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Coffee BeanIssue 31

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Editor: Jay Cee [email protected]

Design: The Coffee Bean Team [email protected]

Contributors: Briancee - Poet


Well it’s coffee time again, time to edit some content for our magazine.

I decided to get content and put together this magazine as well as having copias amounts of coffee that’s,Italian, specialised Levazza blend which was great and, of course, some good old breakfast blend.

Getting back to the job in hand, the coffee scene has been extreemly busy over the last four to five weeks with Cafe Nero expanding in Northern Ireland. Then liquid nitrogen is the key ingredient for a new form of coffee being pioneered by local coffee icon ‘Death Wish Coffee.’ Wow, I am sure we would all like to try that. Then we have Melitta news Agency Tk appointed to launch Melitta Coffee into the UK

Out-of-Home Market.

In our gadget section we have the amazing SpillNot.It’s not magic - it’s physics! called the SpillNot ,a simple hanging saucer consisting of a base and loop handle, the SpillNot is not only incredibly effective, but fun to use.

Also people can now drink capsule coffee with a clear conscience.

Well that’s it in a nut shell.

Until next time

The Ed

Coffee Roaster

in this issue...

Coffee exports from India stand to benefit

from global shortage of robusta beans

Now everyone can enjoy good capsule coffee with

a clear conscience.

Sir Stelios’ easyGroup signed a master

franchise agreement with entrepreneur Nathan


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From Across The Pond

There’s something serious brewing in Saratoga.Liquid nitrogen is the key ingredient to a new form of coffee being pioneered by local coffee icon ‘Death Wish Coffee’ in partnership with the Olde Saratoga Brewing Company. This is the first experimental batch getting canned. “It gives it a beautiful cascade like a Guinness, but it also makes the cold brew just a little bit creamier,” said John Swedish, operations manager, Death Wish Coffee.

You would think that adding a form of gas to a liquid would make it bubbly, the main reason why they chose nitrogen over carbon.

“Co2 will spoil the coffee faster than nitrogen would. We’ve done some experimentation with nitrogen, you get that nice cascade. We don’t want the bubbling or anything like that, we just want a really nice and smooth creamy coffee,” said Swedish.

The canning duties are being handled by Josh Schaffner, CEO of Ninth Planet Beverage Solutions. This local startup company is getting one of its first jobs through this collaboration. “I mean this is a really exciting product and we are doing this with canning – something that no one else is doing in a mobile format anywhere else in the country. Excitement is a word that doesn’t go far enough to show how good a feeling it is to do this!” said Josh Schaffne. This is still somewhat of an experimental product.

These three local companies are

constantly working in tandem to try and brew up the perfect, repeatable process for their nitro brew.“Every product has subtle nuances so we know beer inside and out, we’ve done multiple tests with coffee. We started with little 5 gallon system then worked our way up from machine to machine; recently we put it into one of our 250 barrel fermenters, and it created some different challenges but we figured it out,” said Max Oswald, General Manager of Olde Saratoga Brewing Co.

“The relationship with Olde Saratoga Brewing has meant the world to us, they’ve been a great partner of ours and without them we wouldn’t be where we are right now.”

Coffee Bean Research

Coffee exports from India stand to benefit from global shortage of robusta beans

KOCHI: Indian coffee export stands to benefit from the global shortage of robusta beans as the major producers of the variety are facing crop loss due to scorching heat.

Vietnam is the largest producer of robusta followed by Brazil and Indonesia. The heat wave from El Nino effect has caused considerable damage to coffee plantations of Asian producers while drought seems to have affected robusta

growing regions of Brazil. In contrast, India has just harvested robusta crop. The Indian coffee exports have jumped 20% from a year ago to 1,49,225 tonnes in the period from Jan 1to May 12 as per Coffee Board data. The increase has been fuelled by robusta which accounted for nearly half the shipments. Robusta prices in the international market have gone up by over 15% in the last few months. The July London futures stood at $1,678 per tonne on recently.

With arabica prices ruling low, growers have sold a majority of their robusta stock. What they usually sell in six months, they have sold in three months,”

said a senior executive of a coffee exporting firm.

According to International Coffee Organisation, total global coffee exports in the first half of coffee year 2015-16, which starts from October, are estimated to be up by 1.6% to 55.5 million bags (each bag of 60 kg) indicating that coffee markets continue to be well sup-plied though there are concerns about robusta availability.

