
Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 1

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


Saudi Aramco/Ras Tanura Refinery department

R e p o r t i n g P e r i o d :

[16/06/2012 - 10/08/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

[ Z a k i S a a d A l - Q a r n i ]

[ 2 0 0 8 0 1 4 8 4 ]

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e ( S e p t e m b e r , 1 5 , 2 0 1 2 ) ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer Semester 2012

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 2


Ras Tanura Refinery is considered as the biggest refinery in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial process plant where crude oil is processed and refined into more useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene, and liquefied petroleum gas. Oil refineries are typically large, sprawling industrial complexes with extensive piping running throughout, carrying streams of fluids between large chemical processing units. In many ways, oil refineries use much of the technology of, and can be thought of, as types of chemical plants. The crude oil feedstock has typically been processed by an oil production plant. There is usually an oil depot (tank farm) at or near an oil refinery for storage of bulk liquid products.

This report reviews all what was covered during the internship period. It discusses in depth the types of technologies that used in industry. It summarizes a case study where one technology shall be used to improve the energy management system. All information that mentioned in this report is provided and supported by Aramco standards.

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In the preparation of this internship report, I acknowledge the encouragement and assistance given by a number of people from Ras Tanura Refinery Department. I am grateful to Mansour Al-Yami, Operation Engineer Supervisor, Miquel X, Senior Technical engineer, Abdullrahman Al-Ghamdi, Plant operation foreman, Mohammed Al-Dossary , Maintenance Engineer and also the training Unit for their valuable suggestions and assurance. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mansour Al-Yami, for sharing his ideas and interests with me about my study. His contribution boosted my confidence and helped me finish my study on time. Lastly, I want to show my gratefulness to all the respondents who spared their precious time in answering my questionnaires.

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Table of Contents

List of Figures 05

List of Tables 06

Chapter 1

1.1 Main text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

1.2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

1.3 Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

1.4 Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07

1.5 Refining & Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

1.6 Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

1.7 Research and Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

1.8 Other services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08

Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09

Chapter 3

3.1 The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09

Chapter 4

4.1 Activities and responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Chapter 5

5.1 Major tasks or projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Chapter 6

6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Chapter 7

7.1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 8

8.1 Appendices 19

8.2 Progress Technical Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

8.3 Industry Supervisor Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

8.4 Student Log Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

8.5 Student Feedback Form

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Power Point Presentation 44

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List of Figures

Figure 01 SM45 Bi-metallic Steam Trap ………………………………………………………………………….….11

Figure 02 Thermodynamic Steam Trap Model TD62LM ………………………………………………………11

Figure 03 Damaged drain valve due to water hammering…………………………………………………..12

Figure 04 Dr. Trap Hardware and software…………………………………………………………………………14

Figure 05 Dr. Trap Hardware software Interface………………………………………………………………..15

Figure 06 Split tee ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Figure 07 Split tee Welding………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Figure 08 Setup of Hot tapping Process……………………………………………………………………………..16

Figure 09 Hot tap machine………….………………………………………………………………………16

Figure 10 Hot Tap Cutter part…………………………………………………………………………….17

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List of Tables

Table 01 Hot Tap Preparation Form 7627………………………………………………………………………. 19

Table 02 Hot Tap Calculation Form 7627………………………………………………………………………….20

Table 03 Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Form ………………………………………………………….21

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CHAPTER 1 1.1 Main text

Ras Tanura Engineering department consists of two divisions that provide the required services to ensure having smooth, safe operation and improve the existing system by looking for new technologies or evaluate the current methods that used to operate the plants and what can be done to improve the efficiencies and reliability of the company assets. These divisions are refinery operation engineering division and refinery engineering support division. Also each division consists of several units that has different vision of the other units.

There are five units under refinery operation engineering division and four units under refinery engineering support division. 1.2 Operation Saudi Aramco has begun performing tasks that were previously conducted by the American companies in the region. The company has attempted to produce an independent environment; it has begun to perform critical tasks itself, while contracting secondary tasks to companies in the region.

1.3 Exploration A significant portion of the Saudi Aramco workforce consists of geophysicists and geologists. Saudi Aramco has been exploring for oil and gas reservoirs since 1982. Most of this process takes place at the Exploration and Petroleum Engineering Center (EXPEC). Originally, Saudi Aramco used Cray Supercomputers (CRAY-1M) to assist in processing the colossal quantity of data obtained during exploration. In 2001, Saudi Aramco decided to use Linux clusters as a replacement for the decommissioned Cray systems. 1.4 Drilling This is the most crucial process and as such accounts for the largest segment of the Saudi Aramco workforce. Drilling new wells efficiently and then maintaining them requires the company to employ a large number of engineers. With the increasing global demand for oil, Saudi Aramco seeks to expand its oil production. To do this the company seeks to expand the number of engineers and geo-scientists it employs.

