staff person apologizes for having Ms. Valdez wait to retrieve the clothes for Marsha. While apologizing, Paul explains to her that he was with Edmund Smith, another individual who lives in the residence was having some issues with his blood sugar.What are your thoughts about this situation?

Page 23: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

How this should have been handledThe mistake here was that the Paul gave this parent an individual’s full name and shared medical information about the individual. First names are ok to share but whenever in doubt, don’t say anyone’s name at all and never share their personal health information.*If an individual shares something with you that you don’t think should be a secret, you should try to convince the individual to let certain people know (a manager, parent, doctor, etc.) * Confidential information can always be broken if an individual says that they will kill themselves or someone else

Page 24: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics#4Confidentiality:

As a DSP, I will safeguard and respect the

confidentiality and privacy of the people I


Page 25: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 5aYou (staff) are talking with Maribel (individual) about how she likes coffee in the morning and that it is very important to her. While you and Maribel are speaking, Trevor (staff) comes up to you and says that he needs your help with some paperwork for the audit.

Page 26: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 5bYou and Trevor are in an office and having a conversation about how to handle a work situation. Maribel, the same individual, walks into the office saying that she didn’t get her coffee. Trevor explains to Maribel that he’s sorry to hear that but explains all the social cues that Maribel did not follow such as knocking on the door or saying excuse me and so on…Besides the staff trying to teach Maribel the right thing to do, what else is different between scenario 5a and 5b?

Page 27: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

The other differenceTrevor interrupted a conversation between you and Maribel never bothering to wait until the conversation was done or to say excuse me. Trevor however was quick to instruct Maribel on what she should have done when she interrupted a conversation between the two of you.

Page 28: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics # 5

Justice, Fairness and Equity

As a DSP, I will promote and practice justice, fairness, and equity for the people I supportand the community as a whole. I will affirm the human rights, civil rights andresponsibilities of the people I support.

Page 29: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 6aYou are a staff person and working on a Sunday. You think it is a good idea for all the residents in the Esperanza residence to go to your church. Everyone gets into the van and you’re on your way. Everyone sat quietly and respectful through the service. It seemed like it was a pleasant afternoon for everyone.

Page 30: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

What do you think about the options below?A) Church is a good and positive influence on

everyone so there is no problem hereB) Staff should ask who would like to go to their

own preferred place of worship – seeking a way to make it work for everyone as much as possible

C) Staff should ask who would like to go to your church explaining what kind of place of worship it is

D) Everyone should just stay home because it is too complicated to figure this out

Page 31: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Best choiceB) Staff should ask who would like to go to their own preferred place of worship

Seek a way along with a co-worker to make it work for everyone as much as possible. This could be complicated so good planning and coordination will work best.

Page 32: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

SCENARIO 6bSteven and Jeremy (two male individuals w/DD) who reside in the same Esperanza residence have been ‘dating’ for several years. You see them sitting on the sofa in the living room holding hands while watching a TV program.

What should you do?

Page 33: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

SCENARIO 6cPedro and Nancy (two individuals) have been attending the day program and have been ‘dating’ for many years. You see them walking in the hallway holding hands.

What should you do?

Page 34: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics#6Respect

As a DSP, I will respect the human dignity and uniqueness of the people I support. I willrecognize each person I support as valuable and help others understand their value.

* Recognize and respect the cultural context (e.g. religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity,socio-economic class) of the person supported and his/her social network.

Page 35: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 7Many DSPs believe that one of their primary responsibilities is to protect the individuals they work with every day. Ms. Salas who is an 80 year-old neighbor lives next to an Esperanza residence and occasionally bring fresh flowers from her garden to the residence. Willie who lives in the Esperanza residence and has no behavior problems wants to help Ms. Salas rake her leaves because she is an old and nice lady. The two DSPs working on this weekend tell Willie who lives in the Esperanza residence that he can not help Ms. Salas rake the leaves in her yard because something might happen to him.

What do you think about this situation?

Page 36: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Thoughts on Ms. SalasMany times, the only people that individuals associate with are paid staff. If we truly want society to be accepting people with DD, we must work hard to create normal situations that other people would do. A kind neighbor/friend without DD would help Ms. Salas. What’s wrong with Willie being able to do the same thing even though he has DD? Nothing. If you think he needs a little supervision then check on him periodically.

Page 37: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics#7Relationships

As a DSP, I will assist the people I support to develop and maintain relationships.

Page 38: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

Scenario 8The Chief Operating Officer (COO) who is 2nd in command of Esperanza Center realizes that having more volunteer sites in the community (where individuals could go during the day) could be beneficial to Esperanza Center and may attract more individuals to come to Esperanza’s day program versus other day programs. During basketball season, many of the currently enrolled individuals want to participate in basketball practice & games and there aren’t enough individuals to go to many more sites. The COO makes a tough business decision to reduce the basketball program for the individuals and more volunteer sites are developed that they are required to attend.

Page 39: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

What should happenThe COO should work with supervisors to make sure that those who want to go to volunteer sites get to go while the others who want to go to play basketball get to go. Don’t eliminate either. Find ways to make both situations work to the interest of the individuals.

Page 40: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics # 8Self-Determination

As a DSP, I will work in partnership with others to support individuals leading self-directed lives.

Page 41: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines


Chrisette is now ‘job ready’ and applies to work

at the GAP in their inventory/stock room. The manager interviews her but explains to her job

coach when they are done that they are currently not looking to hire anyone with

disabilities right now.

The job coach says that he understands and may

have Chrisette try again in a couple of months.

Page 42: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

SCENARIO 9bChrisette is now ‘job ready’ and applies to work at the GAP

in their inventory/stock

room. The manager interviews her but explains to her job coach when they

are done that they are currently not

hiring anyone with disabilities.

The coach thanks the manager for her

time and asks for clarification. The job coach asks if

The GAP corporation is complying with


(ADA). This is a law.

Page 43: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

DSP Code of Ethics#9Advocacy

As a DSP, I will advocate with the people I support for justice, inclusion, and fullcommunity participation.

Promote human, legal, and civil rights of all people and assist others to understand theserights.

Page 44: Code of Ethics for Direct Support Professionals Let’s start off with defining ethics. Ethics can be viewed as a set of morals, principles and/or guidelines

What have you learned from this?

It is important to make sure that you have been able to review this information. Please answer the following questions. Choose the best possible answer. You need to pass with 80%.

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