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POW 2013-2015




1. Canary Islands folk tales ..................................................3

2. Estonian folk tale .............................................................18

3. French folk tale ................................................................21

4. Italian folk tale .................................................................24

5. Polish folk tale ..................................................................32

6. Slovakian folk tale ............................................................36

7. Turkish folk tale ...............................................................38



Cuentos e historias tradicionales de las Islas Canarias | Folk tales and stories from the Canary



El cuervo presumido | The proud crow

Había una vez un cuervo muy orgulloso y presumido, que despreciaba a todos los cuervos porque se

creía el más fuerte.

- ¡Atajo de inútiles! - les decía.

Un día, apareció en el cielo un águila. Dio un par de vueltas y se lanzó en picado sobre unos

corderos, atrapando al más grande.

- ¿A que no eres capaz de hacer eso? - le retó el cuervo más viejo de la bandada al cuervo


El presuntuoso pájaro se lanzó al aire, dio un par de vueltas y cayó sobre el lomo de un cordero.

Intentó torpemente levantar el vuelo, pero no pudo mover al cordero de su sitio y se quedó

enganchado en sus lanas. Pidió ayuda a sus compañeros, pero no le hicieron caso.

Entonces, el pastor se acercó corriendo con su garrote y encerró al cuervo presumido en una jaula.

Once upon a time, there was vain and arrogant crow, that looked down on all the other crows

because he thought that he was the strongest.

- You useless bunch of crows! - he used to say

One day an eagle appeared in the sky. It spun in the air a twice and took a nose dive over some

lambs, catching the biggest one.

- You won’t be able to do that, will you? - said the oldest crow challenging him.

The proud bird took off, spun a couple of times in the air and took a nose dive over the back of a

lamb. Then he tried to take off clumsily, but he couldn’t move the lamb and he stayed stuck in the

lamb’s fleece. He begged for help to his colleagues but they didn’t take care of him. Then, the

shepherd arrived running armed with a stick and put the proud crow into a cage.


Las brujas de Cañada Honda | The witches of Cañada Honda

Contaba mi bisabuela que, cuando era joven, tenía que ir a buscar leña. En aquella época no tenían

coche, ¡iban a pie! Un día sucedió que se levantaron de madrugada, como siempre y cuando


llegaban a la zona conocida como Cañada Honda, por muchos pasos que dieron, permanecían en el

mismo sitio. Y es que existían entonces las brujas, que hacían sus hechizos aunque nadie las viera.

My great-grandmother told me that, when she was young, she had to gather firewood. At that time

they didn’t have a car so they went by foot! One day they woke up early in the morning, as always,

and went to Caña Honda area. Suddenly, they realized that they have been walking a lot but they

couldn’t reach their destination. They were in the same starting point. The reason was that then

there were witches that cast their spells and nobody could see them.


El tesoro de Risco Prieto | The treasure of Risco Prieto

En el siglo XIX, no sé bien qué año, el señor Don Juan de Ariñez pagó a los lugareños muchas

monedas de oro, las cuales iban en varios zurrones.

Este dinero era como pago del desvío del agua del barranco de la Mina hacia Las Palmas de Gran

Canaria para regar las plantaciones que allí había.

Los lugareños, al verse con todo ese dinero, tuvieron miedo y decidieron esconderlo en algún lugar

de las cuevas de Risco Prieto.

Pues este es el enigma porque nunca se encontró el tesoro. Desde entonces mucha gente ha ido a

buscarlo pero nada han encontrado.

In the 19th century, I don’t know the exact year, the Lord Mr. Juan of Ariñez paid the ravine

inhabitants lots of gold coins, in several leather pouches.

This money was the payment for altering the course of water of La Mina ravine to Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria in order to irrigate some plantations.

The ravine inhabitants were scared with that big amount of money so they decided to hide it in a

secret place of Risco Prieto caves.

So this is a big enigma as nobody could find the treasure. Since then a lot of people tried to find it

but nothing has been found.  


La Pared de Roberto | Roberto’s wall

Érase una vez una pareja que siempre se veían, hasta que una vez un diablo malo interpuso una

pared para que no pudiesen verse. El chico intentó escalar la pared, pero no pudo y muy cansado

gritó: “va el alma por pasar” y respondiendo este desafío se escuchó el rumor del viento. Cuando

volvió a gritar lo mismo comenzaron a surgir pequeñas llamaradas de la pared y el cedro cayó 4

abriendo grietas en el suelo por donde salieron seres infernales que arrastraron al joven al abismo.

