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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adaptingto technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC of the European

Parliament and of the Council on roadworthiness tests for motorvehicles and their trailers (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)


of 5 July 2010

adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliamentand of the Council on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers

(Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May2009 on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers(1), and in particular Article6(1) thereof,


(1) In the interests of road-safety, environmental protection and fair competition it isimportant to ensure that vehicles in operation are properly maintained and tested, inorder to maintain their performance as guaranteed by type-approval, without excessivedegradation, throughout their life-time.

(2) Standards and methods, as referred to in Art. 6 (1) of Directive 2009/40/EC, shouldbe further defined and adapted to reflect technical progress, in order to improve motorvehicle roadworthiness testing in the European Union in a cost-effective manner.

(3) The findings of two projects, Autofore(2) and Idelsy(3) which recently dealt with futureoptions for roadworthiness testing, and the outcome of an open and factual dialoguewith stakeholders should be taken into account.

(4) The current state of vehicle technology requires modern electronic systems to beincluded in the list of items to be tested.

(5) In order to achieve further harmonisation of roadworthiness testing, testing methodsshould be introduced for each of the test items.

(6) To facilitate further harmonisation and for reasons of consistency of standards, a non-exhaustive list of the main reasons for failure, as already exists for braking systems,should now be included for all test items.

(7) Roadworthiness tests should cover all items relevant to the specific design, constructionand equipment of the tested vehicle. Therefore, where necessary, specific requirementsfor particular vehicle categories should be added.

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(8) Member States have extended the periodic test requirement pursuant to Article 5(e)of Directive 2009/40/EC to other categories of vehicles. For the purpose of furtherharmonised testing, methods and standards for those categories of vehicles should beincluded. The tests should be carried out using techniques and equipment currentlyavailable, and without the use of tools to dismantle or remove any part of the vehicle.

(9) In addition to the items related to safety, security and environmental protection, the testalso needs to cover identification of the vehicle in order to ensure that the correct testsand standards are applied, to enable the results of the test to be recorded and to enableenforcement of other legal requirements.

(10) To facilitate the functioning of the internal market, and to improve methods ofroadworthiness testing, the results of a test should be set out in a roadworthinesscertificate covering certain core elements.

(11) Further work needs to be done in the field of developing alternative test procedures tocheck the maintenance condition of diesel driven vehicles, particularly concerning NOxand particulates taking into account new emission after-treatment systems.

(12) The measures provided for in this Directive are in accordance with the opinion of thecommittee on the adaptation to technical progress of the Directive on roadworthinesstests for motor vehicles and their trailers instituted by Article 7 of Directive 2009/40/EC,


Article 1

Annex II to Directive 2009/40/EC is amended in accordance with the Annex to thisDirective.

Article 2

1 Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrativeprovisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 31 December 2011 at the latest, with theexception of the provisions of paragraph 3 of Annex II, which shall apply as of 31 December2013. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to thisDirective or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their officialpublication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.

2 Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions ofnational law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

Article 3

This Directive shall enter into force on the 20th day following its publication in theOfficial Journal of the European Union.

Article 4

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

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Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC...Document Generated: 2021-03-28


Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

Done at Brussels, 5 July 2010.

For the Commission

The President

José Manuel BARROSO

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).


Annex II to Directive 2009/40/EC is replaced by the following:




This Annex identifies the vehicle systems and components to be tested; it details the method oftesting them and the criteria to be used when determining whether the condition of the vehicleis acceptable.

Where the vehicle is found to be defective with regard to the test items listed, the competentauthorities in the Member States must adopt a procedure for setting the conditions under whichthe vehicle may be used before passing another roadworthiness test.

The test must cover at least the items listed below, provided that these are related to theequipment of the vehicle being tested in the Member State concerned.

The tests should be carried out using techniques and equipment currently available without theuse of tools to dismantle or remove any part of the vehicle.

All the items listed should be considered as mandatory at a periodic test of vehicles, exceptthose marked with the indication (X), which are related to the condition of the vehicle and itssuitability for use on the road but which are not considered essential in a periodic test.

‘Reasons for failure’ do not apply in cases where they refer to requirements which were notprescribed in the relevant vehicle approval legislation at the time of first registration, first entryinto service or retrofitting requirements.

Where a method of inspection is given as visual, it means that in addition to looking at theitems, the inspector should, if appropriate, also handle them, evaluate noise or use any otherappropriate means of inspection without the use of equipment.


The inspection shall cover at least the items listed below, provided that these are related to theinstalled equipment of the vehicle being tested.

(0) Identification of the vehicle;

(1) Braking equipment;

(2) Steering;

(3) Visibility;

(4) Lighting equipment and parts of electric system;

(5) Axles, wheels, tyres, suspension;

(6) Chassis and chassis attachments;

(7) Other equipment;

(8) Nuisance,

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(9) Supplementary tests for passenger carrying vehicles M2 and M3


The vehicle operator or driver must be notified in writing of the defects, the result of the testand the legal consequences.

Roadworthiness certificates issued in case of mandatory periodic vehicle tests shall cover atleast the following elements:

(1) VIN number

(2) registration plate number and country symbol of state of registration

(3) place and date of the test

(4) odometer reading at time of the test if available

(5) vehicle class if available

(6) identified defects (it is recommended to follow the numerical order of Paragraph 5 ofthis Annex) and its category

(7) overall assessment of the vehicle

(8) date of next periodical test (if this information is not provided by other means)

(9) name of inspection organisation and signature or identification of the inspectorresponsible for the test


The inspection shall cover at least the items and use the minimum standards and methods listedbelow. Reasons for failure are examples of defects that may be detected.

Item Method reasons for failure0. IDENTIFICATION OF THE VEHICĹE

0.1. Registration numberplates (if needed byrequirements)h

Visual inspection (a) Number plate(s)missing or soinsecure/fixed thatit is (they are) likelyto fall off.

(b) Inscription missingor illegible.

(c) Not in accordancewith vehicledocuments orrecords.

0.2. Vehicleidentification chassis/serialnumber

Visual inspection (a) Missing or can notbe found.

(b) Incomplete,illegible.

(c) Not in accordancewith vehicledocuments orrecords.

