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Map of the units


PETcontentand overview

Homesand habits

Student days

Vocabularyand grammar reviewUnits 1 and 2

Fun ime

Our worldVocabulary nd grammarreuiew lnits 3 and 4


Leisureand fashion

Vocabularyand grammar reuiew ]nits 5 and 6

7 Out and about

I This s me!

Vocabulary nd grammarreviewUnits7 and 8

I Fi t and healthy

10 Aquestion

of tasteVocabularyand grammar reuiewUnits9 and l0

11 Conservingnature

12 What did you say?

Vocabulary nd grammarreuiewUnits i and 12

Grammar eference


Writing reference

Speaking eference

Authentic past PETpaper rom CambridgeESOLExtra material

Answer key




























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1 Homesand habits Readrng art : L ivrngn a windmil l ;

L i v i ng acavehome

Readingor gistan dmarn oints

Writ ing art : ldent i fy ingarget


Wrjtrng n emai

Listening ar t . Rout inesroundhe world

ldent i fy ingaral le lxpressions

Descript ionf a room

Tw ocandidatesoingSpeaking ar t1

2 Student days Reading art :Thedai ly i feof a

Bei j ingeenager

An extract rom Teenmagaztne

Reading art . Fiveexts boutwork

Writ ing art :Wri t ing shortmessage

Than ing, explan ng. apologsing,

inviting. uggesting

Nadinealking bout erexperiencessan


Listen g Part : Four hort ecordings

Tw ocandidatesoingSpeaking ar t

Vocabularyandgrammar review Units and2

3 Fun ime Reading art :The eenager ho

sarleo cross nocean

ldent i fy ing r i ter 's urpose

Writ ing ar t1: dent i fy ingords o

change; rror orTect ion

Describingree-t jme ct iv j t ies

Listening art . Fourways f spending


Talking bout ski ing ol idaY

Two eenaqersiscussingheir ree im e

4 Our world Reading art : Discoverhe sland f


Writ ing art :Wri tng a etter Selmaalking boutwhere he ives

Listening art : Oymyakon,he Northern

Pole f Cold

A candidateoingSpeaklng ar t

Vocabutary ndgrammar eviewUni ts e fid4

r l 5 Feel ings Reading art : How o be happier

Usrngl 'e conle\t o gL,ess issirg


Writ ing ar t :Your avouri te ayof

relaxing;Somethingxci t ingou ike o

doCause ndeffect inks

Formal/ informalxpressions

Listeningar t : dent i fy inghe anguagel


Candidatesoing peakingar t

6 Leisurean d ashion Reading art :Th eGuideHK

[entertainmentuide o HongKongJ

DJ Jupiternd hekickboxer

Writ ing art :Wri t ing shortmessageo

say hankyou

Tw opeoplealking bout V programmes

lwo people lanntng nlght t j t ogether

Listening ar t : Four hort ecordingsbou

lost tems

Tw ocandjdatesoingSpeaking ar t



l r--z

Gcaounryan gnmmar eview nns and 6

7 Ou t an d about Reading ar t1: dent i fy ingex tpurpose Writ ing ar t . Transformation

dialogue;dent i fy ingaral le l


Describinguture l imates

Lrsteningart . Photographingxtreme

weather ondit ions

Gett ingo he stat ionn ime

Tw ocandrdatesoingSpeaking ar t

Tw opeople iscussingransportn he


8 This s me! Reading art : L i fe oachesin d

success rt n oung eople

Pu ctuat ion

Writ ing ar t :Wri t ing Physical

desci lp lon'Ski l fu l

l inkino' etween ontent oints

Krist ianalkingo his rfe oach

Listening ar t : Becoming il mextra

Descr ibingomeone'shysicalppearanc

Three andidatesoinqSpeaking ar t

Vocabulary,andrammar review Units / anod

I Fit and healthy Reading art . Choose ou r port

Using hecontexto gless r 'ssing


Writ ingart :Writ ingstory

Text rganisat ionNarrat iveer benses

Listening ar t :Young eople's eal th

ldent i fy inggreement,tsagreementnc l

decis ion-making

Listeningor agreement,isagreementnd


to A questionof taste Reading art : Eight nusual


JackBlenkharnashi shair ut

Wrl t lng ar t :Wri t ing shortmessage

Thdn ing, explaining, inviting,

apolog sng, suggesttg

A waitergiving nstructions _,,'-lL istening art : Seven hort ecordings

Peoplealking bout aving omethingon e

Peop asking or objects heydon't know

the name fOn e andidateolngSpeaking ar t

VocabularyandgrammarreviewUnitsI and lA

I1 Conserving ature Reading ar t : nternat ionall imate


Matching pt ions i th elevant

words n he ext

Wri t ing art : Letter boutw ldl i fe nd


Checkingor mistakes

L stening ar t :Wildl i fen ndla

Listeningor waysof expressing xamples

Listeningor wordstress

12 What did you say? Reading art : Ca n ou speakMart ian? Writ ing ar t . Wri t ing story Students iscusstngproject

Listening art .We bChal lenge'compet

Vocaiitary anagrammar revilw Units I and 12

@tu n of theunits

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. Discussrngyoung erson'soorn

. Speaking art1.Questi0nsndansweTs

House nd ome


. Preposit ionsf ime

. Frequencydverbs

. Present impie ndpresent ontinuous

. State erbs. A few, a little, many, much, a lot of, lots of. Preposit ionsf place. Questionorms

. Talking bout ypical chool ays

. Talking bout hanges your i fe

. Speaklng art .Turn aking ndac tve istening

. Talking boutwork

Take. t. pass.ail. ose.miss.psrn.each. rudl

Earn,have,make,spend, ake

Past im p andpast ontinuous

Used o

Talking bout ourself

Speaking art : vlaking uggestionsnd

reply g po tely o suggestions

Pronunciat ion.or dstressor new nfor mation

Free me

Negative refixes



Verbs o lowedby toor -rng

Speak g Part : Describ g photos f places Holiday ct ivi t ies

Travel,ourney, trip

Build gsandplaces

Adjectivessed o describe laces


Spell g of comparatlvendsuper tve adjectives

A bit, a little, much, far, a lot

/Votas... s.. .

Big and enormousgradable nd non-gradable


. Speaking art : Describinghotos

.Speaking art : Describingersonalexperienes

Personalee ngs, prnions,xperiences

Reatrons i thothersAdjectives ilh edand -ing

Adjectivesndpreposit ions

Adjectivesf emotion nd heir pposites

Can. ould. ighL.may ability rd possibity )

Should, houldn't,ought to, must,mustn't,have o,don't ave o obl igationndprohibit ionJ

. Tak ng about nterta ment' Speaking art .Talking bout ct ivi t iest home

an dgoing ut;Talking bout he clothes ou ik e

to weaT


Going ut

Been/gone,meet,get to know,know, ind out

Describingost tems

Present erfect


Sinceand or

Present erfect r past imple

. Talking bout xtreme eather

. Speaking art : Giving ndaskingor easons

an dpreferences. Pronunciat ion:eak orms


Tra sport

Adverbsof degree


P-epos ionso'



car.elc.Compound ords

The uture:will, oing o,present 0ntinuous, resent

s rmp

Sayinghe et ters f healphabet ndspell g


Speaking art1:Asking eneral uestions


Descr ingpeople

Prefixes nd suffixes

Zero, irst ndsecond ondrt iona

When,f, unless present,uture

So do /and Nor/Neitherdo I

Speaking art :Which port o akeup

Pronunciat ionStressed ords

Health ndexerc e

l l lnessesndaccidentsq ^ ^ r t c ^ ^ l ^ . ^ t i ^ n a

Which, hat, who, whose,when and nzhere lauses

(definingnd non defning)

Past erfect imple

' Talking bout ood' Soeak g Pdrt : Desc-ib'rg bjecrs oudon

know he name f

Types f oodan ddr ink

Course,dish, ood,meal,plate

Shops ndservices



. n i e . , , e a i n ^ a n i m . l { . . i a

. Saving ater

. Speaking art : Saving nergy' Gi vng examp s. Pronunciat ion:Wordtress i th suff ixes. P-onrnc ia t ion :Weak 'o rnsnpass e s

Th enatural orld

Th eenvironment

Noun uff ixes

Thepassive: resent nd past imple

Comparativendsuperlat ivedverbs

' Communicatingit hothers' Descrrbinghere hings re' Speak ingan3: Descr i ng photo

Slang ords

Speak. alk.say, ell.ask or

Preposrt ionsf place

Reported peech

Reported ommands

Reportedpeech. ther hanges

Reported uestions

Indirect uestions

Map of the units Cs

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Who this book is forCompletePET s a stimulating and thorough preparation

course or studentswho wish to take the Preliminary

English Test from Cambridge ESOL. t teachesyou the

reading,writing, listening and speakingskills which are

necessaryor the exam as well as essential rammar an d

vocabulary. For those who are not planning to take the

exam n the neat future, the book providesskills and

languagehighly relevant to an intermediate evel of English

(CommonEuropeanFramework CEF) evel BU.

What he book containsIn the Student'sBook there are:

r 12 unitd for classroom study. Each unit contains:

. onepart of eachof the three papers n the PET exam.

The units provide anguage nput and skills practice

to help you deal successfullywith the tasks n each

part.r essential nformation on what eachpart of the exam

involves, and the best way to approacheach ask.

. a wide range of enjoyableand stimulating speaking

activities designed o increaseyour fluency and yourability to expressyourself.

r a step-by-step pproach o doing PETwriting tasks.. grammar activities and exercises or the grammar

you need to know for the exam. When you are doing

grammar exercises ou will sometimes ee his

symbol:@. rnese exercises re basedon research

from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and they

deal with the areaswhich often causeproblems for

students n the exam.. vocabularynecessaryor PET.When yo u see his

symbolOA V a vocabularyexercise,he exercise

focuseson words which PET candidates ftenconfuseor usewrongly in the exam.

. Six unit reviews. These contain exerciseswhich revise

the grammar and vocabulary that you have studied in

each unit.

r Speaking and Writing reference sections.These

explain he possible asksyo u may have o do in the

Speakingand Reading and Writing papers,and they

give you examples ogetherwith additional exercises

an d adviceon how best o approach hesePE Tpapers.

o A Grammar reference section which clearly explains

all the main areasof grammar which yo u will need o

know for the PET exam.

o An authentic past PET exam paper supplied by

Cambridge ESOL or you to practise with.

o A CD-ROMwhich provides you with many interactive

exercises,ncluding further listeningpracticeexclusive

to the CD-ROM please se he classaudio CDs or the

Student'sBook isteningexercises). trl heseextra

exercisesare linked to the topics n the Student'sBook.

Also availableare:

o TWo audio CDs containing listening material for the

12 units of the Student'sBookplus the ListeningPaper

for the test suppliedby CambridgeESOL.The listening

material is indicated by different coloured cons in the

Student'sBook as follows: (1 cu, (- ) clz.

. A Teacher'sBook containing:

o Step-by-stepguidance for handling the activities in

the Student'sBook.o A number of suggestions or alternative treatments

of activities in the Student'sBook and suggestions or

extension activities.. Extra photocopiable materials for eachunit of the

Student'sBook to practise and extend anguage

abilities outside he requirementsof the PET exam.

. Photocopiable recording scripts from the Student's

Book isteningmaterial.

. Complete answer keys including recording scriptsfor all th e listeningmaterial.

. Four photocopiable progress tests for every three

Student'sBook units.. 12 photocopiable word lists [one for eachunit)

containingvocabulary ound in the units. Each

vocabulary tem in the word list is accompanibd

by a definition supplied by the corpus-informed

Cambr dge L eor ner's D ctionary.

r A Student'sWorkbook containing:

r 12 units for homework and self-study. Each unit

contains further exam-styleexercises o practise

the reading,writing and isteningskil ls needed n

the PETexam. In addit ion, they provide further

practice of grammar and vocabulary,which also use

information about common PET candidateerrors

from the [email protected] A 'Vocabulary Extra' section,which contains twelve

pagesof further revision and practice of the essentia

PET examvocabularycontained n the Student's

Book units.. An audio CD containing al l the listening material for

the Workbook.

. The website contains

a full modelPE T or Schools ractice est.

Co) Introduction

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Homes ndhabits

Starting off0 Wittr a partner, look at the two picturesand the

photoof Julia. Which do you think is her room?


O @rlisten to Julia, and checkyour answer.

@ Look at the underlined words from the recording.

Match1-6 to the expressions -f with similar



I I'm out quitea lot then f aI

2 it 'snot a part icular ly ig / b

room l3 I've got al l my favourite \ c

things here

but there ust isn't any space d


I'm starting o ge tbetter e

when I havesomeoneound f

the things I likemost

somebody isitsme

not in very much

beginning o


rathera small

it's completely

full up

ListeningFar&Q Read hese nstructions.

. Youwif heara conversationetween girl,Zoe,

anda boy, ucas, bout aily abitsn different

countries.. Decidef each entence-5 s correct r


. lf it is correct, uta tick /) in heboxunder

forYES.f it is notcorrect, uta tickU) in he

boxunderB or NO.




O untr

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Exom advice

Before ou isten,ookat hesentencesndunderlinehekeywords,hen:

thinkof words ndphrases ith hesame ropposite eanings

listenor hese ndsimilar xpressions.

@ nefore you listen, look at the underlined part ofeach sentence -5 and think of other expressionsthat mean the same, or the opposite.



Lucasand Zoe agree hat taxisare too expehsive.

Zoebelieves hat Lucas'sowncanbe dangeroust night.

trT4 Zoe sayspeople n the north of

Europegetup earlier han thosein thesouth I I

5 Lucas h inks i t i s a good dea o

sleep or a short imeafter unch. I I

O (d} Now listen to the conversation and tick (/)

the boxes.

Pneposit ions f t ime

D pug* 117Grammareference. repasitionsf time

@O Zoe says at six o'clock and in the evening.PET

candidates often make mistakes with prepositions

of time. Circle the correct option in ifalics in


I Theweather s cold n /@night.2 School tartsat 8 o'clock n in t he morning.3 We got there at / on Fridayevening.4 I'll seeyou on at 4 o'clock.

5 His birthday is on / ln July.

@ Wittr a partner, put these expressions in thecorrect columns. Then think of more expressions

to add to each column.

... the-weekend ... the morning ... summer

. . April 24 ... 2010 . the holidays

. .. halfpast wo ... bedtime ... Saturdays


@Discuss these questions about the recording withyour partner. Use expressions rom Exercise 4.

f Why do you think differentparts of the worldoften havedifferent daily routines?

2 Which of the daily routinesyou heardabout smore ike yours? n what ways?

3 Which do you think is better?Why?


&pug* 117Grammareference. requencydverbs

Q fook at these words and sentences rom the

recording and answer the questions below.

.. . they oftengo out after ha t ...

.. . they don'tusuallyhave heir main meal ..

... thereare always otsof peoplearound ..

... olderpeople o o bed earlymostnights ..

... the schoolday s normallyabout he same ..

I Do frequencyadverbs ike oftengo beforeor afterthe main verb?2 What happenswith the verbbe?3 Wheredo frequencyexpressionsike mosf nights


@ nut the words in brackets in the correct position

in these sentences.

I I listento music on the radio. (occasionally)

T accnsio*n!-h6islet lo wusic ot tl*e radio.' 2 I checkmy em5il. (every wo hours)

3 I'm late for school. never)

4 I write letters o friends. (sometimes)5 I don't have unch at home. (always)

6 tr'msleepy n the morning. (almosteveryday)7 l go out on Mondaynights. (hardly ever)8 I stay n bed ate. (mostweekends)

@ How true are sentences1-8 for you? Rewrite

those that are not true, using different frequency

adverbs and expressions.

T rnrely listeu to wusic o+t tne rndio.

I- Iisleu to wusia ou ttne rndia +enrh* a!-!- ne) r iwe, v

I Lucassays hat everywhereclosesearly n his town.

Homesand habits fi l\_-/

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@ Work in groups.Ask about these activities and

answerusing frequency adverbsplus the correct

prepositionof time.

arrivetschoolrwork ge thomegetup n hemorning go o bed

rhave reakfast have inner haveunch

'W|ne:';"doVou Vet

up?''I nlwn\s

Vetrp nl iu th"eworui+w.'

@ nst a partner questionsaboutthe following,

beginningDo yoaeveror How oftendo you ... .

Useexpressionsike eueryday, onceo week and'

twice a month in your answers.

chat nl ine cook meal godancingread magazinesendextmessages idy ou room

'Doyou ever cl*nt o+tLi+te7''ies,

A ctnnlo'nli+teevery everi'tr,'

'Vowottet do you se+rd ey'l wessnVes?''t

seud o.X turry Lta# tnour|

Reading Sart 5O Work in small groupsand answer thesequestions.

r ln whatwaysare hehomesn thepicturesditferentfromordinaryhomes?

r Whatare headvantagesnddisadvantagesf iving

in each?r Whichwouldyou ike to live n?WhY?

.g Quictty read he text at the top of page l, without

filling in the gaps,and answer hesequestions.

o What kind of text (e .g .

r What is the text about?

story,article) is it?

. Which of the pictureson the right

. Which parts of it arethe sailsand

. Which five of the pointsbelow are

I The family built a windmill and they now live in it .

2 The Wraysburywindmill is four centuriesold.

3 Thewindmill has he same ind of roomsas a house.

4 Living in a windmill is different rom living in a house.

5 Therearesometimesires n the windmill.

6 The windmill has a fire exit.

7 The windmill will make ts own power'

8 They usedmaterial rom abroad o build the windmill.

shows his building?

the bolcorLy?

in the text?

@ ttow do the samewith activities1-3.

@ unit

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. . . , .a.a: .a. , . : . : : : . r: r, , . , . .

. . : : : t . . : ,:4. , : :a: . : . .:, . : : : . . : . : .

q. . ' . . . . , 'ri::iiil:.:t::t:::::

l' lI




@ nead the text more carefully, and fill in the gaps

with these words.

as corners etectricity few

rground job l ike in on third

'r , . : t r i r.a: . i r: t i t i : r: i i : r i t : , : . , .


S-metre on

@ nead the text below, paying no attention to thegaps for the moment. Decide what kind of text it

is, what it is about, and its three main points.

Exam advice

Weoftenbelievehat ivingna caves 0)......C-from hedistant ast,hedays f cavemenandcavewomen,utnowadaysa [1) of people re

buyingcavehomes. he

cl imateschanging nd

temperatures round he

worldare 2) .,bu t

inside cave t remainscool, ven3l . . . . .summer.

I am sitting n a cavehome n

Cappadocia,ne of the hottest

partsofTurkey, ) threeo'clock n a Julyafternoon.Outsidet reaches5degrees

here t is only18. t neverallsmuchbelowhat,even uring hecoldestmonths.

Modern ave omesike hi s

oftenhave phone, atelliteTVandan nternet6)and heyarevery omfortable.(7 ) the bedroomsreveryquiet, arkandcool, eopleovesleepingn hem. nd, hey ay,it'seasy o makemore 8)

foryourself.ou ustdiga biggerroom!

Beginby reading he text o ge t a general deaof

the type of text, ts opic and he mainpoints.

almost5) day,bu t in

Homesand habits@

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@Read the text on page ll about

living in caves dgain and

choose the correct word for

each space,A, B, C or D.

Use the questions in italics to

help you.

0 Aalylhing Beverything

.66-mffi) D nothing

@ Discuss these questions in pairs.

r Would you like to live in a cavehome?Why (not)?

r Which otherunusualplaces o live do you know of?

GrammarPresentimple ndpresent ontinuous;tate erbs

*|s ptg* 117Grammareference. resentsimplencl resentcontinuaus

{[) Vtatctr extracts 1-4 from the text with uses a-d of the present simple

and present continuous.

1 I am sitting n a caue a it's always rue

2 tlrc climate s clnnging b it's happeningnow

3 it remains ool,even n summer c it happens egularly

4 it reaches 5degrees lmosteveryday d it's in progress

@ Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Use the present simple or the present continuous.

;J J

H iDav id ,

t [f) ...1r'-.nrifi'vtg../...*nrifi!fr [write)o gou romourholidagome,U -

r ightnext o the sea. (2 ) [s i t ) n mgcosgbedro6m, hich

t3)[beJ t he backof thebui ld ing,nd [4)

[ lookJ utacrosshewaves o a i t t le sland. [5) . . . . . [ loveJhis

view, nd n he eveningsomet imes6) . . [stag) n o watch he

sungodown. vergag (7) (goJora ongwalka longhe oPof

the clif fs. t 's ateJunenow, o he weather 8) Iget)hotter, ut

la lwags9) . . . teave)hehouse ar lg n he morn ing h i le hat

coolwind romoutat sea t0) . . . . . .. u low). [11) . . . . . . . .

[haveJreal lg oodime ere, nd [12)


Bge ornow,


. . not h inkJwant o go

F+efr f \eFr$:fr4=effi fl sf 4sFwiF!4Jstwqsffi

* prg* 118Grammareference. tate erbs

Verbs hat describestatesale not normally used n continuous orms:

we often believethat living in a cave ... not we-creof+er+aievins

insidea cave t remainscool . IJiotfi

@ Wtrictr of these are state verbs?

I A littleC few

2 A rising

C adding

3 A aboutC o n

B manyD lot

B liftingD raising

B i nD round

B duringD b v

B bothD another

B SinceD Even

B floorD space

Whiclt wordgoesbeforeof'


Which verbdoesnot n€ed an



the seasons?

4 A a tC for


with exact imes?

A some

C every

8 A areaC and

7 A S oC Until

Whiclt word completeshe


A bridge B connection

C relation D tie

Whichword usuaLly oeswith'Internet'?

Wttich linking word means

'becausdat tlrc beginningof asentence?

Whicttword meansempty',on

and above lrcground?

belong change consist contain

guess improve include matter

,prefer relax renfember seem

oreim exist iirr torg;imean need own Paint :

suppose understand

@ un*

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D prg* 118Grammareference.ountal)lenduncountableNAUfiS

Q Wtrictr of these does your home have?

balcony bathroom bedroom corridordining oom garage garden hall kitchenlavatory livingoom stairs

I Wittr a partner, decide n which room the items inthe box would normally be.

armchair bath bell blankets . chestof drawerscushions dishwasher

mirror pillow sink sofawashbasin


@ O The words in the box are all countable nouns,

but some words in the home are uncountable, e.g.

heating, air -conditioning. PET candidate s of enmake mistakes with these. Choose he correct

option in italics in this sentence, then check your

answer with the extract from the

Learner's Dictionary.

I am looking for new furniture / furnitures or my


noun lUl

objectssuch as chairs, ables,and beds hat you put into a room ol

building anl que u rn ture

I wantobuy ome ewumitureormybedroom.i

@ fook at the extract again and answer thequestions.

r Which symbol ellsyou the noun is uncountable?r What do you think the symbol s for a countable


G-rammarX &Lv,a t'fttfe,many, nueh,a lof of and lofso{

$:]repO$iti{:}n$f pNi3ce

& pug* 118Grammareference."Afewittle,many, ugn.lotof. otsof

Q Study the text with the picture. Then complete

the rules and examples on page 14 with a little, a

few, much, many, a lot, o lot of and lots of.

@ nst your partner questions sing stateverbsandnotedown their answers.

Doqou be!,ouq o a yrouth"club? Dok04A veyPorV"t inpuortnututtni+Vs? u

Now work with a different partner. Ask questions

about their first partner.

Doessh"e reler weeKduisor see(erds? (Auswer,Slneprelers uteeyeu&s.)

@ Uate questions using the present simple or thepresent continuous, adding and changing wordswhere necessary.Then answer the questions in

full sentences.

I what /'state

verb' / mean?\tlh"ilrdoes'sfafe verb' weau?

Stata varbs nret'f usun!-ly used i+t co'nliauaus*orns,


2 yol / prefer to getup / early or late?3 anybody at your house watch/ TV / at the

moment?4 what colour clothes yott / wear / today?5 which things / in your house belong to yol?6 what / you / sometimes forget to do / in the

m n r n i n o 2

@ fnint of a close riend. Tell your partner thesethings about hem:

facts,e.g.Slrc iues n ..., slrcbelongso ...

things hey oftendo, e.g.Heoftenplays .somethinghey'redoingovera p€riodof time, e.g.Slrc's earning Sp nish.what you think they're doingright now, e.g.He'swalking lrcme.

VocabularyHouse ncJ {:}me;ountablcnduncoltntab}en0uns




cooker cupboardsfridge microwave

!rp.toilet towels

In hegarden e have lo tof lowers f manydifferentolours. t this imeof theyear trains lo tand heresnl-muctruns6lrr, r,summersdifferent. rom une oAugustweonlyhave little ain, nd or a fewmonths.we haveotsof sunshinelmost very ayl

Homesand habits@

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, - l





sI t




,7or5pall nunberslas5€ with ountable

noqns, e.g'Thereare - plat'eson the table'


21op pallamounts't/g s€ " wtTn- t^ ̂ ,,

uncountabl€ouns'e'g'Only " sugarmny

c.oft'ee,leo"e'don'f ike t very weef'

3 \r!sus€ onlywith ountableouns' €,Are

fhere ... .. " ' blankefsn ourbed?,"No'don'fike

fu hiave.. "' blanket'snsunmer'

a /s us€ onlywith 'rncountableounsn

qr""t "" " and negative sentences' e'gDo you

have .. . t'ree fine af weekends?''No' don'f have

@ O PETcandidatesoften make mistakeswith

prepositionsof place ike in, ot and on. Circle

theconect option in italics in eachof these


Youcanstay n @!^y house.

We're stayingat / in differentrooms.

My bedroom s the best roomof / ln my house.

It's a large room af / on the second loor.I have somephotos n / on the wall.

Also I have a big window in / on the left of my




it* Tuit f there s nonoun'wejustuse

e.g.HesleePs " '

9 fil in the gaps with a little, a few, mtlch, mdny,

a lot or a lot offlots of. (Sometimes more than one

answer is possible.)

1 I usually ike to put.......4.IittXe.......ake-upon ,

but not ......r..Xpt... . Toomuch ooks errible,I think.2 It doesn' take... . . . . . t ime o wash

those lothes, ut t takes.... . . . . . hours,

usually wo or three, o dry them.

3 I've got DVDsbut I can't buy any

morebecauseheycost ... . . . . . . . . . . . money.

4 Thosenew light bulbs arevery popular.They

@ Work in pairs. Talk aboutyour apartmentorhouse, describing each room and what is in it. As

your partner listens,he or she draws a picture orplan of your home. When you finish, checkyour

partner'sdiagram.Then change oles.

Speaking Part 1Q nut the words in 1-5 in

the correct order. Then

match the questions with

answers a-e.

I surname / yolur what /is?$lttat is youv sur+tnwE

2 spell yotu it / how / do?

3 live / where / you / do?

4 do / what / do / you?

5 English do / studying enjoy yolu?

a In Torredel Mar. It's a town on the coastnear

M.ilaga,n Spain.a^(!,| Lopez.c Yes,a lot..I studied t at schooland now I have

lessons t work with the otherpeople here.

d It's L-O-P-E-Z.e I'm a secretary. work in an insurancecompany.

@ Complete the tables with prepositions from a-e


free tine at'all!'

withcountable nd5 Wecanus€

don ' t se . . . . .

5 I don' tuse..

Ln"ountrule ounsnanyKind f sentence' g

r^^,t "d drlnksn heTrrageWe'vego f -- " )Qvu ut l

electricity,so...... eople rebuying hem.

.. shampoo,us t

.... drops.My hair alwaysgoesdry if

I useThere sn' t . . . . . . . . pacen my bedroom

so don'tkeep.... . . .. . . things here.

a town

a country

a company

the coa

a hill

ln islanl\

t) pug. 118Grammareference. repositionsfpt26s

@ nst another student the questions in Exercise 1.

Your partner should answer about himself

or herself, being careful to use the correct


@ nead the dialogue based on Speaking Part I

questions. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in

brackets and prepositions of place and time.

@ unt r

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 12/236

John: Maria, where (l) ....dp.Xp1,!..Q.-q.we....(you / come) rom?

Maria: I'm from Vari. It's a small town(2) Greece, earAthens.

John: And (3)(you / work) or (4)(you/be) astudent?

Maria: I 'm a student,5l . . . . . . . . . . . . . .asecondary chool(6) the town.What subjects7) ............ (you/ study)?All the usual ones ike mathsand historv.but this month

. (study)modernmusic, oo. It's really

.... (you / enjoy) doing n your free

. Here resome entencesabout amilyife.

. Fo reach uestion,ompletethesecond entenceo hatit meanshesame s hefirst,usingno more hanthreewords.

There aren't many dayswhenall my family do the samething. nThereare only ......8...e..w........dayswhen alimy family dothe same hing.Right now, my mum anddad are out having a mealsomewhere.My parents

home right now becausethey're having a mealsomewhere.My eldersisterEmily is atthe swimmingpoolat themoment.At the elder sisterEmi ly . . . . . a swlm.

Shenearly alwaysgoes

out somewhere u ring theevening.Shehardly

staysn dur ing he evening.My brotherJamesdoesn'tspendmuch ime here nsummer.In summer,my brotherJamesonly spendstime here.He usually prefers o be by theseawith his friends.He usuallyprefers o be

. .. . . . easide i thhis friends.

@ Write an email to an English-speaking riend aboutyourown family life.


we [8)interesting.

John: What (9)

time?Maria: Well, I (10) (like) listening o music

(11) home, (12) my room.And I sometimes 13) ... go out) with friends(14) the evenings,or (15)


@ {i} Listen to the recording and check your answers.

@ Work with a different partner. Ask the questions in Exercise 4. Yourpartner gives true answers.

Writing Xlart I

Q Circle the correct option in italics.

1 We alwayshavea party at my house n /@/at December 1st.2 In winter, there'sonly a

fewa little

/a lof sunlight in this room.

3 It's ten o'clockat night and wait / waiting 'm woiting for my friendto phoneme.I occasionally o someof my homeworkaf / on / in school.I don't rorely often sometimes atch television.

@ Wtrat do the sentencesn Exercise test?Match sentences -5 withgrammar points a-e below.

a frequencyadverbs s I

b present enses[--lc prepositions f time

d quantifiersike a few,a tittte,et.. l-le prepositionsfplacef__.1

@ Stuay he second entencen questions -6 opposite.Whichgrammar point a-e doeseachof 1-6 test? Onegrammar point isnot tested.)

t d

@ Uow do the Writing Part I exam task in the yellow box.


Homesand habits@

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Starting off

Q Work in pairs. Choosea phrase from the box for photos A-E.

haveunchn heschool anteen alarm lock ings

: eacherakes egister catchheschool us setoffforschool

" I fi l You will listen to five differentsounds.After eachsound,

talk to your partnerand match t with photosA-E.

I t +t^i44Kt nlnrwelocK s rixVi*Vt so it Voeswith"?lnofoA.

@ Use he phrasesn Exercise to ask and answerquestions

aboutyour typical school day.

Vnve6ou Vot

n'n nlnrw clocK?Yes" t ri+t6snt 7"00 nw.


Exam oduice.

You reada long actual ext and decide f tensentences re corrector incorrect.

. The en sentencesollow he orderof the text. j

Q Work in pairs. Before you read the text on page lZ look at the

title, pictures and clocks. What do you think the text is about?

@ Wayne goes o secondary school in Beiiing, China.

What do you think Wayne does on a typical

school day? Use the phrases in Starting off.

T fbti+tK l.nyre's nlnrw clocKrirVs very enrl6.

@ Read the text quickly to get a general idea of what it is

about and find out if you were right about Wayne.

@ unn,


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@ Readsentences-8 about Wayne'sday. Underlinethe most mportantwords n each.

I Waynemakesbreakfast or hissister.

2 Waynegetsa lift to schoolby car.

3 Wayne s punished f he gets oschool ater han 07.20.

Wayne's chool assome portsfacilities.

At midday,noneof the studentsgo home or lunch.

Wayne eaves chool a|17.20.

Waynedoeshis homeworkuntilit's time for dinner.

Wayneneversleepsmore hansix hoursa night.

@ nead the text again to decide if each sentence s

correct or incorrect. If it is correct, tick (/) box

A. If it is not correct, tick (/) box B. Underline

where you find the information in the text.

@ In your groups, compare your typical school day

with Wayne's. In which ways is your day similar

and in which ways is it different? Would you like

to study at Wayne's school? Why (not)?













chemistry, eography, a ths,Engl ish nd

sportof course.We have portevery ay.

The alarmclock ings. have o get up.

go to the kitchen o fry myselfan egg orbreakfast . y s is ter uyssometh ingrom

the market ta l lson the way to school o shecan sleep


Ourschool idn'tuse o have 'football itch, asketball,courts,or.aunningrackbut now'itdoes.

ffi All of useat n theschool anteen. e have/ a .

r -- , , ! \ ^ ^

:30 minutes o eatour unchand henwe

havea break or 20 minutes.Sometimes go

to the ibrary o s tudyand somet imesgo outside o p lay

tab le enn is .

/^Lf;-- l \ Afternoonclasses egin.:

,1@\ we f inishschoolbut we can't go home;we/ / _ _ " 1 , - : : t I ! \ i

r- - navean exam alter class. cnoot s so naro:

, f f i l 'm homeagain. hat means can have/ r , - ,

' \.-=:::+

supperearly. t takesme 30 minutes o eat

and then I have o do my homework,We have

lots of homeworkeveryday.

, f f i l 'm never sleep efore idnight.always/ / : : , \ r r , i _ 9 \ I-waKe up Iess nan slx nours a ter .

I readsomething. omet imesneed o learn

famouspoemsor texts n other anguages.

I set off for school. sometimes o to school

by bus. However, normallygo to school

by bicycle. n China,drivershave o be olderthan ' lI yearso ld .As I 'm 16, can ' tdr ive o school ike

teenagersn othercount r ies .

We have o be n school t east 0 minutesbeforeessons egin.t's a school ule. fyoudon'tarrive n ime, oucanexpect

punishment .f you areof ten a te , he teacher i l l ta lk oyour parents er ious ly .

Student avs@

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VocabularyI*ke, sif,pass, u{ lcse, rnlss, earn. *achan{i srudy

O nead his extract rom the Cambridge earner'sDictionary.

GrammarPast impl*

*ffi prgr 119Grammareference;astlmple

We aveo ake nexam t heend f he ourse.

I donotwantomissmy lass.



I wanto eanhowodive.

Mydadaught ehow odive.


Hes studyingiologyt university.

OO Work in pairs. PET candidates often make

mistakes with verb + noun combinations. Circle

the correct option initalics in sentences 1-7./--

I I made Q@ an exam wo weeks ago.

2 I have o go to the univers ity because'm sittingpassingmy exam oday.

3 I'm in my classroom,writing / taking this exam.

4 I began o run because was afraid of losingmissing he schoolbus.

5 | learn studyevery weekend or my exams.

6 Near he hotel here s a golf course,so we've

decided o go there to learn / study golf.

7 I think our new teacherwlll learn teachus a lot.

@ write five questions using some verb + noun

combinations from Exercises I and 2.

Aowotle-w do you lnKe exatws t your sctnoo!?

@ Work in small groups. Ask and answer each

other's questions.

(O Work in small groups. Nadine is from Toronto,

Canada. Last year she went to San Pedro de

Atacama - a town in Chile - to be an exchange

student. What differences do you think she found

between her life in Canadaand her life in Chile?

A {O Listen to Nadine talking about these

differences and complete the table.



expensrve actlvltles




dreams n



noneof these h

@ unit

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I Where go /laslyear? Wlnara id6ou 6o


a Lastvear liued- in chileY.

2 Where / slay?

b r . . . . .. . . . .

@ Work in pairs. Nadine talks about an experience hat happened

last year.Write the interviewer's questions1-6 in the correct form

of the past simple, using the words given.

Past imple ndpast ontinuou

& pug" 119Grammareference. astsimple ndpast onttnuous

Q fook at the pictures. What

happened to Nadine when she w

walking to school?

g (i\ Listen to the recording to fin

out if you were right about wha

happened to Nadine. What do yo

think happened next?

@ (?) Listen to the rest of Nadine's

story. Were you right about wha

happened next?

@ look at extracts 1-3 from the

recording. Underline the verbs

in the past simple (e.g. did)

and circle the verbs in the past

continuous (e.g. ruas doing). Th

answer the question that follows

each extract.

|'suddenly awoman oppeared rnowhereand shestarted scream

at the dogs.Thedogs an off.'

r Did the three actionshappe

the same ime?What happe


2 'Tlrc sunwas stining and I was

feeltng ood.'

. Do we know when the sun

startedshining?Do we kno

the sun stoppedshining?

3'I was walking to schoolwhen I

saw a group of dogs.'

e Did Nadine see he dogsbe

shestartedwalking to scho

in SanPedrode Atacama.



How / feel / when / firsI / arrive?

I . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. scared .

Speak Spanish before go?

Yes, did. I

What subjects study?

Spanish t school.


e I . . maths,chemistry, iology, ..

6 Be a goodexperience?f Yes,t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 'm real lyglad ... . . . there.

@ (d.) Listen to the interview again. Check your questions l-6 and

complete Nadine's answers a-f.

@ Work in pairs. Look again at Nadine's answers a-f. Underline

the regulor past simple forms and circle the irregalar past simple


@ O PET candidates often make spelling mistakes with regular

past tense forms. Correct one spelling mistake in sentences -7

and say why it is wrong.

0$3 120Grammareference;petling f regularpast imple


I We eq€Xedourselves lot.'0 ' is n vowelb"lor"

'T'tso llne

'y '

doesu't cl,ta+Ve,

2 We plaid football all day.

3 I planed wo things for the holiday.

4 He traveledaround he world two yearsago.

5 It wasvery hot so I openned he window.

6 I really must tell you what happend o me.

7 My dad studyedFrenchat school.

O O PET candidates also make mistakes with irregular past simple

forms. Correct one mistake in sentences1-6.

6|} pug" 132Grammareference.rregularverbs

aleI We eaed spaghettiat lunchtime.

2 Shebuyed us a lot of presents.

3 I chooseda part-timecoursebecause didn't have a lot of free time.

4 I was riding my bike when I felt off it .

5 He had shorthair and he wearedglasses.

6 In your email you writed you had a lot of exams.



::lrL,,ill ,

Student avs@

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@ Look at extracts1-3 again and complete hese

rules with postsimple or past continaous.ListeningPart 1

Exam advice. Thereare seven hortrecordings, achon a


. Listen o the recording nd choose he correct


. You isten o eachrecordingwice.

Q nead the four Listening Part I questions and

underline the important words in each.

Past imPlendPast ontinuousules

ilJrn" o P^s-t-inr'Pi'eotalkll*"=

::""'6j|ijn: i^ ni p^=,"t"none ctionappened

aifertheother)'to talkabouf n

z Weuse he (2)

l activityfhatwaslready'PP:n:e^1|1::::::it*derr rI

rw f this activityinished r nof'pastWedon'tknc

g Weolten use he (3) ll did)and

;;il. .


. .- . Qwas oing)logethero show

.S ln# ".n". rr.ffenean hemiddlefanactivity'e

-'F ;X ;;;;; ' "{I' *' "to introduceheactivitvn he

S :'"]'""-

" - -

" eg'As/Whcdwhilewaswalkingfo

. ( -v /





I What time does John have to leave school oday?

^ @ @ a @

E M E E r uW 'W/wAr "F**,,(*,*-iF

at 11am?hat are

* ;;;; ' i "actioninthe \ ') - '-,^^- ""u i

":iio" *olt'i,go schoolvfensaw groupfdogs




@ tommy is an exchange student from the USA.

Read what he says about his first day at a

Japanese school and put the verbs in brackets in

the past simple or past continuous.

O {d) Listen to Tommy and check your answers.

@ Work in small groups. Use the past simple and

past continuous to tell each other about:

an unusual ourney o school

your first day at high school.

A T B I c IWhat doesNathanhave o buy?

A T B T c l

Whatwill the weatherbe like tomorrow?









A T B T c I

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@ fook at the pictures for questions l-4. What canyou see in each?

O {io-}Listen to the recordings for questions 1-4 and

make a note of the important words you hear next

to the pictures. (Picture C in Question t has been

done for you.)

@ tfi) Listen to the recording again and choose hecorrect picture. Remember to put a tick (/ ) in the

box below it.


ff i ptg* 12AGrammareference;Usedo

(f Work in pairs. Teenmagazinehas interviewedCandyabouther daysat primary school.Read

this extract and answer he questionbelow.

. Which words doesCandyuse o talk about hingsthat happened egularly n the pastbut don'thappennow?

@ fook at the extract again and answer thesequestions about used to.

I Doesused o changewhen we change he subjectpronoun (I/you/he/she,etc.)?

2 What happens o used o in a negativesentence?3 What verb form generally ollowsused o?

@ Rewrite what Candy says so that it is true for you.

, . 4


@ Work with a partner to interview other studentsabout their lives during the last five years.Readthe rules aboutquestions,hen write at least ivequestionswith used o, using the topics n thebox.

clothes free ime friends soort studies

Rules bout uestions

Rememberhat n he questionorm,we sayDid ou

usefo . . .?ndno lW

tor example: hat rimarychool id ouuse Qgo o?

DJdouuse oget'homework? haf port's id ouuse

t'o ptay hen ouwereYounger?

@ Change airs.Take urns to askyour questions

from Exercise . Wherepossible, nswer hequestionsusing used o.

Reading [3art ]

Examalvice. You ead iveshort exts e.9. otices,igns,abels,


. Eachex thas hree xplanations,, BandC,andyo u have o cho ose he correctone.

Whenyou havemadeyourchoice, ompare t with

the text and decide f it reallyexplains hat he text


Q fook at the text in each question. What does

it say? Circle the letter next to the correct

explanation - A, B or C.

I Do you want to earn some extra cash in

the school holidays?

A localpetrolstationneedsan attendantowashcarsand illthemup withpetrol.

Toapply, honeStefan n 566223

StefanA needs obduringhesummer reak.

B would ike o hear rompeople ho ar e nterestedin he ob.

C is ookingor someoneo washhiscar.

Student ars@

A+t priwnrt| sclnoo/ - used lo l,tnve lt*e snwe

teactter hir nosl o4 "f sabjecfs ...


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2 nsJ



Hi. f goucanborrow our rother 'scooter , gdad'sookingorstudents

to del iver izzas. etusknowwhatgou hinkwhengoucome ordinner


Maraha swritten he email o

A inviteNatashao have inner.

B askNatashaf shecanborrowherscooter.

C informNatasha bouta ob .


JanHarrisphoned.Theywant o celebralelheirwedding

anniversary n Saturdaybut needeomeone o lookaller

lheir son rom B Lo 11 pm. Can oudo t? the'll ringyouaround pm hie evening.



A wantsZoe o phoneherback onight.

B has nvited oeIogo ou ton Saturday ight.

C would ikeZoe o takecareof herchild or he evening.


I've aken he obwashing p nDave'sCaf6. I mightbe ate orthe ilm onight. f l 'mnot hereby pm, 'l lmeet ou nside.


Dani hould

A meetRobi n Dave's af6.

B go nto he cinemaf Robi s delayed.

C wait nsidehecinema nt i l pm.

A Youwill have n opportunit yo hand nyourapplicationn Friday.

B Everybodyhould et here15minutes eforehe nterview tarts.

C Yo umustcomplete n applicationormbeforeFriday.



ffarn, ave,make, pen{:landake

O O PET andidatesftenmakemistakes with verb + noun

combinations. Use the verbs

from the box to complete

questions l-5 correctly.

ea1 have make spendlake

In which ob(s)mentionedn

ReadingPart l:I can you.......L..lnv.e...un ?

2 canyou .. friends?

3 mustyo u .....our time

to do things carefully?

4 doyou . . most of your

time helpingpeople?

5 canyou


. . . a g o o d

@ work in small groups.Ask

and answerquestions1-5.

Remember o explain why.


O Work in small groups. Discuss

these questions.

1 Do teenagerswork in your

country?Why (not)?

2 Haveyou got a part-time ob?

3 Do you think teenagers hould

work?Why (notJ?

A (1T} isten to Linh fromVietnam and Marcelo from

Colombia alking aboutteenagersand part-time

work. Make notes on how

they answer the questions nExercise1.


OnssistantTrainerslnterviewsorAssistantrainersor the sportseam

startFridayat 4,30pm. Arrive t least15minutes

beforefyoustill need o ftll n a form.

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(ii) Listen to the recording again. Linh andMarcelo take turns to speak by asking each otherquestions.They also show they are listening toeach other. Complete the expressions in the table.(They are numbered in the order you will hearthem.)

W*at nbout iaa"iel'ytanl

(1)What do you


I'w +tol so s{re.


[4) Yesand(2) Don't you think

. . . . . '. . . . ' .. . . ' ' . ?

[3 ) Do yo u

. . . . . ' ' . . . . . ' ' .. . . . . . .?

(5) Haveyou got a

. . . . . . ?

(7)What do your teachers


(61R ?(8)Good

Work in pairs.Try this SpeakingPart4 question.Remember o use someof the expressions romExercise3.

Your photogrophsshowed peopleot work. NowI'd like you to tolk togetherabout the workmembersof your fomily do ond the sorf ofwork you'd ike to do in the future.

2Read hese wo Writing Part 2 questions. heimportant nformationhasbeenunderlined nthe first question.Now underline the importantinformation n the secondquestion.

YourEnglish-speakingriend ashelpedoustudyforyourEnglishxam.

Write nemailtosabel.nyour mail,oushould

. Ih!.K lsabel.

. Ig!! sabel boutheexam.

. j-nyjlesabel oyourhouse.

Youcan't o o sports ractice fter chool.

Write note oyourcoach.nyournote, oushould. apologise.. explain hy .. suggest notherime oucould o hispractice.

O Work in pairs. Look at each Writing Part 2 questionagain and answer hesequestions.

What do you need o write? [A note,card,email, etc.)Who areyou writing to? Do you know their name?Why areyou writing?What three pointsdo you need o include?


these answerswith the questions nExercise .

Hi sabel,

Thanksver omuchorhelping ewithmyEnglishxam.heexam asquite asy ndthink 've onewell.Wouldou ike o comeomyhouseo have izza ttheweekend?'l lpay.



Dear y'(r Trenton,

['n szrry t/tat 7 von'l be able to go to football

practrce tlis alternoon because lave to go

to tle lent/st. Vly lon't I tran vdl the other

tean at lunc/ttrne? pronlse 1'// be at football

pra"cttlceon Tlars dag.

6est wsles,


@ Work in pairs. Read he answers again and underlinethe expressionswhich are used to thank, invite,slaggeEt,xplain and apologise.

@ Work in pairs. Use his Writing Part 2 question oanswer he questionsn Exercise again.

Ypuagreedo meet ourEnglish-speakingriendtomorrow utnowyoucan't o.

Write nemailo Jason.nyouremail,oushould. apologise.. explain hyyoucan'tmeet.. suggestmeeting nother ay .

Write 5-45words.

@ Write your answer to the task in Exercise5.




Student avs@

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Unit1 Voco"bulorynd grnmmnrreview


Q Complete the email with af, in or on in eachgap.

Hi everybody,

Well ,here am(1) .. . . . . . . . . )x.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ewZealand,

staying ith a very riendly amily 2)

the own of Westport.t' squitea big house ndmy

bedrooms 3).. the secondloor. l ike

it becausehereare ot sof cupboardso put my things

an d he bed s muchbigger hantheone (5)



my room

the evenings nd

weekends,he amilysometimes

takeme out, thoughoftenwe juststay

andwatchTV. I usually o to bed

quite arly 10).. night, ndge tup

. about7.3O12)

the morning.

l 'm enjoyingmyself lot here, ut 'm looking orward

to beinghomeagain 13 ) August 5th.

@ Circle the correct option initolics in sentences


I I havea big family and here's lwaysa lot..-=\

of @@l houseu;orkso do.

2 Canyou lend me o few / o.Iittlemoneyuntil


3 It's very dark and cold here n winter so I don't goouI alot / alot of.

4 The living room is very big but there's only a little

/ a few furniture in it.

5 Thesedays,Max spendsa lot of time,/ fimes n his

room.6 I haven't got mucll / marLywork to do so I'll go out

soon.7 Paula sn't very well, but I think she can eaIa few

/ a little food now.

8 My parentssometimesnvite a Little a few people

to have dinner with us.

@ Correct the errors.

I We don't eat always n the dining room.

vle do+r'l nlways eal in llne did+V roow.2 Hello, call to Hsk f you want to go"out


3 Why do you standhere n the rain at this time of

night?4 Do you sleepever all morning?

5 I'm neverbelievinganythingmy brother ells me.

6 I every daymake my own bed.

7 How do you often have a bath?

8 I getnormally home at abouthalf past ive.

Vocabulary@ Complete he crosswordwith words from Unit 1.

Across' I where we keep ood cool

4 have something6 to or in a higherpart of a

house7 comfortableand warm

8 wherewe wash he dishes

9 thick warm cover or a bed

10 hole n the sideof a

mountain11 wherepeoplekeep heir

ca r12 room that leads o other



I levelof a building2 stay he same

3 wherewater comesfrom

5 put things in the rightplace

7 what we use o make


8 seat or two or morepeople

9 it rings at the door

@ un" t

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Voco.bularyndgrummur eview

Circle the correct option in italics to completethese sentences.

I Many studentsget part-time obs to take @some extra money.When I'm older, 'd like to study Iearneconomicsat university.Yesterdaywe went on a school rip and we got /had aTotof fun.WhenJackwent to secondary chool,he soondld/ madea lot of new friends.Tomorrowwe'regoing o pdss take a maths est.I'm really nervous.

6 I was late for schoolso I losf / missed he firstlesson.

7 I have o go to schoolbecause'm slttizg / passingmy exam today.

8 We've decided o learn / study golf on holiday.

Correct one mistake with a verb in eachsentence 1-10. (Somehave a spelling mistake and

some have an incorrect irregular form.)

pug" 132Grammareference;rregular erbs

trave!-!-edI Someyears ago I trave:H to England with a friend

calledBruno.2 Yesterday woke up very earlybecause was

planing to go to the beach.I only payed25 euros or theseboots.Last weekend, foundeda yery goodrestaurantnmy town.I went to the shoppingcentreand there baughtsomenew clothes.While my brotherwas playing football,he felt and

injured his leg.My friend Sarabringedher dog o schooloneday.I met Holly a very long time ago.We werestudingat the sameschool.In the first lessonour English eacher eached ssomenew words for sports.We putedall our things in the car and we setofffor the mountains.

@ put the verbs n brackets nto the correct form ofthe past simple or past continuous o complete he

sentences.Be careful with your spelling!

1 Carolina .. te.!! (fall)asleep henshe .....w4s..-o-i!ft.............doJ erhomework.

2 It was a beautiful day. The sun

fshine) nd hebirds.. . . . . . . . . . . . (s ing).

Yesterday,when I (haveJmydinner, he phone (ringy.

4 My parents (choose)hisschool ecauset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (be)nearourhouse.

5 I ................ (see) n advertisementorajob in the supermarketwhile I

(buy) somemilk.

6 My rabbit (escape) s I(clean) ts cage.

7 At f i rst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( think)German

, ;; ;';,r,",u:;",,,'1,?a]*icutttu:"* t tl:""::

a shortarticleand ............... (write)ashort text.

9 Thanksa lot for inviting me to your party. I really

l0 in. .rriiar." .

(t"]"n) -ut"t[i*rh)

whenheclown (appear).

@ Complete hesesentenceswith used o or didn'tuse o.

I I don'tplay hepianonow butwhen wasyoungerI .......1't^11,..i.t...

I have unch at schoolnow but at primary school

I live close o schoolnow but when we lived inTokyowe .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

My brother s now a really goodstudentbut whenhewasyounger e.. . . . . . . . . . .. .

Mr Puy'doesn'tgive us much homeworkbut whenMrs Garciawas our teacher he ...

Martin'snever ate for schoolbut beforehe bought



the alarm clock he

unit @

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Fun ime

Starting off

Q vtatctr the verbs in the box with a-i to form

leisure activities. Which are shown in the


collecting diving flying going

;keeping playing sai+tfig seeing

sending surfing

a... . . . sar{ izt*. . .. . . . boatb . . . . . . . . . . . .. : f r iends

c . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . danc ing

d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i n a ba l loon

e . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . unusual bjects

f . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . omputerames

g the Internet

h . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . textmessagesr emai ls

i . . . . . . .. . . . . f i tj . . underwater

@ What's the bestway to spenda day off?Put a-i in

order,starting with the activity you most like (or

would like) to do. Compareyour answerswith apartner.

... .,:a,


Listening Part 3

$ trefore you hear the recording, read the

instructions in the box below and look at

questions 1-4 on page 27. What kind of

information , e.g. a place, must you listen for?

Match a-d withquestions 1-4.

a a reason

b a timec the speaker's Pinion

d frequency

O 6\Listen to the recording and answer the


. Youwillhear man alking n heradio bout

fourways f spending daY ut .

. Foreach uestion,uta tick ./ ) in hecorrect


@ ' n " t

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 24/236

The train leavesFort William at

A t2 .25.

B 10.20.

c 14.10.

Co Wild adventurecoursesare notdangerous ecause

A you have o wear safetyequipment.

B somebodys alwaysholding you.

C only adultscan go on the course.

Passengersn the boat trip in Walesnearlyalwayssee

A sharks.

B whales.

C dolphins.

4 What does he speaker ay about hehot-airballoon lights?

A The routenever changes.

B They are a little too short.

C Thereare no flights in winter.

Completequestions1-7 with expressionsrecordingusing thesewords.

.advice ahead fee hours l: journey paFt value

Aowo!.d wust you be lo laKeU

Wlnnt are llne opeui+w

Aowwucln is tlne ndwissio,vt...

lor no'vr.q?

Exom advice. Before ou isten,ookat each uestionnddecide

whatkindof nformationouneed e.g.adate,result, nattitudeo something,tc.J.

. When ou irsthearhe recording,istenordetailsabout hiskindof nformationndchoosehe bestanswer.

. Listen arefullyhesecondime o check hatyouare right. l$

VocabularyNegative refixes

0 Ott the recording, Spencer Watson mentions 'four

4:usaal ways to have a great day out'. Make theseadjectives negative by writing im-, in- or an- onthe left.

fit, fair, healthycorrect,dependent, ctivepossible, olite,probable






from the




t+ as ifVood

S Ultrat tiwe is llr,"e

e DornT Vive ouVoodatetry

work in pairs.Decidewhich oian" four activitiesrom the recording you would most like to do.henaskyour partnerabout other nterestingaysof spendinga day out (e.g.sightseeing,

uisiting a museum or ort gallery). Ask some ol the

rom time


7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 25/236

@ nad im-, in- or un- to these words and complete

the sentences.

dtreet formai kind patient trdy true

I The expressrain is faster,but the iad.ireet:

route hrough he hills is morebeautiful.

2 I alwaysput everything n its place,but my

brother'soom s very .. . . . . . .111t.1dy3 Teenagersftenuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . : . . language

when they talk to their friends.

4 It 'sgoodat sport.

5 It's completelykind of fish.

to sav hat somebodv lse sn't

that dolphins are a

6 When we arrived at the themepark, we were

to startgoingon the rides.

@ Completethese sentenceswith information that is

true for you.

I I think it 's unhealthyn ent n.Xpf s{ enXss.2 l t 'sunusualor me o.. . . . . . . . . .

3 It 's mpossibleor me o . . . . . .

4 I th ink t ' sveryun lucky o . . . . . . . . . .

5 I think t 'squi teunfair o.. . . . . . . .

6 I don'twant to be unfit because

Reading $?art &

Q Look at the pictures in the newspaper report and

answer these questions.

r Wouldyou ike to be on the boat n the first

picture?Wh y (not)?r Ho w old do yo u think the boy n th e second

picture s?r Do you think someone f that age s old enough o

be out at seaon their own?

I Question 1 in Reading Part 4 is usually about

t}irepurpose of the text. Quickly read the text and

complete this statement. Use your own words.

TLta writer's whiti.P4^YPases lo .. .

@ fook at options A, B, C and D. Which is closest o

your answer in Exercise 2?

A To warn youngpeople o take careat sea

B To describea greatachievement y a boyC To encourageeenagerso take up sailing

D To explainhow to become n expertsailor

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 26/236

@ Read the text more carefully and think of answersto these questions. Which paragraph gives you

the answer to each?

I What did Michael aywhenhe arrived n Jamaica?2 Why did Michaeldecideo sail acrosshe Atlantic

Ocean?3 How did Michael eelduring he voyage?

@ wow look at the multiple-choice optionsfor questions l-3 above. For each question,

decide which of A, B, C or D is closest o your

understanding of the text.

I A He preferred eingat seaB He enjoyed leeping n his boatC He wanted o havea goodmealD He iked opening in s of food

2 A He had a conversation it h SebastianB His fathersuggestedhe dea o hrm

C Hewanted o do the sameas SebastianD He wasalreadv n exnertsailor

3 AB


@ fook again at the parts of the text that gave youthe correct answers to questions 1-3. Are they inthe same order as the questions?

Exam aduicer

. Quickly ead he text o ge t he general de aof :,what t is about.

. Fo reachquestion, ecidewhat he text says fabout t before ou ook at optionsA-D. i

. Choose he optionclosest o yourunderstandingof the text.

n:!rtr4*4isF.f$i#r&n*+ii5!&s*lw*e+.OUels;,'+iq,e+r*e+g.+*-li#,'"*,+ utet#-+s

@ Discuss these questions with a partner. Givereasonsfor your answers. Begin your answerswith the words given.

r What kind of recordwould you like to break?r'd li(e ...

r What difficultieswould therebe ?Ahere waa!-d e .. .

. How much ime wouldyo u need or training?a'd ry,eed""

. How wouldyou feel f yo u succeeded?I'd hee!. ..

GrammarVerl .rsni inr,vt '( ily l {) o{ tJt(J"qt

Q*' page r21Gtammareference: erbsr:.ll*weri0yr i l 0r- ing

We can use-lng or the infinitive after verbs

suchas begin, start, like, loue, nte, prefer and

continuewith little difference n meaning,e.g.

It began o snow. It begansnowing,but with

other verbsonly one orm is possible.

Q fook at the underlined verbs from the text.'Which

are followed by a verb ending in -ing, andwhich are followed by an infinitive? Completethe

table.I I ' l l en iov at ins nv lh ins2 Mr Perham greedo teachhim3 he'dnever elt like giving up4 the trip seemedo go on forever5 I 'd practised andlingemergencies

e4^101tv u effYe"e

Adapted from the Daily Mail

Fun ime@

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Now add these verbs to the correct column in the


admit afford avoid decide expect fancy

rfinish hope learn manage mind miss l

iPforl:" :usse:lwSnt wouldike

Can you add more verbs to each column?

O O Someof these sentencescontain mistakes

made by PET candidates. Tick (/) the sentences

that are correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences.

I would like to learn dancing he'Samba'.

A wou!-d i(e lo !-enr+ro dn+ce tl,"e'Sawba'.

We decidedcatch he train.

I really enjoy o be here.

I'll never orget o visit the Statueof Liberty last


We hope o go to the same sland againnext year.

Do you fancyto comewith us?

I must remember o phoneCarlos omorrow.

When we finished o eat went to my house.I forgot askingyou aboutyour family.

Do you remembersailing nto CapeTown?

@ Wfrictr two verbs in sentences 1-10 can be

followed by verb + -ing and the infinitive, but

with a change of meaning?

@ Complete questions 1=6 with either the -ing or the

infinitive form of the verb. Then ask your partner

the questions.

I Wheredo you want . faAa


holidaynext summer?2 What kind of music do you enjoy ..

(listen o) at home?

3 What areyo u planning

weekend?4 Wheredoyou ancy.. . . . . . . .

evening?5 Do you ever orget ... ......

anything to the lesson?

6 What would you like

th e esson?

@ feU your partner about somethipg hat you:

I can'tafford o buyt cnn'l n{lord lo buy F'newcowputer.are earning o do v

decidedo do ast week

areplanning to do on Saturdaywant to start doing

must remember o do tomorrowwill finish doingsoon

shouldn't orget o do next weekend

alwayshate doingreally ove doing.


& pug* 121Grammareference;hrasalverbs

noan lUl a phrase which consists of a verb in

combination with a preposition or advefb or both, the meaning

of which is different from the meaning of its separate parts: 'Look


out' and'make

up for' arc all phrasal verbs.

Q nead the entry from the CambriilgeLeorner's

Dictionary and complete heseexamplesentences

with the three phrasal verbsgiven.








I I 'm t ry ing o . . .

2 I hope his moneywill

inconvenience.3 Could ou


... he total cost.

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .h e

thechi ldrenwhi le 'm


3' 4


@ In pairs, find phrasal verbs n the text about

MichaelPerhamwith thesemeanings, hen

answer the questionsbelow.

I leave a train, bus, ship, etc.) [Paragnph 2] Votn A


feelinghappy aboutsomething hat is going o

happen Paragraph2]

make (something)become Paragraph3]

start a journey [Paragraph3]

stoppingdoingsomethingbeforeyou have

completedt [Paragraph4]

continue [Paragraph4]take action (e.g. o solvea problem) Paragraph4]

continuedoing (a ob) [Paragraph5]

Which tltreeof the phrasalverbsconsistof three

words?Which one s separated y otherwords?



. . . . . . . . . .doJ t he

. . . . . go) his

. [bring)



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Underline the phrasal verbs n sentences-6, then matchthem with Pcopie'sobbiesmeaningsa-f.

You can catchuo with everyoneelse f you run fast.

My sister ook up singing;she'sgot a lovely voice.

I want to learn Chineseso I've put my namedown at alanguage chool.

4 My friendswere all playingcardsso joined n, too.

5 Somechildrenenjoystamp collecting,but go

off it when they getolder.

6 We set off early andtook the teno'clock erry.

took part with others

registeredo dosomething

starteddoing a hobby

starteda journey

get o the same evel asothers

stop iking





ork in pairs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of phrasal verbs2 and 3.

Hi, Ava. Are you and Megangoingaway on holidaysoon?Yes,on Saturday.We want to (1) ....sef-.ett .... very early nthe morning.

you going o the coast?No, we (2) beachholidays ast summer.Therewere oo rnany eople.We've ecidedo (3) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . .skiing instead.We'reoff to the Alps.Do you know how to ski?

not really.That'swhy I'm going o (4 ) .. ....................yname for essons.I tried it oncebut I found t really difficult. After three days(5) . and went home!Well, the lessons 6) until late n the evening,every day,so I should mprovequickly.Megan'sa goodskier and

.I'vego ta lot to learn,but I 'm sure ca n (Z)'m really (B) trying, anyway!Yes, 'm sureyou'll have a great ime.

} Now listen to the dialogue to check your answers.

Fun ime @

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@ Complete he table aboutpeople'shobbieswith thesewords.



camera campef collectron

cyclist helmet instrumentpainter photographer tent



Work in pairs. Which other words go with the hobbies above?Make

a list (e.g. chess: indoor gome, black and white sqlu,ares, ueen,


Choose one of the hobbies from the table and describe it to your

partner, but without saying what it is called. Your partner has to

guesswhat it is. Then change roles.

Yoa^'reutdoors, o1^ /1"^veo li+td sow"ewlterenle n+tddry, you pul

uptol^r t"u'r,yYu iVtnt,a ve lo c00K10oariood r u" t X ftl!-" ',nsc11\er)T1u

sleePwLF sLeePt+rana .'.


O {1?}Two teenagers, Olivia and Daniel, are talking about what they

could do in their free time. Look at this list of hobbies, listen to the

recording and answer questions 1-3.

l"*o.irg" iitr,ing"*uiti-iiiiing''''*ouniuin-oiroingo;r<-Ciimuing

I Which hobby/hobbies oesDaniel suggest?

2 Which doesOliviasuggest?

3 Which do they decide o take uP?

O {[Listen again,and fill in the

missingwords n sentences-8

I OK hen, .. . . . . . . . ., t9u1... . . .. . bogoing ishing?

2 Well, I rhink I'd. t o d o

somethinga bit more exciting

3 Perhaps e.. . . . . . . t r

a water sport?

4 I th inkwe. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . o


5 A11r igh t ,. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . on

we go rock-climbing?

6 I think it 'd beto do somethinges s


7 So... .. . we do ha


8 Yes, .... . go or th


O |Gt Listen again to sentences

1, 3, 5 and 8 and answer these



wordshave he

strongest tress?o What kind of informationdo


Now practise asking the

questions, stressing these


@ {C} Listen again to sentences 2

4 and 6. Practise saying these,

using the same polite tone to

reply to suggestions.

@ unnt

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 30/236

Work in pairs. Continue Olivia's and Daniel's

discussion, suggesting more hobbies. Use some ofexpressions l-8 and give reasons why you would

or wouldn't like to do them. Remember to bepolite!

no this Speaking Part 2 task with a partner. Talk

for at least two minutes.

You ond o friend hove holidoys oter this yeorbut you still don't hove ony firm plons for twoweeksof them. Tolk togetherobout the differentkinds of holidoy you could hove ond obout thethings you could do. Hereore somepictureswith some deos o help you.

@Stuay the first sentences in each Writing Part I

question l-6 below. Which word(s) do you have to

change?Underline them.

I I'm alwayshappy when I go on holiday with my

family.I always nioy ....6.av\fr!


holiday with my

Stuay this example of sentence ransformationand answer he questions.

I don't have enoughmoney or a new camera.

I can't . . . . . . . . .newcamera.

I Which word(s) n the first sentence o you have ochange?

2 Why would the answeraffordbuyingbe wrong?3 What is the correctanswer?

Correct the mistakes in the answers to l-5, and

say what is wrong in each case. Underline the

words you have to change from the first sentence

to the second.

I I want to havepiano p!-nl

Answer: I want to learn PW,"t" .Ihe piano.

All the water n the lake s frozennow.

Answer:All the water n th e ake ...bn5..furuedice.

Let's eave he house ery early n the morning.

Answer: suggest........5?t..q14t....very early nthe morning.

It 'd be a good dea o go horse iding.Answer:Why ......we.q.*\t.. . go horse iding?

I can'twait o gosights^eeing,n,Rome.Answer: 'm looking fArwnrl '.tPffq sightseeingin Rome.

2 Everybody ikes staying n bed ate n the morning.Nobodywantsmorning.

up early n the

3 Usually,my sister uggests oing o the beach.My sister sual ly ays,

How... . . . .to the

beach?'4 This summer 'm going o start playingbeach

volleyball.I' m going o takesummer.

beachvolleyball his

5 I alsowant to havesailing essons.I w a n t . . . s a i l . t o o .

5 Summerholidaysalwaysseem oo short!Summer ol iday s ever eem o 90... .. . . . . . .enough!

@ for each question above, complete the second

sentence so that it means the same as the first, using

no more than three words.

@ Write a paragraph about what you do in your free

time. Try to use each of the following:

o three verbs ollowedby -lng and/or the infinitiver three adjectiveswith negativeprefixqs. threephrasalverbs rom this unit.

@ In small groups, compare what you have written.

Ask other students to check for mistakes,particularly with the points suggested n Exercise 5.

Fun ime @

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lUufssuvenms go camping go sightseeing

gosnorkell ing go snowboarding

rgo rekking sunbathe takePhotos

1try,newports visltmu:eums

g O Abi went to Zanzibar,an island near

Tanzania,Africa. Listen to Toby asking Abi about

her trip. Write down Abi's answers., r { { { f i l f i ! f , u f l r o l ^* I , i ' * & , i ' i & ' 4 ' 4 ' * , i , i , & ' $ ,

2 Are,tlcrea.g abttdiesgouTstillftKe uA{ -

@ Work in small groups.Talk to eachother about

your holiday activities.

