Page 1: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting


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The Cold War Proxy Wars

Page 2: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting


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Why did the United States fear the spread of Communism?

• TheunitedStatesandotherWesterndemocraticcountriesfearedthatifonecountrytofelltoCommunism,thenthesurroundingcountrieswouldfallaswell.

• Thisbecameknownasthedominotheory.

Page 3: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting


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Korea after WWII

• AfterKoreawasfinallyfreedfromJapanesecontrolithadtobedecidedwhatkindofgovernmentitwouldhave.Communistordemocracy?

• ItwasagreeduponthatKoreawillbesplitinhalfbythe38th parallel.TheNorthernhalfwouldbecommunistandtheSouthernhavewouldbedemocratic.

• Theonceunifiedcountrywasultimatelysplitintotwoseparatecountries:NorthandSouthKorea.

Page 5: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting


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The Korean War

• On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces swept across the 38th parallel in a surprise attack on South Korea

• With only 500 U.S. troops in South Korea, the Soviets figured the Americans would not fight to save South Korea

• Instead, America sent troops, planes and ships to South Korea to prevent it from falling under Communism

The North Attacks the South June 1950 – July 1953

Whydid theU.ScaretosenditsownsoldierstodefendSouth


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Korean War

• Just as it looked like the Americans were going to score a victory in the North, 300,000 Chinese communist soldiers joined the war on the side of the North Koreans

• The fight between North and South Korea had turned into a war in which the main opponents were Chinese Communists vs. American soldiers

• The war lasted 3 years and tt was declared a stalemate (tie). The line dividing North and South Korea (38th parallel) is called the DMZ. Technically, the war has still not ended.


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Page 9: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• Vietnam had been a colony of France – Known as French Indo-

China • Communists began to

fight for independence from France after WWII– Led by Ho Chi Minh

Page 10: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• 1954 Peace conference in Geneva divides Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam

Page 11: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• Communist North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh

• Supported by Soviets • South Vietnam led by

Ngo Dinh Diem• Anti communist government• Supported by United

States and France• Promised free elections

Page 12: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• Viet Cong were Southern Vietnamese who disliked Ngo DinhDiem. They began attacking the South Vietnamese government– Were supported by Ho

Chi Minh and N. Vietnam– Used guerrilla tactics

Page 13: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• United States began sending troops and money to help South Vietnam resist communist Viet Cong and North Vietnam – Domino theory and

containment policy– 500,000 U.S. troops by


Page 14: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

Soviets Respond• The Soviet union provides

money and weapons to North Vietnam and the Viet Cong.

• Why didn’t the Soviet Union send soldiers of their own to help turn Vietnam communist?

Page 15: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• American forces were unable to defeat communist forces in Vietnam– Communist use of guerrilla

tactics to fight superior force– South Vietnamese government

was unpopular– Lack of support for the war by

American public – U.S. bombing of rural

agricultural areas increased peasant support for communists

Page 16: Cold War Proxy Wars - · 3 Proxy Wars • Definition Wars between opposing superpowers where they use third parties (other countries) as substitutes for fighting

• President Richard Nixon ordered cease fire and began pulling troops out of Vietnam in 1973– Vietnamization- A

policy turned fighting over to South Vietnamese troops

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• North Vietnamese captured South Vietnamese capital of Saigon in 1975– Reunited Vietnam

under complete communist rule

– Renamed the capital city of Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City

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