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Commentary on the Book of Romans

Chapter 1

Rom_1:16 - The Gospel of Y'shua the Messiah is the power of YHVH that leads people to Salvation, everyone who believes, Jew and Gentile. The Gospel is the Greek word "euaggelion" that means "good news" or "good message". This message is not only good news to the Jews, but also the Gentiles and it is because of the work that Y'shua did that truth and salvation is extended to the Gentiles as well. The good news to the Jews is that the "system of grace", the system that appeased them with YHVH and that paid for their transgressions, have now being "upgraded" to a new "system of grace" in the sacrificial death of Y'shua, the lamb of YHVH for the remission of sins and taking care of the consequences of sin, which is death (the curse of the Law - if you sin you die). We as sinful people no longer have to die if we believe in Messiah as our sacrificial Lamb because He paid the price, the death penalty, on our behalf and we can still "exist" under this grace umbrella to help us rectify our wrong living by the help of YHVH's Sprit. This will "protect" us during our "stumbling" process unto holiness so that we can "grow up" into spiritual maturity and the true image of Y'shua the Messiah, becoming like Him.

Rom_1:17 - The righteousness of YHVH is revealed through the message of Messiah, "from faith to faith". The message of Messiah includes what is required for righteousness and it is through faith. What does the phrase "faith to faith" mean? Is it going from faith to a higher faith, in other words "growing in faith" or is it when one act of faith reveals the next act of faith to take, like a mystery that unfolds on your path as you discover more about YHVH and His righteousness, it leads you to see things more clearly and even more righteousness unfolds. Paul gives us a hint in the last part of this verse when he quotes Hab_2:4 " ...the just shall live by faith". Lets look at this quote to give some context about righteousness and faith that is included in the message of Messiah.

The Prophecy of Habakkuk

If you understand how a Hebrew's mind works and think you will know that this phrase Paul inserted gives the whole backdrop and theme for his letter to the Romans. In order to understand and interpret Paul's letter to the Romans you have to read and understand the context of the phrase from the prophecy of Habakkuk to know what Paul was trying to communicate.

Summery of what YHVH gave to Habakkuk to write down for the end times:

Justice perverted Torah slacked and not adhered to. Chaldeans / Babylon rose across the whole earth to infiltrate every home.


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Chaldeans / Babylonians are feared and seek their own honour / will They do not adhere to authority and laugh at leaders thrive of violence. Their own strength is their god. YHVH appointed these Babylonians to execute judgement on the people. The people will be caught like fish and sea creatures in their nets and will not

be able to do anything about it. They worship their nets and burn incense to it. (nets are things they entrap

you with - drugs, strong drink, money, entertainment, lusts of the flesh) Hab_2:4 - They are puffed up and proud, but not righteous in

comparison to the righteous that lives by faith. They are drunkards and greedy and gathers all the nations and take captive

all the people. (NWO system entraps everybody and holds everyone captive through lusts of the flesh and greediness).

They pole up stolen goods and become wealthy through unjust schemes. They build cities based on violence and blood, trampling on others through

unjust gain. Hab_2:14 - The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of

YHVH as the waters cover the sea. Light will shine the brightest when the darkness rules.

YHVH sees His people who follow the Babylonians as "uncircumcised" and no longer part of His Kingdom and His hand will turn against you.

They cause the people to worship images whom they trust in (work of their hands - workaholics?)

This is what was in Paul's mind when he wrote this letter to the Romans and directly after quoting Hab 2:4; "the just shall live by faith", he starts relating his audience to being under this captivity of the spiritual Babylonians, under the curse YHVH will bring on His people who "do not live by faith".

What does it mean to "live by faith"? Does it mean to give away all you have and trust YHVH for everything? Let's look at the context of Hab 2:4.

Hab 2:4 Behold, the soul of him is lifted up, and is not upright; but the just shall live by his faith.

This implies that YHVH's true people are the opposite and described as "living by faith". This "faith" they are living by characterise them as being humble (opposite of pride) and righteous, obeying YHVH's requirements for life. (Opposite of all the detail described in Habakkuk (drunkenness, vanity, unjust gain, murder, lust, worshipping idols, worshipping the nets that bind them, etc.)

He talks about the people under the Chaldean / Babylonian curse and became like the Chaldeans, their souls are lifted up, they are proud and arrogant in other words and they are not upright, straight or righteous. Chaldean means “demons” and “robbers” and this is the “spirit” that will be released upon the earth as a curse and judgment on the ungodly people in the last days.


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This scenario is confirmed if your read on in Romans 1 where Paul elaborates on not being ungodly (following pagan ways) and being righteous, detailing examples in their communities that are similar to people under the Babylonian curse.

Rom_1:18 - The wrath of YHVH is against all "Ungodliness" and "Unrighteousness". What is "Ungodly" and what is "Unrighteous"?

Ungodly is the Hebrew word (H1100) "bele - Yah - al" that means; worthlessness, wicked, destruction and is linked to the word "belial" that means evil, naughty, ungodly and wicked. Deu_13:13 refer to the "sons of Belial" who are those who went out from among the believers to serve other gods. YHVH commanded that these wicked people be destroyed. This links up with Paul's statement that YHVH's anger is against the ungodly, the sons of Belial, the ones who serve other gods and do wickedness and lure believers in following them pursuing wickedness.

Unrighteous - is people who are not seen as being righteous in the eyes of YHVH. Righteous according to the dictionary:

RIGHTEOUS, a. ri'chus. -

1. Just; accordant to the divine law (Torah). Applied to persons, it denotes one who is holy (set apart) in heart, and observant of the divine commands in practice (Faithfull) ; as a righteous man. Applied to things, it denotes consonant to the divine will or to justice; as a righteous act. It is used chiefly in theology, and applied to YHVH, to his testimonies and to his saints. The righteous, in Scripture, denote the servants of YHVH, the saints.

2. Just; equitable; merited.

Righteousness as per definition is based on obedience to the divine Law or Torah of YHVH. If you fall short of this divine Law, you are declared unrighteous. We all have a problem because we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of YHVH. Rom_3:23. Sin is missing the mark, not complying with the Torah. Gal_2:16 what shall we do then, are we all condemned due to our nature? We can never be justified by complying with the standards of the Torah because we are sinners and if we think we can be justified by obedience to the Torah, we make a big mistake because we are sinners, missing the Mark (sinning) all the time. If you believe that you can be justified by obeying the Torah alone, you are lying to yourself and will fall from Grace, Gal_5:4, because we CANNOT keep the Torah 100% in order to be justified, we need Grace as well. Shall we give up before we even started? No, we are Justified by the Grace of Y'shua Who redeemed us by paying with is Blood for our sins because we cannot do it. Rom_3:24-27. Justified according to the dictionary:


1. The act of justifying; a showing to be just or conformable to law, rectitude or propriety; vindication; defense. The court listened to the


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evidence and arguments in justification of the prisoner's conduct. Our disobedience to YHVH's commands admits no justification.