Al día siguiente, unos pastores que pasaban por allí encontraron el cadáver de la mujer cubierto por

escarcha. Esa zona está por un lugar denominado “El Roque de los Muchachos” y allí enterraron a

la chica. Al lugar donde siempre se veían lo llamaron “La Pared de Roberto”

Once upon a time a couple was always dating. One day, a bad devil interposed a wall between

them. The boy, Roberto, tried to climb the wall but he couldn’t and very exhausted screamed: I give

my soul for passing through. Then he listened the wind as an answer for his challenge. When he

screamed the same again, some flames started to appear from the wall and a cedar came down

opening some cracks in the soil. Then some hell beings appeared from those cracks and took the

young to abism. The next day, some shepherds found the corpse of the woman covered by frost.

They then buried her in this area, which is called Roque de los Muchachos. The place where the

lovers used to date now is called Roberto’s wall.

Historias de inmigrantes | Immigration stories


Hace muchos años, antes de mi padre nacer, mi abuelo Manolo emigró a Venezuela a buscar

trabajo. Tardó muchos días en llegar, porque viajó en barco. Pasó mucha hambre y sed y dormía en

el suelo.

Cuando llegó, recorrió mucho pueblos y ciudades durmiendo debajo de un puente, buscándose la

vida como podía hasta que por fin encontró un trabajo de camionero, viajando de un país a otro. Mi

abuela, al tiempo, se fue también y luego nació mi padre.

Long time ago, before my father was born, my grandfather Manolo emigrated to Venezuela in order

to get a job. The journey lasted many days, as they went by boat. He suffered from starvation and

thirst, and he had to sleep in the ground.

As he arrived, he visited lots of towns and cities, sleeping under a bridge and getting a life. One day

he got a job as a truck driver, driving between countries. My grandmother emigrated later and then

my father was born.


Esta es la historia de un emigrante de un pueblo pequeño canario. En una mañana zarpó hacia un

país lejano y hermoso. Tenía una pequeña maleta vieja y estropeada, se le había prestado otro

emigrante más viejo que volvió de Cuba. El barco en el que zarpó era grande y de calderas. La 5

travesía duró once días. A su llegada despertó empapado en sudor, era un país cálido y húmedo con

mucha vegetación tropical. Viajó a ese país para tener una oportunidad, trabajando en las tierras de

agricultor. Después de mucha lucha formó una familia. Pasados unos años consiguió unos ahorros

con su trabajo; volvieron a su querida isla de Gran Canaria. A su llegada fueron recibidos por su

familia y amigos, llevando en su corazón a ese país maravilloso llamado Venezuela.

This is the story of an immigrant from a small Canarian town. One morning he departed to a remote

and beautiful country. He had borrowed an old and battered suitcase, from an older immigrant

returned from Cuba. The ship was a big steamboat. The journey lasted 11 days. When he arrived he

awoke sweating because it was a hot and wet country, covered by tropical flora. He travelled to that

country to get an opportunity working as farmer. After great efforts he managed to found a family.

After some years, he managed to get some savings and they could get back to his beloved island of

Gran Canaria. When they arrived, they were welcomed by family and friends, carrying in their

hearts that marvelous country called Venezuela.


Mi bisabuelo Pedro, conocido por Pedrín, emigró a Cuba allá por el año 1910, cuando tan solo tenía

18 años. Viajó en barco y tardó tres meses en llegar. Fue en busca de fortuna. Trabajó cortando caña

de azúcar.

Me cuenta mi abuelo que tenía un caballo en el que paseaba. Al cabo de los años fue a buscarlo su

hermano Prudencio, pero no se vino porque en Cuba se vivía muy bien. Cuando quiso venirse,

habían pasado 22 años y no tenía dinero ni para el pasaje porque se lo había gastado todo en vivir

bien. La familia tuvo que enviarle dinero para que pudiera venirse.

Ya cuando regresó a Canarias, se casó con mi bisabuela Pino, 15 años menor que él, que era prima

suya y tuvieron seis hijos. Uno de ellos es mi abuelo.

Cuando mi abuelo tuvo novia (mi abuela), mi bisabuelo decía “Guajira” a mi abuela. Cosas que le

habían quedado de Cuba.

My great-grandfather Pedro, known as Pedrín, moved to Cuba in 1910, when he was 18 years old.

He traveled by boat and the journey lasted 3 months. He went in search of fortune. There he worked

cutting sugar canes.

