Page 1: Comenius Pledge: Masia Freixa




Page 2: Comenius Pledge: Masia Freixa


Our task consisted of

studying Masia Freixa and

the gardens in Sant Jordi’s


We had to explore the

place in order to reach

our conclusions about

history, geography,

community spirit and art.

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We have seen pictures of the past and we have discovered the different purposes that Masia Freixa has had so far:

Wool and alpaca warehouse.

Freixa family residence.

Library (during the Spanish Civil War).

Music school.

Town Hall offices.


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HISTORY of the Freixa family and Lluís Muncunill

Josep Freixa i Argemí was a wool manufacturer.

He was originally from Olot, and he was married to a woman from Terrassa.

He was a resourceful and artistically sensitive person.

Lluís Muncunill was the local architect, who designed the house.

He was a Modernist artist influenced by Gaudí’s work.

He has left an important legacy of his works in Terrassa.

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HISTORYof architecture and gardens

It is located in the outskirts of the city.

It was built over the ancient structure of the family’s factory.

Muncunill gets his inspiration from nature in order to build the Masia.

The parabolic arch and the Catalan arch are used in doors, windows and the roof.

The building materials are stone and small pieces of glass for the roof.

Simple decoration: curve shapes, white coat, minaret and skirting board made of white tile.

Romantic style gardens. Decorating sculptures: Saint

George and Venus (among others).

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We made small groups in the classroom and we looked at different types of maps.

We located Masia Freixa and the main sites in town.

We noticed, by means of Google Earth and old photographs, how the surroundings have changed.

We registered the changes observed.

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We observed the surroundings of Masia Freixa and the buildings around it. We analysed the style of the different buildings, their materials, their aesthetic aspect and their harmonic connection with the surroundings.

We registered those buildings.

We also registered the different services which the park offers and we studied whether they are enough or not for the town.

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Masia Freixa was formerly located in the outskirts of Terrassa, surrounded by fields and factories.

It is now located in the town centre, surrounded by many buildings which suffocate the park. There are still some factories.

The growth of the town is due to the fact that Terrassa is an industrial town which has received many immigrants.

The buildings around it oppress the park and they are not in harmony with the surroundings. We propose a regulation of styles and materials.

Although there is a huge green area in Terrassa, named Vallparadis Park, it also needs other green areas such as Sant Jordi’s Park.

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We brainstormed about the current uses of Sant Jordi’s Park and Masia Freixa: The park is a public place

used for citizens leisure. Masia Freixa is now a set

of local offices. The owner and

responsible for its upkeep is Terrassa’s Town Hall.

The upkeep that the park needs consists of: gardening, sanitation and watching patrols.

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We have analysed the damages and the renovations that have been carried out there.

We have registered all the damages which worsen the monument and its surroundings.

We have set on a map the damages previously registered.

We have registered the last renovations which have been performed.

We have marked on a map those changes.

Finally, we have prepared a report on the conclusions that we have reached.

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Damage and acts that make worsening the environment are:

Animal droppings.

dirt such as cigarette butts, plastic, cans, paper and chewing gum.

Bad conservation of the Masia Freixa.

Graffited furniture and trees.

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CITIZENSHIP ConclusionsSant Jordi’s Park The park is in good conditions

thanks to the recent renovations.

But there is dirt and graffiti due to the lack of concern of some citizens.

Users who have less awareness are children and teenagers.

It has improved in terms of safety, gardening and cleaning.

Masia Freixa It presents a general

deterioration due to the course of time, lack of actions to preserve it and acts of people on shutters, facade, painted graffiti and pigeon droppings.

It is necessary a general restauration of the building.

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It has been done a total and necessary remodelling of the park.

Citizens take advantage of it. The citizen is partly

responsible for the proper conservation and public spaces maintenance.

The City Council is investing funds for the maintenance and preservation of the park.

We must invest in user awareness and educate children and teenagers.

The maintenance of the park is everybody’s responsibility

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CITIZENSHIP Masia Freixa and Sant Jordi’s Park in the future

Masia Freixa in the future might have other functions rated as positive for the citizens.

House-museum of modernism in Terrassa

Historical Achieve Youth’s Office Educational space for

temporary exhibitions Tourist Information Centre

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CITIZENSHIPMasia Freixa and Sant Jordi’s Park in the future

We would like to maintain in Sant Jordi’s park:

the Gardening service the security service.

Aspects that should be improved: More flexible timetable. Information panels on the site Service bar or restaurant Public toilets Educational Activities Clearing of the building


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INTERVIEWDomènec Ferran, director of the Museum of Terrassa

Domènec Ferran told us about the local heritage:

"The awareness of the inhabitants doesn’t depend on warnings, but on education at school and home”.

"We are already thinking about installing bars and restaurants in the park. It would promote the touristic attraction in this area“.

" Children and grandchildren bring their parents and grandparents to cultural areas of the city, this is because the school has provided this interest.“

"It is very important and necessary to do all kind of activities to assess the heritage of the city.“

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INTERVIEWMireia Freixa, historian and Josep Freixa’s descendent Mireia Freixa solved our doubts

about the past of Masia Freixa and Sant Jordi’s Park .

"Lluis Muncunill was not directly a pupil of Gaudi, but he was inspired by his work, he never met him personally“.

"The minaret had no use, it was only a part of the decoration of the house. We were forbidden to climb it“.

"The gardens were more extensive than now. There used to be a forest, where the picnic area is now“.

Mr. Freixa bought a copy of Donatello’s Saint Jordi sculpture in Italy to celebrate the birth of his first child; whose name was Jordi”.

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INTERVIEWMercè Compte, specialized in historical gardens

Mercè Comte, from the Friends of the Park association, told us about the garden’s history:

“The roses collection has been recovered since it was characteristic of Modernism”.

The Cypress Corridor was not original from the construction of the house.

The demands of neighbours were taken into consideration before doing the remodelling.

The removal of trees has been done because they were sick.

The shrubs and flowers that have been planted are local and environmentally friendly.

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ARTWe interpret the park and Masia Freixa

We interpret the park and Masia Freixa.

We went to the park to draw.

We had a good frame and it provided ways to lace.

At home we finished our drawings with the proper drawing technique.

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