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AGENCY TK APPOINTED TO LAUNCH MELITTA COFFEE INTO UK OUT-OF-HOME MARKETMelitta Professional appoints TK as its first integrated UK agency following competitive three-way pitch.. Global agency,

TK has been appointed by Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions to launch its new range of blended coffee into the UK Horeca sector. As leader in the coffee and coffee preparation industry, Melitta Professional has awarded TK with the integrated management of its UK PR and marketing activity to introduce the brand to the ever-growing hotel, restaurant and café market.

TK will work to spread the word to coffee experts and bar and restaurant

owners alike and ultimately, establish MelittaProfessional as the go-to coffee supplier Following on from TK’s success in developing stand-out campaigns for the likes of cocktail bar and restaurant, The Alchemist, and Wolf Street Food, the award-winning agency will bring its own custom blend of creative thinking, design and strategy to help build the profile and business of Melitta Professional within a national trade audience. Recognising TK’s wealth of experience in the industry and the team’s ability to create cutting edge design, PR and marketing campaigns clinched the deal for Melitta Professional’s Global Head of Coffee,

Alaster Siddle, who appointed TK following a competitive three-way pitch said: “I’m very familiar with the impressive campaigns created by TK and the team’s pitch was very strong. I am confident that TK is the agency Melitta needs to make a real impact in the UK and to ensure that consumers and coffee purchasers will want to pay attention to what

we have coming this year. I’m excited to have the TK team on board.”

Melitta Professional is aiming to shake up the UK Horeca sector this year with the launch of its new coffee blends, specifically tailored to British tastes, to ensure that all palates in the country will be satisfied.

Managing Director of TK, Mike Robinson, said: “Melitta is truly a household nameacross Europe and it is this renowned presence thatwe are keen to bring tothe UK. We are delightedto be the agency for such a market leader and we can’t wait to educate and invigorate this audience with a bold introductory campaign surrounding Melitta Professional’s first UK-centric coffee blends.”

Look out for the new UK blended Melitta Professional range and own label offering coming later this year.

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Now everyone can enjoy good capsule coffee with a clear conscience. The coffee roaster Löfbergs launches a longed-for environmental innovation: a completely plant-based and bio compostable capsule that is sorted as bio-waste. The capsules fit all Nespresso® machines and come in five different flavours.

This is of course an innovation that we are especially proud of. Today’s consumers have high demands on both flavour and environmental impact. As our goal is to be the most sustainable coffee company in Europe, it is our responsibility to lead the development towards more sustainable products and solutions, says Lars Appelqvist, CEO at Löfbergs.

Leaves nothing but great taste.Place the coffee capsule in your Nespresso® machine, then enjoy a cup of coffee rich in flavour. When you are ready, put the capsule in the organic waste bin together with potato peelings, leftovers and other bio-waste. It almost sounds too good to be true, but this is reality now. Together with Advanced Technology Innovations (ATI) from the Netherlands, Löfbergs has developed a fully plant-based coffee capsule.

The capsules are made of fibres from sugar cane and sugar beet sorted as bio-waste, and therefore have a much lower environmental impact than a capsule made of aluminum or plastic, says Eva Eriksson,

Sustainability Director at Löfbergs.

The great challenge was to develop a capsule that really preserves the aroma in our good coffee, without requiring a lot of unnecessary and polluting packing. But now it’s solved and we can offer a compostable capsule with really tasty coffee, in a very small and resource-efficient package, says Eva Eriksson. New coffee habits possibilities and challenges.Around the world, our coffee habits are rapidly changing. New brewing methods are constantly gaining ground, especially capsules that offer coffee drinkers new possibilities of variation. There are a number of challenges as well. The capsules are generating a lot of waste and often contain polluting plastics and aluminium. But now there is an alternative. This is naturally something Löfbergs is especially proud of.

We were first with coffee packages free from aluminium in the 1990s, and we were also first with organic and Fairtrade labelled coffee in Sweden. With the compostable capsules filled with our certified good coffee, we continue to be a forerunner within sustainability, says Lars Appelqvist, CEO at Löfbergs.

The capsules in Sweden will be sold in Löfbergs own webshop, Löfbergs cafés and at retailers. The capsules are also sold in Denmark under the Peter Larsen brand which is a company within the Löfberg Group.