My grandfather tells me that he used to ride a horse in Cuba. Some years later, his brother

Prudencio went to convince him to return to Gran Canaria but he couldn’t. Pedro said that in Cuba

there was a high standard of living. 22 years later he wanted to return but he was penniless because

he spent all his money living as a rich. His family had to send him money to return to Gran Canaria. 6

When he was back he married my great-grandmother Pino, 15 years younger than him. She was

also his cousin and they had 6 children. One of them was my grandfather.

Historias de nuestros abuelos | Our grandparents stories


Una vez a mi abuela cuando tenía 8 años, los reyes le regalaron una muñeca de cartón. Mi abuela

vivía al lado de un barranco y en aquellos tiempos corrían de lado a lado. El colegio estaba al otro

lado del barranco. Un hombre se ponía con una cuerda en un lado y otro en el otro para poder

cruzarlo. Un día fue a cruzarlo, se le cayó la muñeca y lloró mucho porque se estropeó.

When my grandmother was 8 years old, the Three Wise Men gave her a cardboard doll. My

grandmother lived next to a ravine and in that time they used to run around. In order to get to the

school they had to cross the ravine using a rope bridge. One day, when she was crossing, the doll

fell down and she cried a lot because it get ruined.


Hubo una familia en Las Lagunetas, San Mateo, que estaban celebrando la Nochebuena cuando de

repente escucharon varios golpes en la puerta. Fue la noche del 24 de diciembre de 1943. El hombre

que estaba tocando se llamaba José. Cuatro días antes José había conocido a un hombre en la cárcel

que era el novio de la joven que vivía en esa casa. Pues este novio le dijo a José que matara a toda la

familia menos a la novia, para quedarse la novia toda la herencia.Y los mató a palos, menos a una

mujer embarazada que sobrevivió. Este hecho se conoce como el triple crimen de Las Lagunetas.

There was a family in Las Lagunetas, San Mateo, that was celebrating Christmas Eve when they

heard some knocks at the door. It was the year 1943. The man that was knocking was called José.

Four days before, José had met a man that was in jail, the boyfriend of one of the girls of that

family. This man told José to kill all the family but his girlfriend, in order to get all the inheritance.

He killed them using a stick but a pregnant woman that managed to escape. This fact is called the

triple crime of Las Lagunetas.


Le contaba a mi madre su abuela que antiguamente había unas guaguas llamadas coches de hora

porque salían en punto. Eran de color amarillo y la gente aprovechaba para llevar la comida del


campo a la ciudad. También existían los llamados coches piratas, que eran coches de 8 o 9 plazas

que salían sin hora fija, cuando se llenaban.

Mi bisabuela una de las veces llevaba unas gallinas para la hermana, dentro de una caja de cartón.

Una gallina se les escapó dentro de la guagua que ya iba en marcha y todos los pasajeros ayudaron a

cogerla. Del susto que tenía no paraba de volar y de cagarse en cualquier sitio. Era tanta locura que

el chofer tuvo que parar porque se le metió una gallina debajo de los pedales que del susto que tenía

el animal se le escapó un huevo.

My grandmother told my mother that long time ago there were buses called hour-cars because they

used to depart each hour. They were yellow and people used to take food from the countryside to

the city. There were also pirate-cars, cars of 8 or 9 seats without departure hour, departing when

they were full.

Once, my great-grandmother was taking some hens to her sister, inside a cardboard box. One hen

escaped inside the bus and all passengers tried to get it. It was scared so it was flying and pooping

all the time. The situation was so crazy that the bus driver had to stop because a hen appeared under

his pedals laying an egg.


Me cuenta mi familia que hace 13 años hubo un terremoto en la Vega de San Mateo que sorprendió

a todo el pueblo. Se estremecieron las casas y llegó el temblor hasta la Villa de Santa Brígida, Pino

Santo, Lomo Espino y todos los barrios de San Mateo. Hubo un gran susto entre los habitantes más

cercanos ya que se movieron muebles, roperos, se abrieron puertas… Fue terrible.

My family told me that 13 years ago, there was an earthquake in Vega de San Mateo town, and

everybody was surprised. The houses shook and the tremor reached Villa de Santa Brígida, Pino

Santo, Lomo Espino and all the neighbourhoods of San Mateo. There was a big panic between the

nearest inhabitants because of furniture shaking, door opening… It was terrible.

Here are some drawings made by students of Utiaca school from Canary Island:

















Farm girl


Son #1

Son #2

Son #3

STORYTELLER: On a Saturday night, the poor girl went to the sauna. Whilst whisking herself on

the bench she heard a clank and clatter on the threshold of the sauna, as if a bunch of german

carriages had stopped before the door.

The girl swiftly put on a shirt and peeked through a crack in the door. She saw the devil and his

three sons step out of the carriage. She made an enchanted sign on the threshold and ran back onto

the bench.