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1.1. Mechanical condition and operation

1.1.1. Service brake pedal/hand lever pivot

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.Note: Vehicles with power-assisted braking systemsshould be inspected with theengine switched off.

(a) Pivot too tight.(b) Excessive wear or


1.1.2. Pedal/hand levercondition and travel of thebrake operating device

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operatedNote: Vehicles with power-assisted braking systemsshould be inspected with theengine switched off.

(a) Excessive orinsufficient reservetravel.

(b) Brake control notreleasing correctly.

(c) Anti-slip provisionon brake pedalmissing, loose orworn smooth.

1.1.3. Vacuum pump orcompressor and reservoirs

Visual inspection of thecomponents at normalworking pressure. Checktime required for vacuumor air pressure to reach safeworking value and functionof warning device, multi-circuit protection valve andpressure relief valve.

(a) Insufficientpressure/vacuum togive assistance forat least two brakeapplications afterthe warning devicehas operated (orgauge shows anunsafe reading).

(b) Time taken to buildup air pressure/vacuum to safeworking value notin accordance withthe requirementsh

(c) Multi-circuitprotection valve orpressure relief valvenot working.

(d) Air leak causing anoticeable drop inpressure or audibleair leaks.

(e) External damagelikely to affect thefunction of thebraking system.

1.1.4. Low pressurewarning gauge or indicator

Functional check Malfunctioning or defectivegauge or indicator.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1.1.5. Hand operated brakecontrol valve

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Control cracked,damaged orexcessively worn.

(b) Control insecureon valve or valveinsecure.

(c) Loose connectionsor leaks in system.

(d) Unsatisfactoryoperation.

1.1.6. Parking brakeactivator, lever control,parking brake ratchet,electronic parking brake

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Ratchet not holdingcorrectly.

(b) Excessive wear atlever pivot or inratchet mechanism.

(c) Excessivemovement of leverindicating incorrectadjustment.

(d) Activator missing,damaged orinoperative

(e) Incorrectfunctioning,warning indicatorshows malfunction

1.1.7. Braking valves (footvalves, unloaders, governors)

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Valve damaged orexcessive air leak.

(b) Excessive oildischarge fromcompressor.

(c) Valve insecureor inadequatelymounted.

(d) Hydraulic fluiddischarge or leak.

1.1.8. Couplings for trailerbrakes (electrical andpneumatic)

Disconnect and reconnectbraking system couplingbetween towing vehicle andtrailer.

(a) Tap or self sealingvalve defective.

(b) Tap or valveinsecure orinadequatelymounted.

(c) Excessive leaks.(d) Not functioning


1.1.9. Energy storagereservoir pressure tank

Visual inspection. (a) Tank damaged,corroded or leaking.

(b) Drain deviceinoperative.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(c) Tank insecureor inadequatelymounted.

1.1.10. Brake servo units,master cylinder (hydraulicsystems)

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Defective orineffective servounit.

(b) Master cylinderdefective or leaking.

(c) Master cylinderinsecure.

(d) Insufficient brakefluid.

(e) Master cylinderreservoir capmissing.

(f) Brake fluid warninglight illuminated ordefective.

(g) Incorrectfunctioning of brakefluid level warningdevice.

1.1.11. Rigid brake pipesVisual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Imminent risk offailure or fracture.

(b) Pipes orconnectionsleaking.

(c) Pipes damagedor excessivelycorroded.

(d) Pipes misplaced.

1.1.12. Flexible brake hosesVisual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Imminent risk offailure or fracture.

(b) Hoses damaged,chafing, twisted ortoo short

(c) Hoses orconnectionsleaking.

(d) Hoses bulgingunder pressure.

(e) Hoses porous.

1.1.13. Brake linings andpads

Visual inspection. (a) Lining or padexcessively worn.

(b) Lining or padcontaminated (oil,grease etc.).

(c) Lining or padmissing

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1.1.14. Brake drums, brakediscs

Visual inspection. (a) Drum or discexcessively worn,excessively scored,cracked, insecure orfractured.

(b) Drum or disccontaminated (oil,grease, etc.)

(c) Drum or discmissing

(d) Back plate insecure.

1.1.15. Brake cables, rods,levers, linkages

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Cable damaged orknotted.

(b) Componentexcessively worn orcorroded.

(c) Cable, rod or jointinsecure.

(d) Cable guidedefective.

(e) Restriction to freemovement of thebraking system.

(f) Abnormalmovementof the levers/linkage indicatingmaladjustment orexcessive wear.

1.1.16. Brake actuators(including spring brakes orhydraulic cylinders)

Visual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated.

(a) Actuator cracked ordamaged.

(b) Actuator leaking.(c) Actuator insecure

or inadequatelymounted.

(d) Actuatorexcessivelycorroded.

(e) Insufficient orexcessive travel ofoperating pistonor diaphragmmechanism.

(f) Dust cover missingor excessivelydamaged.

1.1.17. Load sensing valveVisual inspection of thecomponents while thebraking system is operated

(a) Defective linkage.(b) Linkage incorrectly

adjusted.(c) Valve seized or


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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(d) Valve missing.(e) Missing data plate.(f) Data illegible or not

in accordance withrequirementsh

1.1.18. Slack adjusters andindicators

Visual inspection. (a) Adjuster damaged,seized or havingabnormalmovement,excessive wearor incorrectadjustment.

(b) Adjuster defective.(c) Incorrectly installed

or replaced.

1.1.19. Endurance brakingsystem (where fitted orrequired)

Visual inspection. (a) Insecure connectorsor mountings.

(b) System obviouslydefective ormissing.

1.1.20. Automatic operationof trailer brakes

Disconnect brake couplingbetween towing vehicle andtrailer.

Trailer brake does not applyautomatically when couplingdisconnected.

1.1.21. Complete brakingsystem

Visual inspection (a) Other systemdevices (e.g. anti-freeze pump,air dryer, etc.)damaged externallyor excessivelycorroded in a waythat adverselyaffects the brakingsystem.

(b) Leakage of air oranti-freeze.

(c) Any componentinsecure orinadequatelymounted.

(d) Inappropriate repairor modification toany componenta

1.1.22. Test connections(where fitted or required)

Visual inspection (a) Missing.(b) Damaged, unusable

or leaking.