The new series of coffee capsules include five sorts of coffee with different flavours, history and possibilities of use. they are compatible with all

Nespresso® machines.

Nero Intenso: An intense and strong ristretto with notes of dried fruit and cacao. The coffee is organic. Rosa Nera: A mild and pleasant espresso with sweetness and elements of cacao. The coffee is Rainforest Alliance certified.Oscuro Segrato: A classic espresso with notes of cacao with a strong and intensive finish. The coffee is Rainforest Alliance certified.Ethiopian Sidamo: A soft and smooth espresso/lungo with balanced and exotic notes of citrus, bergamot and chocolate. The coffee is organic.Passionata: An espresso with mild and at the same time strong flavours of dried fruit and notes of chocolate. The coffee is organic.

The capsule is sorted as food waste according to the municipal handling of household waste. The capsule and the coffee grounds will be included in the industrial composting. This means that it is composted according the European Union’s requirements for industrial composting. Get more information on how food waste is handled in your municipality.Nespresso is a third party registered trademark and has no association with Löfbergs. Löfbergs is one of the largest family-owned coffee roasters in the Nordic countries. The company has 330 employees and a turnover of SEK 1.7 billion. The head office is situated in Karlstad, Sweden and the company has its own roasting-houses in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Latvia. The company was founded in 1906 and is today one of the world’s largest importers of ecological and Fairtrade labelled coffee. Löfbergs also owns the tea brand Kobb.

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For many of us, caffeine is an absolute necessity when it comes to acting as a functional member of society before lunchtime. Without a morning hit, coffee fiends can be found up and down the country, semi-comatose on a commuting stranger’s shoulder or trembling in the doorway of a local coffee shop, clawing at the door and tugging at a Barista’s apron, begging for a double shot Americano.

Thankfully I was reading an article in another magazine and came across the different ways to get your kick out of your coffee or get your fix from the caffeine.Here they are.

Filter or Espresso?

Per ounce, Espresso has a tasty 45-75mg of caffeine, whereas filter has just 20mg.


According to Tech Insider, when coffee beans are roasted, they expand in size but lose water.

When measured in scoops, lighter roasts have more caffeine, yet when weighed, caffeine levels are about the same.


When considering which of your morning beverage will give you the biggest rush, it’s worth considering bean types. 70% of the world’s coffee comes from our trusted chums, the Arabica beans, yet Robusta beans provide nearly twice the caffeine (we can practically hear the heart palpitations). Robusta coffee has a more bitter flavour, and less nuanced flavours, so if you’re more concerned about subtle nutty and chocolatey undertones than how much it will wake you up, go for Arabica. Robusta is cheaper to produce, so is commonly used in instant coffee, yet you can also enjoy it in classic Italian espresso.

(Bump ‘n) Grind

You probably haven’t thought

about the implications of surface area since year 9 science, but bear with. If you use a finer grind, the coffee has a greater surface area, and therefore more caffeine can be extracted.


If you’ve got time to crack out a thermometer in the morning, chances are you have time to wake up naturally without a mahussive caffeine injection, but there we go. If your water is heated between 90 and 96 degrees, it will bring out the most caffeine.

Ice Ice Baby

With this in mind, it makes sense that iced coffees are lower in caffeine than hot coffee.

So I hope this helps you all get up for work in the morning, and that you don’t need too many coffee fixes to get you going.

Coffee Bean research

How To Get The Most Caffeine From Your Coffee

Sir Stelios’ easyGroup has recently signed a master franchise agreement with entrepreneur Nathan Lowry. Under the deal Nathan will be adding new properties to his portfolio of easyCoffee outlets that

already include Earls Court and Oxford Street - with Leicester Square due to open shortly. easyCoffee currently offers freshly-ground Lavazza coffee for just £1 a cup (cappuccino/espresso/Americano etc) compared with nearly £3 a cup from other well-

known high street chains. Watch out for one opening near you soon!

easyGroup signs master franchise agreement with Nathan Lowryn

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Brexit Coffee More Expensive

Coffee drinkers in the UK should brace to pay more for their morning fix as domestic roasters start to pass on increased import costs after Britain’s Brexit vote.

