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Iwi Consultative Committee Agenda

Time: 10.00am

Date: Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Venue: Kahotea Marae, Kahotea Road, Otorohanga


Agenda 3 June 2015 1 – 10

Minutes of Previous Meeting – 4 March 2015 3

(11 – 17)

Te Takawaenga Quarterly Report 4

(18 – 19)

Ngā Iwi Toopu O Waipa Business 4

(No papers)

Draft 10 Year Plan 2015 – 25 Update 4 – 5

(No papers)

District Plan Update 5 – 7

(No papers)

Future Proof Update 7 – 8

(No papers)

Information Collection and Sharing Protocol for Mana Whenua Sites/Areas of Importance


(No papers)

Iwi Representation on Creative Communities Arts Grants Committee 8 – 9

(No papers)

Raukawa Joint Management Agreement 9 - 10

(No papers)

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Maniapoto Joint Management Agreement 10

(20 - 29)

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Chairperson His Worship the Mayor JB Mylchreest Members Councillors – AJ Bishop, AW Brown, BS Thomas, GRP Webber J Charman (Pirongia), H Kara (Maungatautari), Vacant (Ngati Haua), C Maikuku (Kaumatua), H Maniapoto (Puniu), G Roberts (Nga Iwi Toopu o Waipa), K Hodge (Wharepuhunga), G Searancke (Ngati Ngawaero), B Riki (Kaniwhaniwha), D Walters (Kakepuku), T Manukau (Waikato Tainui Trust Board), C Tapara (Maniapoto Maori Trust Board), H Ormsby (Ngati Hikairo) Chief Executive – G Dyet




5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING File: 01-89-08 / Pages: 11 – 17 Recommendation That the minutes of the meeting of the Iwi Consultative Committee meeting held on 4 March 2015 be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record.


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8 TE TAKAWAENGA QUARTERLY REPORT File: 01-89-08 / Pages: 18 – 19 This report provides an outline of Iwi activities and issues for Waipa since the last Iwi Consultative Committee meeting on 4 March 2015. Recommendation That the report of Te Takawaenga Chuck Davis for the Iwi Consultative Committee meeting on 3 June 2015 be received.

9 NGĀ IWI TOOPU O WAIPA BUSINESS No papers A verbal report will be provided at the meeting by Ngā Iwi Toopu O Waipa representative Gaylene Roberts. Recommendation That the information in the verbal report from Ngā Iwi Toopu O Waipa be received.

10 DRAFT 10 YEAR PLAN 2015-25 UPDATE No papers The Strategic Planning & Policy Committee, acting under delegated authority between 5 and 12 May 2015, considered submissions, heard submitters, deliberated and recommended changes required to the following publicly notified documents: • The Waipa District Council draft Long Term Plan (10-Year Plan 2015-25) (including

but not limited to the draft Funding Impact Statement, draft Financial Strategy and draft Infrastructure Strategy),

• The draft Revenue and Financing Policy, • The draft Remission and Postponement of Rates Policy,


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• The draft Treasury Management Policy, and • The draft Waipa District Council Fees and Charges 2015/16 (Schedule B). In total, 478 submissions were considered, heard and deliberated on during 5,6,7,8 and 12 May. The Strategic Planning & Policy Committee will consider the documents above on 9 June 2015, and together with any amendments, refer the final documents to Council for adoption on 30 June 2015. Recommendation That the information relating to the Waipa District Council draft 10-Year Plan 2015-25 be received.

11 DISTRICT PLAN UPDATE No papers Proposed District Plan – Appeals

The appeals lodged to the Proposed District Plan are the focus for the District Plan team. The main developments over the last month are as follows:

The Environment Court has issued consent orders for the NZ Heavy Haulage Association, Powerco and Oil Companies appeals.

Draft consent orders have been lodged with the Environment Court on the following appeals: Titanium Park Joint Venture, Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand, SR Makgill, Te Mara Trust, St Peters School Trust Board, and Carnation Development Limited (one party yet to sign).

In May Council staff attended Court assisted mediation for the appeals lodged by Al and Ranby, Mr. Findlay, LA and D Coombes, and Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited. The mediations for all appellants except Mr Findlay are progressing towards the filing of consent orders with the Court. Mr Findlay’s appeal is to be heard by the Court.

Court assisted mediation was scheduled for the Federated Farmers appeal on Biodiversity and Landscape but was not required as the parties are progressing matters themselves. A further mediation may be scheduled at a later date if required.

The highlighted rows in the table below indicate those appeals where the Court has either issued a consent order, or where a draft consent order has been lodged with


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the Court. The table indicates that there are 7 appeals out of the 28 appeals lodged with the Council that staff are currently working on.

Court Name Appellant Progress ENV-2014-AKL-000095 New Zealand Association of Radio

Transmitters Incorporated Draft consent order to be lodged with the Court shortly.

ENV-2014-AKL-000099 Thornbury Properties Limited Consent Order signed by Court and Plan updated – 30 January 2015

ENV-2014-AKL-000100 L & D Coombes Draft consent order being prepared. ENV-2014-AKL-000101 Carnation Development Limited Consent order lodged with Court ENV-2014-AKL-000102 National Trading Company of New

Zealand Limited Consent order lodged with Court 24 March

ENV-2014-AKL-000104 Wel Networks Limited Consent order lodged with Court 26 March ENV-2014-AKL-000105 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Consent order lodged with Court 26 March

Topic Rural Subtopics Farm Workers Dwellings; and Farm Strips and Helipads; and Setbacks. Draft consent order is being prepared on one other subtopic in Rural. Draft consent order is likely to be prepared on Landscape and Biodiversity matters.