Reading Xlax"&

Exam advice

. Underlinehe mportantnformationn hequestionsndtheext.

. Write hequestionumber ex t o the nformation

youhave nderlinedn he ext.","-".. G

([) work in small groups.Look at the photoswith

the text about an unusual holiday in Borneoan

discusswhich of the activities from Starting off

you think you cando there.

@ Read+heseen sentences bout he holiday n


I Borneo s larger han anv other sland

in the world. L-l V

2 Temperaturesarelv fall below 20oC

on Borneo.

3 For he first part of this trip you will

sleep n the citYcentre.

4 You'll be able o try water sports n

the SouthChinaSea.

5 There s an airport n Sukau.

6 The animals n the SePilok nimal

centreare all sickor injured.

7 It's mpossible o get near an orang-


8 Orang-utans nlYeatm\q!.

9 This Borneoholiday ncludesa free

trip to MountKinabalu.

l0 Youwill havean opportunity to buy

gifts after he sightseeingour.













O Work in pairs.Choose omeof the holiday

activities in the box to label the photos.

@ un"o

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 32/236

Work in pairs.The mportantwords havebeenunderlined n the first two sentences f Exercise2. Decide ogetherwhich wordsyou wouldunderline n sentences -10, hen underline hem.

nead he text to find out whethersentences-10are correct or incorrect. f the sentences correct,tick (/) box A. If it is not correct, ick (/) box B.

Underline where you find the answer n the text.

@ Check your answers with your partner. If you

have a different answer, look at the text again


@ Work in small groups. Answer these questions.

. Wouldyou like to go on this holiday o Borneo?Why (not)?

o Takeurns to tell eachother about a specialholidayyou have had. Decidewhich of you has

had the best holiday.


-:': " l' n-r" : *1F++s+f,G



Borneo s one of lhe greot is lqnds

of the world. Not quite qs bio os i ls

!d@i,Borneo s st i l l on omozing is lqnd. l 's

fomous or i ts iungleson d wild l i fe ,

in porticulor the orong-ufon. There

ore two seosons expect heovy roin

befween October ond Mqrch qnd o

drier period fo r fhe resi of the yeor.

Temperofures re generolly between

24 " C on d 30 ' C ol l yeor round.

Koto Kinobolu

Fly to Koto Kinobolu, Borneo's mosf

importont city. We'll pick you up from

your comfortoble qccommodqtion n

the heort of th is city ond tok e you onseverql exciting doy trips over lhe next

few doys. See your first roinforest,

go trekking n fhe nofionol pork ond

spend o doy on the shoresof th e South

Chino Seo where you cqn go swimming

or snorkel l ing n i ts cleor b lue wqler.


Leoving the city behind, we fly to the

oirport in the north of the i slond. From

there. he only woy to conlinueou r

iourney to Sukou, where you'll spend

fhe nexf few doys, is by bus. During

this port of your trip, you will visit

the S epilok Centre, which looks ofter

young orong-utqnswhose porenfs hove

died. Some of theseonimolsorr ive in

very bod condit ion.The cenlre helps

them to recover buf fhis con toke lime.

Visitor proiects

There s no oge l imi l here. Al l v is i tors

ore expected to toke pbrt

in reseorch octivifies to

understqnd ond observelhe orong-ufons.Don'f

miss h is extroordinory

opportunity to gef close

lo these creotures. Once

you hove spenf the

morning wotching wild

orong-utons,why not help

col lect he plonts hot ore

port of.-their diel?---


Return fo Koto Kinobolu

Once bock in Kolo Kinobolu, enioy

some ree t ime. For o smoll ee, book

our doy trip lo Mounl Kinobolu.At

over 4,000 melres, it is the highest

mounlqin n Soufh-Eost sio. l f you

prefer to look oround the ciiy, come

on our morning our which ncludeso

visit to the Sqboh Stote Museum ond

the Tun Musiopho Tower. And when

the tour is over, it's o short ride fo

the modern shopping cenires, locol

siores or mqrkets for some lost-minule


our world @

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 33/236

Vocabulary&are{ J's#ffey a ld r,?p

O O PET candidatesoften make'

mistakes with travel, ourney

and trip. Look at this extractfrom the Combridge earner'sDictionary.

Air travel asbecome uch healer.

ftre,v"ll uerb to make a journey

I spent a year traaelling around Asia.

He ellasleep uing he rainouney

Didyouhave goodoumey?


a businessip

a 3-dayrip oSpain

O O Circle the correct option in

italics in sentences 1-5 writtenby PET candidates.

I My father went to Parison abu$inessourney AD

2 I've'won atrip /joffieyIoAmerica or two peoplestayingin a five-starhotel.

3 We tripped / travelledaroundmy country and bought somesouvenirs.I've us t go tback rom Greece.It was a wonderful ravel trip.

I was really afraid of flying soI was very nervousabout mytravel / journey.

GrammarCcrxparat iv*nd$uperlat ivcr i jcct ives:nat};?s.. .s". .

*s ptg* 121Grammar eference."ontparativenrl supeilattvetllectives

O Work in pairs. Look at these sentencesabout the island of Borneo

and say if they are true or false.

I Borneo s bigger han its neighbourNew Guinea.

2 Sukau s the most important city in Borneo.3 MountKinabalu s the highestmountain n South-East sia.4 Rain s more common betweenOctoberand March than the rest of

the year.

@ Sentences -4 above show ways of comparing things. Look at the

sentencesagain and complete the rules with the correct sentence

*gl ant.l."ti"t - e'g' entences I and ) '

-! ;';";:;,v,* *p"l+o"uo"ntt'?:,'::::^:::,:: yir:i;f' Weeenerally se suPEIrdrL "qJv-' -- -tiingfrn" he nosfof a qualtt!

*!l e.g. entences ) 1- and +)




, *" *^"'ntuseg4mParativedectiyese'g' iggerhan)ro ay har

,-s "or"rh,n., "iJ.iG*r'""-*"1 t': iii k ^qualttvsize'eieht'tc)

..G+.-t""",tn*+t=.+---.t'!##Yzft *{r€4?!+€&{'4w

@ O Work in small groups.PETcandidates ftenmake mistakeswiththe form and spelling of comparativeand superlativeadjectives.Complete his table correctly.

@ O Correct one mistake made by PET candidateswith the form or

spelling of the comparative or superlative adjective in sentences -6.

DvuesrI In the centre s the ftest market n Europe.2 This own is morequiet han the town I used o l ive n.3 That is the worse oke I have everheard n al l my life.4 I was so hungry hat I decided o go to the nearst estaurant.5 Big cities are much more better han the countryside.6 Tunisia s the hotestolace 've everbeen o.

@ un,.

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 34/236

@ Work in pairs.Talk about acts -12 belowand complete achusinga comparativeor superlativeadjectivemade rom one of the wordsin brackets. Makea guessf you don't know the answer.)


I Asia s o6er . ......han Africa. [big / small)

2 Russias . t.l"e.Irrfre.sJ. country in the world. (large)3 The mosquito s .I .. creature n the world. (dangerous)4 Orang-utans re .. than dogs. intelligent stupid)

5 An Africanelephants ... .... than a bluewhale.(heavy/ Iight)

6 The howlermonkey s ...... land animal. noisy)7 The seahorse s . ... . . fish n the world. (slow)8 TheGreatDane s.... .... dog n the world. (talll9 Nagoyarain station n Japans ..... .. station n the world.

tbis)Nemo33 n Belgium s .. .. . pool n the world. (deeplAntarctica s .... ... .. . than the Arctic. (cold warm)The Amazon rainforest sBorneo. large/ small)

(G} Listen to Alyssa and Fergus discussing the facts and find outhow many of your answers are the same as theirs.

$$* ptg* 122Grammareference brt.a lrttie,much,ar,a ot

How different are these places and animals? Use a bit, a little, much,

far or a lot and, he word in brackets as a comparative adjective towrite one complete sentence or l-5.

I Georges 2 metres all. Fred s 1.98metres all. (tal lJ

..................Qeqree.s.4..b.ittilIa:r tlo*r .fted.. .2 Mount Everesl,n the Himalayas,s around8,850metres igh. K2,also.- in th e Himalayas,s around8,611metres igh. [high)

Arica, Chile,gets0.76mm of rain per year.DeathValley n Arizona,

flSA,Bets ess han 50 mm per year. (dry)


84 mil l ion people ravel hroughAtlanta nternational irport, USAeachyear.67 million travel hrough London'sHeathrowAirport.(busy)

5 The spermwhale'sbrain weighsabout78 kg. A humanadult 'sbrainweighsabout 13 kg. (heavy)

nead these sentencesabout Borneo andorang-utans and say if you think they are true or false.

I Borneo s not quiteas big as ts neighbourNe w Guinea.2 Orang-utansan movemorequickly n the trees, ut on the ground,

humansare as fast as orang-utans.3 A femaleorang-utan an grow to be as arge as a male orang-utan.


l lt2 than the rainforest n

@ fook at the sentences n

Exercise 8 again and answer

these questions.

I What expression o we use osay hingsare he same?

2 What word do we add o saythings aredifferent?

3 Does he form of the adjectivefor adverb)change?

ffi pug* 122Grammareference;[Nat ] s . .as . .

@ for each sentence about

animals l-5, use (not) as ...

cs ... to complete the second

sentence so that it means the

same as the first. Use no more

than three word.s.

I Orang-utans re moreintelligent han dogs.Dogsare not as

ifie. Xift ut.. 4s. orang-utans.

African elephants ave argerears han Asian elephants.Asianelephants' arsare not4 s . . . . . . .African elephants' ars.

Goats elong o the samefamily as sheep ut their hair

is straighter.Sheep elong o the samefamily asgoats ut their hair isn o t . . . . . . . .goats'hair.

The mosquito s the mostdangerous reature n theworld.There s no other creature nthe worldthe mosquito.

I' d expected ogs o be moreintelligent.Dogsaren'tI 'd expected.

our world @

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($ work in small groups.Usesomeof the words

below to label the Pictures.

, ri girr;iv -niio# o"pi,tm.ntioie tttioivrfountain Internet af6 market monumenl l

:policestation port river shopeffig-€entreI

,staCium tourist lfice townhall Vouth lub

I take turns to ask and answer questions about

some of the Places n Exercise 1'

A: Is therea departmentstore n your town?

B: Yes, here'sone n the shoppingcentre'

A: How oftendo Yougo there?

B: I oftengo thereon Saturdayafternoons'

@ these adjectives can be used to describe places'

Write the opposite of each adjective' (Sometimes

more than one answer is Possible')

8 interesting

9 safe

l0 expensive

l1 noisy

12 deep13 far

14 hilly

Grammar8,rg nc lenoff?CIusgradableand non*gradable


# p.g" 122Grammareference'"igandenormous


s Bqlce-S ,^uraadectiv€

- u/gcan saysometntng

- g B i g i s a g r a d a D l . . . o r

-=5 is ( l ) : 1 " @) ' ' ' - ' '

,-^r (3) :- il;;*I::"",:""!titis'wecan"*

alsosaY ot"tf ine " ""?;mely bigwhichmeanshat f's

': rnu"h iggerhanusual'

--.1] Enornousisgrn:eradallg4iecttvendmeans cry !c

-S *o "^n say 4) , or

-- !

t' L vq ' I

= (s)

. - * \ o ) . . ' ' . . . . . . . . . . , , ( 7 ) . ' . . :

Q Complete he rules about gradableand

non-gradableadjectivesusing qaite*, very'

absolutelY r reallY.

*qr,rifeheremeans frile

*ffi pug* 126 orquitewithnan-gradabledjectivesomean


@ Write the gradable adiectives for these non-

gradable adjectives. (More than one answer is

sometimes Possible.)

I enormou biq 5 terrible

2 t iny' 6 f i l thY

3 boiling 7 fascinating

4 freezing 8 fantastic\

@OPET candidatesoften make mistakes with-

ftuauntu and non-gradable adiectives' Circle the

correct option in italics in sentences 1-5'

1 It 'sauery1(re?llfwonderful lace n my country

j t, *u, a'qu.F/ftal ly greatmovie'Youshouldse e

it .

3 I've got a dogwhich is very absolutely normou

4 The weather s absotutely quite hot here' but at

night it Setscold.

5 I ieally l]ke thls chickendish - it'svery obsolut


I crowded ewPty

2 narrow

3 high4 modern

5 dirtY

6 beautiful

7 lively


@ unt+

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(G} Listen to Selma talking about where she lives.Note down her replies to these questions.

I Wheredo you come rom?2 What do yo u ike about iving there?3 What would you change boutwhereyou ive?

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in

Exercise 4, trying to use very, quite, absolutelyand really with gradable and non-gradableadjectives.

Xlar&N O R T H O L E

in small groups. Look at the pictures andthese questions about Oymyakon (also

the Norfhern PoIe of Cotd).

s Oymyakon?wo records as hi s placeheld,do yo u

think?do you think is the connection etween

HollywoodactorEwanMcGregorand Oymyakon?do you think life is like there or young


@ nead hesenotesaboutOymyakon.Decidewhatinformation you think is missing rom eachspace(number,date,noun, verb,adjective,etc.).

; $ d

Temperaturesroppedo-7L2" C in heyear(1 )

Wintersanbe 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In ast100years,i tt le hangedarrival f (3 )

Fiodor rnosow (4) ...Oymyakon

Young eople ouldike:

. (5 )

. . monthsong

in Oymyakonxceptor

,;i',4" ' i d'du ',f,d.nd

.. persono l ive n

o Internetaf6 o meet riends

r disco ithmusic

EwanMcGregorravelledhereby (6 )


. Beforeou isten,eadhenotesarefullynd ,think aboutwhatkindof word s missingn :


. Th enotes ollow he orderof the recording.

. Don'tworry f you don't hear he answer he jfirst ime- you will listen o the recording ;twice.

)' .i4ii$*#&${d:ffi€h6idtsn#t$'iffird*trsSidf+rfl*+aB{kldtsF*nis**$ddffiHidi+i+L$f

O {6| You are now going to listen to a radioprogramme about Oymyakon. For each question,

fill in the missing information in the numberedspace n the notes above.

@ Work in pairs. Beforeyou listen again, compare

your answers and see f you can help each otherwith the missing words.

O {@ Listen to the recording again and then checkyour answers with your teacher.

@ Work in small groups. Imagine you live inOymyakon and discuss these questions.

o Do yo u ike living in Oymyakon?Why (notJ?r What wouldyou change boutyour town?. How couldyou attractmore ourists o your town?

; ,' s !P f



The Northern Poleof Cold is aplace nthe northernhemispherewhere he owest

air temperatureasbeen ecorded

our world 6g)

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SpeakingPart 3

t .Bw6KoK.Xotry..w.*rtret,*ailr

--- :


3 . . . . . . . . . .

O Work in small groups. Look at the map of theworld and the five photos. Match the place names

from the box below to the correct photo. Explain

your choice of place.

?lnofo nusl b" BntVKoK loati+V war{el,ahnilmd

becwuseT ca+ see Soals willn l&s of lood iu tlnis


@IHikkaduwaeach, riLanka Marrakech,orocco

,TheGreatWall ,hina Machu icchu,eru

@ Discuss these questions in your groups.

. What do you know about heseplaces?r What can ouristsdo n eachplace,do yo u think?

O {6i) Listen to Laura describing the photo of the

Bangkok floating market. Put a tick (/ ) next to

the things she talks about.


J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

@ {rlf Listen again.CompleteLaura's expressions

l-8, then answer he questionbelow.

In this photo . . . q&fr. ee........lot of boats.




I t . . . . . . . . . .

The waterI . . . . . . . .

a traffic jam.

really dirty.

it 's a market n the morning.







time of day







I t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .somewheren Asia.

There ... ... a lot of fruit.

On each oat , . . . . . . . . .Person.On oneof the boats, here

somebody earinga colourfulshirt.

8 L. . . . . . . . i t wi l l rain.

. Why do we say ook ike in Question2 b:ur ook

(without ike) n Question ?

Exam odvice

. You eedo alkonyour wn orabout minuteabouta colour hotograPh.

.Talk bout verything



place, eople,olours,lothes ndweather.$

. Don'torget o talkaboutwhat hepeople ret

do ing.

. lmagine ou'realking o someone ho can' t ee

th e photo. i

@ Work in pairs. Using the expressions n Exercise

4, take turns to describe one of the other photos.

The listener should closetheir book and not look

at the photos.

@ unno

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Writing Part3O Read his Writing Part 3 task and answer he

questions hat follow.

. This spartof a letter ou eceiveroman English-speakingriend.

As partof a school roject haveowriteabout n mportantity nyour ountry.Which ityshould choose? an ou el lmeabout hiscity?

Now write a letter o your riend.

Writeyour etter n about 100words.

I What do you need o write?2 How many wordsdo you need o write?3 What informationshouldvou include?

@ Work in small groups. Choosean important cityin your country and decide which of the things

in the box you could write about. Then think ofsome adiectives to describe each one.

buildings museums shops streetsItranspoil views weather

@ Xirsty lives n Durban,SouthAfrica. Readheranswer o the Writing Part 3 task.


As rlouknow,'veived n

Durban ll mtllife, owh,1


cittq?t'soneof the argest

citiesn SouthAfrica.

ln factover hreemillion

peopleive here. urban

is famousor itsport.

Peoplea1 hat it's he busiest ort n Africa.Durban s ontheeast oast f South fricaand, as he'ColdenMile'

agroup f beacheshich reneveroocrowdednd hetl

arefantasticorsurfing. here re absolutehqfascinatingmt$eums,mod"ernhopping entres nd traditionalmarkets,

too.The weathersgreatbecausehesuneven hinesn

winter. hope his s enoughnformation.

Lotsof love,


@ Work in pairs. Look at the writing checklist. Canyou answer yes to all the questions? Why (not)?

Writing checklistI DoesKirsty answerall the parts of the question?2 Is her answerwell organised?3 Doessheopenand close he letter n a suitable

way?4 Doesshe connecther ideaswith words \1keand-

becauseand which?Doesshe use a variety of structures fenses,comp rative adjectiv s, etc. and vocabulary?Doesshewrite about 100words?

@ Underline he expressionsn Kirsty's writing thatyou could use n your own letter. Then checkif you haveunderlined the same expressionsasyour partner.

Exam aduice. Readhequestionarefullyndunderlinehe key


Answer ll heparts f hequestion.

Make ure oucansay es o thequestionsn hewriting hecklistn Exercise.

@ Write a rough copy of your letter, using Kirsty's

letter as a model.

@ Work in small groups. Read each other's letters tofind out if you can answer yes to all the questions

in the writing checklist.

@ Write the final copy of your own letter.

In preparationor the PETexam, t is useful o

write rough copiesof your Writing Parts2 and 3

answers.Your eacherand other studentscan then

help you to improve your work beforeyou write

your final copy.However,n the real examyou

won't have ime to write a rough copy- just write

quick notesbeforeyou write your final copy.

our world (+i

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Unit3 Voco"bulorynd grnmmnrreuiew


(f riU in the gapsby adding im-, in- or un- to theword in brackets.

I It was .....j.,*pOssib{apossible)o seeanythingin the og.

2 Youcan't un 20 kilornetresn onedav f vou're(fio.

3 It's .........fair) o charge hildren he

samepriceas adults.

4 Petrol s very expensive ow so big cars are

becoming (popular).

5 It's (healthy) o eat oo

much and do no exercise.

6 Youshou ldn ' t se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo rmal )expressions hen you write a job application.

7 People ecame .. . . . . . pat ient)

when they had to wait outside he stadium.

8 That old bicycle s (safe)and

nobodyshould ide it.

9 Heavy snow s forecast, o drivers shouldavoid

an y ..... necessary)ourneys.

f0 In coldercountries,many animals are(active)during the winter.

@ vtatctr the beginnings of sentences l-8 with their

correctendings a-h.


@ Complete he text with the-ing

orthe infinitive

form of the verb in brackets.

I'm planning 1) ta Ua(go)awayon

holiday extweek,but therearestill somany hings

I deed (2) [do) beforewe leave!

want (3) (get)somenew clothes

and I feel ike (a) (go) shopPing

right now, though I can't afford (5)

(buy)everything 'd l ike (6) ........have).

So 've decided nl y (7 ) . ... (look or )

the things reallymust akewith me. 'm also

hoping (8) (see)my friends before

I go, so I've suggested9) ... .... (spend)

Sundayafternoon ogether.And I must remember

(10) . (buy) somemore ctedit for my

mobile his afternoon. forgot 11 ) .........

(do) that yesterday, nd I can't magine

{12) (be) away rom home or a

month andnot sending single ex tmessage!

@ Circle the correct option, a, b or c.

1 While I'm away,a neighbnur s b my cat.a looking for b@ c looi<ingat

2 My brotherhas a wonderful ..... of old coins.

a collection b collecting c collector

3 I lovegoingout to seaand deepunder the

water.a surfing b sailing c diving

I I 'mgoingoputmynaml a

2 We're ll really ooking I OI

3 Peoplewho l ike art often L c


4 Youmust work hard to d


5 I'm sure hat you can deal e

In the next game,you canjoin

It's a long walk, so I need o

se t

Getting secondprize didn't


up paintingas ahobby.

with any problems

like that.

down for


out very early nthe morning.

forward to surfing


up for notwinning the race.

in and play in ourteam.

up with the rest of

th e class.

My brother s a very gocd.

lovelymeals.a cook b cooker

He makessome

c cooking

5 I want to learn to play the piano,or anothermusicala object b equipment e instrument

The castle harges lower admission..... ....or

children.a fare b fee c value

I t 'smore un to take... . . . . .. . .n a game han ust

watch t.

a team

@ rnnt

b part c practice

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Unit4 Voco"bulorynd grcrmmnTevi-ew

Vocabulary 5 The cyclist,Mark Beaumont, ook just under 195days o .........round he worldby bike.(travel

/ Irip /journey)

Q neva has written this letter about her home town,Helsinki. However,she has madeeight mistakeswith adjectives she has uspd the opposites!Correct he letter by changing the underlinedadjectives o their opposites. More than oneanswer s sometimes ossible.)


lliveinHelsinkiwhich ethe capital and(! g#+eet

city inFinland.Helginki e (2) terrible - llove tllt's

local ed near ahe b altic 5ea so th e wealh er is not very

cold o sucha north ern co unary.February is by arth e (3) holL eet, month. Laet Feb uary wae (4) b oiling.

tem? eratur es t ell o -1 5o C.As for t he city it sel f

H'efinki s extremely lean.llove hopping ndthere

are manyplacee o go n he city centre Tourists love

the (5) calm market square but I prefer Stockmanns,

it 'ea (6)tiny deparlmenl slore.lourist s alsovisit ihe

Museumof FinnishArt,butIthinki1"'salittle

('/) interestinq.Helsinki as3O O elands, om eof them

are completely(8) arowded.lnthe eummer,weoflen

t akeour boat t o an slandand spend h e day he e.

Wh ydon'tyou

Hope o hear rom you eoon.

Lots oflove,


@ Choosethe correct option in brackets to complete

these sentencesabout record breakers.

I At around3,600metresabove he sea,La Paz,Bolivia, s the world's .. hiVhesl..........apitalcity.

t@@Z lowest widest)u

2 TheEiffelTower s older ........heEmpire StateBuildingbut the EmpireStateBuilding is taller. (then as / than)

3 Oneof Copenhagen'sos tpopular ouristattractionss th e ............ smallLitt leMermaid statue. absolutely very / far)

4 MaunaLoa,Hawai i , s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . larger han

One of the world's argest . . . .. . . sin Dubai, United Arab Emirates. t has over 1,200shops. shopping entres departmentstoresmarkets)

Grammar@ O PET candidates often make mistakes with

comparisons. Correct one mistake in each of these


tn!.!-er1 He wastaler than me and more handsome oo.2 This cinema s more better han the cinema n

Enfield.3 I don't ike the countrysideeven f it is moresafe

than cities.4 I like living in the city much more hat the

countryside.5 The restauranthad biggerwindows as my school

sportshall.6 The food here s much more expensive hen in my


@ nead these sentences about a holiday. Complete

the second sentence so that it means the same as

the first, using no more than three uord.s.

I I thought the journeywas going o be reallyterrible.The ourneywasn'tas .. . . . . . . .bnd.4s.. . . . . . . . .'dexpected.

2 This year'shotel was nearer o the beach han last'


Lastyear'shotelwas .........rom the

beach han thisyear's.

3 The restaurant n our hotel was morepopular thanany otherrestaurant n town.The restaurant n our hotel was the ..

. . . . .. . estaurantn town.

4 Of all the activities, liked goingsnorkellingbest.I liked goingsnorkelling...any of the other activities.

5 I have nevervisited a olaceas hot as his.olace I have ever visited.his s

unita @

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Q wtrictr picture showseach of these emotions?

. ; n 9 e r i e ' a i t . ' p p ] n 9 ' . ' r y u + T * " 1 a d n e s s

€) Uo the quiz and match an emotion from the box

with questions 1-5.

@ fook at the key on page 173.Do you agree with

what it says about you? Why (not)?


@ Vou are going to hear a teenager,Ben, talking to

his sister, Erica, about his best friend, Liam. Look

at the first part of their conversation,then answer

the questions below.

Erica: I've got a feelingyou'reupsetabout

something.What is it?

Ben: Well, Liam movedawaywith his family

lastyearand don't hink thingsare as

goodnow.Erica: Oh , 'm a bit surprised.t seems o me

you spendhalf your time on the phone o

him, or writing him emails and texts and

things.Ben: Yes, do. And we chat online, oo. But for

me it's not the sameas seeingeachother.

I Which wordsdo they use o give heir opinions?

T'veVo l 6leeli*V ...2 Which otherword5 do you know for giving


| . .

The i lmyou rewatchingas very ad nding.


a crya lot b youneverry c crya l i tt le


You re na cafewhen omebodypil ls our rinl(,



What oyoudo?

a say oth ingo hem b te l l hemt 's0 l(

c shout t hem


Youhave roken tooth, oyouhaveo 9o o the

dentist. hat oyoudo?

a look bit nervous b say ow f aid ouare

c say ou ike eeinghedent is t

qYour xam esultsremuch etterhan ou

expected. hatdoyoudo?

a screamndump round h smi le l i t t le

c cont inueork ing


Someoneoudon't i l<euddenlyins lotof money.

What oyoudo?

a takenonotice f hem b say hey'reery ucky

c say hey on't eservet@ un,.

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 42/236

O €rl Listen to the rest of the conversation.Decide f each sentence scorrector incorrect. f it is correct,put a tick (/) in the box under Afor YES. f it is not correct,put a tick (/) in the box under B for NO.





@ n4atch the underlined expressions from the conversation l-6 withtheir meanings a-f.

I you'reUplgt aboutsomething1 a wants very much

2 Liam movedaway ( b have a goodrelationship

3 yo u and Liam actually t" unhappyor worriedee t osether

4 I dontt hink he'skeenon doing d make (someone)ememberthat (something)

gO These sentencescontain

mistakes with modals made

by PET candidates. Say what

the errors are (e.g. wrong word.order, wrong tense, etc.) and

correct them.

I We can to go to the cinema

next weekend.Modn!-s relo!.lowed b* lt'e id;lltil;vewifb^.out'ld.

2 I know it may seems trange.3 Sorrybut tomorrow I'm not

ca ngo.

4 What we could do?5 Herewe can doing a lot of

sports.6 You will might see hem in

December.7 It's could be quiteboring for

you.8 We could met at 8 o'clocknear

the cinema.

@ Read this email and complete

the rules below with the

underlined words.

I'm orry ut don'thinkcan oout nThursday.may ebusy lleveningnFriday,oo, oSaturdayightebetter.That ewilmsonat he inemandtcould e eallyood youravouritectorin t. could ee touheretabout.30.Le tme now hatouhink.



We use

We use

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'r... ....or possibility,

with no realdi f ferencenmeaning.

I Erica hinks BenshouldseeLiam moreoften.

2 Ben enjoys ravellingby road o seeLiam.

3 According o Ben, he train costs oo much.

4 He says hat Liam wantsto visit him at weekends.

5 Bensays hat Liam and he are sti l l good riends.

6 Erica s sure hat Liam knowshow Ben eels.

5 we geton reallywell

6 you need o remind him

e went to a differentplace o live

f meet o spend ime withsomeone

@ Oo you think you can still be good friends with somebody whenyou live a long way from each other? Talk to a partner about it. Useopinion expressions and some of the expressions above.

GrammarCan,er:wfd, iEhtand r,?ayabilityandpossitrilityJ

# pug* 122Granmar, ould,might,may(a i rtyand possibty)

Q Underline the verbs for ability and possibility (modal verbs) in theseextracts from the conversation between Erica and Ben, then answerthe questions below.

Whenever can, Erico-.

And Liam couldget one, too.He might not realise hat

o Which of thesemodalverbs s negative?o Wheredoesnof go?r What is the short orm?r What are the negatives f the other two modal verbs?


7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 43/236

@ Choosehe correctmodal (can' might, etc.) in



Thanksorgourmessage.[1Jmag f. i i )s"e Uou'reerU

busg t hemoment, operhapst (2J an might ebetter

to meetanother eekend. lso, [3]couldn' t mightn' t oout

unt i l ater ecause g it t lebrother i l lbeherewithmeand

[4]cant magnot eave imalone t home.

I t 'sa pi tgwe 5J an' t magnotseeeach thermore f ten'

You're gbest r iend nd know [6] might canalwagsalk

to Uou bout nuthing.7JCould Mag ouphoneme n he

next ewdags? 've otsome nterest ingews nd

[8)mightn' t can' twai t o el lgouabout t !


Kgl ie

@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about things you

normally can and can't do during the week. Then

say what yo:umight do next weekend.

I-+ tl*e-weeKT cL4 lVet up !'nte, bdr T an'n see

nry lrietds nl sch"oo!-."Attne weeKe+rd wiVl*l


{:riell.ds u low+qor X wiVlntVo


Should, hau{t{n't,u{;ht o,m{;sr, nustn'tr,ave a

anddon'fhave o @hligationndprohitlltionJ

***************************************************************************************************.}aqe 122Grammaref"rercu-lshouldshouldn ought-

io."mrst,mustn't, aveo,don'thaveo [abfiEatiannd


O W" use should or oaght to to advise someone'

In the negative, shouldn't is more common than

oughtn't. Match pictures A and B with these


I'Youshouldn'tgo out tonight.'

2'Youought to get a new T-shirt.'

@ Civemore advice o the people n the pictures'

llse oaght to, should and'shouldn't.

'You sl^o\Ldcowb our hnir''

@ Vtatctrpictures C-F with


I 'Youmusfbe homebY 11Pm.' F

2'Youhave o be 18 o ride this.'

3'Youmustn'tmakea noise,children"

4'It's Sunday you don't have o getup"

@ Uow match the modals in italics in sentences 1-4

above with their meanings a-d below'

a it's not necessaryo do it

b you'reno t allowed o do t

c it's necessaryo do it (becauset's

a rule or law)

d it 's necessaryo do t (becausehe

speaker aysso)

@ Complete he sentences sing must,mastn't,houe

to ot don't haveto.


still early.Ne..dp.t't.heve...f.a..Uaome et.'

2 'Yourhands redirty.You.. . .. wash


3' I t 'sa secret. ou .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

said. '

4 'The club's ree.Youin. '

5'Youcan'tge tmarried.You...

6'No, I can't wait. You

@ Quictty read the text on page 47 and choose the

correct ending for this sentence'A, B or C'

The purPose f the text s to:

A advertisean Internetsite or youngpeople'

B adviseyoungpeopleon Internetsafety'

C tell youngpeoplenot to use he Internet'



tell her what I

... ay o get

be 18

... . .decide ow


@ un*

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 44/236

O @ Circle the correct option in italics for l-7below. Then listen to the recording to checkyouranswers.

-d't 4qrq{-fl+-

Internet ites ikeMySpace, eboand Facebook re

a greatway or youngpeople o keegJ ttch with

friends, ut hereare hingsyo u(1)@lorJg / ought

do to staysafe.On somesitesyou (2) don't have o

I mustn'tuseyour real name f you don't want to, so

invent name or yourself. n mostsites t'sa rulethat you (3) ought to I have o givean emailaddress,

but this (4) doesn'thave o / mustn'tbe yournprmal

one- you can useanyaddress. oucanwrite lotsof

interestinghingson youronlinepage,but something

you (5) must have o neverdo is put your house

address r phonenumber.n act,you (6) shouldn't

I dodt have o giveany nformationhat could et

strangers nowyour dentity, ecause n the Internet

you never nowwho s ooking.Remember,oo ,

that you (7\ don't have o / mustn'tput your riends'personal etails n your page, r yo ucouldput hemin danger. o he messages: have un,but akecare.

@ rtrint about your everyday life. Tell your partner

about something:

I you have o do at schoolor work.

T I'r.aveo arrive o+t fiwe,2 you mustn't do at schoolor work.3 you don't have o do at weekends.4 yo u must do this week.5 you shouldn't do but sometimes o.

6 you ought to do but probablywon't do.

VocabularyAdjectivesnd prepositions

O O In these orrect entencesrittenby PETcandidates, gg!g[i11C the preposition which

comes after the adiective.

I My father was very angry with me.2 I neverget ired of watching his film.3 He was very sorry about what happened.

I Work in groups.Complete he table with theprepositionsabout, of and,with.

afraid, ashamed,ealous,proud, fond

bored,disappointed,mpatient, satisfied

sad,netvous, razy,sure,depressed

il l

(2 )

(3 )

@ Catt you think of any other adjectives that go

with these prepositions?Add them to the table.

Remember that some adjectives can be followed

by different prepositions (e.g. sure of, sureabout).

@ Write the correct prepositions in l-6, then answer

the questions about yourself. Say why.

I Is there anythingyou feel sad .. rbo-ut ..... ?

2 Is thereanyoneyou sometimes et angry

. . . . . . . . .. . ?When you were a child, what wereyou

afraid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What do you sometimes et

bored ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .Is there anything you sometimeseel

nervous ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .What, n your life, areyou most

proud . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

Adjectives ith -ed and-ing

*s pug* 123Granmar eference. diectlvds lth-ed


(f quictty read the story Love in the air on page 48

and answer these questions.

. Why did the man ask he airline to help?r What happened n the end?

9look at this extract from the text. What -ing

adjective does t useSHow doesthe spelling

change from the word in brackets?' a

For manypeople he flight to Australia s-longand boring ...$.

adjective does t use?

Many people eel bored on the long flight to Australia.

@ Answer these questions about both extracts.

I What is the flight to Australia often ike?

2 How do people lying to Australia often feel?

@ fitt in gaps 1-12 in the text with the correct form

of the adiective. Use -ing if it describessomething,


if it tells us how someone eels about it .FeelinSs


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@ fett a partner about the last time you

. annoyed . surprised

. tired . disappointed

Then ask your partner to describe situations that were:r exciting r frightening. embarrassing . amusing

Reading Part 5

Q Read this paragraph. How

would you answer the question

at the end of the text? With a

partner, think of somepossible


In countriesaround he world, the

numberof peoplewho say hey

enjoy ife is goingdown.From

the UnitedStateso China,more

and moreadults, eenagers nd

childrensay heyare depressed,

with ten timesmorepeople n the

USA now experiencing epressio

thanfifty yearsago.At the same

time.peoplen most ountries

have ar moremoney han

their parents'or grandparents'

generations ad.We're icher

than everbefore,sowhy aren'twe


@ Work with a partner. Look at

the pictures then answer the

questions below.

Which of these hingswould ma

you feelvery happy?whv?What other things makeyou hap

Do yo u think we can earnhow t


@ Write three pairs of sentencesusing adjectivesfrom the text.

Il's relnxiu% o Lisleu to wusic.

L nlwnys te!- re!,aXedwl*e+tX prryry

havoarile so'vls.

O @ Youwill hear four people alking. Listen and match speakers1-4 with emotionsa-d.

Speaker1 a bored

Speaker2 b amazed


c annoyedd disappointed


@ rnnu

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Quictty read the text.Elorz to be happier, without filling in any gaps,and answer these questions,according to the text.

1 Whendo we usually hink aboutour happiness?2 Whenshouldwe think about he things hat makeus happy?3 What may happen f we often do this?

fook at a-d and the four possibleanswers (A, B, C and D) to each of

l-10 below the text. Which questions test:a modal erbs . . . . .L ,b adjectives ndprepositions

c wordswith similarmeaningsd adjectiveswith -ing ?

Examoduice j

Foreachgap,decidewhat kind of word (e.g.adjective,modal,adverb, Jetc.)yo u needby ookingat the four options. , B, C and D are always ithesame indof word. j

Read he text and choose he correct word, A, B, C or D, for each

space.There is an example at the beginning (0).

How to be happierOur appinessoes otdependnly 0)

whatwehave,ay cientists. hat e 1) ... .....wehaves ustas mportant.hiss why he ichoften eemmiserableutpeople ith ery i tt le

Q) .. . ... emuch appier i th heir ives.

It is(3 )

how ari:lywe hinkabout owluckyweare.Most f ushave ood ealth,homes nd riends. edon't otice ow ood

li fenormallys unti lwe'reeelingad 4) something.utwedon't(5) . . . . o wait orsomethingegativeo happen.

Instead,e 6) begrateful l l he ime or hegoodhingsn ourl ives.Wecando hisbywrit ing owniveof hem 7) .. . . .. .. ight. orexample,omethinghatweown, r hepeople eare ond 8)

By epeatinghisevery ay ora montht wil lbecome(9)

People hodo hisarehealthier,ore uccessfulndmore atisfied(10) their wn ives.

@ wtrictr good things in your life

are you grateful for? Think of

as many as you can, and write

down the five most important.

VocabularyAdjeclivesnd hei'- ppcslte$

$ Vtatctradjectives 1-5 with their

meanings a-e.

I miserable

2 nervous

3 negative

4 delighted

5 generous

a bad or elneertu!


b givesa lot tootherpeople

c verypleased

d worriedor

afraide very


@ Now match 1-5 with their

opposites rom the box.

eheerfu.l- deoressedmean positive relaxed

@ these adjectives describe

experiences. Put them into

pairs with opposite meanings.

awft+ furntastie funnyordinary sellous stfange


@ Now match the adjectives from

the box with situations l-6.

Somebodyellsyo u th ebest okeyou'veeverheard.


Youh#ve a problem.You cansolve t, but yo u must hinkcarefully.You oseyour wallet or pursewith all your money n it.Like every day,you'restandingat the bus stop.Yo uheara noise n the dark,but yo u can't.see nyone.By chante,you meetyour

favourite ilm star.

-^0 A [on)1 A remind2 A c a n3 A amusing4 A about5 A must6 A ought7 A most8 A f o r9 A habit

10 A into

B i nB realiseB shallB annoyingB aroundB haveB mayB everyB o fB wayB over

C a tC wonderC d oC surprisingC alongC wouldC shouldC allC fromC useC under

D b vD doubtD needD embarrassingD amongD couldD mightD someD t oD formD with


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@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about awful,funny, fantasticand strange hings thatsometimes appen.

@ work with a partner.

You could choose up

events below.

Exam advice

Do the exam task five of the suggestedife

ffs renlly nwfu! wlne+tpeoele lalr aboul youl t | '

Ubelni+d yo\tr bnctr.

Speaking Parts3 anel4

Q Work with a partner. ChooseaB, and say what you can see nhow the person elt while they

picture each,A orit. Think aboutwere here.

Yourphotogrophs showedpeople n situotionsthot cousedstrong feelings. Now I'd like you totolk together obout importont events in your

Iife, ond how you felt ot the time.

. moving ouse r changingchool

. making new riend

. taking n mportant xam

. receiving special resent

. being rightenedysomething

. doing omethingor he irst ime

. being ery urprisedysomething

. doing omethingerywell

. being eryangry bout omething

. hearing r seeing omethingunny

Writing Fant3

() nead this sentence from a letter that a friend sentyou.

So ell ,,.e,what! yonr avo,rritc ,ayJ rclaxing,

andwhydo you ike t? \


A €il To see f you were right about heir feelings,listen to the people n the pictures.

O {Af Listen again and complete he questions.

Which of these points should you put in your

reply, do you think? What else should you


I Whereyou go to relax

2 How your best riend relaxes3 What might be a goodway to relax

4 When you usually relax5 How you relax6 How you relaxedwhen you were a child

I How2 What3 How ong . . . . . .

to wait?4 What

to that?

Make hediscussiononger yaskingheothercandidateow hey elt,whathappenedext, tc.

@ ' n " u

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@ Read his reply from Olivia. Which of the points rom Exercisedoesshe nclude?

7i latlarc,

Tlta-nks.for our letter - /t. vas Sreat t0 /tearfron you,

Jlov lo 1 Lke to re/ar? Ve//,vlat I nost ltke to do rcgo tnto ny

roomand read aft tnteresilnqboo(,partt'cu/a-r/q t veden/s. Ireally tKe belng /terebecaase 's s0 vArm and cosy,and I can

lrsten o ny favourde mus/'c, Vut a siSnouts/de le door sayircg'bo

not llsturb', sonobo/y comesn. l don't evenansverploneca/{s./

Sotlat's vlat 7 /o to feel re/a-re/. lov a-bout ou? Vrrte soon

an/ /et mektlov.

A// ile best,


@ Wtrictr of these expressions would you use in a letter to a friend?Where would you put them? Tick (/) the suitable expressions and

write 'B' for beginning or 'E' for end.

,/ELotsof ove, I have eceivedour etterdated une

15.I look orward o hearing

from ou . DearSir/Madam, Well,hat's l l fornow. HiLisaAll hebest, This s us ta quickettero say .. Yours incerely,Itwa sgreato hear rom ou. DearSir/Madam, Givemy oveo everyone.Don't orgeto writesoon. Sorry 've aken o ong o writeback. DearGeorge

@ fook at Olivia's letter. Which of these, or similar, expressionsdoesshe use?

@ When she gives reasons,Olivia uses the linking word,because.Which other word linking causeand effect can you find in herletter?

@ loin sentences1-5 using the linking words in brackets. Start withthe words given.

I I cango to the sportscentrequite often. t's nearmy house. as]I can

Voto ltne sports cettre

6ulreotleu ns it's wenr wL1i-tol,tse.

Thereare somany good ilms. I neverget ired of going o the cinema.(becausel

I n e v e r . . .I oftengo out in the evenings. don't havemuch homework o do.(since)

S ince . . .Water-skiings really exciting. enjoy t a lot. (because)

I enjoywater-ski ing..I'm on my PlayStation@veryday. 've got some eally good games.

Iso)I ' v e . .

@ nead he instructions or theexam ask, and follow the stepsbelow.

This spartof a letter ou

receiveroman English-speakingriend.

Inyournext etter, leasetel lmeabout omethingexcitingou ike o do.Why s t such ood un?

. Nowwritea lettetansweringour riend'squestions.

. Write our etter naboutI00words.

Exam odvtceMake ourwritingmoreinterestingyusing djectives,especiallytrong nes ikeamazing r crazy about).

1 Choose nexciting ctivity.

2 Makenotes boutwhere. henandwhat.

3 Plan heorder oryourpoints.Add reasons.

4 Write our etter, singexpressionsike hose nExercise and cause-and-effect

l inks rom Exercise .

5 Check ourwork or mistakes.


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Leisure nd ashion

Starting off.Q Work in pairs.Usesomeof the words n the box'to

label he televisionscreenswith the type ofprogramme.

advert eartoon chatshow comedy eriesdocumentary/quiz how reality howsports rogramme th enews theweather

O @ Listen to Lucy and Ben talking about fourdifferent programmes.Put a tick (/) next to the

types of.programme hey talk about.@ Work in small groupsand discuss hese


I How muchTV doyouwatch?WhendoyouwatchTV?What'syour favouriteTV programme?Why?Do you prefer o watchTV or do somethingelse?whv?

Reading Far&X

martial artsdemonstration


Q work in pairs. Look at the page frorn a Hong

Kong entertainment guide and find one example

of each of these things:



6 comedyclub7 unusualcircus8 night-club

O Sitvie and Kat would like to go out. Read about

what they want to see and don't want to see and

answer the question below.Best riendsSilvieand Kat

would like to

completelydifferent.They saw

their favouriteband ast week

so thevdon'twant to hear

more music. They havegf got

time to res_ervelrekeb. I

Why havesomeexpressionseenunderlined, oyou h ink?

@ nead the entertainment guide on page 53 to find

out what Silvie and Kat choose o see. Underline

where you find the information in the guide. Why

do they not choose he other seven options?

ri7tnt ?l-wuet 5 film

@ ,n,,

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 50/236

quicldlyobookearly. pecial

discountsor students.

Getln,Fri21, 10pm & Sat22, 11

pm.Shartwalk rom station.

C Prince f Mandavia(English ith subtit les n


Cartoonun! Maxdoesnot

want to be he next Prince f

Mandavia. ewants o havea normal i fe ikehis r iends.

monkey, lephant nd bear.

When rouble omes o Mandavia,

can he r ien ds ave heircountry

from its enemies? antasticmusic

by everyone'savouriteband,

Keith's Door.

SilverHill Cinema Mon-Sun 2 pm,

4 pm,6 pm,8 pm, 10pm & 12pm.

Freeparkingfor every two odult


F ReggaeNights

Well,you'veall heardof Bob

Marley.Disc ockeys octorJupiter

andMasterMoon play heir

records or this reggae isco.Come

on down or a greatevening.

Club 999 Sot 9 pm - lote.

Admission ree. (Over-18s nly.)

Short walk from public tronsport.

A UniversitySpotlight

We havepu t


greatshow or


Come ndsee


students tand

up and e l l


aresel l ing


IB KidsRock

Set n he year2306.Rock nd ol l

isnot al lowed ndyoungpeople

are old what o thinkanddo.A

bandof l ivemusicianslaymore

than.20po p songs.Fo r he next

month,HongKong udiences i l l

have he chance o see hisshow.

Hoy:nesTheatre,Tue-Fri8 pm, Sot

2 p m & 8 p m , S u n 1 p m & 7 p m .Limitedporkingon site.Eosyoccess

by public transport.

D Liala

No arge ent or animals ere,ust

a mi xof gymnastics,ance, heatre

andmusic. ia lael ls he storyof a

youngwoman'sourney. his how

opened hisweek n a veryspecial

venueand hasalready eceived

verypositive eviews. uitable or

all ages.

TheLIALATheotre. Tues-Sun7 pmand 70 pm. 55-minferry ride romHong Kong, hen shuttlebus.

E Foundn HongKong

Mostlymusicand definitely oo d

fun. Listen o the sounds f a very

unusual rchestra. ressed p as

strange nimals,he musicians

have eplacedheir nstruments

with everyday bjec ts ound n

the streets, uchas bottles, rink

cansand boxes. Not o be taken

ser iously be preparedo laugh!

Culturol CentreSat 4 pm & 8

pm. Corpark nearby.Ticketsstill

available. Easyoccessby public

tronsport. Gift Shop open during

intervol. Under-8snot admitted.

G rlgnt Planet

Yo uhaven'tseenanything ik e

this before.Expect omeamazing

actionasThaiKickboxersome o

Hong Kong.Batile Fighter includg,'


Barrand Paul'Tiger'Knowles. ntertainmentor

audiencesf al lages. ouvenirs i l l

be on saleafter he show.

StarHall. Porking or disobled

customers only. No tickets oreorly performonce.Afew tickets

ovailobleor 11 pm.

H BestFriends

Se t n a city school, he English

teacherhas o teacha groupof

difficult students.BestFriends

takes ser iousookat the role

of the modern eacher ndasks

whethera teacher anmake

fr iendswith heirstudents.Nothingdifferentabout his story

but highly ecommendedor

parents nd heir eenage hi ldren!

TheAcademy. Shop open during

intervol. Tue-Fri7.30pm, Sat 2.30

pm & 8 pm. No parking ovoiloble

unti.l urther notice.


Leisureand fashion (D

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@ nead the information about the peoplebelow and underline the

important words.

TeenagersMartha and Artie arevisiting

the Hong KongFufuresShou.r ith theirparents ecausehey all love science

fiction. Martha and Artie love ive music,

especially eggae, ut their parentswantto seea musical.I I

Lily (19)and Ken (18)want to see

somethingwith their 5-year-old ousin,

Mai, who is mad aboutanimals.Lily

wants to drive.but she doesn'twant to

pay for parking.

Al and Ed areuniversitystuden

who want to have un in Hong

Kong onight. They can't afford

spendvery much moneybut the

like listening o goodmusic.| |

@ nead the guide again carefully and decide which

event A-H would be the most suitable for each

group of people 2-5. Underline where you find

your answer in the guide.

@ Work in pairs. We learn that Martha and Artie

love reggae music. The word reggae s used in

event F - ReggaeNighfs. Why is this event nof the

correct answer for them?

Lara (16)and her mum prefer

something unny to seriousdrama.

Their flight home omorrow s at B am

so they need o go to bed early.Lara

still wants tpluy somepresents efo

they leave. |

@ rina four more exampleswhere words in the

descriptions f peopleare repeated n the guide

but ilo not tell us the correct answer.

@ work in small groups.Chooseone eventfrom

the entertainment guide that you would all like

to see.When you are ready, explain your group

choice o the restof the class.

@ un't

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VocabularyGoing rut

Q Work in pairs. The words in the box appear in theguide. Look at the guide again and try to decidewhat these words mean.

admission audience interval live

'q:fT* revrew subtitles venue r

@ Now match the words to their definitions 1-8 from

the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary to see if you

decided on the correct meanings in Exercise l.

| ..Per$q.f.v!,^!9e....oun acling,singing,dancingorplayingmusic o entertainpeople

2 noun the money hat you pay toenter a place

3 ... ......... noun hepeoplewho sit an dwatcha performanceat a theatre,cinema,etc.

4 ..... .. adj donewith an audience

5 ........... . norTn report n a newspaper,magazineor programme hat givesan opinionabout a new book, film, etc.

5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pluro"l ounwordsshownat hebottom of a cinemaor televisionscreen o explainwhat is being said

nounUK (US ntermisslon)ashortperiodof time between he parts of a play,performance, tc .

8 .... nouna placewherea sportsgame,musicalperformanceor specialeventhappens

@ @)Listen to Liam using some of the words from

Exercise I to give his opinion on one of the events

in the guide. Which event does he talk about?

@ Work in small groups. Take turns to describe one

of the events in the entertainment guide. Can the

others guess which event you are describing?

GrammarFresenl erfec{

O {6e.} isten to Tom and Evan planning a night out

together in Hong Kong. What do they decide to do?

O @ Listen again and complete hese extracts fromtheir conversation, hen answer the question


. . . '. . . . . .the circus show

.. . . . . . .ialo.

.......eading he play.o What tense s used n all four extracts?

# prg. 123Grammareference. resenterfecf;ust,already ndyet

@ Work in pairs. We often use the adverbs yet,

already or just with the present perfect. Complete

these rules below by writing yet, already or jusf

in gaps1-6.

I Have ou2 I haven't

3 I 've

4 I've










Weuse his o talkaboutthingshat happenedshort

timeago:O. JtSf- '

Weuse his o saysomethingashappened'ffen


Weofien use his nquestions ndnegattve-^ ,-

Jil;;"n *" "*p""tsomethingoL'pp1j-


These adverb"npppallygo in the middleof the

sentence,betweenhaveatdthe pastparnctpte:

(4)and s)

Thisadverb esnalltgoesattheendof th'esentence:


@ Harry has not been in contact with his English-

speaking friend for a long time and decides to send a

email. Complete Harry's email using the words given

in the present perfect.

. . . . . ' : . . l

Sorrg haven't ritten o gou orso ong ut 'v eha da otofexams

I 've otsomucho e l lgou.1 Mg ister ndherbogfr iendust getmarr ied

Mn sistar n'vtd "er boqtrieud lnnve iusl qol warried.U U U

2 Mgdad not nd a newob get

3 Buthe star l a coursencomput ing

4 Mgmu m just win a prizen a photographgompetition

5 gou see the newKungFu ilm yet?

6 | a l readgsee it three imes.t ' sgreat!

7 What bout ou? ou f in ish gour xams get?

Leisureand fashion@

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ff i pugu124Grammareference.ince ndfor

@O PETcandidates ometimesmakemistakes

with sizceand for. Look at this extract from the

Cambridge earner'sDictionary and complete he

sentenceshat follow so that they are true for you.

I haveived ere ince1997.

I haveived ere or ive ears.

I have ived heresince ..........

I have beenat my school or

I havehad my watchsincehas been my English eacher or

5 I haveplayed srnce. . . . . . . . .

@ Work in pairs. Use hou longto ask eachotherquestionsabout the sentencesn Exercise5.

How .0m6h,nveyou lived l*ere?

Presenterfeat r past imple?

# pug" 124Grammareference. resenterfectar past


Q nead the Grammar reference section: Presentperfect or past simple?on page 124, then put the

verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past

simple to complete sentences 1-7.

I It's the second ime I't..$pne not/do) my


2 . . . . you (read) his

month's Surf magazineyet?

3 I 'm not going o the heatre.. . . . . . . . .

that show hree months ago.

4 I 'm worriedaboutEmily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

hear) from her recently.

5 Our football eam areplayingbetternow. We only

[win) twice lastyear.

You ook i red .What ime. . . . . . . . . . . . . you(go) o bed ast night?

7 How many exams you




@ Work in pairs. You're going to read about DJ

Jupiter or the kickboxer, Lewis Young. Write at

least four questions about their lives. Use the

present perfect or past simple and some of the

question words in the box.

what why when where how

how on g ho wmanYimes l

@ StudentA, turn to page173and read the text

aboutDJ Jupiter. StudentB, turn to page174and

read the text about the kickboxer.

@ Using he questionsn Exercise , take turns to

ask each other questionsabout what you have

read. If you don't know the answer,make a

sensible uess.

Vocabularylseen/Eane"nee{#er trs naw,knnrvand*nd eiuf

Q nead hesedictionaryextracts.

I metNickonholiday.


We ot o knoweach ther ndbecameoodiends.

MHowonghave ouknownNick?


His arentslreadynew blut thepafty.

His arents ere ngrywhenhey aund utabouthepafty.

.- --*-t

Paulhas oneo hecinemahisevening= he sstill here\ 1Paulhas eeno hecinemahisevening= hewent ndhas

omeback) \

Haveouever eenoNewYotk?= Haveouever isited ew


. . . . . . . . . . . . .see )

. . . . . . . .not

@ unnu

(take)since he beginning of this

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Work in pairs. Circle the correct option(s) in italics for questions1-6.Checkyour answersby looking at the extracts n Exerciseagain.

/z-'-,Haveyou ever@een)goneabroad?Wherehaveyou been gone2Haveyou ever madea friend cn holiday?How did you first meetknow eachother?Haveyou got a best riend?How long haveyou known/ met them?

Imagineal l your friendshavebeen goneon holidayand you areonyour own. What do you do?Do you enjoyknowing gettingto know new people?Why (not)?How often do you use he Internet o ftnd out / know nformation?Haveyou used t this week?What for?

Work n small groups.Take urns to ask andanswer he questionsin Exercise .


4.- e qryl'-


3 What hasJohn ost?


@ Work in pairs. Read thequestions carefully and

underline the important words.

Decide what each picture

shows and what the difference

is between each one.

I Which is Mark'ssweater?

ffiffiffiA I c J

2 WhathasMary ost?

A T B I c I




c EWhich coat s Barbara alkingabout?

Work in small groups.Look at the picture of the lost property officeat a summer camp.Use he words n the box to talk aboutsomeofthese tems.

button collar cottonold-fashionedpatternedsleeveless striped tight

fashionable leatherplastic pocket

V-neck woollen

long/shortleevesround eck

Tlnere'sa \J-uecK swe^fer o+t th"e lab!-e.

O PET candidates often make mistakes when describing clothes.Correct one mistake in sentences -6.

coLour|u!.I Most of the time, I wear a eoMl shirt, tight black eans,and my

favouriteboots.2 My best riend alwayswearsbeautifulsclothes.3 Thebridewore a longand white weddingdress.4 Not long ago bought hree new fashionT-shirts.5 At weekends, f course, wear eansand T-shirt.6 Yesterday bought somebrown shoesand a blue trouser.

&wwT B T c I

@ {A-lo Listen o eachrecording wice. Choosehecorrectpictureand put a tick(/) in the box below t.

@ Vouare at the summer campand you have ost some hings.Describe wo items rom thelost property officepicture toyour partner.Canyour partnerfind your lost tems?

Leisureand fashion@

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Speaking Xlax"t

O nead he instructions or the speaking ask

below.What truo hings will you needto talk


Yourphotogrophs showedpeoplegoing out.

Now,I'd like you to tolk togetheroboutwhot

you like to do ot home ond whot you like to do

when you go out.

@ Work in pairs. Look at statements 1-7 and decide

which you should or should not do in this part of

the speaking exam. Put a tick (/) or a cross (X)

in each box in the You column.

You Jon &Ivan

I ListencarefullY o the

examiner'snstruct ions.

2 Talk o yourPartner boutYourlikes/dislikes, Pinions nd


3 Changehe toPic o something


4 Ask your partner about heir

likes/dislikes, Pinions nd

experiences.5 Look at your Partnerand show

you're nterestedn what theY're


6 Try to speaka lot more han

your partner.

7 Worry if you can't think of

anything more o say.

t r a


T t r

t r TT T

t r Tt r t r

@ fook at this extract from the recording and

decide if statements l-3 below are true or false'

Jon: So, van,what do you like to do at home?

Do You ike watchingTV?

Ivan: Yes, lovewatchingTV. We normally

switch on the TV afterdinner andwatch

a film. a footballmatchor a documentar

What aboutYou?Do You ike watchingfilms?

I Both Ivan and Jon askquestions.

2 Ivan'sanswer s too short.

3 Ivan completely hangeshe topic of the


@ fook at more of Ivan and Jon's questions below'

Write down your full answers to these questions

I Do you like watching ilms? Yes, ul T preter

wniclni'tqsports 'rolilns. T At'v'dsowe'tilwsn

Iitt!-e bft bor'*7.

2 Did you see he basketballmatch ast night?

3 How oftendo Yougo to the cinema?

4 Haveyou seen he new Batman ilm yet?

5 Do yo u ike musicals?

@ {fa} Listen to Jon and Ivan again. Are their

answers to questions 1-5 similar to yours?

@ nead this SpeakingPart 4 task. What truo hingwill you need o talk about?


clothes.Now I'd like you to tolk togetherobout

the type of clothesyou weor during the week

ond the clothesyou weor ot weekends-

O {fs} Listen to Jon and Ivan doing this task. Which

of l-7 do they do? Put a tick (/) or a cross (X) in

each box.

@ Work in pairs.Makea list of some hings you

could talk aboutand somequestionsyou could

ask your Partner.

@ un" t

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 56/236

@ Change airs.Do the Speakingpart 4 task nExercise 7.

Exam advice

Youwillno t haveime o prepareouranswer.

Use ul lanswerso develophe oplc, ut don't

changet to somethingompletelyifferent.Takeurns ospeak yasking ourpartnerquestions.

Q Work in pairs.Look at the photoand imagine hisis your aunt'scat.What happenedo the vase?

@ nead this examtask and underline the importantwords.

You ookedafteryour aunt'scat while shewas on holidavShehas sentyou somemoney.

Write an email to your Aunt Kath. In your email, youshould

r thank her

. say what you are going to buy

r describewhat the cat did.

Write 35-45 words. fi,


DearAuntKath,Moneysverynice thankyouverymuch. willbuya newgame rommy computer. hecat s

muchmorebad hanmy smallbrother. ebreaksomething.havea strongheadacheor a week!



@ Work in pairs. Look at the Writing part2

marking schemeon page 136and answer thisquestion.

r What mark do you think the examinergaveeachanswerlWhy?

@ Now try this Writing part 2 task.

It's your birthday.Yourcousinhas sentyou somemoneyto buy someclothes.

Write an email to your cousin,Dorota. n your email, youshould

r thank your cousin

. say what you are going to buy

. suggest ou meetsoon.

Write 35-45 words.


Exam advice

Readhequestionarefullyndunderlineheimportant oints.

. Make ure ou nclude ll hreepointsnyouranswer.

. Writebetween5and45words.f youwrite ess' than25words oucanonlyge ta maximumf

2 points.f youwritemorehan45words, our

answermight otbesoclear ndyoucouldmakemoremistakes.. Open ndclose ouranswern a suitable ay , .g .

DearandYours. j

@ Work in small groups. Readeach other's answersand decide if you have all followed the examadvice.

Writing Xlart2

@ neadthink



these two answers and decide which youis best.


Thank ouverymuch orsending esomemoney, syouknow, love cienceictionilmsandso I think 'mgoingobuya newDVD.haven'teen ll he'StarWars'fi lmset.



Leisureand fashion @

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Unit5 Vocobuloryndgrnmmnr eview

Vocabulary @ Complete he crosswordwith words from Unit 5.

OCircle the correct prepositions1-10 o completethe letter.

Li Fran,

7orry l 'veLakeneo long o reply.Yo uaek abouLou r

f r iendsere,ohere 'e.what , 'sluV"V,"n.g fr ,you row, ao ioaVpoint,ed1) f on (with)herae l

exam eeulf,e o she'sworking arder now,bu I I bhink

ohe'o etNinqI i red,2) about of / on oNudyinql l the

l ime. 1he uoual lyikes o qo oul inLheeveninqo,o

she musl begettinq very bored 3) with on / about

lifa.Mike e etillvery keen 4) of / on / wtthfoorballan d is quil,eproud (5 ) on / wtth of NheNwoqoalo

he scored ast,Saturd,ay, ut he can't,playnexf,

weekand he'eead (6) about / of / with NhaN.Kay,

you might remember,o crazy (7 ) on / with about

mueicand,ha ealwayewanted to be a einqer.Well,

bandhae ekedher too inqw i lh lhem Na concer l

next Friday. he'o reallynervouo b) on / about / with

oinqin4 n f ronLof al l hose people, ut I don'N hink

she shouldbe riqhtened (9 ) with of / on doing L.

I 've ,oldhe r hat eomepeoplewillbequiNeealous

(1O) f / on abouther lWel l , thal 'sal l lor now,

LoLeof love,


@ fnis text contains a number of adjectives ending

in -ed and -ing. Find and correct five mistakes.

Across3 not generous

4 frightened7 feeling9 terrible

1l should12 fortunate13 like a lot

DownI unhappy2 somethingyou oftendo

5 wantingwhat someone lseha

6 feelingor showing hanks8 oppositeof


10 pleasedwith what you have do

Grammar@ Complete the mini-conversations with the correc

modal verb in italics.

Do you thin[Matt and Libby are at the caf6?

Theycan @ be there,but I 'm not sure.

Do you like going o the swimmiqg pool?

No , I can'l mightn'tswim.

I'vegot a bit of a headache.

I think you musr should ake an aspirin.

Could Might you run for an hour without

stopping?No, 'd be too tired after30minutes!

Are the buses o the city centreexpensive?

No, you mustn't don't have o pay f you're


The weather'snot looking very goodnow.

No, I think it can / mlghf rain later.

What do I need o go to the USA?

You should have o takeyour passport.

VAen vas tt ytnS


fron ny Pftnary sclool lays, t/tere va-ssonet/ttng

anaze/: ny /lary, fron v/'en I vas eiglt years o//. It

vas really tlntereste/ o rea/ ny t/toughsfron

my roor4 as{ Sun/ay, I foun/ sone

nongal l thewerercise books




I A :B:

2 A :B :

3 A :B :

4 A :

5 A :B :

6 A :B:

7 A :B:

tlen, tloughat t/mes

lor era-nple, I vas

n tlose dags. va-s

1 lelt a bi enbarcassingt

silll veryfriglteniry of the

a/so a-nusing o rea-d ov ercded

I vas about betngnrne soon I tloug/tt I vould be

really grovn uf tAen.

@ rnnu

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6 Vocabuloryndgrnmmur eview

GrammarComplete this text by writing a word from the boxin each space.

admission audiences €artecffi intervallive performances reviews

Circle the correct word, A, B or C, for each spacein these sentences.

I When I go out with my friends, like

wearing ixshic*nb{g-. clothes.A fashion 16-I@ c fashioned

2 In my country, ock starswear .. .. .

Jeans.A a tight B tights c tight

3 My best riend often wearsbright shirts and... . skirts.

A colourful B colourfull C colour

4 I first best riendwhenstarted rimarv school.A met B knew C got to know

5 We'regoing o Casablancao get o...... he city.

A find out B know C meet

6 I've visitedParisbut I haven'tEuroDisney.A gone o


PETcandidatesoften make mistakes withthe present perfect and the past simple and their

common adverbs. Correct the mistakes in sentences1.12.


+4.ebought someclothes ast week.My cousinhas ived with us since hree yearsago.I haven'tseenhim for agesbecause e'sgone oDubai a few yearsago.We'vegone o the cinema hree times this month. .-''

Let'sdo something lse.Already 've been o a few shops o look for new

shoes.I still can't find my watch. looked or it everywherein my room.Paris s the bestplace 've neverbeen o for clothes.I lost a beautiful pair of gloveswhich my mother hasgivenme for my birthday.With the moneyyou sent me, I will buy the WorldCup T-shirtwhich just came nto the shops.

l0 We'replanning to seea film tonight, but we didn'tdecidewhich film yet.

11 We alsohavea wonderful cinema n my town. It hasopened ix monthsago.

12 Write soon and tell me what happenedo you


@ Read these sentences about living in a big city.

Complete he second sentenceso that it means the _same as the first, using no more than three words.

I I started iving hereabout hreeyearsago.I 've ivedhere . . . . .. . . . . f r . . . . . . . . . . . .bout hree ears.

2 This s the first time I've ived n sucha big city.

, I . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . n sucha big ci tybefore.

3 I joined he ocalgym n June.I'vebeena memberof the ocalgym


4 I met my best riend Farrahwhen I joinedthe localgym.

L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . my best r iendFarrah inceI joined he ocalgym.

5 We saw the new X-men ilm on Saturdayand againon Thursday.

We'vealready the new X-menfilm




twice (onSaturday nd againon Thursday).

unit @

B been o C known

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Starting offQ Work in pairs. Describe the pictures using the

words fogl foggy, ice icy, wind/ windy,

cloads cloudy, sun shine sunny and, storm stotmy.

How do you think the people in each situation


@ Complete the weather forecast for pictures l-6

with these expressions.

lblowing centigrade "oid degrees feggy

freezing frost gale getwe t hot l ightning

,showers snowfall temperature thunderstorm

.. .. hat planes an't ake off. It 's

d . . . . . . . .:only3'C.. s already igh. t 'sgoing o be

day with a maximum of 40

i;;;;;;;;'"u"nrv s"i"s obesoon.Some eople regoing o ... . . . . . .

There s a .. . . . . . . . . . . . at sea,with strongwinds

. . .. rom the west,causing igh waves.

There 's noisy.: . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. n themountains,

with ...... briefly urningnight nto day.

I t 's. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . thismorning, 5'C, with

.. ..on th e ground.A heavY

is forecast or later.

I t ' sso . . . . . . .

also quiteT h e . . . .

a very . ..

@ Wtrictr of the weather conditions above do yqtr

think are extreme?Which are mild?

