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    The youth is one of the main assets and treasure of any country. They are the

    ones who will continue what their ancestors had started to establish and develop their

    country even more. It is of paramount importance then, that the youth be properly

    cultivated and developed through a comprehensive education program so that they may

    achieve their full potential, both for their personal futures, and for their country.

    One of the goals of schools is to produce students who are responsible and

    competitive citizens. This has been the subject of a lot of school planning and research.

    Goals of all countries to their citizens to have a quality education. Even in the

    Philippines were there are many foreign students are studying, they strive hard to be

    successful citizen, like they adopt different Filipino culture, practices and belief for them

    to survive. Isnt enough to do such thing? Study habits are also a great help that will

    make themselves academically ready to face the global world. Study habits of the

    students play a vital role in reflecting the standard of education and the students

    individual achievements. Sorenseon (1991), while outlining the good basic study habits

    stated that one must study with the primary intention of understanding. This requires

    one not to be hurry in getting through, instead sustained concentration is necessary.

    According to Crow and Crow (1992), the effective habits of study include plan/place, a

    definite time table and taking brief of well organized notes.

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    But the thing is, are they study habits are enough/effective to comply in their

    requirements to school? Assuming that the intelligences is different from other

    nationalities, why then other nationalities are performing well in their academics

    compare to others? Do they have certain study habits which are peculiar to their



    The goal of this research is to know and compare the different study habits of

    selected foreigner students and the impact of it in their academic achievement.

    Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

    1. How do the study habits of college students differ in terms of the following


    1.1 Arabian

    1.2 Rwandan

    1.3 Chinese

    1.4 Sudanese

    1.5 Guans

    2. What are the perceptions of foreign students in study habits?

    3. What are the reasons that motivates the five foreign students to study well?

    Significance of the study

    The results of this study would be valuable and beneficial to the following stakeholders:

    Students through the findings and questionnaire the foreigner students will have an

    idea on what method or style of their study habits is more applicable and beneficial to


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    Instructor/ Professors they can make an assessment or necessary activities that will

    help and guide the students to improve their study habits

    Administration -through the findings the administrators will provide a conscious raising

    material and program that will expand and assist their students to elevate their study


    Parents -the collected data will help them to understand more about their offspring

    situation in school or environment, and to monitor their activities, in order to them give a

    proper counseling and guidance about their study habits


    For the purpose of the study, the following alternative hypothesis is presented:

    1. There are significant differences in study habits of foreigner students.

    Scope and Limitation of the Study

    The discussion of the study is centered on the study habits of selectedforeigner students and the effects of it in their academic performances The

    following indicators are based on the following: (1) concentration (2)

    Organization of time (3) Remembering (4) Studying a chapter (5) Listening

    and taking notes (6) Taking test and (7) Motivation. The Checklist will be use

    as a research instrument of the researcher that will administer to selected

    foreigner students. The said checklist will determine the different study habits

    that could affect their academic performances. The study is also delimited to

    5 foreigner students Arabian, Rwandan, Chinese, Sudanese and Guans

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    Definition of terms

    For the purpose of clarity the following are defined conceptually and operationally


    Foreigner one who is from a foreign country or place (American Heritage Dictionary)

    Study Habits it is acquired or developed mode of behavior or function performed to

    apply the mind to learn or understand an area of knowledge, to do special reading

    activity for specific purposes.

    Factors - these refers to anything that affects study habits

    Develop refers to gradual changes refer on time


    Factors one that actively contributes to an accomplishment, results or process

    Develop to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of

    Study Habits manner which you can consistently use to study for school or college or

    even for the next day lesson.

    Foreigner referring to all foreign students the researchers interviewed.

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    Chapter 2

    Review of Related Literature

    Review of Related Literature and Studies

    This gathered literature sources from different materials will help the researchers in their

    research problem

    Review of Related Studies

    According to Palm Beach Community ( PBBC, 2008) they recommend that

    students study should have at least three hours out of class for every hour spent in a

    class. They also said that a student must have special place to study with plenty of

    room to work. And the students should not be cramped. They presupposes that study

    time will go better if a learner take a few minutes at the start to straighten things up. A

    desk and straight backed chair is usually the best. The PBBC suggest also that noise

    should be minimize however they said that there are some people need sound and

    some like silence, in this case a learner must find comfortable way to study.