ENV-2014-AKL-000106 Burns Consent order signed by Court and Plan updated 22 April 2015.

ENV-2014-AKL-000107 Al & Ranby Draft consent order is being prepared. ENV-2014-AKL-000108 Powerco Limited Draft consent order lodged with the Court

on 26 March ENV-2014-AKL-000110 Rees Draft consent order is being prepared. ENV-2014-AKL-000111 Makgill Draft consent order lodged with the Court

on 5 May 2015. ENV-2014-AKL-000112 The Oil Companies Consent order issued by the Court 8 May

2015 ENV-2014-AKL-000113 Mighty River Power Limited Draft consent orders lodged with Court on

13 March and 17 April 2015 ENV-2014-AKL-000114 Trustees of Te Mara Trust Draft consent order lodged with Court on

5th May 2015. ENV-2014-AKL-000115 Poultry Industry Association of New

Zealand Draft consent order lodged with Court 4th May

ENV-2014-AKL-000116 Bennett Draft consent order is likely to be prepared. ENV-2014-AKL-000117 Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited Draft consent orders are being prepared on

some appeal points and are likely to be prepared on remaining appeal points.

ENV-2014-AKL-000118 Titanium Park Joint Venture Consent order lodged with Court 14 May

ENV-2014-AKL-000119 Findlay Appeal to proceed to hearing before the Court. Counsel for the Council preparing a memorandum for the Court.

ENV-2014-AKL-000120 St Peters School Trust Board Consent order issued by the Court on transport matters (excluding ITA ) on 8th May 2015. Consent orders lodged with Court on 5th May 2015 on other appeal points. .

ENV-2014-AKL-000121 Waikato Regional Council Withdrawn - 11 November 2014 ENV-2014-AKL-000122 Heritage New Zealand (formerly New Consent order issued by the Court 30 March


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Court Name Appellant Progress Zealand Historic Places Trust)

ENV-2014-AKL-000123 Elizabeth Avenue Residents Withdrawn – 24 December 2014 ENV-2014-AKL-000124 New Zealand Transport Agency Draft consent order lodged with Court 15

April ENV-2014-AKL-000125 Grantchester Farms Limited Draft consent order signed by Court and

Plan updated – 17 February 2015 ENV-2014-AKL-000126 House Moving Section of the New

Zealand Heavy Haulage Association Inc

Consent order issued by Court 1st May 2015

ENV-2014-AKL-000127 Ngati Koroki Kahukura Trust Withdrawn – 13 March

Proposed District Plan – Variations

The Proposed Plan has now been updated to incorporate Variation 1. Council staff have prepared Variations 2 to 5. These variations relate to site specific matters and are subject to a separate report to the Committee. It is intended for District Wide Variations to be brought to the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee in July.

Review of Waikato District Plan

Waikato District Council is starting a review of their district plan. A staff member from the District Plan team attended a stakeholder forum on the review. The review is largely in response to the incorporation of part of the former Franklin District into the Waikato District. It is noted that the Waikato District Council are planning a series of public workshops in June/July of this year. Recommendation That the information in the District Plan update be received.

12 FUTURE PROOF UPDATE No papers Work is continuing on a strategic land use and infrastructure plan for the Peacockes – Airport - Tamahere area. This work was agreed to as part of a settlement of NZTA’s appeal against the Waikato Regional Policy Statement. The plan will consider transportation issues (including capacity of the roading network and potential improvements needed) as well as the three waters requirements. Given the anticipated growth in this area, the plan will provide a useful reference point for infrastructure planning.


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Members of the Future Proof Implementation Committee toured the area prior to their recent meeting to gain an on-the-ground appreciation of the issues to be addressed. A final draft of the plan is expected in June. Recommendation That the information in the Future Proof update be received.

13 INFORMATION COLLECTION AND SHARING PROTOCOL FOR MANA WHENUA SITES / AREAS OF IMPORTANCE No papers As discussed at the March Committee meeting the Protocol was considered at the April Council meeting with the Council resolving to support the Protocol and giving the Chief Executive authority to sign on the Council’s behalf. The Protocol has also been approved for signing by the Maniapoto Maori Trust Board and the Raukawa Charitable Trust Board. The Chief Executive has since signed the Protocol. Council staff will be working collaboratively with Iwi regarding the implementation of the protocol including the preparation of a future variation / plan change to the Proposed Waipa District Plan. Recommendation That the information relating to the Protocol for Information Collection and Sharing for Mana Whenua sites/Areas of Importance be received.

14 IWI REPRESENTATION ON CREATIVE COMMUNITIES SCHEME ARTS GRANTS COMMITTEE No papers Iwi Representation is sought for Cambridge and Te Awamutu Creative Communities Scheme arts grants assessment committees Background: Waipa District Council receives $38,600 funding each year from Creative New Zealand to allocate to its community for arts events and projects via the Creative Communities Scheme (CCS) grants. The funding scheme has grants assessment committees formed under the umbrella of two Waipa community arts councils. They represent the communities in the Te Awamutu/Pirongia/Ohaupo wards and Cambridge/Maungatautari wards.