Choosetwo different kinds of weather from

pictures l-6. Tell your partner how each makes

you feel and why.

A dot'f LiKe tnuudersforr'"s becaq e tt*ey wnKewe

lee! *ervous,

Listening X3as"t

O Wittt a partner, look at the exam instructions in

Exercise2 on the next pageand multiple-choice

questions1-6, then answerquestions -e.

What is the main sPeaker's ame?

Who is the otherperson?

What is the topic?

What do th e questions sk about he speaker?

What kinds of weatherare mentioned n the



. ; - lr l


@ un*

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{f+)Foilow the exam instructions.

. Youwil l heara womancal ledChloe alkingto an interviewer bout her hobbyofphotographing xtremeweatherconditions.

. Foreachquestionpu t a tick (/) in the correctbox.

Exam sdvice

Before ou isten, uickly ead he nstructionsand he questionso ge tan deaof whatyouwillhear.

When he recordingsplayed,istenor reasonswhyoneoption s correct and or reasons hythe other wo arewrong.

I What does Chloe savabout the weather n her

country?A f-l It's cold in the north.

B f] It changesquite often.

c f] It's alwayssunny.

Sh estarted aking photosof bad weatherwhenshe was

A I working.

B f] a child.

C I at university.

To photographightning,sh euses

A Iad ig i ta lcamera.B n an expensive amera.

C I an old camera.

Wheredoesshe akephotosduringthunderstorms?

A n standingon a hil l

B I from her apartment

C I sitt ing n her car

Thesedays,which doessh emost ikephotographing n winter?

A l-] frozen rivers and streams

B I sceneswith lots of snow

C I patterns ormedby frost

What doessheoftenphotographwhen it's windy?

A fl trees

B f theseac I clouds

@ In pairs, study this extract from the recordingand answer hesequestions.

Which of questions1-6 does his extract answer?How do you know?Underline he parts of the text that tell you whyone option s correct,and why the othersarewrong.

. Are theseall close ogether n the extract?. Are they in the sameorder as optionsA, B and C?




.. . but I sti l l lovephotographing

lightning.That must be quitedifficult. Howdo you get goodpictures?

Well, the first thing is the rightcamera. t doesn'thave o beexpensive, r particularlymodern- Ilve had mine for many years

and I avoid using digital ones.

to study extreme weather

up? Tell your partner why or why

.. .maket

@ would you likeconditionsclosenot.

Vocabulary{xtr*:met'y,airt'y, uite, af,fte{ €aflyand yerj/

Q Stuay heseextractsromthe recording,hencomplete the rules about adverbs of degree(extremely, foirly, etc.) with the underlined words.

it can bequite different

it's really ascnat ng

tllat must bequite difftcult

is rather dangerous





tAdverbsf degree uchasvery' xt'remelynd

.. 6akeana{ectivesfronger'



3Theadverb " usually akest-

*".f"" butwithadectivesikesure' rue and

d t't'eentitcanmean'completely''


out andabout@

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 61/236

€) fam to your partner aboutyour country'sweather n different seasons.Use adverbsofdegreewith words like uef, warm and windy.

nO:t^r*it's lnvl6 su'ytyrt)ut if's exl-rewe!,6

trooand enlagh

&3 pug* 126Grammareference.faondenougn

Ofook at examples a-d with too and enongh, then

circle the correct underlined option to complete

rules l-5.

it's often too dark to pltotogroph hem when it'sstorrnyI had enough ime to buy an umbrella before hebus arrived.It was a lrct July day. Therewere oo many cars andtherewas too much noise.It was autumn, but the weatherwos mild enough

for us to hauea picnic.

It was hot enough o spend he whole day n the

water.In the summer like wearing a T-shirtand a skirt,

becauset's too hot for wearing rousers.Springhasbegun but it is not enoughwarm yet towalk in the hills.







t fn heexamPlesbove'fooeans smuch s,@ou

need rwant't doesnotmeanhesame


zWeput ooafler beforeana{ective'often ollowed-

tt -ll ,tft""ltl"tformof the verb'

3 \rvg s€ t'oonuchbeforeountableuncountabl€

-nJun=.nauo manybeforeountableuncount4q€


+ tn heexamplesbove'enougheans smuctl9l-

morethan ou eed rwant'

s Weusuallypurenoughatierbefore: 1?T


ii"for"^n "{e"we' olten ollowed y he ing to

infinitiveormofthe verb'

@@ Too and enough can be difficult for students.

Tick (/) the sentences 1-8 written by PETcandidates which are right. Correct the sentences

which are wrong.

I That's he way I like it: not too hot and not too

cold. /2 We didn't have enoughmoney or to buy new

instruments.3 I like it to o muchbecauset's a niceplace.

4 I gaveher enoughmoney or getnot only one,buttwo ice-creams.

5 I can'tbuy t becauset's too much expensive.

GrammarThe uture:Will, aing o,preserrtontinlious ndpre$entimple

ffi pug*125Grammareference. ays fexpressingherU fuTC

O 6) Listen to this conversationbetweenMia and

Owenand fill in the missing verbs.You can use

short forms like 's (is), 'll (urill) and 'm (am).

Mia: It's gettinga bit late, Owen.\Owen: Yes,but look at the rain! I'm hoping t I

tt ) ..........1{{.st8r'.........oon, hough don'y' .think there'smuch chanceof that.

Mia: No, the weather orecastsaid t's abig /stormso t (2) ............ . for hours.

What time do you have o be at the


Owen: I (3) Jasonand Mark

there at 8.30, n the caf6near he main

entrance. he rain (4) ...,.........t


Mia: It's quite a long walk to the station, sn't

it? And it's 8.15already.Look,. I (5) . . . .. . . . . . . . . you n the car.

Owen: Thanks!

@ In pairs, match the verb forms in l-5 above with

uses a-e.

a for timetablesand future dates leaves

b for decisions t the momentof speaking

c for things that aren'tcertain, e.g.after tttink

d for future arrangements etweenpeople

e fo r predictions asedon evidence, ndplans

@ un*

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@ Look at the first question in Reading Part I below

and decide:

I what kind of text it is2 what tspurposes .

,/Now dplthe same with each of questions 2-6.

@ follow these exam instructions.

. Look t he ext n each uestion.

. Whatdoes t say?

. Mark he etter ext o thecorrect xplanation- A , B o r C .


Look t he nformationroundhe ext. heremaybe(aJ icture[s) hichwillhelp ou o understandhythe extwaswrittenandwho t waswritten or.

Lift to znd

floor out

oforder. Please

use stairs next

to Passport


You will need o walk upstairs o get to thesecond loor.You must go through PassportControlon the

second loor.You can use he stairs or take the lift to the

second loor.

Torry- Tickef e\ger\cyghoneA.Rock concevfatf exhibifioh ceqtveinsteatA o* sgovtsharll.

At satrr,reir^,re, thihL_ bqf catll fherr to



The ime that the concert tartshaschanged.The concertwill takeplacesomewhere lse.Joewill call the agency or detailsof theconcert.

The sellerwill deliver he bicycle o the buyer.

The bicycle s suitable or teenagers r adults.

The owner of the bicyclehas neverused t.

Do not ake hese abletsor

more han hreedayswithout

yourdoctor's dvice.

You should ake the tabletsevery dayuntil you

feel much better.You must not ta$e he tabletswithout speaking

to the doctor irst.You must ask he doctor f vou want to take the

tablets or a week.

Motor vehiclesarenot allowed on this path.

Al l peopleusing this path must go on foot.

Ridersarerequestedo go slowly on this path.


From: armen

Just o etgouknow hatourbus eaves t 2.50

tomorrowmorning, ot2.20. ohowabout al l ingor

mehere t 7.30 nstead f 2.00?

Carmenwants toA meetMonica at a differentplace.

B go on a later bus with Monica.

C change he time they aremeeting.

End ime: 4 mins

Item ocation:North-west


Mountain ikefor sale

. forage13+

. ridden nly wice

. buyermustcollect






@ un,.

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n4atctrhe words n A with the words n B to

Prepositionsf rnovement

ff i prg" 125Grammareference;repositionsfmovement

O |Gt Read his telephonemessage bout travellingarounda city and fill in the missingprepositions(in, off, etc.). Then listen to checkyour answers.

Hi Leon; obyhere. 'm eally leased ou'recoming o our newhouse extweek.Thequickest

wayhere s (f rain o the citycentre, hich

takes n hourand"is sual ly2) .. . . t ime.hen

youcanget 3) .. . . . .. .he number 4bus o Edge

Hill,getting 4) by he stadium. rom here

it 'sabout ifteenminutessl foot.Or, f yo u

don't eel ikewalking,oucouldump 6) .. . . .. . .

taxiandask he driver o takeyo u o the new lats

in ValleyRoad.When ouge t (7) (8 )

the axi, ou'l l ee he mainentrancen rontof

you.Se e ousoon!

I Use words from the message bove o completethese ules.

form compound words. Then matph these withdefinitions 1-10.

A ffi cross

:Over fai l

guest guide hitch

sight sign suit


.iie r-rir.. il;. night

lpl,"tposl road roads seeing

I book that gives nformationabout a place2 bag with a handle or carrying clothes,etc.3 placewhere wo roadsmeetand crosseachother4 get free ridesby standingnext to the road5 tracks hat trains travelon6 bag hat you carry on your back bncKpnc17 signby the road hat gives nformation8 during the night and until the morning9 small,cheaphotel

l0 visiting nteresting laces

Complete the letter with compound words fromExercise l.












whenwe eavehemWeus€

tft" pt"postttonsor bicycles'motorbikesnd


2 tor cars andsimilarvehicles 't/fu5€

or nt'o,and

whenwe eavehem'

. . . . . . . . . . .r c l inb'

.. . . .. bus'train,Plane

or boat,or in ofher words' :'"''r"

road. ail,air, andor sea'butwego somewhere

.. ...... .. . .. .. ootWe lso ayweareon

boardatrain, lane rship' raf sea'

s tf youarrive eitheratenorlltly'


(or.trebus,rain,Plane' tc' s)



I or buses,rams,rains'planes r boatsw3use

:) ': . ..or ont'o henweboardhem'and

I'm goingon a fantastic ourney:acrossI'm flying to Darwin, in the north of the

and I'm going o stay (1) qVprniVht......

My (2) says t's quitd ancity, so I think I'll spend he morning

some 3) . I love ravellingtrain, so then I'm going o take the new

.. . o AliceSprings, ight ne middle of the country. 'll find a hotelor) for the night and the next day

'm going o (5J .. . . . . . . . . down he mainroad.'m taking all my things n a (7)

don'thave o carr y a heavy(8) hand. About 200 kilometressouthof Alice

a (9J where here'sathat says Uluru 247km'. Uluru is

as AyersRock' - oneof the most amazingthe world.

s Withhe prepositionsn rules13n/ 2 w€offenuse

the verb ' butsometimesif us€

others ike

+ We raYel

Out and about (o)

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@O Tick (/ ) the sentences1-8

written by PET candidates

which are right. Correct the

sentences which are wrong.

I I jumped nto my car.

2 | got nto he rain.

3 Couldyou comeat time,

please?4 Shesaid

Comewith me'.

followedher and we got on

the car.5 I'm going o start essonshi s

Monday,but I can't go on bus.

6 We ust wanted o getof f the


7 Thenwe headedbackhome

by foot.

8 She inally got nto the plane.


O ts} Listen to students Ingrid

and Mikel discussing the best

way to get across the city, and

answer the questions.

I Tick (/) the meansof

transport hey talk about.

about ano-ther because keen like nol

1 why areyou ... . .Kee-r. . . . . . . . . . . .n .. . ?

2 w e l l , i t . . .

3 I th ink 'd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .go . .

4 why . .. . . ?

5 for . . . . . h ing , . .

6 for . . . .. . . . ,t .

7 sowhat .. . . o ing . .?

8 what 'd most .. . . . . .o do s . . .

rather :

a asking or reasons

c askingaboutpreferences




sail down the river

we canride o the harbour

half an hour

bu staxi




2 Which two do they decide o


@ fook at expressions -8 from the recordingand completehem with





O 1CI) isten again to checkyour answers, hen matchexpressions1-8

with a-d belowby writing a letter n eachbox.

b giving reasons

d statingpreferences

@ {@ Listen and repeat these extracts from the recording. What do

you notice about the pronunciation of the underlined words?

I why areyou keen

2 well, for one hing

3 it's going o be reallyhot

@ 1am to your partner about the different ways of getting acrossyour

town, and decideon oneor two means of transport to travel from

one side o the other.Use anguagerom Exercises and 2.

@ Oo this SpeakingPart 2 exam questionwith a partner. Talk for at

least wo minutes.

You ond o friend hove decided o spendo month of the

summer holidoys seeingos much os possibleof your country.

Tolk togetherobout the differentmeons of tronsPort you

coulduse ond decide which you ore going to use.

Here s o picture with some deos o helpyou.


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Writing Part XWhen you are writing, try to think of different ways of saying the same

thing. For nstance, nsteadof sail down'the iver we can saygo down

the riuer by boat. We call theseparallel expressions.

O {5dlRead this discussion and rewrite the underlined expressions l-7

using the words in brackets. Then listen to check your answers.

Pat: Do you think people n 2020will still(7) sp...:'ler.kwh.ere.0k.ear drive evervwhere eo)?

Kelly: No,ut on't.uForne Hing, h;tr"ffi;;itl b" ()j so awful thatit ' l l be mpossible .......too) or us togo anywhere.

Pat: Actually, we're (3) not very far from .........quite)

that situationalready.Kelly: Yes, agree.And carscause 4) extremelyhigh levelsof

(so)pollution,especially n cities. think alot of countr ies5)plan .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .the numberof vehicles.

(going) o reduce

Pat: So do you think most of us will end up (6) walkingeverywhere .. .. foot)?

Kelly: Yes, think we probablywill, and I wouldn't mind that at all.In fact,(7) 'd prefer o .........rather) o that.

Stuay the first sentences in each Writing Part I question 1-6 on the

right. Which word or phrase has a common parallel expression?

Underline the word or phrase.

Exam advice

. Look ora wordor words n he irstsentence itha parallelexpression.

. Then ookat hesecond entenceo see f thisparallelxpressionit sthegrammar.

. Youmaywant o write t in pencilirst o checkhat hecompletedsentence eanshesame s he irstsentence.

@ Now do this Writing Part texam ask.

. Here resome entencesabout he uture limate.

. Foreach uestion,ompletethesecond entenceo

that t meanshesame sthe first, usingno more hanthreewords.

It will be too warm to live insomepartsof the world.I twon ' tbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .live in someparts of the world.

In somecountries,temperatureswill rise a lot.Temperatures ill be

.. . n some


In thoseplaces,t will besunnynearly l l the ime.In thoseplaces,he sun

almostall the

in the mountains t willwarm that it won't the mountains t will

for snow.

However. he weatherwill be

evenwetter n Bri tain.However, tevenmore n Britain.

Also, Antarcticawill still bethe coldestplace n the world.Also, Antarcticawill still be

.. . . . . . . .han anyotherplace n the world.

Think about the future climate

in your country. Which parts

of it will most feel the effects

of climate change and in whatwavs? Write four sentences.


Evenbe soEvenb e .

out andabout@

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Starting offQ Work in small groups. What do you know

about the famous people in the pictures and their


@ Circle the correct answers in the quiz, then check

your answers on page 174. Are you surprised by

any of the answers?


f if f i

WReading XPaa"&

Q work in pairs. Read this extract from the

Cambridge Learner's Dictionary.

[keuI[] noun someone whose job is to teach people to imptove

at a sport , ski l l , or school subject

@ Maradona is a football coach. Who is the other

sports coach n the quiz?

@ fook at the text title and photo on page 71. What

do you think a life coach is?

@ Check your ideas by reading paragraph B What is

a life cooch?




@ un't

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nead sentences1-10about the text. Utrderline hemost mportant words n eachsentenCe.

I Sylvana asa vervgood elat ionshipwith herdauehter .r ina.

2 Life coachingwas first used o helochildrendecide n their futures.

3 SimoneWaltzused o work in radio.

Jemwants to do a degreebeforegoingto Africa.

Jem's arentswould ike him to do hi sdegree n anothercountry.

One eenager sedsinging o helphe rstudy and shegot nearlyperfectmarksin science.

7 Irina would be happy o go to anyuniversity.

8 Irina has alwaysbeenkeenon keepingfit.

9 Mo Ahmed hasworkedwith childrenyounger han six.

t0 Someof Regina's riends n her newschool lay basketball.

Work in pairs. Look at the paragraph headings

in the text. In which paragraph do you think you

will find information about each sentence? Write

the correct letter (A-E) in each box.

nead the text to decide if each sentence s correct

or incorrect. Underline where you find the answer

in the text. When you are ready, compare your

answers with your partner.

In Unit 7 we lookedaI parallel expressions.Inhis

part of the PET eadingpaper, he sentence nd

the text often use different wordsand expressions

which havesimi/armeanings.

Work in pairs. Look at the words and expressionsyou have underlined in the sentencesand the tExt

and find four more parallel expressions.








A'l 've een huge if ferencen r ina ince he tantedalkingtol i fe oach, 'ays ermother ylvana.l {et onverv el lwith r ina,but ou an't lwaysalkto ourmother bout verything.alkinto someoneho istensut snota closeamily embersveryimportant. '

BWhat s a life coach?Anathletemprovesecausee rains i th coach. i fe oachaalso uideou0 success.i fe oach ncour"agesouo hink otonly bout hat ouwant, utalso bout ow ou regoing0get

i t .Unti l ow,i fe oachesave elpeddults,orexampleusinesexecutivesho eedomake ecisionsnoanentshowant omeadvicenbrin$inBp heir hi ld ren.owt's he urnofoun oungpe0pre.

G ife coach$imone Valtz

Simone altz, ormenadioroducen,etupher i fe oachingcompanyive ears go.l offereenagersplaceo alk,odecid

on heinuture lans nd o sor"tutpr"oblems,'aysWaltz.em'sparentsredel i$htedithwhatWaltzas one"em as ot aplace tuniversi tyo study edicineuthehas ecidedo akepart na volunteerrojectncentral fricainst.'Yes,eweresurprised,ut em sst i l l ery oung.his xperiencebr"oadi l lhelp im row pbefore e oes o univensityere. '

D LifecoachTara {ewhouse/

Tarael lshestory fa 1S-year-oldhowas ai l in$nscience,iutheyound ut he eanntesthrough usic.nce hemade psongs0 earn y, he chieved9pen ent nher ests. anaasalso elpedylvana'sau€hter,r ina, howas ot ure hewantetogo o universi ty.ow he opesoget nto opuniversrty.ninanow eelsmore onfdentbout verythin$.he as venaken pexenciseor he irst ime nvears.

E ife coachMoAhmed

MoAhmedas oachedhi ldrens oungs ive ears ld.l tcoulbesomethinfssimples ea rning ul t ipl icat ionables askingthem owhey'reoingo do t,how nehey oinBo maket un?Mohas lso elpedeenagereginahowas avingroblems

makinfr iends hen hemovedo a new chool.heyalkedtoSetherbouthe hin$s e€inaeal ly njoyedoing. yoiningheschoolasketbal leamReginaasmade everalew riends.

This s mel@

I btave,nVood


o.vtwellZ decide ) vtnKedectsto+ts

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Q Work in pairs. The eight phrasal verbs in the box

below appear in the text, sometimes in a different

form (e.g. bringing up). Underline them in the

text and try to decide what each verb means by

looking at the complete sentence.find out getoff-ffth grow up

set up sort out taKeup

@ Work in pairs. Replace each expression in

italics in sentences 1-8 with a phrasal verb from

the box, so that the meaning stays the same.

Remember to use the correct form of the verb.

ffi ptg* 121Grammareference.ttrasalerbs

1 I moved o Athenswhen I beganmy degreebut

ftYewuPIMder in a smallvillagenearThessaloniki

with my parentsand two brothers.

When I was very young,my aunt Looked fterme

until I was old enough o look aftermyself.

I would like to have a life coach o help me deol

with my problems.

When I'm older, 'd like to startmy own fashion


If I had to chooseanothersport, would sfart


I havea goodrelationshipwith my older sister.We

oftengo out together.If I didn't know an answer n an exam, would

never nvenran answer.

8 If I discoveredhat my parentswerereadingmy

emails, wouldn't get angry.

@ Rewrite the sentences in Exercise 2, where

necessary, so that they are true for you.

I a was bor+t +t Nnplesbut t frrew uP iu Rov*e,

ltne cnpita! ci+y bt ttnly.u

@ Work in small groups. Compareyour sentences.

Find at least three things that you have all got in


bring pmaKe p

Grammarl*ro. f irstend$econd cndltionals

# prg* 176Grammareference.era, irst ndseaond


Q Work in pairs. Kristian is fifteen. He would like

to go to drama school to train to be an actor but

his parents want him to stay at school. What

advice would you give to Kristian?

I @ Kristian is talking to his life coach,Mo. Listen

to the recording and answer these questions.

I Why has Kristian's adcontactedMo?

2 What two pieces f advicedoesMo give?

3 In your opinion,will Kristianbecome n actor?

O @l Listen to the recording again and complete

sentences -5 with the verb in brackets in the

correct form. Use short forms (l'll, won't, etc.)

where possible.

1 ...... '-!-..:vr.+*d

L . . . . . . . . .

r f I . . . . . . . . . .

eighteen,t .. .

I f you . . . . . . .

earlyage.I . . . . . . .

r f r . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . .


(need)my parents' ermissionf

[wan| to go to dramaschool.

. .. (stay)at schooluntil I'm(be) oo ate.

..... ... want) o be an actor,You(have) o start your training at an

(have) o giveup football f I

(go)to classes fter school.

.. (study)at dramaschool,

. (have)enough ime for

@ Work in pairs. Look at this conversation between

Kristian and his friend Josh, then answer the

questions that follow.

Kristian: I'm thinking about oining the drama


Josh: What?(6) If you ioin the club.)zou'llhave

to giveup footballandyou'reour best


Kristian: I know. (7) If the dramaclub met on

Wednesdavs. coulddo both.

Josh: But the club doesn'tmeeton Wednesdays.What areyou going o do?

I Does oshwant Kristian o ioin the dramaclub n

sentence6) ?Wh Y [not)?2 Does he dramaclub meeton Wednesdays

accordingo Kristian n sentence7) ?

3 Do both JoshandKristian alk abouta real

possibility n (6) and (7)?

@ unnt

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@ Sentences l-7) in Exercises3 and {are al lexamples of conditionals. Conditionals are oftendivided into three types. Match sentences -Zwith the types of conditional a-c below.

a Type O(Zeroconditional): EThis expresseshings which areolwaysoroon orn l l t t t r t t o

f lf snows.our dogg*.very excited.

b Type I (First conditional): tal

This expresses realpossibility n the future.

If it snowson Saturday,'l l make a snowman.

c Type 2 (Second onditional): | |

This s usedwhen he speakers no t thinkingabouta realpossibility ut is imagininga situationthat will probablynot happen.

If it snowed n luly, I would go skiing on the beach.

@ Underline the verbs in each example in Exercise5. What form of the verb do we use in eachconditional type?

0 Wtren do we use (and not use) a comma inconditional sentences? ook at the examples inExercise 3 again to help you.

@ Work in pairs. Look at this example situation andanswer the questions below.

rain at the weekend

rt il rnius nl ttne weeyeud, '!!- Va lo tneciuewn,

I Why havewe used he first conditionalhere?2 When would we use he secondconditional o talk

about rain?

@ now look at situations l-6 and write one sentencefor each, asing the ftrst or second conditional. yotr

will need to think about whether each situation isa real possibility or not for you.


I loseyour mobilephone2 seea friend cheating n an exam3 getgoodmarks at school

,"4 find a lot of money n a rubbishbin5 get ost in a foreigncountry6 get a lot of homework rom your teacher

A4 t !-ose,16 obi!.e,I-'l-!.6el

ver6 n'nuoyed"

@ Work in pairs. Write a question for each of thesituations in Exereise 9, then change pairs andtake turns to ask and answer the questions.

vlbr.otwi!"!- ou do i4 it raits at ttneweeye+td?T wot'f p!-Xy ootbn!.!- in fh"e pnry.

|iV,&en,un/ess presnnt,uture

# prS* 126Grammareference.When,l unless prcsent,ruture

Q Work in pairs. Look at the pictures below and sayif each teenager will definitely call home.

@ Complete hese rules about sentenceswith i/iunlessor when.




. weuse )


. weus e€) ..*t


e)"-it n)r'


@nead sentences1-6 and circle the correct optionin italics.

I I'l l write againsoon f t@lfinish my exams.I wouldn'tbe able o write very well if / wh.enlbrokemy right hand.We'll miss the bus if / unlesswe run.Paula'llplay tennis tomorrow f / unless t rains.My uncle can't hear when unless ou shout.They'll come o your party if / unless heir parents

sav hev can't.



for things we are sure will

. .... . or hingshatmaYaPPen

generallYas he meaningf r/"

This s mer@

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Listening ffax.&

(l Work in small groups and answer these


I Where are the extras n the Photos?2 Haveyou or anyoneyou know everbeenan extra?

3 Wouldyou like to be an extra?Why [not)?

@ Vou will hear Vanessa from Extras Agency talking

about being an extra. Before you listen, read

through the information below. What information

do you think is missing in each space (e.g.

number, dote, noan, verb, adjective, etc.)?

Exam odvice. Be carefulwith spelling, speciallyf yo u ar egiven

the spelling f the word n the recording r if it is a

very commonword,e.g.MondaY. =_._.--**'

O {?} Listen to the recording twice and for eachquestion, ill in the missing nformation n the



O {A Film director, Darrilus Hassi, is looking for

an actor for his latest film. His assistant Marti

telephones an agency and speaks to Harry. Lookat the pictures and listen to the recording. Put a

tick (/ ) next to the actor Marti chooses.

I Work in pairs to complete the mind map on page

75 with these words.

attractive bald beard beautiful biafid@

broad houlders curlY dark fair

good-looking grey long mediumeight

moustache pale plain red scar short

slim straight wavy

,f ##,f d,ff#,f ,ffErlrats Agenc?

Extrars:. ^??e^v i\ c"ods

e btry lhirrgs \ (l ) .

e sraggovt govfsevents, efc.

Are $lrqs t,rarzte rt t^ry ,rvea?

Fiq/ oht by lookitg arf fhe @


No iprif. flsk gatvetfs €o" ge'u,rissio\ Q hder

oWhart awe z\irectorS lookW Qorarl the

t.tot.reht?, looL 16yeavs ol),

e matxivaqu 1,7 lrl

o hotv€ i\fevesfi\g @)

What sad€x?€ct?

Usraatlly16hotrvsar Aay,6 Aays e' weeL, Aay

o€Qo\ 6

t^Jhevecatrr I get r4ove i*ovr'rrr+iorr?

Pho\e Vrr\essot (4)


@ 'n't t

ov visif

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 72/236

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Exam advice

. T h e e X a m i n e r w i | l a s k y o u g e n e r a | q u e s t i o n s a b o u t

your ame, here ou ive, our ai lyoutine,hingsyou ike nddisl ike,tc.

i. Try o givemore hana one-word nswer. ,

. Youwil lbeaskedo spell our urname,omakesure ouknowhow o do t. ;

trrtuJi&+i4.4{4 !i

@ {At Listen o three extracts rom a PETspeakingtest and complete he tablebelow.Be carefulwith

the spelling of the students'surnames.

3 Where do you live / come from?

fruofi I 3) (4)

4 Do you study English? Do you like it? Why (not)?

lLi(as i Prefers Useful or me and

it 'sa



5 What other questions does he examiner ask?D" y"" th-k-lwh"t did y"" d"*l wh"t d;y"r .;l"yi

: '- '"" ': . '-.- 'DC USCIUI IO T

lyou n the l11Outur" li

? do ing n your

{Gt tistett to the recording again and answer

these questions.

I Do yo u think the candidates nswer heir astquestionswell?Why [not)?

2 What doesEduardsa ywhen he doesn'tunderstandhe examiner's uestion?

3 Does he examiner epeat he samequestionoEduard?

Work in groups of three. Take turns to be the

examiner. The examiner asks each student the

first four questions from the table and chooses

one Question 5 for each student.

Grammariii; ri* l:n* /?uil;*:i&*i *i: .l

; ' l : page12 7Granmat"r*ference;$co andfior/neithern

O {e Listen to and read what Ken says and circle

the answer on the right which is true for you.

Completethe phrase where necessary.

'My name'sKen.''Sois mine.'


'I'm 15yearsold.''Soam I. '


'I've got two brothers.''So

houe .''Oh!I'ueg

'I live in Taipei.''So

do I. ''Doyou?

'I don't like football.''Neitlrcr/Nordo I. '

'I reallyLi

'I went to the cinema.''Sodid I.'

'Iwent ...

'I haven't been to Paris.' 'Neither/Norhove .' 'I haue. w

O {Al Zosia is from Krakow, Poland. Listen to

Zosia and answer appropriately using one of the

phraseson the right from Exercise 1. Be careful!

Zosia doesnot always use the same verb as Ken

and her sentencesdo not follow the same order.



'I'w,$raw KrnKrw.'

'I'w 'wot, 'w firow r4d.laVn,


@ Work in pairs.Take urns to say a sentence bouyou.Yourpartner shouldanswerusinga suitablephrase.


weetiug iaap!-e

lEnglish il lI(8)

lhp r rse f r r l o r le useful or ] i (9)L

youinthe I i ? lQ\ Puture ?

|: r -'- r ----_l -----



I What's your name?

12What's your surnameS

@ un't

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Writing Xlar&

Q Work in small groups. Read the extract from the Cambrid-ge

Learner's Dictionary about punctuation and answer this question.

o Which of the usesare the same n your language?

Remember:we alsouse a capital etter for the personalpronoun1,

e.g. loveskiing (not ffi$.

@ Vnf candidates often make mistakes with punctuation. There is

no punctuation in sentences1-5. Rewrite them to be correct.

I i am keenon tshirts rousers nd ackets

2 il l senda present o marina i hope she ikes it

3 sayhi to yoursister ee ousoongari

4 i cantcome o your english esson n monday

5 my blanket s like a penguinsskin its blackand white

@ neadPablo's nswer (he sMyra's cousin).Do you thinkhis teachergavehim fullmarks?Why (not)?

1{ /Qra'

1 an vQC!hapyg b,ecouseot arz

Qoayry.n tallts/t v/t/t s/tort lnir b/xe..

ey-qta4 i alv4jq vQ4r ng /avortt

blue ca-p. lat do you look ltle? Lets

neet outslde le resturant Vtill ls in


@ ttow read what Pablo's eacherwrote abouthis answer.

You nqte itcladed a!! lhree

poi+t5ryd yo1,r,l*nveoqae-eted

It"ese poi+rti ogelher we!"!..

However, cau'i qiveqou FuL!-; u u

w6fKsbecrlAse tolA htnuewade

severa!. uislnKei witt't spe!.Ii+Va'ttd pu+rctuatio+. -

o @ Underline the three points in

Pablo's answer and circle the

words Pablo uses to connect

these points. Correct Pablo's

five spelling mistakes and his

five mistakes with punctuation.

@ Write your own reply to theexam question in Exercise 3.

@ work in small groups. Read

each other's answers to see if

you have included the three

points and if you have made

any mistakes with spelling or


capital letter r the first letterof a sentence: ootball s verypopulor n


. fo r countries, ationalities,anguages,eligions, ames

of people, laces, vents, rganisations,rademarks,

days,months, itles: Portugal,Africa, Russla, tc.r for titles of books, ilms, etc.:Motrix Reloaded

. for abbreviations:OPEC.AIDS.WWF

r the end of a sentence:'m goingfor awalk.

r sometimes fter an abbreviation:MartonRd. / Mrs.

White Dr. Evans

full stop U

period US

comma r between tems n a list: I needsome eos,butter,sugar

ond eggs.r to show a pause n a long sentence: lrcydidn't wont to

eat before 'd arrived, but I wos an hour lpte.. when you want to add extra nformation: The woman,

who I'd met last week, waved as shewent past.

. for missing etters:don't, 'll, it's (i t is)

. for possessives:oul'sbike,

o Note:wordsending n 's' don'tneedanothers'



. to oin two words ogether: lue-black

This s mer@

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Unit7 Voco"bulorynd grnmmclr eview


@ Complete sentences1-8

usingtoo or enougll and

these adjectives.

big cold ffi expensive oldsleepy thick warm

It was nearlymidnight an d t was . ...tpq dnrf

to seeanything.I'd like to wear those shoesbut they aren't

Ior me. l'm size44.

Put the heating on, please. t's not

in this room.You can't skateon the lake. The ce sn't

to be safe

5 I mustgo o bed. 'm

awakeany onger.

to stay

6 You're nly 16soyou're ot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

to drive a car on the road.

7 Put a sweater n. t 's . . . . . . . . . . . . to go

outsiden just a T-shirtand eans.

tItt"lt'lked hat omtt:1..|,'t"',t"'iff'

@ Circle'the eorrect option in itatics for each

conversation l-6

1 A: How'sAndrea hesedays?B: she

'U/6AA@n have a baby.

2 A: HaveyoffiT-l-ny plans for tonight?

B: Yes, meet /'mmeetingRyanat 9 o'clock.

3 A: You ook rather ired.B: Yes, think | 'm going 'l l go to bed early.

4 A: What time do you have o go home?

B: The timetablesays he last bus leaves is

leovingat midnight.A: My computerhas ust crashed!

B: Don't worry. I'm going o /

'l l fix iI.

A: The score's ow England0, Brazil 5!

B: BrazllwiII / aregolngto win.


@uatctr the beginnings and endings of these


I It's much healthier o

80 on

We left the terminal andgot onto

The driver and passenger

got into

In big cities,many people

go by

5 You should et other peoplee

getof f

6 The police old the men to fgetout of

the car and drove

to the airport.

train instead ftaking the car.

the train beforeyou 8eton.

foot than to sit in

a car or a bus.

the car and put


the plane,after a


@ Complete he crosswordwith words from Unit 7.


6 go by boat7 underground ailway

9 what winds do11 oppositeof wet

13 very strongwind14 oppositeof extreme16 boat for passengers


I like a bus, but on rails2 get onto a plane

3 rainy4 when the sky is cgvere

5 betweencold an( war

8 trip in a plane\

9 bicycle10 betweenhot and cool

12 go by bicycleor horse

15 very cold, rozensolid

@ unnt

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 76/236

Vocobulary nd grommnrreview

Angelique,also (1 ) ........(n?w*.....


African Queeri, s *rnecf

the greatest emale singers {2}

the wqrld. $he

was born in Cctono*, Benin, West

{ f r ica, and she 3)

in Cotonou with €ight br*thers

and sisters, Her uncles, a*nts

and grandparents c*nre frornOuidah, a ssrall village. Shev/as

t4l rn a v€ry open

family. .4ngelique took


she was six years oid. Angelique

i s g o o d ( 6 ) . . . .

languagesand sings n Freneh,

English and. wo African languages:

Fon and Yornba.

By tlie 1980s Angelique real-ibed,'Un lcss

I {7 ) . . .

Benin, tr'll haveproblerns,' ln i983

she left for Paris, France, where

she ritudied bcth Jazeand Law She

couldn't decide between being a

iawyer or a rnusician but thought,'! will rnake a bigger difference

to t he wor ld {8) . . . .

I becorne a rnusician'and so she

developedher music career. $hefirst {9 } future

husband, who is musician and

producer |ean Hebrailo at I-e CIM, a

jazz school in Faris" Now they both

live in New York with their teenage

daughter, $he Lras lsn been a

Goodwitl Ambassador for UNICEF

(10) 2002,helping

to bring edueation to children all

over the world, i* particular in


neadthis text and choose he correct word for eachspace.



@ Complete these conditionalsentences,using your own ideas.

I If I didn't have o go to school,

T'd p!-aytoolbn!-!. n!.!. dny., U U

2 I'd be extremely ngry f ...3 I f I go o bed ate, . .4 l f l founda dog, . .5 I oftenge tembarrassedf ...6 Unlesst ra ins,7 I ' l l havea party f . . .8 If I don'thelp at home, ..

@ Read these sentences aboutRebecca'scousin, Tobias.

Complete the second sentence

so that it means the same as the

first, using no more tlnn three


I My cousinTobias ived inInnsbruck.Austriauntil he was18years ld.My cousinTobias.. . . . . . . . . . . f r .rcw... . . . . . . . . . .p n Innsbruck,

Austria.2 He's ather short and his hair iscurly and red.He's athershort and he

.........urly red hair.He ovesplayingchessand I\do,too. \

He ovesplayingchessand. . . . . . o .

He'll comeand visit me thissummer f he doesn'thave owork in his dad'scaf6.He'l l comeand visit me thissummer ..... e hasto work in his dad'scaf6.He doesn'thave enoughmoney,so he won't travel by plane.

If he had more money,he... by plane.

unita @

l A t o l d B c a l l e d C n a m e d D C I @

2A of B in C on D at

3 A grew up B got on with C grew D born

4 A set up B sortedout C brought up D grown up

5A on B off C out D up

6 A i n B a t C o n D o f

7 A leave B don't eave C will leave D won't leave

8A when B unless C i f D so

9 A knew B found out C madeup D met

l0A for B in C since D ago

O PET candidates often make mistakes with punctuation and

spelling. Correct one mistake_ teqch of the following sentences.

I I'm busy all week except riday. ..,'2 I only go shopping f I have o becousemostof the shopsare

expensive.3 When I woke up, I did'nt havebreakfastbecauset was ate.4 We had a party for my sistersbirthday last Sunday.5 My favouriteplace o eat s a typical italian restaurantnear here.6 I've just received our letter.Youask wich films I like best.7 When I'm at home, often werean old T-shirt and eans.

8 I am so surprisedby what he hasdone. cannotbelive t.

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Fit and healthy

Q Answerquestions1-8 the quiz.

Some, ut don't nowhowmuch should o.

At east 0minutes day more f I haveime.As ittle spossible.



football, r doinganothersport


3-4 timesmostdays

A Go or a rideonyourbike, rgooutfora walk.

B Chaton hecomputer ithyour

friends.C Text our riendso

suggestmeetingup in a caf6.

walkup he stairsrunup hestairswait or he ift

I'mexhausted.l 'm itso feelfine.I am a bitout ofbreath.

fine,but l'd love o havea bit more energy

full of energyal l he time



Youoin nand un hefurthest ndfastestyoudon't ikeo lose.Aftera minute r woyousiton hegrassagainor awell-deservedest.

C You ay'Nowayl 'Youreally islikeunningarouno.






slowand iredallthe ime

@ unit

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at your scoreon page174.Do you think youmakeany changeso the way you live?

Fart 4You are going to hear two young people

about health. Readthe first part of their

then listen and fill in the missingwhich show agreement or disagreement.

They keep sayingon TV things like'today's

teenagers re unfit andunhealthy',and I iust don'tbelieve t.(1) .... There's ll this stuffabout us not gettingenoughexercisebecausewe'rewatchingTV or playingcomputergamesal l the time, when infact nowadayseveryones mad aboutsports.

Well, (2) .........,ut certainlya lot of young peopleare doing activethings. Perhapsmore than oldergenerations id.

pairs or groups, think of other expressions hatagree or disagree with somebody.Which

polite, and which show strong disagreement?

Look at sentences l-6, then listen to the restand Jason'sconversation.Decide if each

s correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put

(/) in the box under A for YES. f it is notput a tick (/) in the box under B for NO.

Kelly hinks that people's ietsnoware esshealthy han n the past.

Jasonand Kelly share he sameopinion aboutpeoplenot sleepingenough.

Kellybelieveshat cycling o school s

becomingmorepopular.Kellysays hat air pollution in thecities s gettingworse.

Jasonsays hat Kelly s often ll.

In the end,Jasonand Kelly agreeaboutyoung people's ealth.

Vocabularyl i lnessesand accicients

O {6) Listen to this extract from Listening part 4and answer the questions.'ealghs

and colds and sore hroats:perhapsa headache

or a stomach che'

o How do you say he underlinedwords?r What do they mean?

@ ln pairs or groups, put these words under thethree headings.

aspirin bandage bruise cut disease earache:flu fracture high emperature injection ifrJury

,medicine operation pill plaster plasterast l

,sOrail _tabletwound X-ray


@ In pairs, write ten short sentences with wordsfrom the table, using the points below to help you.

Remember that we normally use my, your, their,etc. with parts of the body.

. We form verbs rom the 'accident'nouns (e.g.She

injuredher eg; 'vecut my thumb).r We :use aveor havegof with the 'illnesses'(e.9.He'sgot flu; She got a high temperature).

r We rse hove, akeor put on with the 'treatments'

(e.g. 've had an operation; oe ooka pill for hisheadache; nursepu t a bandage n my arm).

@ feU your partner about any illnesses or injuriesyou have had (for instance when doing sports),then say what treatment you had, usingexpressions from Exercise 3 and the words in thetable.









/_, t ll t l



Fi t and healthV@

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GrammarWhkh. that,wlt*, u/,&c"ss,.,v&ennclwher*clilu$os


*ffi pug. 127Grammareference.Which,hat,who,whose

when,whereclausesdeflning ndnon-defintng)

O Wittr a partner, read this text about sports

injuries and circle the correct relative pronoun inttalics for options 1-8.

Mostpeople 1)which d@a" regular portare

healthier, ndoften eelhappier, han hose 2)who

/ whosedo littleor no exercise. aremustbe taken,

though, o avoid he injuries 3)when which sport

can sometimes ause.People 4)whose thattavourite

sports re unning r umping,or instance, ay

injureheirankles r knees. raining5)where that

involves oing hesame xercise gain ndagain an

do serious amage, articularlyo athletesn theirearly eens, 6)when which heirbodiesarestill

developing.t is mportant ot o do too much oo

soon.Everyonehouldwarmup' beforehe ybegin

if possiblen the place 7)who where heyar egoing

to exercise.t is essential,oo, o follow anysafety

advice B\when thattheyreceive.

A @ tisten to checkyour answers.

@ Complete he rules with the correctrelative

pronouns, hen answer the questionbelow.

@ Q.ti"tty read this text and answer the questions

I What is the problem?

2 What solutiondoes he speaker ecommend?

Peoplel) ....vthp../^t.....workeryhard,and

individuals 2) lives arebusY

in otherways,maysuffer rom a kind of stress

. can actually damage heir health.

One way (4) theYcan reducestress

levels s to find a time, every daY, 5)

they can relax. They should ind something

they enjoy doing, suchas reading,

in a place (7) they feel comfortable

and unlikely to be disturbed.

@ Completespaces -7 with relative pronouns.

@ {O Listen to checkyour answers.

O look at the text again and decidewhich ofrelative pronouns l-7 we could leaveout.

@ Correctsentences -6 by adding a relative

pronoun, if necessary.wh'icln/llnr't

I The TV series^startsonight s aboutdoctors'

2 People wim h'lot are usually quite fit.

3 Thai road s a placeaccidents re common.

4 Lucy hasrecoveredrom the illnessshehad.

5 The boy tooth hurt went to the dentist.

6 Winter is the time many peoplecatch lu'

O work in pairs. Make as many sentenqesas you

can beginning with these words.

I Going o the dentist s somethingwhich

lriitnlens we. / I- dou''l LiKe.

2 My ioom s the Placewhere ..

3 Watching porton TV is somethinghat .. .

4 Sundays the day when ...

5 A good riend s someone ho ...

6 A luckypersons somebody hose ..







DeftningPslative lauses

Weus€deftning elative lauseso giveessential

inforrnation bout omeoner something


' O twnr.


and )

and )

.. or ime


for geoPle

for things

O) forPossession'

Wecan eave uta gl3fivePronounexcePtvhosdf

it is the objectof the clause:

the4iurieswhch) pofc* "o:lyff

. Which otherrelativepronouns n the text are the

objectof the clauseand couldbe left out?

@ unit

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@ In pairs, look at this example of a non-definingrelative clause and answer questions l-6.

Cycling o school,whiclt is very healtlry, s more and


I What is the relativepronoun?

2 What is the relativeclause?3 What do the commasdo to the relative lause?4 Does he sentencemake sensewithout the relative

clause?5 Can we leaveout the relativepronoun?6 Can we use that to begin a non-defining elative

clause,do you think?

@ n4ate one sentence rom 1-6, using non-defining

relative clauses.

I My arm is betternow. hurt it last week.

My arm, which I kurt !-nst weey, s better uow.

2 My aunt works in the hospital.She'sa doctor.

My aunt,who is ...

3 The lake was very cold. I went there for a swim.

The ake,where ..

4 Ricky s mybest riend.His sister s a nurse.Ricky,whose ..

5 In 2010 he sportscentreopened. was 12 hen.

In 2010, hen .. .

6 Surfing s popular n my country. really enjoy t.

Surfing,which I ...

@ O Defining and non-defining relative clauses canbe difficult for students. Correct one mistake ineach of sentences 1-10 written by PET candidates.

fSometimesthe mistake is with;un"ctuation.)

I Her arm hasa swimmingpool hat we can swim.Or'ller ln o kas n swiwwiaqpoo!-lnnt we L^.14swiro" lt. '

2 I am visiting my motherwho is ill.3 He hasa son, hat s aboutmy age.4 The astbook hat I read t wa s The

Lordof theRings'.

5 I 'vemet a guy,who'sname s Daniel.6 I'm in Brazil, hat s a beautifulcountry.7 That is all what I can tell you.8 Thereare many placesare very beautiful.9 I'll tell everyonewhose know.

l0I have o

goto the airport which it is quite far fromthe city.


(O tvtatctr omments -3 with pictures A-C, thenanswer the questionbelow.

'Doinggymnastics an be hard work, but I want tobe the best.''I

reallyenjoyplayingbasketball it's so ast-moving.''l always ook forward to goingparagliding n thesummer.'

Wouldyou like to do, or watch, anyof thesesports?Wh y [not)?

Fit andhealthv@

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O rook at commentsgo or play - do we

sports n the table.

1-3 again. Which verb - do,

use with each sPort? Write the@ tn pairs, look for patterns for which kinds of

sportsoftengowith which verbs.

@ O PETcandidatesoften find it difficult to put th

right verb and the right sport together'Correct

the mistakes n sentences-6.q0

I erfuse horse iding twice a week.

Youcan makea lot of sportsand activities'In winter you can makesnowboarding.

We havedone able ennis.

At first, we madeaerobics.

We playedwindsurfing.

@ Wittr a partner, note down asmany sportsasyo

can that areplayed n theseplaces.

^ ^ , , . + n i + ^ hu u u r L v y l r l ring stadium track



6@ aaa thesesports o the table.

rathleticsbaseballboxing climbing cycling

football golf ic ehockey jogging runningrskiing squash surfing swimming ennis volleyball

@t ook at the words in the box and decide if they ate clothesor equipment.

Then think about which sports they are used in and complete the mind map as for racket'

bat board boots gloves helmet net ra€ket trainers

@ Completeexpressions -3 by matching the verbs

,beat draw losescole *in l

t . . . . ....he^t..... .. player r eam

2 .. . . . agoal

3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., " o I

from the box with the right nouns.


@ un't

a matchor game

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 82/236


hockey I

Wfrictrof thesewordswould you use o describethe sports n the pictures?

competitive ndvidual non-competitiveeam

Work in pairs.Discusswhich kinds of sportsyouprefer to take part in and why.

nead the text Chooseour sport.Try to fill in gaps1-10without looking at any of optionsA, B, C orD. Use heseclues o helpyou.


Which verb often goeswith the adjective7tr?Which phrasalverbmeansstartdoinga sportor

hobby?Which relativepronouncan we use wJth hings?Which relativepronouncan we use irith people?Which noun do we usefor a number of peoplewhoplay a spoft?Which verb goeswith jogging andswimming?What doesa tennisplayeruse o hit th e ball?Which verb meansdoingbetter tmn atl the otlrcrs?Which noun meanssomethinghat tests ourability?Wheredo people la y ennis?

@ nead the text again and choose he correct word,A, B, C or D, for eachspace.

" " - - , - . 1










Iti iil'




Everyone nows hat exercisesgood (0) 6the bodyand he mind.We al lwant o ( l) . . . . . . . .fit and ook good,but too manyof us ake(2 ) the wrongsportan dquicklyoseinterest.So now fitnessexpertsareadvisingpeople o choosean activity 3)their character.


For instance,hose (4) Iike o be withother people ftenenjoygolfor squash,rplayingor a basketball,ootballor hockey(5) . lf, though,you'rehappieron your

own, you mayprefer o (6) .. ogging rswimming.

Do you ikecompetit ion?hen ry somethinglike unning, r a (7) sportsuchas ennis.lf, on th e other hand, 8) isn't mportantto you, hen activitiesik edancinganbe anenjoyable 9) without the need o showyou'rebetter thaneveryone lse.

Finally,hinkaboutwhetheryou in d t easyto make ourself o exercise.f so ,sports ikeweight raining t homeandcycling re ine. f

not, booka skiing oliday, aekwondoessons,ra tennis 10) . You'remuchmore ikelyodo somethingou've lready aid or !




2 A

3, ,q ,

4 A

5 A6 A

7 A

8 A

9 A

l 0 A






teamn l : r r















B (-fot c

B have C

B down C

B that C

B w h o C

B group CB d o C

B board C

B gaining C

B challenge C

B ring C

D b v

D hold

D u p

D where

D what

D crewD g o

D racket

D knocking

D score

D gym7



Fit and healthl@

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O {fi) Listen and complete these expressions that

show agreement or disagreement.

1 Youmaybe . r tV lnL. . .. . . , u t . . .

2 I 'm not real ly . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .bout hat.

3 Yes, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g ree i th you.

4 I don't hink .. . . . . . because..

5 That 's ot he .. . . . . . . .see t .

6 I don't agreeat

7 That's8 I t h i n ks o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

@ wtrictr of expressions 1-8 do we use to do the

following? Write the numbers in the boxes.

a agree?

b disagree trongly?

c disagreepolitely?

O {@ Listen again. Underline the stressed (s)in eachexpression rom Exercise1.

Yoil wat* be riql,tl, but ,, .u u

@ {Af Listen again and repeat,stressing he same

words as n the recording.

@ In these inal parts of conversations,he speakers

make a decision.Complete he sentenceswith

words from the box.

agreed both glad idea

t*othel thlng what

Yes, hat'sa good(t) . ......iAen.

that, (2 )

Right,we're(3 )

(4) we'll do.

A: OK,we (5) .. .... l ikehe dea.(6) .............. shal lwedo hat?

B: Yes,hat's hebest 7) .... . o do. 'm(8) we agree.

@ @} Listen to the recording to checkyour answers.

O lO Listen again and underline the words which

are stressed.

Exam oduice

It s mportantn Speaking ar t th{ you alk ully

about //the ptions,eforeeaching\agreementith

yourpartner nwhatdecisiono make.


T TTT t ressedword

@ po this SpeakingPart 2 task with a partner.Rea

the instructions, hen think about hese hings:

r whichkind of sportwouldsuityourpersonalityr whichyouwouldenjoymosto whichwouldbe best oryour itness ndhealth

Talk together or at least two minutes.

Your friend ond you would like to stort doing

o sport, but you ore not sure which to choose.

Tolk together obout the different spgrts you

could do ond decidewhich you ore going to

toke up.

Here s o picture with some deos o help you.


d d ? #

Writing Part 3

Q ln writing Part 3 you have o write a story or

a letter.Look at these nstructions and answerquestions1-4.

YourEnglish eacherhasaskedyou to write a story.

Your storymust have he following title:

The most rightening experience f my life

Do you have o write a letter,or a story?

Do the instructionsgiveyou a title, or the first

l ine?Shouldyou write in the first person(1)or the thir

person (he/she/it)?

Which are he key words?


d&ft(f -

o r ,t




ll- , G


?*-&:*1$r #w

A: . . . . .. Let 'sdo

. That's





@ unnt

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 84/236

I Last trlonth went snowboardinqn Canadawith rlvlrrend -uoy,who i9 a ohampionnowboarder / was +eeltnq

nervouswhen we rcaohed the to> beoause t had starftldto snow heavilyand / oouldn't see muoh.

Luoyset o{.+"6t, but bv the ttme I Qollowed he haddigappeared. wert+down laster and asfe( and / thouqht

I 3aw her go o4l to the riqht,so I turned (iqh+,+oo.Eut soon i oarAe o gome'oli++9 nd had o stop I wa'terri$ed. Hadshe goneover the edge?

/ waited andshouted,andsuddenlv uoywag there.t' d gone+hew@ngway bu'tshe'dheardmeoalling ndeventuallyEhe'd ound me. +elt sale at tagt.

@ fne story on this pagehas three paragraphs.Readit and decidewhich paragraph:

a describeshe main events

b sets he scene or the action

c states he writer's feelingsafterwards

d tellsus about he final event

e explainswhat really happened

f introduces he story,sayingwho did what,where and when

n ^ ^ r - ^ - r ^ ^ +

r d S [ u c t t c u t

D pug" 128Grammare{erence'ast erlecr

@ W" use the past perfect when we are already

talking about the past and we want to say

sornething happened earlier. In pairs, look at this

example from the text. Then do questions 1-3.

I was feelingnervouswhen we reaclrcd lrc top because

it had" started to snow heavily.

I Find five moreexamplesof the past perfect n thetext.

2 What is the question orm of the past perfect?

3 What is the short form of the past perfect?

f;tl - l



@W" often use the past perfect to form longer

sentences in stories. Join the sentences using the

words given and the past perfect.

I I sprainedmy ankle.I didn't go for fitness raining.I didn't go to fitness raining because 'd sprniuednU nuK!"e.


2 I walked all the way home. felt tired.

I felt ired because..3 The match started. arrived at the stadium.

By he ime . ..4 I left my trainers at home. couldn't run in the

race.A s . . .5 I decided o get fit. I took up squash.


@ Wittr a partner, look at these instructions

for Writing Part 3. Ask and answer the fourquestions in Exercise l.

Your English eacherhas askedyou to write a story.

Your story must begin with this sentence:

I felt nervouswhen thegamebegan.

Exom advice

Try o usea range f past enseso tellyourstory,includinghe past imple,hepastperfect nd hepast ontinuous.

@ Write your story in about 100words. Use hreeor four paragraphsand include similar points tothose n a-f in Exercise .



Fit and healthl@

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A questionof taste

Starting offQ Work in small groups. Talk about how the types of food and drink

have been organised. Then add three more types of food or drink toeach.

@ Discuss these questions.

What areyour favourite ypesof food and drink?Are there any typesof foodyou don't eat?Which?Why not?

Reading Xlax"{Q Work in pairs. Look at the title of the guide on page 89, the headings

and the pictures. What do you think you will have to do in this

Reading Part 2 task?

@ fne following five groups of people would like to have a meal in arestaurant. Read the descriptions of the people and underline what

the people would like and what they wouldn't like.




:, 3r: ..:l l:i

" , . , - t "

n ! r ! g r - -

:l t::: I, . .'- ",r -+_,_q..-rE

Jasmine nd herclasswant o take heir eacher ut ora

meal n the evening. heir eacherprefers o eat ish.They

would ike o eatsomewhere it h interesting iewsandthat isn't oo expensive.f- l

Jack'sparentswant o celebrateheirsummerwedding

anniversary ith the familynextTuesday. heyhatebeing

with othergroups f people. he amily ormal ly rders

steak,but Jackwould ike o try something ifferent.f__l

Saraand he r riendsate n Sp/der-Man's eblastweek.

Theywould ike o try ano[her haracter estaurant

this Thursday. heyaren'tkeenon fish and can'tafford

anywhere xpensive.f- ]

Jon sstaying i th an Engl ish-speakingriendand his

family. he amilywould ike o take heirvisitor o a

restaurant ith special iewson Sunday. on would prefer

to eat meat ather han ishor vegetarianood.I I

Emelie'samily lways ave unchout on Sundays nd

love oreign ood.On his occasionhey'dprefer o book

somewherehey can eat aloneas a family, ecauseEmelie

leavesSweden or a monthon Monday. |

@ un'' o

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 86/236


Beforeyou read the text, think

about horu the details you have

underlined in the descriptions

of the people might appear in

the text. To help you do this,answer questions l-5 below,

without reading the text.

I Jasmines looking or arestaurant hat lsn't fooexpensive nd Saracan't affordarrywhere xpensive.WhaIwordsdo you expect o read nthe description f their mostsuitable estaurant?

2 Jack's amily hate beingwith

otherBroups f peoplen arestaurant nd Emelie'samilywant to eat aloneas a family.Canyou think of a solution orthem?

3 Saraand her friends wouldlike to Iry anothercharacterrestaurant.Canyou thinkof another wo possiblecharacters or a restaurant?

4 Jon'sEnglish-speakingamilyan dJasmine's lass re ooking

for a restaurantwith views.Doyou think a restaurantn thebasement r insidea shoppingcentrewill have specialorirttgl_estingiews?

5 Emelie's amily love foreignfood.Whereare hey from?

nead the text and decide which

restaurant (A-H) would be the

most suitable for each group ofpeople (l-5).

of ice:Enjoyour Swedish ish

disheswith a cup of hot soup.

Open n winteronly.Reserve ur

smaller ooms or private arties.

Dress armly!it:a,hiding Lace

forspies. ou't[need he passwordo ge t nto

our arge ining oomwhere ouwi[[shareong ableswith other

spies. easonabtericesor a

range f chicken, eator ish


B IJtrJ.ts"" Restaurant

LocateJ 5-.rnJ". th" sea, l r"

LltrJers.. Restaurant is th" -orlJ's

only aquarium restaurant -h"r" yo.t

utJ on. other guests .n , " " l i {".rnJ"t th" o""un {.o- yo.rr chuir.

Enjoy ou r sp"cial

rangeo{ {resL

{,r,rd{.o- th" r"al

C"l"t.ut" our {irst

anniversarywit l


Not op.n {or

lrn"L on MotrJuy.

G lhe Ninja Castle


the world

of the ninja

warrior in our


which has

been designedas a ninja castle.

It's conveniently located inside

the shopping centre with private

rooms for small groups. Not

cheapbut you can enjoy Japanese

fish or meat dishes. Closed all day


D The lce Room

Situated n the basement of the

Winter Palace, he lce Room is

a very special estaurant. he

tables, ha irs nd wal lsare made


E Food fdiall,l.'

Thedining room is arranged

aroundan openkitchenso you

canchat o the manyguests nd

watch our chefsas hry Prepareavarietyofvegetarian ishes.

There's o list of prices,ust pay{' '",

what you can.And if you findyo\

don't haveenoughmoney,you ' ''

canwashup. ClosedThursdays.

F Floor10 0Enjoy amazing sunsets over the city

from the 100th floor at the top ofthe

Star Building as world-famous chef,

Marco Louis,prepares ood for all

tastes.We have wo privatedining

rooms for small groups. At

Floor 100, expect top food for top

prices! Open Monday to Saturday.

G LighrsOff

At LighlsOff, yo u ond our other

guests it n o completelyblock /,dining roomwhere you ore guided

ond servedby blind ndividuqls

who hqve been speciolly roine d,

to servemeols n the dork. Your\

three-course enu ncludes

storter, ishor vegelqriqnmoin

courseqnd q dessert.Price onge!


HThe Enorrnous Sieak

Youare he chet t, he En o r m o u e

9t e ak in vlar hesW ldlife ?ark.

Choosesteak nd ookityourselfnthe

hugendo r grill.Youdon'thaveo worry

ab ul heweaLhero enjoyhisbarb cue

or o wa'f,chheanimalsrom ,hewindows.

Exp nsivbut,e ommed d.

A questionoftaste@

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*ffi prgu 128Grammareference:ommands

O (z) In ReadingPart2, you read aboutsomeunusual

restaurants. isten o three short recordings. n each

recording,a waiter is giving instructions o some

guests.Where s the waiter?Write 1,2 or 3 next tothe correct restaurantA-H.

A TopSecret tr E Food or all

B Underseaestaurant | F Floor100TTTT

Vocabularyeourse, disfl, aad,rncsl and Piar€

OO PETcandidates ftenmakemistakeswith

the words course,dish, ood, meol and' late.

Read heseextractsfrom the CombridgeLeotner's


lk:ltslnoun [C]a part of a meal:a three-course inner


ld{l noun [C] foo<t that is preparecl in a particular way as part of a

meal: a cbicken/ueget(tian disbC The Ninja Castle

D The Ice Room

c Lights Off

H The EnormousSteak

@ (\Listen to the recordings again. Complete he

waiters' instructions 1-5 with a verb, then answer

the questions that follow.

t ....?1,tt...n thesegloves.

2 Children .. the walls Please!3 .. . . . . . . . . .. . your riendswith you next ime.

4 But .Yourenemies.

5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . your steak o thebarbecue.

6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thegr i l l !

r What form of the verb do we usewhen we tell

someonea what to do

b what not to do?. Does he form of the verb changewhen we talk

to more ha n onePerson?

@ Work in small groups. Imagine you are waiters

at Lights Off. Remember that your guests eat in a

dark dining room and can't see anything. Write six

instructions to guide them.

Lowe,iu n*^A,n,ltnis door.Dou'l worrytx'I!-Vuide



@ Changegroups.Taketurns to give your instructions

to eachother. Keepyour eyesshut when you are the


l futd] noun [C ,U] something that people and animals ea t to

them alive: His fauourite food is pizza

lmr;\ noun [C] when you eat, or the food that you eat at thal

time: a three-course meal

keep/ '

/ t l-J*"

lpletllnoun[C] a flat, roun<t obiect which is used fbr putting food

on:aplateofbiscuits.* "."-. """ --*"'*'J

Q Aticia wrote a letter to her friend, Lee, about the

food in her country. Complete Alicia's letter using

courses, dish, food, meals and'plate.


l'm romQulto,

orc mony ifferenlypeeof

(1) tBp.d-............n

Ecuador for example: eaf,

frsh, egetables,tc.We eal


o doy:breokfaei,unch nd

dinner.n hemorning,Ymum

often eoves lfferent okeE

or breod no (3) .........n he oble'Lunch nd

dlnnerreusuolly littleheovierhanbreokfost.unchs hree

(4) ...............:sforfer, hichsoflen ou7, moin

course nd favourife5)'Fonesco',whichs o leh soup, flenmode ithcod.


@ unno

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ListeningPart I

Q Uow much do you rememberabout Listening Partl? Circle the correct option initalics in sentences1-5 in the Exam round-upbox.

hmm rourLd-up

InListeningart :I Thereare ive @questions.

2 Youmust ead achquestionarefullynd ookatthe three fouraccompanyingictures.

3 You isten o a short longrecordingor eachquestionndputa tick /J in heboxunder hecorrect icture.

4 Youwill isteno each ecording nce twice.

5 The irst imeyouhear he recordin,don'twriteanything try to tick(,/) the correctbox.Then,

asyou istenor hesecondime, heck ouranswer.

@ Work in pairs. Read his first question

from ListeningPart I and look at the three

accompanying ictures.

hat did Jamie

@ Wtrat do we know about Jamie'sshopping rip?Completehesesentences.

r Weknow hatJamie uysa (D ..ttbe p4.*ste....nda (2 )(Pictures, B andC) .

. Wedon'tknow f Jamie uysa (3)(Picture ) or a (4) (PictureC) orq:1!.. of them Picture ).

@ {?) Listen to the first part of the recording andput a tick (/) next to the correct picture.

@ {?) Listen o the secondpart of the recording. syour answer still correct?

@ Work in pairs.Read he restof the questions romListeningPart 1. Underline he key words n thequestions,hen look at the accompanying icturesand think aboutwhat informationvou will need

to listen for.

2 What will they take


3 What time

7 Where hasthe motherbeen?

{F}-{lr) Listen to each recording twice and choosethe correctpicture by putting a tick (/) in thebox below t.


is theboy's ppoi


l w


5 What is the freegift today?

- - - -- -: -EeE

- KWrWry MTtr

-J-- -

.@w,@ w L6 What is nearest o Rick'sDiner?


to the party?

Aquest ionoftaste@

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VocabularyShopsand servi l :e$

Q Read his extract from the Cambrid"geearner'sDictionory and answer the questionbelow.

[heedrese]ounlCl 1 someone hose ob s ro wash. Icut,colouret cpeople'stair 2 hairdresser,s he placewhereyou go i

.to hayeyour hair

washed,cut, colouredetc. J..*.--'-.-'.--..,-"-. *.^*d

r Canweusean apostrophe['s)withbothpeopleandplaces f work?

@ Work in small groups.Labeleachpicture l-gwith the correctword from the box.

GrammarHaresomething *ne


. -a





'j'i\frf f i ;\ -^.'tr,


,t, i;: l:.,,. ' lirlr,-sali:L

@ Wnicfr of the words l-g in Exercise2 can alsoadd 3 when used for the place?

@ In which place from Exercise2 can you do thesethings? (More than one answer is sometimespossible.)

I make an appointment2 brty something3 borrowsomething

4 booksomething5 havesomething epaired6 complainand ask or your moneyback

O {ii) Listen to three short conversations and writedown where the people have been.

I . . . . 2 . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .

O (1i} Listen to each conversation again. In smallgroups discuss what you think Layla, Lewis andCallum should do next.

,My cousin Vinnie

He neverhashis hair cut.

He hashis mealscookedfo r him.

He'scleaning is nailswith a fork.

He had his flat cleanedlastyear.

Hehad hi s ca rwashedthreeyearsago.

My neighbour Ginny

Shehasher hair cut every

threeweeks.Shealwayscooksher ownmeals.

She's avinghernai lsdone oday.

Shecleanedher flat beforelunch.

Shewashed er scooterthis morning.

dentist dr ycleaner garagelibrary postoffice travel gent




: '#P''r:&


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&ug" 128 Grammar reference. Have somethrne oone

$ Work in pairs. Look at these extracts from therecording and the rules about have somethingdone.

Layla: I normally havemy hair cut at Gabrielle's.Lewis: We'rehaving the scooter epaired.Vicki: We had this dresscleanedast week.


When e alkabout naction omebodyoes or us,

vr/e6n usehqve onet'hingone. orexample:

Layla oes ofcut' erownhair,hehashfutcuf.


possible,utusuallyn nformalituationsnly.

@ Read this extract from the Cambrid"geLeorner'sDictionory and the sentencesabout Vinnie andGinny, then answer this question.

r Who is the slob?


$g[slnb]noun lCl nformal a azyor dirty person

@ unno

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@ Use he sentences rom Exercise2 to complete he table.

Here are somemore situations where peoplehave somethingdone.Look at the illustrations

and write a sentencewith the words given. Checkyou have used the correct form of theverb have by looking at the time adverb (now, two weeksogo, etc.).


I Sophie trair / cut / at the momentSophie s h"avi+wner lnair cul nl ll,te wowettt

2 I / blke / repaif / two weeks ago

3 John bedroom paint now

@ work in small groups.Ask andthings peopledo for you.

4 We / photo/ take / oncea year

5 Our grandma hair / colour every hree weeks

6 I can't sendan emailbecause e / our computer

mend / at the moment

answer questions about the

How often do you

When did you last


your photo aken?

your hair cut?

your teethchecked?

your computermended?

your bedroompainted?

BO Yof 11has

been old he can't

go to school after

he had his hair cul Jack./

Blenkharn'smirm, Carol,

paid fl20 for Jack o have his

headdecoratedwith the Nike

logo, eight stripesand a star.