1.2. Service braking performance and efficiency

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1.2.1. Performanceduring a test on a staticbrake testing machineor, if impossible during aroad test apply the brakesprogressively up to maximumeffort.

(a) Inadequate brakingeffort on one ormore wheels.

(b) Braking effortfrom any wheel isless than 70 % ofmaximum effortrecorded from theother wheel on thesame axle. Or in thecase of testing onthe road, the vehicledeviates excessivelyfrom a straight line.

(c) No gradualvariation in brakeeffort (grabbing).

(d) Abnormal lag inbrake operation ofany wheel.

(e) Excessivefluctuation of brakeforce during eachcomplete wheelrevolution.

1.2.2. EfficiencyTest with a static braketesting machine or, if onecannot be used for technicalreasons, by a road test usinga recording decelerometer.Vehicles or a trailer witha maximum permissiblemass exceeding 3 500 kg hasto be inspected followingthe standards given by ISO21069 or equivalent methods.Road tests should be carriedout under dry conditions on aflat, straight road.

Does not give at least theminimum figure as follows

Vehicles registeredfirst time after entryinto force of thisDirective:— Category

N1: 50 %,— Category

M1: 58 %,— Category

M2 andM3: 50 %,

— CategoryN2 andN3: 50 %,

— CategoryO2 (XX)j,O3 andO4:— for

semi-trailers:45 %

— fordraw-bar

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trailers:50 %

Vehicles registeredbefore entryinto force of thisDirective:

CategoryN1: 45 %CategoryM1, M2and M3:50 %b

CategoryN2 andN3: 43 %c

CategoryO2 (XX)j,O3 andO4: 40 %d

Othercategories(XX)j,.— Categories

L(bothbrakes):— Category

L1e:42 %

— CategoryL2e,L6e:40 %

— CategoryL3e:50 %

— CategoryL4e:46 %

— CategoryL5e,L7e:44 %

— CategoriesL(rearwheelbrake):— all

categories:25 %

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1.3. Secondary (emergency) braking performance and efficiency (if met by separatesystem)

1.3.1. PerformanceIf the secondary brakingsystem is separate from theservice braking system, usethe method specified in 1.2.1.

(a) Inadequate brakingeffort on one ormore wheels.

(b) Braking effortfrom any wheel isless than 70 % ofmaximum effortrecorded fromanother wheelon the same axlespecified. Or in thecase of testing onthe road, the vehicledeviates excessivelyfrom a straight line.

(c) No gradualvariation in brakeeffort (grabbing).

1.3.2. EfficiencyIf the secondary brakingsystem is separate from theservice braking system, usethe method specified in 1.2.2.

Braking effort less than50 %e of the service brakeperformance defined insection 1.2.2 in relation tothe maximum authorizedmass or, in the case of semi-trailers, to the sum of theauthorized axel loads(except L1e and L3e).

1.4. Parking braking performance and efficiency

1.4.1. PerformanceApply the brake during atest on a static brake testingmachine and/or during a roadtest with a decelerometer.

Brake inoperative on one sideor in the case of testing onthe road, the vehicle deviatesexcessively from a straightline.

1.4.2. EfficiencyTest with a static braketesting machine or by a roadtest using either an indicatingor recording decelerometeror with the vehicle on a slopeof known gradient. Goodsvehicles should, if possible,be tested laden.

Does not give at least forall vehicles a braking ratioof 16 % in relation to themaximum authorized mass,or, for motor vehicles, of12 % in relation to themaximum authorizedcombination mass of thevehicle, whichever is thegreater(except L1e and L3e).

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1.5. Endurance brakingsystem performance

Visual inspection and, wherepossible test whether thesystem functions.

(a) No gradualvariation ofefficiency (notapplicable toexhaust brakesystems).

(b) System notfunctioning.

1.6. Anti-lock brakingsystem (ABS)

Visual inspection andinspection of warning device.

(a) Warning devicemalfunctioning.

(b) Warning deviceshows systemmalfunction.

(c) Wheel speedsensors missing ordamaged

(d) Wirings damaged(e) Other components

missing or damaged

1.7. Electronic brakesystem (EBS)

Visual inspection of warningdevice.

(a) Warning devicemalfunctioning.

(b) Warning deviceshows systemmalfunction.


2.1. Mechanical condition

2.1.1. Steering gearcondition

With the vehicle over a pitor on a hoist and with theroad wheels off the groundor on turn tables, rotate thesteering wheel from lock tolock. Visual inspection of theoperation of the steering gear.

(a) Roughness inoperation of gear.

(b) Sector shaft twistedor splines worn.

(c) Excessive wear insector shaft.

(d) Excessivemovement of sectorshaft.

(e) Leaking.

2.1.2. Steering gear casingattachment

With vehicle on a pit orhoist and the weight of thevehicle road wheels on theground, rotate steering/handlebar wheel clock-wise andanticlockwise or using aspecially adapted wheel playdetector. Visual inspection ofthe attachment of gear casingto chassis.

(a) Steering gearcasing not properlyattached.

(b) Elongated fixingholes in chassis.

(c) Missing or fracturedfixing bolts.

(d) Steering gear casingfractured.

2.1.3. Steering linkagecondition

With the vehicle over a pitor on a hoist and with the

(a) Relative movementbetween

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

road wheel on ground, rocksteering wheel clockwiseand anti-clockwise or using aspecially adapted wheel playdetector. Visual inspectionof steering components forwear, fractures and security.

components whichshould be fixed.

(b) Excessive wear atjoints.

(c) Fractures ordeformation of anycomponent.

(d) Absence of lockingdevices.

(e) Misalignment ofcomponents (e.g.track rod or draglink).

(f) Inappropriate repairor modification.

(g) Dust covermissing, damagedor severelydeteriorated.

2.1.4. Steering linkageoperation

With the vehicle over apit or on a hoist and withthe road wheels on groundand the engine running(power steering), rotatesteering wheel from lock tolock. Visual inspection ofmovement of linkages.

(a) Moving steeringlinkage foulinga fixed part ofchassis.

(b) Steering stopsnot operating ormissing.

2.1.5. Power steeringCheck steering system forleaks and hydraulic fluidreservoir level (if visible).With the road wheels onground and with the enginerunning, check that the powersteering system is operating.