The devil stepped onto the threshold, but he couldn't come inside because of the girls enchanted


DEVIL : Come out now, daughter, let's go away!

GIRL : I don't have any clothes on, I can't go!

GIRL Well, I’ll get you clothes from your home. Just tell me what you need.

MOUSE : Alone, alone, sister!

GIRL : I don't have a shirt of silk to put on.

DEVIL (to his sons) : Which one of you is the most diligent?

SON #1 : Me, like wind!

SON #3 : Me, here and there!18

DEVIL (to son #3) : You, go!

With the blink of an eye, the son was gone. In a little while the man returned with the silk shirt.

DEVIL : Here you go, poor girl, a shirt of silk! Now lets go.

GIRL : I musn't come, I don't have a golden skirt.

Like wind, the boy was home with the golden skirt in hand.

DEVIL : Here you go, poor girl, a golden skirt. Now lets go!

MOUSE : Alone, alone, sister!

GIRL : I musn't come, i dont have a colorful belt to wrap around my waist!

Yet again, the boy returned with the colorful belt as fast as he could.

DEVIL : Here you go, poor girl, a colorful belt. Now lets go!

GIRL : But I don't have shoes to put on!

The shoes were brought to the poor girl. Yet the girl still wouldn't come out of the sauna, she

listened to the mouses advice and kept asking the devil to bring her attire.

But as the day was drawing to an end, everything the poor girl owned had been brought to her. She

stepped out of the sauna dressed like the daughter of a king. She shined under the light of the moon

like silver and gold.

DEVIL : In the carriage there are silk feathers, in the carriage the pillows are better.

GIRL : I'm not used to silk feathers or sitting on soft pillows. Put hay onto the carriage floor


STORYTELLER: The son swept away like wind. Suddenly a rooster sang and the devil, his sons,

the carriage and the horses dissapeared with a blink of an eye. The poor child had been left

standing on the threshold, covered in gold and silver.

The next day, when the farm girl noticed the poor childs riches, she wouldn’t leave the poor child

alone ‘til she found out where she had gotten them.19

On Saturday night, after the whisking had finished and the people had left, the farm girl stayed

inside the sauna. It wasn’t long beforte the clank and clatter of the carriage and horses sounded from


DEVIL : Come out now, daughter, lets go away!

FARM GIRL : But I don’t have clothes to put on!

DEVIL : Well, I’ll get you clothes from your home. Just tell me what you need.

MOUSE : Alone, alone, sister!

FARM GIRL : What are you whining there, slopdoll? Shut up!

STORYTELLER: And so the farm girl told the devil all the jewlery she wanted.

The clothes and jewlery were brought from the home and the farm girl had to step into the devils

carriage and journey to the hellfamily, where she married the devils son.

Translated by Dorothty Harriet Purre, form 9b, Kose Gümnaasium


Here you can see how the 8th grade students from Kose Gümnasium act:





Little red riding hood (LRRH)




Big bad wolf (BBW)


1 - Hello I’m the Little Red Riding Hood.

- Hello I’m her mum.

- Hello I’m her dad.

- Hello I’m her grandma.

- I’m 10.

- I’m 30.

- I’m 40.

- I’m 70.

- I live in a house.

- I live in a house too.

- Me too.

- I live in a cottage in the middle of the wood.













2 - Today I’m fine.

- I’m fine too.

- Oh I’m not feeling well.

- What are you doing mum ?

- I’m packing up a basket with 3 eggs, some butter and some home-made bread.

- Who’s that for ?

- For Grandma, she isn’t feeling well today.

- I’ll take it to her.

- Put on your red cape, your red hood and your red shoes. Go straight to the

cottage and don’t talk to any strangers.











3 - What nice flowers ! A red flower, a yellow flower and a blue one

- Good morning !

- Oh good morning !

- Who are you ?

- I’m Little Red Riding Hood.

- What’s in your basket ?

- There are 3 eggs, some butter and some home-made bread.

- Where are you taking these goodies ?

- To Grandma, she isn’t feeling well.


Big bad wolf








4 - Where does she live ?

- In the cottage in the middle of the wood.

(Big Bad wolf goes straight to the cottage and knocks at the door.)

- Who’s there ?

- Little Red Riding Hood !

- Lift up the latch and come in.

- Ah ah ah

(The wolf licks his lips and gulps Grandma down.)







5 - A nice frilly bedcap. It suits me well ! Nom I go to bed

(A knock at the door)

- Who’s there ?

- Little red riding hood

- Then lift up the latch and come in dear !

