
Essay 1Composition helps the student to express his views on what is happening in the world around him, besides expressing personal thoughts, feelings and experiences.

My Pets

I have two pretty birds as pets. They are green-and-bluebudgies. Their home is a shady tree in the garden where they are free to fly from branch to branch. Yet they are safe from the cat as the whole tree is inside a wire enclosure. I have nailed a wooden box on the tree. This is their 'nest' where they sleep at night and where they find shelter whenever it rains.My pets are called 'Polly' and 'Sally'. They enjoy flying about among the branches and theychirphappily all day long. Every morning, I feed them with birdseed and give them a bowl of water to drink. I also clean their 'nest'.They are pretty birds and I like to watch their movements. I find themcheeryand lively, so I never feel dull spending my time with them. I love my pets very much.

budgie'budgie' is short for 'budgerigar'. A parakeet native to Australia and having green, yellow, or blue plumage. It is a popular cage bird bred in a variety of colors not found in wild populations

chirpmake high-pitched sounds; of birds

cheerybright and happy

Essay 2A Happy Dream

I had a happy dream last night. Before going to bed, I had been watching a Walt Disney cartoon programme on television and, in my dream, I was actually at Disneyland!I wasoverwhelmedwithexcitement at seeing all the familiar scenes and Disney characters, especially Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto and Snow White. I was indeedthrilledand happywanderingaroundthe 'Fairy Land'.The children I met there were also friendly. We shared the same joys as we moved around, exploring the magic land. Pinnochio, the puppet, gave me a specially warm welcome. Suddenly, as I was about to follow Bambi into the jungle, someone tapped me on my shoulder. It turned out to be my mother waking me up to get ready for school! I woke up reluctantly, wishing I could go back to my dreamland.

overwhelmedto cause someone to feel sudden strong emotion

thrilledextremely please

wanderto walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction

Essay 3

My Best Friend

Norella is my best friend in school. She is a fair, pretty girl with dimpled cheeks. She and I first met atkindergartenand we became great friends. She is kind, jolly and helpful. We are classmates again this year and we go to school together each morning.Norella likes to joke and play games. She lives near my house. In the evenings, we usually meet at my house. We sit in the garden and read story books. She is good at Mathematics. So, whenever I find difficulties in my Mathematics homework, I would ask her to help me. Sometimes, when my parents go out in the evening, she comes over tokeep me companyand we watch television together. That way I do not feel lonely.I hope Norella and I will be in the same class again next year. I like her very much and she is my best friend.

kindergartenA program or class for four-year-old to six-year-old children that serves as an introduction to school.

keepsbcompanyto stay with someone so that they are not alone

Essay 4Things I Like To Do

I like to play games out in the garden. When it rains, I stay indoors and play card games and scrabble with my family. Alternatively, Iindulgeindoing jigsaw puzzles. I have completed several scenes and pictures.I also like to play with my puppy. It chases me round the garden and barks at me. It has learnt how to pick up a stick and bring it back to me each time I throw it far off.Besides this, I like watching my fish and feeding them with worms. They have beautiful colours and I enjoy following their movements in the water.Drawing pictures and painting them is another activity I enjoy doing. Reading story books is my favouritepastimetoo as there are exciting adventure and mystery stories to keep meengrossed.Lastly, I like watching good television programmes.

indulgeto allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable

pastimean activity which is done for enjoyment; a hobby

engrossedgiving all your attention to something; absorbed

Essay 5My School Concert

We had a school concert last year. All the classes took part in it. My class put up a play called 'The Magic Flute'. I can still remember how excited we were when we tried on our colourfulcostumes. We spent a lot of time on rehearsals.The audience must have enjoyed our play tremendously, judging from the loud applause as the curtains dropped. The Malay dance performed by the Form Two girls was very beautiful. The dancers wore Malay costume and had roses in their hair. They looked graceful and charming in their green 'sarongs' and white 'kebayas' as they danced to the accompaniment of Malay music.Besides these items, the School Choir sang Malay and English songs. Form One girls, too, contributed an item. It was a ribbon dance, using long, colourful ribbons.All of us enjoyed the concert very much. Our teachers were surprised that there were so many talented girls in our school. We hope to stage another show at the end of the third term before school closes.

costumeA style of dress, including garments, accessories, and hairstyle, especially as characteristic of a particular country, period, or people.