(a) Fluid leak.(b) Insufficient fluid.(c) Mechanism not

working.(d) Mechanism

fractured orinsecure.

(e) Misalignmentor fouling ofcomponents.

(f) Inappropriate repairor modification.

(g) Cables/hosesdamaged,excessivelycorroded.

2.2. Steering wheel, column and handle bar

2.2.1. Steering wheel/handle bar condition

With the road wheels on theground, rock steering wheelfrom side to side at rightangles to column and applyslight downward and upward

(a) Relative movementbetween steeringwheel andcolumn indicatinglooseness.

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pressure. Visual inspection ofplay.

(b) Absence ofretaining device onsteering wheel hub

(c) Fracture orlooseness ofsteering wheel hub,rim or spokes

2.2.2. Steering column/yokes and forks

With the vehicle over a pit oron a hoist and the mass of thevehicle on the ground, pushand pull the steering wheelin line with column, pushsteering wheel/handle barin various directions at rightangles to the column/forks.Visual inspection of play,and condition of flexiblecouplings or universal joints.

(a) Excessivemovement of centreof steering wheel upor down.

(b) Excessivemovement oftop of columnradially from axis ofcolumn.

(c) Deterioratedflexible coupling.

(d) Attachmentdefective.

(e) inappropriate repairor modification

2.3. Steering playWith the vehicle over a pitor on a hoist, the mass of thevehicle on the road-wheels,the engine running forvehicles with power steeringand with the road wheels inthe straight-ahead position,lightly turn the steering wheelclockwise and anti-clockwiseas far as possible withoutmoving the road wheels.Visual inspection of freemovement.

Free play in steeringexcessive (for examplemovement of a point on therim exceeding one fifth ofthe diameter of the steeringwheel or not in accordancewith the requirementsh.

2.4. Wheel alignment(X)i

Check alignment of steeredwheels with suitableequipment.

Alignment not in accordancewith vehicle manufacturer’sdata or requirementsh.

2.5. Trailer steered axleturntable

Visual inspection or using aspecially adapted wheel playdetector

(a) Componentdamaged orcracked.

(b) Excessive play.(c) Attachment


2.6. Electronic PowerSteering (EPS)

Visual inspection andconsistency check betweenthe angle of the steeringwheel and the angle of thewheels when switching on/off the engine

(a) EPS MalfunctionIndicator Lamp(MIL) indicates anykind of failure ofthe system.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(b) Inconsistencybetween the angleof the steeringwheel and the angleof the wheels.

(c) power assistancenot working


3.1. Field of visionVisual inspection fromdriving seat.

Obstruction within driver’sfield of view that materiallyaffects his view in front or tothe sides.

3.2. Condition of glassVisual inspection. (a) Cracked or

discoloured glass ortransparent panel (ifpermitted).

(b) Glass or transparentpanel (includingreflecting or tintedfilm) that doesnot comply withspecifications inthe requirementsh

(XX)j,(c) Glass or

transparent panelin unacceptablecondition.

3.3. Rear-view mirrorsor devices

Visual inspection. (a) Mirror or devicemissing or not fittedaccording to therequirementsh.

(b) Mirror or deviceinoperative,damaged, loose orinsecure.

3.4. Windscreen wipersVisual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Wipers notoperating ormissing

(b) Wiper blademissing orobviously defective.

3.5. Windscreen washersVisual inspection and byoperation.

Washers not operatingadequately.

3.6 Demisting system(X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation.

System inoperative orobviously defective.


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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

4.1. Headlamps

4.1.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective ormissing light/lightsource.

(b) Defective ormissing projectionsystem (reflectorand lens).

(c) Lamp not securelyattached.

4.1.2. AlignmentDetermine the horizontal aimof each headlamp on dippedbeam using a headlampaiming device or a screen.

Aim of a headlamp notwithin limits laid down in therequirementsh.

4.1.3. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Switch doesnot operate inaccordance withthe requirementsh

(Number ofheadlampsilluminated at thesame time)

(b) Function of controldevice impaired.

4.1.4. Compliance withrequirementsh.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Lamp, emittedcolour, positionor intensity not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Products on lens orlight source whichobviously reducelight intensity orchange emittedcolour.

(c) Light sourceand lamp notcompatible

4.1.5. Levelling devices(where mandatory)

Visual inspection and byoperation if possible.

(a) Device notoperating.

(b) Manual devicecannot be operatedfrom driver’s seat.

4.1.6. Headlamp cleaningdevice (where mandatory)

Visual inspection and byoperation if possible.

Device not operating.

4.2. Front and rear position lamps, side marker lamps and end outline marker lamps

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

4.2.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective lightsource.

(b) Defective lens.(c) Lamp not securely


4.2.2. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Switch doesnot operate inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Function of controldevice impaired.

4.2.3. Compliance withrequirementsh.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Lamp, emittedcolour, positionor intensity not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Products on lensor light sourcewhich reduce lightintensity or changeemitted colour.

4.3. Stop Lamps

4.3.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective lightsource.

(b) Defective lens.(c) Lamp not securely


4.3.2. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Switch doesnot operate inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Function of controldevice impaired.

4.3.3. Compliance withrequirementsh.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

Lamp, emitted colour,position or intensity notin accordance with therequirementsh.

4.4. Direction indicator and hazard warning lamps

4.4.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective lightsource.

(b) Defective lens.(c) Lamp not securely


4.4.2. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

Switch does not operatein accordance with therequirementsh.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

4.4.3. Compliance withrequirementsh.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

Lamp, emitted colour,position or intensity notin accordance with therequirementsh.

4.4.4. Flashing frequencyVisual inspection and byoperation.

Rate of flashing not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

4.5. Front and rear fog lamps

4.5.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective lightsource.

(b) Defective lens.(c) Lamp not securely


4.5.2. Alignment (X)iby operation and using aheadlamp aiming device

Front fog lamp out ofhorizontal alignment whenthe light pattern has cut-offline

4.5.3. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

Switch does not operatein accordance with therequirementsh.

4.5.4. Compliance withrequirementsh.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Lamp, emittedcolour, positionor intensity not inaccordance with therequirementsh

(b) System doesnot operate inaccordance with therequirementsh

4.6. Reversing lamps

4.6.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Defective lightsource.

