
Company Headroom Analysis

Water Resource Management Plan 2019

2 November 2017

South Staffs Water

387731 03 F Headroom Report -

South Staffs Rev F.docx Mott MacDonald

Mott MacDonald 22 Station Road Cambridge CB1 2JD United Kingdom T +44 (0)1223 463500 F +44 (0)1223 461007

South Staffs Water Green Lane Walsall WS2 7PD

Company Headroom Analysis

Water Resource Management Plan 2019

2 November 2017

Mott MacDonald Limited. Registered in England and Wales no. 1243967. Registered office: Mott MacDonald House, 8-10 Sydenham Road, Croydon CR0 2EE, United Kingdom

South Staffs Water

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Executive summary 2

1 Introduction and background 3

1.1 Objectives and scope of work 3

1.2 Background to Target Headroom 3

1.2.1 Why assess Target Headroom 3

1.2.2 Headroom in the Supply Demand Balance and Accepted Definitions 4

1.3 Environment Agency Water Resources Planning Guidance 5

2 Methodology 6

2.1 Overview 6

2.2 Components of Headroom Uncertainty 6

2.2.1 Supply Side Components 6

2.2.2 Demand Side Components 7

2.3 Probability Distributions and Monte Carlo Simulation 8

2.3.1 Software and simulations 9

3 Headroom Components 10

3.1 Supply Components 10

3.1.1 S1.1 Vulnerable Surface Water Licences 10

3.1.2 S2.1 Vulnerable Groundwater Licences 10

3.1.3 S3.1 Time-limited Licences 10

3.1.4 S4 Bulk Supplies 11

3.1.5 S5 Gradual Groundwater Pollution 11

3.1.6 S6 Accuracy of Supply-side Data: Groundwater 13

3.1.7 Accuracy of data for surface water yields 16

3.1.8 S8 Uncertainty of Climate Change on Deployable Output 17

3.1.9 S9 Uncertain output of new resource developments 18

3.2 Demand Components 18

3.2.1 D1/1 Accuracy of sub-component data 18

3.2.2 D2/1 Demand Forecasting Uncertainty 19

3.2.3 Uncertainty of impact of Climate Change on Demand 20

3.3 Analysing the data 21

4 Results and conclusions 22

4.1 Target Headroom Results 22

4.1.1 DYAA 22

4.1.2 DYCP 23

4.2 Chosen Risk Profile 25

4.3 Risk Profile Sensitivity 27

Appendices 28

A. Target Headroom Uncertainty Results Tables 29

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Executive summary

This document summarises the target headroom assessment carried out for the Company

Water Resource Zone, forming part of the South Staffs Water WRMP19 planning process.

Target Headroom is defined as the minimum buffer that a prudent water utility should introduce

into the annual supply-demand balance to ensure that the Water Utility's chosen level of service

can be achieved. Target Headroom is calculated according to a standard methodology

developed and published by UKWIR (An Improved Methodology for Assessing Headroom,

UKWIR, 2002). All components of target headroom uncertainty have been assessed and

reviewed by South Staffs Water, with time series of uncertainty distributions defined from 2018

to 2045 for each component, reflective of dry year annual average (DYAA) and dry year critical

period (DYCP) conditions.

The distributions were uploaded into a tailor-made spreadsheet headroom model using @Risk

Monte Carlo analysis. 10,000 iterations of the model were run to determine a comprehensive

percentile distribution of headroom time series for both DYAA and DYCP conditions. A risk

profile was selected in line with the WRMP guidelines and used to output target headroom

values for supply demand balance modelling of the Water Resource Zone.

DYAA Target headroom starts at 3.5 Ml/d in 2018, increasing steadily along the 95th percentile

profile to a maximum of 7.9 Ml/d in 2030. The increase in risk acceptance beyond 2030 means

that target headroom decreases slowly thereafter to 5.8 Ml/d by 2045. DYCP Target headroom

starts at 8.8 Ml/d in 2017, increasing steadily along the 95th percentile profile to a maximum of

12.1 Ml/d in 2030. The increase in risk acceptance beyond 2030 means that target headroom

fluctuates slightly thereafter, finishing at 12.4 Ml/d by 2045.

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1 Introduction and background

Water Companies in England and Wales have a statutory duty to prepare and submit Water

Resources Management Plans (WRMP), including Supply Demand Balance (SDB), to the

Environment Agency (EA) and Ofwat. A key component of these WRMPs is Target Headroom.

Target Headroom is defined as the minimum buffer that a prudent water utility should introduce

into the annual supply-demand balance to ensure that the Water Utility's chosen level of service

can be achieved. Target Headroom is calculated according to a standard methodology

developed and published by UKWIR (An Improved Methodology for Assessing Headroom,

UKWIR, 2002).

Mott MacDonald (MM) has been engaged by South Staffordshire Water to assess Target

Headroom for the 2017 Draft WRMP.

1.1 Objectives and scope of work

The objectives of the project are:

● to review and analyse data provided by South Staffordshire Water, to evaluate uncertainty in

headroom components and produce appropriate probability distributions for each

component; and

● to assess South Staffordshire Water’s Target Headroom under average and peak


In addition, the scope of work includes the actions below:

1. Update the analysis for uncertainty of impacts of climate change on demand;

2. Review the uncertainty in deployable output associated with changing nitrate concentration

and make recommendation for an appropriate headroom allowance

3. Produce summaries of the headroom results by component;

4. Produce a report outlining the methodology and assumptions used and presenting the

results of the analysis.

1.2 Background to Target Headroom

1.2.1 Why assess Target Headroom

A variety of components of the supply/demand balance are subject to uncertainty, both their

present values and forecast future trends.

It is therefore important that water companies make sufficient allowance in their water resource

planning for such uncertainty to ensure that, for each resource zone, the risk of a supply-

demand deficit in critical periods is eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level. This is done by

calculating and incorporating in the supply-demand balance a target headroom allowance.

Water companies must show evidence that they have taken this into account when they submit

their WRMPs as part of the periodic review process. The last WRMPs were submitted to the

Environment Agency in 2014 and 2015 and these also formed the companies’ supply-demand

balance submissions to the Office of Water Services (Ofwat) as part of PR14. These plans take

a long-term view and demonstrate how the company intends to maintain an acceptable balance

of supply and demand into the future. The last plans considered the planning period 2012 to

2040 whilst the PR19 planning period will cover the years 2017 to 2045.

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1.2.2 Headroom in the Supply Demand Balance and Accepted Definitions

The Supply Demand Balance is calculated as the difference between Water Available for Use

(including imported water if applicable) and demand at any given point in time by comparing

deployable output (D.O.) with water demand, after allowing for outage and target headroom.

In assessing the supply demand balance, the following equations are normally adopted:

1. Water Available for Use (WAFU) = Deployable Output (DO) – Outage

2. Available Headroom = WAFU – demand

3. Available Headroom ≥ Target Headroom needed to satisfy given standards of service

Definitions for the terms used in the equations are given in Box 1 below. These are taken from the Environment Agency Water Resources Planning Guidelines (2012), and may vary slightly from other references. No change to definition is presented in the 2016 guidelines.

Table 1: Definitions

Quantity Definition

Water Available for Use The value calculated by deducting allowable outages and planning allowances from deployable output in a resource zone

Available Headroom The difference (in Ml/d or percent) between water available for use (including imported water) and demand at any given point in time

Target Headroom A buffer between supply and demand designed to cater for specified uncertainties.

Source: EA Water Resource Planning Guidelines, June 2012

Deployable Output is generally considered to be the output of a source allowing for all

constraints, whether physical, licence or environmental, for a given level of service. As such it is

the volume of water that can be deployed into supply. Outage is defined at its simplest as a

temporary loss of deployable output.

Target Headroom is defined as the minimum buffer that a prudent water utility should introduce

into the annual supply-demand balance to ensure that the water utility's chosen level of service

can be achieved. It is the margin between water available for use (WAFU) and demand required

for planning purposes to cater for uncertainties (except for those due to outages) in the overall

supply-demand balance.

Available Headroom is defined as the margin between Water Available for Use (WAFU) and

demand at a given point in time and in theory is a measurable quantity of water. Target

Headroom is a derived value which represents the minimum acceptable Headroom required for

planning purposes to cater for uncertainties (excluding outages) in the overall supply-demand


The issue of headroom came to prominence as a result of the 1995/96 Yorkshire drought where

the independent commission of inquiry chaired by Professor Uff concluded that the Yorkshire

Water supply system had an insufficient margin of resource over demand. This led to the

concept of headroom uncertainty being introduced in the Environment Agency (EA) 1997 Water

Resources Planning Guideline and the United Kingdom Water Industry Research (UKWIR)

project that developed the 1998 Headroom Methodology. In 2002, UKWIR issued an improved

risk based methodology for assessing headroom uncertainty (the 2002 UKWIR Headroom

Methodology) which has been widely adopted and is considered to be the “best practice”


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1.3 Environment Agency Water Resources Planning Guidance

The Environment Agency issued in May 2016 the Water Resource Planning Guidelines for the

2018 Water Resource Plans. The report states the following.

You may assess individual components of uncertainty and variability using risk-based planning

techniques, through your decision-making tool or assess uncertainty separately from individual

components using the target headroom approach. The following documents set out different

approaches to assessing uncertainty:

• UKWIR (2016) WRMP19 Methods – Risk Based Planning

• UKWIR (2016) WRMP19 Methods – Decision Making Process

• UKWIR (2002) An Improved Methodology for Assessing Headroom

• UKWIR (1998) A Practical Method for Converting Uncertainty into Headroom

If you use the older target headroom guidance you should justify why it is appropriate.

If you use risk-based planning tools or a decision-making tool to assess uncertainty and

variability you may not need to calculate target headroom, or you may need to exclude some

target headroom components. If so, you will need to explain the methods and assumptions you

have used and demonstrate that you have not double counted or omitted uncertainties.

If you use target headroom to provide a buffer for uncertainties, you need to consider the

appropriate level of risk for your plan. If target headroom is too large it may drive unnecessary

expenditure, if too little you may be unable to meet your planned level of service. You should

also accept a higher level of risk further into future than in the early years (first 5 years) because

as time progresses the uncertainties for which headroom allows will reduce and you will be able

to adapt to any changes.

You should provide a clear justification of the assumptions and information used to assess your

uncertainties. You should assess the relative contributions clearly showing which uncertainties

have the biggest impact in each WRZ. You should communicate this in a clear manner for

customers and interested parties to understand easily. You should consider options for reducing

uncertainty during the planning period.

South Staffs Water has opted to use the 2002 UKWIR Headroom Methodology for target

headroom to assess uncertainty in its South Staffs zone, rather than using risk-based planning

or decision-making tools, so there is no risk of double counting uncertainties.

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2 Methodology

The methodology for this headroom analysis follows the best practice guidance set out in the

2002 UKWIR “Improved Methodology for Assessing Headroom”. It builds on the headroom

analysis models used by South Staffs Water to calculate their target headroom for previous


2.1 Overview

In 2002, UKWIR published its improved methodology for the calculation of headroom

allowances. This advocates the use of a probabilistic approach, based on Monte Carlo analysis.

The analysis involves defining probability distributions for magnitude of headroom components

and combining these to give an overall probability distribution for the target headroom

allowance. A “lotus notes”-based spreadsheet with an add-in Monte Carlo analysis tool called

@RISK was produced as part of the project.

2.2 Components of Headroom Uncertainty

The 2002 UKWIR methodology Headroom is divided into the following supply side and demand

side components:

Table 2.1: Supply and Demand Side Headroom Categories

Supply Side Headroom Categories Demand Side Headroom Categories

S1 – Vulnerable surface water licences D1 – Accuracy of sub-component data

S2 – Vulnerable groundwater licences D2 – Demand forecast variation

S3 – Time limited licences D3 – Uncertainty of climate change on demand

S4 – Bulk transfers D4 – Uncertainty of demand management solutions

S5 – Gradual pollution causing a reduction in abstraction

S6 – Accuracy of supply side data

S8 – Uncertainty of climate change on yield

S9 – Uncertain output of new resource developments

Source: UKWIR

The 2002 UKWIR methodology removed issue S7 (single source dominance and critical

periods) as it was considered to be an outage issue and already included in the supply demand

balance. The following two headroom components were added:

� S9 Uncertain output of new resource developments

� D4 Uncertain outcome of demand management measures

Each of the above components has been considered by South Staffordshire Water for its

Company water resource zone and the headroom uncertainty issues associated with each

component have been identified. For some of the components listed above, more than one

issue has been included.

2.2.1 Supply Side Components

S1-S3 (vulnerable licences): Uncertainty over future reductions in abstraction licensing have

been updated to include the latest deployable output and abstraction licence values (S1-S3 are

only used for sensitivity analysis and are not included in target headroom).

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An allowance for S4, bulk transfers, has been introduced at PR19, after better understanding of

the uncertainty in company bulk exports.

S5, gradual pollution of groundwater sources, is applied to allow for uncertainty associated with

deterioration, rehabilitation and replacement of boreholes, uncertainty in future long-term trends

in nitrate pollution, and uncertainty over coalfield mine water pollution at Moors Gorse.

Temporary losses of DO relating to these factors are quantified and accounted for in the Outage


S6 comprises uncertainty in the accuracy of supply-side data. For every groundwater source,

the constraining factor for DO is identified: abstraction licence, infrastructure, pumping water

level (potential yield), treatment capacity or water quality. For abstraction licences, the

uncertainty relates to meter reading reliability. To avoid double-counting, only meters measuring

abstraction separately to distribution input are included here. Infrastructure constraints carry

uncertainty in pump outputs, yield constraints are subject to a number of uncertainties in the

“source reliable output” method, but no such sources exist for South Staffs. There are

uncertainties in a number of treatment processes, and water quality can limit deployable output

subject to uncertainty in existing conditions (primarily sand ingress here). Trend uncertainty is

covered under S5. Surface water yield uncertainty is due to imperfect climate and hydrological

historical data records and variability in surface water yield models.

Uncertainty of climate change on source yield (S8), is quantified using Aquator modelling of

climate change scenarios on the DO of surface water sources. No groundwater sources are

constrained by potential yield, such that there is no risk of climate change impacting

groundwater source yield.

No new options are planned for completion in the near future, such that in S9, only final

preferred options need be considered. These should not feature in baseline target headroom,

but uncertainty in their output could be determined as necessary for any options selected in the

final preferred balance.

Supply side components have been updated to include the latest deployable output values

reviewed for the draft WRMP.