sarongA garment consisting of a length of printed cloth wrapped about the waist that is worn by men and women in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Pacific islands

kebayaAKebayais a traditional blouse worn by Indonesian and Malaysian women made from sheer material and usually worn with a sarong, batik, or other traditional knitted garment such as asongketwith a colorful motif

Essay 6A Class Party

It was the end of the final school term. The boys in Form IP planned to hold a class party. First of all, each boy contributed $2.00.Ten boys volunteered to be in charge of food and drinks. These boys prepared iced-drinks, bought biscuits, cakes and sweets, Their mothers helped by frying mee and mee-hoon and making hot dogs. Every boy brought his own plate, glass, fork and spoon.At 4.00 p.m. on that day, all the boys met and re-arranged the furniture in the classroom. They reserved one section for food and drinks. Some boys organised games such as 'Treasure Hunt' and 'Musical Chairs' which everyone enjoyed.After the games, they turned to the delicious food and drinks. Their teacher, who had been specially invited,gave awayprizes to the winners of the games. Lastly, they took photos and went home happily aftercleaning upthe classroom. They felt the class party was a good way to end the year.

give awayto give something to someone without asking for a payment

clean upput things or places in order

Essay 7My Neighbours

I live in a housing estate in Penang, surrounded by Chinese, Malay and Indian neighbours. They are friendly people and often invite us to festival dinners and parties.Some of my classmates live nearby and we are close friends. We frequently meet for a chat in the evening or go for a walk, and I enjoy their company. Sometimes we play badminton or football in the field nearby.Occasionally, my mother visits the neighbours next door and I go along with her tolook upmy friends. It is good to have neighbours for they can help us if an emergency arises and keep us company when we are lonely.Once, when our house was being robbed, the neighbours alerted the police and the robbery wasfoiled. Their dogs alwayswatch out forstrangers and guard the neighbourhood well by scaring away thieves. I am appreciative of my friendly, helpful and kind neighbours.

look upcall on or visit

foilto prevent someone or something from being successful

watch out forsb/sthto be careful to notice someone or something interesting

Essay 8Hari Raya Celebrations

Every year, after one month offasting, Muslims celebrate Hari Raya Puasa which falls in the month of Syawal. All Muslims celebrate the day with great joy. In the morning, they go to the mosque to pray. Then, on returning home, they receive guests and relatives who come to pay them a call.Days before, the womenfolk make many varieties of cakes, cookies and sweetmeats. They also cook 'rendang' curries and prepare 'satay' to go with the 'ketupat'. Homes are decorated with many coloured lights all over the garden. Small lamps are lit and placed along the driveway.On Hari Raya Day, many Malaysians visit their Muslim friends to share their joy. They receive warm hospitality and are entertained to a feast of specially prepared food. Boys and girls wear new clothes and shoes. Girls wear jewellery and boys new 'songkoks'.The town is usually crowded with Muslims dressed gaily and going about. They visit their friends and relatives while some go to the cinemas or to the Lake Gardens. Many, however, go back to their 'kampungs' to celebrate the festival with their parents. It is also a time for family reunions. Everyone rejoices during this festive season.

fastingpartial or temporary abstinence from food

satayA dish of southeast Asia consisting of strips of marinated meat, poultry, or seafood grilled on skewers and dipped in peanut sauce.

kampungkampungis a word in Malay and Indonesian language which means "village".

Essay 8Playing in the Rain

My brother, sister and I love rainy days. We enjoy playing in the rain very much. There is a very shallow stream near our house. Each time it rains, we go there to sail our paper boats and watch them being swept away. The rain makes the water in the stream deeper and it is exciting to watch the swift currents flow over the stones, carrying away leaves, grass and other refuse from our garden. We watch intently as our paper boats aretossedaboutin the water. They then sail swiftly down the stream and we often wonder where they finally end up.During the rain, we also love to sit and watch thepuddlesof water in our garden. As pools of water are formed, our ducks start splashing about in them, quacking noisily.Sometimes, we run out in the rain, throw stones into the puddles of water and watch theripplesof water growing bigger and bigger. The water looks like rings of silver as the shining raindrops fall onto its surface.I think the rain is better than the burning heat of the sun. Once in a while, we enjoy ourselves playing ball games in the rain. It is fun, provided we do not catch a cold or a chill. I like playing in the rain when there is no thunder or lightning.