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1.5 Refining and distribution While the company did not originally plan on refining oil, the Saudi government wished to have only one company dealing with oil production. Therefore, on July 1, 1993, the government issued a royal decree merging Saudi Aramco with Samarec, the country's oil refining company. Since then, Saudi Aramco has taken on the responsibility of refining oil and distributing it in the country. 1.6 Shipping Saudi Aramco has employed several tankers to ship crude oil, refined oil and gas to various countries. It has created a wholly owned subsidiary company, Vela International Marine Limited, to handle shipping to North America, Europe and Asia.

1.7 Research and development Saudi Aramco has taken a keen interest in optimizing its processes over the last decade. To this end, it has employed about 500 engineers and scientists specializing in different aspects of the hydrocarbon industry. There are two R&D entities in Saudi Aramco: 1) The Upstream which is solely managed by Exploration & Producing, and 2) the Downstream which includes bio-research and many others which are managed by a different entity. Leading research undertaken at these two major facilities provides Saudi Aramco with competitive technology solutions throughout the vast range of its petroleum-related activities.

1.8 Other services

Saudi Aramco also provides several services to its employees. It maintains a large hospital and provides health insurance for its employees. It also maintains several fire stations, both industrial and residential. Saudi Aramco introduced its Industrial Security over two decades ago. This security force primarily ensures the safety of the company's industrial and residential areas.

Saudi Aramco has operations all over the kingdom and therefore, it often needs to transport employees between operations. It currently maintains and operates a fleet of 39 aircraft (18 fixed wings and 21 rotor-wings) to provide this support function.

Also, Saudi Aramco has intensive career development programs under the Career Development Department. These include PDP (Professional Development Program) for fresh graduates and ADP (Advanced Degree Program) for Master and PHDs studies.

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2.1 Introduction Joining an industrial company during the last year of academic study is a great opportunity to gain field experience in the areas related to the applied Mechanical Engineering. It also exposes the student to the latest technologies and tools available in industry. At this stage, student will be able how to apply theoretical engineering skills gained in academia into real-world engineering problems. During my internship period, I worked with operation engineering unit of Ras Tanura Refinery. The unit is responsible for monitoring the plants operation by checking the process parameters that affect the plants productions and the equipment reliabilities. Daily plant visit is mandatory to be closed to any change in the plant that might affect the plants’ production or might lead to disaster due to failure in operation. The unit is divided into groups where each group is responsible for one plant. I was assigned to work with the group who is responsible for pipe ways among the plants.


3.1 The Company

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is rank first among oil companies worldwide in terms of crude oil production and exports, and natural gas liquids (NGL) exports, and is among the leading producers of natural gas. It is also among the world's leading refiners and is moving further downstream into chemicals production.

The story of Saudi Aramco which goes back to more than 70 years, tells of the discovery and development of the greatest energy reserves the world has ever known and the rapid transformation of Saudi Arabia from desert kingdom to modern nation-state. From beginning, Aramco has grown from an oil-producing company to a fully integrated, global energy enterprise with partnerships in North America, Europe and Asia. Over the course of history, it built an unmatched record of reliability, and remained committed to providing energy to the world and to maximizing the value of the country's petroleum reserves for the benefit of the Kingdom's citizens.

Saudi Aramco has stewardship over the world’s largest oil reserves roughly one fifth of the global total at more than 260 billion barrels. It is fully integrated petroleum company with operations in exploration, production,

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refining, petrochemicals, marketing and international shipping.

It has more than 55,000 workers and its headquarter is in Dhahran in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Internationally, Saudi Aramco subsidiaries or affiliates hold significant interests in refining and marketing companies in the United States, the Republic of Korea, Japan and China

During my internship period, I work with Ras Tanura Refinery department which is one out of more than 100 departments within the company.

CHAPTER 4 4.1 Activities and responsibilities During my assignment with Ras Tanura Refinery department, I was involved in many operation engineering activities. Those include, but not limited to conserving energy, product piping, welding, hot tapping, relief valves, and participating in preparation of one plant budget.

However, most of my duties and responsibilities were spent with conserving the energy by evaluating and implementing the new technology of Dr. Steam Traps since the frequent failure of steam traps is considered as the main contributor of energy losses in Ras Tanura. I worked with operation engineering to explore options to eliminate the losses of steam and optimize maintenance resources that abused due to recurrent failure in steam traps at high pressure steam header. The engineering assessment finds the following:

1. The most steam traps failure occurs on steam traps on high pressure steam lines.

2. Measuring the amount of condensate losses due to steam traps malfunction is huge quantity.

Comprehensive technical report was issued to address the reasons behind this failure of the existing steam traps. The report recommended to utilize a new type of steam trap that called " Thermodynamic Steam Trap Model TD62LM" instead of the old type that called " SM45 Bi-metallic Steam Trap". The below photos show the two types of evaluated steam traps.

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Also I participated with the investigation team that formed to thoroughly investigate the water hammering incident. The investigation team determined that the immediate cause was water hammering that resulted from the rapid condensation process and resulted in momentary vacuum creation by this sudden condensation led to surge the condensate towards the vacuum then the hammering occurred. The line hammering had no impact on any plant operation. Comprehensive technical report was issued to address the root cause of pipe hammering and the required engineering recommendations to avoid reoccurrence of this incident. The below pictures show the consequences of water hammering that led to damage the pipe drain.

