  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    Newsletter Fall 2014

    Structural Concernson LIRR Overpasses in

    Woodside/WineldAssemblyman Michael DenDekker Works with C.O.M.E.T. to Insure Safety

    Photo by Tom Porembski

  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    Pg. 2 Fall 2014 COMET

    Words cant describe the reacon of

    community residents when they heard that

    the Pan Am Hotel in Elmhurst, with about

    216 rooms, was turned into a homeless

    shelter behind the backs of elected ocials

    and the community. Nearby residents

    in Maspeth and Woodside also voiced

    concern since the hotel is in close proximity

    to their border. Folks immediately reached

    out to Comet saying they wanted to protestthis acon.

    Residents argued that they reside near

    another homeless shelter about a block

    away in Woodside, are in close proximity

    to the Elmhurst Adult Center where many

    residents must take medicaon and not far from a State

    mental home. They made it clear they have more than

    their fair of social services. They expressed disbelief

    that City Hall would even consider pung such a

    massive shelter a stones throw from IS 5, 51st Avenue

    Academy, PS 7 and a nursery school in District 24

    which is one of the most overcrowded school districts

    in the city. Residents were also appalled to hear that

    hundreds of people, including children, would be all

    stued under one roof with enre families living in

    one room.

    Pan Am Hotel Homeless Shelter Controversy

    The rst rally, pictured to the le, drew a crowd

    of about 1,000 people of dierent ethnicies

    Two more rallies were held, one of which was

    outside the Elks Club where a Community Board

    4 meeng was being held to discuss the shelter

    Thats when the real controversy started.

    Some homeless shelter residents decided to

    aend this protest. They walked down Queens

    Boulevard to the Elks Club and began mingling

    with the residents. Luckily the 110th Precinct saw

    this maneuver, pulled them out of our protest

    and had them stand across the street. Shelter

    residents started heckling the protestors, who

    were predominantly non-English speaking, and

    making derogatory comments to them. In response to

    their comments, someone from our protest hollered

    Get a job.

    The American media quickly picked up on the

    Get a job response and before you know it the

    community was being called uncompassionate. The

    derogatory remarks from the homeless residents

    were not reported so as to make it appear that the

    aggression was from the community residents. The

    irony of this is that three quarters of the protesters

    Photos by Richie Polga

  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    COMET Fall 2014 Pg. 3

    didnt speak English. How did the English-speaking

    media even know what the crowd was saying other

    than reporng on the one remark?

    The an-community reports by the media to sell

    newspapers or to make a good story on television

    overshadowed the true reason for the protests an

    overcrowded school district, already having our fairshare of social services and to condemn warehousing

    the homeless.

    Since the protest a Community Advisory Board

    to discuss the homeless shelter was introduced. It

    was most likely created to make it appear as if the

    community now has input; convincing residents

    that the warehousing situaon is, in

    fact, a viable soluon; that the school

    overcrowding need not be consideredand homeless shelters should be

    embraced by communies. No surprise,

    Comet was not invited to the meeng

    although we were told we would be.

    An ongoing concern for residents is

    the potenal for an increase in crime.

    The Asian community is parcularly

    concerned about crime because they are

    oen targeted by criminals since they

    are known not to report or resist. They

    dont believe all homeless are criminals

    but are concerned about those who

    have arrest records.

    Comet has received mulple unconrmed reports

    about an increase in shopliing at local stores and

    verbal threats being made to store employees who

    are mostly Asian. We will connue to work with the

    residents and educate them on how to report incidents

    and will help them, when necessary, to follow through

    We are lucky to have Asian Comet members who havebeen very involved in reaching out.

    We were last told that the homeless shelter is lled

    to capacity with 676 men, women and children

    Some local residents have spoken with a few of the

    homeless who state that the condions in the hote

    are deplorable and they are anxious to leave.

    Residents hope that those who profess to

    care for the homeless take measures to remove

    them from these deplorable condions, get

    them an apartment and teach them to be self-

    sucient. By doing this, they would be helping

    them and saving millions of tax dollars that

    could be put towards other concerns.

    Community residents state they will connue

    to ght this issue. Well keep you updated.