tossto move about restlessly

puddlea small pool of liquid on the ground, especially from rain

ripplea small wave on the surface of water

Essay 9My Favourite TV Cartoon Programme

Of all the TV cartoon programmes I watch, I enjoy most the one with funny little blue men called, 'The Smurfs'. This is a weekly show with a colourful background of green woods, flowers, butterflies, birds and squirrels.These small blue creatures, the Smurfs, have, as their leader, Papa Smurf, a good character. They help unfortunate creatures including outsiders in difficult situations. Then, there's Smurfette, a lovely girl Smurf with a delightful voice, helpful and ladylike in all her ways. Next, we have Baby Smurf, a truly lovable character whose language is cute and adorable and it is a pleasure to watch her and listen to her baby language.The scenes are set mainly outdoors in pretty surroundings in the woods with lots of trees, flowers, ponds, hills, waterfalls and rivers which delight the eye.Most fairy tales have giants, witches or monsters, and 'The Smurfs' is of no exception. There is Gargamelle, a wicked, ugly wizard, cruel to the Smurfs whom he plans to catch and imprison. Many a time, the Smurfs escape his cruel clutches and are free. His cat, Azriel, is a wild and unpleasant creature makingeeriesounds and mewing. He and Gargamelle are always punished for theirmisdeedsandwickedness.I enjoy this programme as I find it amusing and entertaining especially with its beautiful scenery. Besides, the Smurfs are a lovable lot.

eerieOf a mysteriously strange and usually frightening nature

misdeeda wrongdoing

wickednessdoing something evil

Essay 10A Day in the Life of a Fisherman

Ali is a fisherman who lives in Bachok, a fishing village on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the state of Kelantan. His day begins at dawn when it is still chilly and dark. While he gets ready, his wife, Laila, prepares coffee and cooks a simple rice meal of fish and vegetable for breakfast.After eating a hurried meal, he heads for the beach, where his boat is tied and moored. His friend, Ishak, also arrives to help him, and soon they get to work, checking their fishing-nets, bait and sails beforesetting outto sea.As the first rays of the sun peep over the hills, they set off in their boat and sail out to sea. The chilly, invigorating breeze brushes against them and they shiver a little. As the sails fill with air, the boat moves swiftly over the water.Soon, they are in the middle of theglimmeringsea, and they begin to let down their nets. The sky looks beautiful at sunrise with orange, gold, pink and blue tints. They feel glad the day will be sunny and bright and hope to get a good catch.Now and then, they pull their nets into the boat. Sometimes the nets are loaded with fish, prawns and crabs, but, at other times, they are empty. By noon, they start rowing back to shore. Working in the hot sun is a tough job.As they reach the shore, their families await them to helpsort outthe fish and prawns which are of different types or sizes. Then, when their baskets are filled with their catch, they are ready to meet the men who come in lorries to buy up the fish and prawns and send them to the markets in the big towns to be sold.In the afternoon, Ali sits under a shady tree and repairs his nets. He also spends some time attending to his vegetable plot behind his hut. Evening comes and this is the happiest time of the day for him as he can now relax with his family.

set outto start an activity with a particular aim

glimmerto shine with a weak light or a light that is not continuous

sort outto separate one type of things from a group of things

Essay 11A Visit to Penang

During the last school holidays, we spent one whole week in Penang. My parents, two sisters and I left Kuala Lumpur by car.It was a long journey and so we started off at 6.00 a.m. and drove along quiet roads. It was still dark andchilly. On the way, we passed rubber plantations and tin mines. I was interested in the scenery as we study about these industries in our Geography lessons in school.Finally, we crossed over to Penang by ferry and reached our seaside bungalow at Batu Ferringhi. I loved the blue sea with its gentle waves sparkling in the sun. The coconut palmsswayedgracefully in the breeze as though to welcome us. The sea was so inviting that, before long, we changed into our swim-suits and jumped into the cool water. I enjoyed swimming with my family.We spent the whole week swimming, playing on the sandy beach and picking pretty shells to take home besides catching tiny crabs. We also drove around the island and visited tourist spots like the Snake Temple, the Pagoda and the Butterfly Farm. I enjoyed the cable train ride up Penang Hill which I found mostfascinating. After an enjoyable week in Penang, we returned home.