The teachersat SaleHigh School

haveorderedJack o go home.He will

only be allowedback at schoolwhen Jack

hashis head shavedagain.Mrs Blenkharn

said:To send an 1l-year-old boy home

because f his hair is crazy. Someof the

girls at the schoolhavepink hair and some

of the teachershave heir hair coloured

regularlyas well.'DaveWilliams, he

hairdresser, aysStyleslike this are very

popular,especiallyas a lot of footballers

have heir hair shaved ike this.'

Adapted from MunchesterEuening News

llow o*let do you tnnveTaur

lnair euf?

I k*ve wy nair eul eveiy siX weaKs.

@ nead this short article about Jack Blenkharn and underline five

examplesof havesomethingdone.

@ Work in pairs. Read he extract from the Combridge eorner'sDictionary and discuss his question.

r Do you think Jackand his mum havegood aste?Why (not)?

Itetstl noun [U] the ability to judge what is attractive or suitable. j

especially in things related to art, style, beautl', etc. j

A questionof taste (sA

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Speaking XlartS

O {A Listen to three short conversations.Ekaterina, MateosandRubenare stayingwith English-speakingamilies. Circle heeverydayobjects hey ask for.

O Work in pairs. Take turns to describeone of the objects n thepictures using expressionsrom the table.Canyour partner guess

which objectyou are describing?

@ Answer the questions n the Exam round-up box.

Exom round-ap

Howmuch oyou ememberboutSpeakingart ?Are he ollowing

sentencesrueor alse?fyou hinka sentences alse, ritewhat ou

think s correct.

1 Theexamineril laskyou o talkonyourownabout colour

photographorabout minute.2 lt'sa good dea o imagineouaredescribinghepictureo someone

whocan't ee t.

3 Youshould escribeheplaces, eather,eople,verydaybjects, tc.

4 Youshould lso alkabout ow hepeople re eeling, hy heyare

doingheactivitiesndwhat heymight oafterwards.

\ 5 lf youdon't now heword or an object,oushould oint t t.d

@ {Al Listen to Natal ie describingone of these hreephotos.

Which photo is she describing

@ rrut a tick (/) next to the

things Natalie describes.I the place

2 the weather3 what the peoplear edoing

4 what hepeople rewearing

5 everydayobjects

@ Work in pairs. Take turns

to describe one of the other

photos. Listen to your partner

and put a tick (/) next to the

things your partner describes

What is it used for?hat is it made of?

It'sa kind of ...

It's something ike

It 's madeof .. .


It's used or ... ng

@ un,,o

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Writing Far&2Q treforedoing Writing Part 2, answer the questions

in the Exam round-upbox.

Exom ound-up

Howmuch oyou ememberboutWritin Part ?

Completeentencesl-7with hewords ndphrasesfrom he box.

between connect included ooen nd losespelling three uaderline

I Read he question arefullyand .importantpoints.

2 Make sureyou nclude he . .... ....your answer.


points n

3. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . your deaswith words ikeand,because,which, etc.

4 Watchyour punctuationand

5 Write . . . . . . . .35nd45 words.

6 Makesureyou .........our answer n asuitableway (e.g.Hl, and Bestwishes,).

7 Read our answeronemoretime and check hat you

@ Work in small groups.Look at the followingthree Writing Part 2 questionsand underline theimportant information in each.


Youaregoing o havepizza ithyourclass ocelebrateheendof theyearbutyouhave orgottento askRyano comeoo.

Write nemailtoRyan.nyour mail,oushould. apologiseor he ate nvitation. inviteRyan. explain here ouaregoingo eat.

Write 5-45words.2

Yo{ plan o go o a shoppingentrena nearby it yduringheschool olidays.

Write nemailoyour riend aula.nyour mail,youshould. invite er o gowithyou

. explain hyyouwant o go here

. suggest placeo meet.

Write 5-45words.

You tayed tyourcousin's ome ver heweekendandyou'veus t ealisedou ef tsomethingehind.

Write nemailto lex.nyour mail,oushould. thank im. describe hatyou ef tbehind.

suggest owyou


heobject ack.Write 5-45words.

@ Remember n Writing Part 2 you may have othank someonqexplain, inuite, apologise rsuggest. or questions -5, complete he secondsentence o hat it means he sameas he first. Becareful with verb forms.

inviteyou inV{e you

I want to have my haircut. That's why I'd like to

\go to the shoppingcentre.I'd like to go to the shoppingcentre

. ....Iwant to havemy hair cut.How about coming oo?We'll havea great ime.Wouldyo u ike .........oo?We'l l haveagreat ime.

4 Why don't we meet outside he station?Let 's.. . . . . . . . . . . . . outsidehe stat ion.

5 It was very kind of you to invite me to stay. had a-lot of fun.Thankyou very much or .........e tostay. had a lot of fun.

@ Underline the words in Exercise 3 which are used

to thonk someone, exploin, invite, apologise and


@ Chooseone ofthe Writing Part2 questions arid

write your answer. When you have finished,

make sure you can answer yes to these fivequestions.

'l Haveyo u ncludedall threepoints?2 Haveyou connected our ideaswith and, but, etc.?3 Haveyou checked or mistakeswith spelling or

punctuation?4 Haveyou openedand closed he email?5 Haveyou written 35-45 words?

@ Work in small groups. Read each other's emails.

Can you answer yes to the five questions above?

I I'm very sorry hat I forgot of.m r*ry f" ..lo-rVsi1;oUbefore.

A questionftaste@

.... l l threepoints,written to the

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Unit Voco"bulorynd grnmmclr eview


{p naatctrhesebeginnings(r-6) and endings(a-f),

then add relative pronouns from the box to form


that wheff when where who whose


@Circle the correct option in italics in each of these


1 Skiershave to wear good@FE / boots trainers

to keep heir handswarm.

2 Last week I was coughingand I had a really hurt /sore injured hroat.

3 In lastnight's ootballmatch,Brazllwon beat

drew Ihe United States -0.

4 I'd cut my arm quitebadly, so the medtcine

nurse patient at the hospitalput a bandageon it.

5 Nowadays,many people ake have havegot an

inject iono stop hemcatchinglu. \

6 I waspractisinghitting the ball with a'baseballracket /ba t /board .

7 Lydia is good at ogging / gymnastics athletics,

particularlythe long ump and 100metres.

8 If I have a headache, usually take a medicinepiII / treatmenfwith a glassof water.

9 After I fell off my bike, I had a big black bruise

flu / disease n my leg.

l0 The two boxerswalked nto the ring / pitctt /courr,both hoping o becomeWorld Champion.







d took placewere exciting.

e husbands very l l .

f peoplecatch lu.

home,ut ssoon shearrivede 11 )


thatn hepast(13)

strongerlayershan im, nd (14)......

surehat could in.

Suddenly,hough,(15). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s l ip)

on hewet rassnd 16) ..........fall),

| (17) ..........know)mmediatelyha t

(18) (twist) yankle uite adly,o hat

wa she nd f he ame,(19) .........go)o


(not roke)t.Butafterhat never21)

(wear) y'lucky'rainersgainl





Su+tdnt is llt"e day wt*ett X reb* nt h,owe.U U

Sunday s the day -, a cut his hand.

All the races\

b tennis s played.

Winter is the time \ c I relax at home.

James s the boy

A court s a place

That's he woman

@ f,ut the words in the correct order, starting with

the word that has a capital letter. Add commas to

form non-defining relative clauses.

I a swimming champion is / Zara only 14

is / wh o Znra,wlno s oultX14 , s R swtwnit7


2 we play tennis / the weather good In summer

when / is

3 won / the bestplayerof .al l / was / whose

Stevie team

4 we live / a lot of pollution / is / where In the citycentre there

5 betternow / who / My brother an accident is

feeling had

6 a team sport on a court / which / is /Volleyball is played

@ Complete the text using the past simple or the

past perfect of the verbs in brackets.

My irst tennismatch

At en 'clockast aturdayorning,(1) )

readyoplaymy irst ealmatcht he ennis lub,(2) (practise)ll hepreviouseek nd

I really3) .. .....feel) ood,speciallys

(4) (bring) y uckyrainers.

When(5) (put)hem n, walkednto

the ourt.noticedhat hegrass6) (be)

very et, s t (7 ) .........rain) ot henight

before,ut hat 8) .. t eem)mportant.

Jack,heother layer,9) (be) ittle

late ecausee 10)........... (leave)is ackett


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10 Voco"bulorynd grnmmorreview


restaurant. ou should to your

@ Complete these sentences using the correct formof hove something done.lJse the correct tense and

an obiect, as in the example (lis car).

I My uncledidn't have ime to wash his carbefore

my cousin'swedding, sohe,is.a!:..4/nsl+e.d.

at the garage.

2 My sister ried to cut her own hair but it looked

terr ible. ow she ... . . . . . . . .. . . t he


3 I wanted o havea nice photofor my passpqrt

so .. . . . . . . .. . . .by a professional


4 We live on the ninth floor and we can't clean hewindows ourselves ecauset's dangerous.Once

Complete entences-5 with a suitableverb, henanswer the questionbelow.

I Youshould....*uKe/ appointmento seethedentistf youhave oothache.

2 If youarenothappywith somethingn a


3 If you are organisinga meal or a groupof friends,

you should emembero.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a table n

the restaurant.

4 Youdon't need o buy books,you can

s v"" iri;;;; ,"ll'"Tut;T"il,"l'l:Tl;"'."owo.brokenhingsyourself.

o Doyouagreewith this advice?

Wei s a student rom China.He has written a

letter to his English-speakingriend, Freddy,

about estaurants.Correctnine more mistakes n

the letter. Then write a suitablereply.

\nr treddv,YeCetve

Iwaspfeasedoreciwdvouretter,laYaeallYinterestingn resturants.ounow'rnChinese

and likeChineseood. hineseood reveryirrd.

My avouriteoodschickennd llkind f chicken

food.thirrk hickerrrequile00dna Chinese

restauranthatswhatny think. hopeou doy

withyour nealnexlaturday.lnsewritearrdell




a m o n t h , e . . . . . . . .

window cleaner.

5 When the car brokedown, my dad tried to repair t

but he couldn't. n the end he

at the garage.

6 When I was a baby drew al l overmy bedroom

walls.My parentswere both working and

couldn'tpaint the walls themselves. o hey

... . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . / . . . . by a painter.

@ Here are some sentences aboutBella's party.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the

same as the first, asing no more tlwn tltee uords,

I The hairdresser ut my hair before went to thei


1....h^d-..W..hnj.r....ut before went to the party.

2 When t gJt to the party,Bella old me to put my

coat n her bedroom.When I got to the party,Bellasaid,

vour coat n mYbedroom!'

I stayeduntil the party finished.

I. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .eave nt i l theparty inished.

I really enjoyedBella'sparty.

L . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . .rea l l y ood imeat Be l la 's


You shouldgo to her next party.

If I wereyou, ............ go o her nextparty.

. . b y a

unit o @

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Gonserving ature


Q Wtrat do you know aboutwildlife is it famous or?

@ In which continents, countries or parts of the

world do these creatures live naturally?

@ fnint of two more statements about animals and

ask your group if they are true or false.

Snakes re completelydeaf. a

Starting offQ Work in small groups. Match the animals in

itolics with pictures A-H, then decide whether

statements l-8 are true (T) or false (F).

I Tigers an swim very well.-f

2 Polarbearsare eft-handed.

3 Kangoroos an't walk backwards.4 Ostriches ury their heads n sand.

S Lionssleepup to 20 hours a day.6 Eleplnnts are afraid of mice.7 Bats can't seeanything.

8 Bears anru n as as tas horses.


India? What kinds of

@ BeforedoingListeningPart 2, answer hequestions n the Examround-up box.

Exam round-up

Howmuch oyou ememberbout isteningart

2?Completehe ollowingnformationith hese

words ndphrases.

instruetiens key kind oneor wo ownsecond similar six three twice

BeginListening art2 by studyinghe

(1) ... inst.ructiBns...toet an ideaof the topic.

There i l lbe 2J.... ... speakersnd ou

wil lhear he ecording3) .. ........ . There

are 4)... ... .questionsr unfinished

statementsndyoumust hoose neof(5 ) possiblenswers.eforehe

recordingsplayed,ookat each uestionnd ldecide ha t 6) . ...of nformations I

needed.lsounderl inehe 7) /wordsn hequestionr unfinishedtatementgfd

options , BandC.Then istenor expressionsith

tg) or oPPosite eaningso these.

Try o thinkof your g) answeror

each uestion,hendecide hich ptionsmost

like t.Check ouranswershe (10)

timevou isten.


@ un', t

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 96/236

@ Stuayquestions -6 for Listening Part 2 below.For eachquestionor unfinished statement,underline he key word(s).Then do the same oreac\of options A, B and C.

@ {AI Follow the exam instructions. Listen forexpressions ith similar or oppositemeanings othe words you underlined to help you chooseyour


Youwill hear youngwoman alled ucytalking bout er rip o lndiao seewildlife.

Foreach uestion uta tickU) in hecorrectbox.

I WhatdoesLucy ayabout hehotel?

AE Thebedwasveryuncomfortable.

BL__l Her oomhada wonderfuliew.

C I lt wasa longway rom hepark.

Theguide newwhere he igerwasbecause

Afl hehadseen t from hecar.-

BL__lanother uidewaswatchingt.

CL__lother nimalsadnoticedt.

Lucy oton heelephantycl imbing

AI upa ladder.

BL__l a nearbyree.

C | onto hecar.

4 Whenhey irstsaw he iger,t was

Conserving ature@

Al I resting ftera meal.

sleepingn heground.

lookingor ood.

Lucy eltsafebecausehebelievedhat

AE tigersn ndia ever ttack umans.


L__lhe igerwouldnotattackheelephant.

C | this igerwas ooold o bedangerous.

6The ourists ereallowedo

AI getou tof hecar.

BL_l feed he monkeys.

C l photographhe iger.

Vocabulary$uffiNes: -izn, *&t18fi, ,"ientr

O t ook at these nouns in itolics from the recording

and answer the questions.

.. . as he advertisementaid ..

... after some reparations..

. . . n o u rd i r e c t i o n . . .

I What is the verb form of eachnoun?2 Which suffix doeseachnoun have?Which noun is


3 Which noun drops he letter e' from the verbform?Why?

@ Work in pairs. Write the noun forms of the verbs

in the box and then put them into t\ee groups

with the endings -ment, -ttion or -iori. Be careful

with any spelling changes.

adnfrire announce attract celebrate collectcomplete confirm connect create develop

rdisappoint discuss educate enjoy entertain

lexamine excite improve inform invent

: nvite move pollute prevent protect :

r elax replace reserve translate


@ Underline the stressedsyllable n all the nounsyou wrote in Exercise , then decide f you canseeany patterns.

ndwirilriou a,n+ol^+rceweqf

@ Complete he newspaperstory on page100withthe noun form of theseverbs.

, attract celebrate connect direct disappointinfurrft invent invite move translate

O det Listen to the recording to check your answersto Exercise4.

@ tG) Listen to the answersand repeat hem withthe correct word stress.


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Scientists use rubber ducksin Arctic experimentNASA cientists reaiming o get useful

(l ) .... i#srwqtjp:n....boutglobalwarmin from

their atest 2) . : Arctic ubber

ducks.They haveput 90 of the toys nto holes n

a Greenlandlacier, hugemass f ice m-ovingn

the (:) . . . . . . . . . . . of thesea. heyhope hat

icebergs ndpieces f ice with the ducks nsidewill

meltand henbe foundby localpeople. hiswill

tell the scientists ot about the (+)

of thisglacier, hy this s faster n summer, nd ts

(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with globalwarming. ach uckhas

the wordsscienceexperiment' nd

reward'on t, with .

a (6) into two other

is alsoan emailaddressndan (z) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o

write to NASA.So ar, o the (8) . ..... f the

scientists, obodyhasemailed.ut theybelievehe

(9) .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . of a big reward i l l br ing esults.

So , fyou find a NASA ubberduckon a beach earyou,

it couldbe a causeor (10)

GrammarThepasslve:resent ndpa$t imple

# pug* 128GrammareferenceThepassive.resent ndpast mpte

O Wittr a partner, look at sentencesA-D and

answer questions l-6.

A Tigersvery rarelyattack people.

B Peopleare very rarelyattackedby tigers.

C The guidesallowed the tourists o takephotos'

D The touristswere allowed to takephotos'

I Which two sentences re activeand which two are


.2 Which tw o sentencesescribe n event n the


3 Whichtwo sentences se a form of beand the past

participle ol the verb-r

4 What s the subject ndwhat s the object n A?

How is B different?5 What s the subject nd what s the object n C?

How is D different?

6 What information s in sentenceC, but not in

sentence ?

@ Now decide which of these rules describe active

sentencesand which describe passivesentences.

Write 'A for active or 'P' for passive next to rules

l-5 on the right.








, W"off"n see his nformaltexts e'g'newspaper

rePorts,extbooks' tc P

2 Weuse his a ot whenwearesPeaking'r writing


3 Weuse his wh€nweare norenterestedn theacfion

fhanwho rwhat id t

+Weuse his whenwesaywhoor whatdid he acflon'

5 Wecan addy+noun f tis imPortanttoaywno

"i-ntt r,, ,t uut " oiten eavehisout'

@ Completesentences -6 using the words in

brackets and the correctnassive{orm of the

present simple or the PastsimPle.

I The mountain oad ts *qtf ysed . (not use) n


2 When was!,nt+d tsaayelsl . (the sland/


3 Sometimes.irds

as high asaeroplanes.

4 Theyoungzebra .. . . . . . .

hungry lion, but it escaped.

5 W h a t i m e . . . . . . .

feed) oday?

6 The shark ....


(not / notice)until it was very close o the boat.

@ O In the passive,we normally use the 'weak'

forms of the words are, was and were. Listen and

practise saying sentences1-3.

/e/I Thesedr he SpringGardens'.

/wa/2 The flowersuereplanted n March.

/wez/3 The grassuas cut in April and May.

(see) lying

(chase) y a

@ unn t

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 98/236

@ Rewrite these sentences o make them passive.Do

not use by in any of the sentences.

I They catch a lot of fish here.A !"ol ol {isk n t cnuTb't here.

2 People aw wo giraffeK ea r he trees.3 Somebodywrote a poemabout his waterfall.4 They grow rice n the eastof the country.

5 Onesmall cloudhid the moon.6 They don't allow cars n the National Park.7 Firepartly destroyedhe forest.8 Nobody old us about he crocodiles n the river.

O {O Listen to the recording to check your answers.

Then repeat the sentences,paying special

attention to the pronunciation of ore, was and.


ReadingFart 4

Q Read his essaywritten by a Geography tudentand match meaningsa-h with underlinedexpressions-8.

fuel hat s used n cars

vehiclesused by everyone

things that are thrown awayusing esselectricity, as,etc.

changes n the Earth'sweather

big containerwhereempty bottlesareput

power from the sun

using materialsagain







Thewholeworld eels he effectsof 0) clnatg-ch4lg9,so we all needo do whot we

aan+oprevenf hingsgetting Worse.The ise in fempgralures s partly causedby fhe

use of coaland 2) pefrol,so (3) enerav onservafions important.We cdn do fhis, or

insfance, y using 4) publicronsport nsleadof thg gqq, eepinghe healing11rn9d

down,andmaking ure he lighfsare switched ff whenwego ouf.(5) ReeypJkg,oo,

is essenfial, o glossconfdinershould e taken o +he 6) bottle bank,oldnewspapers

andmagazinesollecfed, nddifferentkindsof (7) rubbish lacedn separafebags.We

cdndlEohelpby using esswaler around he house, nd parftcularlyn sunny ounlries

- ueing8) solar enelw to heaf our wafer. losf of theseare quilesmall hings,buf if

everyone oes hen, theymightmokea dlfference!








Conservingnature @

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 99/236

9 Q,ti"t ty read the text lnternationol Climate

Champions and answer Question 1 (on the right)


@ nead the second paragraph of the text again and

think of a possible answer to Question 2. Then

find the underlined words that share ideas with

each optionA-D, and write A, B, C or D next to

each. Then answer these questions.

o Which option s correct?. why are the otherswrong?

@ nead the third and fourth paragraphs and

underline the words that match each option

A-D in Questions 3 and 4. Then decide which is


@ quictty read the whole text again and decide

your answer for Question 5. Why are the other

options wrong?

Exam ound-up

WhatdoyouknowaboutReading art ?Answer

these uestions.

I DoesQuestion alwaysocuson hewriter's


2 DoQuestions,3 and4 usuallyocus n act,or on

opinion ndattitude?

3 DoesQuestion normallyocus ndetail, r on he

general eaning?4 Should oubegin yreading uicklyhroughhe

text,or hequestions?

5 ls t best o thinkof yourownanswero eachquestion efore ou ookat options -D?

6 ForQuestions-4,is he nformationouneed

foreach nswer suallyn oneparagraph,r n

different artsof the ext?

What is the writer's main purpose n this text?

A to give detailsabouthow to becomea Climate

ChampionB to explainwhy the Earth'sclimate s changing

so quickly

c to saywhat somepeopleare doing about


What does renesay about he sea?

A The water near he island s now dirty.

B Many types of fish have disappeared.

C There s oil and gasunder the water.

D It can providepower for the island.

What doesDing believeaboutclimatechange?

A It is certain o getmuchworse. ---,-----\

B Air pollution doesnot cause t.

C It is wrong to blame China for it.

D It is causedonly by rich countries.

Sophia hinks that youngpeopleshould

A publishtheir own newspapers.

B changeolderpeople's abits.

C follow the exampleof their parents.

D avoid alking aboutpolitics.

What would oneof theseClimateChampionsrdy

to a friend? 7..---...

A It's greatbeing a Champion! 'm the or/y

one rom our country,but we all waDt'todo

somethingaboutclimatechange.B I've madespeechesboutclimatechange nd-

met Champions rom the 12 other countries.

I've evenbeen o a meeting n Japan!

C We are the Champions!Thereare already hree

of us from every country in the world, and we

have a lot to sayaboutclimatechange.

D I work with other Champions,elling the world

about he dangersof climatechange.Someof

us are teenagers, ut people eally isten to us!

@ Work in small groups and answer these

questions.o Would you like to be a ClimateChampion?

Why (not)?r Do you agreewith Sophia hat teenagers an

changeolderpeople'sattitudes?f you agree in

what wayscan they be changed?

@ un" 't

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 100/236

lnternational ClimateChampionsThe International l imateChampionslCC)

projectbegann gives oungpeopleof

school gea chanceo speak ublicly n climate

change nd o encourage ction o reduce ts

effects.Each ountry nvolved elects hree

teenagerso be ClimateChampions, ho take

part n localand nternationalctivities.

ClimateChampionreneSannaives n the ltalian

island f Sardinia.rene s nterestedn solar

energy, ndalsobelieveshat Sardiniahould(l ) . . . . . . . . .se he waves roundtscoast o

oroduce lectricitv. hatwould educe 2) .

the need o imDortoil andsa s or lishtins. eatinp

andcooking.Energyconservations our future.

We must makeplanso save 3) our coast.

whichstillhasno pollution.We mustprotect he

(4) ... .animals. irdsand ish n daneerromglobalwarming.And we must recycle.'

Chinese tudentDingYinghans he Beijing

ClimateChampion. ing eels t isunfair o say

that us tone country hi sow n- is causinglimate

change. e sayshe air pollutionhat eadso

globalwarmingcomes rom manypartsof the

world, ncluding oorercountrieshat areno w

growingmore quickly.He believeshe only way o

prevent he situationgettingevenworse sfor rich

andpoor countries o work together.

Arrowhead,California,sa USChampion. he's

against oungpeople's eneral ackof interest

in politics nd eels he yneed o discusshe

problemshat reallymatter o their generation.

Shehaswritten about he need or actionon

world povertyand her articleshavebeenpublished

in her ocalnewspaper.ophia trongly elieves

that climate hanges an mportant ssueor her

generation. or her,changesn the way eenagers

behave re an mportantwayof influencing hoices

that are madeby parents.

In 2008, he ClimateChampionsttended

the lnternational onference f Environment

Ministersn theJapaneseity of Kobe.At present,

l3 countries re nvolvedn the lCC, andmore

countries reexpectedo join soon.

Sophia ngelis, uniorstudentn Lake


*ffi pug"129Grammareference.adverbs

To comparehow things are done at different times, or

how they are doneby someone r somethingelse,we

use a comperativeor superlativeadverb.

O Wittr a partner, study examplesa-d, then answer

questions -5.

f f t f r " I f { ' f t I t f*& & & a && & i ,& & & a & l '&a cohhlries 4re how gvowirtg u,rorequic\<ly

b fhese bhses qse et\eygy r,,ro"eeP$ciertly fhart the

ol)t o\es )\\),

c lhe ortly wary fo pyeve* fhe sithatio\ gelfirrg even

wovse fhatr,r i}. iS atlreatly

d o€ arll fhe lighf bqlbs, fhis orre shiqes r,rost bvghfly


Compa ative nd su e lativeUnderline hree examplesof comparative dverbsand one exampleof a superlative dverb.How do we usually form comparative dverbs?Which comparative dverb n a-d doesn't ollowthis rule?

.4 When we compare wo actions,which word

normally follows he adverb?5 How do we usually form superlative dverbs?

@ In small groups, complete the table.


were0l ietb6. t we) .ws t ..e-Y:+14,Lk

0/ , . i 'lThel w1s{ e^stf1t





Conservingnature @

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@ Complete sentences 1-6 using the comparative or

superlative adverb form of the words in brackets.

I To savepetrol, peopleshoulddrive


2 Young eople reworking he... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .to stopglobalwarming. (hard)

3 Youcanbuy ood... . .. . . in smal l

shops han in supermarkets. cheap)

4 Of all the fuelswe use.coalpollutes he air th e

. (bad)

5 Wind powermakeselectricitythan oil or gas. clean)

6 Because f climatechange,t now rains

/-than it used o. (heavy)

@ worMn pairs. Do you agree with statements 1-6

in Exercise 3?Discussyour opinions with your



@' '*Q Wittr a partner, look at the people in pictures A

and B and discuss these questions.

r In what ways are they wasting water?r How could they reduce his waste,do you think?

O ft"t Listen to Jake and Lily talking about this

topic. What three suggestions do they make for

saving water?

O fAl Listen again and write the exact words Jake

and Lily use to give examples. Write one or two

words in each space.

I In the garden, ..{.or..itsttnpe...,t's best

2 if you water hem at two o'clock,

3 a bucket f wateranda sponge,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 All those hings ..... .dishwashersnd


5 if yo u don'thavemuch o wash, ...........

a few plates

@ Wtrat other ways can you savewater in the home?

Tell your partner about them. Use expressions

from Exercise to introduceyour examples.

Exam rouftd-ap

Whatdoyou ememberboutSpeaking art ?Circle

the correct ption1-8 n talics.Part of heSpeakinges tusuallyasts bout

tD @@t fiveminutes nd he opic s (2)connected

with differentrom hesubject f thephotosn Part

3.When ouspeak, oushould 3)keep o this opic

/ changeo anotheropicand alk about ourown

experiences,swellas hings ou ikeanddon't

like.Try o use@)only hepresent ense a rangeof

fenses.t is mportant hen ouare alkingoyour

partnero (5) nterrupt ot take urns, ndwhen

they're peaking,oushould how ouare

(6) isteningo/ not nterestednwhat hey'resaying.Help hem o keep alkingby (7)askingormore

detailsand their opinions commenting n their

grammar ndpronunciation,ndwhen t'syour urn(8) repeateverythingousay givereasonsnd

exampleso supportwhatyousayand eel.

@ Work with a different partner. Do this exam task,

talking for about three minutes and giving plenty

of examples.The advicesheet or young people

below may help you.

Yourphotographshowed eople oinghingsha t

affect heenvironment.ow 'd ike ou o talk ogether

about owyoucanuse ess lectricityt home.

Dontt leavehings n stand-by:urn them

Use solar-poweredhargersor

your phonean dMP3player.

Use a laptop nstead f a PC.

Dontt leavehe fridgedoor open.

Try not to use he air-conditioning.

Instead of turningup he heating,

PU ta Sweater n.

7 Use energy-effic ientightbulbs.

8 Trrrn off the lightswhenyou

go out!

@unit r

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Writing Fart 3Q I,ook at this Writing Part 3 task, read the letter

below it, then answer these questions.

I Which paragraphdealswith eachpart of the task?2 Ana has written a good etter,but shehas made

one mistake n eachparagraph.Canyou find andcorrecteachmistake?

@ Read the advice in the Exam round-up box and

decide if statements 1-8 are true or false.

Exam round-up

InWriting ar t youcanchooseowritea story r aletter. owmuch oVou ememberboutPETetter-

writing?'fYoumustwritean address t the op. Fnlse

2 You hould sea wide ange f structuresndvocabulary.

You hould semostlyormalanguage.

You hould se inking ords ike o andbecauseto makemore omplicatedentences.

Youonlyneedowriteabout nepartof hequestion.

You houldry o give easonsndexamples

where ossible.You anwritea lot esshan100words ndstillgetgoodmarks.

You houldeaveime o check our ompletedletter or mistakes.

@ foilow the instructions for the exam taskbelow. Try to include somepassive orms and acomparativeor superlativeadverb n your letter.

This spartof a letter oureceiveromyourEnglish-speakingriend, ustin.

Inyournexiattoc \easeellmeabouthaKinds

of pot hatarepopularnlourcountry lhldo

Woplohavehem?Whicho1ouhinr s he

best st ohav?

. Nowwritea letter o Justin, nswering isquestions.

. Write our etter n about100words.

@ Work in pairs and give your letter to yourpartner. Read and check your partner's letter.

Where you think there are mistakes, write G, V,

WO or Sp in pencil. Then discuss your corrections



. This spartof a letter ou eceiveromanEnglish-speakingriend.

tt Wu, +re(l letler, p!-ense e!.!. we nboul


i* t6our cou'v*ry.

tft"ict" is your {avourife nuiwal? Are there

i*-v otYnen?

. Nowwritea letter, nsweringourpenfriend'squestions.

. Write our etter nabout 00words.



fiank for gour letter, Ve ave somefa.ntastlca-nrqa/s tere,suc/tas /eer, forcs and volves.

Soneltnesbears seenn tle mourcta/r?.s,n/ u-p n

tAe sKg /tere a-reeaglesa-ndstorks.'Ihe

aruna/ I lrke better of a1/, /tou3/t, s tle

v///cat. Il's a bea.ut(ul creature. In some ays tl's

ltke a-nzrdula-rycat, but btggerand vdh a busltg

tatl tlat's black at tle en/.

1 remember eetnq nev/ten.I vas a clt//. I va-sso erctte/.l In t/tise days you coul/ fn/ t/ten

nore easyly,but nov tle counlryst:de ltere l/teg

use/ to lrve is covered n /tollda-gomes,roa-/s a-nd

silPernarKets. t/,i* t/tat's verg sa/.

OO Sentencesand phrases l-6 each contain one

mistake made by PET candidates. Decide what

kind of error each is, and write G for grammar,

Vfor vocabulary, WO for word order, or Sp for

spelling. Then rewrite the sentences so they are


I It was a day very cold.W0 It was^ vert coLd da6.

2 I really enjoy o be here.3 .. . a new film aboutanimalswhich called Thelife

of animals' . .4 ... a film with plentyof exitement ..5 I don't know what is the nameof the mountain.

6 I hope haven'tgot a lot of mistakes.




7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 103/236


e dD. D e58

rtians romtheplanet Mars

I Seth'salwaysusinghi s He'ssucha computer

2 Miko's sucha goodskater.He's a real

3 My uncle oftendrops ood on himself,

and he can'tus ehis mobile.He'sa .....

walks into walls


Starting offQ Work in pairs. These pictures show different

ways of communicating a message.Talk together

about what you can see n each one.

@ Work in small groups. Discuss these questions.

I How oftendo you text your friends?Or do youprefer o phone hem?

2 What do you think of graffiti?

3 Do you believe n life on otherplanets?

Reading Xlas'*&

Q Work in pairs. Read hese extracts about types of

people, hen completesentences-3 with dork,

dadeor geek.



d 0 h@ nead this definition, then think of someexampleso

slangthat you use n your own language.

Lsla l noun [U] informal language, often language that is only

used by people who belong to a particular gfoup

@ nead the text title and look at the pictures.What do

you think the text is about?

@ neaO he ten sentences boutMortian, the language

from Mars. Underline the most important words in

each sentence.

I Mostolder eenagers-n Chinawrite*jn-A4attiann th

Internct.Youngpeople irst startedusing Martian in Taiwan.

In the hlm ShaolinSoccer, hao Wei comes rom

Mars.Teenagers ho use he Internet n South-East sia ar


Softwarecompanies re now seliingprograms o hel

peoplewrite in Martian.

Ms Li has never ried to readmessagesn



ldctkl noun lCl nainly US inforffial L stnpid or silly person

fdutd\nounfClmainly US oery infornal LmLn

lgilkl noun lCl infornal t man who is boring and not


@ unit z

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 104/236

7 When Mei startswriting things n Martian,sh eusesotherpeople's ork.

8 Wang Haiyongallows his students o write theirhomework n Martian.

9 Teenager ei BeiSong onsiders erself o be up todate.

f0 Bei BeiSongapproves f Martian.

@ fne sentencewhich is underlined in the text Cazyoa speak Martian? tells us if one of the sentences

in Exercise 4 is correct or incorrect. Which one?

Do you need to understand the word spreodto

know if the sentence s correct or incorrect?

@ nead the whole text and decide if the ten

sentencesare correct or incorrect. Underline

where you find your answers in the text.

@ Write one word to complete the sentences about

Reading Part 3 in the Exam round-up box onpage 108.

Doyo u know

what'3O', = ='

or 'Orz 'means?

Perhapsoudon't !

This s Mart ian.Peopleay hat

800/of teenagers

aged etween5

and19 nChina se

th is anguagehen

they endmessages

orchatwitheach ther nl ine.his razyanguageidn' t

start nChina,hough.l l_bceamc_BopularnTaturanjn

2004and hree earsaterit spreqdlo_matnlandhirc=

Bu twhere id henameMortian ome rom?Well,n hecomedyilmShoolin occe4 hichwa smaden Hong

Kong, nactor, tephen how, ayso actresshaoWei,'Go

backo your lanet ars! ' tephenayshisbecause

Zhaois rather trangeerson.hesn't eal ly visi tor

fromMars, utStephenhinks he ssostrangend

differentha thecalls hao Mortion. teohen'sords'Go

backo . . .Mars! 'areow owel l nownnSouth-East

Asia hatanyone hoacts trangelyheresknown sa

Mort ion. imi larly,he anguagehicheenagersnChina

enjoy reatingsalso nown sMortion ecauset isso

stra ge.

Why osomanyeenagersnChina seMart ian?he

answersquite asy,eal ly.eenagersan hat n he

Internetor hours i thout eing nderstoody heir

teachersr parents.n act his ery trangeanguage

has ecomeopopularhatpeoplere uyingpecial

softwareo ranslateetweenhinesendMartran.

MsLi,mother f eenager,e i , asworried hen

she witchedn Mei 'saptop ecausehe ould ot

understandheemailsromMei 'sr iends. ei xplained,'Those

messagesre n Mart ian ecausehey'reor me

andnotmymum.'Mei ontinued,

Mart ian's

notaneasylanguage.t i rst, ustcopywordsrom extswhichmy

fr iendsave lready ri t tenn Mart ian.hen,begino

create omewords ymyself.take iecesro mChinese

characters,dd ome ngl ish,apaneser Korean ords

and hatmakeshenew anouaoe. '

Wang aiyong, eacher,arnedhatal thoughhisnew

languageanhelp evelophe magination,his nternet

slang as otsuitableor use nother i tuat ions,uch s

school xams rhomework.lrefuseo markmystudents'

workwhen hey se his anguage.hey now heyshouldn'tse t. '

BeiBeiSonos 15 ears ld.She oesn't seMort ionbut

she oesn'think he's

old-fashioned.he xplains

thatal thoughhe pends

hours n he nternet

chatt ingo her r iends,he

th inkshat h is anguage

is eal lyi l ly.We're


computereeks honeedto mix hree ifferent


picturesust o bedudes.

Mart ians ordorks. '


ffi*w-. t

W Tw g l

, W I_##*r& l

* ' ' r w ,*.{*.xdXx*r


)!urs, *


Tt*. **s_r*ew


I'.€, ."t...



7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 105/236


Q nead these extracts from t}lie Cambridge Leorner's


Exam ound-up


o r [ 1 ) . . .

need o decide f ten sentences re correct


. Rememberha t hese entencesollowheorder f

Youdo notneed o understand



She peaks rench. hetulleFreneh.

She aid hewasunhappy.


o We also use saywith greetings,e.g.hello,

goodbye, oodnight,e|c.

. We alsouse fell with the following nouns: he

truth, alie, a oke,a story.

gO PETcandidates ftenmakemistakeswith

theseverbs.Readsentences-6 and circle the

correct option in italics.

I olga knows how to @@t talk English well.

2 He soid / told me to come o 6th Avenue.

3 My new friend can alk / speakseveralanguages.

4 My new English eacheraskedme to say tell

somethingaboutmy life.

5 It was Pelrwho said / told me about his club.

6 I'Il ask / o.skor more nformation about he new


@ Write speok, talk, soy, ell, osk or ask /or in the

correct space in the mind map above. Add at leas

one more expression to each verb.

@ Work in pairs. Write five questions using some o

the verb * noun combinations. Change pairs. Ask

and answer your questions.

Doyou n&wa1se!.!. ne truftn?

GrammarReportedpeech ndre$

(O Work in small groups. Sandford Schoolhas ioine

Schools for AII which helps build new schools in

East Africa. List things the students could do to

raise money (e.9. sell oIiI clothes).

O A\Listen to some students talking about how

they can raise money for this proiect. What

events do Scott, William and Gina suggest?

the truth


about dreams


Simonoldmeabout is ewob.

He old s ostay ere. esaiAa++ay+ere

I askedhe eacheror heanswers0 hehomeworkmissed.

uerb to collect money from other people" Tbey're

raising money for cbarity.

@ unn'

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 106/236

Rewrite Scott's, William's

and Gina's words in reported


I SCOTT: astyear weorganised disco ocollectmoney.

Scottsaid hat they

. he vearbefore.

You can eaveout thaf and say:

Scottsoid they had organiseda

disco o collectmoney theyear

before. he meaningstays he


2 SCOTT:We can organisesimilar eventagain.

Scottsaid hev

WILLIAM: We've houghtaboutorganisingfootball match.

Wi l l i am a id hey

WILLIAM: In my sister'sschool, hestudents regoing

to play against he


William said n his sister's

school, he students

WILLIAM: I, do.r"';;u;; ;be ust teachers.

Wi l l i amalso a id

GINA: Today we're al l wearingschooluniform.

Ginasaidwe. . . . .

... hat day.

GINA: We'll pay to wear whatwe want.

Cinasaidwe .. . . .

whatwe wanted.

page129Grammareference:Reported peech

lnsl weeKX w*ired to p!"*y

could-n'f p!-m6becnuse...

@ {!i} Listen to Tania telling Nina about the meeting and checkyouranswers o Exercise3.

@ Useyour answers o Exercise3 to help you complete his table.

@ Use he words in bold in Exercise3 to help you complete his table.

ffi pug" 130Grammareference; eported peech; therchanges

@ Work in pairs. What do you say in situations 1-4? Complete the


I Ana says:I

can'tplay ennis; 've hurt my arm.' Lateryo u se eherplayingbasketball.


saidyou cou!"d+'tpIry leuuis beca.^se6ou

nad nurl your arw.2 Thalia says: Someoneleft their MP3player n the kitchen after he

party.'Lateryour cousin ells you that shehas ost her MP3 player.'Thal ia

said . . '

3 Yourbrother s studying abroad.He phonesyou and says:l'm having

a great ime here.'Laterhis teacherasksyou if you'vespoken o yourbrother.'My brother aid . . ' ,

4 Lukassays:l want to sell my bike so I can buy a new one.'Lateryour

sister ells you shewants to buy a cheapbicycle.' L u k a ss a i d . . . '

@ Choose two situations from Exercise 7 and write the complete story in

reported speech. You will need to add some extra information to the


teuqis witra"A,vtnbut s,,,,"eo!_dne sl,te


sent contrnuous

st simole

will + infinitive

is/are going to

(I) ttra'+

page130Grarnmaret'erence:eported ommands


7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 107/236

@ Itr the meeting about the Schoolsor AII proiect,

Ruby told the other students o do four things.

Complete he reported commands.


O Work in pairs and answer the questions n the

Exam round-upbox.

Exam ound-up

Howmuch oyou ememberbout isteningart ?

Are he ollowingtatementsrueor alse?

I Readhe notes nd ocus n he missing ords.

2 Youneed o understandveryword n the

recordingo beable o completehe ask.

3 Thegaps ollow heorder f herecording.

4 Youwill usually eed owriteoneword, odon't

wasteimewriting lo tmore.

5 lf youcompletell hegapswhen ou istenor he

first ime. on't isten secondime.

6 lf youdon'thear heanswer,eave gap.

I Work in small groups.Your headteacher as

askedGerry Tremain to talk to you about feb

Challenge a website designcompetition.ltVhat

would you like to know about the compdtition?

Write at least five questions.

@ nead Rahid'snotesbelow quickly. Doeshe want

to find out the same hings as you?

@ @\Listen to the recording twice and complete

the gaps.

Ruby old it...

Ruby old PaulClose

th e

door, aul! '

'Thinkabout he

suggestions! '

Ruby old them

Ruby toldnot . . . . . . . . . . .


@ Rewrite each nstruction 1-4 as a reported


3 Charlie'smum told - - !

toldher brother,trn

12 The dentist old the boy

Web ChallengeThewebsite:inEnglish

The eams: each eamt one adult'

known sthe (1) . . .

andS-6members WEBCHALLE

Members: must be atschool

Age lim|t; betw een 9 and (2)

Websile conlenv e.g.afavourite (3)

orfree-l,ime aclivity

?rizes dlgiial equipmentandmoneyfor schools

Entries will be displayed on the'W eb Challenge',

First prize or eams a wee kn(5 ) ....................

Dates competition egistrationclogesSOth


1+ Chloe's amily told her

@ un,.,

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Work in small groups.Write at least three morequestionsyou would like to ask Gerry about theWebChallenge ompetition.

How i!!. K4/1owt t wiu?

@l Listen to the recording. DoesGerry answer allyour questions?

{AI Listen to the recording again. Write thecorrect student'sname: Jalian, Halqt, Nodia,Hamod. r Jadenext to their question l-5.

@ Nadia's team wins the competition. Here are some

sentences about Nadia's trip to Australia. For each

question 1-5, complete the second sentence so that

it means the same as the first, usfng no more than

three words.

1 A reporteraskedNadia f shewas nervousabout

flying to Australia.

A reporter skedNadia,' Are6a.1^.........ervousabout lying to Australia?'

2 NadiaaskedShaila, Whereareyou from?'

NadiaaskedShailawhere .........rom.

3 Nadia askedShaila f shewanted o sharea room in

the hotel.NadiaaskedShai la,

. . .. . . . . .

room in the hotel?'

. . . . . . . .o share

4 Nadia asked he tour guide, What are we going o

do after breakfast?'Nadia asked he tour guidewhat

to do after breakfast.

5 The tour guideasked he group, Haveyou enjoyedyour trip?'The tour guideasked he group

enjoyed heir trip.

....f,)nd.ic.....skedonherown.......C".t*..I-...e.te r

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .skedschool.

if she could enter the competition

llne cowoefifio+ ot n* own?' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | I t

if their coachhad to w6rk in their

askedhow they registered or thecompetition.

askedwhat thev did if thev hadtechnicaloroblems.

Write the students'actual words in the spaces

above. If necgssary, listen to the recording again

to check yotir 130Grammareference; eported uestions

t ook at the reported questions -5 above, hencircle the correct option in CAPITALS or a-ebelow, o complete heserules about reportedquestions.

and complete the iournalist's questions below.

- Tlwazwandorinq:t I c-ould *.&SK-#oJ4,--.-eome--.-*- -..-.

, queatuone-bo-uIourtrrry-*------ - -- --\-

,2!:d lko r ok:p-wuhai:ou-

-OJ earltr amanbrwhera.

4 Co,uldyou-trelewhere -..*-.*? ,

_5fpl1,eawh L*.--_.... .... ..,.-._.inAae taI a-_ _._


askedwhat they would see n Australia. ffi pug" 131Grammareference:ndirect uestions

O {A when NadiaAustralia, alocal newspaperjournalist

interviewed her.Listen to thebeginningof theinterview. WhatdoesNadia sayabout Sydneyharbour?

O (\ Listen to thereiording again

returned from her trip to


tnrePorted uestions:

a he normaluestion rderSTAYSTHEAME

,@, tf," t"r,"" etOVgTHESAME USUALLY-


c weALWAYSNEVERse o'does r didasan


/ \ ,eus€ whenhere13 l3N'Taquestionword

lwh t'/whe whee' elc)

e weUSE DONTUSEaquestiel'1arkattheendof

the sentence'

what did vou sall@

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@ Work in pairs. When we ask for information, wesometimes se indirect questionso sound morepolite. Write the direct question or the journalist'squestions rom Exercise .

I Could esKXAA..sAw,e.IJ

2 Whatdid . . .

3 Wheredid

4 Wherewas. .

, 5 Whatd id .

@ Circle the correct option

these rules.

. . . . ?

. . .

. ?


in CAPITALS to complete








@ Compare the rules for indirect questionswith the

rules for reported questions on page 111. Which two

rules are different?

VocabularyPrepositions:}f lac{:r

O {Al Listen o therecording nd answerquestions1-3 by drawing a picture. If necessary, isten to the

recording again.

I Where are Todd'skeys?2 Where's he sportsshop?3 Where'sElen, mogen's ousin?

@ Work in small groups. Compareyour pictures with

the pictures on page 173.

@ fabet the pictures you drew in Exercise I with the

words in the box.

@ Work in pairs. Student A turns to page 173 and

Student B turns to page 174.

@ Wtrenyou areready, ake turns to describe hepositionof your obiects o your partner.Yourpartner draws he objecton their plan. At the endcompareplans.

Speaking Part .3

Q Read the examiner's instructions below and look a

the photos (but don't talk about the photos yet)., I l $

Now I'd ikeeachof you o talk on yourown

about omething.'mgoing o giveeachof youa

photograph f people ommunicat ingi th others.

Pleaseell us whatyo u can see n your photographs.

@ Answer the questionsn the Exam round-upbox.


Howmuch oyou ememberbout peakingart3?Choosehecorrect ptionn talicsn hese

sentences.Theexaminer i l laskyou o describe colour

photographon your own withyour partnerfor

about one minute two minutes.

You should describewhatyou can see useyour


lf you don'tknow he word or somethingn the

picture, point / use one of the expressions rom

Unit 10.

ff you want o describewheresomethings,point

use a suitablepreposition. \


When directquestion ecomesartof a onger


Ithe normaluestion rderSTAY3THEAML

6Wiil[n"" oHANGEs3rAYsrHE3AML

s weALWAY3NtVtR use o'does r dldasanauxtltary

Yerb, tc.

4w€use f or whet'her(moreormal)'f there 3 / l3N'Ta

fr"=ttn wordwhaf?' hen?' here?'lc)

s we3OMET|ME3 NEVERseaquestionmark tthe

endofthe question'

on he ight between opposite onin next o behind in rontof over


@ ,nn ,

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@ fat<e urns to describeone of the photoson page112.Doesyour partner follow the advice n theExam round-upbox?

Writing XSax'&

@ now read his story, hen answer he questions

that follow. Don't correct the student'smistakesfor the moment.

() work in small groups.Look at

sentences.What do you think



a was.-1alnss whet wt6wobil-e ho+tewt, T -

coa!.ddt believed f. tlrnd torVot lo swildn ne

plno+eoll. t did+'t krow whaf- o do because

lhe pho'rtewasstil/ ri+Vi+X. Slnou!-d ^.nswer

tlne pl',.0+&'(he eactter slopped nIXi+V nad

st*e oo(eddir;c+brt^+ '*e.'Slnaasxid nL!- ne

sl+tde+t wt,,at t"t zroisawasn+d we auswered

ttz"^t it w^s ^ wobile ptnote. Suddealy she Loo\ed

enbarrnssed. Sh;eold as lhnt slne nd to lelt-

lhe classroon lor a wt+ute. Slnepic1odap-her'

baq aa.d !."4't tn" roorn As soo+t s l.lne leacbrerU

closed lne door,lne rirwiuV +qisestQped.



I real isedhat hadn'tlocked he door.

The message egan,'CongratulationsI You'vewon first prizet'

I was n classwhen As I got on the train, Imy mobilephone ang. saw an empty seatnexl

to my favouriteactor.

@ Read these two Writing Part 3 questions and

answer questions 1-5 below.


r,Youhave o write a story or your English eacher.

,/ Your story must begin with this sentence:

I was in classwhen rny mobileplwne rang.

r Write vour storv n about100words.

r You have o write a story foryour English eacher.

r Your story must have his title:Winning ftrstprize

r Write vour storv in about100words.

1 What do you have o write in eachquestion?

2 Who do you have o write it for?3 How many wordsdo you have o write?4 What's he differencebetween he two questions?

5 Do yolu mve o write a story n Writing Part 3?

I Which questiondoes t answer?

2 Why did the phonestopringing when the teacher

closed he door?

@ Work in pairs. Discuss whether the following

sentencesare correct (/ ) or incorrect (X).

I The studenthaswritten about 100words.

2 The answer s well organised.

3 There s a clear ending o the story.

4 The deasare connected using nd,

because, lc.5 The studenthas used different enses.

6 The student asused eported peechand reported uestions.

7 | can understand he answeralthough

therear esomemistakes.

@ nead the answer again and correct the five ,mistakes. This student has made two different

types of mistake. What are they?

@ Write a story using one of the situations in

Exercise I as the firstline. Write

about100 words.

Remember to make sure the sentences n Exercise

4 are correct for your answer.

@ Work in small groups. Read each other's answers.

If all the sentences in Exercise 4 are correct for

the answer you are reading, it is probably a good



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Unit11 Vocabulory nd grclmmnr evf.ew


Circle the correct option in ifalics.My amily nd (1)are ived@in anoldhouse n he

coast.WhenI (2)built wasbuilt n he 19th entury,t

wasover 00metnesrom hesea, utnow hewater

(3)seemsis seemedo begett inBlosenl l he ime.

The ea evel 4) s risen rises very ear, nd hesoil

(5 )woshes is washed way y hewaves. ometimes,

when here s a storm,hewater i l is reached

reachestheouse. astFebruary,on nstance,he

basement7)completelylooded wascompletely'' ' '"f looded'by

seawaten, nda small uilding earou rhouse

(8)d sappea ed ''wasd sappeared overn'$ht.U ess

somethin89)does,.itdone mmediately;g{10).r4re

known knowthat ur'horne rll,,be,next.ome ther

th€'coast'(11favid,iji** *#|!enr,gt,:::,,:in rontof he 'n';''.aii'd"viiii

I Completesentences1-8 with the comparativeorsuperlativeadverb orm of the words in the box.

bad careful early

good hard quick

I To seewild animals n the countryside, ou

shouldgetup ..........Qer.ti .ar...... .n the morning.

2 The cemelted.. . .


as he temperature

Of all the peopleat the meeting,Lauren spoke. . . Shemade a greatspeech.

Buses tophere .............. now: every en

minutes.We must try .. . to find solutions o



O forquestions1-6, complete he secondsentence

so that it means he sameas the first, usrngno

morethon threewords. nclude a noun with a

suffix in your answer.

I My parents ereeducatedt the ocalschool.My parents'edap-qti.s.n..w4st the ocalschool.

2 Everyone asvery excitedwhen he matchbegaTherewas ..... when the match bega

3 I'd like to reservea room at the hotel,please.

I'd l ike to make


4 The doctorquickly examined

shewas fine.The doctorgave he patient...

said shewas fine.

5 We oftencelebrateNew Yearall night.

Our NewYear.. . . . . . . . . . . . . goon al l night.

6 The airline did not inform us about he delay.

We weregiven........... about he delay.

@ Complete the crossword with words from Unit 11

......or a roomat the

the patientand said


They'reall badguitaristplays

The wind began o blowstormapproached.If we all us eenergyreduce he amount of pollution



musicians n that band,and theof the

. . . . . . . . . . ,e canwe cause.

AcrossI big animal with long

neck5 long creaturewith no

legs6 small flying animal8 big bird that cannot

flvl l use ess f something

12 usesomething gain

Down2 power rom gas,wind,

etc.3 things that are thrown

away4 fuel for cars and trucks

5 from the sun7 bird that Iivesnearwate

9 big, meat-eating nimal

l0 use oo much ofsomething

@ unnt

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Unit12 Voco"bulorynd grommarreview


O O PET candidates often makemistakes when

they describe where something is. Correct one

mistake in each of these sentences.

oppositeI In my living room the backwall

there s my TV and my hi-fi.

2 My bed s infront of the right window, opposite he


3 At the right there aretwo armchairsand a sofa.

4 I often meetmy friends n the Samancaf6next the

cinema.5 There s a club and a park in the streetwhere

,llve.-,-6 tn the park, there'sa big tree behindof a small

lake.7 I like going o the Odeoncinemabecauset is

inside of the shoppingcentre.

8 Isfahan,as you know, has a lot of historic bridges

on the river.

@ Rewrite the sentences above so that they are true

for you/your town.

Iu wtg ivi&% rlow) lne w is i+t *ro+f of ttnu soln.U U

@ Complete these sentences with the verbs fromthe box in the correct form. You will need to use

some verbs more than once.

ask askfor say se€ak tell

Someof my friendscan...


In your etteryo uplans o visit my country.I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .went to bed.I 'm going o... . . . . . .

my birthday.My friendstartedaughingand .................

me why I was only wearingon eearring.

There'sa boy in my classwho likes.. . . . . . . .okes l l the ime.

I becamevery nervousand decided o

... ...he teacher he truth.


@OFrederique has written to her English-

speaking friend to tell her what people have

asked her this week. Correct the mistake in each


I When I arrivedat training, the coachcameup to

me and askedme what warmy-ftafire. vL1frft,we


2 My friend askedme what was the team called.

3 The next day, he phone ang at 7.30 n the

morning. It was Paula.Sheaskedme why didn't I

go o the exam

4 My mum askedme why was I crYing.

5 Paulaaskedme what was I going o do.6 Paulaalso askedme where shouldshego n the

summer.7 Anyway I imagineyou arewonderingwhen3m I

going o visit you.

@ Kate's talking about how she spends her free

time. Rewrite her statements in reported speech.

I 'I lovegoing o the cinemaon Sundayafternoons.'

Shesaid she..Xp.u.e.d..neitq.tohe cinemaon Sunday

afternoons.u u

2 'l'm not very keen on thrillers but ...'

Shesaid on thri l lersbu t .. .'... I lovecomedies.'Shesaid'I didn'tgo o the cinema ast weekbecause..'

Sh esaid .......o the cinema as tweek

b e c a u s e . . .5

'... we've ust finishedour exams.'

She aid6

'l ' l l go o the cinema oday f I can.'

. She a id . . . . . . . . . . .

@ lmagine you are interviewing Kate.

questions for her statements.

sPe^K several

..........eabout our

'goodnight'to everyoneand

somenew trainers or

.. . . heirexams.

Write the

Ntnnt do t6oa life doi+w o+t Su+rdnynller+rooas?

@ Rewrite your direct questions rom Exercise6 as

reported questions.



lifed doi'nV t Sutdny


unit z @

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&.$n&t Prepositions f time Il7Frequency dverbsPresent impleandpresent'continuousState erbs





t"lnit &


Countableand uncountablenounsA few,a little, marLy,mucl4 a lot of,lots ofPrepositions f place

?astsimpleandpastcontinuous 119Wlrcn, while and asUsed o

Verbs ollowedby to ot -ing \2IPhrasalverbs

Comparative nd superlative l.2IadjectivesA bit, a little, much, far, a lot(Not) s . . as . .Blg and eftormous gradable nd non-gradableadjectives)

Can,could, migltt, may 722(ability and possibility)Should, sltouldn't, ought to, must,mustn't, haue o, don't ltaveto(obligationand prohibition) .-'*'EzAdjectiveswith -edand -lng \

&,|mit Zero, irst and secondconditionalsWlrcn, if, unless+ present,

futureSodo 1 and nor/neitherdo I

&.lnitS Wlticlt, that, wlto, wltose,when. whereclauses(definingand non-defining)Pastperfect (

&init1$ Commands


!XThepassive: resent ndpastsimpleComparative nd superlativeadverbs

&Jmit 2 Reported peech, ommandsand questions







Umit6 Present erfectJust,already andyetSinceand forPresent erfector pastsimple?

&Jmi* Waysof expressinghe future I25Prepositions f movementToo andenoughExtremely,airly, quite, ratlrer,really, very


fi compteteET

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&3sx$€Pnepositions f time

The prepositionsat , on and in tellus when somethinghappens.

s We usealfor timesof the day:atten o'clock,at 8.15, t lunchtime,eIc

an dwith expressionsuc has af fheweekend, t night,at New Yeat etc.

x We useon or days nddates: nMonday,on Saturdaymorning,onFebruary th, on,the astday of themonth, elc.

** We use n for years, easons,months,ongperiods,nd partsof

the day: n 2010, n winter, n July, nthe holidays,n the afternoon, tc.


We use frequency adverbs to sayho w often somethinghappens.

** We can usea word,e.g.sometimes,always r a phraseikemosfafternoons r everynight.

Weusual ly utone-wordrequencyadverbs andhardlyever)beforethe mainverb:Wesometimes atcha film in the evening. don't usuallygo out until 8 o'clock. t hardlyeverrains n July.

With am, are, is,wasor were,eIc.they comeafter the verb:Theyare always ate! Nowadaysmygrandmothers often ll.

Theyalsocomeafter auxil iary ndmodalverbs: t hasoftenhappened.I can neverunderstand im.

lf we want o,we can putusually,often,sometimes nd occasionallyat hbbeginningrendof asentence:Occasionally,e eat nthegarden.feeltired sometimes.

We cannotpuIalways r never Ithebeginningr end:AWtffi. ffite+ennis never.

Weputphrases t hebeginningor end: havepiano essons nceaweek.Most evenings stayat home.

Wecan ormquestionssing:How often doyou,Doyou ever,Doyou always, lc.: Howoften doyou

swim?Doyou everdrink ea?Doyou alwayswalk o school?

Fresemt irmpXemdpresemt armtimuelus


workI/you/we/they I




i l /you/we/IheyI don'tI He/she/it i doesn't


l w o r kon Sundays ?)

this afternoon ?]

Do I/vou/we/thevDo". __ freZsrrg_111.







'm nolI You/we/theyHelshe/it


Am ] I

I you/we/they


The presentsimple s used o describe:

e a permanent tateor situation: live n the townwhere wasborn.

a* a fact or somethingwhich s always rue: Theearthgoesaround hesun.

w an activity hichhappensegularly r occasionally:egetsup at sixo'clockevery day.

The presentcontinuous s used o describe:

{$ a temporarysituation: 'm livingwith my unclewhile heyarepaintingourhouse.

* an activity appeningt he presentmoment:'msorry oucan't alk o heratthe moment.She's avinga shower.

w an activityn progress ut notexactly t he presentmoment:'m studyingthree oreign anguages, o I'm quitebusynowadays.

* a situation hich schanging r developing:ofs ofpeople recoming o l ivqhere, so the town s growing quickly.

e* things he speakerindsstrange r annoying, ith always.This s a wayof complaining): ou're lways sing he telephone. urphonebillwill beenormous!

x somethingwhichhappensrequently, ilh atways:My girlfriends alwayscookingme specialmeals!

aren't /'re not

isn't /'s not

Grammar eference@

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$tate \{erh$

Verbswhich describe states, not actions, are notusuallyused n the continuous.Theseverbsdescribe:

thoughts:believe know remember forget think(meaning elieve) eel[meaningelieve)guess meaning

believe) suppose understand, lc.

feelings:ike hate want need prefer,etc.

senses: mell taste hear seepossession: ave belong own contain include,eIc.

existence: xist remain consLstseem mean mattet etc.

theverbbe -;,.

Some state verbs can be used in the continuous whentheydescribe actions:

I'm thinking boutwhat ou said. l'm consideringt.JShe'sfeeling nhappy.Howshe s at the moment.J he hopassrslantr.seighinghe ruit orus. [He'smeasuringhenumber f ki los.)Other erbs ike his nclude ee, aste,smelland e.

&marm{ah*e$*€$"rrw}eexmteN6 -&s*rms

Nounscan be either countable C] oruncountable U] .

Some nounscan be both countable C] anduncountable U] , but with a difference n meaning:They ay it'shealthy o drink ea. Ul (tea n general)Wouldyou like a tea? C] (a cup of tea) Living n a largehouse s alot of work.lUl Thatpicture s a workof art.lCl

The grammar or countable nouns s different rom thegrammar or uncountablenouns.

"&fua,nr, f,rfd.fe, ??#r;",f,f??cr#f?, #gf CI4 fmfsmf,

We often use differentquantifiers a few,many,elc.)with countable nduncountable ouns.

Fo rsmallquantit iesf countable ouns, e usea few:afew students.

Fo rsmall uantit iesf uncountableouns, e usea itt la little information.

For argequantities f countable ouns, e usemany:Many housesweredamaged y the storm.Are theremanrooms n the hotel? don'thavemanyCDs.

For arge uanti t iesf uncountableounsn negativesentencesndquestions, e usemuch:Theresn'tmucinformation.Doyou havemuch homework?

We canusea /ol of,or lots f for argequantit iesfcountable nduncountableouns:Wehada otof fun.

have otsof friends.Doesshe have otsof money?

lf there s no nounafter hequantif ier,e usea /ofwithout of: I like him a lot.

We canuseotherwords o refer o a quantity f anuncountableoun, .g.a bit of food, namount f mone

a drop of water.

fnepositiCIr?$ f pX&&e

Theprepositions t, on and n ell uswheresomeonesomethings.

We useatfor a point, .g .at the bus fop, nd n

expressionsikeat the op,at theback,at thestation, t

the seaside, t school and at a party.

We use on or surfaces, .g.on the table, n thewallfanlines,e.g.on the coast, n the border.

Weuse nwhen omeoner somethings n a space, .gin a building, n a field, n the water, n SouthAmerica.

, Countablenouns:

. use a or an in the singular,e.g.a ob,: an animal

I . can be madeplural,,books, . us esome nd any n the plural,e.g.


r do no t usea or an. cannotbe madeplural,,music. useverbs n the singular,e.g. he news s good,music rclpsme reLax. use someand ony n the singular,e.g.some ood,any aduice

Some common uircountablenouns n English

r accommodation advice

i experienceknowledgenoise

l shampootime









i t18)GompletePE T

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simpleand pastcontinuous


IA"/rh.iit wasn'tyou/we/they

The pastsimple s used o describe:

* actions r events n the past: visitedEgypt ast ear.

* actions r events hichhappenedneafter another'. saw the Pyramids,hen

I went o the CairoMuseumand aterwent to a traditional estaurant.

The pastcontinuous s used odescribe:

activitiesha twerealready appeningat a moment n the oast:We were

doing a maths exam in class when

mYmobile rang.(: We were n themiddle of the examwhen thephone

rang.) While was walking to school,I met a friend.(: On my way to school Imet a friend.)

activities henwe arenot nterestedin when he activity tarted ndwe donot know f thisactivityinished r not:Thesun wasshining and I was feeling

happy.F Weknow hat he sunwasshiningat the samemomentas I wasfeeling happy,but we don't know when

theseactivities tartedor when heyfinished.)

We often use the past simple and thepast continuous together to showthat an action happened n the middle

of an activity= I waswatching elevisionwhen the telephone ang.(- Westartedwatching elevisionand n the middleofthisactivity, he telephone ang.) Wedon'tknow f I stopped atching V after he


I waswatchingelevision

+ .the elephoneang

Remember: tate erbs renot normallyused n he oastcontinuous

q , page117Presentrmple ndpresentconunuous

was (n't)

were (n't)

I you/we/they


at homevesterdav





weren't l.- - -__'__l

I aian't

Tr\ /

yesterday ?)



was (n't)

yere (1't)



erbs n the pastsimpleend n -ed:watched, rrived, layed,elc.

prg" 132 rregular erbs









at 5 pm (?)



Grammar reference@

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Venhs otfowed by to or -ing,


Some verbs are followed by the -ing torm of anotherverb= Everyoneenjoys istening to music. 've finished eadingmy book.Other erbs ike his nclude:

admit,ivoid, distike, ancy, eel like,magine,mention,mind,

miss, ractise, ut off,suggest.-:

Some verbs are followed by the to infinitive of anotherverb=Weexpected o win thegame. can't afford o buy abike.Other erbs ike his nclude: gree, ppear, ttempt,begin,decide,demand, ail,hope, ntend,earn,manage, fferlan,pretend, romise, efuse,seem,want,would ike.

Some verbs are followed by the -ing torm orthe toinfinitiveof anotherverb with similar meanings: /orelaying ennis. love oplay tennis. t continued ainingall

day.t continuedo rainall day.OIher erbs ike his nclude:

begin,.aontinue,ate, ike, ove,prefer,start.

Some verbs are followed by the -ing form ortheinfinitiveof anotherverb,but with a differentmeaning:



A phrasalverb consistsof two or three parts.Thereare three main kinds of phrasalverb:

* verb + adverb,with object,e.g.Hepickedup hiscoat.

** l verb + adverb,withoutobject,e.g.The lane ookoff.

* verb+ adverb preposition,ith object, .g. goton

my work.

* a

t$lrt f*

Gomparativeand $uperlativeadjectives

We usea comparativedjectiveo comparewo people r

things nd o sayone hinghasmore or essJ f a qual i ty

[size, eight,etc.) han he other:A blue whale s heavier

thanan elephant.Mount Everests higher han K2.

We usea superlativedjectiveo compare neperson r

thingwith all hose n he same roupand o say his hing--

has he most or eastJ f a quality:There remanyhigh

mountainsn the worldbut Mount Everests thehighest.

Did you rememberto bring your

running shoes?an

actionyou have odo)

Don't forget o bringyour tennis racket(an actionyou have

to do)

I regret o tell you

tlrc roce has beencancelled regret +


f rom omhor foelin o

very tired at the endof the race a memoryol somethingn th epastJ

I'll never orgetwinning my ftrsttennis championship

[a memory ofsomethingn thepastJ

I regretnot trainingharder before he race

[I'm sorry didn't dothisl

We add er o one-

syllable djectives, .g.doon h ioh t n l l The

PaciftcOcean s deeper

than the Atlantic.

We add er o two-


ending n -y or -Ly,e.g.

noisy, riendly.Mybrotlrcr s friendlierthan me.

We usemore o form

the comparative

of mostother wo-

syllable djectives.

Gold s moreexpensiue

than siluer.'After

the adjectivewe

usuallyput than.

The adjectives ood,bad andfar form


We can sometimes se

less nsteadof more:

A mobilephone s

normally ess xpensive+ h n - n l n r + n nL T L U t L W L W P L U y .

. We add-esf o one-

syllable djectives:

Thegiraffe is the tallest

animal in tlrc world.

r We add-esf o two-

syllable djectives

ending n'y or -ly.

