
Issue 4 ,Shaaban 1437 , June 2016

From Feelings to Words.

Educationand litercy are

important !!!

Things to eat to stay healthy

during Ramadan


General behaviour




Magazine Editors :

Afnan Nuwaid Tayeb

Rayan Ibnouf

Lubna Imad

Articles Editors :

Noor Jaber

Heba Sabri

Copyright Compl iance :

Ayesha Siddiqa

Graphics and Design :

Rawdah Ahmed Mehanna

Articles : Lubna Imad

Lubna Husam

Khadeeja Mohammed Sumaiya Hafiz

Ayesha Siddiqa Sumaiyah Iqbal

Amina Abdurazak Hassan

Shahad Jamal Ghanim

1.Read the complete Qur'an during Ramadan: Outside of Ramadan there are rewards for reciting each letter of the

Qur’an:Rasulallah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam) says: ”Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a hasanah (good

deed) from it (i.e. his recitation), and the hasanah is multiplied by ten. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is (considered as) a

letter, rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter, and Meem is a letter.” [At-Tirmidhi, Ad-Darimi]

2.Pray all Taraweeh,if not all 5 Salah, with the Jam'ah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Prayer in congregation is twenty

seven times better than prayer prayed individually.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (645) and Sahîh Muslim (650)]

3. Pray Salatul Duha every day: Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Charity is required from every part of your body daily. Every

saying of ‘Glory be to Allah’ is charity. Every saying of ‘Praise be to Allah’ is charity. Every saying of ‘There is no God but Allah’ is

charity. Every saying of ‘Allah is the Greatest’ is charity. Ordering the good is charity. Eradicating the evil is charity. And what

suffices for that (as a charity) are the two rak`ahs of Duha. (Ahmad, Muslim, and Abu Dawud)

4.Pray Tahajjud every Night especially the last third:The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The Lord descends every

night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer Him? Who

will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’”

[Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

5.Sleep with Wudu every night : the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you go to bed, do wudoo’

as for prayer.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 247; Muslim 2710).

6. Do not be 'BANKRUPT'- stay away from backbiting,slander,insulting others, "Verily, the bankrupt of my nation are those who

come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers, fasting, and charity, but also with insults, slander, consuming wealth, shedding

blood, and beating others. The oppressed will each be given from his good deeds. If his good deeds run out before justice is

fulfilled, then their sins will be cast upon him and he will be thrown into the Hellfire.

Source: Sahih Muslim 2581, Grade: Sahih

7. Get your sins forgiven(Inshallah): Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi,

{Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as

much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

8. Get a 1000 Good deeds: Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand

Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times and a thousand Hasanah will be written for you, or a

thousand sins will be wiped away.[Muslim 4:2073]

9. Praying the 12 Sunnah Rakats each day"Allah will build house in Jannah for whoever is diligent in observing 12 Sunnah rakat

(as follows) 4 rakat before and 2 after Dhur, 2 after the Maghrib, 2 after Ishaa, and 2 before Fajr." (Tirmidhi)

10. Get the Complete reward of Hajj and Umrah "Whoever prays Fajr Salaat in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until

sunrise, then prays 2 Rakats of Salat has a complete reward of Hajj and Umrah. (the Prophet (Peace be upon him) repeated the

word 'complete' 3 times for emphasis) (Tirmidhi)

From Feelings to Words.

Ever experienced that tingling feeling buzzing through your veins when you read

something that relates to you or the turmoil inside you? That feeling of euphoria,

almost bordering on addiction. Sometimes people manage to translate their feelings

into writing in ways that are almost heartbreaking. You feel your insides crumbling

with every word that you read and as you approach the end, all you can do is stare

with bewilderment at the beautiful tragic words trying to comprehend how is it that

the writer managed to reach into the depths of your soul and drag all those emotions

to the surface for the world to scrutinize.

I share with you today some writings and quotes from writers and poets who inspired

me. Their words left me breathless, grasping pathetically for more. These words had

an ethereal pull on me and I couldn’t help but tumble down, sinking deep into their

world. Reaching into the depths of my fears, they brought to surface what I am inside

and what I want to be. I hope you feel the same way that I did when I first read them,

and I truly hope that these mere words inspire you to do and be whatever is it that

your heart desires.

Without further ado, here are some quotes and poems that left a void in my heart,

one that can only be filled with more of their kind.