- Are you feeling better, Grandma ?

- Yes dear I’m.







6 - Let me see what you have in your basket ?

- There are 3 eggs, some butter and some home-made bread.

- What big ears you have Grandma !

- All the better to hear you with, my dear !

- What big eyes you have Grandma !

- All the better to see you with, my dear !

- What big teeth you have Grandma !

- All the better to eat you with, my dear !

- Help ! Help ! Help me please !

(A woodcutter hears LRRH screaming and comes to her rescue.)

- Where’s your grandma ?












- I don’t know.

(A strange noise is heard coming from the wolf’s belly. The woodcutter opens it

and the grandma comes out, safe and sound.)

- Thank you woodcutter. You saved us.











Grillo Parlante




Due assassini

Fata Turchina

Cane Medoro


Padrone del somaro

Pesce cane

N: C’era una volta...

— Un re! — diranno subito i miei piccoli lettori.

— No, ragazzi, avete sbagliato. C’era una volta un pezzo di legno…

G: è proprio un bel pezzo di legno…ne farò un burattino e lo chiamerò Pinocchio (G. usa il

martello..)   (G. è seduto mentre P. è su un tavolino…)

P: Non mi picchiar tanto forte!

G:  Ma di dove sarà uscita questa vocina?... Eppure qui non c’è anima viva. Che sia per caso

questo pezzo di legno che parla come un bambino? Io non ci posso credere. Questo legno

eccolo qui; è un pezzo di legno da caminetto, come tutti gli altri…

P: non sono affatto come tutti gli altri pezzi di legno…….(P. fa le boccacce a G)

G: smettila di fare il monello e porta rispetto a tuo padre…24

Pinocchio prende la parrucca a G. e se la mette in testa…

G. Birba di un figliolo…. ( G. prende P. e lo posa in terra…)

P. si mette a correre in giro, rincorso da G…..esce di casa e correndo si scontra con il carabiniere

C: ma le sembra il caso di rincorrere questo povero ragazzo? Non vede come è spaventato..

    La dichiaro in arresto…. ( il C. porta via G)

Pinocchio torna a casa….

P: e tu chi sei?

G.P:  Io sono il Grillo-parlante, e abito in questa stanza da piú di cent’anni.

P:  Oggi però questa stanza è mia e se vuoi farmi un vero piacere, togliti dai piedi…

G.P: Io non me ne andrò di qui, senza prima averti detto una grande verità…guai a quei

         ragazzi che si ribellano ai genitori…..avranno solo guai nella vita…

P:  Grillaccio del malaugurio! …..(P. prende  un martello e lo scaglia contro il G.P.)

P. si mette a dormire e si sveglia il giorno dopo…si sente musica di teatrino

P. cosa è questa musica?...

N: è arrivato in città il teatrino dei burattini……

P: che divertente, ci voglio andare…..mi servono quattro soldi….potrei vendere il libro di


N: pensate un po’…il povero Geppetto si era venduto la giacca per comperare il libro al suo


Pinocchio entra piano piano nel teatrino….ma lo acchiappa Mangiafuoco!!!

Mangiafuoco: che ci fa qui un burattino parlante? Adesso ti butto nel fuoco….per cuocere il

                        mio arrosto!

P: no no signor Mangiafuoco…il mio papà morirebbe per il dolore….

Mangiafuoco: ( un po’ commosso..) in fondo sei un bravo ragazzo, tieni 5 zecchini d’oro,

                                                           portali a tuo padre…

Pinocchio dà un bacio a Mangiafuoco e corre via….incontrando il Gatto e la Volpe…


G: che fortuna averti incontrato caro Pinocchio…io e la mia amica Volpe

V: che sarei io…

G: possiamo aiutarti a raddoppiare le tue monete d’oro..

V: raddoppiare….

G: qui vicino c’è il Campo dei miracoli…

V: miracoli…

G: e se ci pianti i tuoi zecchini…

V: crescerà una pianta altissima tutta piena di zecchini…

P: davvero?

G e V: davveroooooo!!!

Pinocchio si avvia verso il Campo dei miracoli….alle sue spalle arrivano due figure incappucciate:

gli assassini.. P. mette gli zecchini sotto la lingua per nasconderli…gli assassini cercano a forza di

aprirgli la bocca…

Un Assassino: che facciamo ora?...questo non apre la bocca

Altro Assassino: impicchiamolo all’albero …cosi prima o poi la bocca la dovrà aprire…

Fata turchina parlando al suo cane Medoro…

FT: lo vedi quel burattino impiccato all’albero?