Figure 01: SM45 Bi-metallic Steam Trap

Figure 02: Thermodynamic Steam Trap Model TD62LM

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Also during my assignment, I had worked with team to prepare the required isolation procedures to isolate two important pipes between Ras Tanura and terminal. The content of these two pipes are crude and MOGAS products. The purpose of the pipes isolation is to replace the defective portions on the both pipes as mentioned in inspection unit report. Since these pipes are critical and the isolation of any one of them suddenly shall affect the company products so a lot of coordination must be took place to mitigate the impact by looking for other way to transfer the products to terminal for example by using other free pipes. The most important things that should be included in the isolation procedures are:

• Clarify the isolation points to avoid isolation other pipes accidentally. • Inform the operation how to get rid of the pipes' content by displacing

the content by water to the tanks at the end of the pipes. • Show engineering recommendations that related to replace the defective

portions and their locations. • When any pipe exposed to cut, it should be hydro-tested under certain

pressure to ensure from welds integrities. • Mention in the isolation procedure letter clearly when the completion of

the defective portions replacement activities how to place the pipes back in service.

Moreover, I worked to identify the exact location and size of the dead pipes at Ras Tanura. First I will start with the definition of pipe dead legs which the Piping sections that are potential for internal corrosion due to flow stagnation.

Figure 03: Damaged drain valve due to water hammering

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Also any section of a piping system meeting the following dimensional criteria is considered as a dead leg: a) When a pipe section is connected to a flowing stream where it is not self draining and is not normally flowing. b) The piping flouid has the potential for corrosion in service. c) When the length is longer than three times its pipe diameter, or 1.22 m (4 ft) whichever is less. The length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the outside diameter of the header (or run) to the near end of the branch valve. For branch connections of 1-½ inch NPS and smaller, the length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the end of the boss to the near end of the valve. However; a section of a piping system meeting the following criteria is not considered as a dead leg even if it meets the dimensional criteria above: a) Piping system that is corrosion resistant by its nature. b) The service is not corrosive and experience has demonstrated such claim. c) The service is not wet. The assigned team relies on the above information in their evaluations and recommendations. The number of dead leg pipes to be evaluated is huge and required a lot of time and effort to classify each pipe dead leg. We evaluated some of these dead legs pipes either to remove them or mothballing them. The definition of mothballing is how to protect currently unneeded equipment from internal corrosion to be easily reused in the future therefore; the objectives of mothballing can be stated as follows:

1. Preservation of the buildings and equipment without a significant loss of useful operating life and without excessive costs.

2. The continuation of the preservation state with a minimum of maintenance attention.

3. Re-commissioning with a minimum cost and delay.

Normally the media that used to mothball the unneeded pipes is different based on the actual pipe service and the availability of the media. For example, aramco Ras Tanura is heavily relied on inner gas “Nitrogen” to mothball their unneeded pipes. The using of nitrogen as mothballing media has advantage and disadvantage that can be summarized as the following: The advantages of using nitrogen are: • Nonflammable and nontoxic. • Readily available in bulk as liquefied nitrogen type II and gaseous nitrogen type I. Disadvantages are: • tends to dry out seals and packing • Leaks must be controlled

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5.1 Major tasks or projects I was assigned to prepare the required data to start utilizing the new technology which called Dr. Trap that detect the passing steam traps scientifically to save and minimize the losses of condensate. The lifecycle of condensate is started by desalinating the sea water then store the treated water in huge tanks that assigned to feed the boilers to produce steam with different pressure and temperature classes. Then the steam is travelled through along pipes to help in driven turbines equipment and heating process. When the most thermal energy that in steam is consumed, steam is converted to condensate then back to the stored tanks to start the cycle again. However; due to long pipes used to transfer steam to plants, some of steam are condense before reaching the destination so this condensation is removed from the pipe by the existing steam traps. Unfortunately when some of steam traps are not working properly, it is either allow liquid accumulation starting in the pipe or drain to atmosphere to protect the steam pipe from water hammering. Currently, these steam traps are checked manually by operators and the way that steam traps are checked is different among operators which lead to have wrong evaluations. To overcome this deficiency, accidently we read in the highlight news that Yanbu Gas Plants have a device that measures steam traps functionality within seconds. I was assigned to go to Yanbu for two days to assimilate their experience and feedback about this device.

Figure 04: Dr. Trap Hardware and software

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During the visit to Yanbu Gas Plants, Yanbu team presented their experience by monitoring the steam traps through the new technology. It is worth mentioned that Yanbu gas plants have almost 600 steam traps and all are monitored by Dr. Trap. After the presentation, we went to the site to check some of steam traps to see actual time required to check each steam trap. The device checks steam traps in just few second and provide a lot of information that help to make the right decision for example the device is telling you if the steam trap function well or not and telling you how much you are losing steam due to the defective steam traps. Really it is great device.