Sign convention for supply-side headroom follows that of UKWIR 2002, that is:

• Data uncertainty that leads to a loss of Deployable Output = negative Headroom

• Data uncertainty that leads to an increase in Demand = positive Headroom

2.2.2 Demand Side Components

D1 accounts for uncertainty in the accuracy of sub-component data. As for S6, this reflects the

reliability of meter readings, which could impact the accuracy of the demand forecast. To avoid

double-counting, only meters measuring distribution input separately to abstraction are included


D2 comprises uncertainty in population growth, change in size of households, measured and

unmeasured consumption, non-household consumption, dry-year correction, and peak period

adjustment. These are input as time series of % uncertainty to the model.

D3, uncertainty of impact of climate change on demand has been determined according to the

UKWIR methodology, Impact of Climate Change on Water Demand (2013), with time series of

% uncertainty applied to household consumption.

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D4, uncertainty of demand management solutions, has not been included in baseline target

headroom. Should demand management solutions be required to maintain the supply demand

balance to 2045, an allowance will be made in final preferred target headroom for D4.

Sign convention for demand-side headroom follows that of UKWIR 2002, that is:

• Data uncertainty that leads to a decrease in Demand = negative Headroom

• Data uncertainty that leads to an increase in Demand = positive Headroom

Each of the components of headroom is described in more detail in the following sections.

2.3 Probability Distributions and Monte Carlo Simulation

For each issue, a probability distribution has been developed that quantifies the extent of the

uncertainty. A variety of distributions is available within the methodology, with triangular

distribution being the most commonly used. Distributions have been used depending upon the

individual circumstances with examples presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: The Types of Probability Distribution that can be used for Headroom Analysis

Type Shape Description Application


Most easily defined continuous distribution. Defined by a least likely, most likely & maximum likely value. Can be skewed either way.

Situations where the value can be any value within a range and the most likely value can be estimated. Widely applicable, though may not be appropriate if highly skewed.


Symmetrical continuous distribution defined by a mean and standard deviation.

Most commonly applied situations where the probability of the extreme values of the distribution would artificially increase if using a triangular distribution.


Continuous distribution. Difficult to define but could be fitted to a data set within the software.


Skewed continuous distribution defined by a mean and standard deviation.

Situations where there is a large difference between the maximum and the most likely values such that a triangular distribution is considered unsuitable.

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Type Shape Description Application


Non-continuous distribution defined by values and probabilities.

Situations where specific values apply and values in between do not.


Continuous distribution. Suitable for extreme events but with the introduction of cut-offs. Difficult to define but could be fitted to a data set within the software.


Continuous distribution defined by a single value.

Situations where only one value applies. Essentially not a distribution but given as an option within the software.

The Monte Carlo simulation combines each of the individual component distributions to produce

an overall distribution of headroom uncertainty. This is achieved by running a large number of

trials (or iterations). In each trial values are randomly selected from within the component

distributions and summed to give an overall headroom value for the trial. After a large number

of trials (ten thousand has been used in this analysis) a distribution of headroom values results.

To take account of changing uncertainty throughout the planning period the analysis has been

repeated on an annual basis between 2017/18 to 2044/45. Key issues identified during the

analysis, together with the results are presented below for each resource zone.

2.3.1 Software and simulations

Various software packages are available for performing Monte Carlo analysis. This

methodology has been tested using @RISK, an add-in software package which operates within

a spreadsheet environment. When a Monte Carlo simulation is run, the software randomly

selects numbers from the probability distribution assigned to each component of target

headroom. Each set of random numbers effectively simulates a single ‘what-if’ scenario for the

spreadsheet model. As the simulation runs, the model is recalculated for each scenario and the

results are presented as a series of forecast charts for Headroom Uncertainty.

The simulation stops according to criteria set by the user, which is normally a number of

iterations or trials. The number of trials must be set to give an acceptable mean standard error

for the simulation results, whilst controlling the processing time to workable limits. A typical

number of trials might be 1,000 to 10,000.

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3 Headroom Components

The South Staffs Water headroom model has been developed following the best-practice

UKWIR methodology, and builds on previous iterations used for WRMP14 and WRMP09.

3.1 Supply Components

3.1.1 S1.1 Vulnerable Surface Water Licences

Headroom uncertainty associated with vulnerable surface water licences arises from concerns

over the sustainability of abstractions at the licensed rates and the likelihood that licences may

be modified (reduced). Where appropriate, this has been considered under scenario modelling

for the draft plan.

3.1.2 S2.1 Vulnerable Groundwater Licences

The EA has an aspiration to reduce groundwater abstraction licences in many catchments as

part of their Restoring Sustainable Abstraction Programme. For many catchments the licence

clawback has now been quantified through the CAMS process, and this has resulted in a

significantly lower licensable resource (with much greater potential licence reductions). The

driver in future for clawing back licences will be the Water Framework Directive, however there

are no quantitative numbers available yet. This has been considered under scenario modelling

for the draft plan.

3.1.3 S3.1 Time-limited Licences

The Company has three time-limited licences:

Table 3: Time-limited licence quantities and dates

Licence Time Limited Quantity (Annual Average Ml/d)

Time Limit Date

River Severn (18/54/2/584/S) 11 31st March 2034

3/28/6/84/S and 3/28/6/99/S

50 30th March 2018

Blakedown 3


2 (0) 31st March 2021

Part of the River Severn Works licence (No. 584) is time limited to 2034 (11 Ml/d). This

abstraction is from the River Severn. The River Blithe Pumpback licence is scheduled to alter

abstracted volumes in 2018, however new licenced volumes will still exceed infrastructure

capacity. This means the licence change after 2018 has no impact on peak transfer capacities.

However, the deployable output is strongly linked to a clause allowing use of the River Trent

licence to maintain River Blithe flows above the Hands-Off Flow for the River Blithe.

Abstraction from the Blakedown 3 borehole is for the purpose of augmenting water levels in the

nearby pools and rivers and is neither used for public water supply nor affects the operation of

other boreholes

Overall, no allowance for time-limited licence is to be made in headroom. These are all to be

assessed in scenarios.

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3.1.4 S4 Bulk Supplies

The Company operates around 30 potable water connections at the boundaries of its supply

area which together constitute a net export of potable water. The majority of these are small in

nature and are known collectively as the Minor Exports. There is a much larger export to

Severn Trent Water in the Wolverhampton area which arises from the joint ownership by South

Staffs Water and Severn Trent Work of the River Severn abstraction.

The capacity of Minor Exports is up to 5 Ml/d but average usage has been consistently around 1

Ml/d and is largely independent of seasonal demands. Nevertheless, volumes have increased

on occasion to 2 Ml/d during the peak demand months. As a consequence, a positive

headroom value of 1 Ml/d is proposed.

The contractual entitlement for the Wolverhampton Export is 40.6 Ml/d at average and 48 Ml/d

at peak and has been adopted for the Company’s deployable output calculations. Whilst the

peak capacity is proven and has been assumed by Severn Trent Water in its planning

assumptions, the annual average volume is not taken and Severn Trent have indicated that

their modelling assumptions only allow for 36 Ml/d. Accordingly, a negative headroom

allowance of 4 Ml/d is proposed.

Table 4: SSW Bulk Supply Agreements and Uncertainty

Annual Average (Ml/d)

Peak Week (Ml/d)

Minimum Uncertainty (Ml/d)

Maximum Uncertainty (Ml/d)

Minor Exports 1.0 1.0 Triangular Avg 0.0

Peak 0.0

Avg 0.0

Peak +1.0

Wolverhampton Export

40.6 48.0 Triangular Avg 0.0

Peak 0.0

Avg -4.0

Peak +0.0

3.1.5 S5 Gradual Groundwater Pollution

The effects of a gradual or sudden pollution event can have a significant impact on deployable

output. Where this results in a long-term loss of deployable output then this should be included

in headroom. Three areas of uncertainty have been identified by South Staffs Water under this

category. Physical Deterioration of Boreholes

The asset condition and performance of each borehole has been regularly undertaken since

PR09. This assessment has underpinned significant increases in investment under asset

maintenance in the Company’s groundwater sites. The average age of the Company’s

boreholes is more than 75 years and without this investment, significant borehole failures are

likely, resulting in a reduction in deployable output. Whilst it is assumed that sufficient capital

maintenance work will be funded and carried out to maintain stable serviceability, experience

has shown that losses in deployable output arise in two ways:

• Asset performance, as measured by water quality (sand and turbidity), will decline to

such an extent that outputs are cut back. Whilst short term reductions in output are accounted

for in the Company’s outage allowance, a significant reduction in permanent output may be

incurred for a number of years pending site enabling works. Moreover, when re-drilling is

required, there may be further delays for the drilling, testing and licencing process; and also, the

requirement to construct new pump houses and connecting pipelines to existing treatment and


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• Where remedial or replacement work is undertaken, there is a risk that yields will be

lower or water quality may be different, with a resulting impact on deployable output.

Factors, Likelihood and Magnitude

The available evidence at SSW suggests that physical deterioration of boreholes can be divided

into three main categories, and each remedial option is associated with some risk.

1. Deterioration of solid casing causing ingress of poor quality water. Subsequent relining

can cause additional drawdown and a reduction in yield, or relining may not be practical causing

a reduction in source output if the borehole is filled

2. Chemical and/or biological encrustation & clogging of slotted casing and open-hole

sections, causing increased drawdown or water quality problems, with potential loss of yield.

Chemical or mechanical treatment may cause deterioration in raw water quality.

3. Collapse and/or erosion of sandstone borehole walls, causing turbidity and requiring a

drop in pumping rate, with potential loss of yield. Re-drilling or relining can cause additional

drawdown and a reduction in yield. Re-drilling can however allow an increase in yield,

particularly at peak.

The following assumptions have been used in evaluating the risk from borehole works in


• The maximum groundwater deployable output that currently could be affected is 140

Ml/d (80% of peak total groundwater D.O.).

• When each source is relined or replaced, there is a 10% chance that the yield will be

reduced by 10%.

• When the borehole is replaced, there is a 5% chance that peak DO is increased by


• Over the first 20 years this represents a 10% chance of a total loss of 14 Ml/d offset by

a 5% chance of a total increase of 28 Ml/d (peak). This level of investment and hence

risk is assumed to continue over the remainder of the planning period.

The following discrete distribution was applied for each year for both annual average and peak


Table 5: Physical Deterioration of Boreholes: Headroom distributions

Average Peak

Minimum Loss -1.4 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Median Loss 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss 0.67 Ml/d 0.7 Ml/d

Probability 1 5%

Probability 2 85% 90%

Probability 3 10% 10% S5/2 Nitrate, Pesticide and Solvent contamination

From the point of view of headroom, uncertainty in future long-term trends in nitrate and other

groundwater contaminants has the potential to impact D.O. through a need for additional

treatment and associated losses. Any output failures due to short term or seasonal peaks in

nitrate are captured in company outage allowance.

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Based on nitrate trends, the Company has identified a risk that some sources and existing

blends (e.g. ASPW, CHPW1 and KIPW1) may exceed the nitrate limit during and after AMP7.

The potential D.O. loss is based on the following assumptions.

Only a small proportion of the output of each station would be treated to a sufficiently low nitrate

level to allow this to blend with the remainder of the source output, to bring the overall nitrate

level below the required standard. There will be 2% losses associated with the treated


A triangular distribution has been applied to both annual average and peak week headroom, as

the treatment plant would treat the same amount of water under both scenarios. The risk

increases incrementally over time.

Table 6: Nitrate and other groundwater contamination: annual increases in headroom components from 2020

Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Most Likely 0.05 Ml/d 0.1 Ml/d

Maximum Loss 0.15 Ml/d 0.25 Ml/d

The uncertainty around nitrate treatment has been added with a starting point of 2020 in the

headroom model. S5/3 Mine waters

Available evidence suggests that there is a small risk that the MGPW groundwater source could

be contaminated by rising mine water, following the cessation of remedial pumping from the

underlying coalfield.

Factors, Likelihood and Magnitude

Following the review of groundwater deployable outputs for the FWRMP, the dry year

deployable output of MGPW source for the purposes of the headroom model is 2.7 Ml/d at

average and peak based on likely NEP outcomes. A discrete distribution has been applied to

these values, which assumes a small probability (5%) that the total deployable output from the

source will be lost.

Table 7: Mine water headroom distributions

For annual average

For peak week

Volume Ml/d Probability Volume Ml/d Probability

Minimum Loss 0 95% 0 95%

Maximum Loss 2.7 5% 2.7 5%

3.1.6 S6 Accuracy of Supply-side Data: Groundwater

Data inaccuracy or lack of information can be a significant source of uncertainty around the

calculation of deployable output. We have examined the constraining factors which define the

Company’s deployable output figures and assessed the range of uncertainty around each of


Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 14Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx Abstraction Licence Constraints

The table below summarises the groundwater source deployable outputs that are constrained

by abstraction licence, and whether the source has separate abstraction and distribution input

meters. Where there are separate meters then the potential metering error has been estimated

and is used as a measure of the uncertainty in the deployable output figures.

A figure of +/-2% is assumed for metering uncertainty. Where the abstraction meter and the

distribution input meter are one and the same, then no uncertainty is attributed to the

deployable output as this uncertainty would be double counted in the demand components of


Table 8: Abstraction licence-constrained sources: D.O. and meter uncertainty status

Source Dry Year Deployable Output affected Ml/d

Peak Week Deployable Output affected Ml/d

Separate abstraction and distribution input meter

SLPW 5 5 No

MGPW 2.7 2.7 No


MBPW 8.5 N/A No

ASPW 18 N/A No

COPW 15 N/A No

PRPW 20 N/A No

MAPW1 0.5 N/A No

SHPW 0 N/A Yes


LHPW1 5 N/A Yes

PHPW1 12 N/A Yes

TVPW 13 N/A No

FRPW 10 12 Yes

CHPW1 6 N/A yes

Total 120.7 19.7

Total (separate abstraction meters only)



This uncertainty has been applied using a triangular distribution

Table 9: Abstraction licence-constrained sources: headroom distribution for metering inaccuracy

Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss (gain in DO) -0.81 Ml/d -0.24 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss (loss in DO) +0.81 Ml/d +0.24 Ml/d Infrastructure (Pump Capacity) Constraints

The table below summarises the groundwater source deployable outputs that are constrained

by pumping capacity.

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Table 10: Infrastructure (pump capacity)-constrained sources D.O.

Source Average Deployable Output affected Ml/d

Peak Week Deployable Output affected


COPW N/A 18.0

ASPW N/A 18.0

MAPW1 N/A 0.52

Total 0.0 36.5

An overall uncertainty around pumping capacity has been derived from the detailed breakdown.