    Frank Pogue ( 2000) did a study to determine why students fail or did not

    succeed in their academics. What he founds to be true in that study habits survey was

    that more than 30 years ago still rings true-today students fail because they do not

    know how to study. the best advice he can give is to develop their study habits.

    Reading is an attempt to absorb the thought of the author know what the author is

    conveying ( Leedy 1956). Studying is the interpretation of reading materials. Study

    habits and skills are particularly important for college students, whose needs include

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    time management, note taking, internet skill, the elimination of distractions, and

    assigning in high priority of study.

    Fielden (2004) states that a good study habits help the student in critical

    reflection in skill outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing and synthesizing.

    Nineji ( 2002) states tha the study habits are learning tendencies that enable students

    work private. According to how (2009), students who are very successful in

    their desired career have a good study habits. It is stated in the website that students

    apply these habits to all their classes

    A study conducted by University of Kentucky was to determine the college

    success of different nationalities that can improved with the student Attitude Inventory

    (SAI). The inventory was developed in Britain and contains 47 items which attempt to

    identify students in higher education on the basis of: (1) motivation, (2) study methods,

    (3) examination technique, and (4) lack of distractions toward academic work. Students

    in six Kentucky community colleges were asked to express their attitudes toward study

    habits on the student Attitude Inventory. There were 996 students in the sample

    population (413 males and 583 females) A measure of ability and academic

    performance were obtained for each student.

    Same to the study that we conducted wherein we interviewed different foreigner

    students and asked to fill out the checklist about study habits which are divided into 7

    categories (1) concentration (2) Organization of time (3) Remembering (4) Studying a

    chapter (5) Listening and taking notes (6) Taking test and (7) Motivation.

    According to Mark Crilly ( 2000), successful students are able to balance social

    activities with good study habits. A diversion from studies will alleviate stress and help

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    prevent from becoming fatigued. He said that a student should make sure that they

    must break for an hour after studies.

    The researchers on this study also attempts to determine the factors that

    influences the foreign students on their study habits like their Cultural Practices, School

    Media and Peer group

    Review of Related Literature

    The development of the study habits, on the other hand, could be greatly

    influenced by the interest of the students. The importance of arousing and maintaining

    the interest of students in a subject cannot be over emphasized. When the students are

    not interested in the subject, then they like to study the lesson, are enthusiastic toparticipate in activities that will help them know more the subject.

    Attitudes are the most conspicuous aspects of the entire social life. It is a

    complicated mixture of some basic psychological processes. Attitude is composed of

    cognition, emotion, motivation, and behavior. An attitudinal cognition is what is

    commonly called belief or knowledge structure about subjects and events. The negative

    and positive incentives that might motivate individual behavior towards objects are

    crucial to attitude. Individuals integrate various beliefs to arrive at an evaluation object,which is determine how important it them.

    Lobaton believed that attitude that plays a definite role in cognitive learning. The attitude

    of the students towards a subject or skill may be the primary and most significant

    determinant of how much one will remember and use such skill.

    Furthermore, psychologist recognizes the predominant roles of attitude in determining

    thought, memory and the learning process. The school, thus, become a vital factor in

    guiding existing attitude in creating new socially desirable attitude especially those

    relevant to various academic subjects. Many studies have revealed that attitude is an

    intervening variable that influences the kind of responses students make to the teachers

    and also the kinds of response teachers make toward the students. If the attitude is

    positive, the emotional climate well tends to favorable to learning

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    Others investigator used attitude as predictors of achievement, one of the most

    revealing studies that tested the predictive relationship of attitude and achievement was

    conducted by Brown and Hozman. They use a survey to measure the study habits and

    attitude of the students. The researcher reported co relational ranging from 0.32 to 0.66

    between the total scores on the survey several achievements measure for a large

    sample of grades 7 to 12.