London’s small-scale producers, who help supply the capital’s taste for a quality roast, are facing a steep rise in the price of coffee beans after the pound slumped to the lowest in 30 years against the dollar. As with most imported commodities, U.K. roasters pay for the raw product in U.S. currency, and the foreign-exchange reaction to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union has jolted the market.

Customers of Square Mile Coffee Roasters, based in East London, have to pay 50 pence more for some 350-gram (12-ounce)

bags of coffee ordered online, representing an increase of 3 percent to 5 percent, according to owner Anette Moldvaer.

“We ended up paying a lot more for our green coffee,” Moldvaer said in an interview. The second payment on a $150,000 order of 18,950 kilograms of Costa Rican beans got about $7,500 more expensive after the June 23 referendum. “We kind of got caught in the middle of it as far as our payments were concerned.”

Square Mile roasts around 120 metric tons of green coffee beans per year, sourcing from countries such as Brazil, Burundi and El Salvador. It then sells to coffee houses wholesale, and to individual customers online.

The costs will inevitably be passed on to the customers, of which Prufrock Coffee, a cafe and barista-training center, based in London’s Clerkenwell, is one. The impact on sales of drinks tends to lag a few months behind as roasters first clear stocks of beans.

“Roasters are buying large quantities of green coffee that last them 6 to 12 months,” owner Jeremy Challender said over an espresso. The real squeeze will come as roasters order their next batches before Christmas -- if the pound fails to recover -- and pass the extra costs on to outlets, he said

Coffee Bean research

Caffe Nero

eyes up further expansion in Northern Ireland

Coffee chain Caffe Nero is eyeing up three new locations around Belfast as it plans more expantion across Northern Ireland.

Nero has around two dozen outlets in Northern Ireland at present. Just ten years after opening up its first Caffe Neo in Belfast, it’s still planning more stores for the city.It’s understood it is looking for new spots in the Lisburn Road and Ormeau Road areas in south Belfast as it expands its reach outside the city centre. It’s also believed Caffe Nero could open a new shop close to the Waterfront Hall. The Waterfront Hall has expanded considerably

over the last year, after unveiling its new £29m extension and conference facility.

Caffe Nero is one of the fastest growing UK-owned coffee businesses here, growing from a handful of stores to more than 20.

And it has a dozen stores in Belfast alone. That includes the former Delaney’s cafe, Fountain Street, and one in House of Fraser.

Caffe Nero opened several new locations this year, including one at Royal Avenue in the heart of the city.It also opened a shop at Ballyhackamore in the east of the city. But as Nero expands so do Northern Ireland’s home-grown coffee businesses.

Ground Espresso employs more than 200 staff across 17 stand-alone stores and concessions

across Ireland.

It now employs around 200 staff, and added more than a dozen to its workforce back in September when it launched its Magherafelt store. Clements now has 10 shops scattered across Belfast, with several others elsewhere in Northern Ireland.In June, Caffe Nero took on a business once owned by supermarket giant Tesco.

The retailer announced it plans to sell UK coffee chain Harris and Hoole to Caffe Nero. Caffe Nero is now worth around £230m across its UK business.It now boasts more than 700 coffee shops across the world, and is based throughout the UK, Ireland and as far afield as the US.

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Evoke a sense of eastern delight at mealtimes with LinenMe’s gorgeous range of linen now introduced in new spicy tones.

They launched the spicey tones late last year, the already popular table linen has been lovingly re-designed in the latest colourways, offering the traditional appeal of linen in a warm and exotic palette.

Designed to work in harmony with one another, the beautifully coordinating selection of napkins,

tablecloths and decorative runners are perfect for mixing and matching to create a table setting that is personal and effortlessly stylish. From rich tones of cinnamon and mustard to muted lavender and saffron hues, the range of 100% linen is ethically produced and manufactured using only the finest flax fibres that are wonderfully soft to the touch, yet durable.

Offering both style and practicality at pleasantly affordable prices,

each item can be machine-washed and tumble-dried with ease, becoming softer and suppler the more frequently the linen is laundered. Whether setting the scene for a sophisticated dinner party, or simply brightening up a breakfast table with a nice cup of kope luwak, all the staff at can help you create a special coffee setting that will impress customers time after time. T: 020 8133 3853

Tasteful Coffee Shop Linen by LinenMe

Tim Hortons, a cult favorite in Canada known for its coffee and doughnuts, will begin opening restaurants in the U.K. next year as part of a global expansion

Gurprit Dhaliwal will be the chief executive officer of the master-franchise joint venture, responsible for developing Tim Hortons in Britain, according to Restaurant Brands International Inc., the Oakville, Ontario-based company that owns the chain.