This is +/- 5%. This uncertainty has been applied using a triangular distribution

Table 11: Infrastructure (pump capacity)-constrained sources: headroom distribution

Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss (gain in DO) 0 Ml/d -1.83 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss (loss in DO) 0 Ml/d +1.83 Ml/d Pumping Water Level

No sources are constrained by potential yield. Treatment Capacity

The following sources are constrained by treatment works capacity:

Table 12: Treatment-constrained sources D.O.

Source Average Deployable Output affected


Peak Week Deployable Output affected


GW PRPW1 N/A 20.08

GW HIPW 5.0 5.0

GW LHPW1 N/A 5.0

PHPW N/A 12.0

CCPW1 N/A 6.0

SW Central WTW N/A 110.0

SW River Severn WTW N/A 207.8

Total GW 5.0

SW 0.0

GW 48.0

SW 317.8

Operational staff have confirmed that the range of uncertainty around groundwater treatment

processes is small and so the Company has assumed a +/- 2% figure in headroom. The

following range of uncertainty proposed is based on a triangular distribution:

Table 13: Treatment-constrained sources: headroom distribution

Groundwater Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss (gain in DO) -0.10 Ml/d -0.96 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss (loss in DO) +0.10 Ml/d +0.96 Ml/d

Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 16Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx Water Quality (Sand Pumping)

Five sources are constrained by sand production (causing excessive turbidity). The relevant

constraints are identified below:

Table 14: Water quality-constrained sources D.O.

Source Average Deployable Output affected in Ml/d

Peak Week Deployable Output affected in Ml/d

Range in DO

CRPW1 5.5 5.5 +2%/-10%

MBPW N/A 9.0 +2%/-10%

HOPW 2.5 2.5 +2%/-10%

SEPW N/A 5.0 +2%/-10%

TVPW N/A 15 +2%/-10%

Total 8.0 37.0 +2%/-10%

The proposed headroom uncertainty for water quality (sand pumping) is a triangular function as


Table 15: Water quality-constrained sources: headroom distribution

Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss (gain in DO) -0.16 Ml/d -0.74 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss (loss in DO) +0.80 Ml/d +3.7 Ml/d

3.1.7 Accuracy of data for surface water yields

The modelling of deployable output from surface water sources is dependent upon the accuracy

of hydrological records and the uncertainty around the derived river flows from catchment

models. The Company has two surface water sources, the River Severn and Blithfield

Reservoir, and the yield of these sources is modelled within the water resources model Aquator. The River Severn WTW

The deployable output of the River Severn Works is constrained by the river flow at Bewdley,

storage at Clywedog, and by the status of River Regulation (releases from Clywedog Reservoir

and the Shropshire Groundwater Scheme). These parameters are modelled by Severn Trent

Water using the regional AQUATOR model, and the output is used as a constraint in the SSW

Aquator model.

UKWIR guidance (ref 02/WR/13/2, p.29) suggests that the accuracy of river flow data derived

from catchment models is +/- 10 to 20%. In addition to data accuracy, the models used may not

fully represent the catchments. On this basis, the total uncertainty around the catchment

modelling is assumed to be at the lower end +/-10%, given the extensive work carried out this

AMP, although the impact on deployable outputs may be somewhat lower than this.

The dry year annual D.O. at the River Severn Works is dependent on catchment modelling of

inflows to Clywedog reservoir, and inflows to the catchments on the Severn upstream of

Bewdley. Data and modelling uncertainty could impact on the ‘reliable yield’ of the Works during

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River Regulation. We have retained the assumptions agreed with the Environment Agency for

the PR09 FWRMP of +/ 5.0% for the range of error in dry year annual deployable output.

Given the complex range of constraints, a pragmatic approach has been taken with an

uncertainty range of +/- 5% around the modelled average DO value of 118.5 Ml/d (excluding

Wolverhampton bulk export). This equates to +/- 5.9 Ml/d.

The peak week D.O. is largely constrained by treatment capacity. For the River Severn Works,

the same 2% uncertainty applies to this as for groundwater sites. Blithfield Reservoir

The inflow from the Upper River Blithe directly affects reservoir storage levels, and hence

deployable output. The total uncertainty around the catchment modelling is again assumed to

be +/-15% and this has been confirmed by sensitivity testing of the Blithfield HYSIM models

during refinement of the Aquator model. The range of uncertainty around the dry year annual

D.O. (58.72 Ml/d) is therefore estimated at +/- 10% or +/- 5.9 Ml/d.

The peak week D.O. is largely influenced by the treatment works capacity (see Section S6/1

above). For the Central Works, the treatment processes are such that a larger uncertainty of 9%

is appropriate.

The proposed headroom uncertainty is a triangular function as follows:

Table 16: Surface Water Yields: Headroom Distributions

Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Loss (gain in DO) -11.8 Ml/d -14.06 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Loss (loss in DO) +11.8 Ml/d 14.06 Ml/d

3.1.8 S8 Uncertainty of Climate Change on Deployable Output

The modelling approach used to determine the impact of climate change on deployable output

is described under separate cover.

The wet and dry climate change scenarios modelled in the Aquator model represent the range

of uncertainty around the mid-range scenario up to 2080. The range of uncertainty used in the

headroom assessment is based on the difference between the corrected wet/dry scenarios and

mid-range scenarios, as shown in the following table.

Table 17: Modelled uncertainty in D.O. resulting from climate change impacts on yield

Scenarios at 2085

Base D.O. (Ml/d) Mid-Range Estimate

Range of Uncertainty by 2085 (Wet) (Ml/d)

Range of Uncertainty by 2085 (Dry) (Ml/d)

Dry Year 338 317 (-21) 14 -19

Peak Week 419.1 393.1 (-26) 17.4 -23.6

The wet and dry uncertainty has been extrapolated up to 2045 as a time-varying series in the

headroom model, using the scale factors set down in Section 3.3.6 of the Environment Agency’s

water resources planning guidelines (2012).

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Table 18: Climate Change Uncertainty in Deployable Output

Scenarios at 2045

Base D.O. (Ml/d) Mid-Range Estimate

Range of Uncertainty by 2045

(Wet) (Ml/d)

Range of Uncertainty by

2045 (Dry) (Ml/d)

Dry Year 338 328.5 (-9.5) 6.3 -8.6

Peak Week 419.1 407.3 (-11.8) 7.8 -10.7

This uncertainty range has been incorporated into both dry year annual average and peak week

headroom by assuming a triangular distribution with the upper and lower limits defined by the

wet and dry scenario results. The mid-range estimate is assumed to be zero but the correction

is incorporated within the baseline forecast. As the wet year case produces an increase in DO it

is treated as negative headroom and the dry year case vice versa.

3.1.9 S9 Uncertain output of new resource developments

South Staffs Water have no new resources due to be commissioned in their baseline

supply/demand forecast. Any new resources selected as options in the preferred plan will have

an uncertainty allowance in DO assigned to the final preferred headroom values.

3.2 Demand Components

3.2.1 D1/1 Accuracy of sub-component data

Potential errors in the measurement of distribution input are an important component of

headroom and are accounted for here. Only errors on meters which measure distribution input

separately to abstraction are accounted for, otherwise there would be a double count because

abstraction (metering) error is identified under S6/1.

The Company has assumed an equal accuracy measurement of +/- 2% over the planning

period. This will not be altered by subsequent meter replacements. Those distribution input

meters that are separate from the source meters are listed in the following table.

Table 19: Source Deployable Output and Distribution Input Meter Status

SOURCE NAME PR14 Annual Average D.O. (Ml/d)

PR14 Peak Week D.O. (Ml/d)

Separate Distribution input meter

SMPW 5.0 5.0 Yes

MGPW 2.7 2.7 Yes

SEPW 5.0 5.0 Yes

MBPW 8.5 9.0 No

CRPW1 5.5 5.5 Yes

CHPW1 10.0 10.0 No

COPW 15.0 18.0 No

KIPW1 9.0 9.0 No

PRPW1 20.0 20.0 No

ASPW 18.0 18.0 No

HIPW 5.6 5.6 No

MAPW1 0.52 0.52 No

HOPW 2.45 2.45 No

SHPW 0.0 0.0 Yes

SOPW 0.0 0.0 Yes

BVPW 4.8 4.8 No

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SOURCE NAME PR14 Annual Average D.O. (Ml/d)

PR14 Peak Week D.O. (Ml/d)

Separate Distribution input meter

LHPW1 5.0 5.0 Yes

SSPW 0.0 0.0 Yes

PHPW 12.0 12.0 Yes

TVPW 13.7 15.0 Yes

FRPW 10 12 Yes

CCPW1 6.5 6.6 Yes

Total groundwater DO 157.9 165.6

Total GW DO separate DI meters 51.3 55.6

River Severn Works 118.5 159.0 Yes

Central Works 58.7 91.3 Yes

Total surface water DO 177.2 250.3

Total DO 372.9 457.9

Total DO with separate DI meters 228.5 305.9

The total DO with separate DI meters is less than the demand forecast at DYAA and DYCP

across planning period; therefore, headroom uncertainty is constant. A triangular distribution

based an uncertainty of +/- 2% is applied as follows:

Table 20: Distribution Input Meter Accuracy: Headroom Distribution

Annual Average Peak Week

Minimum Headroom (decrease in demand)

-4.6 Ml/d -6.1 Ml/d

Best Estimate 0 Ml/d 0 Ml/d

Maximum Headroom (increase in demand)

+4.6 Ml/d +6.1 Ml/d

3.2.2 D2/1 Demand Forecasting Uncertainty

This element of headroom accounts for the uncertainty around the forecasts of individual

demand components. Uncertainty must be estimated on the normal year forecasts as the dry

year adjustment is added on to the normal year demand as an aggregate figure at the end. In

order to account for any additional uncertainty resulting from the dry year adjustment this is

included as well.

Components have been included for population, housing growth, measured and unmeasured

demand and leakage as well as the switching forecast. Uncertainty in the peak demand

forecast and in the dry year factor used in the annual average demand forecast have also been

considered. The headroom approach for each component of the demand forecast is described


• Household Consumption: Uncertainty in population, growth in number of properties, measured and unmeasured per capita consumption, household growth, number of meter optants and dry year adjustment has been assessed and compiled into a single set of values for upper and lower bounds, input to the model as a triangular distribution centred on the baseline forecast. For the population and properties uncertainty, we apply the UKWIR guideline errors to a normal distribution. Modelling error was accounted for using normally distributed regression coefficients (an assumption

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consistent with using ordinary least squares as the best linear unbiased estimator). The overall Household Consumption uncertainty is +/-13.22 Ml/d by 2045 for DYAA conditions, and +18 Ml/d to -19.1 Ml/d by 2045 for DYCP conditions.1

• Non-Household Consumption: Uncertainty around non-household consumption is estimated to be +/-5.06 Ml/d by 2045. This range was determined by looking at the range of different forecasts that were derived from different trend analyses and or linear models (with economic variables) and taking the mean/median and standard deviation of the distribution of these forecasts.2

• Leakage: Uncertainty around leakage has been determined as +/-5% of target leakage. This equates to +/-3.4 Ml/d in 2017, decreasing to +/-2.9 Ml/d by 2045: a triangular distribution has been used accordingly. This is consistent with work on SELL for the business plan.

• There are also uncertainties surrounding predicted peak consumption volumes used in the supply demand balance. This is because dry years do not occur regularly and the predicted demands do not always coincide with supply shortfalls. Review of historic data was used to define a triangular distribution between +/- 10 Ml/d for uncertainty in critical period uplift factor.

For each year the uncertainties for each consumption category are added together within the

headroom model to give an overall uncertainty for the demand forecasts. The percentages are

calculated from demand excluding SPL and MUR. The table below demonstrates the size of the

demand component for key years in the forecast.

Table 21: Total Demand Headroom Annual Average 5 yearly intervals

Annual Average 2019/20 2024/25 2029/30 2034/35 2039/40 2044/45

Minimum Headroom (decrease in demand) -7.12 -10.67 -13.85 -16.33 -18.77 -21.21

Best Estimate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Maximum Headroom (increase in demand) 7.12 10.67 13.85 16.33 18.77 21.21

The approach to assessing the demand component for peak week headroom uncertainty is the

same as that for annual average except that the dry year adjustment component is replaced

with that for since peak week volume uncertainty.

Table 22: Total Demand Headroom Peak Week 5 yearly intervals

Peak Week 2019/20 2024/25 2029/30 2034/35 2039/40 2044/45

Minimum Headroom (decrease in demand) -17.33 -24.33 -30.24 -32.37 -34.71 -37.11

Best Estimate 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Maximum Headroom (increase in demand) 15.83 19.68 23.81 27.90 31.96 35.99

3.2.3 Uncertainty of impact of Climate Change on Demand

The impact of climate change on demand was previously assessed using the techniques

developed in the UKWIR study, Impact of Climate Change on Demand. This has used

statistical analyses performed on PCC data from Thames Water and Severn Trent Water to

generate regression models relating demand to climatic data. These models have been used in

1 Artesia Consulting (2017) South Staffordshire Water WRMP19 Household consumption forecast: Baseline forecast. Reference AR1191

2 Artesia Consulting (2017) Non - household demand forecast for South Staffs Water WRMP19. Reference AR1187

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combination with UKCP09 climate projections to derive algorithms and look-up tables for each

UK region.

The Company has selected the Severn Trent water model as it better simulates the water using

behaviour of the South Staffs customer base. It has used probability data on increase in

demand in the South Humber region as this geographically matches the majority of its supply

area. The data tables contain forecast values for the percentage increase in household

consumption and these have been directly applied using Company average PCC values on an

annual basis.

The table below shows the range of uncertainty associated with the forecast annual average

impact of climate change on demand. All impacts are scaled to a mid-value of zero to avoid

double counting the base CC demand impacts (which are included in baseline demand).

Probability data have been used to produce a triangular distribution.

Table 23: Climate Change Demand Uncertainty Annual Average: 5 yearly Headroom

Annual Average 2019/20 2024/25 2029/30 2034/35 2039/40 2044/45

P10 Headroom Ml/d 0.12 0.36 0.58 0.83 1.08 1.32

P50 Headroom Ml/d 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

P90 Headroom Ml/d -0.11 -0.27 -0.47 -0.64 -0.83 -1.01

Table 24: Climate Change Demand Uncertainty Peak Week: 5 yearly Headroom

Peak Week 2019/20 2024/25 2029/30 2034/35 2039/40 2044/45

P10 Headroom Ml/d 0.36 0.97 1.61 2.29 2.99 3.68

P50 Headroom Ml/d 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

P90 Headroom Ml/d -0.49 -1.38 -2.31 -3.25 -4.19 -5.16

3.3 Analysing the data

Once the distributions are selected, they are built into the @Risk model. The model is then run

for 10,000 iterations to produce the combined headroom. The in-built sensitivity functions are

used to analyse which inputs have the greatest impact on the result.