    Moreover students attitudes are sometimes considered to be dependent on the

    personality of their teachers. When the personality is as a social viewed as a social

    stimulus value, teachers can improve personality or at least modify their behavior in

    ways that help student acquire favorable attitude towards subject and so improve their

    learning. Teachers open=minded attitude towards changes in classroom management

    can stimulate intellectual curiosity, and teachers who place equal emphasis on cognitive

    and affective goal are more effective in promoting positive attitude towards others and

    toward class as a whole.

    The Secondary Education Commission emphasized that education aims at tapping the

    potential of an individual. Effort is made to make teaching learning process most

    effective. Sometimes we hear that even though a student bright and intelligent. He does

    need to score good marks on his test.


    Active monitoring by teachers and parents should be emphasized to improve the study

    habits of the students, its often the case that student has unrealistic conceptions of the

    appropriate amount of time needed to spend studying and the most efficient way of

    spending that time. For example for every hour spent in class it is suggested that

    student spend two hours studying outside of class for that subject. That time should be

    spending reading, reorganizing or reviewing notes.

    To increase awareness, students should be encouraged to elevate the amount of time

    they spend on different task and the effectiveness of the tasks themselves. This

    assessment may be done verbally with the students being prompted by a facilitator to

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    answer specific question about study habits, or it may be done in writing using a


    Furthermore, in the study of Bartholomew The study Habits and attitudes of students in

    relation to academic achievement at the University of the Philippines she found that

    high school students of UP generally has a good set of study habits and attitudes. She

    also found that the study styles of the students were effective. They employed

    systematic study methods and they were consistent in the application of their time and

    effort to academic task


    Kolb proposed a four stage of learning process with a model that is often referred

    to in describing experiential learning. The process can begin at any of the stages and is

    continuous, there is no limit the number of cycles you can make in a learning situation.

    This theory asserts that without reflection we would simply continue to repeat our


    This cyclical theory suggests that an educator who has learned in this may well

    have various rules of thumb or generalizations about what to do in different situations.

    They will be able to say what action to take when say, there is tension between two

    people in a group. But they will not be able to verbalize their actions in psychodynamic

    or sociological terms. There may thus be difficulties about transferability of their learning

    to other situation and settings.

    Two aspects can be seen especially noteworthy; the use of concrete here and now

    experience to test ideas; and use feedbacks to change practices and theories. Kolb join

    this with Dewey to emphasize the development of nature of the exercise with Piaget

    from an appreciation of cognitive development. He named this model so as toemphasize the link with Dewey, Levin and Piaget, and to stress the role experience

    plans in learning to distinguish it from cognitive theories of learning process.

    This shown on the illustration below.

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    Chapter 3


    Research Design

    The research design use by the researcher is descriptive research, specifically

    the survey sample study. This method according to Sevilla (et al., 1998) involves

    determining information about variables rather than about individuals. The researcher

    adopts the study habits survey instrument that intended to utilize for this study. This

    instruments was called study habits survey which is used to measure the strengths and

    weaknesses of study habits which made by the Red Woods University in United States

    of America. The purpose of the study habits questionnaire is to get information about

    how do students study well. This study habits questionnaire will help the researcher to

    identify and compare the results to selected foreign students and to determine the

    influences of this study habit that has influence on their academic achievement.

    Subject/respondents of the study

    The subject of this study were foreign students who are studying in the

    Philippines in which the researcher found them and interviewed them personally in







    Teaching in





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    some of the prestigious universities we have first in Philippine Normal University and

    second in Adamson University. The respondents were consists of five foreign students

    who came from different countries specifically from China, United Arab Emirates,

    Sudan, Rwanda, and Papua New Guinea.

    Research Instruments

    The researcher used the study habits survey that has been adopted from the

    Redwood Education in the United States of America. The Redwood Education offers a

    classroom based training and customized training programs for interactive teaching

    methods that each course delivers the essential tools based on the organization

    requirement that supplied by the Redwood solutions. The researcher found that the

    Redwood Education made a study habits survey to identify the strengths and

    weaknesses in study habits/skills. The researcher decided to used this instrument that

    consist of 50 questions, and two options of answer such as Y for yes if the statement

    applies to them while N is no if the statement was not true to them. The purpose of

    these questionnaires is to help the foreign students get the information needed about

    how they study well and after they answered all the questions, the results will discover

    the areas of strength and weakness in their study habit. The results would only be valid

    and have meaning only if they are honest and respond accurately as possible. The

    researcher introduce and explain first the purpose and objective of this study habits