    Photos by Tom Porembsk

  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    Pg. 4 Fall 2014 COMET

    While we were there we

    couldnt help but noce

    all the pigeon droppings

    parcularly on 70th Street

    at 48th Avenue. Thereare schools in the area

    St. Marys Church and

    businesses. The pigeon

    droppings are a serious

    health concern for us. The

    Assemblyman explained

    that the Department of Sanitaon (DSNY) regularly

    cleans the overpass on 69th Street at 48th Avenue

    but not on 70th Street. We reached out to Roman

    Paprocki, Chief of Sta, at Council Member Elizabeth

    Crowleys oce and asked if they could reach out to

    DSNY or the LIRR for assistance and to determine if it

    would be possible to schedule regular cleanups.

    In the meanme, Assemblyman DenDekker said he

    would look into the possibility of geng funding to

    install meshing under the overpasses to deter pigeons

    from cooping there.

    Photo by Geraldine Walsh

    Woodside/Wineld Railroad Trestles

    On Monday, August 4th, Comet President Roe

    Daraio and Comet member Tom Porembski met with

    Assemblyman Michael DenDekker to discuss the

    deteriorated condions of some of the Long Island

    Railroad (LIRR) trestles in the Wineld secon of

    Woodside. The walking tour focused on the trestles

    on 70th Street and 48th Avenue as well as two on 48thAvenue at 69th Street.

    Assemblyman DenDekker arranged to have workers

    from the LIRR be on site to inspect the overpasses

    while we were there. According to the Assemblyman,

    any structural problems would be noted and put into a

    report. He promised to give us their ndings when the

    inspecon and report was completed and hopefully

    well have it in me for our next newsleer.

    Important Message from 104th Precinct

    Captain Christopher Manson, 104th Precinct, urges folks to follow this advice:

    Please hang up on ANYONE who says they are from the IRS or says that

    you owe money to ANYONE.

    Photos by Tom Porembski

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    COMET Fall 2014 Pg. 5

    Source of Mystery Lights Revealed

    Please Dont Feed the Pigeons!By Richie Polgar

    We want to thank Captain Brian Hennessy, 108th

    Precinct, for sending ocers to the Wineld secon

    of Woodside to nd the source of the bright lights that

    are shining into residents windows.

    The property where the stadium-type lighng islocated belongs to a business named Ko Hyong Truck

    & Auto Repair, 50-04 73rd Place in Woodside. This

    poron of 73rd Place is located under the railroad

    overpasses on 51st Avenue which separates Woodside

    and Elmhurst.

    Comet Vice President Dick Gundlach will come up

    with a plan and reach out to the owner and ask if he

    could either point the lights downward or put covers

    on them. Well keep you updated.

    Photos by Dick Gundlach

    The condion of the sidewalks at the LIE underpasses

    at 74 street and 80 street have moved local residents

    Peter Soo and Richard Polgar to take acon. The

    sidewalks are very dirty and are slippery from all thepigeon droppings and at mes there are dead pigeons

    on the ground. We feel this is unsightly and unsanitary.

    The problem has existed for years and spikes

    were installed years ago to discourage pigeons from

    roosng there but it hasn't worked. In the past a call to

    Councilwoman Crowley's oce would get Sanitaon

    to clean up the area. In the fall we were told that

    NYCDOT will do monthly power washings aer the

    winter. Then we were told by her oce that NYSDOT

    will be doing the cleaning every three months starng

    in April. The rst wash was nally done in the rst

    week of August and already it is very dirty. We feel a

    wash every three months is not oen enough.

    Part of the problem is caused by well-meaning

    people who put piles of bread and seeds for the

    pigeons. If you feed them they will come. There was

    a woman who fed them at Garlinge Park on Grand

    Avenue and each morning 50 pigeons waited on the

    telephone wires and pooped all over the people and

    cars below. When she stopped the pigeons le. Nowthey gather on the wires by Maspeth High School on

    74 street so we have made a sign by the sing area

    telling people not to feed the pigeons. Our rst sign

    was stolen aer a week so we made another. Feeding

    pigeons in parks is against the law and it also aracts

    rats which we have seen an increase in the area.

    If you feel the sidewalks are dirty and disgusting

    please call 311 to report a problem.

  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    Pg. 6 Fall 2014 COMET

    These photos were taken on September 3rd the day

    before school started. According to Council Member

    Crowleys oce, a problem with the electric wiring was

    discovered during the construcon.