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4 Results and conclusions

4.1 Target Headroom Results

4.1.1 DYAA

The results of the target headroom modelling under dry year average conditions are shown in

Figure 1 below. A full table of results by percentile is presented in Appendix A. The chosen risk

profile is also shown. Target headroom starts at 3.5 Ml/d in 2018, increasing steadily along the

95th percentile profile to a maximum of 7.9 Ml/d in 2030. The increase in risk acceptance beyond

2030 means that target headroom decreases slowly thereafter to 5.8 Ml/d by 2045.

Figure 1: DYAA Target Headroom Results and chosen risk profile

Figure 2 shows the proportional breakdown of target headroom by component for the selected

risk profile. In the early years, uncertainty is dominated by S6 supply-side uncertainty, especially

relating to potential yield of surface water sources. There is some demand uncertainty as a

result of potential distribution input meter inaccuracy. As time progresses, uncertainty relating to

demand increases steadily as a proportion of overall headroom, with accompanying

proportional increases in supply-side climate change and groundwater contamination


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Figure 2: % Breakdown of DYAA Target Headroom by sub-component

4.1.2 DYCP

The results of the target headroom modelling under dry year critical period conditions are shown

in Figure 3 below. A full table of results by percentile is presented in Appendix A. The chosen

risk profile is also shown. Target headroom starts at 8.9 Ml/d in 2017, increasing steadily along

the 95th percentile profile to a maximum of 12.1 Ml/d in 2030. The increase in risk acceptance

beyond 2030 means that target headroom fluctuates slightly thereafter, finishing at 12.4 Ml/d by













2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 2044




m (



Cumulative Headroom Uncertainty - SSWRZ

Sum of S5 components Sum of S6 components Sum of S8 components

D1 D2 Household D2 Non-Household

D2 Leakage D3 Climate Change Demand

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Figure 3: DYCP Target Headroom Results and chosen risk profile

Figure 4 shows the proportional breakdown of target headroom by component for the selected

risk profile. In the early years, uncertainty is dominated by S6 supply-side uncertainty, especially

relating to potential yield of surface water sources. There is some demand uncertainty as a

result of potential distribution input meter inaccuracy. As time progresses, uncertainty relating to

demand increases steadily as a proportion of overall headroom, with accompanying

proportional increases in supply-side climate change and groundwater contamination


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Figure 4: % Breakdown of DYCP Target Headroom by sub-component

4.2 Chosen Risk Profile

The headroom values for the chosen risk profile for each year of the planning period and the

corresponding percentiles, both for DYAA and DYCP / Peak are summarised in the tables

below. South Staffordshire Water is accepting a higher level of risk in the future than at present

which is expected as, over time, uncertainties allowances for which are included in headroom

will decrease.












2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 2044




m (



Cumulative Headroom Uncertainty - SSWRZ

Sum of S5 components Sum of S6 components Sum of S8 components

D1 D2 Household D2 Non-Household

D2 Leakage D2 Peak Factor D3 Climate Change Demand

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Table 4.1: Headroom values in Ml/d and corresponding %iles for the chosen risk profile (DYAA)

Year DYAA Headroom (all components)



DYAA Headroom (climate change components)

2016 / 17 3.46 95% 0.2

2017 / 18 5.12 95% 0.23

2018 / 19 5.29 95% 0.26

2019 / 20 5.54 95% 0.32

2020 / 21 5.68 95% 0.36

2021 / 22 5.90 95% 0.39

2022 / 23 6.20 95% 0.44

2023 / 24 6.45 95% 0.49

2024 / 25 6.75 95% 0.54

2025 / 26 6.98 95% 0.60

2026 / 27 7.26 95% 0.64

2027 / 28 7.28 95% 0.67

2028 / 29 7.61 95% 0.74

2029 / 30 7.92 95% 0.77

2030 / 31 7.74 94% 0.78

2031 / 32 7.44 93% 0.77

2032 / 33 7.31 92% 0.79

2033 / 34 7.03 91% 0.76

2034 / 35 6.93 90% 0.78

2035 / 36 6.88 89% 0.77

2036 / 37 6.54 88% 0.76

2037 / 38 6.53 87% 0.75

2038 / 39 6.45 86% 0.78

2039 / 40 6.26 85% 0.76

2040 / 41 6.21 84% 0.76

2041 / 42 6.15 83% 0.76

2042 / 43 5.92 82% 0.74

2043 / 44 5.88 81% 0.73

2044 / 45 5.78 80% 0.72

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Table 4.2: Headroom values in Ml/d and corresponding %iles for the chosen risk profile (DYCP / Peak)

Year DYCP / Peak Headroom (all components)

DYCP / Peak (%ile)

DYCP Headroom (climate change components)

2016 / 17 8.85 95% 0.8

2017 / 18 9.33 95% 0.94

2018 / 19 9.15 95% 0.93

2019 / 20 9.21 95% 1.02

2020 / 21 9.12 95% 1.10

2021 / 22 9.55 95% 1.19

2022 / 23 9.57 95% 1.20

2023 / 24 9.73 95% 1.28

2024 / 25 10.40 95% 1.41

2025 / 26 10.68 95% 1.42

2026 / 27 11.07 95% 1.53

2027 / 28 11.23 95% 1.60

2028 / 29 11.68 95% 1.79

2029 / 30 12.09 95% 1.74

2030 / 31 12.31 94% 1.92

2031 / 32 12.21 93% 1.91

2032 / 33 11.91 92% 1.92

2033 / 34 12.00 91% 1.93

2034 / 35 12.20 90% 2.07

2035 / 36 11.94 89% 1.99

2036 / 37 11.96 88% 2.00

2037 / 38 12.13 87% 2.05

2038 / 39 12.10 86% 2.06

2039 / 40 12.11 85% 2.12

2040 / 41 12.24 84% 2.11

2041 / 42 12.21 83% 2.17

2042 / 43 12.16 82% 2.14

2043 / 44 12.06 81% 2.15

2044 / 45 12.42 80% 2.12

4.3 Risk Profile Sensitivity

The range in target headroom between 15th and 85th percentiles is shown below. Full tables of

results for DYAA and DYCP are presented in Appendix A.

Table 4.3: Difference between 15%ile and 85%iles in 2017/18 and 2044/45

Scenario 15-%ile

(2017 / 18)


(2017 / 18)


(2044 / 45)


(2044 / 45)

DYAA -6.96 2.48 -9.29 7.30

DYCP (Peak) -5.45 6.10 -7.70 14.44

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A. Target Headroom Uncertainty Results Tables 29

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A. Target Headroom Uncertainty Results


Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 1Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx

Table 4: DYAA Target Headroom Percentiles by Year

Percentiles 0 2017 0 2018 0 2019 0 2020 0 2021 0 2022 0 2023 0 2024 0 2025 0 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045

0% -17.14 -17.03 -17.30 -17.79 -18.72 -18.84 -19.11 -19.79 -24.41 -21.47 -21.36 -22.56 -21.74 -23.83 -21.55 -24.07 -25.44 -26.05 -24.71 -23.72 -29.01 -27.76 -24.65 -25.54 -28.46 -25.85 -29.22 -27.99 -29.06

1% -12.96 -12.54 -12.61 -12.52 -13.17 -13.15 -13.57 -13.49 -13.70 -14.04 -14.24 -14.23 -14.79 -15.25 -15.15 -15.70 -15.86 -16.24 -16.55 -16.45 -16.57 -17.15 -17.21 -17.38 -17.86 -18.24 -18.79 -18.67 -18.97

2% -11.83 -11.40 -11.47 -11.36 -11.96 -11.95 -12.11 -12.29 -12.31 -12.64 -12.87 -12.91 -13.51 -13.44 -13.55 -14.24 -14.23 -14.87 -14.85 -14.68 -14.99 -15.32 -15.56 -15.87 -15.86 -16.26 -16.74 -17.06 -16.99

3% -11.11 -10.66 -10.68 -10.59 -11.24 -11.03 -11.35 -11.40 -11.53 -11.71 -12.05 -12.15 -12.31 -12.55 -12.60 -13.12 -13.11 -13.80 -13.73 -13.69 -13.87 -14.27 -14.27 -14.78 -14.63 -15.04 -15.32 -15.64 -15.75

4% -10.56 -10.11 -10.04 -10.07 -10.53 -10.52 -10.58 -10.78 -10.81 -11.09 -11.36 -11.44 -11.66 -11.82 -11.99 -12.32 -12.41 -12.94 -12.91 -12.81 -13.07 -13.41 -13.39 -13.89 -13.79 -14.04 -14.34 -14.80 -14.92

5% -10.05 -9.56 -9.60 -9.62 -9.98 -9.95 -10.14 -10.23 -10.35 -10.60 -10.75 -10.92 -11.16 -11.14 -11.40 -11.55 -11.84 -12.32 -12.23 -12.25 -12.35 -12.77 -12.64 -13.27 -13.03 -13.30 -13.64 -13.96 -14.13

6% -9.75 -9.19 -9.22 -9.20 -9.61 -9.59 -9.69 -9.83 -9.97 -10.17 -10.24 -10.43 -10.71 -10.64 -10.77 -10.94 -11.32 -11.73 -11.69 -11.71 -11.78 -12.15 -12.11 -12.66 -12.44 -12.72 -12.92 -13.18 -13.40

7% -9.46 -8.90 -8.90 -8.89 -9.23 -9.19 -9.31 -9.46 -9.59 -9.74 -9.82 -10.02 -10.34 -10.10 -10.39 -10.38 -10.82 -11.25 -11.18 -11.18 -11.28 -11.59 -11.66 -12.04 -11.92 -12.14 -12.25 -12.61 -12.71

8% -9.25 -8.63 -8.58 -8.59 -8.89 -8.88 -8.96 -9.11 -9.23 -9.39 -9.48 -9.60 -9.90 -9.65 -10.00 -9.94 -10.39 -10.73 -10.71 -10.75 -10.79 -11.13 -11.15 -11.52 -11.44 -11.57 -11.80 -12.06 -12.10

9% -8.97 -8.35 -8.28 -8.35 -8.61 -8.58 -8.67 -8.75 -8.86 -9.06 -9.20 -9.23 -9.55 -9.31 -9.62 -9.60 -9.99 -10.29 -10.36 -10.38 -10.44 -10.65 -10.67 -11.01 -10.97 -11.10 -11.35 -11.64 -11.59

10% -8.70 -8.11 -8.00 -8.07 -8.31 -8.31 -8.37 -8.49 -8.54 -8.78 -8.89 -8.93 -9.17 -9.02 -9.26 -9.26 -9.60 -9.88 -9.98 -9.98 -10.06 -10.27 -10.22 -10.56 -10.56 -10.69 -10.85 -11.13 -11.20

11% -8.46 -7.87 -7.77 -7.77 -8.05 -8.06 -8.11 -8.22 -8.28 -8.50 -8.57 -8.65 -8.85 -8.73 -8.97 -8.98 -9.30 -9.52 -9.62 -9.64 -9.70 -9.93 -9.87 -10.14 -10.20 -10.32 -10.46 -10.76 -10.81

12% -8.26 -7.63 -7.56 -7.52 -7.81 -7.78 -7.87 -7.92 -7.99 -8.24 -8.25 -8.32 -8.55 -8.46 -8.60 -8.68 -8.98 -9.21 -9.28 -9.31 -9.36 -9.56 -9.48 -9.78 -9.84 -9.97 -10.05 -10.31 -10.41

13% -8.07 -7.40 -7.36 -7.29 -7.55 -7.55 -7.66 -7.66 -7.74 -7.96 -8.01 -8.05 -8.28 -8.23 -8.31 -8.42 -8.63 -8.94 -9.00 -8.99 -9.01 -9.27 -9.17 -9.46 -9.45 -9.60 -9.71 -9.92 -10.02

14% -7.86 -7.17 -7.15 -7.10 -7.33 -7.31 -7.44 -7.43 -7.49 -7.70 -7.79 -7.84 -8.02 -7.90 -8.01 -8.12 -8.36 -8.62 -8.67 -8.72 -8.70 -8.91 -8.80 -9.15 -9.06 -9.30 -9.40 -9.55 -9.67

15% -7.65 -6.96 -6.96 -6.87 -7.11 -7.10 -7.23 -7.18 -7.26 -7.48 -7.59 -7.60 -7.76 -7.64 -7.79 -7.86 -8.10 -8.35 -8.40 -8.38 -8.37 -8.58 -8.47 -8.83 -8.75 -8.97 -9.07 -9.19 -9.29

16% -7.47 -6.78 -6.77 -6.70 -6.91 -6.90 -7.02 -6.99 -7.07 -7.25 -7.35 -7.41 -7.52 -7.41 -7.56 -7.64 -7.84 -8.03 -8.12 -8.09 -8.07 -8.27 -8.20 -8.56 -8.48 -8.59 -8.78 -8.83 -8.90

17% -7.29 -6.60 -6.59 -6.51 -6.69 -6.70 -6.86 -6.75 -6.86 -7.05 -7.13 -7.16 -7.33 -7.22 -7.29 -7.40 -7.59 -7.77 -7.78 -7.84 -7.85 -8.00 -7.90 -8.27 -8.14 -8.24 -8.45 -8.53 -8.58

18% -7.14 -6.43 -6.38 -6.33 -6.50 -6.51 -6.69 -6.55 -6.68 -6.82 -6.89 -6.97 -7.12 -6.98 -7.07 -7.18 -7.35 -7.52 -7.52 -7.58 -7.61 -7.75 -7.65 -7.98 -7.87 -7.95 -8.14 -8.20 -8.31

19% -6.98 -6.28 -6.23 -6.17 -6.31 -6.32 -6.50 -6.32 -6.50 -6.66 -6.68 -6.77 -6.94 -6.73 -6.88 -6.97 -7.09 -7.28 -7.26 -7.38 -7.38 -7.46 -7.40 -7.72 -7.63 -7.64 -7.84 -7.91 -7.99

20% -6.79 -6.08 -6.06 -6.00 -6.15 -6.14 -6.34 -6.13 -6.30 -6.47 -6.52 -6.56 -6.69 -6.55 -6.67 -6.73 -6.86 -7.03 -7.01 -7.11 -7.10 -7.20 -7.14 -7.43 -7.36 -7.36 -7.57 -7.65 -7.74

21% -6.64 -5.92 -5.89 -5.82 -5.96 -5.96 -6.16 -5.97 -6.11 -6.26 -6.30 -6.32 -6.50 -6.34 -6.44 -6.50 -6.68 -6.79 -6.74 -6.89 -6.90 -6.97 -6.88 -7.16 -7.06 -7.08 -7.31 -7.40 -7.46