The other major task that I handle during my internship; it is the document preparation to start performing pipe hot tap. Let me first start with the definition of hot tapping, is the method of making a connection to existing piping or pressure vessels without the interruption of emptying that section of pipe or vessel. This means that a pipe or tank can continue to be in operation whilst maintenance or modifications are being done to it. The process is also used to drain off pressurized casing fluids.

Hot tapping is also the first procedure in line stopping, where a hole saw is used to make an opening in the pipe, so a line plugging head can be inserted. The case that I am working on it is to isolate blow down pipe that length almost 400 m and the pipe is required to isolated to replace defective vent valve as mentioned in inspection worksheet. However; the blow down pipe in industrial area should be in service all the time since there are plants in operation. This pipe is used to relief any access pressure or depressurize the plants content of hydrocarbon in normal or emergency shutdown. The location of the defective vent valve is unfortunately at location that required to shutdown two plants at the same time which is difficult and will affect Ras Tanura production. One of these two plants has a plan for shutdown in October 2012 for testing and inspection and this shutdown will last almost 40 days. However; the other plant has no plan to shutdown at the same time so we as plant’s team found that the only solution to allow our maintenance to replace this defective vent valve is to perform hot tapping to route the plant blow

Figure 05: Dr. Trap Hardware software Interface

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down line away from the defective vent valve. The team determined the exact location to perform the hot tap and I prepared the required isolation procedures that reflect what we agreed on. After determine the location of hot tap, we asked the inspection to inspect the condition of that specific section of pipe that will expose to hot tap to and its ability to endure performing hot tap. Normally, when the location of hot tap is considered as suitable and fit location, maintenance crew starts with welding what it is called “split tee or hot tap fitting” around the specific location to allow hot tap machine to fix on it to cut the pipe. The below picture shows split tee installation before start performing hot tap:

After completion of fitting installation, inspection checks the quality of the welding before allow hot tap machine to perform the pipe cutting. Once inspection approved the welding, a valve installs on the end of hot tap fitting then hot tap machine is installed on the top of the valve. The below picture shows the setup of any hot tapping process.

Figure 06: Split tee Figure 07: Split tee welding

Figure 08: setup of Hot tapping Process Figure 09: Hot tap machine

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The above picture shows the hot tap cutter part that is responsible to cut the pipe surface and hold the cut part of the pipe to not fall down in the pipe that might lead to plug the flow stream. Also I got the chance to work with the team that I assigned with them to see and learn the way that used to prepare the budget for any industrial plant within Saudi aramco. The assigned team of each plant unit is responsible to estimate the required next year budget of their plant. This practice is done at the mid of each year to prepare the next year budget. Many things are considered during preparing the plant budget for example; the team reviews all the activities that are needed to keep the plant running in save mode. The items that mentioned in inspection work sheets are considered carefully and estimate the cost required for each item also employee suggestions are reviewed and estimate the cost of implementation of each one of them. Finally, this activity took almost the whole week and we end with 2.5 million $ as a budget of my assigned plant. CHAPTER 6 6.1 Conclusion In conclusion, and after completing my internship period, I feel that I knew a lot of thing that are vital to petroleum industry during these two months. My involvement in plant engineering operation was really a good experience that can add a lot to my resume. Moreover, I did gain many skills as well such as communication, critical thinking, and work team spirit. My working conditions were quite pleasant. It was interesting to discover something else that I was previously taught in my engineering study.

Figure 10: Hot tap cutter part

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Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and Procedures:

1) SAEP-311, Installation of hot tapped and stopple connections.

2) SAES-L-150 pipes

3) Saudi Aramco mothballing manual

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8.1 Appendices

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Title Page

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


Saudi Aramco

F i r s t B i w e e k l y R e p o r t F o r P e r i o d :

[16/06/2012 - 29/06/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

Z a k i S a a d A l - Q a r n i

I D # 2 0 0 8 1 4 8 4

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e 2 9 / 0 6 / 2 0 1 2 ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 23

• Summary

I am taking my internship at my working place in Saudi Aramco. By the ended of

last year, I completed 20 years service with aramco. Currently I am working with

engineering department at Ras Tanura as operation engineer to handle the pipes

among plants.

In generally, engineering department at Ras Tanura is divided to two divisions as

following: operation engineering division and the other is support engineering


Operation engineering division role is to ensure that plants operation and

product qualities are with standard specification and monitor the original plants

design parameters to protect the equipment while the role of the other

engineering division (engineering support division) is to assist the operation

engineering to achieve their goal. Currently I am working with operation

engineering division for the last 12 years to help utilities plants operation to

meet engineering standard.

• Background

During the last two weeks, I had participated to find out a suitable solution for the

energy losses that occurred through the passing of existing old steam traps. Also,

work with a team to find out the root cause of water hammering that took place on

one of steam line. Before I start talking about the above two issues that I worked on

them, let me first address some additional information that will help to

communicate with the assigned student’s mentor during internship assignment:

I. The internship course will last for eight weeks starting from 16/06/2012 till


II. My internship will be in Saudia Arabia in Aramco at Ras Tanura.

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 24

III. During this assignment, Mansour Al-Najrani is assigned to be my training

supervisor and his contact number is 673-2734.