If someone asked me to describe myself in a

few short lines, I will probably end up quoting

this. Scratch that, I will definitely end up

quoting this.

When you are unable to put words to all the

feelings brimming inside you. And you wonder,

would anyone ever attempt to even slightly

understand you?

Sometimes, it is hard to understand

why we are the way we are and who

we are .

Being judged on looks... deep down, we

all have done it and we all have

experienced it.

When you are afraid to take that very

first step. How will you ever taste

success if you don’t?

You are anything and everything. Accept

your strengths and weaknesses, they are

what make you, well, you.

Let us know if you liked this article and would like to read more of its

kind in the near future. If you have any personal favorites like a poem or a

quote or something that you wrote or read, feel free to share them with us

to be published.

By Ayesha Siddiqa

Things to eat to stay healthy during Ramadan

As we know Ramadan is approaching and so are our exams, here’s a list that shows the

food that you should consume more or less of in order to keep your mind functioning


1. Choose fresh vegetables as they contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals.

2. Use fresh fruits to prepare juices and serve them in moderation without adding


3. Use low fat milk and other low fat dairy products

4. Avoid using butter and ghee in cooking and substitute them with vegetable oils in

small amounts

5. Try using lean meat, fish and skinless chicken and prepare them by grilling, boiling

and baking instead of frying

* For you to get all the nutrients needed by the body, your meals should contain all the

basic food groups (bread and grains, fruits and vegetables, meat and legumes, milk and

dairy products).


To help you choose the right foods during the holy month, we have prepared a simple

guide, loaded with many healthy food choices to keep you energetic and nurtured all

through Ramadan.



- Fish

- Grilled or boiled skinless chicken or turkey

- Lean veal or lamb

- Moderate amounts of prawns

- Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas

-Eggs (egg yolk) 3 times per week (including eggs in cooked foods)


- Fried chicken and duck

- Fatty meats

- Liver and organ meats

- Hotdog and sausages

- Large amounts of prawn, shrimp and shellfish



- Skimmed or low fat milk

- Skimmed or low fat yoghurt and labneh

- Low fat cheese


- Whole milk

- Ice cream and whipped cream

- Full cream yoghurt and labneh

- Full cream cheeses especially yellow cheeses

- Creamy and cheese sauces



- All fresh vegetables, boiled, baked, steamed or

cooked with a little oil

- Seasoned vegetables or vegetables with lemon

juice or a little oil

- Fresh fruits and natural fruit juice (in



- Coconut (the only fruit rich in saturated fats

that are unhealthy for the heart)

- Fried vegetables

- Boiled vegetables with butter

- Juices with added sugar

-Sumaiya Hafiz

First Year

(Source :

"The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page" by Rachel Anders

From immemorial time, the knowledgable individuals and the literate humankind has been

respected and seen as a cultured lot and an inspirational source.

Do you know what was the first consolidated empire of India ?

It was the Mauryan Empire of which the first King was Chandragupt Maurya. Chandragupt was

a slave boy who lived with his mother Moora, in Magadha , today's Patna-Bihar area, under the

rule of a very wicked and reckless king, King Dhananand of the Nanda dynasty.

Aacharya Chankya, who was a Brahmin teacher in India, was a man of knowledge and wisdom,

& saw qualities of a noble King in Chandragupt Maurya.So freed him from slavery and taught

him, educated him and trained him in war tactics , economics and many subjects apart from life


After 12 years of learning and getting literate in Many aspects, Chandragupt collected an army,

defeated King Dhananand and ascended the throne in 321 BC.

Did u all see how literacy and education raised a slave to become the 1st King of consolidated

India ?

Isn't it miraculous ?

Although literacy and education have such high importance, the literacy rate in the world is 84%

in adults and 89.6% in youths

Now the question that arises in almost all of our minds is - Why so ?

Let me tell you the top 5 reasons that are responsible for this :

1) Attitude towards learning - still in some areas of the developing countries, education is

second on priority list where 1st is making both ends meet in state of poverty.

2) Geological factors - mountainous areas and others like it pose problems in building formal

schools for the population there.

3) Backward thinking- there are some families mostly in rural parts of the world, who are more or

less backward thinkers, supported with social evils and gender biases that give less importance

to education.