2. In theology, remission of sin and absolution from guilt and punishment; or an act of free grace by which YHVH pardons the sinner and accepts him as righteous, on account of the atonement of Messiah.

Y'shua is the Justifier or the Judge, the One Who have the power to pardon someone from their punishment because of their sin.

JUST'IFIER, n. One who justifies; one who vindicates, supports or defends.

1. He who pardons and absolves from guilt and punishment.

It is not an act of removing the measure of Law that declares the person unrighteous; it is a verdict that is given by the Judge to pardon the guilty party because someone else paid the penalty on his behalf. Therefore the Law / Torah is not abolished Mat_5:17, but the penalty of the guilty party is placed on someone else and paid by someone else. Gal_3:13 The Law / Torah still stands and measure everybody but it is in the hands of the Judge to pardon or not to pardon the guilty based on other factors such as grace and faith; Grace from the Judge's side and faith from the guilty person's side that settles the matter.

What are the factors that allow the judge to release Grace for that person? The person must comply with other "laws / the law of Messiah" to be pardoned from the consequences of the Law of YHVH / Torah. These attributes (Law of Messiah) are:

The person must believe in the Messiah as the Lamb of YHVH, the One Who paid the price for his sin on his behalf. Joh_3:16, Rom_3:24-26

The person must follow the Messiah, have a relationship where he wants to become like the Messiah striving towards Holiness - this is his attempt to comply with the Torah even through he will never comply with the standards of the Torah in his fleshly state and sinful nature. He must have a retentive heart whenever he falls short and never give up to pursue Holiness. Rom_11:16, Eph_1:4, Eph_5:26-27, 1Pe_1:15-16

He must forgive others so that he might be pardoned from his sins whenever someone sins against him. Mat_6:14-15.

He must be humble and serve the Master and all those who believe on Him so that his relationship with his fellow believers will reflect his relationship with the Master as through the Body of Messiah, fulfilling the "Law of Messiah" Gal_6:2. Mat_25:40-46 Mat_7:21-23.

So we are set free from the Wrath of YHVH and His Judgment if we are "godly" and righteous; we are righteous through faith and the Blood of Messiah, complying to the "Law of Messiah" (mentioned in the 4 dot points), and we have to live "godly lives", not following the ways of the pagans and the lust of the flesh. Love your brothers as you love Messiah and do good to your neighbour because that will be seen as your relationship with Messiah. All the aspects of the Torah relating to "loving your neighbour" comes into Y'shua's statement in Mat 25:40-46. This sums it up once again into the Two Headings of the Torah, Love YHVH your Elohim with all your heart, soul and strength


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(faith is Y'shua and following Him pursuing Holiness as part of your worship unto Him), and secondly, love your neighbour as yourself (expressing the fruits of your faith and making your relationship with Y'shua real through the Body of Messiah / fellow believers).

Paul goes on to say that YHVH's wrath is against those who suppress or withhold the truth in unrighteousness. These are people who know the truth but do not share it. They either allow unrighteousness, not helping the people right when they see wrong, or they themselves do unrighteousness and set the wrong example which others follow. This is a warning to the leaders who have the truth and do not live it out by setting the right example or they are passive and do not react and rectify the people when they see them do unrighteous acts. We are accountable for one another and must help one another to stay on the path of righteousness.

Coming back to the initial phrase under question "...the Righteousness of YHVH revealed from faith to faith, for it is written, the just shall live by faith". We have seen that backdrop of Habakkuk, Paul's explanation of "unrighteousness and ungodliness", we get a better understanding of what the revealed righteousness of YHVH means in relation to faith. People seem to think that if you believe Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah, then everything is ok and you can carry on with your life, maintaining the status quo, having you new found faith about Who the Messiah is and that this knowledge of the truth declares you righteous. Looking at the whole context of Paul's letter, him quoting Habakkuk and the rest of the chapter in Roman, we clearly see that this is not the case. Righteousness in based on being a Child of YHVH, believing in Y'shua and living a Holy life contrary to your old life that looked like the pagans around you. This seems to be a difficult concept to swallow because we live among pagans and want to have friend and want to fit in and this causes a lot of dynamics involving compromise. I think that is the purpose of Paul's letter to explain to the Romans that you can no longer live like Romans, doing Roman things that are contrary to YHVH's Truth and that obeying the Truth is what is defined by "living by faith" and that Truth is the Righteousness of YHVH revealed.

Rom_1:19-21 - Paul goes on to describe the people who know YHVH because He revealed Himself to them and also confirmed in His Creation and which are clearly seen by them. They have no excuse to say "we did not know". Yet they have decided not to follow that Truth but rather invented their own doctrines through their imaginations, following their foolish hearts that are darkened by their lusts and sin the curse brought upon them. Paul is addressing believers who have backslidden, who knew the truth but have yoked themselves under the Babylonians, following their ways being deceived by following their hearts and not YHVH's Truth. To live by faith in other words is to know YHVH and His Truth and to act on it and live it out practically which will be contrary to the worldly ways of the people bound by the Babylonian curse YHVH put on them, worshipping their bondage and worshipping the curse.

Verse 21 states that they are not thankful and that drove them away from YHVH. This shows their unstoppable hunger for wealth, fleshly desires and power, even at the cost of someone else. This is breaking the 10th Commandment by their covetousness. The "Truth" is, "you shall not covet", they do not believe it and have changed it to "you shall prosper and be rich".


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Rom_1:22-25 - In verse 22 Paul further elaborates about these believers who think they are wise, having these “new” doctrines, proclaiming a false Gospel, they are but mere fools. Wisdom is the interpretation of knowledge, and in this case the knowledge is the Truth of the Word and the Gospel of Messiah. It is a "new" message and people do need interpretation but they interpret it in relation to their foolish, lustful and prideful desires, distorting the Truth and producing false doctrines. Paul is actually warning the Roman believers of such people as he also outlines in verse 18 referring to the sons of Belial who as believers, led people away to serve other gods and idols. They have changed the "glory" of YHVH, in other words, the image and who YHVH is, into a dead physical image of an idol or beasts, birds and creeping things. YHVH gave them up (cursed them) to follow their uncleanness and their lusts of their deceitful hearts (they followed their hearts instead of YHVH's Truth), and they dishonoured themselves by doing these things. These people are under the curse of the Babylonians and have their "spirit" doing their work as described in the prophecy of Habakkuk. You bring a curse upon your self if you follow people like this and there are a lot of leaders in the "church" today that follow their hearts and pervert the truth of YHVH and teach a lie that cause people to worship the "nets of their bondage" brought upon them through the curse of the Babylonians. We know them better as false teachers that steer the people away from the Truth and interpret the Scripture with their "wisdom".

We have two problems here, one is the false teachers and everybody are aware of them. The other problem is the believers that do not know the basics of the Word to discern these traps of Satan and the fact that they fall into these traps due to them following their deceitful hearts that are following after worldly and fleshly things. This will trigger and sequence of events that will lead them away from the truth and they will end up being backslidden, even if they still attend an assembly.