    West Maspeth is in dire need of trac-calming

    measures because of the high volume of vehicular and

    truck trac that ows along Grand and Flushing Avenues.

    We are hopeful, that

    once completed, this

    iniave will help make

    a safer environment for

    everyone in the area.

    During the summer Comet President Roe Daraio and

    Treasurer Geraldine Walsh had the opportunity to take

    Michael Mallon, sta member of Councilman DanielDromm, on a tour of the Comet area. No surprise, the 55th

    Avenue footbridge was at the top of our list.

    We showed him the deteriorated steps that do not

    appear to be up to code. Not only are the steps not the

    right height and width, some seem to slant making

    condions dangerous for pedestrians crossing in snow

    and ice. We asked if it would be possible to upgrade the

    inadequate lighng and replace the handrails adjacent to

    the fence that dont appear to be the right height. Another

    chronic problem we brought to his aenon was the weeds

    55th Avenue Footbridge Still a ConcernWeeds along 85th Street

    Safe Routes to Schools for West Maspeth

    overgrowing the handrails as well as the enre strip of land

    adjacent to the Long Island Rail Road from approximately

    55th Avenue to 58th Avenue on 85th Street.Comet member Ed Misiura has taken the iniave to

    clean up the strip on 85th Street in the vicinity of 55th

    Road, but we believe the city should put this on a list for

    roune cleaning. Local residents shouldnt have to take on

    the task of cleaning up illegal dumping.

    Lastly, we asked Michael to reach out to NYC Departmen

    of Transportaon to insure this footbridge is put into the

    311 system. In past years the bridge wasnt shoveled in the

    winter and caused a dangerous condion for pedestrians

    trying to get to work, school or home.

    Photos by Geraldine Walsh

    Photos by Richie Polgar

    Its been a very acve summer in west Maspeth.

    Construcon for the Safe Routes to Schools iniave had

    residents scrambling to nd parking and walking around


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    COMET Fall 2014 Pg. 7

    COMET MEETINGS - 2014Meetings are held at the NY Bethzatha Church of God, 85-20 57th Avenue, Elmhurst, 7:00 pm.

    Parking is available.

    Monday, October 6th

    Monday, November 3rd

    Monday, December 1st

    Newsletter CommitteeMike Fordunski, Dick Gundlach, Christina Wilkinson, Richie Polgar, Tom Porembski, Geraldine Walsh,

    Linda Daquaro, Shirley Warren, Roe Daraio, Maspeth Press

    A Special Thank You!This newsletter is made possible by funding from Council Members Elizabeth Crowley, Daniel

    Dromm and Jimmy Van Bramer though the Department of Youth & Community Development.

    State funding allocated to Comet by Assembly Member Marge Markey went towards the

    Memorial Day Parade and grafti removal.

    Do You Recognize this Elmhurst Street?

    Elmhurst folks probably recognize this street which

    is located at 84th Street and 57th Avenue. We bet

    no one knows the name of the street even though a

    street sign says 84th Street.

    The 84th Street sign is for the street across from

    this locaon. Actually, the name of this street is

    Madison Street. About a decade ago we discovered

    this was a city-owned street and reached out to NYC

    Department of Transportaon and asked for a street

    name. They responded back with Madison Street.

    We never believed this name made any sense since

    surrounding blocks have street numbers. We always

    thought the name should be changed to 84th Place or

    something like that.

    When we met with Michael Mallon from Counci

    Member Dromms oce we showed him the street

    and he agreed it was odd, not only because of the

    Madison Street designaon but because there was

    no street sign with the name on it.

    He has spoken with Council Member Dromm who

    thinks it would be a good idea to pursue changing the

    name to a street number and geng a sign stang

    just that. We believe this is important in the event

    someone needs to call 911 with an emergency or

    311 for a quality of life concern. We are also looking

    at possibly improving the street lighng there. Wel

    keep you posted.

    Photos by Geraldine Walsh

  • 8/11/2019 Comet Fall 2014 Newsletter


    C.O.M.E.T., INCP.O.Box 780151

    Maspeth, NY 11378




    Flushing NY

    Permit #1264

    Communities of Maspeth and Elmhurst Together

    Newsletter Fall 2014

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