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The CCS assessment committees are comprised of members of the two community arts councils, representatives of the community boards and members of the public with strong arts backgrounds or experience. The CCS assessment committees are required to meet twice a year in May and October to assess applications received during the CCS funding rounds open in April and September. The funding scheme and funding rounds are managed by a Waipa District Council staff member acting as the Grants Administrator. For Discussion: The agreement CNZ has with Waipa District Council includes a clause regarding assessment committee composition. Recommendations must be sought from the local Iwi or hapū for at least one member to be on the assessment committee. If there is more than one Iwi or Mana whenua group in the region, advice should be sought from the local runanga. Creative NZ staff have clarified to the CCS grants administrator, Andrea Duncan, that the process of Maori representation must be more formalised than has been in the past, hence the request to the Iwi Consultative Committee to nominate or approve a suitable candidate for each of the two CCS grants assessment committees. In the past Maori representation on the two CCS assessment committees has been a Maori community member familiar with the range and diversity of local Maori arts, and who has been co-opted onto the committee by the arts councils. Until recently the Iwi representative on the Te Awamutu assessment committee was Margaret Aull, artist/ tutor at Te Wananga o Aotearoa, and on the Cambridge assessment committee was Kiri Gray, community group representative. Both need to step down now as their term on the committees has expired. It is hoped the Iwi Consultative Committee could suggest suitable persons for the formation of the new 2015/16 assessment committee in August 2015. This is a non-remunerated volunteer position. Andrea Duncan, Community Liaison Officer - Waipa District Council will be in attendance to answer any questions.

15 RAUKAWA JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT No papers The Raukawa Charitable Trust Board has indicated that they wish to pursue a JMA co-governance model similar to the Nga Wai o Waipa (Maniapoto) joint committee. They have proposed that the Mayor and one other Councillor from each of the partner territorial authorities (Waipa, Otorohanga, South Waikato, Taupo and


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Rotorua District Councils) be appointed to the joint committee. An initial meeting is proposed for 10 July. Currently the proposal does not include the Regional Council which would meet separately with the trust. Staff are working with Raukawa to establish terms of reference for the committee. To date this model of co-governance has worked well for the Nga Wai o Waipa JMA. Recommendation That the information relating to the Raukawa Joint Management Agreement be received.

16 MANIAPOTO JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT Pages: 20 – 29 The Maniapoto Joint Management Agreement Hui was held on 5 March 2015 at the Waikato Regional Council, where presentations were given by Otorohanga, Waikato, Waipa and Waitomo District Councils on their Long Term Plans. The unconfirmed minutes are included with this agenda for member’s information. Recommendation That the information relating to the Maniapoto Joint Management Agreement be received.


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Iwi Consultative Committee Minutes

Time: 10.00am

Date: Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Venue: Council Chambers, Waipa District Council, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu


Chairperson His Worship the Mayor JB Mylchreest Members Councillors –AW Brown, GRP Webber, AJ Bishop, B Riki (Kaniwhaniwha), D Walters (Kakepuku), C Tapara (Maniapoto Maori Trust Board), H Ormsby (Ngati Hikairo), C Maikuku (Kaumatua), G Searancke (Ngati Ngawaero), G Roberts (Nga Iwi Toopu o Waipa), J Charman (Pirongia), H Maniapoto (Puniu) , Others C Riki, Proxy L Doyle, Non-member Councillor J Bannon, Te Takawaenga C Davis, Manager Community Relationships J Ireland, Deputy CE and Group Manager Planning & Community Relations D Hall, Strategic & District Planning Team Leader F Hill, Community & Corporate Planning Team Leader C Kent, Revenue Team Leader M Maher, Committee Secretary G Clapperton

Kaumatua Charlie Maikuku opened the meeting with a karakia. 2 APOLOGIES

RESOLVED 7/15/01 That the apology from Cr Thomas and K Hodge for non-attendance be received.

Brown / Maikuku

3 DISCLOSURE OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS There were no new disclosures


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4 VISITORS Phil Wihongi from Raukawa Charitable Trust was present for item 10.

5 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING File: 01-89-08 RESOLVED 7/15/02 That the minutes of the meeting of the Iwi Consultative Committee held on 3 December 2014 be taken as read and confirmed as a true and correct record subject to the inclusion of Cr Stolwyk as being in attendance.

Searancke / Tapara

6 LATE ITEMS The Chairperson accepted the following late items for be taken in item 14:

1. Resource consent Herbert Street, Kihikihi Street property. 2. Review of the Class 4 Gambling Venue and Board Venue policies. 3. Missing road sign at the corner of Fillery Road and Limeworks Loop Road. 4. Lake Ngaroto – Waka Ama. 5. Road naming.

7 CONFIRMATION OF ORDER OF MEETING RESOLVED 7/15/03 That the order of the meeting be confirmed.

Webber / Bannon

8 REPORT OF TE TAKAWAENGA File: 01-89-08 This report provides an outline of Iwi activities and issues for Waipa since the last Iwi report in December 2014. The Iwi Consultative Committee then met in the Council Chambers in Te Awamutu on 3 December 2014.


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Te Takawaenga Chuck Davis presented his report and gave further updates. He also answered questions of interest from the committee. RESOLVED 7/15/04 That the report of Te Takawaenga Chuck Davis for the Iwi Consultative Committee meeting on 4 March 2015 (Document No. 15013573) be received.

Bishop / Bannon

9 NGĀ IWI TOOPU O WAIPA BUSINESS Ngā Iwi Toopu o Waipa representative Gaylene Roberts gave a verbal update. RESOLVED 7/15/05 That the information in the verbal report from Ngā Iwi Toopu o Waipa be received.