(b) Defective lens.(c) Lamp not securely


4.6.2. Compliance withrequirementsh

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Lamp, emittedcolour, positionor intensity not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) System doesnot operate inaccordance with therequirementsh.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

4.6.3. SwitchingVisual inspection and byoperation.

Switch does not operatein accordance with therequirementsh.

4.7. Rear registration plate lamp

4.7.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Lamp throwingdirect light to therear.

(b) Defective lightsource.

(c) Lamp not securelyattached.

4.7.2. Compliance withrequirementsh

Visual inspection and byoperation.

System does not operatein accordance with therequirementsh.

4.8. Retro-reflectors, conspicuity (retro reflecting) markings and rear marker plates

4.8.1. ConditionVisual inspection. (a) Reflecting

equipment defectiveor damaged.

(b) Reflector notsecurely attached.

4.8.2. Compliance withrequirementsh

Visual inspection. Device, reflected colour orposition not in accordancewith the requirementsh.

4.9. Tell-tales mandatory for lighting equipment

4.9.1. Condition andoperation

Visual inspection and byoperation.

Not operating.

4.9.2. Compliance withrequirementsh

Visual inspection and byoperation.

Not in accordance with therequirementsh.

4.10. Electricalconnections between towingvehicle and trailer or semi-trailer

Visual inspection: if possibleexamine the electricalcontinuity of the connection.

(a) Fixed componentsnot securelyattached.

(b) Damaged ordeterioratedinsulation.

(c) Trailer or towingvehicle electricalconnectionsnot functioningcorrectly.

4.11. Electrical wiringVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist, including inside the

(a) Wiring insecureor not adequatelysecured.

(b) Wiring deteriorated

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

engine compartment in somecases.

(c) Damaged ordeterioratedinsulation.

4.12. Non obligatorylamps and retro-reflectors (X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) A lamp/retro-reflector fitted notin accordance withthe requirementsh.

(b) Lamp operation notin accordance withthe requirementsh.

(c) Lamp/retro-reflector notsecurely attached.

4.13. Battery(ies)Visual inspection. (a) Insecure.

(b) Leaking.(c) Defective switch (if

required).(d) Defective fuses (if

required).(e) inappropriate

ventilation (ifrequired)


5.1. Axles

5.1.1. AxlesVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist. Wheel play detectorsmay be used and arerecommended for vehiclesover 3,5 tonnes gross vehiclemass (GVM).

(a) Axle fractured ordeformed.

(b) Insecure fixing tovehicle.

(c) Inappropriate repairor modification.

5.1.2. Stub axlesVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist. Wheel play detectorsmay be used and arerecommended for vehiclesover 3,5 tonnes GVM. Applya vertical or lateral forceto each wheel and notethe amount of movementbetween the axle beam andstub axle.

(a) Stub axle fractured.(b) Excessive wear in

the swivel pin and/or bushes.

(c) Excessivemovement betweenstub axle and axlebeam.

(d) Stub axle pin loosein axle.

5.1.3. Wheel bearingsVisual inspection withthe vehicle over a pit oron a hoist. Wheel playdetectors may be usedand are recommended forvehicles over 3,5 tonnesGVM. Rock the wheel or

(a) Excessive play in awheel bearing.

(b) Wheel bearing tootight, jammed.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

apply a lateral force to eachwheel and note the amountof upward movement of thewheel relative to the stubaxle.

5.2. Wheels and tyres

5.2.1. Road wheel hubVisual inspection. (a) Any wheel nuts or

studs missing orloose.

(b) Hub worn ordamaged

5.2.2. WheelsVisual inspection of bothsides of each wheel withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist.

(a) Any fracture orwelding defect

(b) Tyre retaining ringsnot properly fitted.

(c) Wheel badlydistorted or worn.

(d) Wheel sizeor type not inaccordance with therequirementsh andeffecting road safety

5.2.3. TyresVisual inspection of the entiretyre by either rotating theroad wheel with it off theground and the vehicle over apit or on a hoist, or by rollingthe vehicle backwards andforwards over a pit.

(a) Tyre size, loadcapacity, approvalmark or speedrating not inaccordance with therequirementsh andeffecting road safety

(b) Tyres on same axleor on twin wheelsof different sizes.

(c) Tyres on sameaxle of differentconstruction (radial/cross-ply).

(d) Any serious damageor cut to tyre.

(e) Tyre tread depth notin accordance withthe requirementsh.

(f) Tyre rubbingagainst othercomponents.

(g) Re-grooved tyresnot in accordancewith requirementsh.

(h) air pressuremonitoring systemmalfunctioning

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

or obviouslyinoperative

5.3. Suspension system

5.3.1. Springs andstabilizer

Visual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist. Wheel play detectorsmay be used and arerecommended for vehiclesover 3,5 tonnes GVM.

(a) Insecure attachmentof springs to chassisor axle.

(b) A damaged orfractured springcomponent.

(c) spring missing(d) inappropriate repair

or modification

5.3.2. Shock absorbersVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or ona hoist or using specialequipment, if available.

(a) Insecure attachmentof shock absorbersto chassis or axle.

(b) Damaged shockabsorber showingsigns of severeleakage ormalfunction. efficiency testing ofdamping (X)i

Use special equipment andcompare left/right differencesand/or absolute values givenby manufactures

(a) significantdifference betweenleft and right

(b) given minimumvalues not reached

5.3.3. Torque tubes, radiusarms, wishbones andsuspension arms

Visual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist. Wheel play detectorsmay be used and arerecommended for vehiclesover 3,5 tonnes GVM.

(a) Insecure attachmentof component tochassis or axle.

(b) A damaged,fractured orexcessivelycorrodedcomponent.

(c) Inappropriate repairor modification.

5.3.4. Suspension jointsVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist. Wheel play detectorsmay be used and arerecommended for vehiclesover 3,5 tonnes GVM.

(a) Excessive wearin swivel pin and/or bushes or atsuspension joints.

(b) Dust cover missingor severelydeteriorated.