The blue whale s tlrc

heaviestonimo.l n tlrc

world.. We use most o forrrr

the superlative f two-

syllable djectives: he

mosquito s the most


. Before he adjectivewe

usuallyput fhe.

. The adjectives ood,bad and ar form

irregular superlatives.o We can sometimes se

leasf nsteadof most:

This mobileplrcne s the



trying ogetftt (myaim s to get it)

During tlrc race, hestopped o drinksomewater (in

order o drink somewater)

If youwant oget

ftt, why don'tyou

try swimming?(swimming s a wayto achievewhat you


When he realisedlrc couldn'twin, hestopped unning (he

didn't continue)


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Spelling of comparative and superlative adjectives









furthest: - - - - - - -

X &rf, a frff,{e,rn{r$fr, far, a do{'

We can't useverywithcomparativesut we can usemuch,

far or a lot: Cheetahs re muchlfarla lot faster han


We can usea bitor a itt le o describe small i fference:

Canadas a bit / a little bigger than the USA.(Not] as ... as ..

We use as + adjective + as to say two things are the

same in some way: Taras as tallas Hannah.: Tara s he

same eight sHannah.)

We use not as + adjective + as to say that one thing is

less than another: Hannahs not as tallasher brother.=

Hannahs shorterhan he rbrother.)

We can use so in negative sentences o replace the

first as: Hannah s nof so tall as her brother.

Remember: he form of the adjective does not change:

@Wler-as (not)as tallas.

&fg nmd ?rr&r"rm&&dsgradahle emdnom-


x Big (good,happy, urprised, tc.Jare gradableadjectives.

We can saysomeone r somethings quite, eryor really

big (good,happy, urprised, tc.J o talk abouthow big(good,happy, urprised, tc.l hey are.We can alsosay

somethings extremelytgwhichmeanst'smuchbigger


* Enormousfantastic, elighted, stonished, tc.Jare

non-gradabledjectives, eaning erybig (good,happy,

surprised, tc.).We can sayreallyor absolutely normous

but not normally uite*, eryor extremely normous.

*quiteheremeans tittte page126quitewithnon-gradabledjectiveso mean ompletely


Gam, ocrfd, migfrt, tay {ability amdpossibility)

To say someone has (or hasn't) an ability, we use can,

can't, could and couldn't=

Francesca an speak ive anguages, ut shecan'tspeak

Russr'an.s a child, shecouldplaythepianobut shecouldn'tplay the violin.

* Thequestionormsarecanyou andcould ou:C9nouswim? Couldyou run 20 kilometreswhenyou-w6revery


,ar We use can and couldwith see,hear,smell, eel and

taste:From he top of the mountain ou could see or

more than50 km. I canhear a strangenoisecoming rom


To express possibility about the present or future,

we use may, might or could=I may come andvisityou

next summer.Wemightgo to the cinema hiseveningf we

finishall our work n time. Weshouldgo out for a walknow

becauset could ain ater.

We use may not and might not for the negative (not

can't or couldn't, which express certainty): Frankieslookingverypale:he maynot be verywell.Don't cookany

dinner or me because might not be back n time.

S$?ocdd,sftoufdm'& sergr,frf ou nrcrsfu fftltstn't,

hawe a, dan't fuave o {ohligation andprohibitiom)

To give somebodyadvice we use should or,less often,

ought to=Youshouldget a newpair of shoes.Youought to

havea restnow

* Particularlyn he negative,houldn'ts more ommon

thanoughtn't:Youshouldn'twork so hard.The question

form is should /she, etc'.Shouldwego now?

** We often useshould andoccasionallyught oJ o talk

about he right hing o do,butwhich s differentrom

what reallyhappens: shoulddo thehouseworknstead

of watching elevisionn themiddle of theafternoon.He

shouldwrite hisown answersnsteadof copying hem

from the nternet.

i deeper ' deepest


ba d


nOrSY i nolsler' l


h io h iooe r", b


adjectives dd-eror -est

Adjectivesending in :

,_-e addl1l:ll_-y change o -1 ,

add -eror -est

on evowel +'


double he ast

consonant, dd-er or -est

safe safer safest



{rzz}Gomplete ET

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To express obligation, we use musf and have to=Youmust be quiet. have o go now.

We usemustwhen he obligations something eagreewith.Teachero students:Youmusthand nyourhomeworkon Monday.

We usehave owhen he obligationomes romsomeoneelse:My teacherhasgivenme a lot of

homework which I have to do for Monday.We use mustforstrongadvice:Youmustbe careful f youstayout late at night.

* Thequestionormsare must /you,etc.anddo /you, etc.have o: Must we stop writingnow? Do they haveto wearuniformsat that school?

To express prohibition, we use mustn't=Youmustn't oin there - ft says

Noentry!'. Youmustn'tspeak during the

exarn it'sforbidden. '

* Do not usedon'thave o to express rohibition:Youmustn'tuse ourmobile hone n class it'snot allowed).

Comparehis with: Youdon'thave o useyourmobilephoneto speak o Fayed. ook!He'sover here i.e. t'snot necessary).

* Never se mustn'tabouthe past.Fo rprohibitionn he

i, past,we can use not allowed o, e.g.We weren'tallowed'

to speak.Forsomethinghatwasn'tnecessary,e oftenuse didn'thave o: Jo gaveme a ticket for the concert,soI didn't haveto pay.

osa y hat here s no obligation,r t 'sno tnecessary,euse don't have o, don't need o or needn't:This s a really

exerciseonphrasalverbs or anyonewho's nterested,ut it'snot for homework, oyou don't have o do it if you

don'twant o. Youneedn't earnall the vocabulary n this- only the wordsyou think are useful.

djectives with -ed and -ing

are many adjectives which can be formed withed or -ing.

o Adjectives ith -edexpress ow he person eelsaboutsomething:Shewas errifiedas Draculaapproached er.

* Adjectives ith -rngare used o describehe personorthing whichproduceshe feeling:There's surprisingarticle n today'snewspaperl felt surprisedwhen I readi0.

o Common djectivesike his nclude:

amused/amusing annoyed/annoying disappointed/disappointing bored/boring relaxed/relaxingsurprised/surprising tired/tiring depressed/depressing embarrassed/embarrassing interested/interesting amazed/amazing excited/excitingdisgusted/disgusting satisfied/satisfying


Regular verbs have the same form for the past simpleand the past participle= arrived,watched, layed,etc.

Some irregular verbs have the same form for the pastsimple and the past participlez cut, felt,bought,etc.

Other irregular verbs have a different form for the past

simple and past participle: done,given,written,etc.

# pug"132rregularerbs

We use the present perfect to connect the past withthe present. lt is used to describe something whichstarted in the past and:

* hasa connectionwith the present:'ve inished ll myexams so 'mvery happynow).

* continuesnto he present:'ve ivedhere or five ears[and still iveherenow).

lust, already and yet

We often use the adverbsTlust,already oryef withthe present perfect to talk about things that havehappened before now but have a connection with thepresent.

o We useTusttoalk about hings hat happened shorttjme ago: 've usteaten 3 | ate a short ime dgqo ndfm

not hungry now). Magda'sust goneout (: She eft ashort imeag oso yo ucan'tspeak o hernow).

* We usealreadyto aysomething ashappened, ftensoonerthanexpected.'Do age23 for homework!"We'vealready one hatpage.'[: Thatpage s finishednowsowe don'tneed o do t again.)

ii:, 'Whenareyou goingto tidyyour bedroom?'l've


it. '(: The oom s idy nowso I don'tneed o do tagain.)

Note: hese wo adverbs ormally o n he middle f hesentence, etweenhaveand he pastparticiple:'reTustboughtsomenew trainers.She'salready ead hat book.


has not /


Grammar reference {@

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o Weoftenuse ef n questionsnd negativeentences henwe expect ome thingo happen. t means nti lnow:Have

youseen henewKateWinsletilmyet?' 'No,I haven't eentyet.' : No, haven't een he film at a time beforenow butI expect ' l lgo.)

Note: Yefnormally oesat the endof the question r senten e'. Haveyou finishedet?' 'No,I haven't inishedet.'

Sinceand f,or'

We often use srnce and forwith the present perfect to talk about a time that started in the past and continues

into the present.

o We usesrnceo talkabout he beginning f a period ft ime:

a Weuse orto alkabout hewhole er iod f ime:

MichaelKeenha swrittenthreenovels

He'splayed ennis threetlmes


Presentperfector past simple?Presentperfect

We normally use he presentperfectwhen:. we are hinking about he pastand the present: 'ue

brokenmy arm so can't do the mathsexam.Molly hasbougltta ticket or the concert onight.(: Molly has aticket and plans o go to the concert onight.)

. we are not intereste . n whenthisaction happened,but we are nterested n the resultnou,:I've lost ny keys andnow I can't open my front doorj.'I've

ftnishedal l my lrcmeworkso

don't have o do itnowl.

We can also use he presentperfect o:. talk aboutexperiencesve ra time that started n the

pastand continuesuntil now,but we don't say when'.JK Rowlinghaswritten sevenHarry Potterbooks. :

Shemay write more.)I've neverbeen o Japan(until now, but I may go in thefutureJ.

o to glvenews:Rafa Nadal has won again. I've had my hair cut.Rememberf we askquestionsabout a time that

startedn th e pastand continuesnt o the present,weuse he presentperfect:'How

long haveyou liued here.z''I'ue

lived here or three ears.' : I'm interestedn atime period hat started n the pastand continues ntilnow.J'How

many matcheshaveyou played thisinterestedn a timeperiod hat started ncontinuesuntil now.l

s We oftenuseHow ong o askquestionsbout hisperiodof time: Howlonghave ou had hose rainers?''Since

last ear.'


We normally use he past simplewhen:. we are thinking about he pastbut not the present:

I broke my arm when I was riding nry bike. Sethbougtrt wo tickets or last week'sconcertand he wentwith his friendJim. (: Sethwent to the concertwithJim lastweek.)

. we are nterestednwlrcn this actionhappened:I lostmy keysyesterday and couldn't open hefront door). did my homework ast nigltt.

We use he past simple:. when heseexperiencesappened vera time n th e

DASt :

JRRTolkienwrote he Lord of the Rings.(: Tolkien's eadso he won't write more.)Wlrcn I was in Asia, didn't go to Japan.(: I 'm not n Asianow).

. to addmoredetails o this news:He beat Roger ederer. not frxs bt:fteft)I went to tltot new hoirdresser's.

We use he past simple to askquestionsabout a timein the past:'Wlrcn

did you movehere?''May2009.' : I'm interestedthepast.)

a particular date

week? ' ( : 'mth e pastan d

I've beenon the basketballteam

( iz+}CompletePE T\_-/

'Wllattime did the matchstart?'

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of expressing he futureare some ways of talking about the future.

fx,rtxxre*mrgilcl with thingswhich areno t certain,especiallywith 1 hink, I trcpe, expect,

probably and maybeL--,,,.

i zII

preJi.ttonsor the utrr.

3 wiLlcan alsobe used o:. makerequests. makepromises

. makeoffers

present vidence

2 futureplansan d


{ }&Kttn&rau$

arrangedbetweenpeople or the future

p,reseclt Imrp** events ixed on a


t imetable

some cases,more than one verb form is possible:

In practice,n agreed rrangementpresentontinuous)maybe almostexactlyhe sameas a plan(going o): 'mseeing oey onight. l'm goingto seeJoey onight.

When t is notclearwhether predictions based n act(going oJor opinion wilD,we can useeitherof theseforms:Amy sgoing o pass er exam. l'm he teacherand 'veseen omeof herexammarks.JAmywillpassherexam.l knowAm yand thinkshe's eryclever.J

CIf novement

say how we travel, we normally use by= Wewent oby train.

Expressionsike his ncludeby car byplane,by ship,byboat, by ferry.

We also say by road,by sea,by air by rail,by metro,byunderground.

Butwe sayon foot,notffi: Therewereno buses owe wenton foot.

We can'tuse bywilha, he,her etc. n expressionsikeataxi, heplane,her bike. nstead,we say n a taxi,on theplane,onher bike.

She'llprobablyplnne later. think it'll be

warmer next week.

Sea evelswill rise by seueral entimetres.

Tlrc climatewill change.

WiIl you help me with rny homework?

I won't forget o give you o present.

) 'll buy you a sandwiclt f you'rehungry

That's he hone inging I ' l l get it !

Yourwork is sogoodthot I reckonyou'regoing

to geta CradeA.

Lookat the clouds! think it'sgoing o snow.

I'm seeing he dentist tomorrow- I phonedher


)fhe fLight o Paris akesoff at six.

lOur train eaves t 5.15.

To tafk about cars and taxis, we use rn: They rrived t

the cinema nLiam's

car. decidednot togo

in my car.Therewerefive of us in the taxi.

* Withget,an dsometimes ith other erbs uchas ump

and climb,we use n/into andout of: Get n the car! Twopeoplegot into the taxi. got out of the car and closedthe door behindme. Sofiaumped intoher car and setoffquickly.

To alk about public ransport,motorbikes,bicyclesand horses, we use on: She eft on the 7.45 lane. usuallygo to,schoolon my bike,but today 'm goingon the bus. Thebestway o cross he hills s on a horse.

o We use on/ontoor off with get: Youget on the bus at the

station,andget off at the shoppingcentre.Marlon eft thecaf1 andgot on hismotorbike.

!: ' i \

I'm going to study biology at university.

He sayshe'sgoing to plnne you tomorrow.


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Tao and enough

7oo means more than is needed or wanted: She's oo

old to oin thepolice.

Enoughmeans as much as is necessaryor needed:

Have wegot enougheggs to make a cake?

ffirCmely, fairty, quite, rather, rfrty, r"ry

We can use the adverbs very, extremelyandreally

before adjectives to make the adjectives stronger: /t

was a vety ong ourney. We wereextremely iredyesterday

[very i-red). had a really ood sleep ast ighf verygood).

To make an adjective weaker, we can use ratheror

fairty=, ri'i1' ir' ',

i7'r"'It's athbr old oday cold,but not reezing).

Theirppartments fairlybig (big,but not hugeJ.

We ooan sequite o makegradable (e.9.good, ired,etc.)

adjectives eaker, utwith non-gradable adjectivese.9.

sure, rue,different,etc.),quitecan mean completely:

The own live n is quitesmal/ small,but not tiny).l'm quitesure t's theright answer l'm l00o/o ureJ.

too + adjective + for

somebody) +

infinitive):o He's oo young to driue.o That suitcases too

lrcavy or me to lift.

too + adverb (+ for

somebody) +

infinitive):You'reworking tooslowly.Pleasehurry up.It was snowingtooheovily or me to see he

road ahead.too much/too mony +

noun (+ for somebody)

[+ infinitive):. The! brought oo much

food for as to eat.t I've received oo many

emails to ansu)er.

WmitZera, irst and secondconditionals

We use conditional sentencesto talk about a possible

situation or action tl t ...) and the possible results of

this situation or action:

lf it rains, l'll get wet.

[possibleituation) (possibleesult)We can also talk about the result before we describe

the situation:

l'll get wet if it rains.

(possibleresult) possiblesituation)

Note: f the situation omes irst,a comma s used.f the

result omes irst,no comma s used.

Gonditionalsare often divided into types:

TypeOor zero conditional

/f + present tense, present tense: If our teamwinsa

match,our coach s happy. : He'shappyevery ime \ €win.) \Thezero onditionals used o talkabout hingswhichar e

always r generallyrue.

Type 1 or first conditional

lf + present tense, future: lf our teamwins hismatch,

we'llwin he competitior. : I think he teamcouldwin.J

The irstconditionals used o talkabouta realpossibilityn

the uture.

Type2 or second conditional

lf + past tense, would + infinitive: lf our teamwon all the

matches,we'dbe thechampionsl: I don't hink he team

willwinall he matches.)

Thesecond onditionals usedwhen he speakers

imagining situationhatwill probably ot happen.

When deciding whether to use the first or second

conditional,you need to think about whether each

situation is a real possibility or not for you:

lf it rains t the weekend,'ll go to the cinema. l think it

could ain.J

lf it rained n the desert, lantswouldgrow.(l'm sure t won't


When, f, unless+ present,future

We can use when, f or unless o talk about the

possibilityof things happening n the future:

o We usewhen or hingswe aresurewill happen:

When gethome, 'll watchTV. l'msure 'l l get home


We use f or hings ha tmayhappen:

lf I get home before8pm, I'll watch he film.(l'm not sure

if l ' l lge thomebefore pm bu t t is possible.)

' l ' t "


enough (+ forsomebody) +

infinitive):. This coffee s not wdrm

enouglt Please eat it

up again.t Fronz didn't answer he

questionswell enough oget tlle ob.

o That Intel is not smartenough or her.

enoagh + noun (+

for somebody) +

infinitive):o Haveyou got enough

money to get to London?o There sn't enotL'ghake

for me to givesome o

everyone. a


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* Unless angenerallyeplacef ... not andmeans xceptif: l'll watch he film unless get hometoo ate. : l'llwatch he ilm f don'tgethome oo ate. | plan owatch he film except f I get home oo late.J

So do f and nmrfneither da fe can use so do I and nor/neither do I when we reply

o someone but we don't want to repeat the sameords. We use these expressions o say that the same

is true for me or someoneelse:

We use:

e so n positive entences:l live nJapan.'Sodo .'

e nor or neither n negative entences:Jamescan'tswim

well.' 'Nor/Neithercan Matt.'

* the sameauxiliary erb n the reply: l'vestudied or the


have l.' 'Callumisn't here.' Nor/Neither


x do or did f lhere s noauxiliary erb: Hegoes to KingWilliam'sSchool.' So does Kate.' l didn't watch TV astnight.'

Nor/Neitherdid l.'

r* the samewordorderas questions:l sawa great ilmatthe weekend."Sodid l'. [Not ffi.]

omeone says:

I 'mbored.

I'vegot otsof cousins.


don't ike ockmusic.

uca nsingwell.

boughthat newCD.

hasn't onehi shomework.

You agree:

Soam .

So have .

Sodoes ou.

Neither/Noro hey.



Neither/\ have .


hick, that, wtto, &yfrose,wkew,wkere 6lau$e$ definimgand non-definlmg]part of a sentence.The relativeclause n this sentence s underlined:

heman whophoned ou is my doctor.

cfausesstart with these relative pronouns: which, hat,who,whose,where,whenandwhy.

nelative lauses

Relativelauses hich ellyo uwhichperson r hing he speakers alking boutarecalled efining relativeclauses.

Defining elative lauses iveessential information: hedoctorwhogaveme the medicinesmy cousin. he relativeclauseunderl ined)el ls swhichdoctor eare alking bout.


Relativelauses hichgive ouextra nformationrecalled on-defining elativeclauses.

Non-defining elative lauses ive nformationhat s notessential:My doctor,whobelongso thesame ennis lubasyou, gaveme the medicine esterday.We alreadyknowwhich doctor [it's my doctor)i whobelongs o the same ennisclubasyo udoesnot ell uswhichdoctorwe are alking bout; t ust addsextra nformation.

are differences n grammarbetweendefiningand non-defining elativeclauses:

Defining relative clauses

o Don'thavecommas.. Use he following relativepronouns:

who, whiclt, whose,where,wlrcn, why.o That can be used nsteadof .wlto or whicl't.. Who,which or that can be omittedwhen they are

the objectof the clause:Themedicine wlticlt/th"at)

the doctorgaveme slrculd be taken twice a day (the

doctor s the subjecl and whiclt/tltot he objectof the

Non-defining relative clauses

r Usecommas or pausesn spokenEnglish).r Use he following relativepronouns:

wlto, wltich, whose,where,when, why.r Don'tuse haf.. The relativepronouncannot be omitted.



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Pastpenfect ii, ' , ' ; f - - - : - -


1rlou1l"rrn"/',hud ,d

l t l w e / t n e y , i

l / y o u / h e / s h e /h a d n o t / i: L . , L , : L

' s ( n o t )h a v i n g t h e c o m p u t e r


- : .- '

I arr ived home (?) | He/she/ i t , , - - , . , '1!/we/thev_!f$}_- i-

- ' t ,' . . . " r - - - - - - - . - - - l

I /vo't /he/she/ ,Am lI IH: d

I / yovne/sne/ ,A I r l l l IHad

, _ - - _ _ t t l 1 y - 9 4 !9 r _ - _ L _ _ t i 3 ' 9 * I o y l _ y 9 / t n e y _ _ _ ;The main uses of the past perfect are: I Is she/he/it _ i _ l

to show hatwe are alkingabout omething hich

happened efore omethinghat s describedn he past

simpfe:Whenhe got to the station,his rainhad already

/eff.Comparehiswith: When egot to the station, is

train efl.Thisshows hat he train eft at the same ime

he arrived.

it is oftenusedwith imeexpressionsik ewhen, ssoon

as,after,before:Shestarteddrivingbeforehe'd astened

hisseatbelt.When he terriblestormhad ended,people

started o comeout of their is oftenusedwith the adverbs lready,ust,never:The

thieves ad alreadyescapedwhen hepolicearrived.He'd

never eatena reallygood pizza until he we\t to ltaly.


We usehave omething onewhenwe ask someone lse

to do something or us: We'rehaving he carrepaired. :

Themechanics repairinghe car or us.) hadmy hair

cut lastweek. : A hairdresserut myhair or me.)We can alsouseget something one:Shegetsherhair

cut (butusually nly n informal ituationsJ.

* We canusehave orget)something one n any orm

or tense: 'm thinkingof havingmy hair cut.My watch s

broken | must have t repaired.


The passive:presentand past simp,e

The passive s formed by the verb be + done / eaten/

cleaned, etc.=Lunch s servedn the hotelrestaurantromI pm.


Commanelsn'Commandsarealsoknownas mperatives.'Stand

upl ''Don't

touch hewal ls, hi ldren. ''Bequiet, verybody.'

'Don'tworryso much.'

'Havea goodweekend.' Don'tforget o phoneme.'

We use:

o the infinitivewithout o:'Begood!', Don'ttalk!'(Not

mtalthe same or mwhenwe talk o oneor more hanoneperson: Enjoyyourholiday, verybody!'

thisstructure o command,el lor asksomeoneo

do somethin , to give nstructions r advice,make

suggestio s,encouage, warn,etc.

ihe/she/it has


'.r-- '- ---T----

i l /vou/we/Dn

i l l i

, i , , - - ^ . . , - . . ^ , l r e P a i r e d

i Itr'"Y I have





AII the foodvery quickly.

The car has

was eaten



We'vesold tlrc car.

It's nice wlrcnpeople nuite

me to dinner.

On a clear day you can see

Ibizo from the mainland.

It's nicewhen I'm invited

to dinner.

On a clearday biza

can be seen rom themainland.

The passive s used when:

w the speaker oesn't nowwho or whatdoes/did

something:My bike wasstolen astnight.

the speaker oesn't eed o saywho orwhatdoes/did

something ecauset' sobviousrom he situation r

context:Themurdererwasarrestedobviously y hepol ice).

whathappenss more mportanthanwho does t: Iheposf /s delivered t 8.30.

the car

i I/vou/weDo | ' - '

Theyate all the ooduery

@comntete Er

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* whenwriting n a formalslyle:Your ocuments eresigned esterday nd theycan nowbe collected rom ouroffice.

More about th e passive:

x l f t is mportan to saywhoor whatdidsomething,eadd by + noun: This icturewaspaintedby myaunt.

* Wesometimeseave ut a relative ronoun nd he orm

of the verbbe: The ilm, whichwas)made n the 1990s,is stillverypopular.

Comparativeand superlativeadverbsWe qse a comparative adverb to compare two waysthings are done: Computers unmorequickly han n thepast.Lacyalways alksmore oudly han Stacey.

We use a superlativeadverb o compareone thing orpersonwith all those in the same group=There erelot of gooddancers n the competition, ut Samand Rickvdanced he most brilliantlv.


ReportedspeechWe often use say and tell to report what people say:

e we use ell f we mention ho we are alking o:He oldme he was from Casablanca.Nottffid-he vtas-frem-ehsabtanea.)

* if not,we usesay:Shesaid shewouldhelpme. Not S#e.W.)

Remember: oucan eave ut that: 'He aid hat he wastired and'Hesaidhe was ired have he samemeaning.


present imple'I

live n Berlin.'


present ontinuous pastcontinuous'I'm

watchingTV.' He said he wos watchins TV.

r We use mor<lo formthe comparativt-oftwo-syllableadverbs,includingadverbsending n -ly:Morioread the text morequickly han Susanna.Sheulsl/sme more oftenthon slrc used o. Afterthe adverbwe usuallypu.t han.

. We add-erto one-syllable dverbs, .g.hard, fast, stroight:My mum workshardertllan my dad. (Not rnoraffib)

r The adverbswell andbadly form rregularcomparisons: el lbetter; badly ) uorse:Dolpltinscan swim

better hanpeople.Yourteam alwaysplaysworsethan mine.

r We use mosf o formthe superlative ftwo-syllableadverbs,including adverbsending n -Iy: Thismachineworksmostpf f i r ienf lv n f n l l

r We add-esfto one-syllable dverbs:Maxwon the racebecause eran

fastestat the end.

r The adverbswell andbodlyform irregularsuperlatives:el lhp< t ' hnd l t t -- ) n rn rc / '

Theyare aLlexcellentstudents,but Mel speo-ksFrenchbest.We estedtltree cars,and this oneperformsworst.

. The superlative

sometimesakes he,especiallyn moreformalsituations: nthecurrenteconomicsituation,salesofour luxury modelaregrowing the mostslowly.

present erfect'I'ue

seen he ftlmalready.'

n : q t q i m n l e

'Imissed he concert.


Shesaid shehad seen he

f i lm nl rendt r


He told me he had missed i

the concert. ____lWe canalsouse he past imple:He oldme hemissedhe


i wiII Tr";n---:

'I'LIplt"oneyou soon.; ^ ,

She ard hewouldphonei

me soon.

t t t n c / r t t o r o o 6 i n o l n

i Slrcsoid slrcwasgoing o

i play tennis.


can runi f - ^ + 'i / u J r .

but I can't run , He said he could un but he

_*::g!!!n'!1, l!'t

am/are/is going to'I'm going to ploy

t tennis.'



. We cansometimes se/essnsteadof.more'.After a while, tlrc windbegan o bLow essstrongly.

Grammar eference@

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We usuallymake he following changes:


spoke o you earlier.'




can't tnd my keys.'


come o your lnuse


our'We'vetidied oar


today this week month

/ year

rcmorrow nextmonth


yesterday last week

month year

'I'm playing tennis



lived here all rny life.'


He said he lnd spoken o

her earlier.

theyThey said they had


Slrcsaidshecouldn't tnd

her keys.


He said that he would

come o her lrcuse ater.


They said they had tidied

their bedroom.

that day / week month

/ year

the next day / the

following month / year

the day before tlrc

previousday theprevious

week month / year; the

week month / year before

She aid shewasplaying

tennis the next day.tlrcre

He said he had lived tlrcre

aII ttis life.

'Wheredo you ive?''What areyou doing

afterclass?''Haveyou finishedyour


He askedme where lived.

Shewonderedwhat he was


He wanted o know if she

had finishedher homework.

'Wherecan I buy a

dictionary?'Heaskedme where could

buy a dictionary.(not...wW+l+uy...)


Sheaskedme where had


'Do you like strawberries?'

He askedme if I liked

strawberries.( n o t . . . M

'Stand The teacher old them to

quiet! '

standup .

He told the child




We generally use ask and not fel to report more polite

requests:'Openthewindow.' He oldher o open he


Heasked er o open he


'Canyouopen hewindow?'

Reportedquestion$We can,useas& wonder, ant oknow,elc. o introduce

reported uestions:

To report a question,we make the following changes:

c changehe wordorder n hequestiono th esame sanormal entence:direct uest ion:

reported uestion:

s make he same ense hanges s or reported peech:

* do notusedo ,does r di dasan auxil iaryerb:

*) pug* 129ReportedPeech

direct uest ion:reported uestion:

direct uestion:

reported uestion:

Reported ommands


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Lrse fullstop,not a questionmarkat he endof th esentence:

'Whattime doyou start

school?'Theyaskedus what ime westartedschool.

uestions,e use he same uestion ords

when,where, tc.)but if there s no questionword.wewhether.

Reported uestion

areyou laughing?' The eacheraskedus why wewere aughing.

you OoinOy holiday?' He askedme if I wasgoingonholiday.


we ask {qr information, we sometimes usequestionbtosound more polite.Expressions

ndirectquestions nclude: / was.., I'd ike o know. , can't emember.. , Could

ou el lme... ,etc.


doyou live?'

areyou doing ater?' Could ou tell me whatyou aredoing ater?

you finished our l'd like to know f you havefin shedyou homework.

questions (see above), when a directbecomespart

of a longer, ndirectquestion,he following changes:

changehe wordorder n he ndirect uestiono thesame sa normal entence:directquestion: 'How

longhaveyou lived here?'indirectquestion: I'd ike o knowhow ongyou,ve

lived here.

( n o t . . . @


do notusedo ,does r didas anauxiliaryerb:directquestion: 'Doyou play tennis very ay?'indirectquestion: Could ou tellme f you play

tennis very ay?

[not ... fyeaae-etay+ennis..)

Also, as for reported speech,we use the samequestion words (what, when, where, etc.) but if thereis no question word, we use if or whether=

Direct question Indirect question'Where

didyou go?' I can't ememberwhere you went.'Didyou stay n a hotel?' l'd like to know f you stayedn a


However,nliken reported uestions,n indirect uestions:

x the ense tayshe same:directquestion: 'Wil l

he eave oon?'indirectquestion: I waswonderingf he'll eave oon.

(not... fMdieave...)

* we usea questionmarkwhen he ntroductoryexpressionsa question:Couldyou tell me where hebank s?

* we usea fullstopwhen he ntroductoryxpressionsnot a question:'d like to know where he bank s.

direct uest ion:

reported uestion:

Indirect uest ion

I was wonderingwhereyoulived.

Grammar eference sJ

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di gdo








trowh : n q

havehearhidehi t



learnl ^ ^ . . ^I t r d v c














forgivenfrozengo tgiven






lendletli e





ru n

sayse e





shutsInSsinksi t



spellsnenr l






tellthinkthrowunderstandwakewearwi n


lentletlayti r


meantme tpaidput



ra n

saidsa wsold


se tsewed



sanksa t







toldt h n r r o h t




lainli tlost




risenru n



se tsewnshaken



sa tsiept


spelt/spelledspentspilt /spil1edspoilt/spoiledstoodstolenstuck


torntoldt h nr o h t




bi t






du gdi ddrew








Srewhunghadheardhidhi t




@ ComnletePET

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What to expeet8r"lhe exarmTh eWriting ectionollowshe Readingection f paper

1.Paper (bothReadingndWrit inglasts hourand 0minutes. oudo hree asks.

o In Part , there sone askwhichyo umust do .

s In Part2, here s one as kwhichyo umust do.

o In Part3,yo uchoose ne of two asks.



uhave ractis6d entenceransformationor Partlin

3 and7.nPar t :

thereare ivequestionsQuestions-5Jandan example

eachquestion asa complete entenceollowed y asentence itha gap n hemiddle

al l hesentences,ncludingheexample,reabout hesame opic

get I mark or eachcorrect nswer, iving totalof5 marks.

tests ourabil i tyo:

understandrammaticaltructurest PETevelrephrasenformation


do Part IMake ure ouare amil iar i thal l hegrammarreasyouneed o study or PET. ee heGrammar eferenceon pages 16-131,nd he PETHandbook ublished yCambridgeSOL.

Study he example.hi swill ntroducehe opicof th efivequestions,nd emind ouof the kindsof changesyo uwill have o make.

eachquestion -5, ookcarefully t he irstsentenceand hinkabout tsmeaning.

Studybothsentencesnddecidewhatgrammar ointthe questions esting, .g.activeo passive,oo andenough, omparativedverbs, tc .

of different aysof sayinghe same hingas hefirstsentence.

Choosehecorrectwordsand i l l hem n on hequestion aper. ememberhatshort orms ikedon'tcountas wo words.

7 Read hrough ot hsentencesgain, heckinghat heymeanexactlyhe same.

8 Write he one, wo or hreewordsonyouranswer heet.

Checkha tyo uhaven'tmadean yspellingmistakes.


Readhe WritingPart instructionsndstudy he examplebelow.Wh ywouldeachof answers , b, c andd bewrong?

a the irrst im e

b the imeafter

c the irst ime hat

d never eforehat

o Herear esome entencesbout lying n a helicopter

for un.* Foreachquestion,ompletehe second entenceo

that t meanshe same s he irst,using no morethan three words.

* Write only the missing words on your answelsheet.

s Youmayuse hi spage orany oughwork.

Example: I hadneverlown n a helicopterefore.

It was .ttne.tirs*..t iy*e.lhadlown in ahelicopter.


Completeentences-5usinghese ords.

any lights ascoldas l

I Wewenton a Saturday ecauseoucan't lyonSundays.

Therearen't . . . . . . .on Sundayssowe went on a Saturday.

It waswarmer nsidehe helicopterhan hadexpected.

Inside he helicopter t wasnnt ...............I had expected.'Please

switchoff yourmobile hones,'he pilotsaid.

The pilot asked . . switch of f ourmobile phones.

Westayed p n heair or halfan hour.

We . . . .. half an hour flying.

I 'venever adsuchanexciting xperienceeforel

US O spenr th emost

It wasI've ever had!

exciting experience

Writing reference@

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ln the example n page133, ever efore hangeso the

expressiont was he(first ime)+ pastperfectsimple.For

eachquestion -5, ookat he difference etweenhe irst

and he second entence. hatdoeseachquestionest?

Part 2Youhave tudied ndpractised rit ingPart2 in Units2, 6,

8 and10.

fn Part2,you:

are asked o write a short message f between35 and

45 words n he ormo(an email, ote,postcard,tc .

are oldwhoyo uarewriting o andwh y

must nclude-thteeontentpointswhich mayaskyou o

thank, nvite, suggest,explain,apologise,etc.

should pe nandclose he etter n a suitable ay(e.9.

Hi, best wshes)

. cange ta maximum f 5 marks or hispart.

Do no tspend oo ongon hispartoryo umaynot have

enoughime o answerhe ongerPart3 writing askwhereyouca nget a maximum f 15marks.

Part2 testsyourability o:

o readandunderstand task

o writea clearmessage ithina word imit

o organisendconnect ou r deaswell.


include l l hreecontent oints ryo uwon'tbe given

more han 3 marks, ven f it is a verygoodanswer

make ureyourmessages clear

be carefulwithyourgrammar, unctuationndspelling

rememberhat short orms ike don'tcountas wo words

r writeyouranswer n pencilon the answer heet.


write a lot more han45 wordsor youranswermightnot

be as clearas a shorteranswer

write ess han35 words.A shortanswer s unlikely o

includeal l hreecontentpoints. f youwrite 25 wordsor

less, ouwon't begivenmore han 2 marks.

How to do Part 2' l

Readhe askverycarefully. nderl inehe ollowing:

whyyo uarewriting

whatyo uarewriting

whoyo uarewriting o

the hreecontent oints.

You haveust stayedat yourEnglish-

speakingriend's ouse or a week.


[b) what

Writeanemailtoyouf-fttcn-dclamInyour mailou hould:

. thankhi m(d) hreecontentpoints

. tell him whatyouenjoyedmost

. invitehim o stayat yourhouse

Write35-45 wordson vouranswer


[c) who






2 Thinkof someways o communicateachcontent ointand note hemdown,e.g.Thank ou everso much or ..

3 Thinkaboutho wyo uca nconnect our deaswithwords

like but,and or because.

4 Decide owyo uaregoing o openan dclose ou r

message.hinkaboutwhetherhe messages ormal r


5 Write ourcompleteext, ncluding ll hre econtent

points. oo kbackat hequestion,f necessary.

6 Don'twaste imewritinga rough opy.Rememberou

will need o leave noughime o do WritingPart3.

7 Read he question ndyouranswer gain.Makesure

yo uhave:

o included ll hreecontent oints

o writtena clearmessage ndconnectedour deas

with and,but, etc.

c checked ou haven'tmademistakes ith grammar,

spelling r punctuation

* opened ndclosed he messagen an appropriate' way

o written35-45words.


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1he Part2 writ ing askbelowandanswerhese

areyouwriting o?Why?

Wil lyourmessageeed o be ormal r nformal?


are he hreecontent oints?

uwant o borrow our riend's amera.

an email to Eva. n your email, you should

explain why you want to borrow the camera

suggest when you can collect the camera

say when you will give it back.

the PETWritingPart2 exam ou mayhave o thanknvite,apologise, uggest,ask oretc.

of thanking someone

ou / Thanks everso much) for (givingme) such apresent.

verykind ofyou to giveme such a nicepresent.

of explaining

yourpartybecause have o study or my

o study or my exams.That'swhy can't come toyour

of inviting

going to the new Turkish estaurant.Wouldyou like to

goingto the new Turkish estaurant.'d likeyou to come.

of apologising

so sorry or breaking our camera.

so sorry hat brokeyour camera.

of sqggesting

don't wego to the cinema?about(going o) the cinema?

go to the cinema?

Waysof asking

Can borrowyour camera, lease?

Could ou lend meyour camera, lease?

Would t be possibleo borrowyour camera, lease?


Writewhatyo uwouldsay n h e ollowing ituations.

I Youcan'tmeet our riendat heweekend. pologise.

Ttw soyry thxf t ca+r'f weel ,Xouat llne weeKead.

2 You*u,i,,o borrow our riend's""ur"ru. xplain hy.

3 Youspent wo wonderful eeks tyourEnglish-speakingfriend's ouse. hankhim/her.

4 YourEnglish-speakingriendha snever een o your

country.nvite im/her.

5 You've rrangedo meetan English-spea kingriend.

Suggest place o meet.

6 You orgot our riend's irthday. pologise.

7 You're oing o Hugh's arty. sk him ordirectionsohishouse.


Lookat he ollowin g xpressionse use o openandclosemessagesndanswerhe wo questionsha t ollow.

Expressionsused to open messages

Dear .. Hello, . Hi ...

Expressionsused to close messages

Bestwishes All the best Yours Love Lotsof love Seeyou soon

1 Whichexpressionsanwe use n botha formal ndaninformalmessage?

2 Whichexpressionsanwe onlyuse n an nformalmessage?

Exercise 4

@ Readhe hreeanswerso the ask n Exercisewritten y PET andidatesn he nextpage. nswertheqqestionsyputting tick /) or a cross /0 in hecorrect olumn.

I includedall three contentpoints?

2 written a clear message?

3 connected heir ideaswith and, but.

etc.?4 opened nd closed he message

with an aDDroDriatexpression?

Writing reference6s)

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Dear Era,

l'/ /i/<eo borrowyourcamera extFri/ay. l'l/ nee/ t for theweekend

since 'w qo,nqi ta/<eart in a cowpetiionandmycarnera asust

brolrer.llriirru rt n'extMonday. et's eepn tolch.



Howare you? hopeyou're ine. 'mgoing o visitmy riendthis weekend ut I

havg fig problem.3omebodytolemynewcamera. ouldyouendmeyour

camera?canvisityouon Friday.'l l eturn t nextMonday, rite o mesoon.


Iqfsrei!'ffi+ffi *p=:l***u.:_**:wtp-*f


Youoldmeyoucan\ond 0 ourL^mvra.r^rillivetbacY txtFrida'{.

lee pu,


Lookat he PETWritingPart2 marking cheme adaptedro m he Cambridge SOL ebsite, it h kindpermissionJ.hat

markwould ougiveeachof the hreeanswersn Exercise?


Read he ollowing art2 writing ask

andunder l ine :

1 whyyo uarewriting

2 whatyo uarewriting

3 whoyo uarewriting o

4 the hreecontent oints.

Youaregoing o missan Engl ish-

speaking riend'sbirthday arty


Write a note to your friend lan. In

your note,you should

* apologise or missinghi sparty

c explainwh y yo u can't be there

& suggestmeeting anotherdaY.

Write 35-45 words on youranswersheet.


Readhree tudents'nswers nddecide hichonewasgivenhemaximum marks.

becouse havemy isterswedding ndshe iven he

U3A. I mustbring he train 1'epLyon ndafferwards




WrXtXxxgmr& xmar$qXxxgc$xem&

Candidate as ncluded all 3 contentpoints appropriately.

Th emessages very clear.

CunOiaut.t r t in . f "a.a , f f : ."nt"nr ooit t t t

The messages generallyclear.

Candidate as ried to includeall 3 content oints.Themessages not clear n places.

ORCandidate as onlv ncluded content ointsbut theseare


Candidate asn't ncluded2 content ointsor these2 pointsar e

not clearly ommunicated.

The messages not completely ommunicated.

ORThe answer s a little short (20-25wordsJ

Content ointshardly ncludedand/ormessage ifficult o


ORThe answer s short 10-19words)

Contentpointsnot included

ORmessagempossibleo understand

OR oo short (under10words)


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Doaran, wouldifo o apologiseor miosinglourbirthdal ari1. r^rillaveo go o thodoctor'rithm1youngerrothor ecawe won't o ab\eo gowith im.'ulh1on't amoat n

1ouagi{i?9esl v.lirhvs,

HL qvL, 'rn sarryfor wt going to yourparty

yesterday; vnyswter

avr. ccvded. I v,levtt o the hospttal ayLd LLe

dactor told her tLtat sLLe qd a braker+ eg, sa I

cauldwt be there,, I wtll see yau tavworrav,t.fawrs,

he other wo answers o hat heycouldalsobehemaximum marks.

3,yo umustchooseromon e of wo writing asks.

e asks ouchooseromar ean nformaletter nda

uaregiven omewritten nformation,utyo umusthe askwithyourown deas.

mustwriteabout10 0words.

r story smarked ut of a possible 5, o hishe most mportant ar tof he Writing ection.

3 tests ou rabil i ty o:he askyo uhave hosen

our extwel l

sea variety f grammaticaltructuresndvocabulary

our entencesogether

a suitabletyle, .g. r iendly nd nformalnao a friend

orrect pel l ing ndpunctuation


rrorshatmake t diff icult o understandour

ispart oumight eed o show oucan:

place, omethingouown,or a person ou

omebodyract icalnformation


you eelabout omething,r about omethinghashappened

ouropinions r saywhatmakes ouhappy

! whatyo uhope oror whatyo uregret.

How to do Part 31 Readhequestionsndchoosehe ask ou hink ou

cando better. hen ouaredeciding,hinkaboutwhatyou ar egoodat andwhatyo uar enotso goodat .Ar eyou moreconfident rit ing etterso friends, r ellingstory?

2 Readhe as k hatyouchoose ery areful ly.nderl ine

the ol lowing:

o who wi l l ead our ext, .g. n Engl ish-speakingriend,yourEngl isheacher

s the key words in the instructions, .g.story, egin,


* the mainpoints oumustwriteabout,or example:

There's really ig shopping entre uite

nearmyapartment.go hereeverySaturday.

Whatdo yo u ikebuyingmost? answer

What re heshopsikenear hereou ive?--{,#,'fr["#J:,

3 Think bout he opicandhowyouwil lwri teabout t . .

Quickly ot edownas many deas syou can.

4 Choose ou rbest deas ndwritea briefplan, utting

thesedeas nder eparateeadings.

5 Think f some seful ords ndohrasesoreachparagraphndnote hemdown, utdon' twri tea ful l ,rough opy. ouwon'thave ime o write t all wice.

6 Decidewhatstyle ouneed o write n: ormal rinformal.

, f AttT;nt";itr


Clearmessageconnected ithbecause nd so

2 content oints re no tcorrect. heparty s

tomorrow nd hewriterdoesn't uggestanother ay

Writing reference{s}

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Write our ext, ollowing ou rplanand keepingo thetopic.

Try o make ou rhandwriting s clearandeasy o readas possible.

9 Useas many ifferent indsof grammaticaltructuresandasmuch ocabularysyoucan.

l0 Form onger entences y using inking xpressionsike

so and because.'11At the end,check ou havewrittenabout he rightnumber f words. f yo uhavewritten ewer han80words, ouwill osemarks.f yo uwritemanymore ha n100, oumightmakemoremistakes.

12 Makesure ou eave noughime o check our

completedext or mistakes3ndorrecthem.Makinga, lot of correctionsoesn'tmatter f thevar eeasv o read.

lnformal etterYo uhavepractised ritingan nformaletter or Part3 inUni ts ,5 and11.

When ouwriteyour etter, oushould:

imagineheshort extyo uread swritten o you

organise ou r extproperly,sing hortparagraphs

pu t he opening, .g .DearAmy, he closing, .g.Love,andyourname nseparateines

use riendly,nformalanguage

. give easons ndexamples,sing inkingwords.

Expressionsused at the beginning of an informal letter

D e a r . . . H e l l o . . . H i . .Thanks verymuch) foryour letter. lt wasgreat to hear fromyou.

Sorry 've takenso ong to writeback, but ... Sorry haven'twritten or so ong,but ... l'vegot so much to tellyou. l'mwriting o say .. This s ust a quicknote to say ...

Expressionsused at the end of an informal letter

Well, hat'sall for now. I d better finishnow because ..

Say'hello'toyour family rom me. Givemy ove o everyone.

Don't forget o writesoon. Looking orward o hearing romyou.

Love, Lotsof love, Bestwishes, All the best, BVe ornow

Exercise1Readhe Part3 writing askon he rightan danswerhesequestions.'I

Whatare he ke ywords n he nstructions?

2 Who must ouwrite o?

3 Whatdoes ourEngl ish-speakingr iendel lyou?

4 Whatquestionsoes ourEngl ish-speakingriend sk?


Studyhi smodel etter nd he comments ext o it.Answerthesequestions.

I HowdoesStefan eply o Sam's uestions?

2 Findas many nformal ords n he etterasyou can.

3 Whatelse hows hat he styleof the etter s nformal?

4 Find n example nd wo reasonsn he ast woparagraphs.

hat inking ords oes euse?

Model lettera



ThanKeor our al


hadoieof cool rr

Mine sn't ill Tut1,

ercilvd.l lwalse

mum nddad, at

cardt some f th

Thorv\a caYo,oo.

candlesn |.



alwalsun.9uI Ihe

dowhat lira alld;


An1wa1,hatsall r

to goout. lrita or

All tha bss.t.he be$,

ur lattarandcongralulations

asnth irthdall hope1ou


Tul1, ut 'malraadl atting

rytge| ico rasentsromm1

f,aswellatloade f birthdal

of hem requiteunn1.r, oo. his oar t'llhavo4

naIv6IaYo oout,ecial,iYe concerl.haI's

rt thobasthing s haI can

allda1 ndnoono an al


all or now ocawe'vegoI

te soon. --



otheroersonortheir etterandsaysomethingboutwhat heywrote

Answer heirquestions

Sa ywh yyourletter squite

short, ndask ora reply

* This spartof a letter ou receivero man English-speakingriend.

]| 'vejusrhadrnyfourteen|hbir|hday1|hadagrealtirn. with ll nyfarnily.leasetellne boufour irfhdays.hat ;

I happgls? lrat oyou o?

No wwritea letter, nsweringour riend's uestions.

Write ou r etter in about10 0wordson your answersheet.



@ CompletePET


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ExerciseRead he Part3 writing askbelowandanswerhesequestions.

1 Whatare he keywords n he nstructions?

2 Whoareyouwriting o?

3 What nformationoes our riendgive?

4 Whatdoes our riendwant o know?

This s partof a letter oureceiveroman English-spea kingriend.

No wwritea letter o this riend.

it dyour etter in about10 0wordson your answer sheet.

ExerciseReadhe etterwrittenby a PET andidate ndanswer uestions -8.

1 Zoehasmadeonegrammarmistaken eachparagraph1-4].Ca nyoucorrect he mistakes?Has hemadeanyspellingmistakes?

Has heorganised er etterwell?

ls her etterabout he right ength?

ls herwriting ormal r nformal? ive omeexamples.

heanswer llJamie's uestions?nwhichparagraphs?

Which ourcommon xpressionsoe s heuseat he beginningnden dof her etter?

Which inkingwordsdoes heuse o give easons?

ET andidatensetter


1 g Thawk: far your letter - thott's such a lood nnws! I cawt belleve yaww are goLn9 to vtslt rny conntry!

2& I thLvtk Lt'sbest to speni your tirne u+a clty becotwe here qre ynore

\'## iltwgs fuyyll thavL LvLhe cawwtrystde.Qennratty, vt, he cttLes you cqrw

watchftlrns, go sLtappLngvtd eat ivt,gaad estqurqds.

The nQhtlLft tn rny caLLwrys wonderfwl!TLtere re awtow dkcoshereand ltvely cafds.Ovt,Suwdayshere are cultnrql attracttow forpeople Luch re visLtLvt4he citLes.

4 *g I recovnynewd on ta vlstt tlte capttal, 06 Lti huge awd tLtereare lovely*d sawdybeaches aa. Alsabecause ILvehere!

?leo$ewrLte 49aLn, aov't.

Eest wuLtes,


3 pEE$lFilf

Writing reference @

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- a


StoryYo uhavepractised rit inga story or Part3 in Unitsg and12.

When ouwritea story, oushould always:

r checkwhetherhe words ouar egivenn heinstructionsre he itleor he irst ine

. writeabout he opicsuggestedy he itle use he irstsentenceou have eengiven

o get ideasby asking ourselfwho?,what?,where?,when?andhow?

decide efore oustArtwrit ingwhatwill happen t hebeginning,n hemiddle ndat heend.Wil l heendingbe happy, ad or a mystery?

make ureeachpartof your extdevelopshe story

use ime expressions,.g.before, fteqduring,when,while,until, first, hen,next, mmediately, s soon as,suddenly, inally, n the end

usea variety f tenses, .g. he past impleorevents,th e past ontinuouso describehe background,hepastperfector hings hat happened efore omethingelsewhenyouarealreadyalking bout he past.

Yo ushould ry to:

set hescene t he beginningyusing escript ion

include ome nterest ingetai ls

usesomeunusual ocabularyo make he storymorelively

include om edirect peech, .g.'What as hatstrangenoise?'

e sayho wyou,or he maincharacter,el tat differentimesin hestory

e create nterest uring ourstory, ossibly ith a surpriseat heend.

ExerciseReadhi sPart3 taskandanswerhe ouestionsha t olloru.

o YourEnglisheacher asasked ou o writea story.

c Your torymusthave his itle:

The lost wallet

o Write ourstory in about10 0wordson your answersheet.

1 Whatare he keywords n he nstructions?

2 Do he nstructionsive he it leor he irst ine?

3 Howmanywords houldheanswer e?

Exercise2Study hismodel toryand he comments ext o it.Answertheseouestions.

1 ls he extwritten n he irstperson 0, or he hirdperson he/she/it)?

2 Whatadjectivesndadverbs reused o describehescene nd hepeople?

3 What indof ending oes t have?

4 Matcheachof comments -f withwords n he ext.





a Good svol

Ienseso sel

lno 5L0nv

I The ostwalletb Describes

how o olt

c Direcl peechrin

tha aiorl


f ?artl1orplainsha thappened

Rafawassfanding n he oowdedplatform f abusy nderground

stationwhen iswalletwasfolen.Upsetandangry, e ealised

thatwifh t he hadosthis dentrty ardandallhiscash.

Heneverexpectedo see tf again, utmonths ater herewasa

knock tfhedoor.'l elievehis syours,'saidnervoustraffer',whohanded imhiswallet nd hen hurried ff into he nightRafa

looked nxiousl/nsidet

Hecouldn'tbelieveis uck,because ismoney as hereandso

washis Dcard. omefhing,hough,waswrong. hatwashiscard,

butwith omeonelsesphofo n f.Then eunderstood:heyhad


I wantedo stealhis dentrty.

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xercise3ead he Part3 writing askbelowandanswerhese

Whatare he keywords n he nstructions?

Wh owill read ou rstory?

Which wordsdoyou have o use?Where?

Whatare he keywords n he sentenceouaregiven?

Doyouhave o write n he irstperson /),or he hirdperson he/she/it)Z

4ead he storywrittenby a strongPET andidatendanswerhisouestion.

Thestory as hree aragraphs-3.Which aragraphmainly bout he ime:

he phone ang

after he phone an g

hephone as inging?

PK-f amdidateu$tory

slhenhaphoneang, Knewmmedia'tel1howas alling.9eloreanswring,ihoughi acVo urhenwasaKing art nIhedancvomDetition.

lhad parsedhroughho iret,second,hird and ourth ounds.

Aftor hadcompletad1dancan he ifth round,hajudgasaaidhawinner ould arform roundha rorld.lwas nformodhat ha osults illbo announcedn r,'ro,.reeKs.

and owt wa sima.

Nervousll,iooK'ths all.'\ou'vr,aronhs NationalanceLompoIilion,'voicv aid. was mal-ed.couldn'toleive'h twas dream omerue.Af'tar ll, r,-rasjuaiv lvarsoldandai

lhalago nlono ould t,Ihehappivtlorsonfthaworld.

D prg" 119Grammareference:astsimplend past


D prg. l2BGrammareference: as terfect


Readhe storymorecarefully ndanswer uestions -9 .

I Does he storykeep o the opicof the irstsentence?

2 ls t about he ight ength?

3 Findone ncorrect erb orm,a spellingmistake ndaprepositionrror.

4 Whatverb enses oes heuse?Give n example feach, .g .past imple: ang.

5 Which im eexpressions,.g .when, oes heuse?

6 ls herwri t ingmainlyormal r nformal? ive omeexamotes.

7 Where ndhowdoes hecreate nterest?

8 Where oes heus edirect peech?

9 Whichwordsand phrases escribe owshe elt?


o YourEnglisheacher asasked ou o writea story.

e Your torymustbeginwith hi ssentence:

When the phone rang, I knew immediatety whowas calling.

* Write ourstory in aboutl00

wordson youranswer sheet.

Writing reference@

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Study he Part2 instructionsndpictures elow, nd


1 Whatdo youhave o imagine?

2 What wo things oyou have o do withyourpartner?

-3 Ho wmanyobjects re n he picture?What s eachonecal led?

Examiner: 'mgoing o describe situationo you.A

school riendof yours sgoing o l ive n another ountry.Talk ogether bout he differenthings he class ould

buyhimor herasa leaving resent nddecide hichonewouldbe best.Here sa picturewith some deaso helpyou.All right? alk ogether.


{3; Listeno Stella ndLe edoingSpeaking art2 and

answer uestions-6.





Do heyask he examinero repeat nything? N0

Do hey ake urnsproperly?

Do hey isten nd eply o whateachother ays?

Do heydiscuss ll he pictures?

Do heyagreeo choose neof the objects?f so,

wh ich?

6 Which andidate oyou hinkgota bettermark?Why?


{fi; Listen gain nd oo kat he expressionselow. ick /)

th e ones hatStella ndLeeus e theymaynot useexactly


Making suggestions

How bout . .?

What oyo u thinkof ...?Whydon'twe ...?

Perhaps e should ..?

Soshallwe ... , then?

Agreeingwith suggestions


Yes,hat's rue.

I think so, oo.

Yes, (completely)agree withyou.

That's (very)good dea.

Disagreeingpolitelywith suggestions

I think t mightbe better o .. .

I think 'd rather ..

lh notso keenon .. .

l'm not reallysureabout that.

Youmaybe right,but ...

Giving easons

. . .because. .Forone hing ..


The hing s ...

I think heproblems that ..

Fart SYouhave ract ised art in Units ,5,10and12. t lasts


In Part :

o the examinerntroduceshe opic e.9. eople t work)

andasks oth andidateso alk n urnabout colourphotographorabout neminute

o eachcandidateasa different hotographo talkabout

* the photographhows verydayituations,.g .people t

work,at home, n holiday, tc.

* theexaminertoos andidatesfter minute

* candidatesre no tasked o comment n heirpartner's



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3 tests ourability o:

verydayituations singa range f vocabularyandstructures

organiseour anguagen a long urn.

w to do Part 3Listen arefullyo the examiner'snstructionss heexaminer il l el lyou he opicof bothphotos, .g.

peopleat workor teenagers t home.

l t isa good dea o imagineouaredescribinghephotographo someone ho can't ee t.

Talkabouteverythingoucansee n h e photograph

thepeople, hat heyaredoing, hat heyarewearing,theirage, tc.Also alkaboutanyotherobjects oucansee, ncludingheir olour, ize, tc.

Try o usea range f vocabularyndstructures.

lf yo udon'tknow heword oran object, seoneof thedescribingxpressions,.g. f'sa thing or...

Avoidpointingat objects usenext o,behind,etc.instead.

Speak or a mi nute the examiner illsa yThankyouwhen t's ime o stoo.

When t's he other andidate'surn o talkabout heirphotograph,is ten utdon't ayanything.


peaking art3 taskbelowand ookat he photographs.nswer hequestionha t ollows.

eachof yo u o talkonyourown about omething.'mgoing o giveeachof yo uaf people njoying heir free time.

el l us what you can see in your photograph.

t he wo photographs.hich f hesehings ould ou alkabout or Photo andPhoto ?Put[/ J in he Yo u olumns.



of day (morning,afternoon,etc.)

e food

e clothes








Speaking eference@

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/ is) Listeno Sofia ndTania oing heSpeaking art3 task.Tick /) the hings hey alk about n he correct olumn nthe able n page145.


{is} Listen o Sofia ndTania gain nddecide f thefollowing entencesrecorrect r ncorrector eachone.

TickU) the box f you think the sentence is correct.

Sofia Tania

r T

Fart &Yo uhavepractised ar t4 in Units2,5, 6 and 11. t lastsminutes.

ln Part :

the examiner sks ou o talk ogether ithyourpartner

about omething onnectedo the photographsn Part3

the examiner i l l ntroducehe opic or discussion.ouwill usually eed o considerwo parts, .g. ldaes ou

would ike to visit and activitiesyou would do there oractivitiesyou like to do onyour own and activitiesyou liketo do with otherpeople

. yo uhave conversationit hyourpartner, ot heexamlner

* yo uneed o take urns o speak y asking ndansweringeachother's uestions

6 yo ukeep alking ogether nti l he examinerells ou ostop.

Part4 tests ou rabil i ty o:

r talkabout ourownexperiences,pinions,ikesan ddislikes, tc.with another erson n a topic

o take urnswith he otherperson y asking hemabouttheirexperiences,pinions,ikes nddislikes, tc.


Shedescribeshings hecansee n hephotograph.

Sh eusesa wide ange f vocabularyandstructures.

Sheusesexpressionsike t'smadeof ...

Shedescribeshe ocation f objects.

Shespeaksor abouta minute.

Sheprobably ota goodmark n




4I F



t r TT t rn t rT T

trWaysof talking about the photographs

ln thisphoto /we can see ..

It looks ike + noun lt looks+ adjective

I think t ... I don't think t ...

It could/mightbe ...

There eems/appearso be ...

Ways of talking about an object you donntknow theword for

It's kindof ...

It's omethingikea ...

It'smadeof metal/plastic/wood, tc.

It'sused or ...-ing

Ways of describing location


oin between3reMinside

on he eft


@"oto,"te PET

next o behind in frontof

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How to do Part 4

1 Theexaminer ill askyo u o havea general onversationit hyourpartner bouta topicwhich sconnectedo the photographsoubothdescribedn Part3.

2 In hisgeneral onversation,ouwillneed o talk about ourownl ikes nddisl ikes,xperiencesnd

- opinions ndaskyourpartner bouttheirs.

3 Listen arefullyo th eexaminer'sinstructions.ouca nask heexaminero repeathe magain fyo udo not understand,.g.Sorry,canyou say hat again, lease?

4 Yo uwill usually eed o considertw o parts n yourdiscussion,.g .l'd likeyou to talk togetherabout

the typesof television rogrammesyou like to watch and whenyou liketo watch hem or the activities ou

like to do withyour family and theactivitiesyou like to do withyour


Turn ourchair o faceyourpartner.

Begin heconversationy alkingabouton epartof thequestion utremembero invite ou rpartnerojoin n, e.g.Whatdoyou think?

Listen arefullyo whatyourpartner

says ndreply n a suitable ay,e.g.l'm not so sure. ...

8 lf youcan't hinkof anythingmoreto say, he examiner i l l askyouafurther uestion.

9 After hreeminutes.heexaminerwill stopyo ubysaying: hankyou.That's he end of the test.


Readhe Part4 instructionselowan d

underlinehe wo parts ouwill needto considernyourdiscussion.

Examiner:Yourphotos howedpeople njoyingheir ree ime.NowI'd ikeyo u o talk ogether bout hethings ouenjoy oing nyour re etimeand he hings ouwould ike otry in the future.


Makea l istof someof the hings oucould alk about n he yourow below



16 ) Listeno AgnesandMarcos oingPart4. Makesomenotes n what h eytalkabout n he ableabove.


1S)Listen gain nddecide f the ollowing entencesrecorrect r ncorrect.TickU) th e box f you think the sentence s correct.

1 They alkedabout heirexperiences,pinions,likes nddislikes, tc.

2 Theyasked achotherquestionsndgave

eachotherplenty f time o speak.

3 They howedhe ywere nterestedn whatthei rpartner aid. u

4 They alkedaboutbothpartsof the ask. I

5 Theydidn't hangehe opiccompletely. I

6 Theygo ta goodmark n hispartof the est I

Questions or taking turnsWhatabout ..2

Whatdoyou think?

Don'tyou think so?

Doyou hink...?

Doyou ike ..?

Have ougot...?

Showingyo u are listeningandinterested

l'm not so sure.


Yesand no.



I agree/disagree.

X'd iKe o tryuo!.!.qbn!.!"/srihVDeCnUSe ...


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Aa$foenfrcastpETpsper rom CmnebrcdgeSOt


ReadingPart 1

Questions -5

Look t he ext n each uestion.Whatdoes t say?Mark hecorrectetterA, B or G onyouranswer heet.











King tleys ooksthedictionaryou


recounendednothernellSalral -

they ouldsta copyor onorrow.




A Do not eave our bicycle ouching he window.

B Broken lassmaydamageourbicycleyres.

C Yourbicyclemaynotbesafehere.

Supermarketustomersreno tchargedorparkingbutneedo collect specialicket.

Supermarketustomershould how heir eceipt t

theexit o thecarpark.

Supermarketustomersaveo pay or hecarparkinsidehesupermarket.

Graham as o wait an extraday or the dictionary e

ordered rom Otleys.

lf Grahamwantsa dictionaryrom Otleys,t'll costmore han he expected.

The dictionaryGraham eeds s unavailablet Otleys,

so theyrecommendryinganother hop.

A B Co


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Thanksor ending e hatsurfing

DVD I'mgladyougot t backOK.

Youcanborrowmybaseball ne

and eturnton Sundayfyouwant.


Please eport lostproperty mmediately

to any memberof staff


A Li s offeringo lendChunga DVD.

B Liwants o return neof Chung's VDso him.

G Li saskingChung o givebacka DVDhe has


The college fficewill giveyou a cardwhenyou

collect our parcels.

Whenposting parcel,ake ourcollegeardwithyou o theoffice.

G Theofficewillonlygive ouyourparcelfyouprovewhoyouare.

Aska member f staff o show ou he ostpropertyl ist.

B Tell he staffwhatyou have ostwithoutdelay.

G Thestaffwill ill na lostpropertyeport mmediately.


GENERALOFFICEParcelscannotbe collected

herewithout a collese

identity card

PETmodel un"r@

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Questions -10

Thepeople elow llwant o buya book or heyoung erson hownneachpicture.On heoppositeageherearedescriptionsf eightbooks.Decide hichbookwouldbe he most uitableor he ollowing eopleo buy.Forquestions-10,mark hecorrectetter A-HJ nyouranswer heet.

1 0

Ginawants book or hernephew ho s nterestedn nature.He's lways skingquestionsbout heworldaround imandGina hinks e's eadyo start earninga fewsimpleacts.

Brunos ookingora book isdaughteri l lenjoyeadingndwhichwil lalsohelpwitha project he sdoing t school.Shehas o describe n mportantventfrom he past.

Edita'son oves nimals ndshewould ike o buyhima bookwith beautifulpicturesnda strongmessagebout heneedo respectheenvironment.

Tonywants o buya novelor his eenageister.She ikes toriesha tare rue olifeand hatshowpeoplendifficult ituations.

Lydias ookingor a bookabout nimalsor hergranddaughter,hocannot eadyet.Shewants bookwithseveraltoriesn t,andsome ttractiveictures.

@ comptetePET

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I Wonder Why B

Thewonders f science omealive orchildrennthisdelightful ook.Aswellas enjoyinghe lovely ictures,heywillalso earn bouthowplants row,seehowdifferentbirdscare or theiryounganddiscoverome nterestinginformationbout nsects.

Basic Technology

A love of knowledge begins earlywith this colourful referencebook.Find out interesting facts and learnabout important inventions in thelast century. If you know a childwho asks questions like 'What

makes a car go?',then this is thebook for you.


In hisexcitingtory, onderfullyllustratedya famousildlifertist,aminainds babyelephanthose otheras illedyhunters.Lookingorhelp,he ravelsackhroughheAfricanush nd sableoenjoyhenatureal larounder,Herourneyeacheser heimportancefdoing llwecan osave ndprotecturworld.

Journeyo thePast

Lying ill in bed,Lucienknowshe s not

like otherboys. In this maginative toryhe indsout ust howdifferenthe s. Hediscovershat he has hepower o transporthismind hrough pace nd ime. Thisamazingnovel ill appealo thosewhoread o escaperomthe realworld.


Joanna asbrought p by heraunt nd

uncle ndhasnever nown erparents.At 14,shedecideso tryand ind heanswerso thequestionshatshehasalways sked erself 'Who

am ?','Wheredo I come rom?'The ovelellsthemoving et unny toryof Joanna'ssearchor her dentity.

Painting History

This is a beautiful bookshowingfamous paintings through history.Eachpainting is describedn detail,including simple facts about thepeopleshown n them and their lives.Children are invited to look morecloselyat the pictures and to try someof the techniques hemselves.

Forest Tales

Thisbook s a col lection f seven

well-known nimalstories romdifferent ultures round heworld. Theyare particularlysuitable or reading loudandwouldmakegoodbedtime tories.Eachstory s aboutsix pages ongwith brightand colourful ictureson everypage.

Time Travellers

This very interesting set of stories shows

what life was really like for people atcertain points in history - the buildingof the Eiffel Tower, rhe sinking of theTitanic, the first moon landing. \Written

as diaries, these storiesare historicallyaccufate.

PETmodelp"p"t @

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Part 3


- Look t hesentenceselow bout wopeople hohave isited ntarctica.Readhe exton heoppositeageo decidef each entencescorrect r ncorrect.

lf it iscorrect,markA onyouranswer heet.lf it is notcorrect,markB onyouranswer heet.

SaraWheeler ent o Antarcticao do some cientificesearch'

SaraWheeler assurprisedyhow ewartists ave ravelledo Antarctica.

Philip ughes asoneof many rtistso have aintingsn display t heAntarctica'xhibition.

By1975, ughesealisedha theneededo findother ocationsor hiswork.

SaraWheeler articularlyiked he ac t ha tAntarcticassodifferentromother laces n earth.

Oneof Hughes'saintingsrought ackhappymemoriesfAntarcticaorSaraWheeler.

Hughes ad o weargloves heneveredrewa picture utdoorsnAntarctica.

Hughes ompletedhe paintingChristmasayat Rotherautdoors.

Hughesoundtchallengingo paintmainlynwhite.