“It’s a big market with lots of potential for us,” Restaurant

Brands CEO Daniel Schwartz said in an interview. “It has a strong and growing coffee culture, so it was a natural fit for the Tim’s brand.”

Tim Hortons has had fits and starts trying to expand in the U.S. since opening its first store there in 1984. It even tried co-branding with Cold Stone Creamery to drum up interest among Americans. In 2014, Burger King bought Tim Hortons, part of a deal that the burger chain used to form a new parent company with a Canadian headquarters. The coffee chain also has stores in the Middle East and will

be opening locations in the Philippines.

Burger King has restaurants in the U.K., and Tim Hortons will be facing competition from McDonald’s Corp., Starbucks Corp. and Dunkin’ Donuts there. Tim Hortons sells breakfast sandwiches, coffee, pastries and grilled paninis.

Schwartz declined to say how many Tim Hortons are planned for the U.K.“Our larger competitors have several hundred restaurants in the market,” he said. “Our plans are quite ambitious.”

Tim Hortons Coffee Coming to U.K. Amid

Global Expansion Push

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Melitta Professional Coffee Solutions announces much-anticipated addition to its team

A leader in the coffee and coffee preparation industry, Melitta Professional has recruited top coffee trade expert and experienced sales manager, Laura Sherwood, as its New Markets Manager, as part of bold plans to shake up the industry and launch its brand new blended coffee range into the UK.

Laura will join Global Head of Coffee, Alaster Siddle, to lead Melitta Professional into another successful year of catering to today’s rapidly growing Horeca sector and to help establish the brand as a force to be reckoned with in the UK coffee market. Along with a strong existing team in Germany, a UK team will be built around Laura’s crucial new role that will play a pivotal part in introducing the exciting Melitta Professional coffee blends to the UK customer base, each of which have been uniquely tailored to

the British palate.

Beginning her journey with Glasgow based coffee roaster Matthew Algie, Laura has forged a highly successful and reputable career in coffee that spans over 11 years, with experience at Tchibo Coffee UK and renowned café and foodservice supplier, Beyond The Bean. Following 5 years as UK Sales Manager at Beyond The Bean, where she managed and secured business within the UK and across Europe, Laura is now eager to help build the Melitta Professional brand into a national powerhouse and ultimately, see it become the number one coffee supplier in the UK.

Speaking about her move to Melitta Professional, Laura said: “The coffee market has changed so quickly, with drink development, creative innovation and in-depth insight all playing a key part in my success. As New Markets Manager at Melitta, I am very excited to bring my passion for the industry to such a renowned family business, as

it prepares to launch its own blended coffee into the UK for the first time. Working alongside Alaster will be a winning combination too. We both have great ambition and understand the demands and needs of today’s customer and growing market.”On Laura’s appointment, Alaster said: “It is without doubt that Laura has a proven track record of achieving results and bringing coffee solutions to a broad range of sectors, so it is no surprise that her new role at Melitta Professional has been highly anticipated by myself and the entire team.

“With Laura on board, providing value and increased support to UK consumers and coffee purchasers, we are looking forward to sharing the Melitta brand heritage and bringing great coffee to the British industry over the coming months.” Look out for the new UK blended Melitta Professional range and own label offering coming later this year, as well as ways to get involved in the Melitta Professional UK campaign..

Melitta Professional Appoints Laura Sherwood as New Markets Manager

For The UK

Cup of coffee a day keeps the heart doctor away, study finds

Heart-attack patients who drink one or two cups of coffee a day are 20 percent less likely to die prematurely from heart damage compared to java teetotallers, a new study finds.

The York University study tracked 3,721 heart-attack survivors in the UK, chronicling their coffee-drinking habits.

It’s not clear how coffee helps the human body. Previous studies have found that three to five cups a day helped Parkinson’s patients. Another found it helps fight liver cancer.