Roberts / Brown

10 DISTRICT PLAN UPDATE Strategic & District Planning Team Leader Fiona Hill introduced herself to the Committee and presented her update on the District Plan. She acknowledged Phil Wihongi’s attendance at the meeting and his contribution to the work on the Information Collection and Sharing Protocol for cultural sites. Mr Wihongi talked about the work underway in conjunction with local Iwi regarding sites of importance. He said the integrity and security of information will remain with Mana Whenua at all times and a best practice approach is being followed. He said all who have Mana Whenua for the area will be invited to join in the Memorandum of Understanding and he is willing to make himself available to any groups to talk through what is proposed. Mrs Hill said the intention is to meet with Ngā Iwi Toopu o Waipa to explain what the Memorandum of Understanding is all about. She said Ngā Iwi Toopu o Waipa has members already represented and further representation and links will be developed over time as it is important to have everybody included. A question was asked about what happens if remains are found on a property and whether that property becomes registered as a historical site for wahi tapu. Mrs Hill advised that Council is looking at how to recognise certain sites and how to map them. She said if there is an accidental discovery, this could be notated separately


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and this is something Council is working through. How information is provided to Council and how it is recorded is what needs to be addressed going forward. Mr Wihongi referred to the importance of relationships with landowners and making sure people keep communication lines open. A question was asked regarding court hearings and appeals with reference to sign-off by local representatives and the representatives. Mrs Hill advised that the appeals on the Plan are a matter for the Council and the appellants to work through and are not a consideration for local representatives when they are looking at consent applications. In response to a question raised about variations to consent Mrs Hill advised that this is a matter that needs to be addressed to the consents team. Mrs Hill suggested that this could be raised at the next Nga Iwi Toopu o Waipa meeting.

RESOLVED 7/15/06 That the information in the District Plan update by Strategic & District Planning Team Leader Fiona Hill be received.

Searancke / Brown

11 FUTURE PROOF UPDATE Strategic & District Planning Team Leader Fiona Hill presented the Future Proof update. Councillor Webber advised that the Future Proof Implementation Committee’s proposed bus tour to familiarise themselves with the issues the Southern Land Use and Infrastructure Plan will deal with and the history behind them did not proceed on 2 March as some Mayors were not available but it will happen. RESOLVED 7/15/07 That the information in the Future Proof Update by Strategic & District Planning Team Leader Fiona Hill be received.

Bishop / Charman

12 TEN YEAR PLAN 2015-25 CONSULTATION Mayor Mylchreest gave a PowerPoint presentation on the 2015-2025 10 Year Plan Consultation document and answered questions of interest and clarification from the Committee.


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Manager Community Relationships Jo Ireland explained that Council staff are heading out to as many places as possible in the community to encourage as many people as possible to make submissions to the Draft Ten Year Plan. The Plan will be available on 10 March and people can now make verbal submissions by way of video if they wish or through several multimedia options. She said if anyone would like to see a presentation they should let Council’s Communications Team know and they will arrange to come out and present and answer questions. Feedback is sought on whether all issues are covered in the plan and spending is allocated in the right places. Mayor Mylchreest explained that when the Draft Plan is made available for submissions people will be able to search their own property or any other property and see the impact on that property based on today’s figures. They will also be able to see the impact over the 10 year period. The information includes changes to water metres, rates impact etc. and it will be an easy to use product. The Manager Community Relationships referred to the booklet that will be sent out to all households next week, which holds all the relevant information but it was noted that the whole Draft Ten Year Plan is still available online, in the libraries or at Council counters. A question was asked about the effect the proposed change to the rating system will have on Pensioners’ rebate. Mayor Mylchreest advised that there will be no effect and encouraged people to make use of the rebate. He said it is a central government subsidy that will have no impact on the proposed new rating system at all. He also explained that retirement residents do not comply as they do not actually own the property, they only have a licence to occupy. It was acknowledged that the proposed change to the rating system will not bring additional rates just offset and make it more equitable by spreading the load more fairly. A question was asked about the impact on Marae as a result of the proposed change to the rating system. Council’s Revenue Team Leader Margaret Maher attended the meeting and advised that there is one Marae (Pohara) where there are 17 houses on the Papakainga and they will be affected as they are on one rating unit and therefore rated together so the change will have an effect. The Marae itself is separated out and is non-rateable. Mayor Mylchreest explained that the proposed change in the rating system will not impact on properties that are not rated at the present time. A question was asked about whether water metres will go on Marae. Mayor Mylchreest said they will go on all properties using the main water supply. He said meters are a critical component so Council can identify where water is going and it is also an opportunity to identify water leaks or overuse. Changes in legislation will cover opportunities for the building trade to provide for water saving initiatives and


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when people start paying for the water they actually use they will start thinking about ways of saving water as well. RESOLVED 7/15/08 That the information relating to the Ten Year Plan 2015-25 Consultation be received.

Roberts / Bannon 13 TE WAKA AWHINA 2015

Te Takawaenga Chuck Davis referred to the letter from Rotorua District Council dated 17 February 2015 congratulating the organisers on hosting a successful conference. He said there was good learning and good motivation and acknowledged the work of the people involved. He said it is nice to receive a letter like this acknowledging appreciation for the work done. RESOLVED 7/15/09 That the information in the letter from the Rotorua District Council (document No. 15016844) be received.

