Page 1: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

Begin by praying and asking the Lord Jesus to guide your time as you meditate and dig into the last few verses of chapter one and move into chapter two

Read Colossians 1:1 - 2:12 again. This will help remind you of what you have already read, and connect to the verses in chapter two. Every time you read Colossians God will either show you something new or repeat words you already know that now need to be applied. Read on!

Paul has prayed for the church at Colossae; he has reminded them of who Christ is, and then he closed out this section of his letter repeating that they have been reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. Then he switched gears!

Colossians 1:24-29

✦ Why did Paul say that he was willing to endure suffering?

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �1


Colossians 1:24 - 2:12Week 2



© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

✦ What did Paul say was the purpose of his ministry, and to whom does he minister?

It is not a new concept to the Jews that Gentiles could be saved. All throughout Israel’s history, Gentiles could choose to follow the one true God. In fact, many of them played very important roles in Israel’s story. The part of the mystery that was so unexpected was that all would be heirs to the kingdom, all who believed would share in the riches of His glory. He would dwell within the Gentiles the same way he had promised to dwell within the Jews.

✦ In thinking this through, what does this tell you about God’s character when he says that he would provide a way for ALL to know him - not just the Israelites - and to have spiritual understanding? (See Genesis 18:17-19)

✦ What was the result Paul was working toward?

Colossians 2:1-12

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �2

© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 3: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

Have you ever gone a long time without seeing someone - maybe an old acquaintance - only to find when you reconnect that he or she has not grown or changed at all? The things that drove them in their youth - popularity, looking good - still drive them. You would wonder why their desires had not grown up. In these verses, Paul was concerned about this very thing for his brothers and sisters in Colossae. When we first come to faith we struggle with spiritual immaturity. Spiritual growth takes time. Faith and discipline are a lifetime pursuit.

Paul cautioned the Corinthian church in I Corinthians 3:1-2 about their spiritual immaturity. They were stuck. They were only drinking spiritual milk when they should have been feasting on solid spiritual food. What appeals to you; a bottle of spiritual formula, or a bountiful feat of God’s wisdom and knowledge?

✦ Using resources from the list provided last week, look up the meaning of the following words in Colossians 2:3:

• Knowledge -

• Wisdom -

✦ Paul says these two treasures are hidden in Christ. What charge does he give to those who have received Jesus Christ and seek to grow in wisdom and knowledge? List out what Paul states they need to do and how they are to live?

In addition to whatever religious experience pagan culture had to offer, the Colossians had to sift through a number of movements that purported false teachings about Jesus. Some discounted his deity. Some denied he was human, and some denied that he was Lord. Whatever the false teaching, it was apparent this church was being influenced to believe that certain behaviors needed to be added, as well as rules that must be adhered to when following Christ. Paul’s objective was to make sure the Colossians were not tricked by any of these rules and additions, no matter how persuasive they seemed.

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �3

© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 4: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

✦ What are some current philosophies or approaches to life - even within the Christian community - that veer away from the truth of the Word of God?

✦ What current thinking/teaching approach to life seems attractive to you especially when you feel weak in your spiritual walk with Christ?

✦ Are you able to identify where this approach to life conflicts with the Word of God? How so?

✦ How can you stand firm against what one paraphrase calls, “high sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking?”

✦ Read Colossians 2:8. Is there a connection between deep faith and a thankful heart? Why? What are they a result of?

✦ List the spiritual blessings you are thankful for. If you struggle to think beyond the things you possess materially, ask God to reveal to you his rich blessings. Take some time to thank God for each thing on your list.

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �4

© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 5: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

✦ Read Colossians 1:24-2:12 again.

✦ What phrase is repeated?

✦ What do each of these phrases tell us about Christ?

• In Him …

• In Him …

• In Him …

• In Him …

Have you ever taken a good look at a $20 bill? Do you think you would be able to tell if a cashier gave you counterfeit currency with your change? Millions of counterfeit dollars are passed off as the real thing each year because most people do not know the difference. Bank tellers undergo hours of training, during which the ONLY study the real thing. They are expected to be so familiar with genuine currency that they can easily spot of phony. Paul encouraged the believers to be steeped in the truth about Jesus in order to detect false teachings about him. The same is important for us today.

The Gospel of John reveals much about Jesus’ nature. What do we

learn in these verses that will help us to recognize the real Jesus,

not a counterfeit idea of him that someone has deemed as truth?

• John 1:1-4

• John 1:14

• John 1:29

• John 4:25-26

• John 5:22-24

• John 8:12

• John 11:25-26

• John 16:6

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �5

© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 6: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

✦ Which of the truths from the Gospel of John, as well as the truths found in Colossians are the most difficult for you to believe? When do you find them the hardest to believe?

✦ When have you forgotten, denied or chosen to ignore the accuracy of who Jesus is and what he has done for you?

WWhat is God stirring in your heart right now? Ask him to reveal your unbelief and the areas in which you

struggle to trust him. He will strengthen your faith and teach you to trust him

with your whole heart.

References The Holy Bible: English Standard Version: The ESV Study Bible Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008 Anders, Max E., Galatians, Philippians & Colossians. Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 1999 Constable, Tom., Colossians Bible Study Notes and Commentary Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999 Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck, The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1983

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �6

© 2015 Church at Charlotte - Women's Ministry. All rights reserved.

Page 7: Colossians 1:24 2:12 - · Radmacher, Earl D., Ronald Barclay, Allen, and H. Wayne, House Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary Nashville: T. Nelson, 1999

Colossians February 17, 2015

Questions contributed by Angela Sluder �7

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