4) Individual disabilities - people of special needs or who are physically challenged have low

self-esteem of themselves will think that no matter what even if they are the most intelligent

people, people would still not value them. As a result, since childhood they will have no interest

in studying.

5) Educated individuals' emigration - since most of the educated individuals emigrate to better

off places, the non literate areas are concentrated by people who have no inspiration to walk

towards literacy.

Thus, we need to realize that it is a major concern and to work towards building a literate and well

educated world is our social responsibility.

" To reach the top of the flight of stairs, we have to take the 1st step"

Thus, we must not shrug our shoulders to get off this responsibility from us and depend solely on

governmental measures.

Some of our steps that would help shape an educated nation are :

1) Mental and psychological support : Encourage the individuals back home to study and get

ahead in life by telling them that advantages and opportunities it holds within.

2) Financial support : today as students, you can request your parents to help atleast one poor

child to study .

You can suggest to your relatives and friends to do the same if they are free of any major


Also, when you grow up to be well educated and successful individuals, you can help a child's

education too along with continuing the mental support.

Albert Einstein once said, "A man who gets from the society is a successful man, but a

man to gives to society is a man of value "

So, make a promise to your heart, mind, and soul to grow into an individual of value by giving to

your society the upliftment for generations to come.

Rotman College Canada visited Dubai Medical College

On Wednesday 4th of May, a group of students from Rotman

College Canada visited Dubai Medical College to have an

interactive session with a group of our students. It was a meet

and greet session to get to know them first, and then we told

them about the history of our college and what inspired us to

be here and to study medicine in the first place. We discussed

the system in our college and the hospitals incorporated with

our clinical phase. They told us about their stay in Dubai and

what they thought about the city. We introduced them to our

culture and our religion and told them how the college

implements the rightful Islamic qualities in us, and they were

highly impressed by those qualities. They also shared their

thoughts and ideas and backgrounds with us as well as some of

their experiences in their fields. They were also accompanied by

their professor, and he himself shared his thoughts about the

college and how it being only for women sends a “powerful

message” to the world out there about how Arab and Islamic

women contribute to their societies. At the end of the session,

we had a lunch buffet, and we concluded the session by taking

memorable pictures and sharing our contacts with them so we

can keep in touch.

Lubna Husam

Student union secretary

Books: Sheets of paper bounded together with printed matter inside but used more often to hide ….

magazines and novels.

Bunking: The vanishing act to attain freedom.

Education: Innumerable books to be chewed, eaten, swallowed and digested forcibly (no matter .

how indigestible they are!!!)

Knowledge: A commodity rarely found in students but stored in libraries leading to accumulation .

of dust (no wonder studious ones look so dusty!).

Library: An area to gossip peacefully in silent zone (to attain worldly knowledge)

Lecture hall: A place resulting in overcrowding of students outside more than inside.

Mark sheet: A piece of paper which attracts bolts of lightning, meteors and gust of wind (all . ..

these nature’s fury to be found in parents scoldings).

Windows: Utilized to watch out and enter classrooms (great physical exercise).

Vacation: Euphoric feeling experienced by students to get away from college.

. COLLEGE TERMINOLOGY By Khadeeja Mohammed

Asthma campaign

Faatimah irfaanah

If I were to list ALL the things that I've learnt

in the past year,I'd need a whole magazine or

maybe even two, but neither do I have the time or

the inclination to do that, here are the things

I've learnt as a first year medicine student.

1. I'm not very smart, but I'm smart enough.

2. It's not very hard, yet, but sure it is a lot.

3. Why do all the histology slides look the same, except for elastin, it looks like noodles.

4. This was the year I realized that I genuinely enjoyed learning, and more so I loved teaching.

5. It's okay to be greedy for grades.

6. But it's not okay to learn only for grades.

7. I shouldn’t have given up on my hobbies.

8. I realized that’s important to make time for things that give us genuine pleasure.

9. I learnt how to manage my time and make lists!

10. There is a lot of work but it is not as much as I think. I just have to be organized. Do a little every week.

11. I learnt that people like me who think in pictures are termed as "visual learners"

12. I learnt that not everybody will share the same views and interests as my own and I have to respect that.

13. This university reminds me of a small tribe, with the Dr.Galal as the chief, the professors as the Elders and us

students as the loyal followers.

