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Jacopo Mu�, is a social event manager and educated as an anthropologist. Actually project manager in the Darsena PopUp urban regenera�on area and event Manager at Circolo Velico Ravennate in Italy. Since his studies in philosophy at Siena University, Jacopo has always focused on community crea�on and management, using values making and knowledge sharing as instruments to install resilience in communi�es. During the Senigallia flood in 2014, in Italy, Jacopo created and managed a text message and web based social strategy that allowed the coordina�on of a team of almost 1700 people, which turned out as the most organized and effec�ve force on the field (where the idea comes from).Ambra Tro�o is a design researcher educated as an architect. Senior Lecturer at the Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå University and studio director at Interac�ve Ins�tute Swedish ICT in Umeå. Since her PhD studies at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Ambra has been working in developing designedly ways to empower people towards ethics and fulfilments of human rights. Ambra has ini�ated the Community SoS project, together with Jacopo Mu�, strongly believing that such a simple tool can have a tremendous impact in boos�ng communi�es’ resilience in challenging situa�ons.S�na Haglund is a culture analyst who minored in law. She runs her own company working with regional development and business management. She was previously the chief financial officer of the capital of culture year in Umeå. S�na always had a great interest in integra�on issues and a big heart for social innova�on. She has a massive regional network and loves to be the connector.Jérôme Cezac is recently graduated from a master degree in Global Business Management from the ESC Rennes School of Business. With a focus on Innova�on Management and Strategic Management during his study, he aims at using his theore�cal knowledge on a real life challenge. His previous experience as sales advisor made him focus on understanding the customers’ needs to deliver a product that will suits their requirements and benefits them in the long term. Coming from the south of France, a region that is regularly hit by floods, he believe in the social sustainable impact of the idea.

Presentazione del gruppo di lavoro

The core goal of our project is to provide communi�es with a flexible pla�orm that empowers them to support each other in situa�ons of environmental disasters. It allows to match offers and requests of aid in an op�mised way, restoring the normal course of life. By providing such pla�orm, we will contribute to the

crea�on of a robust sense of belonging to the community, as well as a stronger sense of autonomy and self empowerment. Both are key features, in a crowded world, where it is not always possible to rely on help from the system. With a small tool, we contribute to mo�va�ng people to give their best and support each


Presentazione dell’idea o soluzione 1/2

Our goal is not to subs�tute ins�tu�onal help, we do not have neither the ability nor the ambi�on to do this. Ins�tu�onal help mostly takes care of life or health threatening emergencies. We would like our tool to support, for more prac�cal issues, aiming at ge�ng back to normality: ge�ng rid of wet furnitures, wet

walls, mud. Our goal is to assist people and, possibly, ins�tu�ons, by organizing the genuine and spontaneous strength of the Community.

The web based pla�orm will consists of a combina�on of social media, interac�ve maps, and a web based applica�on. It will run on IOS, Android and Windows, on smartphones and computers, but also on mobiles. Such pla�orm will be opera�onal also in absence of internet connec�on, through a parallel system, based

on SMS (text messages).

Presentazione dell’idea o soluzione 2/2

Per ulteriori approfondimentih�p://

Nome Cognome e email ed altre informazioni sul referente

Jacopo Mu�Tel: 3936622946


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