22% -6.49 -5.79 -5.72 -5.68 -5.81 -5.80 -5.99 -5.77 -5.94 -6.11 -6.10 -6.17 -6.30 -6.14 -6.24 -6.25 -6.44 -6.57 -6.55 -6.64 -6.67 -6.72 -6.64 -6.90 -6.80 -6.84 -7.03 -7.14 -7.15

23% -6.35 -5.63 -5.58 -5.51 -5.65 -5.63 -5.83 -5.59 -5.75 -5.94 -5.90 -5.98 -6.10 -5.92 -6.07 -6.03 -6.24 -6.36 -6.30 -6.43 -6.43 -6.52 -6.41 -6.65 -6.56 -6.55 -6.78 -6.88 -6.90

24% -6.21 -5.47 -5.43 -5.36 -5.49 -5.47 -5.66 -5.43 -5.59 -5.77 -5.70 -5.79 -5.91 -5.74 -5.88 -5.83 -6.01 -6.12 -6.11 -6.21 -6.21 -6.28 -6.17 -6.42 -6.34 -6.29 -6.53 -6.64 -6.59

25% -6.07 -5.35 -5.27 -5.20 -5.35 -5.31 -5.49 -5.31 -5.42 -5.57 -5.50 -5.60 -5.73 -5.57 -5.71 -5.65 -5.85 -5.90 -5.86 -6.02 -5.98 -6.04 -5.93 -6.22 -6.13 -6.04 -6.24 -6.41 -6.36

26% -5.93 -5.23 -5.15 -5.04 -5.18 -5.15 -5.31 -5.14 -5.25 -5.42 -5.34 -5.43 -5.55 -5.38 -5.54 -5.45 -5.67 -5.69 -5.66 -5.84 -5.79 -5.82 -5.70 -5.98 -5.92 -5.82 -6.04 -6.14 -6.13

27% -5.80 -5.08 -5.01 -4.91 -5.02 -5.00 -5.15 -5.00 -5.09 -5.23 -5.14 -5.27 -5.36 -5.18 -5.33 -5.25 -5.47 -5.52 -5.51 -5.65 -5.57 -5.63 -5.49 -5.73 -5.70 -5.62 -5.81 -5.90 -5.89

28% -5.70 -4.93 -4.91 -4.75 -4.90 -4.86 -5.02 -4.83 -4.93 -5.08 -4.97 -5.12 -5.16 -5.02 -5.16 -5.07 -5.27 -5.32 -5.33 -5.44 -5.36 -5.43 -5.29 -5.51 -5.49 -5.38 -5.58 -5.62 -5.67

29% -5.57 -4.81 -4.79 -4.60 -4.75 -4.72 -4.89 -4.67 -4.76 -4.94 -4.82 -4.94 -5.01 -4.85 -4.99 -4.91 -5.09 -5.13 -5.12 -5.23 -5.13 -5.24 -5.08 -5.35 -5.28 -5.17 -5.39 -5.39 -5.40

30% -5.45 -4.69 -4.68 -4.49 -4.61 -4.57 -4.74 -4.54 -4.60 -4.78 -4.67 -4.75 -4.84 -4.67 -4.80 -4.74 -4.91 -4.94 -4.94 -5.01 -4.91 -5.01 -4.87 -5.14 -5.06 -4.94 -5.10 -5.16 -5.19

31% -5.32 -4.56 -4.53 -4.36 -4.47 -4.43 -4.59 -4.38 -4.48 -4.66 -4.51 -4.59 -4.66 -4.54 -4.64 -4.55 -4.73 -4.75 -4.75 -4.78 -4.72 -4.78 -4.67 -4.96 -4.83 -4.75 -4.89 -4.94 -4.97

32% -5.18 -4.46 -4.41 -4.26 -4.34 -4.29 -4.45 -4.26 -4.32 -4.51 -4.35 -4.44 -4.47 -4.39 -4.44 -4.39 -4.59 -4.55 -4.54 -4.60 -4.52 -4.56 -4.44 -4.78 -4.61 -4.53 -4.67 -4.74 -4.74

33% -5.07 -4.30 -4.28 -4.14 -4.20 -4.15 -4.32 -4.12 -4.16 -4.33 -4.21 -4.26 -4.32 -4.23 -4.28 -4.20 -4.44 -4.39 -4.35 -4.39 -4.30 -4.39 -4.25 -4.53 -4.42 -4.34 -4.48 -4.54 -4.55

34% -4.96 -4.16 -4.16 -4.02 -4.08 -4.01 -4.18 -3.97 -4.01 -4.20 -4.07 -4.11 -4.18 -4.08 -4.10 -4.03 -4.29 -4.21 -4.17 -4.21 -4.14 -4.23 -4.08 -4.33 -4.22 -4.12 -4.25 -4.29 -4.30

35% -4.85 -4.04 -4.04 -3.88 -3.96 -3.87 -4.04 -3.84 -3.85 -4.04 -3.92 -3.98 -4.01 -3.91 -3.95 -3.87 -4.09 -4.04 -3.99 -4.03 -3.99 -4.02 -3.89 -4.16 -4.02 -3.93 -4.03 -4.08 -4.11

36% -4.75 -3.92 -3.91 -3.75 -3.81 -3.73 -3.87 -3.70 -3.71 -3.91 -3.76 -3.84 -3.86 -3.73 -3.81 -3.72 -3.95 -3.89 -3.83 -3.88 -3.84 -3.79 -3.70 -3.95 -3.80 -3.75 -3.86 -3.85 -3.89

37% -4.64 -3.79 -3.78 -3.60 -3.70 -3.62 -3.74 -3.56 -3.58 -3.77 -3.61 -3.69 -3.69 -3.59 -3.67 -3.55 -3.75 -3.71 -3.65 -3.70 -3.66 -3.60 -3.52 -3.74 -3.58 -3.50 -3.67 -3.63 -3.66

38% -4.53 -3.65 -3.64 -3.49 -3.57 -3.48 -3.58 -3.44 -3.41 -3.62 -3.46 -3.53 -3.54 -3.44 -3.50 -3.38 -3.58 -3.55 -3.46 -3.53 -3.48 -3.41 -3.33 -3.54 -3.40 -3.30 -3.49 -3.44 -3.43

39% -4.44 -3.53 -3.51 -3.37 -3.44 -3.34 -3.45 -3.29 -3.30 -3.47 -3.31 -3.38 -3.39 -3.30 -3.34 -3.21 -3.41 -3.40 -3.29 -3.36 -3.29 -3.19 -3.13 -3.33 -3.24 -3.08 -3.31 -3.19 -3.21

40% -4.32 -3.40 -3.40 -3.26 -3.32 -3.21 -3.32 -3.14 -3.16 -3.33 -3.17 -3.23 -3.24 -3.15 -3.15 -3.04 -3.26 -3.25 -3.12 -3.19 -3.09 -3.00 -2.98 -3.16 -3.05 -2.89 -3.12 -2.93 -2.99

41% -4.21 -3.28 -3.27 -3.14 -3.20 -3.07 -3.18 -3.02 -3.04 -3.19 -3.04 -3.10 -3.07 -2.98 -2.99 -2.90 -3.09 -3.09 -2.93 -3.03 -2.92 -2.83 -2.80 -2.96 -2.87 -2.69 -2.88 -2.73 -2.77

42% -4.10 -3.17 -3.16 -3.02 -3.08 -2.95 -3.04 -2.87 -2.90 -3.04 -2.87 -2.93 -2.93 -2.84 -2.86 -2.73 -2.95 -2.91 -2.77 -2.84 -2.76 -2.67 -2.61 -2.80 -2.68 -2.51 -2.69 -2.52 -2.56

43% -4.01 -3.06 -3.03 -2.91 -2.95 -2.83 -2.91 -2.73 -2.75 -2.88 -2.71 -2.81 -2.78 -2.71 -2.67 -2.60 -2.77 -2.71 -2.62 -2.68 -2.60 -2.49 -2.43 -2.61 -2.47 -2.32 -2.49 -2.33 -2.36

44% -3.90 -2.93 -2.92 -2.79 -2.84 -2.70 -2.79 -2.58 -2.61 -2.77 -2.57 -2.66 -2.63 -2.55 -2.51 -2.43 -2.59 -2.54 -2.49 -2.51 -2.44 -2.30 -2.25 -2.39 -2.27 -2.12 -2.28 -2.15 -2.14

45% -3.79 -2.79 -2.79 -2.64 -2.71 -2.57 -2.65 -2.46 -2.47 -2.62 -2.45 -2.51 -2.48 -2.40 -2.36 -2.26 -2.42 -2.37 -2.34 -2.36 -2.26 -2.11 -2.08 -2.20 -2.06 -1.93 -2.06 -1.97 -1.93

46% -3.70 -2.66 -2.67 -2.52 -2.59 -2.45 -2.52 -2.33 -2.35 -2.48 -2.30 -2.37 -2.34 -2.26 -2.17 -2.09 -2.28 -2.21 -2.19 -2.18 -2.08 -1.93 -1.88 -2.02 -1.86 -1.72 -1.86 -1.76 -1.74

47% -3.59 -2.55 -2.58 -2.39 -2.48 -2.32 -2.38 -2.21 -2.22 -2.35 -2.18 -2.24 -2.21 -2.13 -2.01 -1.92 -2.12 -2.02 -2.01 -2.00 -1.88 -1.73 -1.70 -1.84 -1.71 -1.52 -1.66 -1.57 -1.55

48% -3.48 -2.45 -2.48 -2.29 -2.34 -2.19 -2.25 -2.10 -2.11 -2.24 -2.05 -2.11 -2.06 -1.99 -1.86 -1.78 -1.94 -1.87 -1.81 -1.84 -1.69 -1.56 -1.56 -1.67 -1.53 -1.36 -1.43 -1.37 -1.34

49% -3.37 -2.35 -2.37 -2.18 -2.20 -2.08 -2.10 -1.96 -1.98 -2.09 -1.93 -1.97 -1.91 -1.85 -1.71 -1.63 -1.79 -1.72 -1.64 -1.67 -1.52 -1.38 -1.40 -1.48 -1.35 -1.16 -1.21 -1.19 -1.13

50% -3.27 -2.23 -2.26 -2.08 -2.09 -1.95 -1.99 -1.85 -1.85 -1.94 -1.78 -1.83 -1.77 -1.70 -1.56 -1.49 -1.62 -1.56 -1.50 -1.50 -1.35 -1.17 -1.25 -1.31 -1.15 -1.01 -0.99 -1.01 -0.93

51% -3.17 -2.13 -2.16 -1.94 -2.00 -1.82 -1.84 -1.72 -1.73 -1.80 -1.65 -1.68 -1.63 -1.57 -1.41 -1.36 -1.47 -1.40 -1.36 -1.34 -1.18 -1.02 -1.06 -1.14 -0.97 -0.83 -0.80 -0.81 -0.76

52% -3.09 -2.00 -2.04 -1.84 -1.89 -1.70 -1.72 -1.61 -1.59 -1.65 -1.52 -1.53 -1.49 -1.38 -1.26 -1.19 -1.29 -1.23 -1.19 -1.18 -1.03 -0.82 -0.84 -0.97 -0.75 -0.64 -0.57 -0.63 -0.55

53% -2.96 -1.89 -1.91 -1.73 -1.78 -1.59 -1.58 -1.49 -1.46 -1.52 -1.40 -1.40 -1.36 -1.25 -1.10 -1.06 -1.14 -1.07 -1.03 -1.00 -0.87 -0.64 -0.64 -0.81 -0.54 -0.41 -0.39 -0.44 -0.33

54% -2.85 -1.75 -1.81 -1.62 -1.66 -1.46 -1.44 -1.35 -1.35 -1.37 -1.26 -1.26 -1.22 -1.10 -0.93 -0.90 -0.97 -0.91 -0.85 -0.82 -0.73 -0.47 -0.53 -0.65 -0.38 -0.24 -0.22 -0.24 -0.14

55% -2.75 -1.63 -1.70 -1.49 -1.54 -1.32 -1.32 -1.23 -1.20 -1.22 -1.13 -1.11 -1.08 -0.94 -0.78 -0.77 -0.80 -0.73 -0.69 -0.67 -0.57 -0.31 -0.33 -0.46 -0.17 0.00 -0.03 0.00 0.14

56% -2.64 -1.53 -1.58 -1.40 -1.42 -1.19 -1.20 -1.11 -1.05 -1.07 -0.99 -0.97 -0.93 -0.79 -0.63 -0.61 -0.66 -0.59 -0.53 -0.49 -0.41 -0.09 -0.13 -0.27 0.04 0.20 0.14 0.20 0.36

57% -2.53 -1.42 -1.46 -1.27 -1.30 -1.06 -1.07 -0.99 -0.93 -0.93 -0.85 -0.82 -0.77 -0.64 -0.47 -0.44 -0.49 -0.43 -0.38 -0.32 -0.23 0.10 0.06 -0.10 0.22 0.39 0.34 0.42 0.53

58% -2.40 -1.30 -1.34 -1.15 -1.19 -0.94 -0.95 -0.85 -0.80 -0.82 -0.72 -0.69 -0.60 -0.47 -0.27 -0.29 -0.32 -0.23 -0.21 -0.15 -0.01 0.30 0.27 0.10 0.39 0.58 0.54 0.61 0.79

59% -2.30 -1.17 -1.20 -1.03 -1.05 -0.82 -0.81 -0.73 -0.67 -0.69 -0.57 -0.55 -0.48 -0.30 -0.14 -0.15 -0.17 -0.07 -0.04 0.02 0.16 0.46 0.45 0.30 0.58 0.74 0.70 0.81 0.98

60% -2.21 -1.06 -1.09 -0.91 -0.93 -0.68 -0.68 -0.61 -0.53 -0.54 -0.42 -0.41 -0.35 -0.15 0.00 0.02 -0.01 0.09 0.14 0.19 0.31 0.61 0.62 0.49 0.78 0.95 0.91 1.00 1.20

61% -2.11 -0.94 -0.98 -0.80 -0.80 -0.55 -0.55 -0.48 -0.39 -0.40 -0.28 -0.27 -0.19 -0.01 0.17 0.20 0.17 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.48 0.77 0.80 0.65 0.97 1.15 1.10 1.17 1.41

62% -1.98 -0.81 -0.86 -0.69 -0.66 -0.42 -0.40 -0.35 -0.24 -0.26 -0.12 -0.12 -0.04 0.14 0.31 0.37 0.32 0.43 0.51 0.57 0.68 0.94 0.98 0.84 1.19 1.32 1.29 1.39 1.66

63% -1.89 -0.69 -0.74 -0.57 -0.51 -0.29 -0.27 -0.20 -0.12 -0.12 0.01 0.05 0.11 0.31 0.45 0.52 0.51 0.58 0.69 0.76 0.86 1.13 1.16 1.05 1.39 1.52 1.51 1.61 1.85