Brown / Bishop


1. Resource Consent Herbert Street, Kihikihi Street property.

Committee Member George Searancke referred to the consent application for relocation of a house to the Kihikihi property which was received after the house was placed on site. He said it is disappointing to see the house in a run-down state and referred to the statement by the applicant that extensive work will be done to bring the house up to standard. Mr Searancke asked whether he should sign off and wait for the work to be done or not sign until everything has been completed. Mayor Mylchreest explained there should have been plans to show how the house will look when completed. He said Council cannot hold up consent but can make it subject to work being done to make it fit in with the character of the neighbourhood. Normally Council takes a bond until the work has been inspected and signed off.

2. Review of the Class 4 Gambling Venue and Board Venue Policies


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Mr Searancke referred to the letter from Council relating to review of gambling venues and referred to an instance when he was approached for parking outside a liquor store which had a sign stating “private property”. Mayor Mylchreest explained the requirements for parking when commercial premises are built.

3. Missing road sign at the corner of Fillery Road and Limeworks Loop Road Committee Member Brenda Riki advised that the road sign with the name “Te Aramiro Marae” is missing from the corner of Fillery Road and Limeworks Loop Road and requested that it be replaced. It was noted that this is a problem with other road signs as well. This matter to be referred to Council’s Roading Department.

4. Lake Ngaroto – Waka Ama

Committee Member Jenny Charman advised that she has only just heard that the Regional Secondary Schools Waka Ama competition run by Sport Waikato will be held at Lake Ngaroto this weekend and she has not had a chance to discuss this with anyone. She said Ngati Maniapoto have given their consent but she is concerned with so many attending the event they may ignore the signs stating the walking access is closed while work is being undertaken on the track. It was acknowledged that Lake Ngaroto is a public reserve but it is necessary to ensure proper consultation is undertaken to ensure the public adhere to the signs regarding the track and also that there are adequate facilities for a major event such as this.

5. Road Naming

Committee Member Gaylene Roberts advised that Iwi are happy to give names for new roads but are particular about where they go as they are relevant to the area. Mayor Mylchreest advised that Council offers a list of road names to developers and acknowledged that if a Maori name is used it must be relevant to the particular area.

Chris Riki provided the closing karakia. There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.05 am CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS CHAIRPERSON: DATE:


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Iwi Consultative Committee Report


To: The Chairperson and Members of the Iwi Consultative Committee

From: Te Takawaenga

Subject: Quarterly Report - Iwi Consultative Committee Meeting Date: Wednesday 3 June 2015

File Reference: 01-89-08 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

This report provides an outline of Iwi activities and issues for Waipa since the last Iwi Consultative Committee meeting on 4 March 2015.

2 RECOMMENDATION That the report of Chuck Davis Te Takawaenga be received.

3 STAFF COMMENT - QUARTERLY REPORT I continue to attend the monthly Ngā Iwi Tōpū O Waipā meetings and provide liaison with Council. The Maniapoto JMA Hui was held on 5th March 2015 at the Waikato Regional Council which is covered elsewhere in this agenda. The Parāwera Poukai was attended with His Worship The Mayor on 9 March 2015. On 31 March 2015 Fiona Hill, Strategic & District Plan Team Leader, and I met with Raukawa Staff with a view to set up a JMA forum similar to the Maniapoto model with combined Councils. There is an initial meeting scheduled to discuss this proposal on 10th July at Rāwhitiroa marae. During this period mihi of welcome have been given at a further two Citizenship Ceremonies to new citizens and their guests with staff continuing to be in support with waiata. I attended the Lake Ruatuna Open day on 10 April 2015 with Jenny Charman and Faye Onehi from NITOW. Significant upgrades have been competed this year through


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Report to Iwi Consultative Committee – 3 June 2015

Te Takawaenga Report - Iwi Consultative Committee September 20125 Page 2 of 2 15049835

a combination of funding from Council, DOC’s Living Waters partnership with Fonterra and with support from the Lake Ruatuna Users Group. On 15 April 2015 Ben Ormsby of Maniapoto Trust Board gave Council Staff a presentation on their Environmental Plan. This Plan will replace the 2007 version and is due to be available later this year. Also the Raukawa Environmental Management Plan was launched on 23 April with Waipa Staff in attendance. I have attended another Papakainga Forum hui with Waikato District Council and Waikato Regional Council Staff. Also included were Te Puni Kokiri and Māori Land Court staff. This multi-agency group has the aim to facilitate the establishment of papakainga on multiple owned land. They would like to introduce this initiative further South and I suggested that they provide a presentation to this Committee when they are ready. On 11 May 2015 I attended a presentation to Iwi, Councillors and Management by the Consultancy, Cranleighs on the Study of the Waikato Waters to the three Councils of Hamilton City, Waikato and Waipa. This was held at the Don Rowlands Centre. A ceremony was held at Ōrākau on 18 May 2015 to mark the official sign-over date of the 9.7 ha Battle-site Block to the OTS Land bank. Councillors Webber, St Pierre, Wilson and Barnes were also in attendance. On Friday 22 May 2015 I attended a function with His Worship The Mayor at Turangawaewae Marae marking the 20th Anniversary of the Waikato–Tainui Settlement. Ex-Prime Minister Jim Bolger and Treaty Negotiator Sir Doug Graham were also in attendance. It is proposed to mark Matariki once again this year with a hangi lunch for Waipa District Council staff on each side of the district on 18 and 19 June 2015. The Pohara Poukai is due to be held on Sunday 14 June 2015.