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    survey to the foreign students so that they would give sincere and honest answers to

    the questionnaire. The researcher is thankful and overwhelmed to five different foreign

    students because of the time, effort and patience they give just to answer those


    The research instrument has two parts. The first part is for the profiling that

    consist of personal information about the foreign students that includes their name,

    place and date of birth, email address, country, nationality, sex, status, major/course,

    year level, school (elementary, middle school, secondary, college/university). The first

    part was made by the researcher originally. The first part also gives a short background

    for study habits which consists of three questions that the foreign students must provide

    at least three answers that they think such of these questions are (1) reasons for

    studying in the Philippines, (2) What do you mean by study habits, (3) What motivates

    you to study well. After these three questions, the researcher includes follow-up

    questions such as (4) Do you think a study habit is important? And (5) Are you willing to

    improve your study habits? The options are Yes / No/ Sometimes.

    The second part of the interview form consists of 50 questionnaires about study

    habits that has two options of answer the Y for yes and N for no. Through this

    questionnaire, the researcher will able to determine the strengths and weakness of the

    study habits of the foreign students by the following category: (1) Concentration, (2)

    Remembering, (3) Organizing time, (4) studying a chapter, (5) Listening and taking

    notes, (6) taking tests and (7) motivation. These seven categories would help in

    identifying the strength and weakness of the study habits of foreign students and what

    needs to improve more and already mastered the skills that not need to be improve.

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    Population Sample

    This study is intended for selected foreign students in different in two universities in

    Manila. The researcher limits the foreign students into five different nationalities. These

    five selected foreign students will take the study habits survey and the researcher will

    compare the results from the five foreign students using the survey made by the Red

    Woods Education in the US.


    The researchers went in two universities specifically in Philippine Normal

    University and in Adamson University to conduct the interview. The interviewed consist

    of two parts which is the first part is about the personal information for profiling and the

    second part was the study habits survey form which consists of 50 questionnaire that

    was given to each foreign student with different nationalities to be able to know the

    strengths and weakness of their study habits. A careful-given instruction to the students

    was observed. After the assessment, their answers were compared to come up to the

    desired result. The researcher choose five foreign students who came from

    different country in order to determine the similarities and differences of their

    study habits and study skills and compare the results whose study habits are

    better. The researcher found two foreign students in Philippine Normal University

    (PNU) whose country are China and United Arab Emirates and the three foreign

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    students are found in Adamson University whose country are Sudan, Papua New

    Guinea and Rwanda.

    Phase 1: Preparatory Stage

    It was June 25, 2012 that the researcher decides to look for a title in the thesis

    section that will help the researcher to have the knowledge for making a topic that would

    benefit the researcher at the same time the people that would make interest in the

    study. By July 3, 2012, the researcher defends their title to evaluate if the chosen topic

    for the thesis has a great beneficiary to others. After the approval for the title, the

    researcher started to write the chapter 1 which consist the following: statement of the

    problem, Defining the problem and the settings of the research title as well as the

    background of the study, conceptual framework based on the existing resources ad

    ideas of experts that greatly contribute for the concepts and variable that used in the

    study, significance of the study, hypothesis and lastly the two types of definition of

    terms the conceptual and operational definition. July 8, 2012, the researcher went to

    national library to search for existing resources and topics concerning the study habits

    of foreign students. However, the books and other studies were limited that the

    researcher found it difficult to gather information about the present study.

    Phase II Data Gathering

    The researchers questionnaire/survey is adopted from the Red Woods

    University in the United States. The instrument that has been used measures the

    strength and weaknesses of the study habits of the students. Basically, it is a yes/no

    examination that seeks to answer the effectiveness of their study habits. This will make

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    the students reflect on their behavior when it comes to studying. The uniqueness of this

    research will be emphasized here because we are talking about foreign students. The

    following are the factors/determinants that must be consider in this study:

    concentration, remembering, organizing time, studying, listening and taking notes,

    taking test and motivation.