chillyCool or cold enough to cause shivering

swayto move slowly from side to side

fascinatingpleasing to the eye or mind

Essay 12Memories of my Childhood Days

My firstrecollectionof my childhood is the day Itoppleddown the stairs when I was three years old. I was so upset that I cried and cried for nearly an hour in spite of my parents' attempts at comforting me. Finally, I quietened down when I was given ice-cream and chocolates. Luckily, I was not hurt.My days were happy ones before I started going to school, as I had good neighbours to play with from morning till evening. We played games outdoors, dressed as cowboys and Red Indians and rode about on our tricycles happily. There were also other games to occupy our time.At the age of five years, I had to attend kindergarten and this turned out to be quite anordealfor me. To begin with, I felt very sad having to leave my mother and go off each morning to be amongst strangers. I cried and wanted my mother around, much to my teacher's displeasure. As the days went by, however, I made friends easily in class and found company. I became happy again and actually looked forward to leaving the house each morning.I still remember those days when I was learning to ride a bicycle. I fell and bruised myself several times but I never gave up. Finally, I was able to join my friends going around the neighbourhood on my bike.Another fond memory is the end-of-year concert held at the kindergarten. I was chosen to play the role of Jack in the play, 'Jack and the Beanstalk', and I became a celebrity overnight receiving lots of compliments for my performance.I now realise what a wonderful childhood I have had and at times wish I could relive those days.

recollectiona memory of something

topplelose balance and fall down

ordeala very unpleasant and painful or difficult experience

Essay 13A Fishing Trip

During the December vacation, Lim, Ali and I decided to go fishing at the lake near my house. We brought along our fishing rods,baits, and cold drinks. Soon, we found a shady spot, fixed the bait, threw our lines into the water and waited. Half an hour later, there was still no sign of any fish.Suddenly, Lim shouted excitedly that he felt a strongtugat his line. We became excited too, and helped him to pull the fish out as it was heavy. Lim was overjoyed at the sight of the huge fish. We tried our luck again and waited patiently. Soon I felt a strong tug but it turned out to be on old rusty tin can. We had a good laugh and threw the can away. I was quite disappointed.We then drank some cold orange juice and chatted for a while. The next time we threw in our lines, we were lucky. All of us pulled out more fish. They were smaller but good for frying. We were now quite satisfied with our catch.As it threatened to rain, we picked up our fishing rods and our basket of fish and returned home happily. My mother was glad to see us home safely, and promised to fry the fish for us. It was a goodattemptat fishing and we hope to get a better catch next time.

baita small amount of food on a hook or in a special device used to attract and catch a fish or animal

tugto pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force

attemptto try to do something, especially something difficult

Essay 14Maznah's Birthday Party

On her tenth birthday, Maznah held a party in the evening. She invited about twenty school friends and neighbours. She was very happy and excited that day.She wore a pretty pink dress with white daisies on it. Her hair was neatly tied up with two pink ribbons. She looked very sweet, all dressed for the party.At about 4.00 p.m. that evening, her friends started coming to her house. They brought many presents for Maznah. There were story books, boxes of chocolates, pretty handkerchiefs, cute-looking dolls, jig-saw puzzles and game sets.After wishing Maznah a `Happy Birthday', they gave her their presents. They they ran into the garden to play on the red swings, slide, see-saw and merry-go-round. It was a picture of joy and happiness as they ran about laughing and screaming.A little later, they played games such as 'Musical Chairs', `Rounders' and `Treasure Hunt'. The winners received exercise books, pencils, sweets or bars of chocolates as prizes. Maznah enjoyed the privilege of giving away the prizes.Just then, Maznah's mother called them in to sit around the gaily decorated table. There was a lot of food like curry puffs, cakes, sandwiches, jelly, iced-syrup, ice-cream and 'popiah'. In the centre was a pretty birthday cake shaped like a clock. It showed `10 o'clock'. It had pink icing with ten pink candles and flowers on it. While her friends sang the birthday song to her, Maznah cut the cake. Her father was kept busy takingsnapshotsof the children.At 6.30 p.m. the party was over. Before going home, the children received presents from Maznah's mother. Each friend was given a story book and a balloon. They were delighted. After sayingfarewellto their hostess, they went home happily. Maznah had enjoyed her birthday party with her friends.

popiahPopiahis a Hokkien-style fresh spring roll common in Singapore and Malaysia.