Hughes issedaving ismobile honenAntarctica'




1 4

1 5

l 6

1 7

1 8

't 9



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AntarcticaJournalist Sara Wheeler writes about her meeting with the artistphilip Hughes and the

discussion they had about their experiences n Antarctica.

Antarcticahashada powerfuleffecton bothexplorers ndscientists..Arrarcuca nasnaoa powerrulertecton bothexplorers ndscienti]ffi. In 1994Idiscoveredwhy,when spentsevenmonths here

collectingmaterial or a travelbook. I haveoften housht travel book. I have often thousht the



%%'amazingemptinessf this regionwould attractthenterestofmany landscape aintersandyet, hroughouthistory,

only a smallnumberhaveactuallybeen here.

In2O03,oneof them, he 67-year-oldpainterhilip

Hughes, peneda one-manshow n Londoncalledsimply Antarctica'.tJntll 197 , Hughes's aintingsweremostlyof the SouthDowns n England,but atthis point,Hughesdecidedhe wanted o paintmore

distant ands. First,he travelled o SouthAmerica.Then n 2001,he spent ive weeks n Antarctica,dividing

his time betweenRothera,a British research entreonAdelaide Island, and a sciencecamp up on the West

Antarctic ice sheet.

The temperatures can be extreme. At my camp they reached-115'C and at times I felt terrible. But baek inEngland, looking at Hughes's painting Leonie Island at Midnight,I remembered what Antarctica was likewhen a storm ended. It was as if the world was new. Then I wondered why I came back. Hughes was therein summer, and the temperatures were around zero. He could draw in these conditions but if it got colder, heneeded o wear gloves. The picture Christmas Day at Rothera was drawn on paper while Hughes sat on the

lil_*j*^,ll1l"ltl""it until aterwhen e.wentinside,commonechnique ithHughes.Although

:|1:: :i:-:,1t9"t:n Antarctica,ost f the ontinents whiie.'Thetechnic"fiirn""iiyl*?r'r";;ffi;io vvurrv. I rrE LELllllluar urllrL;ulty rnvolvgo rn palntrng

there,,'explained Hughes, 'wasworking in white. When I used even a little blue and gr""n, I had to work verery




S" "?"

"o. ^a-4 - |

' d ^ t - l? KOSS

Se a






Antarcticasimply sn't like anywhereelseon this planetand or me this was hebest hing aboutmy visit. Itis one-and-a-halfimesbigger han the UnitedStates ut it is very peaceful. t alsonever"getsark. When

went o Hughes's how,we ookedat his paintings ogether.He explained,I

was ust amaiedby the beautyofAntarctica. It didn't matter hat our nearest eighbourswere800 iilometresaway.'

I askedHughes why he went to Antarctica. 'Today,people are controlled by things like mobile phones and

email' I had to get away from this' You only become aware of the absence, uy, of plun"s overhead,when therearen't any. When it's only you and the natural world, you completely understana it, po1y"r.,

PEr model ulur {rB

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Part 4


Readhe extandquestions elow.Foreachquestion,mark he correctetterA, B,G or D onyouranswer heet.

Indian filmsActor Amitabh Bachchan talks about his experiences

I have spent over 30 years in the Indian film industry and have

worked with almost three generations of directors and actors. There

was a time when life in the movies was very different. It was slower

and everything seemed simpler. Now, there are so many things to

be dealt with: the light needs to be right, the equipment needs to

be returned, the actors have to be somewhere else. There also usedto be a sense of magic about the movie industry and the stars were

special. Now they are just one of a crowd.

However, in my experience, the new generation of film-makers take their work seriously

and they are all very confident. Sometimes,when a young director is talking to me about

a scene, I can see technical difficulties. For example, in the film Aks we needed wild dogs

for a particular scene and I asked Rakesh Mehra how we would do that. He said it was

not a problem. He found an address on the internet and we shot the scene in Romania.

More often, Rakesh is anxious about getting the actors' dates right or sorting out the

financial side.

Most of today's young directors have trained in the United States.They have learnt how toplan their productions in great detail and they are extremely well prepared. Before filming

starts, they have already made decisions about the costumes, make-up, camera angles

and so on. For afi actor it means there's someone taking care of everything. It makes the

filming go smoothly. I have little doubt thart he future of our film industry is in very good


What s AmitabhBachchanrying o do n his ext?

A suggest ow ndian ctors ould mproveheir echnique

B comparendianilmswith hosemade n he USA

C encourageeopleo watchmore ndian ilms

D describehangesn he ndianilm ndustry

WhatdoesAmitabhBachchanayabout he Indianilm ndustryoday?

A Every tageof filming akesa long ime.

B The ilm starsare amous round he world,

C Thepeoplenvolvedn filminghave lot o do.

D lt is difficult oryoungactors o start heircareers.


@ cotRl"t" eer

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WhqthappenedhenAmitabh achchanndRakesh ehraworkedogether n Aks?

A They isliked orking ithoneanother.

B They rgued bouthe best ctor o use.

C They isagreedbout cceptableevels f cost.

D Theyworried bout ifferenthingsn makinghe ilm.

What sAmitabh achchan'spinion fyoung irectors?

A They ave professionalttitudeowardsheirwork.

B They recareful ot o annoy nyof heactors.

C They ike o discussheirdecisionsithothers.

D Theymake ure ha teveryoneswelltrained.

HowwouldAmitabhBachchanescribehe ndianilm ndustrv?


The films we madewhenI wasyoungerweresomuchbetter - more

money s available oday

but theacting s worse.

Indian film-makersknow

what heyare doing- the

industry s growing n

strengthand think it

will continue o do so.

cOur newgeneration ffilm-makersdependsoomuchon technology

they don't realisewhat

makesa really good ilm.

Thereare somegreat

youngactors oday

they have o film scenes

unprepared nd his

makes hem veryspecial.

PET model pup"t@

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Part 5


Readhe extbelow ndchoosehecorrect ord or each pace.Foreach uestion, ark hecorrectetterA, B,G or D onyouranswer heet.


0 A c a n B s h o u l d G need

O i A B c D: :

D would



No t (29) ..... good dea eads o immediate30) ..... , however.

(3t1 the 15thcentury, eonardo a Vinci wrote down his dea or chains

(32) were able o drivemachines but the technology o (33)

these hainsdi d no t (3+1 then. Thisshows hata great nventionmay be

unworkable 35 ) a futuredevelopmentmakes t possible.

@ comptetePET

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A far

A reach

A t o

A every

A prize

A Between

A what

A produce

A last

A i f

B absent

B travel

B with

B any

B success

B A t

B who

B set

B exist

B whi le

C other

G transport

C fo r

C a l l

G win

C During

C which

C record

G happen

G unti l

D distant

D arrive

D o f

D each

D victory

D Since

D where

D put

D continue

D when

PETmodelul". @

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WritingPart 1


Here resome entencesbout footballmatch.Foreach uestion,ompletehesecond entenceo hat t meanshesame s he irst.Use no more han threewords.Write nly hemissing ords nyouranswer heet.Youmayuse hispage or any oughwork.


O A lotof peoplewent o the ootballmatch.

Therewere a lot of peop|e.................... footballmatch.

- t--l t-----.---tAnswer: )l ar*'e I

I lt was hemostexcitingootballmatch hadeverbeen o.

Indnever been to exciting football match before.

2 | had o sit at the back.but I didn'tmind hat.

I didn't mind ......i t at the back.

3 Threeplayers eregiven ellow ardsby he referee.

The referee yellow cards o three players.

4 Thehome eamdidn't lay swellas hevisitors.

Thevisitors played the home eam.

5 Their aptain coredhewinning oaljust eforehematch nded.

Theircaptainscored he winninggoal us t before he ............ ...........hematch.

f se) CompletePET

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Youhavemovedo a newhome ndarewriting o tellyour riend boutt.Write card o yourEnglishriend.nyour ard, oushould

. explain hyyouhavemoved

. saywhat ou ikeabout ournewhome

. invite ourEnglishriendovisit ou .

Write35-45 words onyouranswer heet.

Part 3

Write nanswero one of thequestions7 or 8) in hispart.Write ouranswernaboutOOwordsonyouranswer heet.Mark hequestion umbern he boxat he op ofyouranswer heet.

Question. This spartof a letter ou eceiveroman Englishriend.

Nowwritea letter, nsweringour riend's uestions.

Write our etter onyouranswer heet.

Question. YourEnglisheacher asasked ou o writea story.

. This s he itle oryour tory:

The bestdecision 've ever made

Write our tory onyouranswer heet.

Yesterdayvisited nexhibifionbouttheufureof my own.What oyou hinkyour

townwillbe ike n z0years ime?Doyou hinkyou'll lwaysive here?


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Questions -7

There reseven uestionsn hispart.Foreach uestionhere re hreepicturesndaChoosehecorrect icture ndputa tickU) in

Example:Wheres hegirl's at?

Part 1

short ecording.theboxbelowt.


Which andwi l l theg i r lwatch?

€ { . f r^ffi" *d- .#&

%ff$A T

Wheredoes he boy eel pain

B I c I

A T B T c I

@"oto,"te PET

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7 3 Wheres hecomputerow?


Howdoes hewoman ecommendravell ingroundhe sland?

A T B J c E

What do bot hgirlsdecide o wear o the disco?

A T B J c I

PETmodel up.. €t)

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Youwill hear hepilotKateGingfordalkingabout he ast ewdaysof her lightaroundhe world n asmallaeroplane.

Foreachquestion, uta tick U) in he correctbox.

I In Norway, ate'sriends elped er A plan he routeon he map.

B cooka meal efore er light.

G puton heclothes hewould ly n.

I Duringhe light o Denmark,ate A feltvery ired.

B spokeo herson.

C enjoyed iewsof the sea.

10 on Monday, atewasworried ecause A shehad o landunexpectedly.

B theplanewasdifficult o fly.

G a wheelwasnotworking roperly.

1I While taying t her riends'arm,Kate A enjoyed earinghe birds ing.

B gotannoyedbout osinglyingime.

G made ure hego tsome xtra leep.

12 Kate ad o arrive t he lying lub n England A duringheafternoon.

B while heweather asgood.

G beforet gotdark.

13 HowdidKateeelwhen hearrivedn London? A pleasedhehaddonehe rip

B keen o make notherong rip

G nervousbout eeing er amily gain








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lo Part 3


Youwillhear recorded essagebout tourist ttractionalled heGrand alace.For ach uestion,i l l n hemissingnformationn henumberedpace.


ThY?alacosnow pen gain.


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(af Part4


Look t hesixsentencesor hispart.Youwill hear conversationetween boy, om, nda girl, emma, hoarestudyingn different artsof he country.Decidef each entencescorrect r ncorrect.lf it iscorrect, uta tick ,/) in he boxunder forYES. f it is notcorrect, uta tick() in heboxunder forNO.



20 TomandJemma adarrangedo meet ach ther.

21 The i lmsat Kingsford inemaare usually atherout of date.

22 Tom ssurprisedhat lemmapends o much n entertainment.

23 Jemma ida freecourseo geta qualification.

24 Tom hinks emmawil l indworking t a swimming oolboring.

25 Tom ssure emmawil lgeta ob at he hol iday amp.


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AIB Goodmorning afternoonevening.Can have ourmark heets, lease?

(Handover he mark sheetso theAssessor.)

AIB I 'm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and h is s. . . . . . . . .. . .He She s us tgoingo listeno us.

A Now,what's ourname?Thank ou.

B Andwhat's ourname?Thank ou.



Candidate,what's our urname?Howdo youspell t?

Thank ou .

And,Candidate,what's our urname?Howdoyouspell t?

Thank ou .

(Askthe followingquestions.Usecandidates' ames hroughout.AskCandidate first)

Where oyou ive come rom?

Adult studentsDoyouworkor areyoua studentn ..?Whatdoyoudo study?

School-age studentsDoyoustudyEnglish t school?Doyou ike t?

Thank ou .

(Repeat or CandidateB.)

Howdoyouwriteyour amily secondname?

Howdoyouwriteyour amily secondname?


Doyou iven .. .?

Have ougota ob?

Whatob doyoudo? Whatsubject[s)doyoustudy?


@ completerr

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Qe.legtneor more questionsrom he list o askeachcandidate. secandidates'ameshroughout.AskCandidate first.)


Doyouenjoy tudying nglish? Doyou ikestudying nglish?Doyou hink hatEnglish il lbeusefuloryou n WillyouuseEnglishn he uture?the uture?

Whatdidyoudo yesterdayvening lastweekend?Didyoudo anythingesterdayvening

lastweekend? hat?Whatdoyouenjoy oingnyour ree ime? Whatdoyou ike o do nyour ree ime?

Thank ou.

(lntroductiono Part2)

In the nextpart,yoffire/going to talk to eachother.

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|2- 3minutes



Say o both candidates:

I'mgoingo describe situationoyou.

A citywants o givebetter nformation o tourists whowant o comeandvisit.Talktogether bout hedifferent ayshecitycangive nformationndsaywhichwouldbebest for ourists.

Here s a picture ithsome deaso help ou .

PlacePart 2 booklet, open at Task l, in front of candidates.


l 'llsay hatagain.

A citywants o givebetter nformation o tourists whowant o comeandvisit.Talktogether bout hedifferent ays hecitycangive nformationndsaywhichwouldbebest for ourists.

All right?Talk ogether.

Allow the candidatesenough time to complete the task without ntervention.

Prompt only f necessdry._

Thank ou. Can havehe booklet lease?]

RetrievePart 2 booklet.

S About2-3 minutesincludingime o assimilatehe nformation)

@"o-ot"te PET

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#H#ss$ffif f i HS S S #m






W5flESX*SgtE{sgs4ffIFHS+ft+pd4$$s$ffi+fFpsESnsqi l4*3*E4lifrSFEiit+*t! i+{Fglni4f&ffilt&ffi; i l teEqq:tr!filtxl+Er!tt*4tsEneSEtvesEd4Ei f+FseIF*ssf i$q*9cafr*s5B+4SSEEtB{nFe&


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f f i ; i -f f i: ' ,f f i r '

ml l *EEl I,1 " " . r r ,

5+ ? "w * ! l


trt_l w


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SpecialoccasionsPart 3

3 minutes


Say o bothcandidates:

Now, 'd ikeeachof you o talk onyourownaboutsomething.'mgoing o giveeachofyoua photographf a specialoccasion-

Candidate , here syour photograph.PlacePart 3 booklet, openat Task A, in frontof CandidateJ Pleasehow t to Candidate , but U likeyou o talk about t. CandidateB,you us t isten.'l lgive ouyourphotographna moment.

Candidate, pleaseel luswhat oucansee nyourphotograph.


Approximately ne minute

lf there s a need o intervene, rompts ather han directquestions houldbe used.

Thank ou. Can have hebooklet lease?)

RetrievePart 3 booklet romCandidate .


Now,Candidate ,here syourphotograph.t alsoshows special occasion. Place

Part 3 hooklet, openat Task B, in frontof Candidate J Please how t to Candidateand ell uswhatyoucansee n he photograph.


Approximatelyne m nute

Thank ou. Can havehe booklet lease?)

RetrievePart 3 booklet from Candidate B.

@ comntete ET

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rr,,,.,,.,:: : : t . , : . : :i:




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Part 4

3 minutes


Say o bothcandidates:

Yourphotographshowed pecial ccasions. ow, d likeyou o talk ogether boutspecial ccasionsouhave njoyed ndsaywhatyoudid o celebratehem.

Allow he candidatesnough ime o complete he taskwithout ntervention. romptonly fnecessary.

Thank ou.That's heendof the est.

ffi Parts & 4 should akeabout6 minutes ogether.Back-upprompts

1. Talkabout pecial ccasionsyou'veenjoyed.

2. Talkaboutwhatyoudo onspecial ccasions.

3. Talk bout weddingbirthday party you'vebeen o.

4. Talkabout he clothesyouwear food / music on

special ccasions.

@ CompletePET

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StudentA activities



Student A

The Disc Jockey (DJ)

DJ Jupiter played the guitar in a local band while atsecondary chool.He was oftenasked o choose hemusicat his friends'partiesbecause e had a largecollectionof music.He beganstudying computingatun i but he becamemore and more nterestedn usingsoftware o mix music. n 2001,he began o work inlocal night-clubsand he has beena successful iscjockey sincethen. Last year,DJ Todaynamed him


of the year'.


3 Where's len, mogen'sousin?


Key to quiz: How emotional are you?

1 a 2 b 0 c 1 2 a I b 0 c 2 3 a I b 2 c 04 a 2 b I c 0 5 a 0 b 1 c 2

8 or over: You have strong emotionsand peoplealwaysknow how you're feeling. That can often be agood hing, but sometimeshere'sa dangerof hurtingothers.A little more self-controlmight be good for you- an d thosearoundyoul

4-7: You'renot an extremeperson.You'requite well-balanced:sometimes ou show your feelings,but at

other times you control them very well. It's important,though, to know when to show your emotions- andwhen not to l

3 or under: You'reprobably not a cold person,butperhapsyou're controlling your emotionsa little toomuch. Everybodyneeds o relax and express heirfeelingssometimes: t makesus feelbetter- and itmay also do us good!




Student A

Draw theseobjectson the plan on page112.


Part 1



centre IUScenter)

5 colour

6 comfortable

7 then




Where are Todd'skeys?

sl,hffit6lu))) -qju:

Where'she sports hop?


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UnitStarting offPage 70

Key to quiz: Al l in the family!

I A Cinderella 2 A Maradona 3 C Rafa Nadal

4 A Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie 5 B Bart Simpson'sgrandfather

Unit9Starting offPageB0

Key to quiz: How fit and active are you?

I A 1 B 2 C O 2 A T B O C 2 3 A O B 1 C 24 4 2 8 1 .C O 5 A 2 B O C 1 6 A 1 B 2 C O

T A O 8 2 C I 8 A O B 1 C 2

0-5 You'renot keen on exercise,are you?By notgetting a minimum 30 minutes of activity a dayyou're missing the chanceof having a better bodyand a great way to feel lessstressed,sleepbetterand get more energy.As it's al l new to you, srartwith a little at first. Rememberyou can do parts ofyour half hour at different times, so why not walkto work, cleanthe house, go for a swim - anythingthat stopsyou sitting on the sofa, really. you don'thave to run 40 kilometres to improve your fitness.

6-ll You could be fitter. You'requite relaxed and,while taking it easycan be a good idea, t shouldn'ttake too much extra effort to do the recommended30 minutes a day, five times a week. you enjoyspendingtime with your friends, so why not takeup an activity together? t can be anything - froma street dance class o basketball.Or if you don,tfancy organisedclasses,get together n the parkfor a game of football, or go out dancing instead ofsitting around doing nothing.

12 or more Well done! You're fi t and active.Half anhour of activity a day is a minimum for you. Whilekeeping active now means you look and feel great,you can also look forward to a healthy future. you

shouldn't have to womy if you stay active.As youenjoy being fit, make sure you do all the activitiesyou can: from hill walks and dancing to rockclimbing and swimming. That way you'll never getbored with keeping active.

StudentB activities



Student B

The kickboxer

Both Lewis Young'sparentswere professionalboxers.He beganboxing when he was five. When he waseight he became nterested n martial arts and whenhe was fourteen,he got his black belt. He began tofight professionallywhen he was eighteen.From thebeginning he has been called a colourful fighter. Hehas won several mportant world competitions.He has

just begun to write his first book on kickboxing.

Unit8Speaking Fart IFxercise



1 nteresting 4 recommend2 together 5 believe3 restaurant


Page 12


Draw hese bjects n theplanon page112.

6 favourite

7 thought

@"o,no,ute ET

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AnswerkeyNote: Youcan use short forms to answer thequestions,e.g. I am working' *'I'm working',has done' -+ she'sdone',etc.


Starting off

8 sRecordingscript cDt rack2

@ 2 " 3 a

Hi.My name's uliaDavies nd his s my oom.

I spendmostof myeveningshereandpartof

theweekend,hough 'moutquitea lot hen.

It'snota particularlyig oom, ut 'vegotal lmy avouritehings here. here'smycomputer,

which usemainlyor emailing,nline hatand

looking round n he nternet, ndmymobile- | lovel.ertingeople! do my homework

there oo,asyoucansee rom he pileof text

books. hey hould eally e on he bookshelf,

but hereust sn'tanyspacehere. reada lot,

actually that'swhy hereareso manybooks

andmagazines.lso playheguitar bit,and

though 'mnotverygoodyetmymum ays 'm

startingo getbetterlThenhere'she


p1ryil. don'toftenuse hat, but when have

someoneound,we sometimes atcha filmor


4 f . 5 d 6 b

Listening Xlax"t

@ Suggested nswers:

I doesn't shut late, lots of places stay open late

2 cost a lot of money, charge low prices

3 sometimes doesn't feel safe, s always very safe

4 get out of bed before, stay in bed longer

5 a sensible thing to do, not very clever

Recording sctipt cDl rrack3

When ou'reravelling broad, oe,do you ind

thatpeopledo thingsat different imesof the


Jul ia:














Well, guesshe irst hingyounotice s how

early eople ave inner ere n he UK,

maybe t6 o'clock. nd often n he USAand

Canada,oo.But nSpain rSouthAmerica,for nstance,heydon'tusually ave heirmain

meal ntil ate n he evening, nd heyoften

go outafter hat.By hen, n a town ike his,

everything'slosing,sn't t?

Well, don't hinkthat's lwaystrue.ome

places tayopenvery ate hesedays,

particularlyn he town centre.

Buthowdoyougethome ere? hebuses

and rains llstop unning round leven-thirty.

There reusuallyaxisaround fter hat.There

always eem o bepeople ettingnto hem,orwaitingor hem.

Well,even fyoucanget one, heycost ar oo

much,n myopinion nyway.

You're ightabout hat.That'swhy I never ake

them.But supposeoucouldwalkhome.

All the way rom he towncentre?Youmust

be oking!And hat's notherhing.At night

in placesike talyor Greece r heMiddle

East, herearealwaysotsof peoplearouM.

Families,mean. oyoudon'tworryabout

anything adhappeninghere, utwhen 'm

here nyour own hereare imeswhen feel.

well.not as safe. know t seems illy,but t's


Youmaybe right hatolderpeople o o bed

earlymostnights.Butdoesn'that make t

more un whenyou'reout?Everyoneousee s



So do peoplen he southof Europe etup

later he nextmorning?Well, choolstartsust as earlyas n heporth

of Europe o I don't hink heystay n bedany

lateLAnd he school ay snormally bouthe

same shere.

Andwhen here's o school?

Theyhave unch ater, erhaps t wo or hree.

A propermeal,hat s- not usta sandwich.

After hatpeople ometimes avea quick



Answer key@

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Lucas: I hink hat's ensible.f t 'sus t ora few

minutes.'d ike o do hat,every ay.

Zoe: lt 'scertainlygood de awhen t'shot.Maybe

the differentoutinesndifferent artsof he

worldarebecause f heweatherhere?

Lucas: That's ossible,es.

@ f N o 2 Y e s 3 Ye s 4 No 5 Y e s

Prepositicnsf ime

@ Z i n 3 o n 4 a I 5 i n

@ af half past wo, bedtime;

IN the morning, summer,2010, he holidays;

ON April 24, Saturdays

GrammarFrequency dverbs; ue$tlonornrs

l$ t before 2 theygo after t 3 at the end

@ Suggested nswers:

2 I checkmy email every wo hours.3 I'm never ate or school.4I sometimes rite etters o friends.5 I don't alwayshave unch at home.6 I'm sleepyn the morningalmosteveryday.7 I hardly evergoout on Mondaynights.

8 I stay n bed atemostweekends.

Reading Part5

@ article; It's about a windmill built to be a home; C;

On one side,near he top of the windmill [sails);around the lower part of the windmill (balcony).

Points n text: , 3, 4, 6,7

@Zground 3th i rd 4 l i ke 5few 6corners

7 as 8 in 9 jo b 10 electricity

@ News report; modern cavehomes.Suggestedpoints:o As the climate becomeshotter, cave homes are

becomingmorepopular.o It's never very hot or cold in caves.o Modern cavehomesare pleasantplaces o live.

€ ) r o 2 A 3 8 4 A 5 c 6 B T B B D

@ Suggestedanswers:

Reasons ot to like it: the lack of natural ight,

the possibilityof damp, claustrophobia.

Otherplaces: ree houses, onverted ighthouses,

aeroplanes, oats,etc.

GrammarPresentimpie ndprcsentontrnuous:latoverc$

O t u 2 d 3 a 4 c

Q2 am/'m itting 3 s 4 am/'mlooking5 love 6 stay 7 go 8 is getting 's getting

9 leave 10 s blowing ll am/'m having

12 don't think

@ al stateverbs except: change, dream, fill, improve,

paint, relax

@ Z Oo you prefer to get up early or late?3 Is anybody

at your house watching TV at the moment?4 What

colour clothes are you wearing today?5 Which

things in your house belong to you?6 What do you

sometimes orget to do in the morning?

Suggested nswers or replies:2 I prefer to get up

late. 3 No, nobody at my house s watching TV at

the moment. 4I'm wearing blue and black clothes

today. 5 The small bed, the computer and the

desk belong to me. 6 I sometimes orget to brushmy teeth n the morning.

VocabularyFlouse nd lome; ountaille nduncountablenouns

Q Suggestedanswers:

, Living room: sofa,cushions,armchair

Bathroom:bath, cupboards,mirror, taps, oilet,

towels,washbasinKitchen: cooker,cupboards, dishwasher,

microwave, sink, taps, washing machine, fridge

Bedroom:blankets,cupboards,mirror, chestof


Hall: bell

@ furniture

@ tUl ells ou henoun s uncountable;C] s thesymbol for a countable noun.


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a ffl.tfe, any, ;,"}ucl.?,lot of and lofsof ;of p laee

u few, a few 2 a little, a little 3 many, many,4 much, much, much 5 a lot ofllots of. a

t of/lots of, a lot, a lot

/ l o t s o f , a f e w 3 a f e w / l o t s o f /lo t of, a lot of / lots of 4 much / alol of / lots of,

of / lots of 5 much / aloI of / lots of, a few, at 6 much / alol of / lots of, many / alol of / lots


3 i n 4 o n 5 o n 6 o n


do yo u spell t? d

do you live?a

do you do?e

o yo u enjoystudyingEnglish?

t (schooletc.), n (a town, etc.),on (thecoast,etc.)

3 d o y o u w o r k 4 a r e y o u 5 a t 6 i ndo you study 8

'restudying 9 do you

l0 like 11at 12 n 13 go out 14 n


script cDt rack

Maria, here oyo ucome rom?

I'm romVari.t' sa smalltownnGreece,ea rAthens.

Anddoyouworkor are oua student?

I'ma student, t a secondarychooln heIOWN,

What ubjectsoyoustudy?

All heusual nesikemaths ndhistory,ut

thismonth e're tudying odernmusic,oo .

It 's eallynteresting.

Ahl What oyo uenjoy oingnyour ree ime?

Well, like isteningo music thome,nmyroom. nd sometimesoou twith riendsntheevenings,ratweekends.

Writing Par&

QZa t l t t t e 3 'mwai t ing 4a t 5o f ten

@ a l c 1 d , 2 e 4

@ 2 . 3 b 4 a s d 6 e

@ 2 aren't areno tat 3 is having 's having

4 ever 5 a little 6 at the

X Studentdays

Starting off

QA alarm clock rings B se t off fo r school C catchthe schoolbus D teacher akes egister E have

lunch in the schoolcanteen

Q z n 3 D 4 c s B

Sounds hat ore lrcord:2 knives and forks3 teacher aking registerand studentsanswering4 schoolbus arriving at bus stop 5 student eaving

house or school

Recording script cDlrrack

One. Alarm lock inging]

Two.Sound fschool anteen]

Three.Childrenomingnto lassl

Teacher: Kelly shby.

Kelly: Yes,Ms Truman.

Teacher: MaxAtkinson.

Max: Yes,MsTruman.

Teacher: Gemma rown.

Gemma: Yes,MsTruman.


lschool usl

' Five.

Boy: Byemum!

Mother: Byel

Reading Xlar&

l) Suggested nswer:

The text is probably about the typical schoolday ofWayne, a 16-year-old econdaryschoolstudent n

Beijing, China.


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Q some possibleguesses:

Wayne sets off for schoolafter breakfast;he catches

the schoolbus near his house;when he gets o

school, he teacher akes the register; he has lunch

in the schoolcanteenat 12.10.

@ ffre general dea of the text is that Wayne's school

da y n China s long and hard.

@ Suggestedwords to underline:

2by car 3 punished, ater han 07.20 4 some

sports facilities 5 midday, none, home, lunch

6 leaves,aI 17.20 7 homework until, dinner

8 never sleeps,more than six hours

@ Suggestedwords to underline:

I fry myself an egg for breakfast,My sisterbuys

something rom the market stalls

2 I sometimesgo to schoolby bus. However,

normally go to schoolby bicycle3 in schoolat least20 minutes before essons egin.

It's a school rule. If you don't arrive on time, you

can expectpunishment (the clock in the next

paragraphshows hat lessons egin at 07.40).

4 didn't use to have a football pitch, basketball

courts or a running track but now it does

5 All of us eat n the schoolcanteen

6 We finish schoolbut we can't go home; we have

an exam after class

7 It takes me 30 minutes to eat and then I have to

do my homework8 I always wake up less han six hours later

2 8 3 A 4 A 5 A 6 8 7 8 8 A

VocabularyTake,sit,pass, &l{ lose,,earn, teach and srudy

@zsi t t ing 3tak ing 4miss ing 5study

6 learn 7 teach

@ Suggestednswers:

I Howmanymarksdo you need o passexamsatyourschool?2 Whathappensf you ail an exam?

3 How oftendoyoumissschool?4 Doyou studyeveryweekend?

5 Wouldyou ike to learn something ew?What?

GrammarPast simple

@ Z shopping centre 3 (large) cinema(s) (with

choice of films) 4 Spanish 5 (being with) new

family and friends

Recording script cDr rack

Interviewer:TodayehaveNadine ith us o talkabout he

si xmonths he pentn Chile. ello, adine.

Nadine: Hi!

lnterviewer:You'renormal 6-year-oldchool tudent.

Wheredidyougo astYear?

Nadine: Last ear l ivedn Chileorsi xmonths san

exchangetudent.lived itha Chileanamily.

I wentto school very ayand had o w0ar

a uniform.n Canadadon't av eo wear

uniform.t' ssouncooll


Nadine: I stayedn SanPedro eAtacama high n

theAtacama esert.Unlike oronto,here's o

disco, oshoppingentre. o arge inemas

withchoice f ilms.

Interviewer:Howidyou eelwhenyou irstarrived?

Nadine: To el lyo u he ruth, wasscared. anPedros

so differentrommyhomeown.

Interviewer: idyouspeakSpanishefore ouwent?

Nadine: Yes, did. studied oanisht schooln

Canadand houghtwa sgoodat t.Bu t

when go t o Chilecouldn'tayanything.t


Interviewer:Whatbout chool?Whatsubjects idyou

slucy?Nadine: ldid maths,hemistry,iology,hysics,istory,


Interviewer:Wast a goodexperience?

Nadine: Yes,twas. 'm eally la d went here.My

Spanishmprovednd evenbegano dream

inSpanish.also topped issingxpensiveactivitiesik e oingo hecinema r h-e isco

andbegano realisehat un n SanPedrowas

being it hmyne w amily nd riends.

fnterviewer:hank ou,Nadine and fyoud like o

knowmoreaboutbeing nexchangetudent,

contact urhotl ine umber n 080044 4 ..

@ z where did you stay? 3 How did you feel when

you first arrived? 4 Did you speak Spanishbefore

you went? 5 What subjectsdid you study? 6 Was

it a good experience?


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fiveminutes arlieroday at a quartero two?

Two.Whatare hestudents oing o do odayat 1 l am?

Teacher: There'l lesome hangeso your imetabletoday. fterbreakwe're oing o seea playpedgmedbysomeYear 0 students.That houldinish y 15.rVe'l lomaths

then. knowwe normallyo sport t I bu t

we'llhave o do hat omoffownstead.

Three.WhatdoesNathan aveo buy?

Nathan: l'veust oinedhe ableennisea m ut 'mno tsure 've otenoughmoneyo buy heequtpment.

Jacob: Don'tworrylTheballs re eally heap ndI can end oumybrother'sat .Heneveruses t.You'll ave o getsome ood rainersthough.

Nathan: I've lreadyotsome.Four.Whatwill heweather e ike omorrow?

Father: Areyou eadyoryourschoolrip omorrow,Beth? ou're oingo thosenewoutdoorswimmingools, ren't ou? ucky oudidn'tgo oday.t hasn't toppedaining.

Beth: That's hat 'mworried bout.Ou r eacherlookedt up on he nternet nd t says t'llbedry.butcloudy. et'shope t's ight.

Father: Yeah,hat's etterhan oomuch un, hink.

@ r e z B 3 A 4 c

GrammarUsed ta

Q used o

@ Suggestednswers:

I No (wecan say /you/|rc, etc.used o go)2 There s no d at the endof use wedidn't use o

take exams)

3 The nfinitivewithout fo@ Suggesteduestions:

I Did youuse o geta lot of homework?2 Didyouuse o play n a team?3 Howoftendidyouuse o meetyour riends?4 Didyouuse o choose ourown clothes?5 Whatdid youuse o do n your free ime?

ReadingFart 1

O r s 2 c 3 c 4 B 5 A

VocabularyEarn, ave,make, pendand ra,ke

QZmake 3 take 4spend5earn

Speaking Xlart4

Recording script cDi rrack l

Linh: Do eenagersork nColombia?

Marcelo: Yes. heydo.Teenagersn mycountryworkto earnextra pendingmoney.Whatabout nVietnam?

Linh: Well. don'tworkandactuallyery ewteenagersn Vietnam ork. n mycountry,

mostparents on'tallowheirchildreno havea part-timeob.Wehave o go o school nd

'study ard. nmyopinion.t 'sno ta good deafor eenagerso workandstudyat hesame

time.What oyo u hink?Marcelo: I 'mno tsosure. agreeha t eenagersee d

enoughime o studyanddo heirhomework.lf heywork oomany ours,heirmarks il lgo down.However.orking art-timeanbe agoodexperience.. don't ou hink o?

Linh: Maybe. or omeeenagers,orking ould

be a way o learn boutmoney ndsociety.However,e haveo thinkabouthe uture.I think hatstudyings hemost moortantthing.Doyo uagree?

Q Suggested.nswer:

Linh. Vietnam Marcelo. Colombia

1 No / Veryfew work

Parentsdon't allow


Tlrcy mue o studyhard


Earn extraspending


2 No Yes,n father's fftce

No,but couldbe a

goodthing for some


moneyand society)

Studyingts the most

important thing

Yes,but with more ru\es

limit on numberof hours


Workingcan begood

experience can work

more n schoolh.olidays


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@ r tnint6 Really

Yesandno.As I saidbefore,thinkhavinga part-timeob canbe a goodexperience.However,e needmore ules. orexample.teens houldn'torkmorehan 5 hoursweekandonlv wo or hreedays week. ikeat heweekend.think heycanworkmorehours uringheschool olidays.

Have ougota part-timeob?

Yeah.sometimesork nmy ather's ffice.I haveo deliveretters nddocumentsroundthebuilding.earna littlebi tof extramoney.

BeAlly?hat oundsnteresting. hatdoyourteachers Ay?

Teachersomplainhatstudents howorkdon'tdo heirhomework el land heyoftendo badlyn ests. think hatstudentsanwork o earnsome ocketmoneyf heyaregoodstudents.

Good ointl haven'tot B ob . 'mgoingoconcentraten mystudies nd ook ora obwhen 'molder.

2 so 3 agree 4 no 5 part-time ob

7 say 8 point

Vocabulary ndgrammarreuew Unit 1


Q Z i n 3 o n 4 i n 5 i n 6 a t Z I n g a t 9 i nl0 at ll at 12 n 13on

@ z a t i t t t e 3 a l o t 4 a l i t t l e 5 t i m e 6 m u c hTa l i t t l e Sa few

@ Z +-eaU'm calling 3 do-you-stand reyoustanding + ee-yeu-st'eepever o you eversleep S++neverUelie+ing I neverbelieve6 I makemy own bedeveryday. Z How oftendoyou have a bath? A +-get-n€ramllyhemenormallygethome


Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit2


Qzs tudy 3had 4made 5 take 6missed7 sitting S earn


@ Z p+a*ing-* planning 3 pay€d ' paid a fuunfud- found 5 bausht -* bought 6 fult --+fell7 bringe$--+brought A studing--' studying9 teaehed + taught l0 pud --+put


ry F R I D t' E



E o w N T5

A M o I6



c o S Y

S oo oF B r , n l N K E T






Writing Pax"t

Q) Suggested, ord.s o and-erline:

can't, sports practice,note, coach,apologise,explain, suggestanother time

@ Answers for question 1: I email 2 English-speakingfriend, Isabel 3/4 thank, tell, invite

Answers for question2: I note 2 coach,we don,t

know name 3/4 apologise,explain, suggest

@ a 1 b 2

invite: wciuld you like to comesuggest:why don't I trainexplain: (I won't be able ...) because I ...)

apologise: 'm sorry that ...

I an email 2 Jason 3 to tell him you can't meethim 4 apologise,explain, suggest


Hi Jason,

I'm sorry that I can't meet you tomorrow It'sbecause have examsnext week and I have tostudy hard. I'll finish my exams on Friday.Whydon't we meet then?We could go to the cinema.



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@ Z was shining, were singing 3 was having,

rang 4 chose,was 5 saw, was buying

6 escaped,was cleaning 7 thought, was

8 read,wrote 9 enjoyed l0laughed, appeared

@ Suggested nswers:

2 used to go home for lunch

3 didn't use to live near our school

4 didn't use to be a good student

5 used to give us a lot

6 used to be very late for school

3 Fun ime


Q b seeing c going df playing g surfing

j diving Pictures: i

flying e collecting

h sending i keeping

3 f 4 e 5 c 6 j

@ z hours7 ahead

of f - completelynyourown To akepartyou

have o be it, overnine ears ldandat east

I metre 0 all.Opening ours reusually.30

to 3.30.

lf headventureoursesn't eallyour hing,

butyou ike eeingeally igwildlife,ou

can't o much etterhandolphinndwhale

watching n Wales.Voyagesf Discoveryorganisesegularripsou t o sea, assing

smallslands ith heir normousea-bird

populationsnd henon o even eeper

waters. nd here, eryoccasionally,ou

willse ewhales, hile nalmost l l he rios

dolphins i l lappear.oumay lso eehuge

sharks,lthoughheyar equite are hese

days. hevoyagesn't heap, ut mostpeople

who've one t agree hat t'swellworth he


lf nsteadou'd ikeo beup n hesky, ry aballoonlight, romanyof hehundreds f sites

acrosshecountry.t usuallyegins arlyn

th emorning hen oumeet hepilot, rewand

other assengers,nd hehuge alloonlowly

fillswithho tair. t rises ently,nd hen ougo

whicheveray hewind sblowing.heactual

flyingime sabout nhour, ndalthough

think t could ast bit onger t 's ertainly

wonderfulxperience.t' salso ossibleo

booka flightust or wo, or any imeof he

year.3 fee 4 value 5 journey 6 advice

Vocabularyhlegative refixes

O n.r- fit f air he althy, n- correctldep endent/active,

im- possible/polite/probable

@a informal 4 unkind 5 untrue 6 impatient

@ Suggested nswers:

2 stay n all the time. 3 get up early to go

somewhere. 4 fly in balloon number 13.

5 charge such high admissionfees. 6 I sometimes

have to run for the bus.


O a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3

@ r n z A 3 c 4 B

Recording script cDr rack 2

Spencer: Hi, 'mSpencer atson nd 'mhere o ell ou

aboutfour nusual ays o have greatday

out.First, owabout oing ack n imewith

a steamrainourneyhroughhebeautiful

Scottish ountryside?his son he railway

linemade amous y he HarryPolferfilms.

Starting t FortWilliam,ea rBritain'sighest

mountain,he rain eparts achmorning t

twentypast en,gettingnto he ovelyishing

village fMallaig |12.25.he eturnourney

to FortWilliamtarts t 14.10nd akes n

hourand iftyminutes. he ares regood

valueor money nd t'sa greatexperienceor

steamrain ansof anyage. t'sverypopularn

summer,o t'sbest o bookahead.

Fora really xciting ayout,Go Wildadventure

courses fferhours ffun nseventeen

differentocations.or fairly mall dmission

fee, oucanclimb all rees, o rom ree-top

to tree-top n a highwire,crosswaterfallsar. below, o hroughunnels and otsmore.

Before oustart, hough,heygive ou ul l

safety dvice. oprevent ccidentsheyputa

belt ound ourwaist nd he opsofyour egs,

andattach t to wires.And henvou're

@ ao'no,ttePET

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tell the story of how a young person sailed aloneacross he Atlant ic


t 'tt feels antastic .. out of a can!' (second alf ofParagraph ) 2

'...he too would like to break he

record' fParagraph ) 3 ....he hadn't felt afraid ...

never felt like giving up' (paragraph )

r c z c 3 8

Yes,and heyalwaysare n Reading art4questions n detail. Examquestion ,however,usually equiresunderstanding f differentparts,or all, of the text,asdoesexamquestion , whichnormallyconcentratesn the author's urposen

writing the text.)

ollowed y toor -ing

ike, practise,admit,

ancy, inish, mind,


dislike,can't help,mention,put off,


Z eeeide+eateh decided to catch 3 enjon+e-beenjoy being + furgelte-+isit forget visiting5 correct 0 funey-to-eomefancy coming7 correct 8-fi+ishe*+e-eat finished eatingO urgot-aslriftg forgot to ask l0 correct

andremembercanbe followed by both,with a change n meaning fseepage121Grammar

reference:Verbs ollowed by fo or -ing2 listening o 3 to do 4 going 5 to bring6 t o d o

uggested nswers:

learningto speaka third language.decided o stopspending oo much last week.

to go shoppingon Saturday.want to start learning to ride a motorbike.must remember o phonemy best friend tomorrow.

finish doingthis exercise oon.

8 I shouldn't forget to watch that film on TV nextweekend.

9 I alwayshate waiting for the bus.l0 I really love dancing to good music.


Phrasal ertls

Q I work out 2 makeup for 3 lookafter

@ Z looking orward o 3 turn fhis dream.)nto4 setout on 5 givingup 6 go on Z dealwith8 geton with

Threewords:Z, 4, B

Separated: (hisdreom)

@ Z tookup - c 3 put [my name)down- b4 j o i n e d i n - a 5 g o o f f i 0 f 6 s e t o f f - d

@ 2 wentoff 3 takeup 4 put down 5 gaveup6 go on 7 catchup with 8 looking orward o

oRecording script cDl rack3

Chris: Hi ,Ava. re ou ndMeganoing way nholidayoon?

Ava: Yes, nSaturday.ewantosetoffvery arlv



in hemorning.

Areyougoingo thecoast?

No ,we wentof fbeach olidaysast ummer.Therewere oo many eople.We've ecidedoLake p skiingnstead.We're ff o theAlps.

Doyo uknowhow o ski?

Er, ot eallylThat'shy 'mgoingo putmyname own or essons.

I tried t oncebut found t really ifficult. fterthree ays gave pandwenthome!

Well,he essonsoonunti late n heevening,very ay , o shouldmproveuickly.

Megan's good kier nd 've ota ot olearn, ut 'm ure cancatch pwithher. 'mreally_lsakxtglorlyardlarying,anywayl

Yes, 'msure ou'l l ave greatime.





+ -;rzg Verb + infinitive


expect,hope, earn,


would likeappear,attempt, ntend,

offer,pretend, efuse



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tent, backpack


cooker,ovenbike, helmet






@ Suggested nswers:

camping: sleepingbag, put up, fire, campsite

collecting:album, coins,stamps,objects,art,


cooking: recipe,saucepans,rying pan, boil, roast,bake

cycling:wheels,seat,pedals,chain, ock, ride



painting:portrait, Iandscape,rame,picture, oils

photography: lash, focus, digital, zoom, close-up

SpeakingFart 2

Q r fisning 2 canoeing,water-skiing, rock-climbing,

mountain-biking 3 mountain-biking

Recording script cDlrrack 4

Olivia: There's ever nythingo do n his own, s

there? et's hoose hobby, noutdoor ne,

for heweekendsndholidaYs.

Daniel: 0K then, owabout oingishing? ecould

go o the rivern hevalley ver here, r even

down o the akes.

Olivia: Well, hink 'dprefero dosomethingbi tmore xcitin$. ndanyway'd eelsorry or he

poor ish!Perhaps e could ry a water port?

Somethingike anoeing,rwater-skiing,


Daniel :

Ol iv ia:

Daniel :




Ol iv ia:


Hmm. think t'd be better o do something

less angerous.

OK, etmese e .. er, know whatabout

mountain-biking?t'soutdoor, uite afe,airly

cheaD. .

... Yes.we could ir e couple f bikes nd

see fwe ike t.Soshallwe do hat, hen?

I hink t would egreat.Wecould ide hrough

thehills nd nto he orest.So, es,et'sgo or

that ne.

Q2prefer 3could 4should 5why 6better

7 shall 8 let's

@ rne strongesttresss on:

1 fishing 3 watersport 5 rock-climbing 8 that

Theygivenew nformation.

Recording script cD1Track5

Daniel: OK hen, ow bout oingishing?

Perhapse couldry a water sport?

Al l right,whydon'twe go rock-climbing?

Yes,et'sgo or hat one.

Recording script cDl rack6

Well, think 'd prefero do something bit

more xciting.

I hinkwe should osomethingheaper.I think t'd bebettero do somethingess



Daniel :Daniel :

Daniel :


Yes" utwe can'taffordo hirea boat. think

we should osomethingheaper. rbetter


Al l ight, hydon'twe go rock-climbing?

That'sree,and t canbe exciting,oo.

Writing Part I

Q t haveenoughmoney or 2/3 afford s followed

by the to infinitive, so t mustbe affordto btty

@ 2 turned nto / to: shouldbe phrasalverb, s frozen

now 3 settingout: shouldbe -lngnot nfinitive


Let's eavehe.bsuse 4 don'twe:auxiliaryandpronoun hould e nvertedn

questionorm, t'd be a good dea o 5 forward o

going:shouldbe -ingnot nfinitive after looking

forward o', can'twait to go

@ Z staying n bed 3 suggests oing.44artplaying 5 have .. essons

@Z to ge t 3 aboutgoing 4

6 on ong

6 too6hort

up 5 to learn o

@to'no'"te PET

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&. Ourworld


O Z go snowboarding 3 sunbathe 4 takephotos

5 go trekking 6 go sightseeing 7 go snorkell ing

@l snorkell ing 2 snowboarding

Recording script cDl rrack 7

Toby: Where idyo ugo on holiday,bi?

Abi: Well,astyearwewentto 'san

island ut t belongso Tanzania,n EastAfrica.

Toby: Youalways o excitinghings, on't ou?

Whichactivitiesidyoudo nZanzibar?

Abi: Um,we stayedn Stone ownor a fewdays

andwent ightseeing.

Toby: Ah Whatdidyousee hefe?Abi: There ereoalacesndmarketsndwe




Abi :


Abi :


Doyo u ike isiting useums?

Um... t 's0K, but prefer oing hopping.

Didyo ubuyanything?

OhyeslYou now ove uying ouvenirs.

I bought ome lothes ndewellery.

Whichactivity idyouenjoy oingmost?

Um. in he secondweekwe stayed n he

northcoast nd wentsnorkellingor he irsttime. t was antastic.

Toby: Are hereanyactivitiesou'dstill ike o try?

Abi: Um...well 've ever een nowboarding.'d

love o try hat.Al lmy riends ay t's hemost

exciting inter port.Have ou ried t?

Reading Xlart3

f) Suggested nswers:

trekking,snorkelling, ightseeing,uyingsouvenirs

@ Suggested ords o anderline:

3 first part, sleep, ity centre4 watersports, outhChinaSea5 airport,Sukau6 animals,Sepilok, ll sick or injured7 impossible, etnear,orang-utan8 Orang-utans,nly,meat9 includes, ree rip, MountKinabalu

10buygifts,after, ightseeingour

@t@ Answersand suggestionso und"erline(important

words n bold]:

I B Not quite as big as its neighbour, the island of

New Guinea

2 A Temperaturesare generallybetween 24o C and

30' C all year round

3 A your comfortableaccommodation in the heartof this city

4 A on the shoresof the South China Sea where

you can go swimming or snorkelling in its clear

blue water

5 B the only way to continue our journey to Sukau

. . . s by bus

6 B young orang-utanswhose parentshave died.

Some of these animals arrive in verv bad


7 B this extraordinary opportunity to get close to


8 B collect the plants that are part of their diet

9 B For a small fee, book our day trip to Mount


10 A And when the tour is over, it's a short ride

to the modern shoppingcentres,ocal storesor

markets for some ast-minute souvenirs

VocabularyTravel,rsurney nd fflp

@Ztr ip 3travel led tr ip 5 journey

GrammarComparativencl uperlativedjectives;nofJ s "..

Q t false (New Guinea s bigger) 2 False(Kota

Kinabalu is the most important city) 3 True

4 True

@ z + 4 J

@ t (ttre) oisiest 2 (the)biggest 3 (the)mostbeautiful 4 (the) best 5 (the) worst 6 (the)

farthest or furthest 7 add-r or -s t to adjectives

that finish in e 8 double the final consonant f the

adjective inishes n vowel-consonant 9 :usemore

or mostwith adjectiveswith two or more syllables

Answer ey@

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@ Z more-glriet -+ quieter 3 worse -+ worst 4 nears+-+ nearest 5 morebetter - better 6 hotes+ -+


@ Suggested.nswers (other answersmay be possibte):

3 the most dangerous 4 more ntelligent5 l ighter 6 the noisiest 7 the slowest8 the tallest 9 the biggest 10 he deepestll colder 12 arger


Recording script cDl rackB

Fergus: Andhere re heanswerso hisweek'sgeneralnowledgeuiz.Di dyouknow hatAsia sbiggerhanAfrica?

Yes, ndmore eopleiv enAsia hananyother ontinent. ell,Russias he argestcountryn heworld.

An dnow or heanimalacts. hemostdangerousnimaln heplanetsnot he ionor heshark ut he inymosquitoecausetcarries iseases.n he is tof he op enmostintelligentnimalshere redolphins,rang-utans, omeypes f elephantndwhales- butdefinitelyodogs. heAfrican lephantis he argest ndheaviestan d nimal,utth ebluewhales heheaviestiving reature.

0n average,t canweigh roundl50

tonnes- that's 50,000ilos.wouldn'tike o sharemyhomewith

a howlermonkey.hey re henoisiestnimalsn heworld. he lowest-movinqish s heseahorse.twould ake hi sfishabout nhour o move5 metres.hetallest og n heworld s heGreat ane ndth esmallests heChihuahua.ou'veotsomeanswersbout laces,aven'tou ,Alyssa?

Yes, have. idyouknow ha tNagoyarainstationnJapans hebiggestn heworldan dShiniukutationn hesame ountrys hebusiest?fyo u ike iving,hen oushould o

to Belgium.emo 3 s hedeeoestoo l n he


And he ast wo answers. ntarcticas hecoldest,riest ndwindiest ontinent.ndwhilewe're alking boutarge laces,heAmazonainforests argerhananyotherforest n heworld.

@ Z tvlountEverests a bit / a little higher han K2.3 Arica s much a lot drier (ordryer) han






4 Atlanta International Airport is much / far / alolbusier han HeathrowAirport.

5 The sperm whale's brain is much / far / a lotheavier than a human adult's brain.

@ t true 2 True 3 False(the male is normally

twice the size of the female)

@fas + ad jec t i ve as 2not 3no

@ 2 largeas 3 as straight as 4 as dangerous s /more dangerous han 5 as ntelligent as

VocabularyBui ld ingsndplaces

([) 2 department tore 3 youthclub 4 market

5 port 6 fountain 7 bridge 8 town hall

@ Z wiae 3 low 4 old (alsoancientor old-fashioned) 5 clean

6ugly 7 dull/calm8 boring 9 dangerous 10cheap 1l quiet12shallow 13near 14 lat

Grammar619and nCIrmausgradablenci on-gradableadjectivesl

O t, Z and3 (inanyorder) uite, ery, eally4 and 5 (in any order) absolutely, eally 6 and 7

(in any order) quite, very

Q Suggested nswers:

2 small 3 hot 4 cold 5 bad 6 dirty

7 interesting 8 good

@2rea l l y 3abso lu te ly 4qu i te 5very

@ Suggested nswers:

I one hour from Stockholm,Sweden 2 not to ocrowded, nteresting sights,safe 3 more nightlife

' (youth clubs / night-clubs)

Recording script cDr rack e

Selma: Um .. I come rpg Sweden. ive na

townabout nhour wa yrom hecapital. reonly bout ,000 eople- it's eallyiny. t'sa veryniceplaceo live n

becauset never ets oo crowded. here re

@, inc lud ingacas t le .Becauset'sa smallown, t'sextremelyafe.

Somettmes,ind iving ere uite oring.

I' d ike o ive omewhe reit ha moreively renoyouth lubs r night-

clubs ndwe often aveo spendheevening

outdoors,ve nwhen t'sabsolutelyreezing.@


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f) Suggestedanswers:

\ I Oymyakon is a village in EastRussia(siberia).

2lowest temperature -71.2" C) ; oldestman (109)

3 Ewan McGregorvisited Oymyakon in 2004on his


4Life for young people there is probably quiet.

Q Suggestedanswers:

I date 2 number 3 noun 4 adiective 5 noun

6 noun

@t@t@ | 1926 2 9/nine 3 television 4 oldest

5 mobile(s) [phone)(s) 6 motorbike

Recording script cDl rrack o

Presenter:Oymyakon,n EastRussia,s extremelyold

andpeopleive here! he owestemperature.

of minus 1.2 egrees. as ecordednl926,

beatingll ecor ds. aveGunhil lreports.

Dave: Extremelyow emperaturesre requentn

Oymyakon,ith emperaturesoingbelow

minus 5degrees elsiusegularly. inters

are ongandcoldandoften astat east ine

months.he ummersremuchwarmer

than he winters. emperaturesan ise o 35

degrees elsiusut hen here s heproblem

ofmosquitoes. .

About ,300 eopleive n Oymyakon.ife s

verymuch hesame sl00

years go apart

from elevision.orexample,here reno

indoor athroomsndpeople se ce nstead

ofwater rom he ap.Thevalley sed o be

famous ecauseome f heoldest eople

in hecountryivedhere. iodor rnosow.

Oymyakon' d n

19_02.ewas 109.

There reabout 00childrenn he ocal

school. punti l ecently,here idn't se o

bean yheatingn heschool. he hildren

did heir lassesn heir o ats. hese oung

people ream f havingnobilephones,n

Internet af6anda disdowitha CDplayerhat


A localbusinessman--Alexanderrylov, ants

to bring ouristso hearea. ehas lso uilt

the own's irsthotel o attract heseourists.

Each f he en rooms ashotandcoldwater.

Themost amous isitor ntilnow s he

HollywoodctorEwanMcGregor. hovisited

thisplace insummer f course on heback

of a motorbike.

Speaking Fart 3

Q 2 Marrakech, Morocco 3 Machu Picchu, Peru

4 The GreatWall, China 5 Hikkaduwa Beach,

Sri Lanka

@ Suggested nsli)ers:

1 buy souvenirs,visit museums 2 btty souvenits,

go sightseeing 3 go trekking, go camping

4 go trekking, take photos 5 sunbathe,go


@ Sfredescribesall eight things

Recording script cD1 rack r

Laura: In hisphoto canseea lotof boats nwater.

It ooks ikea trafficam.Thewater ooks eally

dirty. hink t 'sa marketn hemorning it

could esomewherenAsia. here eemso

be a otof ruitandvegetablesn he boats.

There rpsome reen egetablesut don't

knowwhattheyare.neach oat, cansee

a person.. no .. I can eemen ndwomen.

Some eople rewearing ats. hink hey're

sell inghings ut here ren't nypeople

buying.. er . . . onone ftheboats,hereappearso besomebodyearing colourful

shirt.Next o thisboat,here's notherman

but can't eehim erywell. hink t's he

morninq.heweathersho tandsunny.don't

think t will ain.Er ..

@ 2 looks ike 3 looks 4 think, could be 5 seems

to be 6 can see 7 appears o be 8 don't think

, We use look like with a noun (i t looks ike a trafftc

iam) and look (withorl like) with an adjective (the

water looks really dirfl.

Writing Fant3Q t a letter

2 about 100words

3 the name of a city in your country and more

information about his city

@ Ves(this is a model answer and would get full

marks in the PET exam)

Answer ey@

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Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit4


Q) Suggestedanswers:

2 faflIasIic/wonderful/great 3 coldest

4 freezing 5 lively/busy 6 enormous/huge

7 boring/dull 8 empty

@Zthan 3very 4 f .a r 5 t rave l 6shopp ing



@ Z mere+etter + better 3 mere-safu safer

4 tlat -+ than 5 as-+ than 66 + than

@ 2 f.arther/further 3 mostpopular 4 better han

5 the hottest

S Feelings

Starting off

QZhappiness 3sadness4anger 5 fear

Q z anger 3 fear 4 happiness 5 jealousy

@ See he key to thequiz onpage 173

O t f don't think, I 'm a bit surprised, t seems o me,

for me

2 Suggested nswers: n my opinion, I think, I

believe, 'm sure (that), I feel (that), as I see t, if

you ask me, I'd say, 'm afraid, my view is that; the

use of migltt/could/may for possibility.

Q t @ t n 2 8 3 A 4 8 s A 6 8

Recording script cDl rack 2

Erica: So,Ben, owoften oyouandLiam ctuallyget ogetherhese ays?

Ben: Whenevercan,Erica. suallybout nce

everv wo months.

Erica; I don't hink hat's nough.eally.o keep

friendshipoing. ouldn'touvisit imeach

month, raskhim o come ere?

@ Saggestedexpressionso underline:

As yo u know, I've lived in ... so wh y don't you

wri te about . .? t 's one of the .. . c i t ies n . . . In fact

over ... live there .. . is famous or ... People ay

that . . . s onthe eas t oas t f . . . wh ich are . . . they

are ... for (verb + -ing).There are absolutely ..

and .. . too.The weather s .. . because .. I hooe

this is enough nformation

Vocabulary ndgrammar ListeningPart 4

review Unit3


QZ unfit 3 unfair 4 unpopular 5 unhealthy6 informal 7 impatient 8 unsafe

9 unnecessary 0 inactive

@ 2 " 3 a 4 h 5 b G g z d s f


@ z to do 3 to get 4 going 5 to buy7 to look or 8 to see 9 spendingll to do 12being

@ z u 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b z b

6 to have

l0 to buy





' Ben:





Well, t'sa longway o go.More han400ki lometres,think.

How ongdoes t take?

Over ixhours, ach,vay. oyouspend alf

theweekend n hecoach, oing pan ddown

the motorway.t'sso boring!

Howabout akinghe rain?Wouldn'thatbequicker?

I don't hink couldafford t.The ares re

really igh.

Whydon't ougeta studentravel ard?Yourticketswouldbe a otcheaoer.

Hmm. hat's n dea.

An dLiam ould etone,oo.Then ecould

sometimesome ere nSaturdavsnd

Sundayso seeyou.

I don't hinkhe's een ndoing hat.He ikes

hisnew owna lot.Hewants o stav hereat


I see. oyo ugoan dseehim, uthenever

comes ere."te PET


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Ben: I'msure hat'sbecausehere's omuch o dothere.t 'sanexcitingown, nd knowhe'smade ew riendshere. utwe ge tonreallywellandwe're otsuddenlyoingostopbeingriends.

Erica: No , 'mnotsayinghatatall.Bu tmaybeouneedo remind im ha t ou've ee nriends

since ouwere itt le ids. nd ellhi mhowimportant riend e s o you.Hemight otrealisehat, speciallyit hall hechangesnhis ife ightnow.

@ 2 . 3 f 4 a s b 6 d

GrammarCan, cau{d, night and /nay fabil i{yand possibilityJ

O Stud.ents houLd- nd,erline:can, could, might (not)

might nof is negative; not' goesafter the modalverb (might); mightn't; can,t andcouldn,t

Z may-seems* may seem - the main verbfollowing a modal is an infinitive without fo so itdoesnot add s in the 3rd person (he/she/it)

3lr*nofean + I can't - forms of be arenot usedbeforemodals;most modals orm th e negativebyadding not or a short form of it at the end

4 we-eeuld - could we - the questionform ofmodalsnormally needsa change n word orderof

modal and subjectan d doesn'tuse he auxil iaryverb do

S ean-doi*g --+can do - modals are not followed bythe -lng form of the verb

0 yeu-wi+fmrghfsee - you might see _ the futureform of most modals s the sameas th e presentform

T lfseoul4be -+ It could be - forms of be are notusedbeforemodals

8 eetidmet-- could meet - modals are followedby the infinitive without fo, not a past form of theverb

1 canlcould 2may/might/could

3cou ldn ' t 4can ' t 5can ' t 6can7 Could 8 can't

Sufgested. nsu)ers: can't seemy school riends, Ican'tstayout very late; can go out with friends,can stay n bed ate, can play computergamesal l

I might go to the cinema, play tennis, godancing

ShouiCkau{dn't,ughta, ml,st, .tustn,t,avesanrldon'f aveo obligationndprohibition]

O r e 2 A

@ Suggested nswers:

A you ought to / should get a haircut, have a wash,

mend your trousers,get somenew shoes;youshouldn'tgo out like that, wear thoseclothes.have your hair like that.

B You shouldn't go to school tomorrow, do anywork, get too close o people;you ought to /should see he doctor, go to bed, lie down, havehot drinks, take an aspirin.

@ z n 3 c 4 E

@ u : c 2 d 1

@ Z must 3 mustn't 4 don'thave o 5 have o6 must

@ e

@ Z don'thave to 3 have to 4 doesn'thave to5 must 6 shouldn't Z mustn't

Recording script cDl rrack 3

Presenter: nternet itesikeMySpace,eboanoFacebookaregreatway oryoungpeopleokeep n ouchwith riends,ut here re hingsyoushould o o staysafe.Onsome ites

youdon'thaveo useyour ealnamefyoudon'twant o, so nvent nameoryourself.On most ites t'sa rule hatyou'haveo giveanemail ddress,ut hisdoesn,taveo beyournormatne_ yo uca nus eanyaddress.Youcanwrite otsof nterestinghings nyouronline age, utsomethingoumust ever ois pu tyourhouse ddressrphone umber.In act, oushouldn'tive ny nformation

' thatcould etstrangersnowyour dentity,becausen he Internetounever nowwho

is ooking. emember,oo, hatyoumustn't utyour riends'ersonaletails nyourpage, r'youcould ut hem ndanger.o hemessageis:haveun ,but ake are.

@ Suggested.nswers:2I mustn't eat at my desk.3 I don't have to go out early. 4I must workharder. 5 I shouldn't eat cream cakesbut Isometimesdo! 6 I ought to tidy my room but Iprobablywon't.

Answer ey@

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VocabularyAdjectives and preposltions

Q t w i t n 2 o f . 3 a b o u t

@ t o t 2 w i t h 3 a b o u t

@ Suggestedanswers:

of: confident (alsoconfident about), envious,frightened, etc.

with: pleased, ross, ed up, etc.

about: relaxed, excited, mad, etc.

@zwi t r r 3o f 4wi th 5of /about 6o f labout

Adjectives with -ed and -il?gr

O g. wanted to contact her (and neededher details /phone number from them); They met again and got


@ boriag; it drops the final -e to add -lng

@ bored

@ r b o r i n g 2 b o r e d

@2 relaxed 3 surprising 4 tired 5 depressed

6 embarrassing 7 amused 8 annoyed

9 disappointed 10 nterested fl amazed

12 excited

@ Suggested nswers:

I I'm always excitedwhen I meet new people. t'salways exciting to meet new people.

2 Dancing for a long time is tiring. I get tired when

I dance or a long time.

3 I was disappointed hat he didn't phone. It was

disappointing that he'didn't phone.

€ ) t , 2 d 3 a 4 b

Recording script cDr rack 4

Speaker : My brotherooksomeCDsoutof my oom

without sking.wasn't appy bouttbecausewanted o playoneof hem.

Speaker : Usually y amily llmeet tourhouse n

December1st, ut his earmycousinsan't

come.t'sa shame.

Speaker : I don'twant o go o hat outh lu bagain.i There's ever nythingo do hereand here's

nobodyo alk o.

Speaker : And hen essica alkedn. couldn't elieve

it ,beeauqethought 'd never eeheragain.

Reading Part 5

@ Suggested nswers:

I when something bad happens o us 2 all the

time / every day 3 our lives will get much better /

we'l l becomemuch happier

@ a 2 , 5 , 5 b 4 ,B ,1 0 c I , 7 , 9 d 3

@ r s z A 3 c 4 A s B 6 c z B 8 8 9 A1 0 D

VocabularyAdjectivesnd he r 0ppCIsites

O z a 3 a 4 c s b

Qz relaxed 3 positive 4 depressed 5 mean

@funny/serious, trange/ordinary

@2 serious 3 awful 4 ordinary 5 strange6 fantastic

SpeakingParts3 and4

t) Suggested nswers:A: I can see a girl. She ooks

like she'smaking a speechat her schoolor college.

Sheseemsnervous;B: I can seea boy. It looks ike

he's n a long queue or an event. He looks vqry


@ a: at the beginning, shefelt nervous. After a few

minutes she began to feel (more) relaxed. At the

end, when everyoneclapped, shewas delighted;

B: He was excited about going to the concert.After

six hours in the queuehe was very bored. In the

end he was angry because omepeoplebought

tickets to make money.

@ t did, feel 2 happened,end 3 did, have 4 was,' reaction

Recording script cDlrrack s

Gir l :

Picture .

Well, nce had omake speecho nearly

thewhole chool,n rontof hundredsf other


Friend: Howdidyou ecP

Girl: At irst was ea lly ervousnd couldn't

remember hat had o say. neededo keep

looking t mynotes.Butaftera few minutes

I started o feela bitmore elaxed,nd hen

just alked nd alked.

@toto,"te PET

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Gir l :

Fr iend:




Whathappenedn heCnep

Everyonelapped.wa sdelightedhenheardhat!

Picture .

Iwa s eally xcited bouthatconcert,justhad ose e t,bu t housandsfother eoplewantedicketsoo.That'swhy hequeue


How ongdidyouhaveo wait?

Si xhours.wa sso boredt utustbeforegotto the icketoffice,t closedl hey,d oidal l hetickets.

Whatwasyour eactiono that?

I wasangry. lotofpeople adboughtenortwentyickets ach, o he y ould ell he mlater ndmakemoney.


It 's greatbecause n a horseyo u can ge t tobeautiful places hat are impossible o reachby car,or evenby bike. Sometimeswe,re so high up thatin winter and spring everything is covered n snowan d the views are fantastic!

The pathsalong he mountain sidesar e verynarrow, so it can be a bit frightening if you lookdown, but you're completelysafebecause hehorsesknow the way - they've been there hundredsof times!

In your next letter tell me about the exciting thingsyou do!

Bye for now,





Writing Pant3

O l, 4,5; you shouldalso nclude easonswh v vo ulike to relax in that way.