14. How to break bad news.

15. Coffee is the elixir sent down from the heavens above.

16. I learnt that my ulnar nerve is compressed in the Gayons canal when my sister sleep on my hand.

17. There will always be people who'll be smarter and they'll be able to learn new things faster, I don’t have to be

jealous; I just have to do things at my own pace.

18. I don’t have to compare myself with anyone else. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

19. Who would've thought thatRBCs are not cells but corpuscles.

20. I cannot learn everything. It is not possible. Draw a line at when to stop and move on.

21. I'm not alone. Everyone is in the same boat.

22. I've learnt to accept the fact that my non-medical friends will never understand how much I actually have to


23. I know that the next few years won't be easy, or maybe the rest of my life, but I signed up for it and I wouldn’t

have it any other way.


.بقلم: لبنى عماد زكي


يدق بابنا وقد أنبأنا بموعده الذي ال يتغير، ببسمة تعدنا رحمة واسعة، وعينين تشعان مغفرة تج

يأتينا نخيب ظنه ببيت مغبر ال مكاب ما قبلها، وهدية تساوي عمرنا وما قدمنا فيه، وفي كل مرة

ن له فيه، نبتسم له باعتذار وقد نسينا قدومه، ونسكنه بالمكان الوحيد الذي هيأناه على عجل، فيج

لس بين األواني واألوعية، إلى يمينه قنينة "فمتو"، وإلى يساره حلوى ال تعرف دارنا إال إذا حل

غرفة سيدتها شاشة عمالقة، تحكي قصصا و قدومه، نعتذر ونعتذر، ونتركه هناك إلى أن ننظف

حكايات ال تمت لنا بصلة، وندعوه إليها على عجل، نكرر اعتذارنا ونتأسف على تقصيرنا، واعد

ين إياه بتغيير قريب الموعد، ولكننا سرعان ما ننسى ذاك االعتذار وتلك العهود، وكيف لنا أن نذ

ن توقف..كرها وسيدة الغرفة قد بدأت عرضها الذي يتواصل دو

بعد لحظات ننتبه إلى انطفاء بسمته، فنتحرك على عجل لتدارك الوقت خوفا من فواته، ننطلق

إلى فعل ما أتى ألجله، ولكن هيهات هيهات اللحاق بم تأخرنا عنه، وكيف لنا أن نواجه ذاك المخ

تنا، كية في بيلوق العجيب، الذي سمناه ووسعنا له مجلسه بيننا على طول السنة، وملكناه كل زاو

يف لنا أن نخرجه لندخل ضيفنا في مكانه كما يجب، فنكون شهداء على شد وجذب بين الضيف ا

لكريم والمخلوق المخيف، روحنا تهفو نحو الضيف وتمنى فوزه، ونفوسنا تشجع المخلوق الذي ر

بت وأنشأت...

فيجن جنوننا، لندخل وال يزال هذا الصراع إلى أن نرى نور المغفرة يخبو من عيني الضيف،

في ذاك الصراع إلى جانبه، متمنين أن نجني شيئا من كيس الهدايا التي جاء بها، وتدخل سيدة الغ

رفة إلى جانب رفيقها ومنشئها، تنادينا آلخر العروض وأجملها، فنذهل عن مرادنا ونسعى ألن نر

لى دف أحدهما القضاء عضي الطرفين، ولكن ال سبيل للعدل بينهما، وكيف نعدل بين متضادين ه


ونظل في تذبذبنا بينهما، إلى أن ينتهي موعد الزيارة، فيخرج ضيفنا بما أتى وما جنينا أمرا،

بحزن على حالنا وقهر، وشفاهنا تتمتم باألسف واالعتذار، تطلق وعودا بأن المرة القادمة ستكون

وملكه، وهو يهز رأسه متأمال أن نصدق ح أفضل، بأننا سنستعد وننظف له البيت ليكون هو سيده

قا، ولو لمرة...

A person aged 18 and above is called an

‘adult’. The term adult indicates a grown up,

mature person.

He/ She is no longer a teenager and a child


What differentiate us from being an Adult or a child? Speaking at the level of mentality, an adult is wiser than a child. They know what’s right and wrong, and they are able to interpret various situations, and know the appropriate ‘manner’ to be used. To make this more clear, remember when we say at times ‘I was such a kid, I didn’t know I was naïve back then, why did I behave like this’ and etc. I am not trying to say kids have bad manners, not at all, it’s the opposite, they are better than us in being way more honest. Every child is born with something that

makes them behave in a pure way, known as

fitrah; a natural instinct. But due to the

environment surrounding them as they

grow up, they change. They don’t know

what is right and wrong. They need to be

taught. So this is the main cut point

between us and children.