5.3.5. Air suspensionVisual inspection (a) System inoperable.

(b) Any componentdamaged, modifiedor deteriorated ina way that wouldadversely affect the

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

functioning of thesystem

(c) audible systemleakage


6.1. Chassis or frame and attachments

6.1.1. General conditionVisual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist.

a) Fracture ordeformation ofany side or crossmember.

b) Insecurity ofstrengthening platesor fastenings.

c) Excessive corrosionwhich affects therigidity of theassembly.

6.1.2. Exhaust pipes andsilencers

Visual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist.

a) Insecure or leakingexhaust system.

b) Fumes enteringcab or passengerscompartment.

6.1.3. Fuel tank and pipes(including heating fuel tankand pipes)

Visual inspection withvehicle over a pit or on ahoist, use of leak detectingdevices in case of LPG/CNGsystems.

(a) Insecure tank orpipes.

(b) Leaking fuelor missing orineffective fillercap.

(c) Damaged or chafedpipes.

(d) Fuel stopcock(if required) notoperating correctly.

(e) Fire risk due to— leaking

fuel,— fuel tank

or exhaustimproperlyshielded,

— enginecompartmentcondition,

(f) LPG/CNG orhydrogen systemnot in accordancewith requirementsh.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

6.1.4. Bumpers, lateralprotection and rear underrundevices

Visual inspection. (a) Looseness ordamage likely tocause injury whengrazed or contacted.

(b) Device obviouslynot in compliancewith therequirementsh.

6.1.5. Spare wheel carrier(if fitted)

Visual inspection. (a) Carrier not inproper condition

(b) Carrier fractured orinsecure.

(c) A spare wheel notsecurely fixed incarrier and likely tofall off.

6.1.6. Couplingmechanisms and towingequipment

Visual inspection for wearand correct operation withspecial attention to any safetydevice fitted and/or use ofmeasuring gauge.

(a) Componentdamaged, defectiveor cracked.

(b) Excessive wear in acomponent.

(c) Attachmentdefective.

(d) Any safety devicemissing or notoperating correctly.

(e) Any indicator notworking.

(f) Obstructregistration plate orany lamp (when notin use)

(g) Inappropriate repairor modification.

6.1.7. TransmissionVisual inspection. (a) Loose or missing

securing bolts.(b) Excessive wear in

transmission shaftbearings.

(c) Excessive wear inuniversal joints.

(d) Deterioratedflexible couplings.

(e) A damaged or bentshaft.

(f) Bearing housingfractured orinsecure.

(g) Dust cover missingor severelydeteriorated.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(h) Illegal power-trainmodification

6.1.8. Engine mountingsVisual inspection notnecessarily on a pit or hoist.

Deteriorated, obviously andseverely damaged, loose orfractured mountings.

6.1.9. Engine performanceVisual inspection (a) Control unit illegal

modified(b) illegal engine


6.2. Cab and bodywork

6.2.1. ConditionVisual inspection. (a) A loose or damaged

panel or part likelyto cause injury.

(b) Insecure body pillar.(c) Permitting entry of

engine or exhaustfumes.

(d) Inappropriate repairor modification.

6.2.2. MountingVisual inspection over a pitor on a hoist.

(a) Body or cabinsecure.

(b) Body/cab obviouslynot located squarelyon chassis.

(c) Insecure or missingfixing of body/cabto chassis or crossmembers.

(d) Excessive corrosionat fixing points onintegral bodies.

6.2.3. Doors and doorcatches

Visual inspection. (a) A door will notopen or closeproperly.

(b) A door likely toopen inadvertentlyor one that will notremain closed.

(c) Door, hinges,catches, pillar,missing, loose ordeteriorated.

6.2.4. FloorVisual inspection over a pitor on a hoist.

Floor insecure or badlydeteriorated

6.2.5. Driver’s seatVisual inspection. (a) A loose seat or

seat with defectivestructure.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(b) Adjustmentmechanism notfunctioningcorrectly.

6.2.6. Other seatsVisual inspection. (a) Seats in defective

condition orinsecure.

(b) Seats fitted not inaccordance withrequirementsh.

6.2.7. Driving controlsVisual inspection and byoperation.

Any control necessary for thesafe operation of the vehiclenot functioning correctly.

6.2.8. Cab stepsVisual inspection. (a) Step or step ring

insecure.(b) Step or ring in a

condition likelyto cause injury tousers.

6.2.9. Other interior andexterior fittings andequipment

Visual inspection. (a) Attachment of otherfitting or equipmentdefective.

(b) Other fitting orequipment not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(c) Leaking hydraulicequipment

6.2.10. Mudguards (wings),spray suppression devices

Visual inspection. (a) Missing, loose orbadly corroded.

(b) Insufficientclearance to roadwheel.

(c) Not in accordancewith therequirementsh.


7.1. Safety-belts/buckles and restraint systems

7.1.1. Security of safety-belts/buckles mounting

Visual inspection. (a) Anchorage pointbadly deteriorated.

(b) Anchorage loose

7.1.2. Condition of safety-belts/buckles.

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Mandatory safety-belt missing or notfitted.

(b) Safety-beltdamaged.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(c) Safety-belt not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(d) Safety-belt buckledamaged ornot functioningcorrectly.

(e) Safety-belt retractordamaged ornot functioningcorrectly.

7.1.3. Safety belt Loadlimiter

Visual inspection Load limiter obviouslymissing or not suitable withthe vehicle

7.1.4. Safety belt Pre-tensioners

Visual inspection Pre-tensioner obviouslymissing or not suitable withthe vehicle

7.1.5. AirbagVisual inspection (a) Airbags obviously

missing or notsuitable with thevehicle.

(b) Airbag obviouslynon operative

7.1.6. SRS SystemsVisual inspection of MIL SRS MIL indicates any kind

of failure of the system

7.2. Fire extinguisher(X)i

Visual inspection. (a) Missing.(b) Not in accordance

with therequirementsh.

7.3. Visual inspectionand by operation

Visual inspection. (a) Device notfunctioning toprevent vehiclebeing driven.

(b) Defective orinadvertentlylocking or blocking

7.4. Warning triangle (ifrequired) (X)i

Visual inspection. (a) Missing orincomplete.

(b) Not in accordancewith therequirementsh.

7.5. First aid kit. (ifrequired) (X)i

Visual inspection. Missing, incomplete ornot in accordance with therequirementsh.