64% -1.79 -0.59 -0.64 -0.42 -0.39 -0.14 -0.13 -0.06 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.21 0.27 0.47 0.60 0.67 0.69 0.77 0.86 0.96 1.04 1.31 1.33 1.27 1.59 1.71 1.71 1.83 2.07

65% -1.70 -0.45 -0.50 -0.27 -0.28 -0.01 0.02 0.09 0.15 0.20 0.35 0.32 0.42 0.63 0.72 0.85 0.83 0.93 1.06 1.15 1.21 1.50 1.52 1.48 1.80 1.89 1.87 2.04 2.29

66% -1.59 -0.33 -0.36 -0.13 -0.16 0.12 0.15 0.23 0.27 0.32 0.49 0.46 0.58 0.80 0.88 1.00 1.02 1.10 1.22 1.32 1.39 1.71 1.73 1.69 1.99 2.06 2.07 2.25 2.51

67% -1.48 -0.19 -0.22 -0.02 -0.03 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.41 0.47 0.64 0.61 0.76 0.95 1.06 1.18 1.20 1.28 1.40 1.50 1.56 1.89 1.93 1.91 2.16 2.24 2.31 2.47 2.71

68% -1.36 -0.06 -0.09 0.16 0.09 0.38 0.41 0.50 0.55 0.63 0.78 0.76 0.96 1.11 1.24 1.34 1.34 1.45 1.58 1.69 1.72 2.11 2.13 2.11 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.71 2.92

69% -1.24 0.07 0.05 0.28 0.24 0.52 0.54 0.66 0.69 0.78 0.95 0.91 1.11 1.25 1.42 1.51 1.53 1.68 1.77 1.87 1.92 2.34 2.35 2.34 2.55 2.66 2.71 2.97 3.14

70% -1.13 0.21 0.19 0.40 0.40 0.67 0.68 0.81 0.85 0.96 1.11 1.11 1.29 1.43 1.61 1.70 1.73 1.91 1.98 2.09 2.12 2.53 2.56 2.53 2.78 2.88 2.93 3.19 3.35

71% -1.01 0.37 0.35 0.55 0.55 0.80 0.85 0.95 1.01 1.12 1.26 1.27 1.46 1.63 1.80 1.85 1.93 2.13 2.15 2.28 2.32 2.72 2.75 2.76 3.00 3.12 3.13 3.41 3.57

72% -0.88 0.49 0.50 0.69 0.67 0.94 0.97 1.10 1.17 1.29 1.43 1.45 1.61 1.81 2.02 2.07 2.11 2.34 2.36 2.48 2.54 2.95 2.92 2.92 3.20 3.34 3.37 3.59 3.81

73% -0.76 0.61 0.68 0.82 0.82 1.09 1.12 1.23 1.32 1.45 1.59 1.63 1.77 1.96 2.18 2.25 2.29 2.55 2.56 2.69 2.72 3.14 3.15 3.14 3.41 3.56 3.58 3.82 4.03

74% -0.64 0.74 0.82 0.96 0.95 1.23 1.31 1.40 1.50 1.61 1.71 1.79 1.93 2.14 2.38 2.49 2.52 2.73 2.73 2.90 2.91 3.33 3.36 3.36 3.66 3.83 3.81 4.04 4.24

75% -0.50 0.87 0.98 1.11 1.13 1.37 1.45 1.55 1.67 1.78 1.91 1.97 2.13 2.35 2.53 2.64 2.71 2.92 2.92 3.14 3.14 3.53 3.59 3.62 3.87 4.08 4.09 4.29 4.49

76% -0.37 1.02 1.10 1.27 1.29 1.53 1.61 1.69 1.83 1.94 2.09 2.13 2.29 2.55 2.75 2.82 2.89 3.12 3.18 3.36 3.42 3.75 3.86 3.83 4.11 4.31 4.38 4.53 4.72

77% -0.22 1.17 1.27 1.43 1.47 1.67 1.76 1.86 1.99 2.12 2.27 2.31 2.50 2.74 2.94 3.00 3.10 3.31 3.39 3.56 3.60 3.98 4.11 4.06 4.33 4.55 4.62 4.76 4.97

78% -0.09 1.32 1.43 1.58 1.65 1.82 1.94 2.02 2.16 2.30 2.44 2.50 2.70 2.96 3.12 3.18 3.31 3.50 3.63 3.79 3.82 4.20 4.35 4.28 4.55 4.81 4.86 5.00 5.23

79% 0.03 1.48 1.57 1.77 1.82 1.97 2.12 2.18 2.31 2.52 2.63 2.67 2.90 3.20 3.32 3.44 3.55 3.70 3.86 4.06 4.05 4.44 4.54 4.54 4.80 5.07 5.15 5.33 5.51

80% 0.19 1.63 1.71 1.91 1.98 2.16 2.27 2.34 2.52 2.69 2.85 2.90 3.09 3.41 3.54 3.67 3.75 3.89 4.13 4.29 4.26 4.70 4.77 4.80 5.06 5.33 5.39 5.62 5.78

81% 0.33 1.82 1.89 2.09 2.17 2.37 2.44 2.54 2.72 2.88 3.05 3.11 3.30 3.63 3.77 3.89 3.97 4.14 4.36 4.55 4.50 4.96 5.02 5.06 5.32 5.60 5.63 5.88 6.06

82% 0.48 1.97 2.06 2.29 2.34 2.56 2.64 2.76 2.95 3.09 3.25 3.31 3.52 3.86 4.01 4.09 4.20 4.41 4.57 4.79 4.73 5.16 5.27 5.34 5.55 5.88 5.92 6.16 6.36

83% 0.65 2.14 2.23 2.47 2.51 2.74 2.86 2.94 3.14 3.29 3.47 3.53 3.72 4.04 4.23 4.30 4.44 4.67 4.83 5.05 5.01 5.41 5.52 5.65 5.91 6.15 6.21 6.42 6.64

84% 0.83 2.31 2.41 2.69 2.68 2.94 3.08 3.13 3.35 3.48 3.70 3.83 3.96 4.27 4.45 4.54 4.70 4.94 5.09 5.29 5.31 5.64 5.85 5.93 6.21 6.47 6.55 6.80 7.00

85% 1.00 2.48 2.59 2.88 2.87 3.12 3.30 3.37 3.53 3.68 3.91 4.03 4.20 4.50 4.70 4.83 4.97 5.22 5.35 5.59 5.60 5.92 6.16 6.26 6.56 6.76 6.89 7.14 7.30

86% 1.16 2.68 2.80 3.05 3.05 3.31 3.51 3.55 3.79 3.93 4.15 4.25 4.44 4.74 4.96 5.19 5.21 5.46 5.66 5.89 5.87 6.22 6.45 6.58 6.88 7.06 7.25 7.46 7.67

87% 1.31 2.88 3.03 3.23 3.24 3.54 3.72 3.80 3.99 4.16 4.38 4.50 4.70 5.03 5.24 5.45 5.52 5.73 5.96 6.23 6.20 6.53 6.80 6.90 7.19 7.40 7.60 7.82 8.04

88% 1.54 3.11 3.27 3.46 3.43 3.77 3.98 4.04 4.23 4.41 4.66 4.80 5.00 5.36 5.59 5.73 5.79 6.00 6.28 6.52 6.54 6.85 7.10 7.26 7.49 7.82 7.97 8.15 8.41

89% 1.74 3.32 3.48 3.71 3.64 4.02 4.22 4.31 4.50 4.69 4.98 5.09 5.30 5.64 5.89 6.01 6.13 6.35 6.58 6.88 6.94 7.20 7.47 7.64 7.87 8.21 8.28 8.57 8.86

90% 2.00 3.59 3.74 3.94 3.90 4.25 4.49 4.59 4.79 4.98 5.29 5.44 5.62 5.97 6.21 6.31 6.50 6.65 6.93 7.22 7.31 7.55 7.91 8.09 8.29 8.67 8.65 8.95 9.28

91% 2.21 3.86 4.02 4.21 4.16 4.50 4.78 4.92 5.13 5.33 5.63 5.69 5.98 6.30 6.55 6.68 6.88 7.03 7.29 7.54 7.72 7.94 8.31 8.50 8.80 9.07 9.15 9.43 9.71

92% 2.47 4.14 4.29 4.49 4.52 4.84 5.15 5.24 5.50 5.67 6.01 6.10 6.26 6.63 6.96 7.03 7.31 7.42 7.71 7.91 8.08 8.36 8.72 8.93 9.35 9.55 9.61 9.80 10.18

93% 2.77 4.43 4.58 4.79 4.88 5.17 5.52 5.58 5.82 6.05 6.44 6.46 6.66 7.02 7.37 7.44 7.81 7.80 8.13 8.36 8.50 8.81 9.20 9.39 9.85 10.02 10.21 10.33 10.72

94% 3.06 4.73 4.90 5.16 5.23 5.50 5.85 6.02 6.28 6.43 6.83 6.89 7.11 7.41 7.74 7.94 8.28 8.25 8.67 8.92 9.08 9.33 9.72 10.06 10.45 10.59 10.84 10.89 11.24

95% 3.46 5.12 5.29 5.54 5.68 5.90 6.20 6.45 6.75 6.98 7.26 7.28 7.61 7.92 8.22 8.49 8.84 8.85 9.20 9.48 9.64 9.90 10.35 10.60 11.03 11.15 11.37 11.53 11.86

96% 3.86 5.50 5.79 5.90 6.20 6.37 6.70 6.94 7.27 7.54 7.77 7.78 8.18 8.48 8.84 9.25 9.47 9.52 9.84 10.21 10.28 10.70 11.07 11.51 11.72 11.97 12.08 12.28 12.67

97% 4.30 6.06 6.42 6.43 6.77 6.95 7.38 7.55 8.01 8.30 8.40 8.54 8.85 9.24 9.57 10.05 10.23 10.41 10.66 11.17 11.20 11.51 12.12 12.34 12.61 12.94 13.02 13.16 13.64

98% 5.13 6.78 7.18 7.19 7.57 7.89 8.16 8.49 8.84 9.18 9.41 9.47 9.66 10.25 10.53 10.91 11.24 11.45 11.76 12.31 12.36 12.68 13.10 13.37 13.72 14.08 14.22 14.60 14.95

99% 6.06 7.93 8.27 8.32 8.81 9.38 9.51 9.69 10.09 10.57 10.74 10.99 11.50 11.94 12.03 12.56 12.74 13.12 13.26 14.01 13.68 14.38 14.75 15.44 15.37 15.90 15.87 16.46 16.73

100% 13.74 15.75 13.47 13.76 16.54 15.39 16.12 16.11 18.95 18.37 16.79 17.81 21.34 17.52 20.36 20.09 20.82 20.03 24.16 21.04 20.65 22.45 24.38 22.53 22.70 24.08 23.22 26.06 28.98

Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 2Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx

Table 5: DYCP Target Headroom Percentiles by Year

Percentiles 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 0 2034 0 2035 0 2036 0 2037 0 2038 0 2039 0 2040 0 2041 0 2042 0 2043 0 2044 0 2045

0% -19.63 -17.85 -17.60 -19.54 -18.70 -24.33 -23.39 -22.60 -23.85 -27.31 -24.28 -26.63 -24.43 -27.48 -25.89 -31.45 -26.44 -31.76 -27.00 -28.11 -30.45 -34.50 -33.24 -34.46 -29.56 -29.75 -28.88 -33.67 -29.52

1% -11.37 -11.78 -12.48 -12.64 -13.18 -13.51 -14.07 -15.14 -15.29 -15.99 -16.91 -16.78 -17.33 -17.83 -18.48 -18.19 -18.03 -19.00 -18.57 -18.84 -18.50 -19.05 -19.70 -19.44 -19.44 -20.21 -19.78 -20.21 -19.68

2% -10.01 -10.49 -11.18 -11.29 -11.62 -12.06 -12.63 -13.27 -13.71 -14.23 -15.20 -14.99 -15.79 -16.13 -16.80 -16.04 -16.13 -16.78 -16.36 -16.59 -16.44 -16.83 -17.44 -17.39 -17.22 -17.86 -17.49 -17.41 -17.79

3% -9.21 -9.71 -10.37 -10.53 -10.73 -11.22 -11.67 -12.23 -12.47 -13.09 -13.79 -13.82 -14.68 -14.85 -15.37 -14.83 -14.82 -15.20 -15.10 -14.98 -15.04 -15.37 -15.54 -15.70 -15.76 -16.29 -16.19 -15.88 -16.37

4% -8.59 -9.10 -9.64 -9.81 -10.14 -10.58 -11.02 -11.45 -11.66 -12.30 -12.83 -12.95 -13.68 -13.76 -14.13 -13.65 -13.87 -14.27 -14.08 -13.88 -14.11 -14.49 -14.38 -14.51 -14.54 -15.17 -14.95 -14.81 -14.99

5% -8.11 -8.64 -9.07 -9.33 -9.50 -10.05 -10.41 -10.79 -11.02 -11.69 -11.98 -12.18 -12.78 -13.00 -13.27 -12.85 -13.08 -13.21 -13.16 -13.02 -13.19 -13.51 -13.52 -13.44 -13.54 -14.12 -14.07 -13.76 -14.01

6% -7.63 -8.22 -8.54 -8.87 -9.06 -9.46 -9.91 -10.21 -10.47 -11.15 -11.28 -11.61 -12.04 -12.38 -12.57 -12.21 -12.44 -12.38 -12.46 -12.19 -12.35 -12.64 -12.72 -12.55 -12.70 -13.08 -13.18 -12.93 -13.15

7% -7.27 -7.82 -8.15 -8.46 -8.63 -8.98 -9.47 -9.76 -9.96 -10.59 -10.79 -11.03 -11.46 -11.82 -11.97 -11.66 -11.88 -11.77 -11.67 -11.43 -11.71 -11.97 -12.01 -11.87 -11.94 -12.45 -12.29 -12.05 -12.39

8% -6.96 -7.41 -7.77 -8.03 -8.22 -8.57 -8.99 -9.31 -9.46 -10.14 -10.30 -10.47 -10.86 -11.27 -11.30 -11.13 -11.28 -11.20 -11.01 -10.85 -11.19 -11.28 -11.42 -11.12 -11.27 -11.75 -11.71 -11.47 -11.64

9% -6.66 -7.13 -7.43 -7.63 -7.84 -8.22 -8.56 -8.91 -9.04 -9.70 -9.81 -9.97 -10.41 -10.71 -10.75 -10.59 -10.73 -10.63 -10.40 -10.41 -10.67 -10.75 -10.86 -10.44 -10.68 -11.14 -10.94 -10.81 -10.98