    Phase III Data Analysis

    After checking the test the data will now sort and tabulate on August 18, 2012.

    The researchers will now analyze the data by comparing the results of the survey of the

    students with different nationalities.

    To interpret and analyze the collected datas the researchers will use tables and

    lines graphs for the interpretation. To further get the information needed, the

    researchers will use qualitative measures rather than quantitative.

    Phase IV Finalization of Report

    After following the suggestions of the researchers advisers, they will now revise

    and finalize their research problem and manual and submit on August 28, 2012.

    Photographs of the Interview Procedure

    This portion shows the research conducting the interview for the five foreign

    students. The purpose of those pictures is to show the validity and authenticity of the

    data gathered from the five foreign students. This will help the researcher to make this

    research true and honest.

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    The first interviewee was a Chinese student from Philippine Normal

    University. It was August 16, 2012, 3pm when I started to intewrview him and end

    up with 3:50pm.

    The second interviewee is an Arabian student from PNU studying Filipino as

    his major. After interviewing the Chinese student, Miss Mary Joy also interview the

    Arabian student at the same date and almost same time and place. Thanks to Miss

    Angel Pronebo for taking the picture while Miss Mary Joy explaining the purpose of

    this interview to foreign students.

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    The Chinese student and Arabian student get to

    know each other. They both foreign student

    living in the Philippines and they enjoy the

    company of the Filipino students in Philippine

    Normal University. This photo was taken by

    Mary Joy B. Eduria to show that culture is not a

    barrier rather a way to understand the person.

    The final shot for the interview. This photo

    was taken by my other classmate Paolo

    Lacquian. To the left was Angel Pronebo,

    Arabian student, Chinese student and the

    researcher Ms Mary Joy Eduria.

    Before the deployment in the school that we are assigned, The

    researchers (Mary Joy B. Eduria and Rose Anne Dela Cruz) look for a

    foreign students in Adamson University and found a foreign student from

    Rwanda. This photo was taken in the entrance of Adamson University by

    Rose Anne Dela Cruz.

    It was August 17, 2012, before the deployment, Rose Anne Dela Cruz interviewed a

    student from Sudanese whos course is civil engineering in Adamson University. The

    photo was taken by Mary Joy Eduria.

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    The Final interview for a

    foreign student who

    came from Papua New

    Guinea together with

    the two researchers to

    the left is Rose Anne

    and to the right is Mary

    Joy. This was taken in

    Adamson University


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    This portion of the research presents the findings that include the overview

    of the data gathered by the researcher that involves the following: presentation,

    analysis and interpretation of data.


    The table shows the results of the five foreign students of their study habits

    survey and the summary of the results of their answer. The higher the numbers in

    the boxes, the higher the needs for improvement which shows their weakness in

    the area of their study habits while the lower numbers show the area that they

    have mastered of the strength in their study habits.

    Table 1 Study Habits Strengths and Weakness Results

    As we could notice in the first category which is concentration, the highest

    number is 4 and there are three foreign students namely from Sudan, Papua New

    Guinea and United Arab Emirates who got the same number while China got 2

    and Rwanda got 1. The analysis is that the three foreign students who got the

    Category China United ArabEmirates

    Rwanda Sudan Papua new


    Concentration 2 4 1 4 4

    Remembering 3 4 1 2 3

    Organizing a time 3 3 2 4 7

    Studying a chapter 2 5 3 2 5

    Listening and taking


    2 4 2 1 4

    Taking tests 0 4 4 4 3

    Motivation 1 2 0 2 3

    Total: 13 26 13 19 29

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    same number of 4 needs to master their concentration in studying while the

    China and Rwanda has not need to improve it.

    The second category is about remembering, the foreign students who got

    the highest number is from the United Arab Emirates who got 4, while the second

    got the China and Papua New Guinea, and the third who got least is the Sudan

    and the most least is the Rwanda.

    The third category is organizing a time as they study with their lessons. The

    Papua New Guinea got the highest number 0f 7 which implies that there is a need

    for him to have an organized time because he shows weakness in this areas of

    study habits while the Sudan got 4, China and United Arab Emirates got 3 and

    Rwanda got 2.