7.6. Wheel chocks(wedges) (if required) (X)i

Visual inspection. Missing or not in goodcondition.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

7.7. Audible warningdevice

Visual inspection and byoperation.

(a) Not working.(b) Control insecure.(c) Not in accordance

with therequirementsh.

7.8. SpeedometerVisual inspection or byoperation during road test orby electronically means..

(a) Not fitted inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Not operational.(c) Not capable of

being illuminated.

7.9. Tachograph (iffitted/required)

Visual inspection. (a) Not fitted inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Not operational.(c) Defective or

missing seals.(d) Calibration plaque

missing, illegible orout of date.

(e) Obvious tamperingor manipulation.

(f) Size of tyresnot compatiblewith calibrationparameters

7.10. Speed limitationdevice (if fitted/required)

Visual inspection and byoperation if equipmentavailable.

(a) Not fitted inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) Obviously notoperational.

(c) Incorrect set speed(if checked)

(d) Defective ormissing seals.

(e) Calibration plaquemissing, illegible orout of date.

(f) size of tyresnot compatiblewith calibrationparameters

7.11. Odometer ifavailable (X)i

Visual inspection (a) obviouslymanipulated (fraud)

(b) obviouslyinoperative

7.12. Electronic StabilityControl (ESC) if fitted/required

Visual inspection (a) Wheel speedsensors missing ordamaged

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(b) Wirings damaged(c) Other components

missing or damaged(d) Switch damaged

or not functioningcorrectly

(e) ESC MIL indicatesany kind of failureof the system


8.1. Noise

8.1.1. Noise suppressionsystem

Subjective evaluation (unlessthe inspector considersthat the noise level maybe borderline, in whichcase a standing noise testusing a noise meter may beconducted)

(a) Noise levels inexcess of thosepermitted in therequirementsh.

(b) Any part of thenoise suppressionsystem loose, likelyto fall off, damaged,incorrectlyfitted, missing orobviously modifiedin a way that wouldadversely affect thenoise levels.

8.2. Exhaust emissions

8.2.1. Petrol engine emissions Exhaust emissionscontrol equipment

Visual inspection (a) Emission controlequipment fitted bythe manufacturerabsent, modified orobviously defective.

(b) Leaks which wouldaffect emissionmeasurements Gaseous emissionsMeasurement using anexhaust gas analyserin accordance with therequirementsh. Alternatively,for vehicles equippedwith suitable on-boarddiagnostic systems, theproper functioning of theemission system can bechecked by appropriatereading of the OBD deviceand checks on the proper

(a) Either, gaseousemissions exceedthe specific levelsgiven by themanufacturer;

(b) Or, if thisinformation is notavailable, the COemissions exceed,i) for


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functioning of the OBDsystem in place of emissionmeasurements at engineidle in accordance with themanufacturer’s conditioningrecommendations and otherrequirementsh.

controlledby anadvancedemissioncontrolsystem,— 4,5 %,

or,— 3,5 %,accordingto the dateof firstregistrationor usespecifiedinrequirementsh.

ii) forvehiclescontrolledby anadvancedemissioncontrolsystem,— at

engineidle:0,5 %,

— athighidle:0,3 %,or

— atengineidle:0,3 %f

— athighidle:0,2 %,

accordingto the dateof firstregistrationor usespecifiedinrequirementsh.

(c) Lambda outsidethe range

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

1 ± 0,03 or not inaccordance withthe manufacturer’sspecification

(d) OBD readoutindicatingsignificantmalfunction

8.2.2. Diesel engine emissions Exhaust emissioncontrol equipment

Visual inspection (a) Emission controlequipment fitted bythe manufacturerabsent or obviouslydefective

(b) Leaks which wouldaffect emissionmeasurements OpacityVehicles registered or putinto service before 1 January1980 are exempted from thisrequirement

(a) Exhaust gasopacity to bemeasured duringfree acceleration(no load from idleup to cut-off speed)with gear lever inneutral and clutchengaged.

(b) Vehiclepreconditioning:1. Vehicles

may betestedwithoutpreconditioningalthoughfor safetyreasonschecksshould bemade thatthe engineis warmand in asatisfactorymechanicalcondition.

2. preconditionrequirements:(i) Engine


(a) For vehiclesregistered or putinto service for thefirst time after thedate specified inrequirementsh,opacity exceeds thelevel recorded onthe manufacturer’splate on the vehicle;

(b) Where thisinformation isnot available orrequirementsh. donot allow the use ofreference values,

fornaturallyaspiratedengines:2,5 m-1,for turbo-chargedengines:3,0 m-1,or, forvehiclesidentifiedinrequirementsh.or firstregisteredor put into

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warm,forinstancetheengineoiltemperaturemeasuredbyaprobeintheoilleveldipsticktubetobeatleast80 °C,ornormaloperatingtemperatureiflower,ortheengineblocktemperaturemeasuredbythelevelofinfraredradiationtobeatleastanequivalenttemperature.If,owingtovehicleconfiguration,this

service forthe firsttime afterthe datespecifiedinrequirementsh,1,5 m-1g.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).


(ii) Exhaustsystemshallbepurgedbyatleastthreefreeaccelerationcyclesorbyanequivalentmethod.

(c) Test procedure:1. Engine

and anyturbochargerfitted, tobe at idlebefore thestart ofeach free

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

accelerationcycle. Forheavy-dutydiesels,this meanswaitingfor atleast 10secondsafter thereleaseof thethrottle.

2. To initiateeach freeaccelerationcycle, thethrottlepedal mustbe fullydepressedquicklyandcontinuously(in lessthan onesecond)but notviolently,so as toobtainmaximumdeliveryfrom theinjectionpump.

3. Duringeach freeaccelerationcycle, theengineshall reachcut-offspeedor, forvehicleswithautomatictransmissions,the speedspecifiedby the

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

manufactureror if thisdata is notavailablethen twothirds ofthe cut-off speed,before thethrottle isreleased.Thiscould bechecked,forinstance,bymonitoringenginespeedor byallowing asufficienttime toelapsebetweeninitialthrottledepressionandrelease,which inthe case ofvehicles ofcategory1 and 2of Annex1, shouldbe atleast twoseconds.

