Page 1: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this

Wodonga Lutheran Parish

St John’s – St Mark’s Yackandandah – Victory Lutheran College


th Sunday after




June 2018

Welcome to members, friends & visitors

We pray that you feel at home as you worship our Lord Jesus with us.

At the end of the service we invite you to please join us for a cuppa and chat.

Our Lord’s love and peace be with you.

Congregation Pastor: Jaswanth Kukatlapalli College Principal: John Thompson 14 Havelock St, Wodonga College Chaplain: Andrew Dewhirst Ph: (02) 6024 7072 28 Drage Rd, Wodonga [email protected] Ph: (02) 6057 5859 [email protected] [email protected]

Committed to Sharing Jesus

Page 2: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this

WELCOME – A note for any visitors among us. We are glad you are here with us! A quick note about the Lutheran Divine service and what we believe about worship. To us worship isn’t so much about what we do, but about what God does. Lutherans believe God is present with us through the Word and Sacraments we receive. In fact, we teach that in the Lutheran Service, God comes to forgive us, to feed us and bless us. As we receive God’s ministry to us through the Word and the sacraments we in turn respond to God in prayer, thanksgiving and praise.

SERVICE TIMES THIS WEEKEND St John’s Wod Sat 6:00pm Celebrate Communion in Song St Mark’s Yack Sun 8:30am Alternative HC Service St John’s Wod Sun 10:30am Celebrate Communion in Song

HYMNS: Yack: LH 391; LHS 814; LH 358; AT 103

PRAYER OF THE DAY Let us pray O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Multiply your mercy upon us that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through good things temporal that we finally lose not those that are eternal; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

READINGS 1 Samuel 15:34—16:13 David anointed as king 2 Corinthians 5:6-17 Living for Christ by faith Mark 4:26-34 The growing seed; the mustard seed

PSALM 20 (read by Pastor Jaswanth) 1

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.

2 May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.

3 May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings.

4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.

6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy with the saving power of his right hand.

7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD

our God. 8

They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 9

O LORD, save the king! Answer us when we call!

Page 3: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this


In our prayers this week:

We pray for the following that are in need at this time: Melva KLEMKE; Marianne WACHTMANN; Gregory & Kerryn JENNINGS; Frank KELLY; Laurel McRAE; Veronica SEMMLER.

Victory Lutheran College – Mrs Billington’s Year 6 Class. Wangaratta Parish, congregations of Wangaratta, Benalla – Pastor Joel Klein

and Kindilan. Warrnambool Parish, congregations of Ayrford, Hawkesdale and

Warrnambool – Pastor Mathew Ker and Sonja; Pastor David Borgas (em.) and Barbara; Pastor Ray Schulz (em.) and Nerida; Pastor Greg Noll (em.) and Helen.

THE LCA NATIONAL BISHOP, John Henderson through Heartland news encourages our Church members to pray: We give thanks

for the dedicated and comprehensive work of the expert panel and its attempts to find the right balance where the right to religious freedom and the right to non-discriminatory treatment in particular come into conflict;

for the privileges and freedoms which Christians currently have in Australia and New Zealand to act as salt and light in the wider community;

for work being done to uncover abuses of people on the basis of their religion and to pressure leaders in countries where serious abuses are occurring to try to stop them.

We ask forgiveness for those times we have expressed our faith in ways that were prideful,

contemptuous and hypocritical and thus brought shame on the name of Christ; for our failure to act as good neighbours, especially to people in the worldly

realm who are not like us and with whom we have disagreements; for our part in any abuses or violence perpetrated by those who have falsely

claimed the name of Christ or church privilege. We pray

for wisdom and foresight for the Australian MPs currently considering the expert panel’s report and preparing their response;

for a way forward that protects wide freedoms of religious association and expression in Australia;

for a spirit of joyful neighbourliness, especially towards those in society with whom we differ in significant ways or with whom we have disagreements;

for real and lasting change in places and countries in which Christians and people of other faiths experience persecution at the hands of the authorities, religious authorities and their fellow citizens;

for effective ways of addressing conflicts in which people have divided along religious lines, especially that deeper underlying causes can be addressed such as real or perceived scarcity;

for Christians suffering because of their commitment to obeying God rather than man and that we might learn something of their courage, integrity and perseverance;

that Christians everywhere will use what freedoms they have with wisdom and grace;

for patience as we look forward to the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