The thing all of us as believers can do to avoid the curse of Babylon is to be aware of the "nets" they use to catch and entrap people that they end up worshipping. What are these nets? Let’s look at a few examples:

Entertainment Strong drink Drugs Sex Food House Car iPod Computer Music Material things Work / career Friends / parties

These things listed here that occupy you and takes up most of your time are the "nets" that bind you and keep you BUSY, Being Under Satan's Yoke and you do not have the time to spend in YHVH's word or in a relationship with Him. These things are the reason you live and exist and you will find it very difficult not to live without them. If this is the case, then they are the nets you worship in your life and it is the same as Idol worship Paul talked about in this letter.


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How do we get “cursed” and how can we avoid being under the Babylonian demonic spirit? If you “feed the monsters” in your life, in other words, if you feed your pet sins and compromise the truth, not living a retentive life, you will “trigger” this curse and you will be bound by it’s nets and end up worshipping these nets of bondage you allowed into your life. Just remember it is a curse and it is a demonic spiritual force you have to avoid and not allow into you homes families and lives.

Rom_1:26-28 - People who follow a lie will be cursed by YHVH as described in Habakkuk and Paul elaborates on the consequences of this of which one is homosexuality. Remember Paul is speaking to believers and there might have been cases of homosexuality among them and that is why he addressed it so fervently. The way the curse works is when you allow sin to become a habit in your life and do not repent, YHVH will then allow this sin to become the thing you worship and this is what Paul means by "YHVH gave them over" or handing them over to do these things. To whom is YHVH handing them over? To Satan! We see the same statement made by Paul in 1Co_5:5, where you hand a sinner over to Satan and his punishers if the person does not repent, so that they will repent and their souls may be saved. It lets me think of the quails, the lusted after it and the YHVH gave it to them in an overwhelming abundance that it caused them their death in the end. YHVH wants us to die to sin and the remedy for the problem might be the problem it self with intensified consequences so that you will wake up and repent.

Rom_1:29-32 - Paul lists all the sins of ungodly people, the sons of Belial who once followed YHVH but have backslidden under the curse. If they do not repent, then they deserve death, because that is the righteous order of YHVH and the standard of His Torah. These people are filled with:

All unrighteousness - all sin specified in Torah Fornication - pre marriage sex and adultery Wickedness - sinfulness, faithless Covetousness - wanting everything other have, things, money, career, husband,

wife, house, car... Maliciousness - evil - making trouble - being naughty Envy - discontent, grief at other's prosperity. Murder - slander Debate – argue - quarrelling Deceit - craftiness & trickery - cheating someone - creative stealing in business Malignity - bad character, mischievousness, evil heart towards others. Whisperers - slander, Backbiters Haters of YHVH Despiteful - spiteful, eye for and eye mentality Proud Boasters Inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents Foolishness - lack wisdom and good judgment Covenant breakers Without natural affection (passion) - Gay Implacable - irreconcilable anger (unforgiveness)


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People who do these things or have pleasure in people doing these things - they deserve the judgment of YHVH.

Romans Chapter 2

In the pervious chapter we have seen the context of the letter to the Roman Assembly and this issues they had and Paul linking the two so that they can see the seriousness of their actions. Most of the letter is directed at elders, leaders and teachers who do the right thing and mislead the people under twisted doctrines. Remember that this Assemble of believers is made up of Jewish believers in Messiah as well as Gentile believers in Messiah and there exits a lot of dynamics because of their differences and different religious and cultural backgrounds.

This chapter continues from the previous chapter where Paul listed all the sins that are because of this curse and that those who do them will be judged by YHVH and deserve death. In this Chapter he addresses the other side of the coin; the people who judges those who do these things.

Rom_2:1 - You who judges someone, do you do the same things and if you do, you condemn yourself. We all know the tactic of attack in order to defend so that the attention will be away from us and the focus will be on the other person. If you are guilty, find someone more guilty than you and then you will look innocent. This is one of the issues Paul is faced with and addresses.

There are two types of judging; the one accuses, find fault and condemns and a verdict is given as the consequences for this wrong act. The other form of judging is to teach, to lead and to direct people, the same way Solomon judged the people giving them wisdom and advice for every problem. If you read the context of Chapter 1, you will see that Paul addressed these "teachers" who taught (judged) the people with their perverted doctrines. This is confirmed in further down in Chapter 2 in Rom_2:21, where Paul reprimands those who teach others but do the same sins. In other words he is speaking to a mixed group of believers consisting of Jews and Greeks (Gentiles), who some of them are teachers who "judge" (teach / lead the people), but some of them are the sons of Belial, believers who are leaders who teach or influence people away from YHVH. With their perverted doctrines and wrong understanding of the truth they teach people to worship "idols" (mixing paganism with the faith) within the “comfort zone” of grace.

Most people use this verse to tell you that you cannot judge anyone and that you must keep quiet and not speak out when you see someone doing something wrong. Is that the case and is that what Paul meant? I think not, because it is in contrast with what Y'shua taught when He elaborated on how to deal with disputes Luk_17:3-4, and how leaders should act when they see someone doing something wrong. Mat_18:15-19, Joh_7:24, 1Co_6:5.

To who are these passages directed, who are able to judge? According to Webster Dictionary we find the meaning of “to judge”:


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To Judge someone: To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Judge: One who has skill and authority to decide on the merits of a question, or on the value of any thing; one who can discern truth and propriety

As we see in the meaning of “to judge”, one can only judge if you are appointed under authority and if you have the skills and wisdom to discern the merits of a question and decide between right and wrong, truth and lie. This narrows it down to the appointed leadership of YHVH within the Assembly, the shepherds, teachers and the elders, only they are equipped and have the authority to judge a case based upon their life experience and the anointing and Gifts of the Spirit. They need the gift of wisdom, word of knowledge and life experience and maturity to discern and judge righteously.

Can I say something when I see my brother committing a sin?

The guideline for a Bondservant (believer in Messiah Y’shua) is:

Mat 7:1-5 Judge not, that you may not be judged. (2) For with whatever judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with whatever measure you measure out, it shall be measured to you again. (3) And why do you look on the splinter that is in your brother's eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye? (4) Or how will you say to your brother, Let me pull the splinter out of your eye; and, behold, a beam is in your own eye? (5) Hypocrite! First cast the beam out of your own eye, and then you shall see clearly to cast the splinter out of your brother's eye.

Is this passage written in the context of showing your brother what the Word says about something, or is this in context of someone doing something against you personally, and you now seek justice? I believe it is the second, to seek your justice when someone has sinned against you.

Mat 18:15-19 But if your brother shall trespass against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. (16) But if he will not hear you, take one or two more with you, so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. (17) And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the assembly. But if he neglects to hear the assembly, him be to you as a heathen and a tax-collector.