    The fourth category is difficulty in studying a chapter and the highest

    results that was taken was from United Arab Emirates and Papua new Guinea

    who got 4, next is Rwanda which is 3, and the remaining foreign students came

    from China and Sudan that is 2.

    In listening and taking notes, the United Arab Emirates and Papua NewGuinea got 4, China and Rwanda got 2 and Sudan got only 1.

    In taking tests, three foreign students find it difficult in finishing the test

    and answering it before the deadline. These foreign students got 4 which came

    from United Arab Emirates, Rwanda and Sudan while the Papua New Guinea got 3

    and China got 0 which implies that he mastered already taking tests.

    The last category is the motivation in studying. The students came fromPapua New Guinea got the highest number of 3, while students from United Arab

    Emirates and Sudan got it 2, and Chinese student got 1 and 0 from Rwanda.

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    The results of the study habits survey of five foreign students shows that

    they have common similarities and differences of their strengths and weakness in

    their study habits.

    The researcher total the numbers that have been shown in table 1(Study

    habits strengths and weakness results) that shows the following analysis:

    The Chinese student got the lowest number of 13 which is the same also

    with the student from Rwanda. The analysis of getting the total number of 13

    says that they have the lowest score which they have mastered some of the study

    skills and find it least difficult to improved some of the categories of study habits

    that is shown in table 1.

    The student from the Sudan got the total number of 19 which shows

    second from the foreign students who got the least to improve the study habits


    The third foreign students who got the total number of 26 came from the

    United Arab Emirates and the fourth that got 29 from the total number camefrom Papua New Guinea. These two foreign students have difficulty and need to

    improve more with their study habits. The two foreign students namely from UAE

    (United Arab Emirates) and PNG (Papua New Guines) needs to find a way to

    improve their weaknesses in study skills that they have specifically in the area of

    concentration, remembering, organizing a time, studying a chapter, listening and

    taking notes and lastly taking tests. Both of these foreign students from UAE and

    PNG have these motivation to finish their course in the Philippines since one of

    their motivation come from scholarship of their own government, and for theirfuture job.

    The following page provides some of the personal information of the five

    foreign students that helps the researcher to get some of the essential data for

    this research.

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    ProfilingThis portion provides the following information that the foreign students

    answered in the interview from. This is the part 1 which is all about personal

    information and some questions that the foreign students need to fill out.

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    Part 1: Personal Information

    Name: Lonely Nama

    Place of Birth: Papua New Guinea

    Date of Birth: September 24, 1993

    Nationality: Papua New Guinea

    Country: P.N.G.

    Sex: Male Age: 18 Status: Single

    Course: Chemical Engineering

    Year Level: Freshmen

    Elementary School Attended: P.N.G.

    Secondary/Middle School Attended: P.N.G.College/University Attended:

    Adamson University (Philippines)

    A. Reasons for Studying in the Philippines:

    1. Because to experience New People and Culture

    2. To acquire more knowledge

    3. To study overseas

    B. What do you mean by study habits?

    1. Learning2. Focus

    3. Reviewing

    C.What motivates you to study well?

    1. To have good future

    2. Because to make our parents proud

    3. For the good of our country

    Follow-up Questions:

    D. Do you think study habits are important?

    Answer: Yes

    E. Are you willing to improve your study habits?

    Answer: Yes

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    Part 1: Personal Information

    Name: Mubarak Aidab Alameri

    Place of Birth: Alain City, UAE

    Date of Birth: May 11, 1988

    Nationality: Arabian

    Country: United Arab Emirates

    Sex: Male Age: 24 Status: Single

    Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education major in


    Year Level: Fourth Year

    Elementary School Attended: Alwagan in U.A.E.

    Secondary/Middle School Attended: Binham in


    College/University Attended: Philippine Normal University

    A. Reasons for Studying in the Philippines:

    1. Scholarship from the government

    2. To become a police someday

    3. To learn the Filipino language and to be a translator to

    the Filipino immigrants

    B. What do you mean by study habits?

    1. Reviewing

    2. Focusing on exam

    3. Passing your study exam

    C.What motivates you to study well?