10% -6.38 -6.80 -7.08 -7.30 -7.53 -7.88 -8.15 -8.52 -8.70 -9.30 -9.50 -9.52 -9.96 -10.26 -10.29 -10.13 -10.22 -10.14 -9.91 -9.95 -10.11 -10.18 -10.32 -9.89 -10.14 -10.43 -10.35 -10.17 -10.39

11% -6.08 -6.51 -6.76 -7.00 -7.25 -7.48 -7.85 -8.19 -8.31 -8.94 -9.09 -9.12 -9.58 -9.81 -9.82 -9.70 -9.79 -9.67 -9.51 -9.49 -9.59 -9.59 -9.86 -9.40 -9.62 -9.88 -9.73 -9.50 -9.80

12% -5.87 -6.23 -6.51 -6.71 -6.98 -7.19 -7.52 -7.92 -8.01 -8.63 -8.72 -8.75 -9.18 -9.42 -9.43 -9.27 -9.29 -9.20 -9.04 -9.06 -9.08 -9.15 -9.40 -8.90 -9.05 -9.39 -9.18 -8.98 -9.26

13% -5.60 -5.99 -6.23 -6.44 -6.71 -6.89 -7.22 -7.68 -7.69 -8.23 -8.37 -8.37 -8.80 -9.04 -9.01 -8.92 -8.83 -8.82 -8.66 -8.67 -8.60 -8.67 -8.94 -8.44 -8.56 -8.93 -8.68 -8.53 -8.75

14% -5.39 -5.71 -6.01 -6.17 -6.40 -6.60 -6.92 -7.40 -7.38 -7.86 -8.08 -7.98 -8.49 -8.66 -8.63 -8.51 -8.46 -8.44 -8.29 -8.34 -8.19 -8.30 -8.52 -8.06 -8.17 -8.37 -8.21 -8.07 -8.21

15% -5.16 -5.45 -5.80 -5.95 -6.18 -6.35 -6.67 -7.16 -7.09 -7.55 -7.78 -7.67 -8.17 -8.38 -8.24 -8.14 -8.10 -8.12 -7.95 -7.97 -7.80 -7.94 -8.12 -7.64 -7.79 -7.82 -7.76 -7.64 -7.70

16% -4.95 -5.23 -5.56 -5.68 -5.93 -6.12 -6.41 -6.85 -6.83 -7.24 -7.49 -7.35 -7.86 -8.02 -7.90 -7.78 -7.79 -7.79 -7.64 -7.61 -7.36 -7.55 -7.72 -7.25 -7.35 -7.38 -7.30 -7.16 -7.28

17% -4.76 -4.97 -5.32 -5.45 -5.68 -5.87 -6.15 -6.62 -6.56 -6.94 -7.21 -7.07 -7.53 -7.74 -7.57 -7.41 -7.50 -7.42 -7.30 -7.19 -7.06 -7.19 -7.26 -6.93 -7.00 -6.98 -6.81 -6.76 -6.89

18% -4.55 -4.73 -5.11 -5.23 -5.44 -5.65 -5.96 -6.32 -6.31 -6.67 -6.92 -6.83 -7.23 -7.41 -7.26 -7.10 -7.22 -7.08 -6.96 -6.84 -6.74 -6.87 -6.91 -6.55 -6.59 -6.58 -6.46 -6.35 -6.54

19% -4.34 -4.50 -4.91 -5.03 -5.25 -5.43 -5.69 -6.10 -6.08 -6.43 -6.66 -6.58 -6.87 -7.12 -6.96 -6.77 -6.91 -6.67 -6.65 -6.54 -6.37 -6.54 -6.52 -6.23 -6.18 -6.17 -6.06 -5.99 -6.13

20% -4.17 -4.29 -4.68 -4.83 -5.05 -5.22 -5.51 -5.87 -5.84 -6.16 -6.44 -6.33 -6.64 -6.81 -6.64 -6.45 -6.60 -6.35 -6.36 -6.16 -6.05 -6.24 -6.15 -5.89 -5.83 -5.79 -5.72 -5.56 -5.83

21% -3.97 -4.09 -4.50 -4.63 -4.82 -4.97 -5.32 -5.61 -5.65 -5.92 -6.19 -6.11 -6.37 -6.50 -6.36 -6.22 -6.28 -5.98 -6.06 -5.92 -5.73 -5.93 -5.78 -5.58 -5.53 -5.37 -5.36 -5.20 -5.45

22% -3.75 -3.89 -4.31 -4.47 -4.62 -4.77 -5.14 -5.34 -5.40 -5.69 -5.99 -5.88 -6.14 -6.26 -6.07 -5.90 -6.00 -5.65 -5.76 -5.63 -5.45 -5.58 -5.49 -5.22 -5.18 -5.05 -5.09 -4.84 -5.10

23% -3.59 -3.68 -4.10 -4.27 -4.44 -4.55 -4.90 -5.10 -5.19 -5.46 -5.77 -5.65 -5.96 -6.02 -5.82 -5.68 -5.69 -5.40 -5.44 -5.34 -5.13 -5.28 -5.18 -4.89 -4.83 -4.77 -4.73 -4.54 -4.76

24% -3.41 -3.54 -3.89 -4.08 -4.30 -4.37 -4.68 -4.84 -4.99 -5.25 -5.54 -5.42 -5.70 -5.75 -5.57 -5.40 -5.43 -5.11 -5.18 -5.07 -4.82 -4.95 -4.88 -4.60 -4.50 -4.46 -4.36 -4.25 -4.36

25% -3.25 -3.37 -3.75 -3.88 -4.09 -4.18 -4.50 -4.64 -4.73 -5.03 -5.28 -5.24 -5.43 -5.54 -5.34 -5.15 -5.16 -4.83 -4.93 -4.78 -4.57 -4.57 -4.57 -4.26 -4.20 -4.18 -4.05 -3.96 -4.01

26% -3.07 -3.18 -3.59 -3.69 -3.91 -3.97 -4.29 -4.41 -4.51 -4.86 -5.04 -5.00 -5.17 -5.33 -5.07 -4.96 -4.91 -4.56 -4.65 -4.46 -4.31 -4.28 -4.28 -4.00 -3.90 -3.83 -3.69 -3.66 -3.69

27% -2.91 -3.01 -3.41 -3.52 -3.70 -3.81 -4.10 -4.24 -4.33 -4.62 -4.83 -4.76 -4.92 -5.11 -4.78 -4.73 -4.68 -4.28 -4.35 -4.19 -4.03 -3.96 -3.91 -3.72 -3.59 -3.54 -3.40 -3.37 -3.36

28% -2.74 -2.85 -3.23 -3.32 -3.55 -3.63 -3.94 -4.04 -4.10 -4.41 -4.62 -4.53 -4.68 -4.87 -4.56 -4.46 -4.42 -4.01 -4.11 -3.97 -3.74 -3.71 -3.65 -3.45 -3.30 -3.20 -3.13 -3.10 -3.03

29% -2.58 -2.69 -3.06 -3.15 -3.39 -3.49 -3.77 -3.83 -3.90 -4.19 -4.44 -4.32 -4.43 -4.65 -4.36 -4.22 -4.21 -3.76 -3.85 -3.71 -3.51 -3.43 -3.37 -3.19 -3.03 -2.87 -2.74 -2.78 -2.73

30% -2.41 -2.56 -2.95 -2.98 -3.19 -3.30 -3.57 -3.66 -3.69 -3.99 -4.22 -4.11 -4.24 -4.40 -4.13 -3.95 -3.96 -3.51 -3.62 -3.46 -3.23 -3.16 -3.08 -2.92 -2.76 -2.58 -2.45 -2.52 -2.43

31% -2.26 -2.39 -2.78 -2.82 -3.03 -3.16 -3.37 -3.50 -3.50 -3.81 -4.00 -3.92 -4.05 -4.16 -3.85 -3.66 -3.78 -3.24 -3.37 -3.23 -2.96 -2.93 -2.81 -2.66 -2.44 -2.26 -2.18 -2.26 -2.08

32% -2.10 -2.25 -2.63 -2.66 -2.86 -2.97 -3.21 -3.33 -3.35 -3.60 -3.82 -3.69 -3.86 -3.92 -3.63 -3.46 -3.57 -3.02 -3.08 -2.99 -2.69 -2.64 -2.54 -2.42 -2.14 -2.00 -1.85 -1.98 -1.82

33% -1.96 -2.10 -2.48 -2.49 -2.70 -2.80 -3.06 -3.18 -3.17 -3.41 -3.63 -3.46 -3.62 -3.70 -3.34 -3.18 -3.33 -2.79 -2.85 -2.69 -2.47 -2.36 -2.32 -2.15 -1.85 -1.67 -1.63 -1.71 -1.53

34% -1.81 -1.94 -2.32 -2.35 -2.54 -2.65 -2.89 -3.02 -2.98 -3.17 -3.44 -3.26 -3.43 -3.49 -3.15 -2.97 -3.11 -2.58 -2.60 -2.42 -2.22 -2.09 -2.08 -1.92 -1.63 -1.38 -1.34 -1.40 -1.23

35% -1.68 -1.78 -2.18 -2.18 -2.41 -2.50 -2.72 -2.86 -2.78 -2.97 -3.23 -3.05 -3.21 -3.29 -2.95 -2.75 -2.88 -2.36 -2.37 -2.19 -1.97 -1.82 -1.79 -1.65 -1.40 -1.10 -1.05 -1.13 -0.93

36% -1.55 -1.63 -2.02 -2.06 -2.27 -2.32 -2.55 -2.70 -2.61 -2.76 -3.07 -2.84 -3.04 -3.07 -2.74 -2.53 -2.66 -2.17 -2.11 -1.94 -1.71 -1.58 -1.54 -1.43 -1.13 -0.84 -0.73 -0.79 -0.66

37% -1.41 -1.50 -1.90 -1.90 -2.12 -2.17 -2.38 -2.53 -2.46 -2.56 -2.86 -2.67 -2.84 -2.88 -2.54 -2.31 -2.45 -1.95 -1.92 -1.71 -1.45 -1.36 -1.29 -1.20 -0.87 -0.59 -0.45 -0.51 -0.34

38% -1.27 -1.36 -1.74 -1.77 -2.00 -2.00 -2.22 -2.34 -2.31 -2.40 -2.69 -2.50 -2.68 -2.69 -2.29 -2.08 -2.22 -1.73 -1.66 -1.46 -1.23 -1.15 -1.05 -0.93 -0.59 -0.33 -0.20 -0.26 -0.07

39% -1.09 -1.25 -1.60 -1.63 -1.86 -1.85 -2.03 -2.18 -2.14 -2.22 -2.52 -2.35 -2.45 -2.47 -2.07 -1.88 -2.01 -1.49 -1.46 -1.23 -0.99 -0.91 -0.78 -0.69 -0.33 -0.09 0.07 -0.01 0.21

40% -0.95 -1.10 -1.45 -1.47 -1.70 -1.67 -1.90 -1.97 -1.93 -2.04 -2.28 -2.17 -2.28 -2.25 -1.87 -1.67 -1.76 -1.27 -1.23 -0.95 -0.74 -0.65 -0.55 -0.46 -0.03 0.19 0.33 0.21 0.48

41% -0.80 -0.97 -1.31 -1.31 -1.55 -1.53 -1.73 -1.80 -1.75 -1.88 -2.08 -1.99 -2.10 -2.02 -1.66 -1.46 -1.55 -1.05 -1.00 -0.69 -0.48 -0.40 -0.35 -0.21 0.24 0.48 0.56 0.51 0.75

42% -0.68 -0.83 -1.16 -1.16 -1.42 -1.36 -1.55 -1.63 -1.59 -1.69 -1.90 -1.78 -1.91 -1.82 -1.48 -1.21 -1.33 -0.79 -0.75 -0.46 -0.21 -0.15 -0.11 0.07 0.53 0.73 0.86 0.77 1.02

43% -0.54 -0.71 -1.02 -1.02 -1.28 -1.22 -1.39 -1.46 -1.44 -1.54 -1.74 -1.59 -1.72 -1.58 -1.26 -1.02 -1.10 -0.52 -0.53 -0.23 0.00 0.06 0.16 0.31 0.77 1.00 1.15 1.03 1.35

44% -0.41 -0.55 -0.88 -0.85 -1.12 -1.07 -1.23 -1.27 -1.28 -1.35 -1.57 -1.42 -1.51 -1.42 -1.10 -0.83 -0.87 -0.31 -0.32 -0.01 0.21 0.30 0.39 0.60 1.06 1.25 1.45 1.31 1.60

45% -0.27 -0.38 -0.76 -0.72 -0.96 -0.93 -1.10 -1.12 -1.10 -1.16 -1.35 -1.24 -1.33 -1.24 -0.88 -0.61 -0.72 -0.13 -0.10 0.17 0.47 0.54 0.68 0.85 1.37 1.52 1.71 1.57 1.83

46% -0.14 -0.25 -0.61 -0.58 -0.83 -0.78 -0.93 -0.96 -0.92 -1.01 -1.15 -1.04 -1.12 -1.04 -0.67 -0.42 -0.48 0.07 0.12 0.43 0.69 0.75 0.90 1.16 1.65 1.76 1.98 1.81 2.12

47% 0.03 -0.13 -0.47 -0.44 -0.67 -0.64 -0.75 -0.81 -0.75 -0.84 -0.95 -0.87 -0.92 -0.85 -0.45 -0.25 -0.29 0.29 0.33 0.63 1.00 0.96 1.11 1.39 1.89 2.00 2.23 2.05 2.37

48% 0.18 0.00 -0.32 -0.27 -0.50 -0.48 -0.61 -0.67 -0.58 -0.66 -0.77 -0.68 -0.76 -0.64 -0.21 -0.08 -0.05 0.52 0.52 0.87 1.20 1.20 1.36 1.64 2.13 2.22 2.49 2.33 2.59

49% 0.31 0.15 -0.18 -0.14 -0.37 -0.34 -0.47 -0.51 -0.42 -0.47 -0.59 -0.50 -0.58 -0.42 -0.03 0.15 0.17 0.71 0.75 1.08 1.45 1.42 1.63 1.88 2.35 2.48 2.75 2.62 2.85

50% 0.45 0.27 -0.05 -0.01 -0.19 -0.16 -0.31 -0.34 -0.29 -0.31 -0.42 -0.30 -0.37 -0.23 0.15 0.37 0.42 0.97 1.04 1.31 1.70 1.65 1.92 2.14 2.59 2.73 3.06 2.88 3.17