These following Passages only apply to Elders appointed Leaders who oversee the Assembly:

1Th 5:14 Now we exhort you, brothers, warn those who are unruly, comfort the faint-hearted, support the weak, be patient toward all.


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1Ti 5:20 Those who sin, rebuke before all, so that the rest also may fear.

Tit 2:15 Speak these things, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

2Th 3:14-15 And if anyone does not obey our word by this letter, mark that one and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed. (15) Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish (reproof, warn) him as a brother.

Joh 7:24 Do not judge according to sight, but judge righteous judgment.

1Co 6:5 For I speak to your shame. Is it so that there is not a wise one among you, not even one in your midst who shall be able to judge between his brother?

Those in authority should look after the wellbeing of the flock and as Paul advised the elders to reproof and help those in err (sin) so that they can walk according to the truth and not fall away. When you bring the Word of Truth to someone who does not live according to what the Word says, then you tell that person to help him to see the truth and repent. This is not judging or condemning anyone. We are to help and support one another in the Truth and in love. This is not a free ticket anybody can use to stand guard over their brothers to point out their sin. It is an opportunity to help your weak brother in love when you see him sin, where you support and advise him in love to so that he can find his way back to YHVH. This is the responsibility of the elders (someone wise and with tact and love) to maintain the unity and truth in the assembly, as seen in 1Co_6:5.

Paul is addressing the leaders in the Congregation in Rome so that they do not "judge" (teach and direct) the congregation if they them selves are guilty of the things (sins) listed in Romans Chapter 1. If they are guilty of these sins, then they are condemning them selves and will receive YHVH’s Judgement. They will even receive a greater Judgement than the people they lead because many will follow them go astray by setting the wrong example. Jas_3:1.


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Rom_2:2 – YHVH’s Judgment is according to the Truth. This Judgment will condemn those who do these sins. In this verse Paul explains the first kind of judgment, the Judgment made to save or condemn, the Judgment only a Judge can make. Those who sin will be Judged by the One Who is able to Judge righteously, and this Judgement is the final Judgement that will save people and will condemn people. No man is able to save or condemn anyone because no one is appointed to do this task, only Y'shua the Messiah. He is the Saviour and the Judge and He has all the knowledge and the authority to separate the sheep form the goats, the righteous from the unrighteous, because He knows everybody's thoughts, hearts and motives.

Rom_2:3 - Paul addressed the leaders and elders of this congregation. He asked them if they lived a life that is worthy so that they will be able to lead and teach (judge) the people. If they don’t, then they will receive the righteous Judgment of YHVH (the verdict and condemnation). People mix up these two types of “judging” and this is why they get confused with Paul’s writings. People think he only talks about the final Judgment of YHVH that condemns, and that people are judging each other in this way. I think that it is not the case based on what Paul said in Rom_2:21 , “…those who teach, do you teach yourself…?” In other words, if you judge correctly (lead people and teach people living a life that is in line with what you teach and that is founded on the Truth of YHVH), then you will not be Judged (condemned) by YHVH. But if what you say and teach (judge) is contrary to the Truth, or your actions is not in line with your teachings, then you will receive the Judgement (condemnation) of YHVH.

Rom_2:4 - If you think you are ok, doing wrong but expect the other people to walk the straight and narrow, then you are abusing the patience and grace of YHVH. Do not abuse His kindness, rather fear and strive towards Holiness so that you can set the right example as a leader or someone with influence. Some people are of the opinion that it is YHVH's job to save and change you and you will just go with the flow and live your life. This is abusing YHVH's kindness and grace and is contrary to what Paul and Peter taught in Rom_11:16, Eph_1:4, Eph_5:27, 1Pe_1:15-16, 1Pe_1:16

What does it mean to live holy lives? Holy is the word "kadosh" that means to be set apart. We are in this world but not to be part of this world. Y'shua went out in a boat, just far enough to be away from the people, but close enough so that they could hear Him teach. This is the way we should be, we should be close enough to the people in the world to make a difference, but not "one of them" so that we will be swallowed up by their unrighteousness and become like them. Do not make your "inner circle" friends worldly people but be friends with worldly people in order to reach and influence them.

Rom_2:5 - People who know the truth but live a lie, following their hardened hearts, they are depositing wrath for them selves in the day of Judgement. It is a pretty serious matter and not to be taken lightly, especially those who lead and teach. We should never follow your hearts because your heart is deceitful and wicked Pro_6:18, Jer_17:9. Satan wants you to follow your heart and do what you want. This is the message that is proclaimed throughout the world in mainstream media, movies and music, but the scary part is that it comes directly form the Satanic Bible and is the greatest law in Satanism; “…do thy own will…”.


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Rom_2:6-9 - People seem to think that everything is about faith and that you are declared righteous by faith and faith alone. Here we see that Paul explains things a bit different to what most people seem to believe; YHVH will measure you based on your works, your deeds and what you have done in this life. This will determine which way you will go, eternal life or eternal death. If you are patient and endure till the end, seek honour and in-corruption, and then you will receive eternal life. But if you are quarrelsome and perverse, not obeying the truth and live a life expressing unrighteous acts, anger, rebellion and violence, then you will receive trouble and distress or eternal death. We have seen he same thing in Rom_1:29-32 where Paul listed all the sins that deserve death. Remember he is speaking to believers, people who believe in Y’shua the Messiah. Faith is not in question here, they already have faith in the Messiah and this is how they express their faith in real life and YHVH will judge you on how you conduct yourself. In other words, YHVH declared you righteous if you have Faith in Messiah and live a life that He expects you to live as a believer.

Rom_2:10-11 – Paul further elaborates on how YHVH will Judge and what He seeks in a righteous man. Glory and honour and peace to every man whose works are good, both Jew and Gentile. YHVH is not a respecter of person, He does not look at your race or your gender or your abilities, He judges your heart and weighs your deeds and His Judgment is righteous. Rom_2:16. YHVH sees the secrets in your heart and you cannot hide anything from Him. He sees your actions and your motives, knows your thoughts and what is in your heart and He weighs that against His righteous standards.

Rom_2:12 - With the Law of YHVH or without the Law (Torah) - sin is still sin. If you do not have the Law of YHVH (Torah), you will perish if you live a sinful deliberate life. Sin is defined by the Law / Torah and without he Torah we will not know what sin is. Rom_7:7. Those who know the Law / Torah and sin, will perish and be condemned by the Law. Knowledge is not the key to salvation (Gnosticism) but the life you live and your actions must be based on the Truth you have received.

Rom_2:13 - What declares a man righteous? Not only the hearers of the Torah shall be declared righteous, but the doers of the Torah / Law will be justified. In other words, not only those who have knowledge of the Torah, but those who do the Commandments will be declared righteous. Everything that you do must be in line with the requirements and guidelines of the Law, not breaking it. This is in conflict with what Paul wrote to the Galatian Assembly in Gal_2:16, where he specifically said that we are not justified by works of the Law but by faith in Y'shua the Messiah. What then shall we say, is Paul drunk or confused or misleading the people, or is there something deeper we do not understand? We see in Romans that Paul specifically refers to the Law as the Torah and not the Pharisaic laws or traditions because this is the Law / Torah written in the hearts of the Gentiles. Rom_2:15, Jer_31:33. Let’s look at Gal_2:16 and study the context to see what Paul actually meant.