As adults, sadly, some basic manners are

lost between some adults nowadays. We

need to be reminded always.

So now let’s review at some manners taught

to us by the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص:(key words are in


Islamic section

General behaviour

10) Abd Allah (b. Mas`ud) reported the

Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying: Whom do you consider a wrestler among you? The people replied: (the man) whom the men cannot defeat in wrestling. He said: No, it is he who controls himself when he is angry.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference : Sunan Abi Dawud 4779

2) Narrated Aisha, UmmulMu'minin:

When the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) was informed of anything of a certain man, he would not say: What is the matter with so and so that he says? But he would say: What is the matter with the people that they say such and such?

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4788

9) Narrated Anasibn Malik:

I served the Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) at Medina for ten years. I was a boy. Every work that I did was not according to the desire of my master, but he never said to me: Fie*, nor did he say to me: Why did you do this? or Why did you not do this?

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4774

*Fie:used to express disgust or outrage.

7) Narrated Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4811

8) `Abd Allah b. Mughaffal reported

the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying :

Allah is gentle, likes gentleness, and gives for gentleness what he does not give for harshness.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4807

1) Narrated AbuUmamah:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: I guarantee a house in the surroundings of Paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of Paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of Paradise for a man who made his character good.

Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4800

6) `Abd Allah b. Mughaffal reported the

Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying : Allah is gentle, likes gentleness, and gives for gentleness what he does not give for harshness.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4807

5) Narrated Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4811

3) Narrated AbuHurayrah:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: A man follows the religion of his friend; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend.

Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4833

4) Narrated Jarir:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4809

13) Abu Mas`ud reported the Messenger of

Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying : One of the things people have learnt from the words of the earliest prophecy is: If you have no shame, do what you like. Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4797

**this hadith doesn’t order us to do whatever we like;

the meaning behind this is actually a threat, to those

who don’t have shame.

17) Narrated Aisha, UmmulMu'minin:

The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: By his good character a believer will attain the degree of one who prays during the night and fasts during the day.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4798

11) Abu Musa reported the Messenger of

Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying: Gladden* people and do not scare them; make things easy and do not make them difficult.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4835 *Gladden: Delight, please them

16) Narrated Abdullah ibnAmribn al-'As:

The Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: One should not sit between two men except with their permission.

Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4844

18) ‘Abd Allah b. Umar reported the prophet (May peace be upon him) as saying :

A Muslim is a Muslim’s brother: he does not wrong him or abandon him. If anyone cares for his brother’s need, Allah will care for his need; if anyone removes a Muslim’s anxiety, Allah will remove from him, on account of it, one of the anxieties of the Day of resurrection ; and if anyone conceals* a Muslim’s fault, Allah will conceal his fault on the Day of resurrection.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4893 *Conceals: hides

14) Narrated IyadibnHimar (al-Mujashi'i):

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one oppresses another and boasts over another.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4895

12) Narrated Anasibn Malik:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: When I was taken up to heaven I passed by people who had nails of copper and were scratching their faces and their breasts. I said: Who are these people, Gabriel? He replied: They are those who were given to back biting and who aspersed* people's honour.

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4878 *aspersed: attack, dispraise

15) Abu Hurairah reported the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) as saying:

Avoid suspicion for suspicion is the most lying form of talk. Do not be inquisitive* about one another, or spy on one another. Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4917 *inquisitive: curious

21) `Abd Allah (b. Mas`ud) reported the Messenger of

Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) as saying: Two persons should not talk privately ignoring the third, for that will grieve him

Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4851

20) Narrated Jabiribn Abdullah:

The Prophet (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) said: When a man tells something and then departs, it is a trust.

Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4868

19) Anas b. Malik reported the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) as saying:

Do not hate each other; do not envy each other; do not desert* each other; and be the servants of Allah as brothers. It is not allowed for a Muslim to keep apart from his brother for more than three days. Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4910 *desert: leave or abandon

22) Narrated AbuKhirashas-Sulami:

AbuKhirash heard the Messenger of Allah (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) say: If one keeps apart from his brother for a year, it is like shedding his blood. Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4915


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