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DAILY BIBLE READINGS Sunday Mark 4:26-34 Thursday Acts 2:22-36

Monday Acts 1:1-14 Friday Acts 2:37-47

Tuesday Acts 1:15-26 Saturday Psalm 133

Wednesday Acts 2:1-21


MENS SHED HAPPENS Our next Shed Happens gathering is set for Sunday 17

th June at my place, 32

McGaffins Rd, starting at 12.30pm. BBQ lunch and soft drinks provided followed up with a strong coffee to send you on your way by 2.30pm. Paul V

MEMBERS & FRIENDS PARISH DIRECTORY 2018 A draft copy of our parish phone book is available at St John’s & St Mark’s for your perusal. I encourage all members to check their details and mark any changes, or state if you no longer wish to be listed. These copies are available until weekend of 21/22 July, giving people plenty of time to check their details and correct them if necessary. Thanks in advance - Heather Grealy.

CONFIRMATION CLASSES IN TERM 2 Module 8: Church History: the way the church has grown 2 x Thursday evenings

(21st & 28

th June 2018).

WHEELCHAIR AVAILABLE We have a wheelchair in Savers Corner that is available to anyone in the parish that is in need of one. Contact Maria (0488 392 450) or stop in at Savers Corner on Thursday or Friday between 10:00am and 3:00pm.


Discovering God’s treasure in the adventure of life. Tandara Lutheran Camp – HALLS GAP CLW Purple: 2-6 July 2018 CLW Orange: 1-5 October 2018 Years 7-12 Cost: $295 Contact Emilie-Rae: 0428 461 809 or [email protected] See all the paperwork on the noticeboard

‘THE STAGING POST’ St Stephens Uniting Church, Nilmar Ave, Wodonga will be showing this movie on Friday 22nd June 2018 at 7:30pm. Admission is a gold coin donation to the Refugee Advocacy Group. This is a real-life, real-time, multi-platform documentary. ‘The Stage Post’ is about friendship, connection and the power of community. See flyer on noticeboard.

GRASSROOTS TRAINING Two Victorian Workshops are being held in July at Tandara Lutheran Camp, Hall Gap. ‘Building Healthy Relationships’ 18-19 July 2018 - 9:00am-5:00pm and ‘Equipping for Leadership’ 20-21 July 2018 – 9:00am-5:00pm. The cost is $160 per person, per workshop. NB: Accommodation & meals available at an additional cost. More information . See green flyer on noticeboard.

Page 5: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this

SPECIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT LUTHERAN AGED CARE Our volunteer numbers are dropping because our past volunteers are retiring after many years of enjoyable service. Lutheran Aged Care is a not for profit Christian organisation which supports the desires of older people to live in accommodation best suited to their needs; respects the right of all older people to live comfortably and with dignity and provides high quality residential aged care and community services. Lutheran Aged Care operates under the auspices of the Lutheran Church of Australia, with a Board of Governance consisting of local people who ensure the efficient operation of the organisation and delivery of quality care services. Lutheran Aged Care has been operating for over 50 years in Albury and the Southern Riverina. The people we are looking for would be required once a month on a Sunday morning to assist residents of Lutheran Aged Care attend a Worship Service. Attending worship is meaningful for many of the residents, some are frail and some have dementia and they need assistance to attend the church service. The worship is a liturgical service at 11am and usually takes approximately 45 minutes. Holy Communion is celebrated on most Sundays. The volunteers also participate in worship. Worship Volunteers are generally required for 2 hours (10:30 am to 12:15) once a month depending on the availability of individual volunteers. Duties would include:

Assisting residents to and from the chapel

Assisting residents during the service

Assisting with Holy Communion and the collection of the offering For any further information please contact: Kerrie Warburton (Volunteer Coordinator) 6042 1189 [email protected] or Angela Uhrhane (Pastoral Care Nurse). 6042 1185 [email protected]

Page 6: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this

HAS LAUNCHED ITS 2018 ANNUAL APPEAL. Your support of this appeal is vital, as

together in partnership with you, ALC prepares people to serve in and through the Church. If you

haven’t received a copy of the appeal letter, please make enquiries with your Pastor/Church Office or contact the College direct via email: [email protected] or ph: (08) 8267 7400. A message from the ALC Principal, Pastor James Winderlich, concerning the appeal, is also available for viewing on our website – Your donation to the ALC annual appeal is tax-deductable and donations made before 30 June will enable you to claim your benefit this year. Thank you for your ongoing support.

NEWS FROM FINKE RIVER MISSION The Winter 2018 edition of ‘CHRIST IN THE CENTRE’ is out now and shares the latest happenings in the Red Centre of Australia. There are many interesting articles to be read. There is a Tour advertised ‘Come & See God’s Work in the Centre’ which may be of interest to those wishing to leave the cold south behind in September. Pick up your copy with your weekly bulletin.

AFTERNOON TEA, VICTORY COLLEGE, DRAGES ROAD, WEST WODONGA Year 9 students of Victory College are inviting guests for an “Elderly Afternoon Tea” [remembering anyone over 50 would seem elderly to teenagers] on Tuesday 26

th June 2018 from 1:00pm to 2:30pm in Luther Hall. Please put your name on the

form at the back of the church if you can attend. Please feel free to invite other friends. Further details from Marie Hill (02) 6059 7710.

MESSAGES OF HOPE A publication by Lutherian Media, is available at the back of church for you to pick up.

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Page 8: Committed to Sharing · PRAYER OF THE CHURCH In our prayers this week: We pray for the following that are in need at this

“GETTING TOGETHER” What’s on during the next few weeks?

Cuppa & Chat Thursday 28th June 9.30 am – 11.30 a.m. (or any part of that time) Contact: Susan 0429 166161 or Phill 0498 746002 Addresses can be obtained by contacting the host. Remember, these groups are to help build and maintain our Parish Family relationships and to encourage one another. If you would like to host a Getting Together group or have ideas of what types of groups you would like to see, please let Susan Edwards (Coordinator) on 0429 166 161 know.

THIS WEEK: Tuesday 19 June 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN Wednesday 20 June 8:50am CHAPEL VLC – Secondary 9am-1pm Church Office OPEN Thursday 21 June 10am to 3pm Savers Corner OPEN 11am-3pm Church Office OPEN 3:45pm-5:30pm Confirmation Class Friday 22 June 8:50am CHAPEL VLC – Primary School 10am to 3pm Savers Corner OPEN Sunday 24 June 10:30am Baptisms of Ryan & Lucas Skein 12noon Dine-out at Elgins – all welcome

LAST WEEK: 9 / 10 June 2018

Congregation Attendance Communion Notes:

St John’s 28 27

St Mark’s 10 9

St John’s [Sat Eve] 15 13

Total Attendance: 53 49

NEXT WEEKEND: 5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST READINGS Sat 6:00pm Wod Simple Spoken HC Service 1 Samuel 17:32-49 Sun 8:30am Yack Simplified Spoken HC Service 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Sun 10:30am Wod Simple Spoken HC Service Mark 4:35-41


rd June Phill Edwards

Wod 24th June Maria Davison

Reader WodS 23rd

June Heather Grealy Wod 24

th June Grace Zweck

Children’s Address WodS 23rd

June Susan Edwards Wod 24

th June Susan Edwards

PowerPoint WodS 23rd

June Carla Vogelsang Wod 24

th June Tyler Gutsche

Usher/Counters WodS 23rd

June Vogelsang Family Wod 24

th June Adrian & Tammy Gutsche

Church Cleaning June 18th – June 24

th P & L Schirmer

Mowers June 18th – July 1

st Peter Lade & Adrian Gutsche

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