What is the context of Galatians 2? Read Gal_2:11-14.


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Paul worked among the Gentiles and Peter among the Jews. When Peter came to Antioch he was confronted by Paul because of him following a Jewish oral tradition / law separating himself from the Gentile believers as soon as Jewish believers walked in. Jewish oral tradition states that you are not to mix with the Gentiles and they even called them dogs. The message or Gospel Paul was proclaiming among the Gentiles was that the Gentiles can become part of the faith and become part of the household of Israel. But when the "circumcision" (Jews) walked in, Peter separated himself, not standing for the Message of Messiah to the Gentiles, and Paul rebuked him to his face. This is legalism or “following man made traditions” that Paul confronted and rebuked because it is contrary to the message (Gospel) of Messiah to the Gentiles. In Greek there is only one word for law and that is "nomos". It does not matter if you are talking about the Torah of YHVH or the “man made laws or traditions” of the Pharisees, both are referred to "nomos" and translated as law. This is misleading in the Greek to English translation because you might think Paul is speaking against the Law (Torah) but he is actually speaking against the oral laws (Legalism and traditions of the elders). How do we distinguish between these two laws? We read the context and in the issue Paul had with Peter, was definitely about the oral laws of the Pharisees, hence the comment "Judaizing the Gentiles" Gal_2:14.

If you understand what Paul meant in Galatians, then it is not in conflict with what he was saying in Romans. You are justified by doing the Law of YHVH (Torah) and through faith in Messiah. You are not justified by doing the “law of man” (Oral traditions, "nomos" of the Pharisees). That makes perfect sense. Faith in Messiah is being faithful to the words of Messiah. He said; "...if you love Me, do My Commandments / Torah...) Exo_20:6, Joh_14:15, Joh_14:21, Joh_15:10, 1Jn_5:2-3, 2Jn_1:6, Rev_12:17. James seems to agree with Paul and John about doing the Commandments:

James 2:14-26 14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he hasfaith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister isnaked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, "Depart inpeace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which areneeded for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if itdoes not have works, is dead. 18 But someone will say, "You have faith, and Ihave works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you myfaith by my works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Eventhe demons believe--and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolishman, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our fatherjustified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you seethat faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made


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perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believedGod, and it was accounted to him for righteousness." And he was called thefriend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not byfaith only. 25 Likewise, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works whenshe received the messengers and sent them out another way? 26 For as thebody without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.


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So clearly James teaches that we are justified by Faith and Works because faith can only be proven by the works and without works, faith has no meaning. You enter into the Kingdom of YHVH through faith in Y'shua the Messiah. Once you are in, you live like Him, living out your faith in Him, doing His commandments because that is your "new character". This new character is written on your heart by YHVH’s Spirit. You live this new character out as part of your worship unto Him, because you love Him.

Rom_2:14-15 - The nations who have not been exposed to the Law of YHVH, the Torah, they do the right things that are in line with the Torah through the moral nature YHVH gave them. This nature is a law unto them. Most people know it is wrong to steal and kill or to take someone's wife, even if they are pagan and now nothing about YHVH's Law. But if they come to faith then YHVH will write His Torah on their hearts. That will change their inward nature and they will follow the Torah inwardly, even if they still do not have the written Torah. YHVH's Spirit writes the Torah on your heart and works through your conscience, accusing you. Isa_66:17

Rom_2:16 - YHVH will judge the secrets of everyone's heart, even if they are without Torah. He will ask of you what He has entrusted you with. You will be judged according to the knowledge of the truth you have received and what you have done with it. This is what the parable of the talents is all about. Mat_25:14-30. The Talents represents Truth and wisdom from YHVH that He hands out and entrust to His Servants (Bondservants). He expects us to use His Truth and multiply it by teaching and discipling others. If you do nothing with the Truth that has been entrusted to you, then you will be judged and perish together with the lawless and the wicked. Mat_25:30.

Rom_2:17-20 - Paul directs his attention towards the Jewish believers in the Congregation who are the elders and teachers. These are believers in Messiah who have a foundation and background in the Torah. Paul commends them on their knowledge and willingness to share and teach the truth to their gentile brothers in Messiah. They have the Torah and find their rest in it and boast in the fact that they know YHVH and His Will because of His Torah. They know what is appropriate and what is not, things that are more excellent and are equipped to guide the blind and be a light in the dark world. They can instruct the foolish with the wisdom of the Torah and teach babes the foundations of the Truth.

Rom_2:21-24 - Paul reprimand and address them strongly because they, knowing the Torah and are able to teach, they break the Torah and cause YHVH's Name to be blasphemed among the Gentiles. They say and teach one thing but live and do another. The Gentiles see their actions and hear their words, not matching up, cause them to say negative things about the “Believers in Messiah” as a whole. This causes them to blaspheme YHVH and His people because of this misconduct by the elders & leaders.

It is very important to know the Truth and live the Life and not compromise at all because your actions speak louder than words. This is a general issue in almost every Congregation where people put on their holy faces, speak the right lingo, quote Scripture and share YHVH's wisdom, but come the next day at work, they look just like the world. Non believers will ask the question; "is he a follower of Y'shua...if he is, then I do not want to be one...” Or they might say; "...these are a bunch of hypocrites and I do not associate with them and the God they serve..."


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We do not realise how serious this is and how our everyday lives among worldly people can cause people to follow YHVH or run away from faith all together because of you and how you conduct your self! We are ambassadors of YHVH and should represent the Messiah in the flesh as part of His Body. If people look at you they expect to see Him. The question is, do you represent Y’shua and do the people have the right image of YHVH when they look at you? This is one of the main reasons why we must pursue Holiness, not because of salvation, but to represent the faith and Y’shua accurately.

Rom_2:25-29 – Paul is still addressing the Jewish believers in Messiah and to understand what he is saying, you have to understand the terminology; circumcision and uncircumcision. It is not about to circumcise or not to circumcise; it is a term describing Jews and Gentiles. Jews are called circumcision and Gentiles are called uncircumcision, even as believers in Messiah within the congregation. I think there were issues where the Jewish believers in Messiah required the Gentile believers in Messiah to circumcise themselves as part of their salvation requirements. This issue is discussed later on but here, Paul is outlining the fact that the "leaders" and "teachers" who are from Jewish background (are of the circumcision), they become like the Gentiles (uncircumcision) if they break the Torah. If you are a teacher or and elder or a leader in a Fellowship, you need to walk the walk and talk the talk. If you do not, then you will loose your credibility and no one will listen to you nay more. People will loose their trust in you because your actions; speaking the truth and living a lie.