snapshotA photograph taken with a small hand-held camera

farewellthe act of departing

Essay 15A Flooded Village

It was the rainy season and, for one whole week, the rain pouredincessantly. The water level in the river rose steadily until the water spilt over, flooding many low-lying areas.My village was one of the areas affected and we had to move our belongings to higher ground. There, we waited for rescue teams to arrive. The whole village was submerged in about one meter of water. The currents were swift and merciless, sweeping away livestock and furniture.Red Crescent members could be seen busyevacuatingold folk, women and children trapped by the rising waters. Flood victims were taken to a Flood Relief Centre. Here we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies. Some had to be given clothes and blankets as they could not save anything in time.After three days, the rain subsided and the flood watersreceded. It was such a relief to see the sun again. Flood victims began to move back home, to clean up the place as well as to assess the damage.

incessantlynever stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way

evacuateto move people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe

recedeto move further away into the distance

Essay 16A Frightful Experience

One day, as I was returning home late from school at about 7.30 p.m., I wasdismayedto discover a group of rough-looking boys following me.As I quickened my steps, one of them, apparently the leader, obstructed my path and ordered me to surrender to him my watch and my wallet. At first I resisted, but, when he threatened to cause me harm, I quickly handed over the items. I felt frightened and, at the same time, mad, having topart withmy possessions as they were of sentimental value to me. Once they had taken possession of my properties, they laughed and made their way to a coffee shop nearby while I was leftfumingby the road.At first I wanted to report the incident to the police but, later, I decided against it and went straight home. I told my parents about it and they concluded that it was unsafe for me to walk alone. They then arranged for me to go in my neighbour's car and that solved the problem.

dismaya feeling of unhappiness and disappointment

part withsthto give something to someone

fumeto be very angry

Essay 17An Interesting Person I Once Met

During the last school holidays. I often went out for walks in the evenings, and the beach was one of my favourite choices. It was there that I met an interesting person.He was sitting under a coconut tree where a fishing boat wasmoored. His gaze was fixed on something far away, something as far, perhaps, as the horizon. He was hardly aware of my approach. But, as I halted my steps, about two metres away from him, he turned and greeted me with a toothless smile. He looked sun-tanned and wrinkled. I guessed he must be in his early 70s'. But he was cheerful and friendly as I talked to him.During the course of our conversation, he unfolded certain parts of his personal history to me. He had been a fisherman all his life. In fact, he started learning the trade ever since he was a young boy of thirteen when he helped his father to earn a living. It had been a very tough life at sea, getting up as early as two or three in the morning to go out fishing.Then, with a twinkle in his eyes, he began to relate to me some of his adventures at sea. Once, during a storm, his boat waswreckedand smashed up but he was finally rescued by a passing boat after clinging to a piece of plank for one day and one night. Next, came his encounter with a hungry shark in the rough sea. He had been tossed into the water from his boat but he managed to escape from its jaws when a friend in another fishing boat helped him out of the water in time.Here was ahumbleman who had come through life with a smile in spite of its many dangers and hardships.

moorto tie a boat so that it stays in the same placeto tie a boat so that it stays in the same place

wreckedvery badly damage

humblenot arrogant

Essay 18A Walk by the Seashore

It was shortly after six o'clock in the evening when I went for a walk by the seashore in Penang. The tide was just coming in and waves were beating strongly against the rocks. Seagulls were flying over the sea, looking for fish andswoopingdown onto the water every now and then.The scene was truly a beautiful one to behold. The sun was sinking beneath the horizon and the sky was painted with beautifultintsof pink, gold, orange and yellow. Its reflection on the sea held mespellbound. There was a magical touch about it and it was created by the dancing waves that shimmered in thetwilight.I saw fishermen returning wearily after a day oftoilout at sea in their boats which were probably loaded with fish. There were many people strolling along the beach, enjoying the cool sea breeze. Children were the happiest as they ran and dipped their little feet in the cool sea water, letting outsquealsof delight as the waves teased them.I felt at peace, surrounded by the beauty of Mother Nature and tranquility as I welcomed the close of the day by the seashore that evening.

swoopto move very quickly and easily through the air, especially down from a height in order to attack

tinta small amount of color

spellboundhaving your attention fixated as though by a spell

twilightthe period just before it becomes completely dark in the evening

toilhard work

squealto make a long very high sound or cry

tranquilitycalm and peaceful

Essay 18The Values of School Games

All schools make gamescompulsoryfor their students for several reasons.First of all, games provide healthy exercise out in the open where the air is fresh andinvigorating. This is essential especially after hours of sitting in a crowded classroom. Students welcome this as it is a welcome change from classroom activities.Secondly, games help students to mix around and teach them to co-operate with their teams whether it be netball, football or basketball. This team spirit is vital as it encourages loyalty and discipline.Furthermore, games teach students to take losses in the right spirit as they learn one cannot win all the time. By losing a match, students learn to accept failure or defeat and strive for a better performance in the next match. At the same time, they learn to give credit to the wining team and display good sportsmanship, thus strengthening a good relationship whether it is at school, district, national or international level.Games help students to relax and forget the worries and problems they may have encountered in their school work. As the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'. Tosum up, a healthy mind in a healthy body is what we need.