@ loints she ncludes: I (Where)her own room4 [When) weekends,especially 5 (How) read aninterestingbook

Reasons why): warm & cosy,she can listen to herfavourite music, nobody comes n, no phone calls

tots of love (E),Al l the best [E), Don't forget owrite soon [E), DearGeorge B) , Well, that,sall fornow (EJ,Thanks for your letter [B), This is just aquick letter to say (B), It was great to hear from you(B),HlLisa (B), Givemy love to everyone E),Sorry

taken so long to write back (B)

ii N"tfrun, Thanks for your letter, t was great tohear from you, Write soon and let me know, Al l thebest

so fnobody comes n)

Z t never get tired of going o th e cinemabecausethere are so many good films. 3 Since don,thave much homework to do, I often go out in theevenings. 4 I enjoy water-skiing a lot because t'sreally exciting. 5 I've got somereally good games

1oI'm on my PlayStationoevery day.


Dear Libby,

It's nice to hear from you. you ask about somethingexciting do and the answer s easy:horse iding inth e mountains!

Starting off

(f Z documentary 3 quiz show 4 thenews5 comedy eries 6 chatshow

@ fney talk about:documentary,omedy eries, hatshow, he news.

Recording script cDr rack6






Ben, ou'rewatching VagainWhat's n?=.---

It'sa programmeboutarmersnKenya hoare rying o save lephants. idyouknowthat heelephantopulationas allen y800/othere?

Yes, ut howmuchTVdoyouwatcha day?

l' mnot eallyure.t dependsnwhetherhave otof homeworkr not. alwavs atchAlphabetRoad.

Oh? haven't eard f Alphabet oad.What'stabout?

0h, t's hestory fsome eighboursnacrazy treet.t'son Thursdaysnd t alwaysmakesme augh.What's ou r avouriteprogramme?

I don'twatchmuchTVbut loveThe ukeRobinsonhor,u e nterviewsllkinds fpeople.ncludingamous eople. idyouseehis nterviewit hTomCruise?

You'reoking | can't tandhose inds fprogrammes.prefer layingomputeramesto watchinghat.



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Really?ook,t's9 pm.Whydon'twe switch

over ndwatchheheadlines?ik e o know

what's appeningn heworld.

Gooddea!Here'she emote ontrol.

ReadingFart 2

$ Z t<idsnock 3 Found n Hong Kong 4 Best

Friends 5 Prince of Mandavia 6 University

Spotlight 7 Liala 8 ReggaeNights

@ suggested nswer:

The irnportant information has been underlined

(what they want to do; what they don't want to do;

extra information)

@ C (plgfrt Planet) saggestedwords to underline: Yort

haven't seenanything like this before (as hey

would- ike to see omething completelydifferent)

Reasonswhy tlrcy do not choose lrc other options:

University Spotlight - it saysbook early

Kids Rock,Princeof Mandavia,Liala, Found n

Hong Kong and ReggaeNightsall containmusic

and Silvie and Kat don't want to hear more music

BestFriends - there is nothing differentabout this


@ Suggestedwordso underline:

2 Teenagers isit ing ... with their parents,all lovescience iction, Martha and Artie love live music'

especially eggae,heir parentswant to seea


\ 3 university students,want to have fun, can't

afford ... much money, ike listening .. music

4Ll ly (19) .. Ken (18) .. S-year-oldousin,Mai . . .

mad aboutanimals .. , wants o drive .. . doesn't

want to pay for Parking

5 Lara ... mum prefersomething unny to serious

dtama, go to bed early,buy somepresentsbeforethey leave

@ z s 3 F 4 c 5 E

Suggestedwords to underline:

2 Set n the year 2306, iv e musiciansplay, his


3 play their records .. disco,Admission ree

4 monkey, elephantand bear,Freeparking for

every two adult tickets

5 definitely good fun, Not to be taken seriously,Gift

Shopopen duringinterval

@ Suggested nswer:

Martha and Artie are teenagersand are going out

with their parents.Their parentswant to se ea

musical.ReggaeNlghrs s a disco fnot a musical)

and is for over-18sonly. It is likely that Martha and

Artie are under 18 .Also, there s no connection

with scienceiction, which they al l like.

@ Suggested nswers:

1 Silvie and Kat are Lrestriends (BestFriends s

the title of H); they saw their favouritebandlasl

week [in C,'Keith'sDoor' is everyone's avourite


3 Al and Ed are uniuersitystudents(A mentions

studentsseveral imes, e'g'Specialdiscountsor


4 Ma i rs mad aboutanimals (D mentionsno .. .

animals me; Ihe musicians n E are dressedasstrange animals)

5 Lara and her mtm prefer .. funny to serious

[H mentions a serious ook)

VocabularyGoing ut

@2 admission 3 audience 4 live 5 review

6 subtitles 7 interval 8 venue

@ right Planet

Recording script cDlTrack7

Liam: Yes.t wasbrilliantl y unclemanagedo get

mea ticket or heearly erformance.hen

Monkeyame nstage,heaudience en t

wild. heonlyhing didn'tik ewa s hevenue

It was oocrowded.



Q ffrey decide o watch the film at home and have

pizza there.

Recording script cDlTrack8

Would ou ike o seea show onight?

YeahWhynot?Wehaven't eenout ogetner

for hreemonths. hat's n?

Well, here'shatmusical idsRockHave ou

seen tyet?





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'Fraidso. saw t lastweek. haven't een he

circus how LialayCI.

I'vealready eenLiala.My cousinookmeon


Howabout BestFriends? ust inishedeadingheplay.

0h nol t'snota play,s t? don't ancy hat!Let's tay n andwatcha filmonTV hen.

We can'tdo hat.My dad'sust aken heTV o

be epaired. ecouldn'to oyourhouse nd

watch he ilm. ouldwe?

0f course!Whydon'twe geta pizza n he

way o myhouse ndwe canwatch he ilm


Evan: What greatdea!

@ I seen t ye t 2 seen .. ye t 3 alreadyseen 4 just


The present perfect s used in all four extracts.

@ Z already 3 yet a/5 Gn any order) already,

just 6 yet

@ z wly dad hasn't found a new job yet.

3 But he's/hasstarteda course n computing.

4 My mum's/has just won a prize in a photography


5 Haveyou seen he new Kung Fu film yet?

6 I've/havealreadyseen t three times. t 's great!

7 What about you?Haveyou finished your examsyet?

@ Suggested nswers:

1 1998. tc.

\ 2 threeyears,etc.I

3 last year,my birthday, etc.

4 (Nameof teacher) four months, etc.

5 fName of sport / the + instrument) / 2005, ast

year, etc.

@ Z How long have you been at your school?

3 How long have you had your watch?4 How long has (name) been your English teacher?

5 How long have you played (sport) / tlrc


Fnesenterfect r pa$t imple?

Q Z Have ... read 3 saw 4 haven'theard 5 won

6 did .. . go 7 have . . taken

Q Suggested nswers:

I Why d id he dec ideo become . . . . . . . . . .?

2 When did he begin his career?

3 Where did he first work?4 How did he feel when he first began working, do

you think?

5 How onghashe beena . . . . . . . . . .

6 How many times has he won a competition?

Vocabularyheenlgane,mee{,get to knaw, narw nd fnd ouf

@ I been,been 2 meet 3 known 4 gone

5 getting to know 6 find out

Listening Part X

Q lttake sureyou can ftnd these tems:

backpack,belt, blouse,boots, coat,dress,earring,

glasses, love,handbag, eans,purse,pyjamas,

sandals, horts,skirt, socks,suit, sweater,

sweatshirt,swimming costume,T-shirt, ie, tights,

towel, tracksuit, trainers, trousers, umbrella, wallet

@Z beautl+uh -+ beautiful 3 a long and white + a

long white 4 fushien * fashionable 5 T-sh*--+ a

T-shirt 6 a-bh*e+reuser- blue trousers / a pair of

blue trousers

@ suggested answers:

Words to underline: 1 Mark's sweater 2 Mary lost

3 John ost 4 coat

Differences etweeneach:1 There are three cotton

sweaters A is plain with a V-neck, B is patterned

with a V-neck,C is plain with a round neck; 2

A is a towel,B a pair of earrings,C a purse;3 A

trainers,B socks,C sandals;4 There are three

long coats A has 6 buttons and 2 pockets,B has

2 buttons and no pockets,C has 6 buttons and no


@ r c z B 3 a .4 c

Answer ey@

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Recording script cDt rack2e


One.WhichsMark's weater?

Excuse e. 've ostmysweater.left t by he

pool.t' sa plain ne there's opattern r

anythingn t.Has nyoneandedt n?

Le tmesee .. . We've nly ot hree weaters

here, hink.s t hisone? t'sgotaV-neck.

Sorry, o!Mine's ota round eck.Oh lThere

it s! t 's hatone here! hecotton ne! t was


Well, e more areful ith t next imelHere


CDl Track30

Two.WhathasMary ost?

Hi! wasemptying ybackpackn hesports

centre af6becauseneededo pay or

somethingnd couldn'tin dmypurse.

Ho wmuchmoney as n t?

0h ... it's0K, I ound hat,but_Lhaebpu 'L

earringsnside ybag oo .. na ittle ind f

pocket and think hey elloutwhen pulled

mytowel ut.Has nyoneroughtthemere?

Sorry, o . .


Three.Whathas ohn ost?

We've ome o pickupJohn ndhe's laying

tennisn hissandals.


Yes!He's lwaysosinghings.We hought

he'd osthis ocks utwe'veoundhose.

Have ougothis rainers?

What o hev ook ike?

Gi r l :



Girl :



Gir l :


Gir l :

Gir l :

CDI Track32

Four.Which oat s Barbaraalking bout?

Barbara: I waswearing ysister'soa tandnow can't

f ind t.She's oingo beso angry ithme .

Girl: We've otseveraloats.Whatdoes t ook ike?

Barbara: lt'squite ongwith iveor sixbuttons own he


SpeakingPart 4

Q fnings you ike to do at homeand hingsyou ike

to do whenyou goout

@ See nswers elow orExercise

@ llon and lvan do a model task,sothese re also

correct nswersor them):2 , / 3 X 4 , / 5 , / 6 X 7 X

Recording script cDl rack 3

Examiner: our hotographshowedeopleoing ut .


No w 'd ike ou o alk ogetherboutwhat

you ike o do athome ndwhatyou ike o do

when ougoout.

So , van, hatdoyo u ike o do at home? o

you ikewatching V?

Yes, lovewatching V.Wenormallywitchon

theTVafterdinner ndwatcha film,a football

match ra documentary.hat bout ou ?Do

yo u ikewatchingilms?

Yes, ut preferwatching ports o ddocumentariesitt le it

boring.Didyousee he basketball atchast


No, didn't.When 'mat home also njoy

playing ards r othergames ith my wo

brothers. n Sunday fternoons,e oftenstay

inandplayogether. oyou


ards thome?

No ,not eally. hen go outwithmy riends

we usually eetn he ocal hoppingentre.

It 'sno tmuch un. ove oingo hecinema,

but t'sveryexpensive.t howoftendoyougo

to hecinema?

I agree ithyou. he inemasvery xpensive

but gowithmyparentsnce month nd

theypay.Have ouseen he newBatmanfilm


No,notyet. likegoing o seeshowswith myfamily.don't eallyikeserious lays ut love


LionKing.Doyou ikemusicals?

Er .. I ike omemusicalsut hink prefer

thecinema. y sistereallyovesheballet,

[ 've ee n nc ebut houghtt was oo ong

andslow. think t wasSvvanake.Dovou ike

classical usic?


Gir l :






Gi r l :


Anythingn hepocketsr

It hasn't otan ypockets.

@ comptetePET


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Jon: 0h no!Mybrother. .ef . . . playsheviol in ndwewent o a classical usic oncert ithhimlast ear.t wasawful! wantedo waitoutsidebutmymum aid had o sit here.twas wohours nd herewa sno nterval.

lvan: Twohoursong? oo r ou

2 F a l s e 3 F a l s eare Jon and.Ivan's answers ut any futt

onswer which doesn't clunge the topic completely s

ftne):2 No, I didn't. When I'm at homeI also enjoy

playing cards or other gameswith my twobrothers.On Sundayafternoons,we often stay inand play together.

3 The cinema is very expensivebut I go with myparents once a month and they pay.

4 No, not yet. I like going to seeshowswith myfamily. I don't really like seriousplays but I lovemusicals ike Cafs,We Will Rockyou! and theLion King.

5 I like somemusicalsbut I think I prefer thecinerya.My sister really lovesthe ballet. I've beenoncebut I thought it was too long and slow.

I think it was Swan Lake.

ffre clothesyou wear during the week and the

clothesyou wear at weekends


Writing Xlart2Q Suggested,nswer:

The cat broke he vase. t knocked he vaseoff the

furniture. Water spilled on the floor.

@ Suggestedword-s o und.erline:

aunt 'scat,She . . sent . . money,an email o . . .Aunt Kath, hank,what.. .buy, describe . . cat did,

35-45 words

@7@Attnough I (Bettina'sanswer) s very wellwritten (with no spelling mistakes and a very gooduse of grammar),well organisedand the messagesclear,she has not included the three contentpoints(shedoesnot describewhat the cat didJ. Shecanonly be given a maximum of 3 marks.

2 fKatia'sanswer) is lessaccuratebut it is wellorganisedan d the messages clear.Shehasincluded all three contentpoints and so her teacher

could give her 5 marks.

@ sampte answer:

Dear Dorota.

Thanks so much for the money you sent me for mybirthday. You know how much I love new clothes.I 'm going o buy those ight black eans saw astweek. Why don't you come with me next week tobuy them?



choosingmy own

Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit 5


QZo t 3wi th 4on 5of 6about Tabout

8 about 9 of l0 of

@ amazing,nteresting, mbarrassed,rightened,amused



we havesport I

a tracksuit.

ftenchangemy clothes

I gethome rom

often have

smart clothes.

What do you wear for


Do you change our


Why (not)?

What aboutyou?

Do you like wearingsmart


Canyou choosewhichclothesyou buy?

If not, who chooses our


What clothesdo you not

like wearing?

Answer ey@

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G E M o T I o N

R A T E9

w F U L10


T o R A

E Ull

o U G H T


U D Vt z



L o \/ E

0 7 Outand about

Starting off

@ Z temperature,hot, degrees,centigrade 3 showers,

get wet 4 gale,blowing 5 thunderstorm,

lightning 6 freezing, frost, snowfall

Listening Part 2

O a Chloe b an interviewer c taking photos of

extreme weather conditions d the weather in

her country, when she began taking photos of bad

weather, what sheuses o photograph ightning,

where she takesphotos during thunderstorms,

what shemost likes photographing n winter, what

shephotographswhen it's windy e the weather

in the speaker'scountry, bad weather, ightning,thunderstorms, wintet weather (ice/snow/frost),

windy weather.

Q t s 2 8 3 c 4 c s A 6 8

Recording script cDr rack 4

Interviewer:Telle,Chloe, ave oualways een

interestedn heweather?

Chloe: Ohyes. t's eallyascinatingn hiscountry

becauset canbequitedifferentn he north,

in hewestand n hesouth,or nstance,nd

it doesn't sually tay he same or ong. t canbewarm ndsunny nemoment: etandcold

thenext.n actyoucansometimesave ll

fourseasonsn onedayl

Interviewer:So hendidyou irstphotographtorms nd

thingsike hat?Was hatwhile ouwereat

university? r nyour irst ob?

Chloe: No no, wasmuch oungerhan hat. was

,. iusta kid, eally.Wewerecoming ome rom

holiday ndwe gotcaught n a thunderstorm.

I tooksome ictures nd uckilyheycame ut

reallywell.Sincehen 'vedone otsof other, kindsof photography,speciatlyhen wasa

student, ut still ovephotographingightning.

lnterviewer:That ustbequitedifficult. owdo youget


Chloe: Well, he irst hing s herightcamera.u

doesn't ave o beexpensive,r particularly

modern I'vehadmine or many ears and

avoid sing igital nes. ut hemainhing s

where ougb o takeyourpictures.


@ 2 can't 3 should 4 Could 5 don't have to

6 might7 have


Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit6


Q2 Audiences 3 live 4 reviews 5 performances

6 admission 7 interval

@ z c 3 A 4 A s B 6 8


@z @-- +fo r threeyears since

2007 3 he-rggfte - he went / he's gone o Dubai

fwith no time adverb) 4 gone - been 5 ++ready

I+e - I've already 6l-]eeked--+ I've looked

7 never --+ever 8 has_given --) gave 9 ftsfeame- has just come f0 4id#fdeeide + haven't

decided 1l has-opened- opened 12 whal

lJrappened-+ what has happened

@ 2've/have never ived /'velhave

not lived /

haven't lived 3 since 4'velhave

known 5 seen


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Interviewer:Whichre he bestolaces?

Chloe: Well, ome eopleakephotosrom heirbedroom indows,ut ivena latwnerethere's o ealview f henight kyandso haveto goout.Standingn ields ndon hills uringthunderstorms ather angerous,o driventothecountryside.ark, pen hewindow ndstart

takingpictures.ou'remuch aferwithall hatmetalaroundou ,ik e naplane.

lnterviewer:owhataboutphotographyuringhe day?

Chloe: I really njoyakingwinter hotos, hen t' sreallyreezing.

Interviewer:Whichreyour avourite?nowy cenes?

Chloe: I used o ike oinghose,us tafter

snowstorms,ndsometimeshosebeautiful, shapesike lowershatyouseeon glasswhen

it's rosty.Butnowadaysprefermountain

scenes ith otsof ce.Especiallyhenyouhavewater lowing ownvallelzsndoverwaterfalls.nd t getssocold hat t freezessolid.

Interviewer:Mm.ndduring herestof heyear?

Chloe: Um .. storms, hink. ou ange tsome reatpictures hen hewind s eally lowing,particularlyn he coast.Wheneverhere'sgale. go down o thebeach nd ake oadsof photos fthewaves. hey anbe amazing.Mm.And I'd ike o takepictures f clouds,

though t'soften oo darktophotographhemwhen t'sstormy. lso orests, itheverythingbendingn hewind. 'vealways antedo trythat. oo.

fne extractanswersquestion3; the expressions'photographing

lightning' and 'Howdo you get

good pictures?'show the information hat yo u needto complete To photograph ightning, she uses .. 'will soon follow; A: I avoid using digital ones, B: Itdoesn'thave to be expensive,C: I've had mine formany years;Yes, heseare al l close ogether;No ,

the order Chloe talks about them is not the same

fa..ur heoptions , BandC.

fair{y,quite, {ather, really and vsry

I really 2 rather 3 quite

and enluqh

Z before, o nfinitive 3 uncountable,ountable

4 as muchas 5 before, fter, o nfinitive

I Z money+e*o-Uuy ) money to buy 3 teemueh--+very much 4 fur€e+ + to get 5 teemueFe<pensive --+too expensive 6 correctZ ferwearmg -+to wear S eno6gh-vrarm -+ warm


GrammarThe uture:Wif{, oinE CI, resent ontinuou$ndpres0nt imple

OZ't going o rain 3 'm meeting 4leaves 5 'l l


@ I 'tt take c it'll stop d 'm meeting e 's going orain

Recording script cDl rack5

Mia: It'sgetting bit ate,Owen.

Owen: Yes, ut ookat he rain I'mhopingt'llstopsoon,hough don't hinkhere'smuch hanceof hat.

No, heweatherorecast aid t'sa bigstormso t'sgoing o rain orhours.What imedo you

haveo be at hestation?

I'mmeetingason ndMark here t 8.30,

in hecaf6near he main ntrance.he rainleaves t8.45.

It'squitea iongwalk o thestation,sn't t?Andit's8.15 lready.ook,'l l take ou n hecar.


Mia :




@ Suggested nswers:

2 When are you seeingyour friends next week? 'mseeing hem on Friday. 3 Where are you going togo this evening? 'm going to go to the cinema.4 What date do your holidays begin this summer?They begin on JuIy 5th. 5 When do you think youwill ge t a job? 'll ge t a jo b in abouteightyears.

6 Do scientistssay the Earth is going to get hotter?

Yes, hey say t's going to get a lot hotter. 7 Whenwill you next send a text message?'l l sendoneright now!

@ Suggested. nswers:

2'm going on Monday /

'm going to go on Monday.3'11carry/lake t for you. 4leaves 5

'llhave a

glassof orange uice. 6'm

meeting riends.7

's going o rain.


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@ Saggested nswers:

2 I'll help you / fix it (if you like). 3 It leaves takes

off at 9.30 n the evening. 4 There'sgoing o be a

storm. The wavesaregoing o geta lot bigger.

5 I'll call an ambulance. 6I'm going o study

medicine. / I don't know what I'm going to study.

Reading Part 1

Q2email 3notice 4announcement/ information

5 road sign

@A Z ('strongwinds','take

care') c 5 ('wait '

imperat ive) d 1 ('noparking') e4 ('c loses30

minutesbefore .. ')

€) t t notice (near ift door, probably at an airport

because f the referenceo PassportControl)

2 It s purpose s to inform and advise(shownby the

commonphrase out of order' and 'Pleaseuse')

2 message;o inform and suggest om ething

3 Internet item description; to advertise something

for sale 4label; to give a warning 5 notice;

to say what is fand is not) allowed 6 email; to

inform and to suggest omething

@ q g 3 8 4 c s A 6 c



Q crossroads, uesthouse, uidebook,hitchhike,

overnight, ailroad,sightseeing, ignpost, uitcase

1 guidebook 2 suitcase 3 crossroads

4 hitchhike 5 railroad 6 backpack

7 signpost 8 overnight 9 guesthouse

10 sightseeing

@2guidebook 3 sightseein g 4rai l road

5 guesthouse 6 hitchhike 7 backpack

8 suitcase 9 crossroads l0 signpost

Prepositron$f movement

' Q Z o n3 o n 4 o f f . 5 o n 6 i n T o u t 8 o f

Recording script cDl rack 6

Toby: Hi Leon;Tobyere.'m eally leasedou're

comingo oufnewhouse extweek. he

quickest ayhere s by rain o the citycentre,

which akes nhour nd susuallyn ime.

Then ouca nge ton henumber 4bus o

EdgeHill, etting ffby m

there t'sabout ifteenminutes n oot.0r , f

youdon't eel ikewalking,oucouldump na

taxiandask he driver o takeyou othenew

flats nValley oad.When ougetoutof he

taxi, ou'l l ee hemain ntrancelnrontof

you.Se e ousoonl

@ I on, off 2 in, out of 3 get, ump 4 by, by, on5 o n

@ Z in+e r on/onto 3 at --+on 4 oR --+in/into

5 on - by 6 ,/ 7 by - on 8 inte - on,/onto


Q t Students hould ick: bus, boat, metro, bike,

tram 2 They decide o use bike and boat.

Recording script cDrTrack7

lngrid: Sowhyareyoukeenongoingby ram?t'llbe

verycrowdedn he rushhour.

Mikel: Well, ecauset always eepsmoving. ven

when here's eavyraffic.So at eastwe'llget

there uite uickly.

Ingrid: I hink 'd ather oon hemetro,eally.

Mikel: I don'tancvhat.









Why oL?

Well,orone hing,t 's ummer,o t 'sgoing

to be really otdown here.And or another,t

gets oo crowded.

Sowhatabout oing n hebus,hen? know

it'sslow, ut t'scheap.

Actually, hat 'dmost ike o do ssail own

the river.

That's good dea.Wecan ide o heharbour

onourbikes, ut hem n heboat ndbe n

th eother ndof own n half nhour.

Right,hat's ortedhen.

@2because 3rather 4not 5one 6another7 about 8 like

@ z u 3 d 4 a 5 b 6 b z c 8 d

@ rn" underlinedwordsare all weak orms.

Recording script cDl rack 8




well,orone hing


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Ingr id:



it'sgoing o be really ot


saildown he river


we can ide o the harbour


half nhour

In thegreenareas n the north and westof ourcountry t will rain much ess, o herewill befewerplantsand rees,with a biggerdangeroffiresbecause verythingwill be muchdrier.



Fart 1

) Z too awful 3 quiteclose/nearo 4 so much5 aregoing 6 goingeverywhere n foot Z l'drather

Recording script cDr rack3e

Pat: Doyouhink eoplen 2020 ill till qeverywhereycar?

Kelly: No, don't. or ne hing,he raffic illbe ooawfulorus ogoanywhere.

Pat: Actually, e'reouitecloseo thatsituationalready.

Yes, agree. nd carscause o muchpollution,speciallyncities.

I thinka otof countdes reqoingo reducethenumber fvehicles.

Sodoyo u hinkmost f uswillen dupgoingeverywheren oot?

Yes thinkwe probably ill,and wouldn't

mind hatat all. n act, 'd rather o hat.

2 rise a lot 3 sunny 4 so ... that 5 be ... wetter6 the coldest

t cool enough 2 much higher 3 will/'ll shine4 too warm 5 will/'ll rain 6 colder


I The areasaround the coast will be badly affected,becausesea evelswill rise and a lot of the landwill be covered n water.

2 The dry part of the country in th e south-eastwill have even ess rain, which will turn the areaalmost nto a desert.

3 In the parts of the country where there are highmountains, there will be lesssnow, even nwinter, so it won't be possible o ski there anymore.

& This s me!

Starting off

@ t ACinderella 2 A Maradona 3 C Rafa Nadal4 A Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie 5 B Bart Simpson'sgrandfather


@ foni Nadal

@t@ A life coachhelpspeople o think aboutwhat

they want and how they aregoing o get t.

@ Suggestedwordso und-erline:

3 used o work .. radio 4 Jem .. do a degree..before..Africa 5 Jem's arents.. ike ... hisdegree.. another ountry 6 singing .. study ..nearlyperfect .. science 7 Irina ... happy .. anyuniversity 8 Irina ... always .. keenon keepingfit 9 Mo .. . worked .. children oungerhansix 10Some .. Regina'sriends .. newschoolplaybasketball

@ z n 3 c 4 c s c 6 D z D 8 D 9 E r o E

@ t Correct- I get on very well with Irina2 Incorrect - Until now, life coacheshave helped

adults ... Now it 's the turn of our youngpeople

3 Correct - a former radio producer

4 Incorrect he has decided o take part in avolunteerproject in central Africa first

5 Incorrect - This experienceabroad will help himgrow up before he goes o university here

6 Correct - Once shemade up songs o learn by,she achieved99 per cent in her tests

7 Incorrect - Now she hopes o get into a topuniversity

8 Incorrect - Shehas even taken up exercise or thefirst time in years

9 Correct - Mo Ahmed has coachedchildren asyoung as five yearsold

10 Correct - By joining the school basketball eam

Reginahas made severalnew friends


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@ Suggested nswers:j used ys__+

former4 do a degree -+got o ploce ot university (beforeand

Ttrsfhave oppositemeanings)

5 do his degree + stud! medicine / goes o

university; in another country --, abroad (herehas

the oppositemeaning)

6 used singing - made W songs;nearly perfectmarks + 99 per cent

7 would be lmppy - hopes fop has the opposite

meaning of" ny)

8 keeping fit--+exercise for the ftrst time in years

has the oppositemeaning of always)

9 younger than six + as young as ftve

l0 some several

VocabularyPhrasal erbs

Q bringing up, set up, sort out, grow up, found out,

madeup, has .. . taken up

Suggested nswersfor meanings:

bring up (a child) - to look after a child and

teach hem until they are old enough to look after


find out fsomething) - to get information about

something, or to learn a fact for the first time

get on with - if two or more peopleget on, they

like each other and are friendly to eachother

./ gro* up - to become older or an adult

make up - to invent

set up fsomething) - to start a company or


sort out (something) to successfully eal with

something, such as a problem or difficult situation

take up (something) to start doing a particular

job or activity

@ Z brought me up 3 sort out 4 set up 5 take up

6 get on (well) with 7 make up 8 found out

GrammarZero, irstand secondconditionals

@ t fristian's dad says hat Kristian sn't sureabouthis future. 2 get rainingby going o actingclassesfterschool; etexperiencey beinga filmextra




RecOrding script cDlTrack0



HiKristian. owar e ou ?

E r . . . 0 K .

Yourdad's ot ncontactwithmebecause e

says ou're otverysureabout our uture.

Let'shave little hatabout t.Whatareyor,rrfavouriteubjects?

No, hat's ot heproblem. I 'm ery ur e

aboutmy uture. 'd reallyike o go o drama

school. ousee,everyoneays 'mquitegood

at acting.

Ho woldare ou,Kristian?

That'sheproblem.'monly ifteen"'llneedmy

parents' ermissionf I want o go o drama

school. hey ay haveo stayat school ntil

I 'meighteen.ut f stay tschool nti l 'm

eighteen,t'llbe oo ate.

Too ate or what?

lf youwant o be anactor, ouhave o start

your raining t anearly ge.

Maybewe shouldookat otherwaysof getting

training. ave ou houghtlbout oingo

acting lasses fterschool?'

Yes, ut 'd have o giveup ootballf I went o

classes fterschool. hat'swhy thinkdrama

school ould ea good olution.f I studied

at drama chool,'dhave noughime oreverything.

Have ourparents een ouperformingn








Kristian: No,not ora ong ime. wasn'tn his ear's

Englishlay ecauseone fmy riends ere

in t.

Mo: I see.Let's hinkaboutways oucangetsome. more cting xperience.ave ou hought

aboutbeing fllmextra?

Kristian: What'shat?

@ I want 2 stay,ll

be 3 want, have 4'd


went 5 studied,'d have

@ f Uo. Joshdoesn'twant Kris tian to join the drama

club because he football eamwill lose ts best


2 N o

3 (6) is a real possibility but (7) is not

@to-o,"te PET

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@t fyp. l : 2 , 6c Type2: 4 ,S , 7

@ Studentsshould"underline:

b snows, llmake;c snowed,would go

Forms of the verb: Type O: f + present,present;Type 1: f + present, uture; Type2: lf + past

simple,would + infinitive without to

O W" use a comma f the conditionalsentence eginswith the l/ clause.We don't use a comma if thesentence eginswith the result.

@ f fn e first conditionalhas beenusedbecauseheweather forecastsays t will rain, so this is a realpossibility.

2 We would use the secondconditional whenrain is not likely (e.g. n the middle of a very drysummer - If it rained, the plants would get somewater.).

@ Suggested nswers:

2 I f I saw a friend cheating n an exam, I wouldn,ttell the teacher. If I seea friend cheating n anexam, I'll tell the teacher.

3 If I get good marks at school, 'l l be very happy.4 If I found a lot of money in a rubbish bin, I'd take

it to the police station.

5 If I got lost in a foreign country, I'd ask someonefor directions. / If I get lost in a foreign country,I ' l l as k someone or directions.

6 If I get a lot of homework, I won't go out tonight

with my friends.

Suggested uestions:

I What would you do if you lost your mobilephone?/,lost your mobile phone,whatwould you do ?

2 What would you do if you saw a friend cheatingin an exam? If you saw your friend cheating nan exam, what would you do?

3 What will you do if you get good marks at school?

/ If you get good marks at school,what will youdo?

4 What would you do if you found a lot of money ina rubbish bin? / If you found a lot of money in arubbish bin, what would you do?

5 What would you do if you got lost in a foreigncountry? / What will you do if you get lost ina foreign country?/ Ifyou, got lost in a foreigncountry, what would you do?

6 What will you do if you get a lot of homeworkfrom your teacher? If you get a lot of homeworkfrom your teacher,what will you do?

When,f unless present,uture

Q e: this teenagerwill definitely call her parents(when she gets here); B: this teenagermay not callhis parents (i f he gets there too lateJ;C: this teenagermay not call her parents (only if

she needssomething)

@ t w h e n 2 i f 3 u n l e s s

@Zi t 3un less 4un less 5un less 6un less

ListeningFart 3

Q ffrey are in the crowd scenes/background.

@ l n o u n 2 n o u n 3 n u m b e r 4 n o u n 5 d a y

6 name

@ t tu) market(s) 2 website 3 l8/eighteen (years

old) 4face(s) 5 Sundayfs] 6 Kavanagh

Recording script cDl rrack .1

Vanessa: What's nextra? n extra's n ordinary erson- just ike ouor me who's nterestednTVormoviesndwouldik e o beonTVor na movie. xtras ren'tmovie tarsbut heyarepeople hoappearn hebackgroundasmembersf a crowd, rshoppersn amarket r ans n a sports tadium.maginethesatisfactionf pointingo thescreen nd


Manypeople elievehat ilms reonlymadein major itiesikeLosAngeles r Newyork.

But hat'swheremostpeople rewrong.Yes,movies re ilmedn LosAngeles ndNewYorkCity, ut movie ompanieseryoften ravel oundheworld o findsuitablelocations.heck urwebsiteegularlyo see f

something'seingilmed ear ousoon.'

Findingmovie xtraobs s easy ecausetdoesn'tmatterwhatyou ook ikeor howold

yo uare, lthoughourparents il lneedogive heirwrittenpermissionfyouaren't eteighteenears ld.Directorsre ookingoral lkindsof people. t themoment urdirectorsare ookingoryoung eople ho ook boutsixteenears ld,whoarenomore han1.7metresal landof coursewhohaventerestinofaces.

Working sa movie xtra sn'talways xciting.Be eadyo getup at 6 amor earlier ndworkvery ongdays anything p o sixteen ours

Answer ey@

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- butvery arely even aysa week.Filming

maybegin nMonday, ftenwitha break n

Sunday.hi swilldepend n hedirector.

Remembero wearcomfortablelothes nd

shoes syoumayhave o stand or onghours.

All movies eedmovie xtras. llyouhave o

do s et hese irectors nowyouarewilling

andavailableo work.Give uragency ringandask or Vanessa avanagh,hat's

K-A-V-A-N-A-G-Hrvisitourwebsite: ww.


O n

Recording script cDr rack42Marti: Harry,s hatyou?

Harry: Marti lHow'shings?

Marti: GreatlGreat! ook,Darri luss ookingora

teenagero playDeanDarrick'son n his

latestmovie.Have ougotanyone?

Harry: DeanDarrick, h?What houldhis eenager

look ike?

nnart\ Heshould emedium eight,ook round

\ sixteen ith ong, traight air although e

could hangeha t fwe had o.Heshouldprobablyerather ood-looking,oo.

Harry: Um .. we've ot hi snew oung ctor, uthe's

got ather arge car nhischin. nygood?

Marti: Mm.Not eally. eneedso look qungnel-

fresh, referablyith no beard r moustache.

Harry: I 've ot hisonehere.He's otpale yes; e's

veryattractivendeveryoneays e'shonest

and eliable.

Marti: Let's et n ouchwithhim hen.

@ Suggested nswers:

hair: curly, straight, wavy, long, short, bald, grey,

blond(e), ed, dark, fair

build: slim, broad shoulders,medium height

skin: pale, dark

other: scar,beard,attractive,good-looking,

moustache,beautiful, plain

@ Suggested nswers:

2 stupid 3 quiet 4 generous 5 polite/pleasant

6 nervous 7 shy, nervous 8 cold

@ lmpatient unpleasant dlshonest unreliable

@wonderful beautiful hopeful/hopelesscheerful

(alsopossible: heerless)

No - hopeful feelingpositiveabouta future

eventor situation (e.9. 'm hopefulabout my future)brt hopeless very bad (e.g. 'm hopelesst sport)

@ Finnlsh Turklsh Britlsh Swedlsh Scottlshselfrsh childlsh foollsh babylsh

O f nair-an+eyerb+aek blackhair and eyesc youry+andseffie --' handsome oung d wHte-

beautilul - beautiful white e blaeleshert short

black f gfeen-bi8 ' big green

Speaking Fart 1

Recording script cD1rack 3

Man: /et/ - A, H,J, K

Woman: /i:/ - B,C,D,E,G,P, ,V

Man: /e/ - F,L,M, N,S,X,Z

Woman: /at/ - l ,Y

Man: /eu/ OWoman: /u:/ - Q,U,W

M a n : / a : / - R

@r@I becaiH there 3 which 4 two 5 where

6 to 7 wear 8 their 9 too l0 different .

Recording script cDt rack44'

Writedown he correct pelling f hewords


Woman: becausel' mgoingo bedbecause'm ired., Two.

Man: there Theresn't nymilk n he ridge.


Woman: which | dida mathsestyesterdayhichwas

really asy.


Man: two I've ived ere or woyears.



A, H,

J , K

B, C, D, E,

G , R T , V

R L , M , N ,

S , X , Z

I , Y o Q , U , W R


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Woman: where Shecan'topen he door.Shedoesn't

knowwhereherkeys re.


Man: fo* Could ougivehis oyour randma,lease?


Woman: wear Older eople ftenwearhatsat

weddingsn mycountry.Eight.

Man: their Rob ndSimon idn't o heir



Woman: loo I didn't eta part n he i lm. hey aid

was ooyoung.


Man: different Doyou hinkworking nTV s

differentromworkingn radio?

RecOrding script cDt rack45


Woman: because B-E-C-A-U-S-E


Man: there T-H-E-R-E


Woman: which W-H-|-C-H


Man: two - T-W-o


Woman: where W-H-E-R-E


Man: to - T-0


Woman: wear W-E-A-R


Man: their T-H-E-|-R


Woman: too T-O-0


Man: different D-|-F-F-E-R-E-N-T

@ StudentAs words: I received 2 centre(UScenter)

3 and 4 beautiful 5 colour 6 comfortable

7 then

Student B's words: 1 interesting 2 together

3 restaurant 4 recommend 5 believe

6 favourite 7 thought

@ I Brunner 2 Murakami 3 Switzerland

4 Japan 5 French 6 beautiful 7 future

8 yesterdayevening 9 free time

Recording script cDi rrack 6



Angela: My name's ngela.

Examiner:Thank ou.What's ou r urname?

Angela: lt 's'Tedesco'.

Examiner:Ho wdoyo uspellt?

Angela: T-E-D-E-S-C-O

Examiner:Thank ou .Where oyou ive?

Angela: I ive n taly.

Examiner:Doyo ustudyEnglish?

Angela: Yes, do. studytat school.

Examiner:Doyo u ike t?

Angela: Yes, loveEnglishecauselike ravellingnd

meetlng eople'fromther ountries.

Examiner:Thankyou. ngela, oyo u hinkEnglish illbe

usefuloryou n he uture?

Angela: l'mnotsure, utwhen 'molder 'd ike o be

anarchitect nd think 'll need o reada lotof



Examiner:Now,what's ou rname?

Eduard: My name's duard.

Examiner:Thank ou .What's ou r urname?

Eduard: My surname'sBrunner'.


Examiner:Ho wdoyo uspellt?

Eduard: B-R-U-N-N-E-R

Examiner:Thank ou.Where oyoucome rom?

Eduard: I comeromSwitzerland.

' Examiner:Doyo ustudyEnglish?

Eduard: Yes, go o anEnglishchooltwiceweek.

Examiner:Doyou ike t?Eduard: Yes, likeEnglish,ut preferFrench ecause

it'seasy or me.





Ah .Thank ou.Eduard, hatdidyo udoyesterdayvening?

Sorry, an ousay hatagain?

Yes"Didyoudo anythingesterdayvening?

Ohyes. went o thecinema ith mybrother

andcousinsndwe sawa fi lm.t was erv



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Yuji: Yuji.

Examiner:Thank ou.What's oursurname?

Yuji: Murakami.


Yuji: M-U-R-A-K-A-M-|

Examiner:Thank ou.Where oyo ucome rom?

Yuji: I' m rom apan.


Yuji:_ Yes, have nglishessonstschool nd alsodo extraEnglishtH& PEnglishchool.

Examiner: Doyou ike t?

Yuji: Yes.


Yuji: l thinkEnglishsusefulfor eand t'sabeautifulanguage.

Examiner:Thank ou,Yuji.Whatdo youenjoy oingnyour ree ime?

Yuji: Um .. I really njoy layingports. r, fterschool,play ingpongwitha eam nd alsolikebaseball.also ike eading ooks ndwatching V.

Suggested nswers:

I Yes, hey answer well because hey use full

answerswith examples(Yuji: After scltoolplay ...), reasons Angela: 'Llneed o read .. inEnglislt)and opinions (Eduard:we saw a fttm. Itwas very nice).

2 Sorry,can you say that again?

3 No, he answerswith a fslightly) differentquestion: id you do anything.. .?

GrammarSodo I andnar/neitherds f

oRecording script cDtrrack4T

Ken: My name's en.

I' m15 ears ld .

I'vegot wo brothers.

I ive nTaipei.

I don't ike ootball.

I went o the cinema esterday

I haven'tee no Paris.

oRecofding script cDl rack 8

Zosia: Myname'sosia.I'm romKrakow.t'sa verybeautifulity nPoland.


I geton verywellwithmysister"

I love oingo hecinema ithmy riends.

I went o thecinema esterday ith mybestfriend.

I don't ikestaying t home.

I haven'travelleder ymuch ..

.. . but 'vebeen o Warsaw,he capital ityofPoland.

Writing Pant2

@ t I am keen on T-shirts falso t-shlrfor tee sltirts),trousersan d jackets.

2 I'll send a present o Marina. I hope she ikes it .3'Say Hi ' to your sister.Se eyo u soon,Gari4I can't come o your English essonon Monday.5 My

blanket is like a penguin's skin. It's black andwhite.

@ Suggestedwords to und"erline:

meetyour cousinMyra, station,nevermet ...before,an email to Myra, describeyourself, askMyra ... describeherself,suggest .. place o meet

... station,35-45 words

@ three points: I Im tallish ... cap 2 what do yo ulook like? 3 Letsmeetoutside he resturantwichis in the station


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Words to connectpoints (with correct spelling):because,with, and, which

Corrected etter:

Hi Myra,


Vocabulary ndgrammar

spelling istakes:becousebecause an., feview Unit Iand 3 faverit --+favourite (UK) / favorite [US)4 restrffant--+ estaurant 5 wich - which

VOCabUlafyPunctuat ionmis takes :Im+I 'm 2t > | 3wha+- - + w h a t 4 l ' e + s - - + L e t ' s s t a t i o n + s t a t i o n .

o zs3 A 4 c 5 D 6 8 7 A

8 c 9 D 1 0 c

Vocabulary ndgrammar

@ Z beee*se + because 3 didht --+didn't 4 s+s+ers+ sister's 5 ita+ian --+Italian 6 w,i€h --+which7 were --+wear 8 b€+ive believe

4 . . . l 'dkeep t .5 ... I saysomething tupid.

6 ... I'll havemy party n thegarden.7 ... I pass l l my exams.

8 .. . my parents etangry.

@ Z fras hasgot 's got 3 so 4 unless5 'dlwould


I am veryhappybecause ou arecoming. 'mtallishwith shorthair,blueeyesand ahvayswear Gfammafmy favouritefor favorite)bluecap.what do

{9u. . o suggested_nswers:look ike?Let'smeetoutsidehe restaurantwhich s

-i .]lro_eone brokemy new skateboard.

in the station'3 ... I can,twakeup n themorning.

review Unit 7


O-zuig nough warm nough hick nough I Fit and healthy

Listening Fant45 too sleepy 6 old enough 7 too cold 8 too


@z'^mee t i ng3 ' l l go 4 leaves5 ' l l 6a rego ing

Or lagreewi thyou 2 I 'mnotsureabout tha t


@ z t 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 e


Recording script cDl rrack e

Kelly: They eep aying n TV hings iketoday's

teenagersreunfitandunhealthy',nd justdon'tbelievet.

Jason: I agreewithyou.There's ll hisstuffaboutusnotgetting nough xerciseecause e'rewatching Vor playing omputer ames ll he

'time,when n act,nowadaysveryonesmadabout ports.

Kelly: Well, 'mnotsureabouthat,butcertainly lotof youngpeople redoing ctivehings.Perhaps ore hanoldergenerationsid.

@ Suggestedanswers:


I totally agree; agree completely; (you're) right;absolutely;hat's rue; yes, think so [too)because...; yes, do too; so do I; neitherdo I


R w o C

A E5


M E T R o R o

o D UF B L o


w D

L I Al t

Dt 2


I K R Il 3

G A L El4

M Il5






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I don't really agree; don't think so because .. ; yo u

may be right, but ...; I don't know; actually, think

...; I know, but ...; I 'm not (so)sure (about hat)

Disagreeing showing strong disagreementl

I don't agreewith you (at all); I (completely)

disagree;hat'snot true; I don't think so because...; that's not the way I see t

@ r N o 2 Y E S 3 Y E S 4 N o s N o 6 N o

Recording script cDt rack o

Jason: lt's rue, sn't t, Kelly,hatpeople atmofe

these ays, o hey're etting igger nd


Kelly: Etyes, hink o, ason. ut otsofpeople re

vegetarianow,aren'they?And I think hat

kindof ood s eally oo d oryou.Sopeople

might atmorenowadaysut hatdoesn't

meanhatwhat heyeat sworse or hem.

Jason: No, t'sustdifferent.ut here'smore o

being ealthyhanustexercisendeating,

isn't here? mean,here's omuch tressn

everydayife.And herearea otof peoplehat

don't etenough leeP.

Kelly: I don't nowwhether eople reanymore


to go o bed ate, venwhen hey've otschool

or work he nextday. supposet'sal l he atefilmsonTV or staying n he Internet ntil wo

in hemorning.

Jason: Oron [email protected] re omanyun

thingso do.Soevenf peoplemanageo ge t

upon ime henextmorning,hey'reoo ired

to doanything.

Kelly: Hmm,'mnotso sure. hese ays, hen hey

go o school. otmore tudentsregoing

bybike. speciallyow hat nsome ities

youca nhireon echeaplynd he nus t eave

it anywhereou ike.And hat'squitehealthy,isn't t?

Jason: Hmm,t might e.But heair's eally ad

nowadays,speciallyn hecities. here'sll

thatoollutionro mcars nd orries.

Kelly: Actually,hink hesituationas mproved

bitsince heystartedmaking veryoneay o

drivento hecitycentre. here's otso much


Jason: Yo umay e right, ut t stillmakesmecough

in hemorning. hich eminds e:don't ou

thinkpeople etsickmoreoftennowadays?

l' malwaysine. nd 'm ure ouare oo,

butwe knowa lotof people hosehealths

terrible,on'twe ?

Kelly: Hmm, don't no w bouthat. hink t 's

mostly oughs ndcolds ndsore hroats;perhaps headacher a stomachch ewhich

lasts dayor wo. Usuallyothingmore

serioushan hat,And eenagersave lways

had hose inds f l lnesses.n most ases,

don'think heirbasic ealthsan ydifferent.

Jason Well, hat'snot heway see t but hope


Kelly: Me ool

Vocabularyl i lnesses nd accidents

([) Phonetic cript or underlinedwords:cough:

/kof/; cold: keuld/; sore: scr/; hroat: sraut/;headache:hedek/; stomach:stnmek/;ache:

/erk/ Meanings: ough:makeair comeoutof your

throatwith a shortsound; old:commonllness

which makes ou sneeze ndmakes ,ournose

produceiquid;sore hroat:pain nside he hroat;

headache:ain nside ourhead; tomach che:

pain n your stomach

Recording script cDI rack l

Kelly: coughsnd olds nd orehroats;erhaps

headachera stomachche










high temperature












@"otot"te PET

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@ Suggestednswers:

I My brother racturedhis leg. 2 I think I'vesprainedmy ankle. 3 You've ut your finger.4 She's ruised er eg. 5 I'vegota badearache.6 Thepatient asa serious ound.7 A nursepu t a plaster aston hisbroken rm.8 Youshouldhavean X-ray. 9 I don't ike takingmedicine. l0 Youneed o havean njectionnow.

@ Suggestednswers:'Ihada badcough,a sore hroatand a terribleheadache',l hadan X-ray,heyput

on a bandage nd took some ablets or thepain'.


fdefining ndnon-definingJ

QZwtro 3which 4whose 5that 6when

7 where 8 that

oRecording script cDt rrack 2

. Presenter:Mostpeoplehatdo regularport re

\ healthier,ndoften eelhappier,han hose

who do ittleor noexercise,aremustbetaken,hough,o avoidhe njuries hich portcansometimesause. eople hose avourite

sports re unning r umping,or nstance,may njureheir nkles r knees. raininghatinvolvesoinghesame xercisegain ndagain andoseriousamage,articularlyoathletesn heir arlyeens, he n heir odies

arestill eveloping.t is mportantot o do

too much oo soon.Everyonehouldwarm

up'beforeheybegin ifpossiblen heplace

where heyaregoing o exercise.t is essential,too, o follow nysafety dvicehat hey

\ receive.

@z who 3 that/which 4 which/that 5 when

6 where 7 whose

The other relative pronouns which are the object

and could be left out are: 7 where and 8 that

@ I stress ausedby busy living 2 find something

they enjoy doing every day

@ (alternatives n brackets):2 whose 3 which(thaO 4 that (which) 5 when 6 which (that)

7 where

oRecording script cDl rrack 3

Presenter:People howork eryhard, nd ndividuals

whoseives rebusy notherways,may

suffer roma kindof stresswhichcanactually

damageheir ealth.newa y hat hey an

reduce tressevelss o finda time,everyday,when hey an elax. hey houldind

somethinghat heyenjoy oing, uch s

reading,na place herehey eel omfortable

andunlikelyo bedisturbed.

O W. could leaveout: 4 which 5 when 6 that

7 where

@ Z wfroTthatswim 3 where accidents 4 not

necessary illness hat 5 whose ooth

6 not necessary time when

@ Suggested.nswers:2 | do my homework / I listen to

music 3 I hate / I really like 4 I stay in bed late

/ I go swimming 5 always helpsyou / listens to

you 6 ticket wins a prize / health is really good

@ r wtrlctr 2 which is very healthy 3 separate t

from the rest of the sentence 4 yes 5 no 6 no

(D Z u doctor, works in the hospital. 3 I went for a

swim, was very cold. 4 sister s a nurse, is my

best riend. 5 was 12, he sportscentreopened.

6 really enjoy, s popular in my country.

@ Z I am visiting my mother, who is ill.

3 He has a son, who is about my age.

4 The last book (that) I read was'The

Lord of the


5 I've met a guy whose name is Daniel.

5 I'm in Brazil, which is a beautiful country.

7 That is al l (that) I can tell you.

8 There are many places hat/which are very

, beautiful.

9 I'll tell everyone(who) I know.

10 I have to go to the airport, which is quite far from

the city.


O r s 2 c 3 A

€ (Ao) gymnastics; [go) paragliding; (play) basketball

Answer ey@

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ice hockey






@ Suggested nswer:

Patterns:go is usually used with outdoor sports,

which are often over long distances;play often goes

with sports that end -ball and ball sports generally.

We often use do with sports that do not take go

or play. (Note: n informal speech,do can be used

with most activities [e.g.


does cycling n herfree ime'1.)

@ Z make ' do 3 make --+go 4 done - played

5 mad€ -+did 6 p+ayed + went

@ Suggesred nswers:

court: tennis, squash,basketball, volleyball, etc.

gym: gymnastics,aerobics,martial arts, etc.

pitch: football, rugby, hockey,baseball, etc.

ring: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, etc.

stadium: football, rugby, baseball, etc.

track: athletics, running, cycling, etc.

@ clothes:boots (football, rugby, skiing, etc.); gloves

(boxing, football goalkeeper,ce hockey, skiing,

etc.);helmet (horseriding, motorcycling, baseball,

etc.); trainers (running, jogging, tennis, etc.)

equipment:bat (baseball,cricket, table tennis,

etc.); board (surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding,

etc.); racket ftable tennis, squash,badminton, etc.);

,_,,net (tennis,table tennis, volleyball, etc.)

@2 score 3 draw/lose/win

ReadingPart 5

{f l f ice hockey: team, competitive; 2 squash:

individual, competitive 3 aerobics: ndividual,

non-competitive 4 scuba diving: individual, non-


@ r a 2 D 3 8 4 8 s A 6 D z D 8 c9 B l O C


Q 2 s u r e 3 t o t a l l y 4 s o 5 w a y 6 a l l T t r u e

8 too

Recording script cDl rrack 4

t Youmay be right,but isn't hereanotherpossibility?

2 I'm not really sure about hat.

3 Yes, totally agree with you.

4 | don't hink so becausehat mightnot work verywell.

5 That'snot he way I see t.

6 | don'tagree t all.

7 That's rue.

8 | think so too.

@ a agree:3,7, B b disagree trongly:5, 6

c disagree ol i tely:1,2,4

@ 2 really sure 3 totally agree 4 think 5 I

6 a t a l l T t r u e 8 I

@z then 3 agreed

7 thing 8 glad


4 what 5 both 6 So

Recording sctipt cDr rack s

Girl :



Girl :

Yes,hat's good idea.Let'sdo hat, then.

Right, e'reagreed.Thafs whatwe'ltdo.

OK,we both like he dea.Soshallwedothat?

Yes, hat's he best thing\

do. 'mglad we


@ Stressedwords are: good idea, that, agreed,That's,

both, that, best thing, glad

Writing Xlart3

Qt story 2 title 3 firstperson 4 story, itle,

frightening,experience, y (whichanswers )

O n r c 3 d 3 e 3 f 1

Fast penfect

@ r shehad disappeared;ad shegone; 'd gone;

she'dheard;she'd ound

2 had + subject+ pastparticiple Hadshegone

...?)3 'd + pastparticiple I'd gone she'd eard

she'd ound)


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@ Z t had/'d walked all the way home 3 arrived atthe stadium, he matchhad started 4 had/'d leftmy trainersat home, couldn'trun in the race5 had/'d decided o get fit, I took up squash

@ t story 2 the first line 3 first person 4 I (the

answer o 3), nervous,game,began.

@ sample answer:

I felt nervous when the gamebegan.Fifty thousandpeoplewere watching me in the stadium, as wellas a television audienceof millions. I had always

. dreamt of playing for my favourite team, and at last

I had my chance.

For the first hour everything went fine. We wereplaying well and I had started to feel less nervous.Then, suddenly, t all went horribly wrong: I madea ter rible mistake an d the other teamscored. felt


Then I thought back to what the coachhad said tome, about never giving up, and I knew that I simplyhad to win the match for my team.So, n the lastfe w minutes, scored he two most mportant goals

of my life.

'XmA questionof taste

Starting off([} fne types of food and drink have been organised

according o colour. Suggestednswers:white:yoghurt,onion, cream; ed : meat,pepper,steak;yellow: mustard,coln, oil, lemon; orange:peach,

pumpkin, marmalade

$eading Pax't

Q Suggested,nswers:

The short textsprobablydescribeunusualrestaurants;match groups of peoplewith suitable


@ Suggested nswers to und.erline:

I teacherprefers .. f ish; interestingviews; sn't tooexpensive

2 summer wedding anniversary; next Tuesday;hatebeingwith othergroups;normally orderssteak;Jack .. somethingdifferent

3 try another character estaurant; his Thursday;aren't keen on fish; can't afford anvwhereexpensive

4 specialviews; on Sunday; on ... prefer .. meatrather than fish or vegetarian

5 on Sundays; ove foreign food; eat alone; eaves


@ Suggested,nswers:

I cheap/inexpensive/reasonable/not xpensive2 They could hire the whole restaurantor book a

private room.

3 ChefMickey Mouse/CowboyCaf6,etc.4 No, restaurantsn theseplacesar e unlikely to

have windows with a view

5 Sweden(so they won't want to go to a Swedish


@ r s 2 F 3 4 4 H s c


( l r r z A 3 H

Recordingscript cD2rrack2


Waitress : Hi.Howar e ou ? us tbefore ake ou o your

table, uton hese loves ndsnow oots.Children,on't ouch hewalls lease! K,followme .Here'sou r able.'llbring ousomehotsoupwhile ou ook t hemenu.


Waiter: Here'shebil l . hope ouenjoyedourmeal,sir.An d ememberbring ou r riends it hyounext ime but,don'tell ou renemieswherewe are it 'sa secret!


Waitress : Goover o hebutcher'sable. hoosesteak.Thebutcher illweight oryou. ake ou r

steaktohebarbecuend ell hechefhowyou'dike ourmeat. on't ouchhegril l ryou'l l urn ourselfl

@ Z don't touch 3 bring 4 don't tell 5 Take6 Don't touch

Form of verb we use: a infinitive without to:b don't+ infinitive without fo

Form of the verb doesNOT changewhen we talk to

more than on eperson

Answer ey@

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@ Suggested nswers:

I Take of f your coat and give it to me'

2 Mind your head.

3 Sit down here.

4 Here'syour food.Don't touchth e plate, t 's hot.

5 Pick up your knife and fork.

6 Enjoyyour meal .

VocabularyCourse, isl-r'"ood, ctea{andlate

@Zmea ls3p la te4courses d ish

ListeningPart 1

O Z three 3 short 4 twice 5 try to tick (/) the

correct ox

@ Z oaf of bread 3 packet f biscuits 4 tin of


@ s

Recording script cD2 rack

What idJamie uY? \

Jamie: I 'mback,Mum | gotmost f heshopping'

I gota tubeof oothpastenda loafof bread,

,but don't hinkheyhadany insofpineapple

"icf!. couldn't ee hemanYWaY.

@ No, the correct answer is now A

Recording script cD2 rack

Mum: Don'tworry.Whatabouthe biscuits?

Jamie: I couldn'tind hem t irstbecausehey've

changedhe packet.s onepacket nough?

Mum: Plenty.hanks,amie. eephechange!

/ @ suggestedanswers:

2 What will theY take to the ParjY?

You need to listen to find out if they take cake, ce-

creamor soft drink and type (e.g'chocolate, ola,


3 What time is the boy's appointment?

Yo u need o listen fo r the times:4.10pm, 4.45pm

an d 6.30pm, an d decidewhich one s the correct

time for the boY'saPPointment'

4 Whatdid thegirl buy online?

Weknow that thegirl buysoneor two objects.You

need o listen o find out f shebuysa T-shirtand a

pairof shoes, T-shirtanda pairof pyjamas, r a

pair of pyjamasonlY.

5 What s the freegift todaY?

Youneed o listen o find out f the freegift is alaptop,softwareot a mousemat.

6 What s nearesto Rick'sDiner?

Youneed o listen o find outwhich place: he

bridge,stationor roundabout,s thenearesto


7 Wherehas hemotherbeen?

Youneed o listen o find out f shehasbeen o the

postoffice, ishmonger r hairdresser.

O z s 3 , l . 4 c 5 c 6 A 7 8Recording script cD2rack


Girl :

Two.Whatwill hey ake o theparty?

Shallwe akea chocolateake o John's arty?

Gooddea, ut 'mnotgoingo make neand

l'msure hey'fe xpensiveo buy.Whatabout

some ansof softdrink?

You'reiohtabouthecake. ohnsaidhewas

goingo bu ysomeemonadendsQme range

lu1cq. avewe gotenougho buysomece-


Not eally, ut mymum's otsomen he

freezer. et's ake hat.

Now isten gain.


Three.What im e s heboy's ppointment?

l'd ike o make nappointmentor myson o

ge thi shair uton eafternoonhisweek.Could

youmanageha tonThursday?ca nbring im


um,Thursday'soinqo bebusy.. . m .. but

we coulddo hat fyoucomeat say ..halfpast

qtx?Wouldhatbe okay?f not, 'vegot ree

appointmentsnTuesdayt en past ouror a

quartero five.

Et hanks. heearlierne haidaywould e

best or us.


No w rstengain.






Gir l :


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Four.What id hegirlbuyonline?

Girl: Shoppingnline? veryoneays hoes re

cheap.erfyoubuy hemonline utyo ucan't

try hemon,canyou? ordered omepyjamas

for mymumand heywere ine.You'd lso

think t wouldbe safe o buyaT-shirtrom he

we bbutmymu m ought nea month goan d

it was ust oo ight.


Five.What s he reegift oday?

Announcer:Good fternoon,hoppers.ocelebratehe

fifthyearof ourverysuccessfullectronic

department, e areoffering reatdiscounts

off allsoftware ought oday.Computer

expert,GeneReedy, illalsobe n hestore

today o give ou reeadvice n how o

improveour aptop's erformance.nd ortodayonly, ouwon'thave o payanythingor

oneof ouranniversary ousemats justpick

oneup romoneof ourshopassistants.

Now isten gain.


Six.What s nearesto Rick'sDiner?

Message: This s Rick'sDiner.We're penMondayo ./'\ Saturdayrom 12.30o lateandyouwon't ind


Morocco!fyouhaven't isited s before,turn eftat LinksRoundaboutntoTrentStreet

andwe're100metres n he ight.ustbefore

WestBridge. nd fyou're oming ypublic



transport,t'sa five-minute alk rom he

station. ee ousoonl

Now isten gain.

CD2Track 0

Seven. here a s hemother een?

Hi ,Mum, idyoucollectmyparcel?

Therewasa terribleraffrcamandyouknowthepostoffice loses tsix. had o get ish

fo rdinner. ope oudon'tmind. wantedo

buysome ausages,utby he im e managed

to park he cat theywereclosedoo! 'm

havino yhair ut omorrow | think 'llgoby


Boy: Could ougetmyparcelthen?

Now isten gain.

Vocabulary$hops and service$

O W. use's

only with the place. (However, t is

possible o describe he placewith or without's -

hairdresser hairdresser 's.)

@2dentist 3 dry cleaner 4 l ibrary 5 garage

6 butcher 7 post office 8 travel agent

@ f grairaresser's), 2 fdentist's) possible ut no t

usual), 3 (dry cleaner's), 6 (butcher's),

8 (travel agent's) [possiblebut not usualJ

@ Suggestedanswers:

I dentist[ 's),garage, airdresser('s) 2 butcher['s),

post office 3 library 4 travel agent('s)

5 dentist ('s),dry cleaner('s), arage

6 butcher('s), ry cleaner('s), arage,

hairdresser['sJ,ravel agent('s)@ t hairdresser('s) 2 garage 3 dry cleaner('s)

Recording script cD2 rack


Madison: Whathave oudone o yourhait Layla?

Layla: Ohdon'tl normallyavemyhair utat

Gabrielle'sut wanted omething ifferent, o

I went o thatnewplace n he HighStreet.

Madison: Ohno !Was t veryexpensive?

Two.Andrew: Areyoucomingo theparty onight, ewis?

Lewis: I can't. 'mnotallowedo go out.

Andrew: Why's hat?

Lewis: I hada littleaccident nmyscooter.My dad

saystwasmy ault.

Andrew: Whatabout ourscooter? ouonlygot t last

week oryourbirthday.'Lewis: That'swhy mydad sso angry.We're aving

the scooter epaired nd 'mgoing o have o

look or a ob o pay or t.Three.

Vicki: OhnolCallumlThat'sola zuvespill own


Callum: Sorry, icki.t wasanaccident.

Vicki: My mum's oing o go mad.We had hisdress

cleanedastweek or hispartyand t wasn't


Answer ey@

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@ Suggested nswers:

I Layla should complain and get her money back and

then go to a betterhairdresser. 2 Lewis should ind

a part-time ob by looking n the newspaper, sking

friends or family or asking in shops and caf6s.(He

shouldalso ake better care of his scooter!)

3 Callum should offer to pay for the dry cleaning.

GrammarHave sCIrnefhinEdone

@ Vinnie is the slob.

@ f nas his meals cooked or him 2's

having her

nails done today 3 had his flat cleaned ast year

@ z I had my bike repaired two weeks ago.

3 John s having his bedroompaintednow.

4 We have ourphoto

taken once ayear.

5 Our grandmahas her hair colouredevery hree


6 I can't sendan email becausewe are having our

computer mended at the moment.

@ words and phrases o underline:

he had his hair cut; have his headdecorated; ackhas

his head shaved:some of the teachershave their hair

coloured regularly; footballers have their hair shaved

Speaking Fan't(The objects llustrated are A hammer B hairdryer

C iron D plug (electrical) E fork F frying pan

G ladder H tin-opener I knife J key)

Q ffrey ask for: B, I and G.

Recording script cD2 rack2


Ekaterina: 'msorry ut 'vewashedmyhair nd wanta

.. . um .. t 's omethingordrying air.

@ t true 2 True 3 True 4 False(you don't have

to talk about hings'outside'

the photograph, .g.

feelings,previous activities, etc.) 5 False(you

should use some of the expressions rom the table

in Exercise in this sectionl

@ a

Recording script cD2 rack 3

Examiner:An dnow 'd ike ach fyo u o alkonyour

ownabout omething.'mgoingo give ach

ofyoua photographfpeople hopping.o,

Natalie,ere syourphotograph.leasehow

it o Lidia, ut 'd ike ou o alkaboutt. Lidia,

you ust isten nd 'l lgive ouyourphotograph

ina moment. o,Natalie,leaseelluswhat

youcanse e nyourphotograph.

N at al ie : Uh-huh.n hispictureca nse ea otof people

ina shoppingentre. he hoppingentres

verybigandquite rowded.t looks erynew,

the loor sblack ndwhite. canseemany

shops fo rexample:ome lotheshops,

bagshop nda shoe hop.On heground

floor here remany eople alkingogether

and ooking t nse ea woman

who swearing blue hirt. he's lso ota

bag.Onherhead he's earingm .. er . .

I can't ememberheword. t's omethingik e

a hat. here's ma nbehind er .He'swearing

a white hirt, la ckrousers ndum a .

it'smade f cotton, think.People ftenwearthem orwork.On he eft canseeanother

/ma nwho scarrying bag.Hehasgothis

mobile honen hishand ndhe s alkingo

someone. n hesecondloor,canse emore

people.hey restandingnd ooking t he

people n hegroundloor.

@ r , 3 , 4 ,

Gir l : Oh.Youmean haird.yer.oucanborrowmine.


Mateos: I want o eat hisorange. an have ... a

... er ... it'smade f metal nd t 'susedor


Man: Doyoumean knife?


Ruben: Hi.Haveougo ta .. a ... t 's omethingik e


Woman: A laddeflWhatdo youneedoneof hose or?

Writing Fart 2QZ three 3 Connect 4 spelling 5 between

6 open and close 7 included

@ Suggestedwords to underline:

t have pizzawilh your class;celebrate... nd

... year; orgotten o ask Ryan; email to Ryan;

apologise;nvite; explainwhere ... eat;35-45


2 shoppingcentre;nearby city; schoolholidays;

email to ... Paula; nvite; explainwh y yo u want

to go;sugges t . . . lace. . .meet ;35-45words@ comnlete ET

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 208/236

3 stayedat your cousin's;eft somethingbehind;email to Alex; thank him; describewhat you left;

suggest ow .. ge t . . objectback;35-45words

@ 2 because 3 to come 4 meet 5 inviting

@ Suggested-xpressionso und"erline:

thank someone: t was very kind of yo u ro ...;

Thank yo u very much for ...explain:That 'swhy ... ; . . . because ..

invi te:How about . . ; Wouldyou ike .. .

apologise:'m very sorry hat . . . ; I 'm so sorry or . . .

suggest:Why don' twe .. . ; Let 's . .

@ moaetonswers:

Hi Ryan,

I'm very sorry that I forgot o invite you before.We'regoingout on Fridaynight. Would you like to come oo?We'll havea great ime. We'vedecided o go to the newpizza restaurant.Let me know if you can come.


Dear Paula.

I'm going to the shoppingcentre omorrow.Whydon't you come oo? want to go therebecauseI want to havemy hair cut at Dani Bridell'snewhairdresser's.Why don't we meet outside he station?

Seeyou soon,

i " " " " 'Hi Alex,

Thank you very much for inviting me to stay for theweekend. ha d a lot of fun.I think I left my pencil caseat your house. t's madeof blue plastic.Can I come o your house omorrowto get it?