M: certo signora, cosa ne devo fare?

FT: corri a liberarlo e portamelo qui….

Pinocchio viene steso a letto…e quando si risveglia..

F.T: allora povero burattino! Che ti è successo?

P: ho perso gli zecchini che mi aveva dato Mangiafuoco…

alla bugia, il naso si allunga…

F.T: e dove li hai perduti?

P: andando a scuola…

alla seconda bugia, il naso si allunga ancora di più…


F.T: Le bugie, ragazzo mio, si riconoscono subito, perché ce  ne sono di due tipi: quelle che

hanno le gambe corte, e quelle che hanno il naso lungo: la tua per l’appunto è di quelle che

hanno il naso lungo….

Pinocchio scappa e incontra Lucignolo..

L: ciao Pinocchio, vieni anche tu nel Paese dei balocchi?.

P: e che posto è mai?...

L: è un posto magnifico…nel Paese dei balocchi non ci sono scuole, non ci sono maestri, non ci

sono libri. In quel paese  non si studia mai. Il giovedí non si fa scuola: e ogni settimana è

composta di sei giovedí e di una domenica….

P: certo che vengo, non sono mica matto a voler studiare….

Pinocchio  e Lucignolo sono insieme …in una stanzetta

P: Lucignolo, Lucignolo…..mi sono spuntate le orecchie di un asino…

L: anche a me….(singhiozza)

P: e anche le zampe….(cade a 4 zampe)

L: ci stiamo trasformando in somari….(raglia…)

Pinocchio somaro tira un carretto e si azzoppa..

Il Padrone: e ora cosa me ne faccio di un somaro azzoppato?

                  Lo butterò in mare con una pietra legata al collo….

Pinocchio nuota nel mare ed è ingoiato dal pesce cane….dentro di esso trova Geppetto

P: Oh! babbo mio! finalmente ti ho ritrovato! Ora  non ti lascio piú, mai piú, mai piú!

   Non c’è tempo da perdere. Bisogna pensar subito a fuggire..

   Monta sulle mie spalle  e abbracciami forte forte. Al resto ci penso io. 

Pinocchio e Geppetto escono nuotando dalla bocca del pesce cane

FT:  «Bravo Pinocchio! Finalmente ti sei comportato bene e con generosità, ti perdono tutte le

monellerie che hai fatto fino a oggi. Metti giudizio per l’avvenire, e sarai felice». 27

E Pinocchio…si trasforma in un bambino vero.






Talking Cricket

Fire- Eater



Two killers

Blue Fairy

Dog Medoro


Master of the donkey


N: Once upon a time ...

- A king! - My little readers will say immediately.

- No, guys, you are wrong. Once upon a time…. a piece of wood ...

G: It is a beautiful piece of wood ... I'll make a puppet and I will call him Pinocchio (G. uses the

hammer ..) (G. sat while P. is on a table ...)

P: Do not hit me so hard!

G: But where does this little voice come from? ... Yet here, there is nobody. Might it be that this

piece of wood speaks as a child? I cannot believe it. This wood, here it is; it is a piece of wood from

the fireplace, like everyone else ...

P: I'm not at all like all the other pieces of wood ....... (P. makes faces at G)

G: Stop being a brat and respect your father ...

Pinocchio takes the wig from G. and puts it on his lead ...

G. What a son .... (G. takes P. and puts him onto the ground ...)


P. starts to run around, chased by G ... .. goes out  and, running,  clashes with police officer

C: But, what are you doing? Are you chasing this poor guy? Don’t you see how scared he is ..

     You’re under arrest .... (C. leads  G. away)

Pinocchio returns home ....

P: and who are you?

TC: I am the Talking Cricket, and I’ve been living in this room for more than one hundred years.

P: But today, this room is mine and if you want to do me a favor, get out of the way ...

TC: I will not leave the place now, without first telling you a great truth ... woe to those

          boys who rebel against their parents ... ..they will have only trouble in their life ...

P: Stupid cricket of ill omen! ... .. (P.  takes a hammer and throws it  against the TC)

P. goes to bed and wakes up the next day ... you hear theater music

P. What is this music? ...

N: The puppet theater arrived to town ......

P: it’s funny, I mean it ... ..I need some money ... . I could  sell the reading book ….

N: Think ...  poor Geppetto had sold his coat to buy the book to his son ...

Pinocchio comes slowly into the theater ... But Fire-eater !!!

Fire-eater: What is this speaking puppet doing here? Now I'll throw you into the fire ... to cook my


P: No, no Mr. Fire-eater ... my dad would die from the pain ....

