
1. iNFOCCollege Notification System 2. Group 5 1. Saleeh K 2. Rahana Razak A 3. Shanifa K 4. Riswana M Guide Members Deepaklal 3. INTRODUCTION Simplest way to send Notification User should use android phones or web site. Simple steps Login View Different types of users can be subscribed Users are categorized into different channels Channels Can be subdived to many 4. PROBLEM 5. EXISTING SYSTEM 6. Every thing is manual Difficulty to reach Overhead due to high amount of audience. Time consuming. Difficult to handle. Student or staff ,who are absent may not get the notice. Students, staff have to go and get notification from the notice board. One or two notice board will not be sufficient for a big campus. 7. Required more notice board and more than one securities for doing the job. A portion of class time has to be consumed for reading the notice in class. 8. PROPOSED SYSTEM iNFOC make every thing simple Admin send notification User get only thier notification Users can use Android phone or web portal Fully automated User can install the application in their mobile and can login by applying their ID and password. 9. HOW IT WORKS Student 10. FEATURES Channel Based Simple Better management Expandable system. Hand-Held devise can access. Use client as android phones. Web Portal 11. HARDWARE & SOFTWARE 12. COMPUTERWith a browser HTML5 13. SERVER APACHE 2.2 WEB SERVER PHP 5.4 MYSQL 5.6 14. PHONE Android OS > 4.0(ICS) 15. INTERNET 16. Notification User Admin MODULES 17. UML 18. Registration Add Notification Send Notification User VerificationAdmin 19. Registration View Notification Staff/Student 20. Staff -id:Integer -id:String -user Name:String -password:String -department:String +registration() +login Admin +verification +send Notification Student -semester:Integer -admission No:Integer +view Notification() 21. Registration Response Login Add Notification Send Notification Registration Verification Request Verified Registration successful View Notification Admin DatabaseUser 22. 1.Registration 2.Login 3.Add Notification 4.Send Notification 5.User Verification 6.Logout Admin User System 1.Registration 2.Login 3.View Notification 4.Logout 23. Admin or user Add notification Send notification User verification stop View notification 24. FORMS 25. TABLES 26. TABLES Field Description Type Size Constraints Id Unique Identification of table int 10 Primary key Username User Name Varchar 30 unique Password Password Varchar 30 NOT NULL Name Name of User Varchar 30 NOT NULL Department Department of User Varchar 30 NOT NULL Date of Birth Date of Birth Date NOT NULL Sex Gender Varchar 10 NOT NULL Email Email Varchar 100 NOT NULL Mobile number Mobile number of User Varchar 15 NOT NULL Type User Type Varchar 30 NOT NULL User Table 27. Student Name Description Type Size Constrain user_id Unique identification Int 11 Primary key register_no Register Number Varchar 30 unique semester Semester Varchar 10 NOT NULL 28. Notification Table Name Description Type Size Constrains Id Unique Identification Int 11 Primary key Subject Subject of Notification Varchar 40 NOT NULL Type Type Varchar 20 NOT NULL Text Notification Text Text - NOT NULL Department Department Varchar 10 NOT NULL Semester Semester Varchar 10 NOT NULL 29. TESTING 30. Unit Testing Integrated Testing System Testing 31. FUTURE SCOPE 32. COMPLAINTS 33. THANK YOU 34. Q&A 35. DEMO

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