4. Vehiclesshall onlybe failedif thearithmeticmeans ofat leastthe lastthree freeaccelerationcyclesare in

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excess ofthe limitvalue.Thismay becalculatedbyignoringanymeasurementthatdepartssignificantlyfrom themeasuredmean,or theresult ofany otherstatisticalcalculationthat takesaccountof thescatteringof themeasurements.MemberStates maylimit thenumberof testcycles.

5. To avoidunnecessarytesting,MemberStatesmay failvehicleswhichhavemeasuredvaluessignificantlyin excessof thelimitvaluesafterless thanthree freeacceleration

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

cycles orafter thepurgingcycles.Equallyto avoidunnecessarytesting,MemberStatesmay passvehicleswhichhavemeasuredvaluessignificantlybelow thelimits afterless thanthree freeaccelerationcycles orafter thepurgingcycles

8.3. Electromagnetic interference suppression

Radio-interference (X)i Visual examination. Any requirements of therequirementsh not met.

8.4. Other items related to the environment

8.4.1. Fluid leaksVisual examination Any excessive fluid

leak likely to harm theenvironment or to pose asafety risk to other road users


9.1. Doors

9.1.1. Entrance and exitdoors

Visual inspection and byoperation

(a) Defective operation(b) Deteriorated

condition(c) Defective

emergency control(d) Remote control of

doors or warningdevices defective

(e) Not in accordancewith therequirementsh.

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Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

9.1.2. Emergency exitsVisual inspection and byoperation (where appropriate)

(a) defective operation(b) Emergency exits

signs missing orillegible

(c) Missing hammer tobreak glass

(d) Not in accordancewith requirementsh.

9.2. Demisting anddefrosting system (X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation

(a) Not operatingcorrectly

(b) Emission of toxicor exhaust gasesinto driver’sor passengercompartment

(c) Defective defrosting(if compulsory)

9.3. Ventilation andheating system (X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation

(a) Defective operation(b) Emission of toxic

or exhaust gasesinto driver’sor passengercompartment

9.4. Seats

9.4.1. Passenger seats(including seats foraccompanying personnel)

Visual inspection a) Seats in defectivecondition orinsecure

b) Folding seats(if allowed)not workingautomatically

c) Not in accordancewith therequirementsh.

9.4.2. Driver’s seat(additional require-ments)

Visual inspection a) Defective specialdevices such asanti-glare shield oranti-dazzle screen

b) Protection for driverinsecure or not inaccordance withrequirementsh.

9.5. Interior lighting anddestination devices (X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation

Device defective ornot in accordance withrequirementsh.

9.6. Gangways, standingareas

Visual inspection (a) Insecure floor.(b) Defective rails or

grab handles.

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Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC...ANNEXDocument Generated: 2021-03-28


Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(c) Not in accordancewith therequirementsh.

9.7. Stairs and stepsVisual inspection and byoperation (where appropriate)

(a) Deteriorated ordamaged condition

(b) Retractable stepsnot operatingcorrectly

(c) Not in accordancewith requirementsh.

9.8. Passengercommunication system (X)i

Visual inspection and byoperation.

Defective system

9.9. Notices (X)iVisual inspection. (a) missing, erroneous

or illegible notice(b) not in accordance

with requirementsh.

9.10. Requirements regarding the transport of children. (X)i

9.10.1. DoorsVisual inspection Protection of doors not

in accordance with therequirementsh. regarding thisform of transport.

9.10.2. Signalling andspecial equipment

Visual inspection Signalling or specialequipment absent ornot in accordance withrequirementsh.

9.11. Requirements regarding the transport of disabled persons (X)i

9.11.1. Doors, ramps andlifts

Visual inspection and byoperation

(a) Defective operation.(b) Deteriorated

condition.(c) Defective

control(s).(d) Defective warning

device(s).(e) Not in accordance

with therequirementsh.

9.11.2. Wheelchair fixingsVisual inspection and byoperation if appropriate

(a) Defective operation.(b) Deteriorated

condition.(c) Defective

control(s).(d) Not in accordance

with therequirementsh.

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42 Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC...

ANNEXDocument Generated: 2021-03-28

Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

9.11.3. Signalling andspecial equipment

Visual inspection Signalling or specialequipment absent ornot in accordance withrequirementsh.

9.12. Other special equipment (X)i

9.12.1. Installations forfood preparation

Visual inspection (a) installation not inaccordance with therequirementsh.

(b) installationdamaged to such anextent that it wouldbe dangerous to useit.

9.12.2. Sanitary installationVisual inspection Installation not in accordance

with the requirementsh.

9.12.3. Other devices (e.g.audiovisual systems)

Visual inspection Not in accordance with therequirementsh.

a Inappropriate repair or modification means a repair or modification that adversely affects the road safety of the vehicle orhas a negative effect on the environment.

b 48 % for vehicles not fitted with ABS or type approved before 1 October 1991.

c 45 % for vehicles registered after 1988 or from the date specified in requirements whichever is the later.

d 43 % for semi-trailers and draw-bar trailers registered after 1988 or from the date in requirements whichever is the later.

e 2,2 m/s2 for N1, N2 and N3 vehicles.

f Type-approved according to limits in row A or B section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC as amended byDirective 98/69/EC or later or first registered or put into service after 1 July 2002.

g Type approved according to limits in row B section of Annex I to Directive 70/220/EEC as amended by Directive98/69/EC or later; row B1, B2 or C section 6.2.1 of Annex I to Directive 88/77/EEC as amended by Directive 1999/96/EC or later or first registered or put into service after 1 July 2008.

h ‘requirements’ are laid down by type-approval requirements at the date of approval, first registration or first entry intoservice as well as retrofitting obligations or national legislation in the country of registration.

i (X) Identifies items which are related to the condition of the vehicle and its suitability for use on the road but which arenot considered essential in a periodic inspection

j (XX) This reason for failure only applies if testing is required by national legislation.’


Page 43: Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adapting to

Commission Directive 2010/48/EU of 5 July 2010 adapting to technical progress Directive 2009/40/EC...Document Generated: 2021-03-28


Status: This is the original version (as it was originally adopted).

(1) OJ L 141, 6.6.2009, p. 12.(2) Autofore study on the Future Options for Roadworthiness Enforcement in the European Union, IDELSY Initiative for Diagnosis of Electronic Systems in Motor Vehicles for PTI, http://

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