• Progress I. Planed work:

During the last two weeks, I worked on two very important issues and they are as the following:

1) Steam traps assessment on high pressure steam lines. 2) Work with investigation team to identify the root cause of water

hammering on steam line that resulted in pipe movement and damage one of the line drain.

II. Work done: 1) Steam traps assessment

I worked with operation engineering to explore options to eliminate the losses and diversion of valuable maintenance resources due to recurrent failure in steam traps at high pressure steam header. The finding are as the following:

3. The most steam traps failure occurs on steam traps on high pressure steam lines.

4. Measuring the amount of condensate losses due to steam traps malfunction is huge quantity.

Comprehensive technical report was issued to address the reasons behind this

failure of the existing steam traps. The report recommended to utilize a new type of

steam trap that called " Thermodynamic Steam Trap Model TD62LM" instead of the

old type that called " SM45 Bi-metallic Steam Trap". The below photos show the

two types of evaluated steam traps.

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 25

2) Identify the root cause of water hammering that occurred on steam line

I participated with the investigation team that formed to thoroughly investigate the

incident. The investigation team determined that the immediate cause was water

hammering that resulted from the rapid condensation process and resulted in

momentary vacuum creation by this sudden condensation led to surge the

condensate towards the vacuum then the hammering occurred.

The line hammering had no impact on any plant operation. Comprehensive

technical report was issued to address the root cause of pipe hammering and the

required engineering recommendations to avoid reoccurrence of this incident.

The below pictures show the consequences of water hammering that led to damage

the pipe drain.

SM45 Bi-metallic Steam Trap Thermodynamic Steam Trap Model TD62LM

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 26

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 27

Title Page

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


Saudi Aramco

S e c o n d B i w e e k l y R e p o r t F o r P e r i o d :

[30/06/2012 - 13/07/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

Z a k i S a a d A l - Q a r n i

I D # 2 0 0 8 1 4 8 4

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e 1 3 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 2 ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 28

• Background

During the last two weeks, I had deeply participated to start applying the new

technology that will help to test and detect the functionality of steam traps by

utilizing a device called “Dr. Trap”. It is very useful device that can check the steam

trap in few second then provide you with scientific analysis and recommendations.

Also this technology will help to determine the quantities of non-accountable

condensate losses which classified as eight percent of total condensate losses.

Also in the last two weeks, I had worked on preparation of isolation procedures of

two long pipes that across Ras Tanura Refinery. The isolation procedures should

cover everything that will help to execute the job safely.

• Progress III. Planed work:

During the last two weeks, I had worked on two very important issues and they are as the following:

3) Applying a new technology called "Dr. Trap device" that will improve steam management system and reduce the condensate losses by specifying the type of failure that occurred to steam traps.

4) Provide an isolation procedures to isolate two critical pipes that across Ras Tanura Refinery. One of these pipes contains crude product and the other pipe contains Motor Vehicle Gasoline product (MOGAS). These pipes transfer Ras Tanura products to Aramco terminal for exportation.

IV. Work done: 3) Improve Steam Management Sys by using Dr. Trap Device

The lifecycle of condensate is started by desalinating the sea water then store the treated water in huge tanks that assigned to feed the boilers to produce steam with different pressure and temperature classes. Then the steam is travelled through along pipes to help in driven turbines equipment and heating process. When the most thermal energy that in steam is consumed, steam is converted to condensate then back to the stored tanks to start the cycle again. However; due to long pipes used to transfer steam to plants, some of steam are condensate before reaching the

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destination so this condensate is removed from the pipe by the existing steam traps. Unfortunately when some of steam traps are not working properly, it is either accumulated in the pipe or drain to atmosphere to protect the steam pipe from water hammering. Currently, these steam traps are checked manually by operators and the way that steam traps are checked is different among operators which lead to have wrong evaluation. To overcome this deficiency, accidently we read in the highlight news that Yanbu Gas Plants have a device that measures steam traps functionality within second. I was assigned to go to Yanbu for two days to assimilate their experience and feedback about this device.

During the visit to Yanbu Gas Plants, Yanbu team presented their experience by

monitoring the steam traps through the new technology. It is worth mentioned that

Yanbu gas plants have almost 600 steam traps and all monitor by Dr. Trap. After the

presentation, we went to the site to check some of steam traps to see actual time

required to check each steam trap. The device checks steam traps in just few

second and provide a lot of information that help to make the right discussion for

example the device is telling you if the steam trap function well or not and telling

you how much you are losing steam due to the defective steam traps. Really it is

great device.

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4) Prepare the required isolation procedures:

Also during the last two weeks, I had worked with team to prepare the required

isolation procedures to isolate two important pipes between Ras Tanura and

terminal. The content of these two pipes are crude and MOGAS products. The

purpose of the pipes isolation is to replace the defective portions on the both pipes

as mentioned in inspection unit report.