The circumcision of a Jew comes to no effect if he breaks the Torah and that makes his circumcision, uncircumcision. If an uncircumcised Gentile keeps and upholds the Torah, then his uncircumcision becomes circumcision in the eyes of YHVH. This means that the Gentiles are part of Israel, grafted into Israel, even if they do not have the physical sign in the flesh, if they have faith in Messiah and keep the Torah. It is not the outward sign that make you part of the Kingdom of YHVH, (part of Israel); but it is the inward sign of the “circumcision of the heart” (Torah written on your heart) that counts. You can easily boast in a sign in your flesh that took less than a minute to obtain, but it is much harder to live out the faith and obey the Commandments over a period of a lifetime. Knowledge is power, but the power of YHVH is in living the life that represents Him, so that many will come into the Kingdom through your actions, your words and your Holy conduct and worship unto Him.

Romans Chapter 3

In the pervious chapter Paul addressed the elders and the leaders in the Congregation who are from a Jewish background; telling them that they have to live the life according to what they teach so that they do not cause the Gentiles to blaspheme YHVH's Name. He related a Torah breaking Jew to be the same as an uncircumcised Gentile and a Torah observing Gentile, similar to a circumcised Jew. It is not the outward sign that makes you part of the Kingdom of YHVH and part of Israel; it is the inward sign of the circumcision of the heart that counts (doing the Torah). Paul also touched on what declares one to be righteous and that it basically consists of two things; faith and “expressing your faith” through a Holy life that results in good works (fruit). These fruits or good works will prove that you have faith.


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He later on explained YHVH's righteous Judgment and that YHVH will look at your actions and works and reward you accordingly. If you say you are a believer but live like a pagan in sin, then you will be Judged on the basis of your sin and you cannot hide behind your heritage of "sign in your flesh" (circumcision).

Rom_3:1 - In this chapter Paul continue to address the Jewish believers and they are important in the Assembly. What is the superiority of the Jew or what profit is circumcision? Paul does not directly ask the benefit of being circumcised; he uses it to identify the Jewish believers in the Assembly. Jew = circumcision.

This is a technique called Hebrew poetry; he uses two statements saying exactly the same thing but uses synonyms to underline the topic he is addressing. A good example of this in Scripture is in Psa_119:105; "...lamp unto my feet, light unto my path..." This is where "thoughts" rime; lamp rhyme with light and feet rhyme with path and in Pauls question in verse 1, Jew rhymes with circumcision.

Rom_3:2 - So what is the advantage of the Jews who believe in Messiah within the Assembly? Much in every way, mainly because they were entrusted with the "oracles" of YHVH. What does it mean to be entrusted with the “oracles" of YHVH?

We see the same word used in Act_7:38 where it refers to the Commandments of YHVH. To further understand what Paul meant you need to know the Prophecy in Gen_49:9-10 where Jacob (Israel) blessed every one of his twelve children and he spoke a blessing or destiny over each one. Judah is described as a Lion who will be the law giver and the sceptre shall not depart from between his feet. This means that Judah or “the Jews” have been entrusted with the Law / Torah and they will guard it and use it to rule the people of YHVH. That is exactly what they did and still do to this day.

Rom_3:3 - Paul starts a new topic asking a question; what if someone does not believe, will that unbelief nullify the "faith" of YHVH?

It is actually not the "faith of YHVH" but everything about His existence, the truth and all the “religious aspects” of Him and our worship towards Him. I think people accused the believers of "creating" this God by believing in Him.

This is a Gnostic concept that people believe that you create everything within the spiritual realm if you collectively believe in the same thing. The opposite is also said that if no one believes in that "god" than he will disappear. This might have been what Paul was addressing since Gnosticism was part of the Roman culture.

Rom_3:4 - Paul answers, "let it not be, let YHVH be true and every man a liar. Paul quotes Psa_51:4 which David wrote after he sinned with Bathsheba. David was low in spirit and pleaded with YHVH to forgive him. He described YHVH as a righteous Judge and that He makes things right ("tzadaq"). "Tzadaq" is the root word for that means "to be right" and we get the word righteous from this. Anyone questioning YHVH's things is wrong because YHVH is always "tzadaq" or right. If your words differ from His Words than you are a liar. He is the ultimate authority and has the highest form or level of Truth because He knows everything. He is the Creator of all things and has been from the beginning and knows the future, who can prove that He is wrong? Who is man to question YHVH or who can judge Him?


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Will man's foolishness effect YHVH's truth? It cannot and will never! We cannot judge YHVH or question His truth; you are too limited in your understanding and are a mere mortal man without the "bigger picture" to even comprehend a fraction of YHVH's truth. He is right and that is why He is the Righteous Judge and only He can Judge because of Who He is and what He knows.

David compares himself (unrighteous man) with YHVH (Righteous Elohim) and David's sin lets YHVH's Righteousness stand out even more and emphasize it. It is like a light shining brighter when the night is darker; the more unrighteous man is the more righteous YHVH will appear.

Rom_3:5 - The unrighteousness of man "commends" (supports, emphasize) YHVH's Righteousness, as we have seen in David's example. Will YHVH use this "darkness of man" to "make Himself more prominent" but judge those who "create the dark backdrop". Is this right? This is how man sees it; it seems to be unfair from YHVH's side to allow man to be unrighteous so that He can look good. Is this the case?

Rom_3:6 - Let it not be! Paul puts the emphasis on the root cause of the problem; that is man’s sin. It is not YHVH who is in the wrong "shining brighter" when man "dims darker" through sin. YHVH is YHVH and He is not affected by man's sin making Him judge unrighteous for His own benefit. No, it is man's sin that exposed them selves and reveals YHVH and His righteousness as well. How will YHVH Judge then?

Rom_3:7-8 - The truth of YHVH is revealed more (unto His Glory) through the lie I believe - will I still be judged for the lie I believe and is it fair? YHVH works the other way round. He releases more truth to counter every lie. He does not "keep you in the dark" so that He can “look good”. He counter acts the lies by revealing truth and that reveals His Glory even more. In the end of time there will be more lies and confusion and YHVH will reveal more Truth and things about His Person to counter the attacks of Satan (father of lies and confusion). This is actually a battle that goes on and we are the battlefield where all of this takes (in our minds). YHVH battles against the lies, sin and darkness and not against the victims entrapped and attacked by Satan.

It works like this; Satan shoots you (with) a lie, YHVH counter attack it with the Truth, you decide what to believe and that makes Satan's or YHVH's "attack or counter attack" effective in your life.

YHVH will only Judge you if you reject His Truth and receive Satan's "bullet" (lie). As a matter of fact, lies are already judged and if you receive them into your life then you will be saturated by them and you will be judged with them. 1 Cor 3:15. Those who believe to do more evil so that YHVH can be more righteous, they are foolish and will be Judged by YHVH because they rejected the truth and embraced a lie. They rejected YHVH and chose darkness over light.