Lotsof love.

Q Z ln summer, when the weather is good,we play


3 Stevie,whose team won, was the best player ofall.

4 In the city centre, where we live, there is a lot ofpollution.

5 My brother,who had an accident, s feeling better

now.6 Volleyball, which is a team sport, is played on a

court. / Volleyball,which is played on a court, is

a team sport.

@ Z fraa practised 3 felt 4had./'dbrought

5 had/'d put 6 was 7 had/'d rained 8 didn'tseem 9 was l0 had left 11 started 12 realised13 had/'d played 14 was 15 slipped 16 fell17 knew 18 had/'d twisted 19went 20 ha d

not/hadn't broken 21 wore


@ 2 s o r e 3 b e a t 4 n u r s e 5 h a v e 6 b a t

7 athletics 8 pill 9 bruise l0 ring

andgrammarrevtew Unit9


O Z a t n a t 3 f w h e n 4 a w h o 5 b w h e r e6 e whose

Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit 10

VocabularyQ Suggestednswers:

2 complain 3 book 4 borrow 5 repair

@ @tneranswers re alsopossibLe)

Z interes+ng nterested 3 resturants estaurants4 Chineseoodare s 5 ki+d nice 6 all kindkinds 7 chicken oeddishes 8 I think chicken'are s 9 my I think l0 enpy-with enjoyyour



@ f lalso possible: ad it washed) 2 is having/hasher hair/it cut 3 had itlone/a photo taken4 have our windows/them cleaned 5 had the carl

it repaired 6 had the walls/them painted

@ z r u t 3 d i d n ' t 4 h a d 5 I w o u l d / ' d


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11Conserving ature

Starting off

0 r : c z D B E 1 F 4 c 6 H 22 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F 8 T

@ t tigers Asia 2 polar bears the Arctic3 kangaroos- Australia 4 ostriches Africa

5 lions - Africa/Asia 5 elephants Asia/Africa

7 bats - all continents except Antarctica 8 bears -

South America/North America/Europe/Asia

Listening rlart3

Q Suggested nswers:

India: located n southern Asia - the world's biggest

democracyand country with the second-largestpopulation - independence n 7947 ed by Gandhi

and Nehru - religions include Hinduism, Buddhism

and Sikhism- many languages re spokenbut

Hindi is the official languageand English quite

widely used - nowadayshas a rapidly growing

economy and is an emerging superpower

Biggestcities: Mumbai; Delhi (both over 10 million


Famous or: River Ganges;Taj Mahal; Bollywood


Wildlife: tigers; elephants;monkeys; snakesand

many other tropical rainforest plants and animals

Q z oneor two g tirice 4 six 5 three 6 kind

7 key 8 similar 9 own 10 second

@ Suggested nswers:

2 guide, knew, tiger A he, seen B another,

watching C animals, noticed

3 got on, elephant A ladder B tree C car

4 saw, tiger A resting, meal B sleeping

C looking, food

5 safe,believed A never attack, humans B not

attack, elephant C too old

6 allowed A get out B feed C photograph

@ r e 2 c i c 4 A 5 8 6 c

Recording seript cD2 rack4

Interviewer: o ellus,Lucy,whathappened henyougot o

theNational ark?

Lucy: Tobehonest,I'd ada badnighttravelling.

The rainwasn't ery omfortablend hadn't

sleptmuch. o washappyo get o myhotel

room nd elax n hebigsoftbed here. henI openedhecurtainsnd here n he iver,

only50 metres way, ereseveral lephants

having bathl t was hemost mazinghing

I'veever een rom hewindowofa hotel. s



Thenextmorningsetoffbycarwitha guide

and wo other ourists, effandMel.Twohours

later, urguide ada radiomessageo say here

were eports f a tiger n henorth, owe drove

up hatway.Theguidehat eportedt saidhehadheardhe monkeys arning achotherof

danget ndalthoughehadn't ctuallyeenhe

tiger,heir riesmeantherewasprobablyne

rca&v.Wereachedhe area nd here sawour

transportnto he orest: n elephantl jay,he

rider,oldus o climb n,but twa,cn'tmmediately

clearhow.Therewasnowoodenadder, nd

althoughherewereplenty f rees round,heir

branchesere oohighup. n heendwegotup

on he oofof hevehicle,henumped n,andaftersome reparations,e setoff

Itwasgreatun,and ound hatanelephantan

go ustabout nywhere.uddenlyjaypointed.'There,'

hesaid, nd esshan 0 metres way

wasa magnificent00-kilo aleiger.Quite

small,'esaid thought ooked uge o meJ.t

was ying nderhe rees ndat irst houghtt


Bu t hen t raisedtshead lightlynd ooked,

in a rather oredway, n ourdirection.t had

obviouslyaten ecently.was ather lad twasn't eeling ungry, utAjay old us hat n

India eople revery arely aten y igers.

Thatwasgood o know!

Healso xplainedhat igers on'tmind eing

approachedyelephants.owe were n no

dang€i. s we wentslowly ound hebeautiful

black, range ndwhite nimal,realisedhat

wa s rue. 'd ead hatmost ttacks nnumans

areby oldor njuredigers, ut hiscreature

wasyoung nd it.

@comnlete ET

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There ereno rules gainstaking ictures

of igers, o I took otswithmynewcamera;but hen, adly, e had o leave.Wepassedsomemonkeysn he rees oon fter ndMelwantedo throw hemsome oodbutAjaystopped er, ayingt wasn't ood or hem.Soonwe reachedheca randonourwayback

we drove round lake.t was ustwonderfulthere nd askedheguidefwe could topandgo ora shortwalk.Bu thesaidwe had ostay n hevehicle tall imes.Excepto climbonto nelephant,f course!

VocabularySuffixes:-lon, *afinn,*rnefit

Q t advertise,repare, irect 2 (suffixes re

underlined) dvertisement,repar4!!qns,irection;preparationss thepluralnoun 3 preparationsdrops he final 'e' from theverb ormprepare;(because)he suffixbeginswith a vowel


@ attraction, celebr4tion,collection,completion,confirmation, connection,creation,development,disappointment,discussion,education,enigyment,entertainment,examination, exc.jlement,imptgvgment, information, invqnlLion,nvitation,movement,pollUtion,prevention,protection,

relaxation, replagement, eservation, ranslation

Patterns: he stressed yllable s normally beforethe suffix, or the a in the caseof -otion suffixes.(Although there are exceptions,e.g. aduerti.sement,


@@2invention 3 direct ion 4movement

5 connection 6 translation 7 invitation

8 disappointment 9 attraction 10 celebration

Recording script cD2 rack 5

Presenter:NASA clentistsreaimingo getusefulinformationbout lobal armingromtheiratestnvention:Arcticubber ucks.Theyhave ut90 of he oys ntoholesn aGreenlandlacier,hugemass f cemovingin hedirectionf hesea. hey ope haticebergsndpieces f cewith heducksinside il lmelt nd henbe ound y ocalpeople.hiswill ell hescientists otabout

themovementf hisglacierwhy his s asterinsummer,nd tsconnectionit hglobal


Each uckhas hewordsscience


reward'on t,witha translationnto

two otheranguages.heresalso nemailaddress ndan nvitationo write o NASA.So ar, o the disappointmentf hescientists,nobody asemailed.ut heybelieveheattractionf a big ewardwill bring esults. o,if you inda NASA ubber uckon a beach

near ou, t couldbe a causeor celebration

@ (underlinings show word stress) I information2 invenlion 3 direction 4 movement

5 connection 6 translation 7 invitation

8 disappointment 9 attraction l0 celebration

Recording script cDz rack 6
















































Answer ey@

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GrammarThepassive: resent nd pastsiniple

O t aand C areactive; andD arepassive2 C and

D describe n eventn thepast 3 B andD

4 A: subject tigers; bject people. : subject- people; gent tigers using y) 5 C: subjectguides; bject tourists.D: subject tourists; oobject6 informationnot n sentence : who allowed he

tourists o takephotos theguides)

@ z n 3 P 4 A s P

@ 3 areseen 4 waschased 5 are he crocodilesed

6 wasnot noticed


Recordidg script cD2rracklT


Man: These reknown s heSpring



Woman: The lowers ereplantedn March.


Man: Thegrass ascut nAprilan dMay.

@ Z fwo giraffeswere seennear he trees. 3 A

poem was written about this waterfall. 4 Rice s

grown in th e eastof the country. 5 The moon washidden by onesmall cloud. 6 Carsaren't/areno t

allowed in the National Park. 7 The forest was' partly destroyedby fire. 8 We weren't/were not

told about he crocodilesn the river.


Recording script cD2 rack8


Woman: A lotof ishar ecaught ere.

, Two.






Twogiraffes ereseennear he rees"


A poemwaswrittenabout hiswaterfall.


Rice sgrown n heeastof hecountry.


Themoonwa shidden yon esmall loud


Cars ren't llowedn heNationalark.


Woman: The orestwaspartly estroyed y ire.


Man: Weweren'tol dabouthecrocodilesn he



O n + c T d 3 e 1 f 6 g B h 5

Q t c

€) t O (correctanswer) 2 C (the word import tells us

that the oil and gascome from abroad,not from

under the sea) 3 A (the text says he opposite:

there is still no pollution) 4 B (text says hey

are ln danger- not that they have already


@t@ 3 A'the

only way to prevent the situation

getting evenworse' (i t is not certain it will get

worse - there is one way to prevent t)


air pollution that leads o globalwarming'

(' leads o' meanscause')

C fcorrectanswer)Chinese

studentDing Yinghan';' it is unfair to say hat just one country - his own

. - is causingclimatechange';the ai r pollution

that leads o global warming comes rom many

parts of the world'

D 'the ai r pollution that leads o global warming

comes rom many parts of the world, including

poorercountries' poor countriesalso cause t)

4 A'her

articleshave beenpublished n her local

newspaper' passive somebodyelsepublishes


B (correctanswer)changesin the way teenagers

behaveare an important way of influencing

choiceshat aremade by parents'

@ .o-o[[ rrr

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her, changes n the way teenagersbehavearean important way' (shewants young peopleto dothings differently rather than follow their parents'example)


againstyoung people'sgeneral ack ofinterest n politics' (she hinks they should

become nterested n politics)

5 B Sagges/ed nswers:


the only one from our country' (Every

country has three champions: Eachcountry

involved selects hree teenagers'.) '

. C:'already

three of us from every country in theworld' (Not 'every

country in the world', only13: At present,13 countries are involved'; 'more

countries are expected o join soon'.)

D: 'Someof us are teenagers' All of them are

teenagers: young peopleof schoolage'; three



I yes 2 opinion and attitude 3 generalmeaning

4 the text 5 yes 6 usually in one paragraph


Q t Studentsshould underline - comparativeadverbs:

more quicfly, more efficiently,worse; superlativeadverb:rnostbrightly 2 by adding more n front ofthe adverb 3 worse 4 than 5 by adding mosf nfront of the advero


@ Z hardest 3 morecheaply 4 worst

5 more cleanly 6 moreheavily

Speaking Fart 4

Q) Suggested.nswers:

They are wasting water by watering the lawn witha sprinkler instead of leaving the grass o go yellow

/ waiting for it to rain. They are watering the pots

with a hosepipe / with an irrigation system nstead

of using a watering-can or using collectedrainwaterfrom the garden.They are consuming unnecessary

water by having a water fountain and a swimmingpool. They are using a lot of water to wash the carwith a hosepipe and instead could wash the car by


They are wasting water by using a washing

machine and dishwasher nstead of washing

dishes and clothesby hand. They have left the taprunning, insteadof putting a glassof water in the

fridge to cool down.

@ I water plants later in the day 2 use a bucket anda sponge o wash the car 3 wash small quantities

of platesor clothesby hand

@ Z say 3 for example 4 like 5 such as

Recording script cD2 rack e

Jake: Well,here'sotsyoucando o savewaterat

home"n hegarden,or nstance.t'sbest o

water heplantsater n heday.Becausefyou

water hemat wo o'clock,ay,when t'shot,

th esu n ustdries verythingutagain.Right. nd fyou eallynusfwash he car,

'therearebetterwaysof doing t than hat.With

a bucket f wateranda sponge,or example.

You'dwastemuch esswater, ndgeta bit of



Jake: lt 's hesamen hekitchen,sn't t?All hosethingsike ishwashersndwashing achinesthatdo everythingoryou.Theyusea hugeamount f water.

Lily: I supposeheysave eople lotof hardwork

when hey'reull.But fyoudon'thavemuch o. wash, uchasa fewplates r some ocks, ou

cando hemmuchmore uickly yhand. ndavoidwasting ll hatwater.

@ Suggested nswers:'If you want a cold drink, it'sbetter to keep a jug of water in the fridge than runa tap unti l i t getscold';

Don'tru n th e tap while

you're brushing your teeth - use a glassof water';'Don't

wash fruit, vegetablesor saladunder thetap - use a bowl';

'Waterused or cooking can be

re-used,when it 's cool, o water plants'.









more quietly

more carefully

more slowly

more easilyfaster




[the) most quietly

(the) most carefully

(the) most slowly

(the)most easily

(the) fastest

[the) worst

(the) hardest

(the) best

Answer ey@

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Exarn ound-up

2 connected ith 3 keep o this topic 4 a rangeof tenses 5 take urns 6 listening o 7 askingfor moredetailsand heir opinions 8 give easons

and examples

Writing Xlar&Q t paragraphA: the wildlife in your country;

paragraphB: favourite animal; paragraphC: Are

there many of them?

2 seen are seen (presentsimple passive),H+er

best (superlativeadverb),easyly easily [spelling of

comparative adverb)

Q z C,I really enjoybeinghere. 3 G, ... a new film

aboutanimalswhich is called'The life of animals'

4 Sp, .. a film with plentyof excitement ..5 WO, I don't know what the name of the mountain

is. 6 V I hope haven'tmade a lot of mistakes.

@Ztrue 3False 4True 5Fa lse 6True TFalse

8 True

@ sampte ansl1)er:

Hi Justin,

It was great to hear from you. We love pets here

and almost everyonehas a dog, cat, bird, rabbit or

other animal.Peoplekeep pets for different reasons.Many

people,particularly thosewho-ive on their own,

like to have a pet for company. Othersneed an

animal at home, for instancea huge dog to protect

the house,or a cat to catchmice!

Hamsters are my favourite pet. They're friendly,

cute and - because hey're so tiny - they don't take

up much space!Sometimes ur hamsterFrankie s

allowed out of his cageso that he can run round

more freely. He really enjoys hat!

Well, that's all for now. I hope you can write again



An a

XX Whatdid yousay?

ReadingPart 3

Q r g e e k 2 d u d e 3 d o r k

@ Suggested nswer:

The text is about Martian. This languagehas been

createdby Chinese eenagers o talk with their

friends online.

@ Suggestedwords to underline:

2 Youngpeople .. f i rst . . . Mart ian .. . Taiwan

3 film ShaolinSoccer, hao Wei comes ... Mars

4 Teenagers.. use the Internet .. calledMartians

5 Softwarecompanies .. sell ingprograms .. help

.. . wri te .. . Mart ian

6 Ms Li . . . never.. . readmessages.. Mei 's

computer7 When Mei startswriting ... Martian .. . usesother


8 Wang Haiyongallows ... students .. homework

in Martian

9 Bei Bei Songconsiders erself .. up to date

10 Bei Bei .. . approves f Martian

@ Sentence ; No, you don't need to understand

spread o know if the sentences correct or


@ I Correct 80% of teenagers gedbetween15 and

19 n China use this languagewhen they sendmessages r chat with eachother online

2 Correct It becamepopular n Taiwan n 2004

and three years ater, t spread o mainland China

3 Incorrect - She sn't really a visitor from Mars

4 Incorrect - anyonewho acts strangely here

is known as a Martian ... the languagewhich

teenagersn China enjoy creating s also known

as Martian'

5 Correct - peopleare buying special software to

translatebetween Chineseand Martian

6 Incorrect she could not understand he emailsfrom Mei's friends

7 Correct - At first, I just copy words from texts

which my friends have alreadywritten in


8 Incorrect - I refuse to mark my students'work

when they use this language

9 Correct - but she doesn't hink she'sold-


10 Incorrect - shethinks that this language s really


@"o,no,tte PET

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@ Suggested.nswers:

I incorrect false 2 words information

details 3 text 4 word / phrase / sentence

Vocabularyqpeak, tafk,say, elland ask or

QZton 3 speak 4 say 5 told 6 ask or

@ f tan 2 speak 3 say 4 tell 5 ask 6 ask or

Suggestednswers:I (together) bouta topic,online2Io someoneabout)

3 something o somebody,heesewhenyou takesomeone'shoto)

4 the time, he difference between)5 someoneo do something,omeonebout


6 more ood,someone'spinion

@ Suggesteduestions:

I How many anguagesanyou speakwell?2 Doyou always ay hello'to everyone henyou

walk into the classroom?3 Areyougoodat telling okes?

4 If you don't understand, oyou askquestions?' 5 Do you talk to your friendsaboutyour future


Grammar- eportedpeech nd reported ommands

9Scott: disco; William: football match; Gina: non-uniform day (studentspay to wear the clothes heywant to school)

Recording script cD2 rack o

Ruby: Shh!Bequiet!Closehedoor Paul!

Paul: OKl

Ruby: Thanks. r, ania, anyou akenotesoday?

Tania: Oh, s t my urn o besecretary?K.

\Ruby: Rlght. syouknow,we have o decidewhat

eventwe'regoing o organiseor he Schoolsfor Allproject. t any deas? es,Scott?

Scott: OK.Last earwe organiseddisco o collect

money. ecanorganisesimilarvent gain.

Ruby: Hmm. hinkYear 0aregoingo organiseparty hisyear.Hasanyone lsegotanyotherideas? il l iam?

William: Yeah, e'vehouoht bout rganising


Ruby: Anotherootballmatch? here rematches


William: lnmysister'school.hestudentsregoingoplay gainsthe eachers.

Ruby: But he eachers erewouldn'twant o play


William: lt doesn't aveo be us t eachers.l l ie'sad

couldplay.Heused o playootballor United.

Ruby: Buthowarewe going o raisemoney?

William: Theadults i l lhaveo pay o pla!.

Ruby: Soundsood.Hmm. r, nyone lse?Gina?

Gina: Yes. oday e'real lwearing chool niform

andwe all ook he same.Whohateswearino


All : Wel l . . real lyon't

ike . .

Gina: Soour dea s o have da ywhenwe don't

wearschool niform.Wecanwearwhatwe

want o school.

Ruby: And hemoney?

Gina: We'l l ay o wearwhatwe want.

Ruby: Oh Thanks. ight. hink bouthe

suggestions.nd don't orget he meeting

tomorrow. e'l l take vote hen.

@t@ I had organiseda disco to collect money

2 could organise a similar eventagain3'd/had thought aboutorganisinga footballmatch

4 were going to play against the teachers

5 (tha| it didn't have to be just teachers

6 were all wearing school uniform

7 would pay to wear

Recording script cD2Trackt

Nina: HiTania.orry didn't et o hemeetingyesterday. hatdidyoudecide?

Tania: 0h, hi Nina. here'soingo beanother

meetingodayat 1pm o takea vote.Wehaveto hink bouthe hree uggestions.

Nina: What hree uggestions?idanyoneake


Tania: Yeah! was he secretary.'vegot hemwritten

here. etmesee.Ohyes,Scott aid hat hey

ha dorganiseddiscoo collectmoneyheyear efore nd hey ould rganisesimilar

event gain.

Nina: But sn't ear 0goingo organiseparty?

Answer ey@

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Tania: Er yes, hat'swhatRuby aid. henWilliam

said heyhad hought boutorganising


Nina: Notanotherootballmatch.

Tania: Well, otexactly.. hesaid nhissister's

school,he students eregoing o playagainst

the eachers. ealso aid hat t didn'thave

to be ust eachers.t couldbe anyadult likeEllie's adwho used o be a football layer.

William aid headultswouldhave o pay opav.

Nina: Yousaid herewere hreesuggestions,idn't' you?

Tania: Yes, he hirdcame romGina. he eminded

us hatwe wereal lwearing chool niform

thatdayand hatshehatedwearing chool

uniform. hesuggested daywhenwe

wouldn't aveo wearschool niform. hesaid

we wouldpay o wearwhatwe wanted.

Nina: Oh...Gooddea!

@ 2 past continuous 3 past perfect 4 past perfect /past simple 5 would + infinitive 6 was/were

going to 7 could

@ Z tfre year before 3 his/her 4 they/we

O Z (tfrat)someonehad left/left their/his/her MP3player n the kitchen after the party

3 (that) he was having a great time there

a (that) he wanted to sell his bike so he could buya new one

@ Z to close he door 3 to think about the

suggestions 4 to forget the meeting

r@2 not to worry 3 not to touch anything 4 not to

forget o phone


Q t true 2 False [there s extra information which

you don't need to understand to complete henci\s) 3 True 4 True 5 False(you should use

the $econd istening to checkyour answers)

6 False(you should make a guess you will not

lose marks for a wrong answer)

Q Suggestedquestions:

I How old do I have to be to enter the competition?2 Can I enter with a friend?

3 Can I choose he topic of my website?

4 What languageshould I write the website n?

5 When do I have to sendvou mv website?

@ t coach 219 3 (school)subject 4 (online)

library 5Australia 6 November

Recording script cD2rrack22

Head: Quiet!!'d ike o ntroduce erry remainrom

WebChallenge.e's oing o tellyouaboutan

exciting ebsite ompetition.

Gerry: Thank ou .Hieveryone!'mgoingo alkabout he Web Challenge hich s an exciting

competitionoryoungpeople llover heworld

whoare nterestedn designing ebsites.

Althoughhewebsite hould ewritten n

English, edo encourageou o provideinks

to translationsntoseveral ther anguages,

includingourown.Firstly,ou'llneed o get

your eam ogether. ll eams eeda coach.

Thecoach hould ea teacher,ibrarian r

assistant orking n a school.n each eam,

thereshould e hree o sixmembers ho areschool tudents,n additiono thecoach.

Thecompetitionsopen o students hoare

in ull-time ducation ho arenoyoungerhan re

three gegroups: 9an dUndet15an dUnder

an d12an dUnder.

onceyou've otyour eam ogether,ou'll

haveo choose topic hat nterestsou.Think

abouta favouritechool ubject, r hings ou

like o do nyour ree ime.You're ow eady

to build ourwebsite. on't orget hatyourwebsitewillneed o be uploadedo ourserver.

Prizesor competition innersncludeaptop

computerc,igital ameras ndmoneyoryour

schoolo spend n newtechnology.very

team hatenterswillhave heirsitepublished

on ouronlineibrary. irst-prizeinnersn

eachagegroupwillwina seven-dayrip o

Australia here ou'llakepart nworkshops,

events ndexcursions.

And inally wordabout ates. ll nterested

teams eed o registeror he competitiona

theendof November.our inalwebsite hould

be on ourserver yApril 4th.Nowwinners

willbeannouncednJuly1st. ou ange t

further nformationycontactingurhotline

on 098764444r by ooking tourwebsite:

colno,ute ET

7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 216/236

GrammarReported qi..iestio!-]s

Q Suggestedquestions:

What softwarecan we use o design he website?

Does he topichave o be very original?

How big should the websitebe?

8t@ 2Jade 3Ju l ian 4Hamad 5Haley

Recording script cD2 rack 3

Head: Thank ou,Gerry.'msure om e fyo uhave' go,Nadia?

Nadia: Can enter hecompetit ionn mvown?

Gerry: Interestinguestion.o . theaimof hecompetit ions o encourageoung eopleosharedeas ndwork ogether.

Head: Who's ext? es, ade?Jade: Does urcoach aveowork nou rschool?

Gerry: No ,not nyourschool,ut hisperson oesneedo beworkingn a school,orexampletcould e he FrenchssistantnWoodsHiohSchool.

Yes, ulian?

Sounds ri l l iant.owdowe registeror hecompetit ion?

It'seasy. ogon o ourwebsite nd ill n he

applicationor monline.I hink ou're ext,Hamad?

Whatdo wedo f we haveechnical roblems?

Verygoodquestion.fyou ead herules nou rwebsite,ou'l l ee hat fyo uareunableouploadourwebsite ecausefproblemsithourservetwe'l ldoeverythinge can o helpyou.

@ 2 shewas 3 Do you want 4 they were going

5 if they ha d

Indinec{ uesti0ns

t) Suggested-nswer:

Nadia says hey took a boat trip around Sydney

harbour and that their hotel had views over theharbour.

Recordingscript cD2rrack24

Journalist:Hello, adia. ongratulationsnwinningheprizel waswonderingf I couldaskyou omequestionsbout our rip. t musthave eenamaztng!

Nadia: Thanks. es, t ryas namazingrip.Wesawsomanyhings.

Journalist:I'msure.So, our light andednSydney,idn't

it?Firstlyl'dike o knowwhatyou hought fSydney.

Nadia: Well, eforewe won he prize, thought

Sydney as hecapital f Australia,ut t isn't.Canberras he capital. nyway, ydneysenormousut he hing noticedirstwasal lthewater.On he irstdaywe ooka boat riparound ydney arbour.

Journalist: I can't emember here oustayednSydney.Could ou el lmewhere ourhotelwas?

Nadia: Yes,we stayedn a hotelwithviews ver heharbour.

Journalist:Tellmewhatyouvisitedn Australia.part romSydney.

Nadia: Well, ewent o ...

@Z thought 3 you stayed 4 your hotel was 5 you


@ Z you think of Sydney 3 you stay in Sydney'4your hotel 5 you visit in Australia apart from


@ Z stays he same 3 never 4 isn't 5 sometimes

@In reportedquestions Ihe tensechangesand wenever rsea questionmark. In indirect questions

the fensedoesn't changeand we someflmesuse aquestionmark.


' J u l i a n :





Anyone lse? es,Haley?

lfwewin,whatwillwesee nAustralia?

Once gain,ulldetailsf heprizes reonourwebsite ut can ellyo u hat twillbea np


@ Z Ooesour coachhave o work in our school?3 How do we register or the competition?4 What do we do if we have technical problems?

5 What will we see n Australia?

@ b usually changesike in reportedspeechc never d isn't e don't use





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VocabularyPrepositionsf place

oReeording script cD2 rackb






One.Where reTodd's evs?

HiTodd.HiAdam.wa swonderingfyoucould o mea


Deoends. hat?

Look, 've eftmykeysat home.Can oubring

them o school?

Sure.Where re hey?

Right. o ntomybedroom. n mydesk. ext

to the amp s a box.Thekeys hould e nside

the box.

OK. n a boxonyourdesk. 'll ing ouback f Ican'tind hem.

Two.Where'shesports hop?

Dayton ports. aryn peaking.

Hi. 'd ike o know fyou've otany ootballgloves,ize .

I ' l l just ave ook oryou .. hmm ..yes, e


Nick: Ohyes.Whydidn't e ake hemoff orthephoto?

lmogen: I don't now.My cousin lensstanding

behindmyuncle. he's tartingt ourhigh


Nick: She ooksun. can'twait o meet er.

@ Suggested nswers:

Picture 1: Label the box on the desk, he lamp next

to the box, the keys in / inside the box

Picture 2: Write over above he bridge, label the

sports shop between booksltop and hoirdresser,also

label sports shop opposlte et shop

Picture 3: Label five little cousins n front of aunt,

uncle with sunglasses n the right, Elen behind


SpeakingPart 3@ f on your own / oneminute

2 describewhatyou can see3 useoneof the expressionsrom Unit 104 usea suitable reposition

Writing Part3

@ t A story2 YourEnglish eacher3 About 100words4 In the first question, ou aregiven he firsf

sentencef the story and n the second uestion,you aregiven he frtle.

5 No, you can choose etween story and a letter

@ t t 2 The ringingphonebelongedo the teacher

@ nU the sentencesrecorrect o he story s a good


@ fyp.t of mistake: as t enses ndplural orms

f beHeved believe 2 fur€€+ -)forgotten

3 stt+dent-+students 4left -+ leave 5 steped -+stopped

@ twodet nslDers:

1 I realised hat I hadn't ocked he door.

I wasat the bus stop. telephoned y sister o ask

her f shecouldgohomebut shedidn't answerherphone.Then decidedo telephonemy mum to tellher the truth. My mum toldme to gohome.As I got

to my street saw a fire engineoutsidemy house.'Ohno!' I thought. sawa neighbour ndasked





Kylie: Great. ould ou el lmewhere our hop s?

Karyn: Yes.Doyouknowwhere he centralibrarys?

Kylie: Eryes.

Karyn: Gopast he ibrary. ver he bridge.We're

between bookshopnda hairdresser's,

oppositehe petshop.

Kylie: Ah! think knowwhere ouare.

Three.Where's len,mogen'sousin?

Nick: I've everme t our ousin len.What oes he

look ike?

lmogen: I think 'vegota photoof her.Yes, ere t is.

Nick: Wow! s h atyour amily?

Inlogen: Yes.Ca n ouse emyauntholding baby?n

\ frontof heraremy ive ittle ousins.

Nicki AhlTheyook ovely. as ouraunt eally ot

si xchildren?

lmogen: NolThree f hem remydad's rother's


Nick: 0hl Sowhere's len?

lmogen: Well, n he right smyuncle. e'swearino



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' ' : : : - , { ' :drhad happened. e said hat a cat was n a

- :.--j :, ':-, j :r 't get dorvn. rvasso happy.Finally

I go t to my houseand locked he door.

2 The messagebegan, 'Congratulations! You've

won first prizet'

I couldn't believe t! I was the winner. TWomonths

before, had entered a drawing competition in a

shop. telephonedmy best friend who told me tophone he shop.Shealso askedme what th e prize

wa s but I said didn't know. I decided o walk to

:he shop. was so excited. went into the shop and

::und a shopassistant. told her my name and

said hat I had receiveda message. hesaid,Oh ,

you're the winner. Congratulations!You've won a

weekend n Paris.' was delighted.

3 I was in classwhen my mobile phone rang. Model

answer with ftve mistakeson page 113 corrections

listed above)4 As I got on the train, I saw an empty seat next

to my favourite actor.

Davey Shaw was on the train. I couldn't believe t! I

askedhim if I could sit next to him. I told hi m that

he was my favourite actor and I'd seen all his films.

Davey asked me where I was going. I told him I

was going to meet my friends to go to the cinema.

The journey went really quickly and we were soon

in the city centre.When I found my friends, I told

them that I had sat next to Davey Shaw on the train

but they thought I was telling lies again.

Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit 1l


p 2 wasbuilt 3 seems 4 rises 5 is washed6 reaches 7 wascompletelylooded

, 8 disappeared9 is done 10know ll were

)saved 12wasput up

Z morequickly 3 (the)best 4 more requently5 harder 6 [the)worst 7 morestrongly 8 morecarefully


@ luore than oneanswers sometimesossible)

2 greal muchexcitement 3 a reservation4 a quickexamination 5 celebrationsften

6 no information


Vocabulary ndgrammarreview Unit 12


Q Z i*+ont-e{ --+in front of a +++he-nght-+ On ther ight 4next +next to Sin-on 6f f i +

behind 7insidee{-inside 8oR +over

@ z tot0 3 said 4 ask or 5 asked 6 to tell/

telling 7 tell


@ Z M - + w h a t t h e t e a m w a scalled

a whyd;d+t+go --+why I didn't go / why I hadn't


+ vrhnwas+erying + whY I was crying

5 @ - w h a t l w a s g o i n g t od o

6 where*hou+d*he-gg - where she should go

Z when-am-+-geiftt - when I am going

@ Z strewas not/wasn't very keen 3 she oved

comedies 4 shehadn't gone/didn'tgo 5 they ha d

just finished 6 she would go to th e cinema hat

day f she could

G I R A F F E3


U P s N A K E

B E o5ln.]




S o S T n l r l c l n l0

wH L I L{_l A

G SI t

A V E Tt2

R E C Y c L E


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@ Suggestedquestions:

2'Are yo u keenon thri l lers?'

3'D o you love comedies?'

4 'Did you go to the cinema ast week?'

5'Haveyo u fjust) finishedyour exams?'


will yo u go to the cinema?'

Q Suggestedanswers:

2 I askedyou if you were keen on thrillers.3 I askedyou if you loved comedies.

4 I askedyou if you went to the cinema last week.5 I askedyou if you had finished your exams.6 I askedyou when you would go to the cinema.


Part 1


a spellingmistake(7trsf)

b doesnot mean he sameas he first sentencec too many wordsd grammaticallywrong

2 as cold as 3 us to 4 soent

ExerciseI any + changeof verb fly to noun fLights2 comparativeer + than changes o negativenot as

A S \

3 direct to repoltedspeechaskedus to4 stayed... or changes o spenf no preposition)5 never .. suchan changes o superlative lrcmost ..


Part 2


I Your riend Eva;you want to borrow her camera2 Informal3 An email4 Explain why, suggestwhen you can collect t, say

whenyou'll give t back


I any ligdts5 the most


Suggestednswers The usefulexpressionsor explaining,thanking, inviting, suggesting, pologisingand asking areunderlined):2 I'd l ike to borrowyour camera ecausemy camera(mine) s broken; 3 Thank you ever so much for thetwo weeks spent n your house; 4l know you'venevervisitedmy country. Would you like to comeand stay

in the summer?; 5 Why don't we meet n front of thecinema?; 6 I'm so sorry for forgettingyour birthday.I feel errible; 7 Canyou tell me how to get to yourhouse, lease?


I Dear .., Bestwishes,Al l the best,Yours2 Hello, .., Hi ..., Love,Lotsof love,See ou soon



Suggested nswers:A: The answer s well written and organised ithin the

word limit but it could not getmore han 3 marksbecause t doesn't ncludeone of the contentpoints.

B: The answer s a little long but it is a goodanswerwhich includesall 3 contentpointsand it wouldprobablybe given5 marks.

C: The messages easy o understand, ut it doesn'tinclude wo of the contentpointsand t is short. tcould only get a maximum of 2 marks.

A B c

I X (Thecandidatedoesn'tsuggestwhen he canpick up thecamera.)

X (Thecandidatedoesn't xplainwhy they want toborrow the cameranor suggestwhenthey cancollect hecameraso could onlygeta maximum of 2marks.)


3 / (sinceandand)

/ (but) x

4 / (Dear .Love)

/ (Dear ..Love)

/ [Deor .. See ou)

J (41words) X (This

answer s alittle long at50 words.TheexpressionsHow are you?

and I lnpeyou'reftne arenot necessary.)

X (Thisanswer sshort at 20 wordsand could only get

a maximum of 2marks.)

@comnrete ET

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Suggested ords to underline:I Youaregoing o miss (an English-speakingriend's

birthday)party tomorrow2 a note3 (an English-speakingriend) Ian4 apologise, xplainwhy, suggest notherday


B: The candidatehas ncludedal l 3 contentoointsappropriately.

The messages very clear.


(suggestednswers)A (6 correctedmistakesare in bold)Hello, I am sorry bfi (totnmarrew) omorrow I can't go toyour party (beeoffie) ecause have my sister'swedding

and she(#uel

ives in the USA. must(W)

take thetrain from Lyon and afterwards Ihe (plaft) plane fromParis.Shall we meet nextweekend? tufrks)Thanks.

C (changesn bold)Hi Ian, I'm sorry for not going o your party (yesteraay)

tomorrow. | (M) have a bad cold and my sister (ft,6d_)

has had an accident. (freftt)'ve beento the hospitalandfhe doctor (dd) has told her that she (fud) has abrofen leg, so I (eoa+d*t)can't be lhere. (M+ieeaot

How about meeting next weekSYours,

Part3lnformal letterExgrcise


I Letter,riend, answering .. questions, -bout1002 an English-speakingriend 3 They recentlyhadtheir fourteenthbirthday; they were with their familyand enjoyed t a lot. 4 What happenswhen you haveabirthday; What you do


I tf lhathappens? egetsexcited efore t; receives

,,fresents from parents,cardsand a birthday cake.-

What do you do?Goesout with friends;can do whathe likes

2 Thanks, Iots, cool, till, getting, nice,mum, dad,loadsof, mates, Anyway, 'vegot to

3 Exclamationmarks,short forms, e.g. sn't, tlrcre's,t'II.Very short sentences: here's cake, oo; Writesoon.Expressions:o"ke ut [phrasalverb), tlrcbest hing,that's all. All the best

4 Example: ike a concerf.Reasons: ecouset's nrybirthday,because'vegot to go out; Linking words:

like; because


I letter,English-speakingriend, (o.bout)100words2 Your English-speakingriend3 He or she s going o visit your country next month.4 More aboutyour country, n particularwhere o go

and what to do there.

Fxerciset a-goo+news good news 2 ffio to do 3 e€oe+e-whieh peoplewho 4 yottffi you visitNoYesYesInformal.Short sentences. ocabularysuch as Hl,Thanks, can't believe. hort orms, e.g. hat's, t's.Punctuation: ash -) , exclamationmarks(!J.

Yes.Which are the bestplaces o visit? secondparagraph);What can do there? third paragraph)

Hi ..., Thanks or your etter,Pleasewrite again soon,

Bestwishesbecause, s, because






I teo.clrcr, tory, title, Iost wallet, 100words2 title3 about10 0


I third person2 crowded,busy, upset,dngry, neruous,anxiously3 a mystery4 a was standing(pastcontinuousJwas stolen pasl

simplepassive), ealised pastsimple) had lost


b Upset nd angry (adjectives)


believe his is yours' + reporting verbd lookedanxiously nsidewithout sayingyet what he

sawe his card, but with.someoneelse's hotof tlrcy lrud wanted to steaL is identity


| (English) eacher,story,begin, sentence, 00words2 Your English eacher3 Wlten thephone rang, I knew immediatelywho was

co.Iling; t the beginning of the story4 plnne, rang,I knew,who5 first person


a 2 b 3 c l


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! rercise

I Yes2 Yes3 vril+ would fbe announced), eteive believe,of in

ftheworld)1 Suggestednswers:

Pastsimple: ltought;Pastcontinuous:uas taking

parf; Pastperfectsimple:hod completed; onditional:wouldperform;Conditionalpassive: would)be


5 immediately,Before,when, After, in two weeks,now

6 Mainly formal. Sheuses he full form of verbs:

hadpassed, had completed. he passive: would)

be announced.Complexsentences. o exclamation

marksor dashes.7 At the beginning,shemakes he readerwait by

sayingBeforeanswering, tltought back and then

goesback n time, describing he events eadingup

to that n the second aragraph. heends he secondparagraph y sayingand now it was flme,and starts

the final paragraphwith Neruously, took hecaII.

Using he natural pausebetweenparagraphso create

interest s similar to the way writers sometimes o

this at the end of a chapter n an excitingnovel.

8 Shehears his over he phone: You'vewon tlrc

NationalDanceComp tition.'

9 Nervously, mazed,couldn't bel(ie)ve t, a dreamcome

tfue, the happiestperson(in) the world


Part IExercise

2 9 t4 e 5 c 6 a 7 b


fiye-year fifth year,at+h# at school,somany-of

the-hternet so much of the Internet, asS'pain like/such

as Spain, lgeneverdid We'd never done / We've never


Erercise/tru"3 False4 True 5 False6 True

Recording script cD2rrack26

Examiner:Now,what's ou rname?

Emilio: My name's mil io.

Examiner:Thank ou.An dwhat's ou r urname?

Emil io:


Emil io:


Emil io:


Emil io:


Emil io:


Emil io:


Ho wdoyo uspellt?


Thank ou.Now,where oyo u ive? district alledlndepend6ncia',

which squitenearof thecitycentre.

And doyouworkor areyoua studentnSantiago?

I'ma student.'m n my ive yearat secondary


Andwhatsubjects oyoustudy?

Er .. could ou

Whatsubjects oyoustudy?

Oh,um .. maths,cience,istory,eography

.. . thingsike

thatat he school,nd haveessonsthome,

too,witha eacherhatcomeso myhouse,

Doyo uenjoy tudying nglish,milio?

Yes, like earningt a ot becauseomany

of he nternets n English,ndalso ecause

mostof he music enjoys oo.

Doyo u hink hatEnglish illbeusefuloryou

in he uture?


Emil io:


Emilio: Yes, efinitely.or nstance,'d eallyike o

traveloundEurope ndNorthAmerica,nd

for hat ' l lneed o knowEnglish.xceptn

countriessSpain ndMexico, fcourse,where'llbeable o speaknSpanish.

Examiner:OK ,Emilio. hat idyo udo astweekend?

Emilio: Lastweekend.. Ohyes, wasat he

sports entre n Saturday. ewereptaying

basketballgainst neof he best eamsn

Santiago,nd n heendwe beat hem.We

never id hatbefore!

Examiner:Thank ou .


Add more nformation:as well as that, ulso,and

somettmesAsk someoneo repeatsomething:couldyou say hat

again,please?, orry, didn't catch hat, couldyou repeat


Giveexamples: or instance, ike, for exarnple,such as


Sorry, didn't catch llat, sucll as, also,Like, or example,

ond sometimes

@"o'no,tte PET

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Recordingscript cD2rrack2T

Examiner:What oyo uenjoy oing nyour ree ime?

lsabel: Er, orry, didn't atch hat.

Examiner:What oyo uenjoy oingnyour ree ime?

lsabel: My ree ime, ight.Well,mostof al l likedoingsports lotsof different nes uchas running

an dswimming.ove wimming,speciallynth esea. lso portsha tyouplaywitha ... er

... racket,ike ennis's

really igsports entre earmyhouse, hereyoucando otsof differenthings.Gymnastics,forexample.reallyike hat.Andsometimesplayable ennis here,oo.

Part 2Exereise

I That a classmates leavingand the restof you in theclasswant to get a present or him or her.

2 Discuss he possiblepresents hown n the picture;chooseone of them

3 Six: (setof) books, (digital) camera, setof) DVDs,mobilephone, (pair of ) trainers,MP3player


2 Yes 3 Yes 4 Yes 5 Yes, he mobilephone6 Stella.Shedealswith the task quitewell, keeps heconversation oingwith her partnerand talks quite

fluently.Although shemakessomemistakes, n generalthesedon'tpreventher communicatingwell and sheusesa goodrangeof grammarand vocabulary.Herpronunciations influencedby her first language, ut shecan be understoodwithout much difficulty.Lee s weakeron all thesepoints,althoughhe replies o mostof whatStellasaysand knows how to take turns.


Expressionsused: Hou.r bout, 'm not reallysureaboutthat, Youmay be rigltt, but, because,'m not so keen on,Perhapswe should, Yes, hat's true, That's a (very)good

idea,SoshalLwe ... , tlrcn?

/ Recording script cD2rack 8

Examinerl n henextpart, ou're oingo alk o each-cjifrer.I'mgoing o describe situationo

you.A schoolriendofyourssgoing o liveinanotherountry.alkogetherbouthedifferenthingsheclass ould uyhimor herasa eavingresentnddecide hich newouldbe best.Here sa oicturewithsomeideaso help ou. 'l lsay hatagain.















Lee:Stel la:.



A schoolriend fyourssgoingo ive n

another ountry. alkogether bout he

differenthings he class ouldbuyhimor her

asa eavingresentnddecide hich newouldbe best.All right? alkogether.

OK,er, f I start?

Yes, lease.

Howaboutbuying er he books? knowshe

likes erymucho read o maybeheywillbe

nice or her o have.

I amno eallyure. ery eavyor .. er ...

carryon aeroplane.VDs etter.

Youmaybe right.but sdifficulto chooseor

somebodythatqu .. er ... not eally now



And f weas kwhat sher . er .. favourite

kindof llm t'snota surprise henwe'llgive

them o her.Thesame roblem ithmusic.


Yes, henshecanputanymusic hewant.

Fromhe Internet. ut think hat'snot he

better hingbecausehe's otalready nMP3player.'msure seeherwithone he other '

day, o not hat.

Uh-huh. hoeshesame.

The rainers?es, robablyhehas ome nd

I'mnotso keenof hemanyway.Sowhichof otherswe get?

Well, he's oingo ive na newplace operhaps eshould ether he camera?hen

shecanmake otsof photos.

Or mobile hone. he analso hotowith

mobi le hone.

Yes. hat's rue.As wellshecould end hepictureso us hereandwe canseewhat s ike

hernew ife here.

lsverygood dea, es.Shall edo hat hen?Yes,et's uyhe ra phone. he'l like hat, 'msure.

Thank ou.


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| ,/ 2,/ 3 , / 4,/ 5 ,/ 6 / Agnesand Marcosare strong PETcandidates. hey do exactlywhat isrequiredn this part of the test.

Recording script cD2 rack o

Examiner:Your hotos howed eople njoyingheir

free ime.Now, 'd ike ou o talk ogetherabouthe hings ouenjoy oingnyour re e

timeand he hings ouwould ike o ry n he


Agnes: OK.At heweekends,m, likemeeting y


Marcos: Me oo.We meetonSaturday fternoonn

the .. he . . own ndhave walk r alk.

Sometimesego o hecinema. hat boutyou?Doyou ike oingo hecinema?

Agnes: Yes, ut t'sveryexpensive. hatabout port?Doyo uplay ny ports?

Marcos: Yeah,

playingennis ut 'mquite ad . n hewinter

wegoskiingo hemountains.lovet.Thisyear 've ried nowboarding.t's antastic.

Have ouever ried t?


Yeah,t's rueandsometimeshe oufney an

be ong ndboring. on't ou hink o?

Uh-huh. omethinglse. would ike o earn

to playheelectricuitar.


Yeah. y riend ings eally elland here s

anotherriendwh oca nplayhedrums.Wearethinkingnmaking group. ou ee,we ove

allkinds f music utespeciallyock.Doyo u

listeno music?

Sometimes.ell,t depends.f I haveo study

then can't isteno music r heTVor nothing

butwhenwe have arties like isteningo

music. oyo u ike ancing?

Yeah. ove t but 'mquite ad.What bout


When was ounger,usedo go o ballet ut

didn'tike t.Now ike ancing nd would iketo have essonsmaybe.

Thank ou . hat'sheen dof he est.

Thank ou.












No ,well, me an .. I oncewent kiing ithmy

uncle ut hatwas woor hree ears go .

would ike o go skiing gain ut hemountains

arevery ar.Like ou,um, also ikeplaying

tennis, speciallyn hesummer. ealso la ybeach olleyball.heresa placeo play n he

beach ndwe have good ime.What hings

would ou ike o try in he uture?

Wealways o o he slandsn hesummer.

Last ear went norkellinqit hmycousins.

It wasso beautifulo see he ishunder he

water. oushouldry t. would ike o try

skiing n hewater. ouknow, ouhave kis

anda boat akes ouon hewater. eg, want

to do hat.

0h,youmean ater-skiing.'ve ever onethat. 'ma itt le cared f hewater .. I orefer

doinghings n he and. reallyike ravelling

an dwhen 'molder would ike o visitmanyplaces. y dreams o visitChina. ehave

studiedomanyhings boutChina nd

would ike o see t.Would ou ike o travel

when ou're lder?

Marcos: Maybe.haven'teallyhought boutt. don't

reallyike ars ndplanes ecause eel . er

. . . eel otoood.


from Cambridge SOL

fmpmr X

Reading ndWriting

Reading Fart 11 A 2 B 3 A , 4 C 5 8

Reading Xlart36 A 7 G 8 D 9 H I O E

Reading Fart 3l l B t 2 A 1 3 B t 4 A 1 5 A1 6 A t 7 B l 8 B 1 9 A 2 0 8

Reading Xsar*z r D 2 2 C 2 3 D 2 4 A 2 S B


7/27/2019 Complete Pet Student's Book w.a. 225/236

2 9 / ' 3 0 B

348 35C

Part 5

3 2 C 3 3 A '

t I(see/watch) uch an

//(see/watch)a more

(about)having togave showed(much)better hanend of // refereeended/finished / final whistle of

Fart 3

are 5 marks for Part 2. Candidatesat this level

not exp ected o produce aultlessEnglish,but, to

5 marks, a candidateshould write a cohesive

learly communicating all three content

Vlark cher"neor Wniting art2

lh.eseare two examplesof real PET candidates' answersar,Question 6 (Candidate A ond Candidate B),

the examiner'scommentsand tlrc marks

for each.

Question 6

Candidate A's answer

Dear James

I have moved becausemy fatheRget anotheR ob and

my parentshated ouR old flat. I like the football fields

and the fantastic tennis couRts. 'd like to invite you to

my new home to spend the day together


Examiner's comments for Candidate A and mark



Points1 & 3 are ine,point 2 is not clearly elated o

the home,so he communications successful n the


Mark 4

Question 6

Candidate B's onswer

Thanks very much four your letter. It was lovelly To

hear from you. I'm glad you're enjoying your new job.

but That you like Bristol, it's nice The peopleat work

are so friendly.

we're all missing you here in london! Bob and Hilary

had a party last weekend and everyonewas asking

how you were it's was a good partyl although I didn'tget home Till five in The morning so I spent most of

sunday n bed.

I hope you To visit us again here n londo To get much

fun TogeThe.The weather s very nice. well no more

news for The moment, I'll write again soon.


Examiner's comments for Candidate B ond mark



Despitehe fluency, his is thewrongscenario nd

so content oints1 & 2 are missing.Point3 refers o

a repeat isit to the sameplace.

Mark 1

reasonwhy candidate has moved

reference o what candidate ikes about new home

rnvitation to English friend to visit candidate


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Writing Par&S

These re two examples f realPETcandidates' nsu)ersor Question (CandidateA and Condid"ate), ttrc examiner's omments nd theband owarded or each.

Question 7

Candidate A's answer


How are you?I hope everything is

O.K. with you and your wife. I feel

my town is going to be the same orma y be worse n 20 years.Youngpeople eave he town and they

never come back. The problem is

there is no future for them here.The town is going to become really

boring and quiet and only elder

peoplewill live here. think I ' l l stayhere becausemy entire live is here

and my family as well. That's myplaceand I want to spend est of mylife here.

Take care

Question 7

I Candidate B'sanswer

Hi Gary

I don't think my town will be like

in 20 years time there are many

changesus t 20 years s too shot

time for change evrything. The

cost s to hight. One he other handyou never know what happen nfuture. Al l over the word is still

develompment. don't think I ' l l

alwas live there, but at the moment

I have o because living close o

my children shool and work aswell

near. I think maybe n future I'll live\in country where is quiet live


Examiner's ommentsor CandidateA and band awarded

Examiner's comments for Candidate B and band awarded

Answer "t@

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These retwo examples f real PETcondidates' nswersor QuestionB (CandidateA and CandidateB), followedbt, he exominer's omments nd the band awarded or eoch.

Question 8

Condidate A'sanswer

The best decision 'v evermade.When I want to lering any languag I must my self

don't have any thing. the teacher tart the decision

in the classnessary he student'swho understand

of me. There are somestudent'sdon't asked eacher

him what he want. I draice any bady if will aske

teacher im instudent s understand he teacher

what did he seyed n the class always ask my

teacherabout any thing I can't understandof me

only because f I askedmy teacherany quation about

any thing and I don't knew it that is Problem well

came. hank you. nice to readyou.

Question 8

CandidateB's answer

The best decision 've evermadeconcernsmy

istudies.When I was 18, passed he baccalaureat

was studying in the city where I grew. I didn't know

rvhat o do, to continueor to begin to work. I was 18,I was very young. I decided o continue and leave n

an other city. I chose hree cities for the exam that I

rvould ike to do. Unfortunately all the answerswere

negatives. was really disappointed.My mother told

me to try another city but I was not sure because t

rvas eally far from my family. Finally, I decided o

sendmy name to this school.When I received he

answer was happy because t was yes!

Today I'm really happy to have sent my name to this

schoolbecause passedmy exam. can begin to

rvork and to do what I like in my job.

Examiner'scomments or CandidateA and band


Examiner'scomments or CandidateB and band



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Paper2 Listening

Listening Part II A 2 C 3 4 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 A

Listening Fart 28 C 9 B r 0 C r l A t 2 C 1 3 A

Listening tlart 314 R/roof(s)15 (the)P/photoCJgraph(s)16 P/piano(s)17 [inlthe) G/garden(s)18 Septemberle (.{)13.50(p)

In Part 3 bracketedwords do notanswer.

ng Fart 42 2 1 ' 2 3 8 2 4 A 2 S B

Recordingscript cD2rack1

This s heCambridgereliminarynglishest,

Number 76.

There re ourpartso the est.Youwillhear

eachpart wice.Foreachpartof he est

therewillbe ime oryou o look hroughhequestionsnd ime oryou o check our


Write ouranswersn hequestion aper. ou

willhave ixminutes t heendof he est o

copyyouranswers nto heanswer heet.

The ecording illno wbestopped.

Please skanyquestionsow becauseou

mustnotspeak uringhe est,


Nowopen ourquestion aper nd ookat


There reseven uestionsn hispart.For

eachquestionhereare hreepictures nda .short ecording. hoosehe correct icture

andouta ick n he boxbelow t.

Before e start,here sanexample.

Wheres hegirl 's at ?

Where'sournewhat,Sally?hope ou

haven'teft t on the school us.

Don'tworry,Murn. put t in myschool ag

becausewas oo hot. ,'

Areyousure? can't ee t here.Youprobably,

droppedt in he roadsomewhere.

Oh,here t s hangingn he hall. orgoto

take t thismorning.

The irstpictures corr.ecto here s a tick n


Lookat he hreepicturesor question now.

Now wearereadyo start.Listen arefully. ouwiilheareach ecordingwice.


Which andwillthegirlwatch?

l'mgoing o hearmy avouriteandplay

tonight youknow TheArcticBlues.

0h, I know hem.There re hreeof hem,

aren't here? reallvike hedrummer.

have o appear n the






Girl :


Listeni208 2 t A


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Gir l : Oh,he eft theydon'thave drummer nymore.But hesinger nd heguitarist restillthesame. nd hey've ota keyboardlayer


0h ,well might om e long.

Now isten gain.



Where oes heboy eelpainnow?


Well, fter fellof f he rockmyback elta bitsore or a time, hen t seemedo be all ight.But wokeupyesterday ith hisbadpain nmy eft eg,and t still eally urts.

I see.Have ouhadanyotherpain, headachefor examole?

Well, didhave bit of a headachefter fell.I think hit myheadon he rock.But t's ine


Now isten gain.



Wheres hecomouter ow?

I didn reallywanta computern he house,but rnysondoesneedone or hishomework.

Of course, ewantedt in hisbedroom,ut

saidno - it's orallthe amilyo use.Firstwetried t in hesitting oom, ut here's otmuchroom n here, o henwe put t in he roommyhusband ses sanoffice.Buthewouldn'tetanyone lseuse t,so now t'sbackwhere twasbefore. ndwe'vemoved he sofaa bit.

Now isten gain.



Howdoes hewoman ecommendravellino

aroundhe sland?

Now he slands easyo get o by plane, nd

whenyouget here, ou'll ind here sa local

bussystem oyoudon'thave o hirea car,

althoughhey're vailablefyouwant.Some

visitorsnpast ears ave iredbicycles, hich

theyenjoyed erymuch. hey're heaperhan

a carand heydo mean oucanget o thoseparts

of he sland hichareoff he main usroutes. o,as ong syoucan ideonesafely.

I'd say hat's he best dea.

Now isten gain.



Whatdo bothgirlsdecideo wear o the


Whatareyougoingo wear o the disco

tonight?'mgoingnmygreen -shirt,eans

andwhiteacket.Oh,don'twear hatT-shirt.t's hesame s

mine. 'mgoing o wear hatone,butwitha

skirt. 'mnot akinga acket,hough,t'llbe oo


It doesn'tmatterf we oo n he same lothes.

I haven't otanything lse want o wear


Oh,all ight. supposet'snot mportant.eeyou ater.

Now isten gain.



Whogavehe man heCD or hisbirthday?

Thanks erymuch or he birthday resent.'ve

always antedo read hatbook.

That'sOK.Hey lwent roundo Dad'syesterday.idyou ike he CD hathebouoht


Yes!Great hoice! owdi dheknow wanted

thatone?I thinkhehadsomehelp romour ittlebrother- theywentshoppingogetherastweekend.

Now isten gain.



What s hema n oingo order?

















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Man: ls hatapple ie ou've ot?Mmm . l think

l'll have ome f hat. 'llgetyouanother iece

too, fyouwant.

Woman: I' d ove nother iece,t' sdelicious.nly

I'mafraidhiswas he astone.They've ot

chocolateake, hough.Whydon't ouhave


Man: Nevermind.just houghtheapple ie ooked

good,hat's ll. 'llgetsome offee, nyway.

need omething eforehe ilmstarts.Shouldgetyouone?

Woman: Oh,goon. hen.We've ot ime the il m

doesn't tart or anotherwentyminutes.

No w isten gain.


That s he endof Part1.

PART CD2 rack 2

Now urn o Part2,questions o 13.

Youwillhear hepilot,KateGingford,alking

about he ast ew daysof her lightaroundhe

world na small eroplane.

Foreachquestion, uta tick n he correct


Younowhave 5 secondso lookat hequestionsor Part2.

Nowwe arereadyo start.Listen arefulty. ou

will hear he recordingwice.

Kate: So astweekwhen was alking boutmy light

aroundheworld, 'd gotas arasNorway.his

week 'll ellyouabout he astpartback o


When landedn Norway,wo riendswere

there o meetme.Westayedogethefn a

hotel nd alked otaboutmy rip and he

route 'dchosen. extmorning, eweregiven

a wonderfulooked reakfast nd henmy

friends elpedmeget nto hesuit haveo

wearwhen lying verwater.t's eallyight.

I hadn't leptmuch, ut wasexcited nd elt

really ide-awake n he light o Denmark.

My son,who salso pilot. alledmeon he

radio.Hewas lying planenGermanyt he

timeandwe chattedora fewminutes.was

flying crosshesea n hickcloud o couldn't

seemuch, ut arrivedn Denmark afely n

th eSundayvening.

On Monday wasworried bout heplane.

Therewasa problem ithoneof he ront

wheels. knew could till akeoff and ly,

without ny earof anaccident, ut knew

that f I made bad andingcould amagehe

plane ndso notbeable o continue.called

th eairportn Holland, ynext estination,

to arrangeome epairs,nd ortunatelymanagedo land herewithout nyproblems.

Thatnight stayedwithsome riends n heir

farm n Holland. extmorningt wasso oggy

that couldn'tly,but t wasgood o have

break.t wasdifficulto sleep o I walked

aroundhe arm nstead.hadn't pent ny

time n he countrysideor months, nd 'd

forgotten owmuch missedhe sound f


When he og ifted n he afternoon,was

pleasedo learnheyhad epairedmyplane, nd tookoffwithinminutes. y next

destination asaflying lub n he northof

Englandnd .knewt wouldbe mpossibleo

land hereonce hesunhadgonedown.But

fortunatelyt wasa ovely unny vening, nd

arrivedngood ime.

I leftearly gain nThursdayor London. el t

nervous ecauset wasmy astdayof lying.

Then,when finallyanded,feltwonderful- the ong. ifficultourney adbeenworth

rt. twas ovely eeingmy amily howereal lthere o meet ne. promisedwouldn'tmake

anotherong rip ike hatagain.

Now isten gain.


That s he endof Parl2.

PART CD2 rack 3

Now urn o Part3,questions4 o 19.

Youwillheara recordedmessagebout

tourist ttractionalled heGrandPalace.Foreachquestion,il l n he missing

informationn he numbereQpace.

Younowhave 0 secondso lookat Part3.

Nowwe areready o start.Listen arefully. ou

willhear he ecordingwice.


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Tourguide:This s heGrand alacenformationervtce.

Wearepleasedo announcehat heGrandPalacesnowopen gain. heemergency

repairworkon he roof s nowcomplete,utwork sstill nprogresso repairheoutsidewalls f hebuilding, hichweredamagednstormsast ear. isitorsmay ike o lookat

anexhibitionfphotographsn heentrancehall, hich ho whow hiswork sdone. he

exhibitionsnear hegiftshop, here oucan

buypostcardsf he Palacendslides f someof hepaintings.

ThePalace asbuilt n he 18th entury s

a holidayomeor heKing ndhis amily,

anddecoratedn heclassicaltyle. oucan

admirehebeautifulaintedeilingn he

musicoom, hich ontainsheQueen'siano.

Upstairsre he oyal edrooms,ontaining

18th-centuryurniture. isitorsanalsowalkthroughhepalace itchensnd nto hedining

room,where he able s aid or ortyguests,

withsilver inner lates ndbeautiful lasses.

lf youwant efreshments,ome-madeakes,

sandwiches,eaandcoffee reservedntheQueen nne ea-room. n rnedays,

refreshmentsrealso ervedn he garden.

The ea*rooms openevery ay rom3.00 o

5.00 .m., r 5.30 .m. uring uly ndAugust.

ThePalacetself s openevery ay, rom10.00

a.m.o 6.00 .m. n hesummereason,hat'sJuneo Seotembetnd rom10.00 .m.o 5.00p.m.romOctobero May.

There s an entrance harge f{5.50 or adults

or 3.50 orstudentsndchildren nder14.

Theresalsoa specialfamilyicketavailableor

{13.50.t's or 2 adults nd2 children,oyou

save 7.00.

lf youwould ike urthernformation,lease

calluson 01293 67488uring pening ours.

Thank ou .

No w isten gain.


That s heendof Part .

PART CD2 rack4

Now urn o Part4,questions0 o 25.

Lookat hesixsentencesor hispart.

Youwillheara conversationetween boy,

Tom, nda girl, emma, hoar estudyingn

different artsof he country.

Decidefeach entencescorrect r ncorrect.

lf it is correct, uta tick n he boxunderA for

YES.f it is notcorrect, uta tick n hebox

underB orNO .

Younowhave 0 secondso lookat he

ouestionsor Part4.

Nowwe are eadyo start.Listen arefully.ou

willhear he ecordingwice.

HiTom, haven't een ousincewe eftschool.

Jemma, hatare oudoing ere? thoughtyouwereat university.

I'mbackhomewith myparentsor he

holidays.couldn't fford o stay n London.

Doyou ikecity ife?Youmust ind t verynoisy

an dbusy fte r his illage?

Well es,but here's lways omething

happening.ot ikehere.

There'shecineman Kingsford.

Yes, ut t's20kilometresway.Where live n

Londonhereare otsof cinemas ithall he

Iatestilms,ustround he corner"

Lucky ou!By he ime he ilms each

Kinqsfordinema verybodylsehas orgotten

about hem.

The roubles,London'so expensive.tweekendsusually o o a clubor a restaurant

with my riends. hatcancostmore han 30.

Reallylcan'tbelievehat.An evening ut

roundherenever ostsmemore han 20.

Howdoyouaffordt?Have ougota part-timejob?

Notyet. 'vedonea course t he ocal

swimmingool o geta certificaten ife-

saving. had o pay or he course, ut t means

I canbe a pool ife-guard hen go back o

London.'mgoingo workearlyn hemorningbeforemyclassestart.

It won'tbeveryexciting.ustsittingwatchingpeople wimmingp anddown.

Maybe ot,but he money'sood. hat'she


Actually,'vegota ob n a children'soliday

camp ear ere or hesummer.'mgoingo

organiseheir portingctivities.















@to-o,ute PET

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Jemma: Really?an ougiveme hephone umber?

Perhapscangeta ob here oo,while 'mat


Tom: You're robablyoo ate. appliedivemonths

ago,and had o have n nterview nda. health heck.Butyoucan ry.

Jemma: Well,here's othing lse orme o dohere.

Tom: 0K. 'l l f lndhenumber.

Now isten gain.


That s he endof Part4.

Younowhave ixminuteso checkandcopy

youranswers n o the answer heet.

Youhave nemoreminute.

That s he endofthe est.

Answer "t@

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The authorswould like to thank

AnnabelMarriott and JaneCoates

personally or all their input,

efficiencyand goodhumour.

Many hanksalso o Chris

Williams (seniorproduction


(permissionsontroller),Gu y

Brook-Hart forpermission o

adapt he Grammar eferencesection from Cornplete irst

Certiftcate), ilary Fletcher

(picture esearcher),ohn Green

(audioproducer),Tim Woolf

(audioeditor), Kevin Dohertyand

MarcusFletcher proof-readers).

Emmawould ike to thank

colleagues nd studentsat

Lacunza IH Sa nSebastidnortrialling someof the material.She

would also ike to thank family

and friends or all their support

and encouragement. ery special

thanks to Mikel. Saraand Alex for

their patienceand understanding.

The authors and publishersare grateful to the following for reviewing thematerial during the writing process:

Jane Coates,UK; Caroline Cooke,Spain; Ellen Darling, Italy; StephanieDimond-Bayir,UK; Sarah Hellawell, Spain; Joanna Kosta, UK; PeterMcClaren,UAE; Karen Saxby,UK; Amanda Thomas, UK.

Developmentof this publication has made use of the Cambridge nternationalCorpus CIC).The CIC s a computerised ataba se f contemporar y pokenand written English which currently stands at over one billion words. It

includesBritish English,American Englishand other varietiesof English. talso includes the Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed n collaborationwiththe University of Cambridge ESOLExaminations. Cambridge University Presshas built up the CIC o provide evidenceabout languageuse that helps toproducebetter language eaching materials.

The authors and publishersacknowledge he following sourcesof copyrightmaterial and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort hasbeen made, t has not always been possible o identify the sourcesof all thematerial used, or to trace all copyright holders. If any omissions are broughtto our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriateacknowledgementson reprinting.

Cambridge University Press or the word references hroughout the book from

CambridgeLearner'sDictionary,3rd edition, 2007. Copyright @CambridgeUniversity Press;p. 7 Cambridge ESOL o r the PET content and overview.Reproduced ith kind permissionof CambridgeESOL;p.11PhotoWord Ltdfor the adapted ext from

'Haveyou heard the one about the windmill' byAnnabelle Grundy, SundayPost;p. 17

TheDaily Life of a Beijing Teenager'

basedon blog from Beijing Youth Voiceswebsite; pp. 28-29 Tlrc Daily Mail

for the adapted ext'The

teenagerwho sailedacrossan ocean' rom' Theteenagerwho conquered he high seas' Tlrc Daily Mail Online 3.I.2007:p. 35 The Different Travel Companyfor the adapted ext

'Discoverthe Island

of Borneo' from the website; . 80 NHS Choices or the text

'Howfit and active are

you?' adapted rom contenton the NHS.UKwebsite;p. 93 M.E.N. Media

for the adapted ext'School

ban over haircut' MonchesterEvening News

20.3.2008. [email protected]. Media 2008;p. 10 0Th eDaily Mail for theadapted ext

'Scientistsuse rubber ducks in Arctic experiment' from


scientistshave called in a flotilla of rubber ducks to explain global warming'The Daily Ma iI Online 22.9.2008; . 103 British Council for the adapted ext'International

Climate Champions' from The British Council website; p. 107

China Daily for the adapted ext'Can you speak Martian?' from


languageheatsup amongst eenagers' 2.6.2008; . 13 6CambridgeESOL

for permission to adaptthe Writing Part 2 marking scheme;pp. 148*172

CambridgeESOL or the past PETpaper.Reproduced ith kind permission

of Cambridge ESOL;p. 153N I Syndication for the adapted ext Antarctica'from Art in a cold climate' by SaraWheeler, Tlrc Times 20.9.2003.Copyright@N I Syndication Limited,2003: p. 154 ndia Today Group for the adapted ext'lndian

films' from'The

future is here' by Amitabh Bachchan, ndia Today.

Copyright@India TodayGroup.

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