Since these pipes are critical and the isolation of any one of them shall effect the

company products, a lot of coordination must be took place to mitigate the impact

by looking for other way to transfer the products to terminal for example by using

other pipes.

The most important things that should be included in the isolation procedures are:

• Clarify the isolation points to avoid isolation other pipes accidentally.

• Inform the operation how to get rid of the pipes' content by displacing the

content by water to the tanks at the end of the pipes.

• Show engineering recommendations that related to replace the defective

portions and their locations.

• When any pipe exposed to cut, it should be hydro-tested under certain

pressure to ensure from welds integrities.

• Express clearly when the completion of the defective portions replacement

activities how to place the pipes back in service.

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 31

Title Page

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


Saudi Aramco

T h i r d B i w e e k l y R e p o r t F o r P e r i o d :

[13/07/2012 - 27/07/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

Z a k i S a a d A l - Q a r n i

I D # 2 0 0 8 1 4 8 4

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e 2 7 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 2 ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 32

• Background

During the period in-between 13/7/2012 and 27/7/2012, I had deeply participated to evaluate many pipes dead legs that need either to be removed or properly reserved for future use. The evaluation of these pipes was conducted by a team that consists of engineering, maintenance, inspection and operation. Also the assigned team shall developed official procedures to show how to protect each pipe and the recommended type of fluid to protect it.

Also in the last two weeks, I continue collecting the required data to be uploaded in the new steam traps device “Dr. Trap” software. Almost 30 data of each steam trap should be accurately collected to provide the new software to get accurate result during the analysis. A total of 3000 steam traps in one division of aramco Ras Tanura. It is expected to last almost three months to complete the whole data and upload them to the new software to start using it.

• Progress V. Planed work:

During the last two weeks, I had worked on two very important safely and economy issues and they are as the following:

5) Work with assigned team to evaluate very important safety issue in Aramco Ras Tanura that related to pipe dead legs that might cause pipe failure at any time and thus create fire. A lot of complicated procedures need to be review and evaluate to ensure at the end that we have the correct recommendations.

6) Provide the required data for Dr. Trap device to evaluate the functionality of steam traps correctly. Aramco Ras Tanura has almost 3000 steam traps and we should get the data for each one.

VI. Work done: 5) Evaluating Pipes Dead Legs and Provide the proper Recommendations

First I will start with the definition of pipe dead legs which the Piping sections that are potential for internal corrosion due to flow stagnation. Also any section of a piping system meeting the following dimensional criteria is considered as a dead leg:

a) When a pipe section is connected to a flowing stream where it is not self draining and is not normally flowing.

b) The piping material has the potential for corrosion in service.

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c) When the length is longer than three times its pipe diameter, or 1.22 m (4 ft) whichever is less. The length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the outside diameter of the header (or run) to the near end of the branch valve.

For branch connections of 1-½ inch NPS and smaller, the length of the dead leg is the distance measured from the end of the boss to the near end of the valve.

However; a section of a piping system meeting the following criteria is not considered as a dead leg even if it meets the dimensional criteria above:

a) Piping system that is corrosion resistant by its nature.

b) The service is not corrosive and experience has demonstrated such claim.

c) The service is not wet. The assigned team relies on the above information in their evaluations and recommendations. The number of dead leg pipes to be evaluated is huge and required a lot of time and effort to classify each pipe dead leg. During the last two weeks, we evaluate some of these dead legs pipes either to remove them or mothballing them. The definition of mothballing is how to protect currently unneeded equipment from internal corrosion to be easily reused in the future therefore; the objectives of mothballing can be stated as follows:

1- Preservation of the buildings and equipment without a significant loss of useful operating life and without excessive costs. 2- The continuation of the preservation state with a minimum of maintenance

attention. 3- Recommissioning with a minimum cost and delay.

Normally the media that used to mothball the unneeded pipes is different based on the actual pipe service and the availability of the media. For example, aramco Ras Tanura is heavily relied on inner gas “Nitrogen” to mothball their unneeded pipes. The using of nitrogen as mothballing media has advantage and disadvantage that can be summarized as the following: The advantages of using nitrogen are: • Nonflammable and nontoxic. • Readily available in bulk as liquefied nitrogen type II and gaseous nitrogen

type I. Disadvantages are: • tends to dry out seals and packing • Leaks must be controlled

6) Provide the required data for Dr. Trap device Software:

The device is mainly relayed on the data that provided to help the software “Processor” to analyze the efficiency of the steam traps. Data requires for each

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steam traps is many such as location of steam trap, manufacturing type, upstream pressure, inlet pipe size, flange, temperature..ect. Based on provided data, the software can tell what types of failure and the cost of steam losses. The below graph shows the excel sheet that consolidate the required data to run the analysis smoothly and accurately.

Also the end result can help to take the proper decisions in timely manner. Software can be run on a personal computer. It aggregates and analyzes steam trap data from the processor, identifying faulty steam traps, leaking traps. It provides details charts and graphs. Survey results are transferred from the processor to the computer using the Dr. Trap management software. The below graph shows final analysis.