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Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-governance Forum

Report of the meeting of the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-governance Forum held in the Waikato Regional Council, Council Chamber, 401 Grey Street, Hamilton East, Thursday 5 March 2015 8.35am.

MEMBERS: Maniapoto Māori Trust Board 1. Trustee John Kaati 2. Trustee Ray Wi 3. Trustee Clarrie Tapara 4. Trustee Weo Maag

Waikato District Council Deputy Mayor Dynes Fulton

Waikato Regional Council Councillor Paula Southgate (Co-Chair)

Waipa District Council Mayor Jim Mylchreest

Waitomo District Council Mayor Brian Hanna

IN ATTENDANCE Councillor Timoti Bramley, Councillor Alan Livingston, Councillor Stuart Kneebone

STAFF: Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Ben Ormsby Ngahuia Herangi Jo Kukutai Kura Stafford


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Otorohanga District Council Environmental Services Manager – Andrew Loe

Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion

Waikato Regional Council Director, Community and Services, Neville Williams Chief Executive Vaughan Payne Director, Integrated Catchment Management Clare Crickett Acting Pou Tuhono, Erin Wilson Waikato Plan Project Director, James Bevan

Waipa District Council Manager-Strategy, Gary Knighton

Opening Karakia (Agenda Item 1) The meeting was opened with a karakia. Apologies (Agenda Item 2) Apologies were received from Trustee Tiwha Bell (Co-Chair), Mayor Max Baxter, Mayor Allan Sanson, Tipene Wilson. Disclosures of Interest (Agenda Item 3) There were no disclosures of interest. Confirmation of Agenda (Agenda Item 4) Doc # 3299947 Trustee Maag moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/1 RESOLVED THAT the agenda of the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum of Thursday 5 March 2015 be confirmed as business for the meeting.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/1)

Minutes of previous meeting (Agenda Item 5) Doc # 3166253 Members raised the following matters arising from the minutes of the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum held on Wednesday 17 September 2014:


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• With Variation 6 and the first in first considered for water allocation applications, is there a risk to those applicants after the Watercare application which is understood to be 8-12 months away from review. It was discussed that there would be a risk and that the consent for allocation will be likely notified consent based on the allocations being considered prior to Watercare’s application, but there were no answers on how to better manage this risk.

• Page 12 – Trustee Maag’s name is incorrectly spelled. • Page 7 – Otorohanga District Council Chief Executive David Clibbery was not

present at the 17 September 2014 meeting however Environmental Services Manager Andrew Loe was present.

Trustee Maag moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/2 THAT the minutes of the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum of Wednesday 17 September 2014 be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/2)

The Joint Management Agreement Implementation (Agenda Item 6) Doc # 3296484, 3292023 Presented by Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Senior Policy Analyst, Ben Ormsby the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum were provided an overview on what had been achieved to date under the current Joint Management Agreement Implementation plan 2014/15 and provides the new implementation plan for the coming financial year. During discussion the following was noted: • There have been updates to time frames, provided to the Forum for review –

these timeframes were agreed to by the Forum. • The two year review of the Joint Management Agreement due in April 2015

has been considered as insufficient time to fully test the Agreement and the pushing out of the review date to April 2017 was accepted by the Forum.

Mayor Hanna moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/3 RESOLVED 1. THAT the report “The Joint Management Agreement implementation”

(Doc # 3296484 dated 27 February 2015) be received, and

RECOMMENDED 2. That the Joint Management Agreement review is postponed until April


The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/3) Draft Maniapoto Environment Management Plan for feedback (Agenda Item 7) Doc # 3297786 Presented by Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Senior Policy Analyst, Ben Ormsby the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum was provided an update on the Draft Maniapoto Environment Management Plan. Copies of the plan were circulated to all members. Members were advised that the plan could be


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reviewed on the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board website via the link: During discussion the following was noted: • Updates are being made to the Maniapoto Environment Management Plan

with the help of funding received through Waikato River Authority and after mana whenua have been spoken with.

• Group workshops have been held and stakeholder feedback has been considered. Submissions are now being sought from all interested parties.

• Feedback will be sought from Central Government within March 2015. • Final approval will be sought from the Maniapoto Māori Trust Board within

their June meeting with a view to implement the plan by September 2015. • The Environment Management Plan is a strategic Policy that interfaces with

the Waipa Catchment Plan which focuses on implementation at an operational level.

• Submissions to the plan will ensure that the views of different plans are considered within the process to ensure unity between all of the Council and interested parties plans.

• Copies of the plan have been provided to the other River iwi for feedback and to ensure alignment between iwi.

• The Plan is an entry point for decision makers and is not a guide of exactly what Māori science is. It is for Maniapoto through this forum to interpret and advise Councils.

Mayor Mylchreest moved/ Trustee Wi seconded

NWoW15/4 THAT the report “Draft Maniapoto Environment Plan for feedback” (Doc # 3297786 dated 5 March 2015) be received for information.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/4)

Healthy Rivers / Wai Ora Project Update (Agenda Item 8) Doc # 3295960, 3303475 Presented by Maniapoto Māori Trust Board Senior Policy Analyst, Ben Ormsby the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum was provided with an update on the Healthy Rivers / Wai Ora Project. During discussion the following was noted: • The project is in phase 4 exploring the technical and policy mix, feeding in to

the Community Stakeholder Group (CSG) decision making process. • Further engagement will be sought from River iwi to provide feedback in to

the next phase. • Completion of the project was originally planned for November 2015 however

the results from the research and science utilised require a minimum amount of time to complete which did not meet with the deadline. The Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Committee has recommended an extension of the project to April 2016.