Food-eater: (a little touched ..) Basically you are a good boy, keep 5 gold coins, take them to your

father ...

Pinocchio kisses Fire-eater and runs away ... .meeting the Cat and the Fox ...

C: How lucky I met you, dear Pinocchio ... I and my friend Fox

F: That's me ...

C: We can help you to double your gold coins ..

F: Double ....

C: Nearby, there is the Field of Wonders ...

F: Miracles ...

C: and if you plant your coins ...29

F: a plant will grow very high all full of coins ...

P: Really?

C and F: Reallyyyyyyy !!!

Pinocchio moves towards the Field of Miracles ...  two hooded figures come behind him: the

killers .. P. puts his coins under his tongue to hide them ... the killers try to force his mouth open...

Killer 1: What do we do now? ... This guy does not open his mouth

Killer 2: Let’s hang him on a  tree ... so sooner or later he will have to open his mouth ...

Blue Fairy talking to his dog Medoro ...

BF: Do you see that puppet hanging from the tree?

Medoro: Sure madam, what can I do?

BF: Run and free him and bring him here ....

Pinocchio is lying on the bed ... and when he wakes up ..

B.F: So,  poor puppet! What happened to you?

P: I lost the gold coins Fire-Eater gave me ...

While he is lying, his nose gets longer ...

B.F: and where did you lose them?

P: going to school ...

A second lie and his nose becomes even longer …….

BF: Lies, my boy, are easily recognizable, because there are two types: those that have short legs,

and those that have long noses: yours precisely is one of those that have a long nose ... .

Pinocchio escapes and meets Candlewick ..

C: hello Pinocchio, would you like to come along into Playland ?


P: What place is that? ...

C: It’s a magnificent place ... in Playland there are no schools, no teachers, no books. In this country

nobody never studies. On Thursdays pupils do not go to school, and every week consists of six

Thursdays and one Sunday ....

P: I am certain that I'm not crazy and I don’t to want to study ....

Pinocchio and Candlewick are together in a small room ...

P: Candlewick, Candlewick ... ..I have got the ears of a donkey ...

C: Me too .... (Sobs)

P: And  the legs  too.... (Falls to 4 feet)

L: We're turning into donkeys .... (Braying ...)

Donkey Pinocchio is pulling a cart and cripples ..

The Lord: and now what can I do with a lame donkey? I throw him into the sea with a stone tied

around his neck ....

Pinocchio swims in the sea and is swallowed by a shark …… inside there is  Geppetto

P: Oh! Father! Finally I found you! Now I do not leave you any more, never again, never again!

    There is no time to lose. You must try to escape ..

   Come onto my shoulders and hug me tightly. I'll do the rest.

Pinocchio and Geppetto, swimming,  get out of the mouth of the shark

BF: "Bravo, Pinocchio! Finally you have behaved yourself and with generosity, I forgive all  the

pranks you've done up to now. Put on doing so, and you will be happy. "

And ... Pinocchio turns into a real boy.







Farmer 1

Farmer 2

Farmer 3

Farmer 4

Farmer 5

Farmer 6





The Cracow DragonNarrator

High on a hill, a long time ago, lived good King Krak, in old Cracow.

King Krak likes to laugh and dance and sing. But today he is angry.

What’s wrong with the King?


That terrible dragon has got to go!

But how can that happen? Does anyone know?

My people are frightened, and they are quite right!

Farmer 1

The dragon comes out of its cave every night!

Farmer 2

It’s eating our sheep and our goats, you know!

Farmer 3

It’s frightening everyone, here in Cracow!


The dragon must die. There’s no other way!



I need a brave man, and I need him today!

The man who can kill this terrible thing, can marry my daughter and live like a king!


And so, lots of men come near to the cave. They’re all big and strong and all very brave!

Song: Who Can Kill the Dragon

A big bad dragon

Is walking around,

Scaring the people

Who live in our town

It’s eating our goats

And all of our sheep!

It’s scaring us all

And no one can sleep!

Chorus: Who can face the dragon

And go into its cave?

Who can kill that awful thing?

Who can be so brave?

Our king is upset.

Someone must fight

The terrible dragon-

We need a brave king.

Repeat chorus (x 2)


Day after day, the brave men appear.

Knight 1

I’ll kill the dragon. I’ll use my long spear!


But the dragon is clever, and as it turns round, its terrible knocks him onto the ground!

Another brave man wants to please the King. But the terrible dragon kills the man with its wing!

Another goes too near the dragon’s big head. The dragon breathes fire and now the man’s dead!

The brave men are frightened and no one goes back.33

Then Skuba, the shoemaker, goes to King Krak.