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If we are looking for the Northern Powerhouse well the U.K. is fast becoming a powerhouse for coffee consumption in Europe, according to The NPD Group. While the U.K currently ranks third among the big five European markets, behind Italy with a coffee consumption of 4.78 billion cups and France 2.27 billion cups but ahead of Germany 1.93 billion cups and Spain 1.77 billion .

High Street bakery chain Greggs has been investing in its coffee range since February 2014, when it launched an improved coffee blend. In nationwide blind testing, four out of five customers judged it as good as or better than their favorite coffee brand. In 2015, the company introduced more coffee machines to meet rising demand. This year it followed up with an extended coffee menu launched in March, featuring espresso, Americanos, lattes, cappuccinos and an improved mocha, plus the on-trend flat white.

At Pret a Manger, which sells 1.5

million cups of coffee a week globally, flat whites are the driving force in coffee—growing faster than the category as a whole. Customers are reported to be moving toward smaller coffees too; while sales of Americano and espresso are also growing for the company. “Strong and natural” are considered a big focus for consumers in the future according to Pret’s coffee team.

Costa Coffee is backing the trend for smaller caffeine shots with the launch of its cortardo—a short rich extraction of “Mocha Italia” coffee served with a little smooth, textured milk. Costa claims to be the fastest growing coffee shop business in the U.K., with more than 2,000 coffee shops and more than 1,240 additional locations in 31 overseas markets. The company also operates the Costa Express format, offering touchscreen machines for a quick and easy way to grab a Costa coffee on-the-go. There are 3,400 Costa Express self-serve coffee bars located across the U.K., including forecourts—a growing

market for coffee consumption, according to NPD. The information company’s research shows Britons managed to down nearly 17 million cups of coffee at gas stations in 2015, up by 5 million since 2012.

Euro Garages, which partners with Starbucks at its forecourt locations in the U.K. has an agreement to open 150 roadside coffee shops across the north of England and the Midlands, is enjoying the sales uplift. Since July 2014, Euro Garages recorded double-digit growth at Starbucks. Increasingly, customers choose the Starbucks drive-thru locations to hold business and other meetings, reports Ilyas Munshi, commercial director at Euro Garages, who likens coffee shops to “New Age pubs,” highlighting their growing and universal customer appeal.

The UK which was once a nation of tea drinkers, now have a firm grip on their coffee cup right now.

The United Kingdom

coffee consumption is big

and still growing.

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The SpillNotCoffee BeanGadget Section

It’s not magic - it’s physics! And called The SpillNot.

A simple hanging saucer consisting of a base and loop handle, the SpillNot is not only incredibly effective, but fun to use.

With the SpillNot, the liquid in the cups does not spill or slosh in the cup, and the cup doesn’t slide when carried or swung around. This is because the loop handle is very flexible and cannot deliver a lateral acceleration to the cup, which is usually what makes beverages spill from an open container not tipped.

The Concept.

The fundamental concepts of Newtonian physics explain why this amazing tray can be used to carry and swing a full open cup of coffee (or any liquid) with no spills! Durable yet elegant hanging tray for a single open beverage that can be swung all around with an incredibly small risk of spilling. Amazingly effective!

The cool physics is that the liquid does not spill or slosh in the cup and the cup does not tend to slide on the SpillNot as it is carried, even if it is swung all around. Why not? The answer is that the loop

handle (let’s think of it as a ‘thread’) is very flexible and cannot deliver a lateral acceleration to the cup, which is what usually makes liquid spill from an open container that is not tipped.

More generally, swinging does not tend to cause the cup to slide off the saucer or liquid to slosh in the cup because the only force acting in a direction that is not parallel to the sides of the cup is the force of gravity, and gravity is equally accelerating all molecules of the saucer, cup, and liquid in the cup.

If the SpillNot is swung all the way around in a loop such that the cup is upside-down at the top of the arc, the liquid does not pour out of the cup due to the pseudo force, centrifugal force, which acts in the opposite direction as gravity when the cup is at the top of the arc.

Interestingly, for the webbing loop handle to lie flat and have no twists, it must be a Mobias strip (the strip is sewn together on the standard SpillNot handle for ease of use)! Warning- If bumped, spillage may occur. Not for use with liquids that are hot enough to scald. Not recommended for moving vehicles. Not for children under 3 years of age.

***Please note, if the SpillNot is swung with an open beverage, there is a risk of spillage***

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