• The purpose of the tāngata whenua engagement is to adequately identify values, issues and aspirations of tāngata whenua in relation to the fresh water bodies.

• There will be a joint five iwi and kaumātua hui in March. • The CSG is hosted by different stakeholders each time and complete a

number of site visits.


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• There is a need for a review of the Freshwater Management Units rules and limits between the Upper Waikato, Lower Waikato, Lake Taupō and Waipā River. Different areas have different rules.

• The CSG has been divested the responsibility to make decisions and recommendations after reviewing all collated information. These decisions are provided to Healthy Rivers Wai Ora Committee as recommendations.

• There is a great appreciation for the time taken by the CSG members to attend the meetings, read through all the documentation provided and provide input in to the decisions made.

Mayor Hanna moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/5 That the report Healthy Rivers / Wai Ora Project update report (Doc #3295960 dated 24 February 2015) be received for information.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/5)

An introduction to the Waikato Plan (Agenda Item 9) Doc # 3298149 Presented by Project Manager James Bevan the verbal presentation provided the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum an introduction to the Waikato Plan. During discussion the following was noted: • The plan is a 30 year view on priorities for our communities and came about

after decisions had within the Mayoral Forum. • The plan is non statutory and aims to give Waikato a voice as a whole when

working with Ministries and Crown agencies. • It seeks to align plans and district decisions within the region. • The Committee is comprised of political representatives from rural,

community and business sectors, with an independent chairperson. • Tipene Wilson has been appointed to the Committee to assist with Māori

perspectives and has support from Gavin Donald to identify gaps and determine how to go forward together with iwi.

• Concern was noted that one Māori representative was not enough to ensure that all of Waikato iwi had a voice. More representation was sought for this area.

• Further concern was that the Waikato Plan was simply a reaction to other areas such as Auckland City “Super city”. Assurance was given that through the region there would be a fight against centralisation and the Plan is not a forerunner to unitary authority.

• The Central Government has requested collaboration in Local Government between districts. The Waikato Plan seeks to do that by amalgamating regulatory plans and aligning the different councils measurements.

• Success can be seen already from the extensive roading plans continuing through the region with a $2.3 billion investment by Central government to the region.

• The Plan will consider contingencies for areas of low economic growth and how to address this. Areas of rural decline or areas like Taharoa – what will happen if the mine is closed?

• The plan will get approval through the Mayoral forum who is looking for ways to address better access to work health and education for the region.

• It is important that iwi are partners not stakeholders and should be fairly represented within the committee.


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• The draft plan will be complete by December 2015 with a view to engagement in April 2016 and completion in mid 2016.

Trustee Maag moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/6 THAT the report “An introduction to the Waikato Plan” (Doc # 3298149 dated 25 February 2015) be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/6)

Engagement on Waikato Regional Council’s 2015-2025 Long Term Plan Proposals (Agenda Item 10) Doc # 3295343 Presented by Director Community and Services, Neville Williams, the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum was advised of some of the inclusions to the Waikato Regional Council Long Term Plan. During the presentation the following points were noted: • The Long Term Plan will be approved by Council 12 March 2015 and sent out

to all households for consultation from 14 March 2015 until submissions close on 14 April 2015.

• There will be further consultation on, a regional development fund, integrating mātauranga Māori in to planning, funding environment projects, an indigenous biodiversity stocktake and Waipā catchment works.

• Council had voted to remove the TBfree rate from within the rates collection.

During discussion the following was noted: • At a recent meeting within the Waitomo District a number of constituents

discussed with the Mayor their confusion at the removal of Helicopter monitoring within the dairying sector. If it was the most efficient way to monitor and considered all environmental impacts, it was not something that a compliant person had to worry or be nervous about.

Trustee Maag moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/7 THAT the verbal report on the “Engagement on Waikato Regional Council’s 2015-2025 Long Term Plan proposals” by the Director of Community and Services N Williams be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/7)

Waipa District Council 2015-2025 10 Year Plan (Agenda Item 11) Doc # 3297783, 3307190 Presented by Waipa District Council, Manager-Strategy, Gary Knighton the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum was provided with information from the 10 year plan. During the presentation the following points were noted: • More than $200 million of the planned $973 million to be spent will be on

water, waste water and storm water, with a proposal to upgrade the


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Cambridge’s water treatment plant to allow for future growth and improvements.

• Two options for upgrading the Te Awamutu water supply were indicated as either upgrading the Pukerimu pipe and Parallel Road treatment plant or further water allocation from the Maungauika Stream. There will be an environmental cost of the second option which will need to be offset throughout the district.

• Proposed Te Awamutu to Kihikihi cycleway with other options of contributing funds to assist the build of the Cambridge Green Belt cycle way and or the Te Awa River Ride trust to extend ride from Avantidrome to Hamilton via Mystery Creek.

• Proposal for the council to take over maintenance of Waipa’s public rural drains where clearly defined – including inspection and spraying.

• Commitment to the creation of a 40 hectare recreational park - Waipuke Park, on the shore of Lake Karapiro.

• Consultation commences 10 March 2015 and concludes 13 April 2015.