compulsoryimposed on one by authority, command

invigorateto make someone feel fresher, healthier and more energetic

sum upto describe or express briefly the important facts

Essay 19Lost in the Jungle

A group of schoolboys went hiking and exploring the jungle outside Ipoh. They were excited over the waterfalls, jungle creepers and the enormous trees that they came across. They watched monkeys swinging on the branches of trees and eating wild fruits.The boys were soengrossedin their discoveries that they forgot time was slipping by quickly. At the same time, they were unaware that they had wandered deep into the jungle and away from thetrackwhich they had followed while entering the jungle. They had become lost in the maze of trees and creepers.By now, they were hungry. So they sat under a tree to eat their sandwiches, peanuts and fruits. Then it started to rain and it grew dark, making it all the more difficult for the boys to retrace their steps in an attempt to get out of the jungle.In the end, they decided to spend the night in the jungle. They huddled together under a tree. They hardly slept as they were bitten by mosquitos and were worried about the wild animals heardprowlingaround. They were relieved when day broke. They tried a different route and managed to reach the main road, and from there they found their way back home.

engrossedgiving all attention to something

tracka path or rough road which is made of earth

prowlto move quietly around in a place

Essay 20A Wedding I attended

My cousin sister got married during the December school holidays and my whole family attended the function. Dressed in my best, I went along with my family to the bride's home where the 'Bersanding' ceremony was held. There were beautiful coloured lights and the garden was lit, too. I found flowers everywhere and guests weremilling around.On adaisin front of the hall were two chairs beautifully adorned in satin and silk, with two velvet cushions for the bridal couple. At about 7.00 p.m., a 'kompang' group started beating their 'kompangs' and entered the garden. The bridegroom, dressed in blue 'kain songket' and looking like a Malay prince, arrived next, hisretinueof young men, and took his place on the dais. Later, the bride, dressed also in blue 'songket kebaya' and 'sarung', arrived looking beautiful. Her jewellery sparkled in the light. In her hair were sweet-scented flowers and 'bunga goyang' which glistened visibly. She looked like a princess and sat next to the bridegroom.Then the 'kadi' said prayers and everyone was ready for the 'kenduri'. The dinner had all the traditional dishes of 'beriyani', 'kurma', 'dalcha' with salad and' 'rendang'. After a sweet dessert, a 'Bunga Telur' was presented to each guest. It consisted of an egg placed in a small, decorated basket with flowers on top. Malay music was played throughout the function and guests were entertained to some cultural shows.Then it was time to go home. We had enjoyed a hearty meal, blessed the blissful couple and were ready to leave the place.

mill aroundmove about in a confused manner

daisa raised surface at one end of a meeting room which someone can stand on when speaking to a group

retinueThe retainers or attendants accompanying a high-ranking person.

Essay 21My Favorite Time of the Day

To me, the best part of the day is between five and seven in the evening. It is truly a quiet and peaceful time for the family after ahecticmorning at school or at the office. My mother, who has been busy from 6.00 a.m., would be relaxing in the garden, enjoying the lovely flowers and I would be sitting by her chatting away in the pleasant surroundings. My father would be in his favorite chair, reading the newspapers. After a while, I would play with my pet, Snowy, a white puppy which loves to run round and round the garden, chasing a ball.Then my brother and sister would join me at the playground and we have great fun on the swings. We scream and shoutto our hearts' contentafter a hard day at school.Later, as I sit on the grass to rest, I admire the scenery around me. The sun, a golden ball of fire, is sinking beneath the hills in the distance and what a wonderful view of colors is displayed. Gold, pink, orange and yellow tint the sky and birds are seen flying back to their nests. All the plants and trees look strangely pretty in the twilight, with bees and butterfliesflittingaround.The stillness and quiet of the later part of the evening make me feel at peace with everyone and everything. This is my favorite time of the day, a time of beauty and tranquility when we can relax in the cool of the evening after the rush of the day.