    1. For family

    2. For future

    3. For scholarship

    Follow-up Questions:

    D. Do you think study habits are important?

    Answer: Yes

    E. Are you willing to improve your study habits?

    Answer: Yes

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    Part 1: Personal Information

    Name: Karuta J. Ishimure

    Place of Birth: Rwanda

    Date of Birth: January 25, 1991

    Nationality: Rwandese

    Country: Rwanda, Africa

    Sex: Male Age: 21 Status: Single

    Course: Chemical Engineering

    Year Level: Third Year

    Elementary School Attended: IEAK, Rwanda

    Secondary/Middle School Attended: IEAK, Rwanda

    College/University Attended: Adamson


    A. Reasons for Studying in the Philippines:

    1. Quality Education

    2. Cheap tuition fee

    B. What do you mean by study habits?

    1. Learning2. Memorizing

    3. Exercising

    C.What motivates you to study well?

    1. Be successful

    2. Find a good job

    3. Have a nice future

    Follow-up Questions:

    D. Do you think study habits are important?Answer: Yes

    E. Are you willing to improve your study habits?

    Answer: Yes

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    Part 1: Personal Information

    Name: Abubaker Ameer Ibrahim

    Place of Birth: Omdurman, Sudan

    Date of Birth: December 9, 1993

    Nationality: Sudanese

    Country: Sudan, Africa

    Sex: Male Age: 19 Status: Single

    Course: Civil Engineering

    Year Level: Freshman

    Elementary School Attended: Al-jimi, Sudan

    Secondary/Middle School Attended: Al-jimi,


    College/University Attended: Adamson


    A. Reasons for Studying in the Philippines:

    1. Mothers advice

    2. Quality Education

    3. Cheap tuition Fee

    B. What do you mean by study habits?

    1. Reviewing

    2. Getting new information

    3. Surfing the internet

    C.What motivates you to study well?

    1. For my future

    2. To have a successful life

    3. For my family

    Follow-up Questions:

    D. Do you think study habits are important?

    Answer: Yes

    E. Are you willing to improve your study habits?

    Answer: Yes

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    Part 1: Personal Information

    Name: Jianyu Wang

    Place of Birth: Hunan, China

    Date of Birth: December 6, 1990

    Nationality: Chinese

    Country: China

    Sex: Male Age: 22 Status: Single

    Course: BSMT (Major in mathematics)

    Year Level: Fourth Year

    Elementary School Attended: Xinzhou, China

    Secondary/Middle School Attended: Jiaoyuan, ChinaCollege/University Attended: Philippine Normal


    A. Reasons for Studying in the Philippines:

    1. Philippines is the most suitable country

    2. Similarity culture with China

    3. Good English speaking country

    B. What do you mean by study habits?

    1. The methods of study you often imply

    2. The ways of understanding of a new lesson or knowledge

    3. The ideas of solving the problem of lessons

    C.What motivates you to study well?

    1. Interest of the major subject I love

    2. Self-encouragement

    3. The pressure of finding a job

    Follow-up Questions:

    D. Do you think study habits are important?

    Answer: Yes

    E. Are you willing to improve your study habits?

    Answer: Yes

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    Chapter V

    Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

    The goal of this research is to know the different study habits of selected

    foreigner students who chose to study in our country. Specifically it aimed to compare

    the study habits skill of Chinese, Sudanese, Arabian, Rwanda and Guineans students.

    This descriptive research that made use of study habits survey which is used to

    measure the strengths and weaknesses of study habits of the foreigner students which

    the researchers adopted the material made by the Red Woods University in United

    States of America. This study habits questionnaire will help the researcher to identify

    and compare the results to selected foreign students and to determine the influences ofthis study habit that has influence on their academic achievement.

    To interpret and analyze the collected datas the researchers used tables and

    lines graphs for the interpretation. To further get the information needed, the

    researchers used qualitative measures rather than quantitative, but still researchers

    treated one statistically procedure to compute the mean score to compare the study

    habits of selected foreigner students.

    For the interpretation of data the explanation is this The higher the numbers in the

    boxes, the higher the needs for improvement which shows their weakness in the area of

    their study habits while the lower numbers show the area that they have mastered of the

    strength in their study habits.