Mayor Mylchreest moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/8 THAT the verbal report on “Waipa District Council 2015-2025 10 Year Plan” by Manager-Strategy of Waipa District Council, Gary Knighton be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/8)

Long Term Plan – Otorohanga District Council (Agenda Item 12) Otorohanga District Council Environmental Services Manager Andrew Loe presented to the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum on their Long Term Plan and impacts for Maniapoto. During the presentation the following points were noted: • The Long Term Plan for Otorohanga will be essentially business as usual with

no major infrastructure projects planned. • Water meters have been considered and the public consultation has been

positive with the meters. • Consultation will begin at the end of March with the plan being finalised in mid

June 2015.

Cr Southgate moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/9 THAT the verbal report on Long Term Plan – Otorohanga District Council by Environmental Services Manager Andrew Loe be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/9)

Long Term Plan – Waitomo District Council (Agenda Item13) Mayor Hanna of Waitomo District Council presented to the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum on their Long Term Plan and impacts for Maniapoto.


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During the presentation the following points were noted: • The approach the district has made has been to actively involve the

community with a number of public workshops and invitation by letter to appear and present to the Council for input in to the Plan.

• The infrastructure at Te Kuiti will look to be upgraded. • Water meters considered to regulate usage and as a future necessity for the

district. • Working with Te Kuiti High School on their Sport facility. • The Te Kuiti Waste water plant was officially opened after great collaboration

in the working group with the Maniapoto Māori Trust board, and now has a 25 year consent.

Cr Southgate moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/ 10

THAT the verbal report on Long Term Plan – Waitomo District Council by Mayor Hanna be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/10)

Long Term Plan – Waikato District Council (Agenda Item 14) Doc # 3298658, 3298659, 3303658 Waikato District Council CEO Gavin Ion provided the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum with an update on the Long Term Plan and impacts for Maniapoto. During the presentation the following points were noted: • The council is looking to stimulate growth in all areas. • Moving towards a user pays system and has so far had mixed feedback on

the subject of water meters. • Are moving away from formal consultation to informal approaches with the

Community at markets, hui and public meetings to engage the community. • For Parks and recreations grounds the community are being asked to

consider whether Council continues as is, improves the services and features/planting over a 1 year time frame or improve over a 2-3 year time frame.

• The plan is open for consultation from 16 March 2015 and closes 17 April 2015.

Deputy Mayor Fulton moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/ 11

THAT the report of the Chief Executive Waikato District Council – Summary: Waikato District Council Long Term Plan – be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/11)

Waipa Catchment Plan Update (Agenda Item 15) Doc # 3298035

Presented by Waipa Zone Manager, Grant Blackie, the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum were updated on the Waipa Catchment Plan. During the presentation the following points were noted:


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• After the October 2014 Council approval of the Plan, the Waikato River Authority (WRA) provided approval for a grant to the Plan of $1,550,933.

• In the priority 1 soil conservation catchments there will be a cost sharing model that comprises of 35% WRC, 35% WRA, 30% landowner. There is no WRA funding for priority 2 catchments.

• Information and advice will be provided across the catchment. • There are joint field days being planned in conjunction with Dairy NZ and Beef

+ Lamb in April 2015 to introduce the plan and purpose to the Community.

Trustee Maag moved/ Mayor Mylchreest seconded

NWoW15/ 12

THAT the report “Waipa Catchment Plan Update” (Doc # 3298035 dated 26 February 2015) be received for information.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/12)

Maniapoto Priorities for the restoration of the Waipā report (Agenda Item 16) Presented by Ngahuia Herangi this verbal report provided the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum an over view on the priorities for the Waipa restoration. During the presentation the following points were noted: • The plan is being collated with NIWA and NIWA are arranging wānanga to

engage with iwi and collate information. • There have been 53 responses that have been prioritised from 1 to 4 (1 being

immediate response). • A copy of the Maniapoto Priorities for the Restoration of the Waipā River

report is available upon request. (Can be located on the Maniapoto website at )

Trustee Maag leaves the meeting 11.02am.

Cr Southgate moved/ Mayor Hanna seconded

NWoW15/ 13

THAT the verbal report on “Maniapoto Priorities for the restoration of the Waipā report” by Ngahuia Herangi be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/13)

Waipā Fish Plan (Agenda Item 17) Doc # 3307186 Presented by Jo Kukutai the Ngā Wai o Waipā Co-Governance Forum was provided an update on the Waipā Fish Plan. During the presentation the following points were noted: • The Plan has come about from the Nga Wai o Maniapoto (Waipa River) Act



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• Maniapoto are working closely with other River iwi and Ministry of Primary Industries.

• Has included work groups and site visits for further understanding of the fish species and their environment.

• Seeking to align the plan with the Waipa Catchment Plan and other regional environmental plans.

• Submissions to the plan close on 6 March 2015.

Deputy Mayor Fulton moved/ Trustee Kaati seconded

NWoW15/ 14

THAT the verbal report on “Waipā Fish Plan” by Jo Kukutai be received.

The motion was put and carried (NWoW15/14)

Trustee Maag returns to the meeting 11.13am.

Closing Comments by Co-Chairs Agenda Item 18 Trustee Wi • The presenters were thanked for their presentations to the forum. • Amazed at the planning and the key is synchronised to time, planning and

work towards the future. • Councillor Bramley was acknowledged for his consideration and

representation to iwi with Waikato Regional Council.

Closing Karakia Agenda Item 19 Trustee Kaati closed the meeting with a karakia.

The meeting closed at 11.15am. Doc # 3300016


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