hecticfull of activity, very busy and fast

to one's hearts' contentto one's complete satisfaction

flitto move about rapidly and lightly

Essay 22My Favorite Subject in School

Of all the subjects taught in school, I like Geography best. It is the only subject which teaches me everything I need to know about the world we live in, for example, vegetation, way of life of people, climate, agriculture and economy.I learn about the countries around Malaysia and in other parts of the world and, since I cannot visit and see for myself every country in the world, I get at least a good picture of these countries by studying Geography.I am very interested in finding out more about other countries especially those that experience snow when winter comes. I often wonder about the life of the people in these countries. What would it be like to be dressed in thick clothes and boots and living in snow-covered houses amidst fir trees?Then, there are the hot desert lands that stretch for miles and miles without a treein sight. They, too, fascinate me. Imarvelatthe inhabitants who are able to tolerate the intense heat of the burning sun, traveling along miles ofbarren, hot land on camels where the only vegetation found would be the few palm trees growing at an oasis.The wide range of food which we enjoy daily such as butter, cheese, fruits, bread that comes from wheat and many others lead me on to find out how they are processed and imported into Malaysia and finally make their appearance in our homes.As I study more in Geography, I understand better the changes in weather conditions, for example, why there are hot and dry seasons or cool rainy days during the monsoon season and how deserts are caused.

in sightwithin one's range of vision

marvelto show great surprise or admiration

barrenunable to produce plants or fruit

Essay 23A Wet Morning

Although it was a Saturday morning, I woke up at 6.30 a.m., a habit on week days. Then, realising it was a Saturday, I shouted 'Hurray'! and pulled my blanket up as it was chilly at that time and I could hear the heavy rain outside. It was a lovely morning to stay in bed. Raindrops were pattering furiously on my window panes, making a deafening sound. The room was dark and chilly. Feeling lazy, I closed my eyes. I must have dozed off for a good while.Suddenly, I heard the strong wind blowing through the trees and therumbleof thunder. I got up and looked out of the window. There were dark clouds overhead and the sky was still gloomy. The road was completely deserted. It looked wet and slippery with puddles of water all over. There were no birds to greet the morning. I decided to have a wash and get a cup of hot coffee as it was time for a good breakfast though things all around lookeddrearyand dull.In no time, I ran downstairs and headed straight for the dining room. I was happy to find breakfast all laid out by my mother. It was then 9.00 a.m.. We talked for a while over breakfast and then I ran back to my room, switched on the light, pulled out a story book and climbed into bed, the most comfortable place you can find on a chilly morning.As the rain gradually subsided, I put down my book and looked out of the window. I found my garden flooded with water and birds were having some fun splashing about in the puddles. The firststreaksof sunlight were peeping through the clouds and the day became more cheery. I felt more energetic now and went to my table to do my homework. By now, the sun was up and the wet morning had faded away.

rumblea continuous low sound

drearyboring and making you feel unhappy

streaka long thin mark which is easily noticed because it is very different from the area surrounding it

Essay 24Cameron Highlands - a Malaysian Hill Resort

After living in the busy city of Kuala Lumpur with its noise and bustling traffic, it is a pleasure to go up to Cameron Highlands, a cool mountain resort, for relaxation.Enrouteyou will enjoy the scenic countryside as you drive up hilly roads amidst jungle trees, waterfalls and small villages. Then, you feast your eyes each time you pass a flower nursery or a vegetable farm. The cool, crisp air at Tanah Rata makes you feel invigorated. At the same time, you are able to admire thequaint-looking English-style cottages along the way. Roses creeping up and clinging to the walls of the cottages remind you of England and the scenery isenchantingif you happen to be a nature-lover. Usually, a visitor gets quite hungry as he goes up the highlands and he is able to enjoy the piping hot meals served in the restaurants.As the sun goes down, temperature drops and it becomes quite chilly. You can then sit by the fireside with your favourite story book and laze around in a sweater or a jacket as it is quite a contrast to the warm and sunny weather on the plains in your hometown.A visit to the famous Boh Tea plantation is interesting and worthwhile for have you ever wondered how you get you cup of tea? It comes mainly from the tea plantations on Cameron Highlands. Jungle walks are also a good way of spending your time while you are there. Cameron is indeed an ideal holiday resort.

enrouteon the way to or from somewhere

quaintattractive because of being unusual and especially old-fashioned

enchantingvery pleasant, pleasing to the eye or mind

Essay 25

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