He’s got an idea. He knows what to do.


I know how to kill the dragon for you!

Just bring me some sulphur, a needle and thread. I promise tomorrow that thing will be dead!

And bring me the skin of one of your sheep! There’s no need to worry. You can all go to sleep!


So, all through the night, he works on his plane. And everyone asks,

Farmer 4

Who is this young man?

Farmer 5

He’s putting the sulphur inside the sheepskin!

Farmer 6

What is he making?

What a very strange thing!

Song: The Shoemaker’s Plane

Sulphur! Sheepskin! Needle! Thread!

And by tomorrow dragon’s dead?

Sulphur! Sheepskin! Needle! Thread!

Who is this Skuba! He’s lost his head!

He’s just a shoemaker, that is true.

But he’s got a plan. He knows what to do.

Sulphur! Sheepskin! Needle! Thread!

And by tomorrow dragon’s dead?

Sulphur! Sheepskin! Needle! Thread!

Who is this Skuba! He’s lost his head!

He’s just a shoemaker, that is true.

But he’s got a plan. He knows what to do.


And so the next day he places the sheep outside the cave, when the dragon’s asleep!

The dragon is hungry, so when it wakes up, it eats up the sheep with one great big gulp.34


My tummy’s on fire! I’m dying, I think! Where is the river? I must have a drink!


It drinks and it drinks and very soon, its tummy goes POP like a party balloon!


The dragon is dead!


The King’s full of joy.


Whatever you want, you can have, my dear boy!


So Skuba and Wanda are now man and wife. And everyone has a wonderful life!

Song: Be Clever!

When there’s a problem,

or something is wrong,

we need to be smart

and not only strong.

Chorus: Before you become

As brave as a knight

You have to be clever

And prov that you’re bright

Repeat chorus

Young Skuba was clever.

He had an idea.

He worked with his brain

Instead of a spear.

Repeat chorus







Bad fairy

Ruženka bola ľúbezná, ľúbezná, ľúbezná,

Once there was a princess

Ruženka bola ľúbezná, princezná.

Known for her beauty and sweetness

A prišiel ku nej gašparko, gašparko, gašparko,

A jester as he passed by

a prišiel ku nej gašparko, riekol jej:

As he passed by told her in cry:

Ruženka moja daj pozor, daj pozor, daj pozor,

Beautiful princess be very

Ruženka moja daj pozor, na vílu.

Very afraid of the fairy

A prišla ku nej zlá víla, zlá víla, zlá víla,

Then the bad fairy came

a prišla ku nej zlá víla, riekla jej:

Came and began to exclaim:

Ruženka moja zaspi len, zaspi len, zaspi, len,

Listen my princess fall asleep

Ruženka moja zaspi len dlhý sen.

Into a dream that’s long and deep.


Ruženka spala sto rokov, sto rokov, sto rokov,

The princess slept for hundred years

Ruženka spala sto rokov dlhý sen.

For hundred years of long deep dreams

A vyrástol tam z ruže plot, z ruže plot, z ruže plot

Around the walls a hedge was born

a vyrástol tam z ruže plot tŕňový.

In part a rose in part a thorn

A prišiel ku nej kráľovič, kráľovič, kráľovič,

After those years a prince arrived

a prišiel ku nej kráľovič riekol jej:

A prince arrived to rescue his bride.

Ruženka moja vstaň hore, vstaň hore, vstaň hore,

My sleeping beauty please redeem

Ruženka moja vstaň hore, zobuď sa.

Please wake up from the bad dream.

A bola svadba veselá, veselá, veselá,

Then they had a wedding hustle, a hustle

a bola svadba veselá na zámku.

Hustle at the princess castle, her castle

Here you can see how the students from Slovakia act:





“We Are Going To The Sun”

The people of the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey are also known for their wit and sense of

humour; in fact many jokes in Turkey are told about the natives of the Black Sea region Karadeniz

fıkraları (Black Sea jokes). The character Temel, a universal buffon figure found in many cultures,

forms an important part of the Turkish oral tradition. In this video İlayda,Melike, Esra and Aleyna

performed one of Temel anecdotes for you. The story is below:

French:     We will go to Mars.

Italian:      We will produce zero fuel car.

Spanish:   We will defuse atomic bomb.

Temel:      We will go to Sun.

Spanish:  How can you go to Sun? It burns.

Italian:      Who had been to Sun and turned back?

French:    You cannot even pass beside the Sun.What are you dreaming?

Temel:      We are not so fool. We will go at chilly time in the evening.

Here you can see how the students from Turkey act:



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