51% 0.59 0.41 0.10 0.14 -0.06 -0.03 -0.12 -0.16 -0.14 -0.16 -0.21 -0.15 -0.18 -0.01 0.36 0.55 0.59 1.18 1.25 1.51 1.91 1.92 2.13 2.37 2.81 2.95 3.32 3.13 3.49

52% 0.71 0.55 0.24 0.28 0.07 0.09 0.07 0.00 0.04 0.02 -0.04 0.02 0.03 0.19 0.57 0.73 0.82 1.41 1.52 1.75 2.17 2.14 2.38 2.65 3.07 3.19 3.59 3.41 3.79

53% 0.84 0.71 0.40 0.43 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.14 0.19 0.20 0.16 0.22 0.20 0.39 0.76 0.95 1.02 1.61 1.72 2.01 2.40 2.35 2.62 2.90 3.31 3.44 3.83 3.66 4.08

54% 0.97 0.87 0.54 0.57 0.36 0.38 0.36 0.26 0.39 0.36 0.32 0.38 0.38 0.61 0.92 1.11 1.24 1.82 1.94 2.20 2.59 2.56 2.88 3.15 3.57 3.71 4.09 3.92 4.35

55% 1.10 1.02 0.66 0.73 0.54 0.51 0.50 0.42 0.56 0.51 0.49 0.56 0.60 0.80 1.12 1.28 1.48 2.03 2.13 2.41 2.84 2.82 3.07 3.35 3.80 3.98 4.38 4.22 4.61

56% 1.24 1.16 0.81 0.88 0.71 0.69 0.66 0.58 0.74 0.68 0.67 0.71 0.77 1.02 1.30 1.51 1.70 2.23 2.38 2.60 3.06 3.08 3.33 3.57 4.07 4.27 4.61 4.47 4.85

57% 1.37 1.31 0.97 1.02 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.72 0.91 0.85 0.82 0.92 0.97 1.23 1.47 1.71 1.89 2.45 2.57 2.82 3.26 3.33 3.58 3.83 4.27 4.49 4.85 4.77 5.14

58% 1.51 1.47 1.12 1.19 1.00 0.94 1.01 0.86 1.09 1.05 1.01 1.09 1.16 1.42 1.71 1.89 2.07 2.63 2.76 3.05 3.48 3.62 3.82 4.09 4.54 4.76 5.10 5.02 5.41

59% 1.64 1.61 1.31 1.34 1.14 1.09 1.17 1.00 1.27 1.22 1.23 1.29 1.36 1.59 1.92 2.16 2.29 2.84 3.01 3.26 3.70 3.91 4.02 4.31 4.80 5.02 5.36 5.27 5.70

60% 1.76 1.78 1.49 1.48 1.29 1.23 1.34 1.16 1.45 1.39 1.42 1.47 1.59 1.79 2.14 2.39 2.48 3.09 3.19 3.51 3.92 4.15 4.30 4.58 5.06 5.29 5.65 5.56 5.95

61% 1.93 1.93 1.61 1.62 1.45 1.40 1.51 1.29 1.65 1.54 1.58 1.66 1.76 2.01 2.33 2.59 2.69 3.30 3.43 3.76 4.13 4.42 4.54 4.80 5.31 5.56 5.90 5.84 6.29

62% 2.06 2.09 1.76 1.76 1.62 1.56 1.66 1.45 1.82 1.73 1.78 1.85 1.96 2.21 2.53 2.81 2.91 3.55 3.68 3.98 4.37 4.71 4.83 5.07 5.57 5.87 6.16 6.07 6.57

63% 2.20 2.23 1.88 1.91 1.76 1.73 1.83 1.65 2.01 1.91 1.98 2.02 2.17 2.40 2.71 3.04 3.11 3.76 3.93 4.20 4.59 4.95 5.07 5.36 5.80 6.10 6.43 6.35 6.84

64% 2.36 2.35 2.02 2.06 1.93 1.92 1.99 1.81 2.18 2.12 2.19 2.20 2.34 2.64 2.95 3.24 3.35 3.95 4.20 4.46 4.81 5.20 5.31 5.63 6.08 6.39 6.69 6.59 7.12

65% 2.50 2.50 2.18 2.19 2.07 2.09 2.18 1.95 2.36 2.28 2.42 2.39 2.50 2.84 3.17 3.45 3.57 4.21 4.42 4.65 5.01 5.44 5.62 5.88 6.42 6.66 6.94 6.94 7.42

66% 2.64 2.66 2.32 2.34 2.21 2.23 2.34 2.09 2.52 2.46 2.60 2.60 2.71 3.02 3.43 3.71 3.77 4.41 4.66 4.93 5.26 5.69 5.87 6.18 6.66 6.91 7.22 7.21 7.70

67% 2.77 2.82 2.47 2.48 2.37 2.40 2.47 2.25 2.73 2.64 2.78 2.78 2.93 3.22 3.66 3.90 3.99 4.67 4.88 5.15 5.49 5.96 6.17 6.46 6.97 7.15 7.50 7.49 8.01

68% 2.90 3.00 2.63 2.65 2.53 2.57 2.66 2.42 2.94 2.84 2.96 2.94 3.15 3.43 3.90 4.13 4.24 4.90 5.14 5.36 5.76 6.15 6.43 6.74 7.25 7.43 7.79 7.80 8.31

69% 3.04 3.15 2.80 2.79 2.72 2.72 2.84 2.62 3.12 3.02 3.19 3.19 3.37 3.65 4.11 4.35 4.52 5.15 5.33 5.56 6.01 6.40 6.69 7.00 7.50 7.73 8.07 8.06 8.61

70% 3.18 3.29 2.98 2.94 2.90 2.89 3.00 2.84 3.31 3.22 3.39 3.38 3.59 3.84 4.32 4.61 4.77 5.38 5.58 5.81 6.25 6.67 6.93 7.31 7.80 8.00 8.32 8.34 8.90

71% 3.32 3.48 3.13 3.11 3.04 3.05 3.17 3.04 3.49 3.42 3.58 3.58 3.85 4.06 4.55 4.90 5.02 5.61 5.82 6.10 6.51 6.93 7.18 7.59 8.14 8.29 8.64 8.61 9.22

72% 3.50 3.64 3.29 3.31 3.21 3.22 3.34 3.25 3.68 3.61 3.82 3.79 4.07 4.27 4.78 5.11 5.24 5.83 6.08 6.40 6.80 7.19 7.46 7.88 8.39 8.59 8.96 8.91 9.52

73% 3.68 3.80 3.50 3.49 3.39 3.38 3.53 3.44 3.89 3.81 4.04 4.05 4.32 4.50 5.03 5.32 5.47 6.08 6.31 6.65 7.07 7.44 7.74 8.13 8.64 8.96 9.22 9.23 9.84

74% 3.83 3.96 3.69 3.69 3.58 3.57 3.71 3.66 4.08 4.01 4.23 4.24 4.56 4.75 5.24 5.58 5.73 6.33 6.59 6.93 7.33 7.71 8.06 8.41 8.89 9.23 9.64 9.57 10.19

75% 3.97 4.16 3.87 3.84 3.75 3.78 3.88 3.85 4.24 4.22 4.45 4.45 4.78 4.95 5.45 5.89 6.07 6.60 6.84 7.21 7.60 7.98 8.27 8.74 9.20 9.56 9.92 9.91 10.53

76% 4.14 4.31 4.03 4.06 3.93 3.95 4.04 4.04 4.45 4.43 4.65 4.68 5.02 5.20 5.71 6.11 6.29 6.89 7.09 7.47 7.86 8.30 8.57 9.00 9.47 9.87 10.24 10.22 10.91

77% 4.31 4.49 4.22 4.24 4.11 4.12 4.27 4.25 4.68 4.65 4.86 4.90 5.25 5.45 5.96 6.31 6.59 7.14 7.38 7.76 8.19 8.57 8.83 9.32 9.76 10.14 10.54 10.56 11.27

78% 4.49 4.65 4.44 4.42 4.30 4.31 4.54 4.41 4.88 4.86 5.11 5.11 5.47 5.70 6.26 6.56 6.93 7.46 7.69 8.03 8.44 8.88 9.18 9.61 10.11 10.43 10.85 10.93 11.63

79% 4.68 4.86 4.59 4.63 4.48 4.53 4.78 4.60 5.09 5.12 5.34 5.36 5.73 6.00 6.50 6.84 7.19 7.74 7.95 8.33 8.75 9.22 9.51 9.89 10.47 10.83 11.21 11.29 12.00

80% 4.86 5.06 4.80 4.83 4.67 4.73 5.00 4.84 5.32 5.38 5.57 5.66 5.97 6.26 6.74 7.14 7.48 8.04 8.32 8.65 9.01 9.55 9.82 10.24 10.78 11.15 11.50 11.70 12.42

81% 5.03 5.27 5.00 5.08 4.88 4.97 5.20 5.07 5.55 5.63 5.84 5.92 6.24 6.50 7.01 7.44 7.77 8.34 8.66 8.95 9.36 9.79 10.16 10.59 11.10 11.49 11.81 12.06 12.76

82% 5.23 5.46 5.22 5.29 5.06 5.20 5.44 5.31 5.76 5.89 6.12 6.17 6.52 6.81 7.30 7.77 8.06 8.70 8.95 9.26 9.76 10.10 10.50 10.92 11.45 11.84 12.16 12.46 13.11

83% 5.45 5.64 5.45 5.54 5.32 5.38 5.66 5.51 6.05 6.18 6.37 6.47 6.82 7.08 7.61 8.13 8.41 8.98 9.30 9.62 10.09 10.52 10.92 11.31 11.85 12.21 12.56 12.87 13.51

84% 5.68 5.85 5.63 5.78 5.54 5.63 5.87 5.80 6.29 6.46 6.63 6.74 7.13 7.42 7.94 8.44 8.74 9.29 9.63 9.96 10.45 10.88 11.26 11.73 12.24 12.60 12.94 13.27 13.97

85% 5.87 6.10 5.82 6.01 5.77 5.89 6.12 6.06 6.59 6.69 6.93 7.00 7.43 7.75 8.30 8.73 9.07 9.65 10.00 10.31 10.84 11.33 11.64 12.11 12.66 13.01 13.39 13.72 14.44

86% 6.05 6.34 6.05 6.28 6.01 6.16 6.35 6.33 6.88 6.99 7.26 7.32 7.70 8.08 8.64 9.04 9.42 9.95 10.37 10.74 11.20 11.70 12.10 12.56 13.11 13.43 13.84 14.17 14.91

87% 6.27 6.62 6.31 6.56 6.28 6.39 6.65 6.62 7.21 7.28 7.60 7.63 8.05 8.39 8.96 9.45 9.77 10.36 10.82 11.08 11.54 12.13 12.46 13.08 13.59 13.85 14.25 14.59 15.39

88% 6.53 6.87 6.60 6.79 6.59 6.70 6.88 6.90 7.58 7.55 7.91 7.95 8.44 8.73 9.32 9.84 10.23 10.73 11.29 11.48 11.96 12.58 12.92 13.57 14.02 14.33 14.78 15.12 15.85

89% 6.80 7.16 6.91 7.10 6.84 7.01 7.17 7.21 7.91 7.89 8.31 8.32 8.81 9.12 9.68 10.30 10.66 11.14 11.73 11.94 12.36 13.07 13.37 14.08 14.56 14.95 15.25 15.67 16.30

90% 7.11 7.50 7.19 7.36 7.11 7.35 7.45 7.51 8.27 8.26 8.67 8.70 9.21 9.56 10.15 10.74 11.07 11.57 12.20 12.45 12.84 13.54 13.85 14.55 15.07 15.42 15.80 16.18 16.86

91% 7.42 7.80 7.54 7.73 7.49 7.71 7.75 7.88 8.60 8.62 9.06 9.17 9.65 10.07 10.54 11.21 11.51 12.00 12.78 12.93 13.26 14.08 14.44 15.11 15.67 16.00 16.38 16.85 17.48

92% 7.73 8.09 7.90 8.00 7.83 8.09 8.21 8.28 8.98 9.06 9.48 9.61 10.12 10.54 11.10 11.68 11.91 12.51 13.26 13.49 13.81 14.66 15.09 15.67 16.22 16.58 17.05 17.56 18.17

93% 8.06 8.48 8.24 8.39 8.26 8.55 8.65 8.75 9.44 9.57 9.90 10.07 10.54 11.01 11.70 12.21 12.48 13.16 13.86 14.16 14.43 15.29 15.69 16.30 16.84 17.23 17.64 18.28 18.89

94% 8.41 8.87 8.73 8.80 8.70 9.05 9.04 9.22 9.86 10.07 10.35 10.66 11.01 11.58 12.31 12.78 13.06 13.71 14.45 14.87 15.09 16.00 16.36 16.97 17.70 17.91 18.37 19.03 19.86

95% 8.85 9.33 9.15 9.21 9.12 9.55 9.57 9.73 10.40 10.68 11.07 11.23 11.68 12.09 12.94 13.44 13.69 14.44 15.32 15.57 15.80 16.81 17.23 17.86 18.52 18.76 19.29 19.92 20.97

96% 9.41 9.87 9.73 9.75 9.77 10.16 10.24 10.42 11.01 11.33 11.70 11.96 12.47 12.93 13.70 14.20 14.52 15.16 16.07 16.53 16.82 17.70 18.25 18.73 19.43 19.83 20.43 20.88 21.93

97% 10.05 10.40 10.35 10.35 10.50 10.84 11.06 11.15 11.78 12.29 12.48 12.81 13.36 13.91 14.68 15.31 15.56 16.18 17.24 17.65 17.90 18.91 19.42 20.02 20.72 21.07 21.68 22.18 23.09

98% 10.83 11.34 11.29 11.09 11.47 11.76 12.14 12.19 12.98 13.28 13.70 14.02 14.50 15.20 15.85 16.75 17.01 17.47 18.74 19.10 19.33 20.60 20.80 21.59 22.29 22.66 23.30 23.80 24.65

99% 12.20 12.73 12.52 12.47 12.96 13.25 13.52 13.57 14.54 14.92 15.23 15.92 16.25 16.94 17.80 18.49 19.03 19.48 20.75 21.24 21.77 23.23 23.34 24.01 25.04 25.14 25.66 25.99 27.49

100% 16.35 19.16 19.20 18.12 22.35 21.16 19.48 21.23 21.24 30.19 24.71 29.61 24.48 25.83 25.71 27.81 30.91 29.13 28.63 32.14 31.04 36.10 36.89 39.23 35.08 38.01 37.93 37.65 43.64

Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 1Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx

Mott MacDonald | Company Headroom Analysis 2Water Resource Management Plan 2019

387731 | 03 | F | 2 November 2017 Headroom Report - South Staffs Rev F.docx

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