Rom_3:9 - Paul changing the topic again with the next question; "are we better than they?” Who are the "we" and who are "they"? Remember from the context of this Chapter and the previous Chapter. Paul is addressing Jewish believers in Messiah; that is the "we". He compares them now with non believing Gentiles that are the "they". He compares the believers in Messiah in relation to sin. Do the "we" (righteous) sin and do


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the "they" (unrighteous non believers) sin? His answer is clear, both groups sin, Jew and Gentile, Believers and unbelievers.

Rom_3:10-12 - Paul gives context to this statement by quoting Ecc_7:20 - " ...there is none righteous...there is none that seeks after YHVH...". He explains the hoplesness and sinfulness of man regardless of your faith.

Ecclesiastes literally means "Book of the Teacher" and explains the importance of wisdom and that you will only find it at the end of your life after you are made complete through life's challenges. This book proclaims all the actions of man to be inherently "vain", "futile", "empty", "meaningless", "temporary", "transitory", "fleeting, or "mere breath", as the lives of both wise and foolish men end in death. That is why "the teacher" says that it is better if someone dies than someone that is born because wisdom is only found at the end, not the beginning. In this passage he also describes that there is no one righteous and no one without sin. He ends Ecc_7:29 with he words; "...only YHVH can make a man righteous..."

This is the thought that is in Paul's mind when he explains righteousness by faith later on in Rom_3:22, because it is in our nature to sin and we will continue in sin even if we follow Y’shua the Messiah. We will discuss this part in depth when we get to verse 22 and will relate it back to what Paul explained in Chapter 2.

Rom_3:13-18 - Paul elaborates on how vain, futile and “no good” man is, entrapped in his sinful nature:

Man's throat is an open grave & they use their tongues for deceit Man's mouth is full of cursing and bitterness Man's feet is swift to shed blood Destruction and misery are in man's ways and they know not peace Man does not fear YHVH.

Think about this statement for a moment. Think about people who call themselves followers of Messiah and what they do everyday. They slander (kill) each other, they are full of bitterness and do not forgive their brothers or sisters that sin against them. They cause misery and destruction in the Body of Messiah fighting over trivial issues and “grey areas” within the truth. We are no better than sinners in the world and we all have seen a lot of believers commit sins like this in the Body of Messiah.

Why does Paul overemphasize man's weak sinful nature, both for believers and gentiles? It is to show how weak we as humans are, even if we believe, we are no better than the wicked unbelieving gentiles because of our sinful nature. Paul does this to give us a backdrop for his next statement and he is setting the stage to explain YHVH’s Gracious and Righteous Character and how He will Judge or Save humanity. Paul will show us to what lengths YHVH had to go through to save man, declaring them righteous.

Rom_3:19-24 - The dilemma. This is the passage that causes a lot of confusion amongst the believers because it is contradicting what he said in Rom_2:13 where he states that the “doers of the Law / Torah” will be justified. Here in Rom_3:20 Paul says the opposite; that you will not justified by the deeds of the law / Torah. So what is it now? Justified by obeying the Law or justified by faith and faith alone? Rom_3:22. This reminds me of what Peter said about Paul's letters 2Pe_3:15-16, that they are difficult to


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understand and those who do not know the Scriptures (all Scripture) bent it out of shape to confirm their perverted doctrines that leads to their own destruction. We should be mindful of this because some will believe Rom_2:13 and others will choose Rom_3:20-22, depending on your doctrine. Others will say that Paul is a hypocrite and not see his letters as divine inspired.


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To understand Paul you have to know the Scriptures in the first place. Secondly you have to know that Paul was a Hebrew and he used Hebrew techniques that, in some cases may sound contrary to another teaching, but he is actually emphasizing something else in every argument to bring a certain point across. To know what he was talking about, you have to read and understand the context and what the issue was to understand his solution or explanation. This is also the case here in Romans Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 “contradicting” one another.

In Chapter 2 Paul was explaining the fact that YHVH will judge man, believer and non- believer, on their fruit or actions to prove they are true believers. This is done with the Torah as the standard or “measuring stick”. So Paul alludes to the fact that a true believer will follow the Torah which is the Character of YHVH. The issue was not faith in Messiah, they already believed in Y'shua. The question is how you must act as a believer, and that was what Paul was on about. You cannot live in sin and do the things wicked people do if you are a believer in Messiah, then you will be judged and justified by the works of the Law / Torah. If you act like a sinner you will be treated as a sinner and loose your “salvation though faith in Messiah” So the topic in chapter 2 is actually about Holiness, living a holy life as a believer in Messiah. It is not a bout “coming into the Kingdom” though faith in Y’shua, it is about “guarding and protecting” your salvation through living a holy repentive life. The Torah becomes a guiding light for believers in Messiah that show them how they aught to walk in Messiah. The Torah is the Character of Messiah and if we say we have become like Him, then our actions should be in line with the Torah or Character of Messiah.

In Chapter 3 Paul starts off quoting Ecclesiastes chapter 7 that describes man's nature and how sinful man is regardless of the fact that you follow Messiah. Even pursuing holiness will not save you from your sinful nature and you will never be able to live out the Torah’s standard 100%. The Torah cannot save you, and it is not because there is something wrong with the Torah. No, it is because there is something wrong with man that he cannot do the Torah 100%. Because of this we all sinned and will sin regardless of being a believer in Messiah. YHVH knew this and that is why we need the Messiah's Grace and Blood in order to be saved because we cannot obey the Torah 100%.

Paul urges us in Chapter 2 to live Holy and to try to obey the Torah. In Chapter 3 he shows us that our best efforts will fail due to our sinful nature. Paul uses this argument to emphasize the importance of Messiah and that we cannot enter into the Kingdom without His Blood, His forgiveness and His grace. Y’shua is the "catch net" when we stumble and fall as we try to obey His Torah. So our aim should be to become like Him, to obey His Torah and to strive towards Holiness. The fact is that we will never be able to do it 100% and that we will not make it without the Blood, grace and forgiveness of Messiah and that is described in the term: "saved by faith in Y'shua".


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Shall we stop to try to become like the Messiah and live a Holy life as defined in the Torah because we will never be able to achieve it? No, if you do that then you choose darkness over light and will defile YHVH's Name before the gentiles (unbelievers) and will be treated and judged as an unbeliever. We must keep trying to obey the Torah so that our lives may reflect messiah's Character before the nations. We get access to the Torah through Faith in Y’shua, coming into the Kingdom. Once we are in, we learn His Ways and His Character as stated in the Torah. Y’shua was sinless and obeyed the Torah 100% and if you do not obey the Torah, it is regarded as sin. If we were perfect as Messiah Y’shua, we would not need the Blood of Y’shua because we would have been able to obey the Torah 100% and His death would not be necessary. But because of our imperfection in our efforts to become like Him, we still need Him in order to be saved because of our imperfection and inability to become 100% like Him.