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 35

Title Page

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Univers i ty

C o l l e g e o f E n g i n e e r i n g

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Internship Report


Saudi Aramco

F o u r t h B i w e e k l y R e p o r t F o r P e r i o d :

[27/07/2012 - 10/08/2012]

S u b m i t t e d b y :

Z a k i S a a d A l - Q a r n i

I D # 2 0 0 8 1 4 8 4

[ s u b m i s s i o n d a t e 1 0 / 0 8 / 2 0 1 2 ]

Mechanical Engineering Department

Summer 2012

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 36

• Background

During the period in-between 27/7/2012 and 10/8/2012, I had focused to complete the required document to perform hot tapping on one of life hydrocarbon line. Using a mechanism of cutting a life hydrocarbon line is considered as very critical job in the company so the required documents are too long and complicated. As per the new procedure in Ras Tanura for requesting for a new hot tap activity, you have fill almost 200 pages and collect them together then send it to Dhahran Hot tap Division for final review and approval. Once get the approval, Dhahran Hot Tap Division will schedule with the proponent the time that suitable for them to come to Ras Tanura to perform hot tapping.

Also in the last two weeks, I completed the preparation of operating plan budge of my assigned plant. Normally in aramco Ras Tanura, each plant has assigned team consists of operation, maintenance craft, maintenance engineer, operation engineer and mechanical & civil inspectors and they have to work together in the mid of each year to prepare the required next year budge of their assigned plant.

• Progress VII. Planed work:

During the last two weeks, I had worked on two very critical and important issues and they are as the following:

7) Work heavily to complete the required document to perform hot tapping on life hydrocarbon line to allow maintenance to isolate the line from other side to replace defective section.

8) Work with the assigned team to provide estimated budge for the next year of the assigned plant. Normally this practice is being done yearly to reserve the requested money to complete the activities that the assigned team agreed on.

VIII. Work done: 7) Preparing the required documents to perform hot tapping.

First I will start with the definition of hot tapping, is the method of making a connection to existing piping or pressure vessels without the interruption of emptying that section of pipe or vessel. This means that a pipe or tank can continue to be in operation whilst maintenance or modifications are being done to it. The process is also used to drain off pressurized casing fluids.

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Hot tapping is also the first procedure in line stopping, where a hole saw is used to make an opening in the pipe, so a line plugging head can be inserted. The case that I am working on it is to isolate blow down pipe that length almost 400 m to replace defective vent valve as mentioned in inspection worksheet. The blow down pipe in industrial area should be in service all the time since there are plants in operation. This pipe is used to relief any access pressure or depressurize the plants content of hydrocarbon in normal or emergency shutdown. The location of the defective vent valve is unfortunately at location that required to shutdown two plants at the same time which is difficult and will affect Ras Tanura product. One of these two plants has a plan for shutdown in October 2012 for testing and inspection and this shutdown will last almost 40 days. However; the other plant has no plan to shutdown at the same time so we as plant’s team found that the only solution to allow our maintenance to replace this defective vent valve is to perform hot tapping to route the plant blow down line away from the defective vent valve. The team determined the exact location to perform the hot tap and I prepared the required isolation procedures that reflect what we agreed on. After determine the location of hot tap, we asked the inspection to inspect the condition of that specific section of pipe that will expose to hot tap to and its ability to endure performing hot tap. Normally we the location of hot tap is considered as suitable and fit location, maintenance crew starts with welding what it is call “split tee or hot tap fitting” around the specific location to allow hot tap machine to fix on it to cut the pipe. The below picture shows split tee installation before start performing hot tap:

After completion of fitting installation, inspection checks the quality of the welding before allow hot tap machine to perform the pipe cutting. Once inspection approved the welding, a valve installs on the end of hot tap fitting then hot tap machine is installed on the top of it. The below picture shows the setup of any hot tapping process.

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The above picture shows the hot tap cutter part that is responsible to cut the service of the pipe and hold the cut part of the pipe to not fall down in the pipe that might lead to plug the flow stream.

8) Work with the assigned team to developed plant budged

The assigned team of each plant unit is responsible to estimate the required next year budged of their plant. This practice is done at the mid of each year to prepare the next year budged. Many things are considered during preparing the plant budge for example; the team reviews all the activities that are needed to keep the plant running in save mode. The items that mentioned in inspection work sheets are considered carefully and estimate the cost required for each item also employee suggestions are reviewed and estimate the cost of implementation each one of them. Finally, this activity took almost the whole week and we end with 2.5 million $ as a budged of my assigned plant.

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8.3 Industry Supervisor Report

Industry Supervisor Report

We would appreciate if the intern's supervisor complete the form and returned it via the one of the following options:

Mail PO Box 1664, Al Khobar 31952, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Attention: Dr. Omar Ouda, P.Eng, College of Engineering, Office F 037)

Fax +966 3 896 4566

Email [email protected]

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Omar Ouda at +966 3 849-9343 Thank you. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Name of Student: Zaki Saad Al-Qarni

Student ID: 200801484

Student Starting Date: June 16, 2012

Course of Study: Mechanical

Please evaluate the individual's performance or ability by checking the rating on the right.