    The following hypotheses were tested for acceptance or rejection:

    1. There are significant differences in study habits of foreigner students.

    Below are the salient findings of the study

    1. How do the study habits of college students differ in terms of the following


  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    2. What are the perceptions of foreigner students to study habits?

    The researchers have perceived that the foreign students study habits are

    generally more or less the same as their fellow students native here to the

    Philippines. They diligently review their lessons, especially when exams are fast

    approaching, memorize formulas and acquire new information through several

    sources, not just from the prescribed texts but also through supplementary

    materials like related books and online journals.

    3. What motivates them to study well?

    Most of the foreign students interviewed by the researchers stated that they

    wanted to study well because they want to provide a good future for their

    Category Chinese Arabian Rwandan Sudanese Guineans

    Concentration 2 4 1 4 4

    Remembering 3 4 1 2 3

    Organizing a time 3 3 2 4 7

    Studying a chapter 2 5 3 2 5

    Listening and takingnotes

    2 4 2 1 4

    Taking tests 0 4 4 4 3

    Motivation 1 2 0 2 3

    Total: 13 26 13 19 29

    Improvemore Studyhabit Skills


    attention toimprove

    theirs studyhabit skill

    Improvemore Studyhabit Skills


    Study habitskills


    attention toimprove

    theirs studyhabit skill

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    families here, and back home in their native countries. Some of them felt that

    because they were on a scholarship given by their government they should not

    squander the opportunity and use the knowledge gained here to help their own



    Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    1. The result of the study habits survey of college students can be described

    into three phrases Improve study habit skills , Improve more Study habit

    Skills, and Really needs attention to improve theirs study habit skill

    2. Foreigners students has different perceptions when they hear the word study

    habits but majority of them agrees/ believes that study habits are more on

    reviewing their lessons, especially when exams are fast approaching,

    memorizing formulas and acquire new information through several sources,

    not just from the prescribed texts but also through supplementary materials

    like related books and online journals.

    3. Foreigner students want to study because they want to have a good future

    someday, thats why they strive hard and trying to catch up in our culture.


    In the light of the findings of the study, the following recommendations are hereby


    1. The Chinese student who got the lowest number of 13 which is the same alsowith the student from Rwanda. Has already mastered some of the study skills

    and find it least difficult to improve some of the categories of study habits.

    2. The student from the Sudan got the total number of 19 which shows second

    from the foreign students who got the least to improve the study habits skills.

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    3. The third foreign students who got the total number of 26 came from the

    United Arab Emirates and the fourth that got 29 from the total number came

    from Papua New Guinea. These two foreign students have difficulty and need

    to improve more with their study habits.

    Further Research

    In view of the limitations of the study, the findings cannot be claimed conclusive.

    Hence, the following research studies recommended:

    1. A similar study using different students

    2. Factors that influence the study habits of Foreigners students

    3. Analysis on the effectiveness of their study habits in their academic achievement

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    Appendix A

    To Professor __________________

    Good Day!

    We Rose Anne Dela Cruz and Mary Joy Eduria a IV-20 Social Science Major

    Students are presently enrolled in comparative culture and were working on our

    thesis entitled A comparative analysis on the study habits of selected foreign


    We would like to seek permission and approval from your good office to

    allow us to conduct our study which involves test and written activities until the

    end of the school year. We intend to do this to gather datas that we need on our


    Were looking forward for a positive response regarding this matter.

    Truly yours,

    Dela Cruz, Rose Anne L.

    Eduria, Mary Joy B.

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    Appendix A

    To Professor: ______________________

    Good Day!

    We Rose Anne Dela Cruz and Mary Joy Eduria a IV-20 SocialScience Major Students are presently enrolled in Basic Research andWere working on our thesis entitled A comparative analysis on the studyhabits of selected foreigners students

    We would like to seek assistance approval from your kind heart tohelp us to check the content of questionnaires that we made that will beused on our study.

    Were looking forward for a positive response regarding thismatter.

    Truly yours,

    Dela Cruz, Rose Anne

    Eduria, Mary Joy B.

  • 7/31/2019 Comparative Research New


    Appendix B




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