Will we be saved and justified by doing the Torah? No, not if you relay on your ability to accomplish it, then you are already lost. You need the Blood of the Messiah to pay for your death penalty because you will never stop to sin, even as a Torah observant follower of Messiah. Why is this? Because sin and death passed onto man when Adam sinned and it is a curse that only Y’shua can break by giving us renewed bodies at His Second Coming. These renewed bodies will not have the fleshly nature we are currently born with and we will be able to be with Him and become like Him as His Bride.

If you as a believer in Messiah give up in living holy, then you can loose your salvation if you let go and follow your flesh selfishness ending ain a lawless (Tora-less) life. Mat_7:21-23. The Torah protects and its purpose is to protect you from others and yourself. In the same way the Torah also protects your “salvation” after you have received Messiah into your life.

You gain salvation through faith in Y'shua the Messiah and through His valuable blood and you protect that salvation (Paul calls it the "hope of salvation") by obeying the Torah pursuing holiness. The Torah is designed to guide and protect, not only those following it but also their salvation. Once again we see that you need three things; Faith in Y'shua (coming into the Kingdom – grafted in), as well as Holy living obeying the Torah (protection – steering away from Lawlessness) and then again the Blood of Messiah covering your shortcomings and sin (fleshly nature and evil heart).

Rom_3:20 - The Torah is the knowledge of sin and we need to know this so that we can avoid sin and avoid damaging our love relationship with Y'shua and the Father. Holiness is the term describing your relationship with Him. If we love Him, then we will obey His Commandments. If you choose to live a life in liberty and follow your fleshly instincts, then you will damage the relationship with the Father and offend Him with your actions, misrepresenting and defiling Y’shua’s Name. We do not follow Torah in order to be saved, we follow Torah because we are saved and so that we live a life worthy of carrying His Name and so that we can represent Him to the world through our fruit and actions (in line with His Character / Torah). Then the world will see Him (in you) and be attracted to come into the Kingdom. If you misrepresent Him through a sinful un-repentive lawless sinful life, then you will defile His Name and cause the unbelievers to mock believers and blaspheme YHVH and Y’shua's Name. This is what Paul was on about and if you do this, then you will be judged (as we saw in Chapter 2), just like the unbelievers.


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Rom_3:22-26 - All have sinned and there is no salvation without “faith in Messiah”. Faith in Messiah allows you to access the Blood of Messiah that paid for your death penalty. Nothing else is valuable enough to be used to pay for death that entered into this world, only the precious blood of Y'shua. Nothing else is valuable enough to pay for all of humanity’s sins throughout all ages, only the Blood of Y’shua. It is a very “cheap” statement to say that your works will suffice in paying for your salvation, it is not enough. Y’shua’s Blood will free you from “the curse of the Torah”. Gal_3:10-13. The “curse of the Law / Torah” is the death penalty that awaits every one who have sinned. People think that the curse of the Torah is the Torah or obeying the Torah, it is not so, the Torah / Law is the “righteous measure” or “standard” by which YHVH will judge the world. Without the Torah YHVH cannot Judge just like you cannot have a legal system without laws. The curse of the Torah is the outcome or result of not obeying the Torah 100%. One sin was enough to let all of creation fall into a state of chaos. Have you done one sin in your life? If yes, then you have added to the dilemma and only Y’shua's Blood can release you from this curse and fallen state.

YHVH's Grace vs., YHVH's Justice: YHVH HAVE TO JUDGE in order to be a just and righteous Elohim (God). YHVH will not be righteous and just if He forgives sin without any consequence for sinners. How can a Just Elohim (God) justify wickedness and still be called Just? If YHVH sends the whole Planet to hell He would have no explaining to do because we all deserve to die because we all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of YHVH. Rom_3:23.

Because He chose not to send wicked men to hell demands explanation. If someone murdered your family and the person who did it was set free, you will say there is no justice and you will accuse the Judge as being unjust. But the Judge will say he is loving and kind and gracious. How will you feel? If YHVH forgives us He is no longer Just. The question is how can a Just Elohim (God) be gracious and forgive sin AND still be Just and Righteous? Pro_17:15. Anyone who justifies a wicked person is and abomination unto YHVH. If YHVH justify any sinner without consequences for their sin then He is an abomination to himself – this CANNOT be! Exo_34:6-7. This passage gives the attributes of YHVH that He is loving, kind, forgives iniquity and sin. The problem is that it contradicts verse 7 where it states that He will not clear the iniquity of the wicked up to the 3rd and 4th generation, implying His Justice. We have a problem here and YHVH needs to explain Himself so that we can understand how He can be both kind and Just at the same time, not contradicting Scripture or His Character.

YHVH’s Justice is fulfilled by the fact that “Someone” had to die so that “someone else” can live. This is done through the death of Y’shua, taking all humanity’s sin upon Himself and receiving the FULL JUDGEMENT of YHVH on behalf of us all, throughout all generations. This proves YHVH’s Justice and Righteousness and allows Him to be Gracious and forgiving our sin. The death of Y’shua completes YHVH’s Character as a Righteous and Just Elohim (God) as well as a Gracious and Forgiving Elohim (God). Pro_17:15. In Messiah He can be BOTH without contradicting Scripture or His Character.


Page 24: Commentary on the Book of Romans Chapter 1-3

It was YHVH's DESIRE to let His Son DIE so that man can have the opportunity to receive the free gift of LIFE. Isa_53:10. YHVH’s Justice is executed and Y'shua drank the “FULL CUP” of YHVH's Wrath! He took all sin upon Himself and became sin in the eyes of YHVH and the Father executed His full righteous Judgement upon His Son. Y’shua died in your place and carried the “curse of the Torah” on your behalf. Y'shua is the only One Who is worthy because He is the only One with infinite Value to pay the (very expensive) cost for all the sin of humanity who sinned against an infinite Elohim (God).

Rom_3:27-30 - Who can boast, who is able to pay for his own sin, who is without sin? No one, we are all dependant on the Blood of Y'shua and the Justice of YHVH in order to be freed from the curse of death in order to receive forgiveness and justification. Can you boast in keeping the Torah 100%? No! No man can do it even if you are very disciplined and dedicated, your human nature will fail you and you will be guilty of breaking some aspect of the Torah. All have sinned and if you claim that you have no sin, then you are a liar. 1Jn_1:10. We can only boast in the "law of faith". What does Paul mean by the "law of faith". It is the whole concept of knowing your sinful nature and dependency on Y'shua's Blood to pay your death penalty. This is the "higher Law" we must obey as we try to obey the "Torah" of YHVH striving to live holy and righteous before Him.

Rom_3:31 - The "Law of faith" does not annul the Law of YHVH (Torah) but help us to establish the Torah in our lives. The "Law of Faith" is the "covering" for our shortcomings as we try to live out the "Law of YHVH (Torah)" striving towards Holiness as YHVH commanded. 1Pe_1:16, Lev_11:44, Eph_5:23-26. We need His Word / Torah to know what sin is and to know what we need to avoid (cleanse our selves from sin) in order to be a Bride without spot of blemish. Our "faith in Y'shua" help us to live out the Torah of YHVH.


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