Satisfactory Needs improvement

No opportunity to observe

Enthusiasm and interest in work. X

Completion the work assigned to him. X

Delivering quality work output. X

Comply with company rules and regulations. X

Following instructions. X

Appling knowledge of chemistry, physics, geology, differential equations, probability and statistics in completing assignments.


Appling knowledge of solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and materials properties in completing assignments.


Using writing and speaking skills for professional purposes.


Identifying problems, opportunities, constraints, collecting data and making decisions.


Designing tests, gathering, analyzing and interpreting data.


Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 40

Please evaluate the individual's performance or ability by checking the rating on the right.

Satisfactory Needs improvement

No opportunity to observe

Using latest techniques, skills, and tools to solve engineering problems.


Designing systems, components, or processes for efficient use of resources.


Applying economic principles to design and decision making.


Working in teams or groups, including multidisciplinary teams.


Focusing more on practical problem-solving techniques than on developing new knowledge.


Initiative in taking tasks to complete. X

Learning and searching for information. X

Maintaining effective relations with co-workers. X

Ability of reporting and presenting his work X

Arriving work on time (Punctuality). X

Learning new tools and techniques. X

Following and understanding professional and ethical responsibilities.


Understanding impact of engineering solutions on culturally diverse global society.


Recognizing political, social, and environmental constraints on solving engineering problems.


Company Name: Saudi Aramco

Supervisor Name: Mansour Al-Yami

Supervisor Position: Operation Engineering Supervisor

Supervisor Phone: 673-2734

Supervisor Email: [email protected]

Date of this form: August 08, 2012

Signature & Stamp Division Head Concurrence

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 41

8.4 Student Log sheet

Student Log Sheet

Please fill in the form carefully and ensure that it is attached at the back of your Final Technical

Report before uploading onto the Blackboard for your Advisor to grade.

Name of Company: ____________________________________ Have you been briefed on the company safety guidelines? Yes / No

Week Work Performed Supervisor's Signature and



Meeting the assigned supervisor, introduction to company rules and procedure. Also work with the team to assess the existing steam traps.

2 Identify the root cause of water hammering that occurred on steam line


Improve Steam Management System by using Dr. Trap Device. I was member in this task.

4 Prepare the required isolation procedures in official letter format to be reviewed by the team leader.


Evaluating Pipes Dead Legs and Provide the proper Recommendations to eliminate the dead legs.

6 Provide the required data for Dr. Trap device Software. It is required huge effort to complete this task.

7 Preparing the required documents to perform hot tapping task.

8 Work with the assigned team to developed plant budged according to the plant’s yearly expenditures.

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 42

8.5 Student Feedback Form

Student Feedback Form

Please fill in the form carefully and ensure that it is attached at the back of your Final Technical Report before uploading onto the Blackboard for your Advisor to grade.

Name of Student: Zaki Saad Al-Qarni

Student ID: 200801484

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Period of internship: June, 16, 2012 till August 10, 2012

Company Name: Saudi Aramco

Department student was attached to:

Ras Tanura Refinery

Describe briefly your work experience:

As an employee serving the company since 1991, I have already the experience as a plant operation. However, during the internship period, I added to my experience the new technology that planned to be used to check the functionality of steam traps. Moreover; I learnt the required procedure that should be strictly followed to performed any hot tap at Ras Tanura. Also I learnt the right way to prepare the official letter that explained the isolation procedure of any hydro-carbon pipe.

Was nature of work assigned challenging? Yes Was your work environment satisfactory? Yes Was the work technical in nature? Yes Were you treated as a member of a professional team? Yes Were you able to learn from others? Yes Were you able to talk to your supervisor when needed? Yes Would you recommend that we continue to assign students to this company in future?


Would you work for this company after graduation? Yes

Overall, how do you rate the company in providing you

with this training? Excellent

Zaki Saad Al-Qarni, ID 200801484 Page 0 43

What new knowledge or skill have you acquired as a result of this internship?

I knew very important two technologies one of them improving the management

of energy losses (Dr. Trap Device) and the other technology is using hot tap

machine that can penetrate a life hydrocarbon line to provide the users with a new


Which courses, if any, have helped you in learning the new knowledge, skills and technologies needed to do your work?

Heat Transfer, Introduction To Fluid Mechanic, Mechanics Of Solid, Martial Engineering, Oral Communication, Written Communication, Critical Thinking, Leader Ship And Teamwork.

What would have better prepared you forth is semester's work?

With the current preparation, I got a very excellent experience where I learnt a lot

of information and skills and got involvement with the job environment. I believe

the current preparation is excellent.

Suggest ways in which you think the Internship Program, as a whole can be improved:

I suggest that the internship period is conducted in either Fall or Spring semester,

but not in Summer. The reason is, summer is about eight (8) weeks only which I

think it is very short period that does not allow the student to have required skills.

Date: September 10, 2012

Signature of Student:

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Thank You

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