
Today, when the whole world has metamorphosed to being a global village, wired together through the magical phenomenon of computers, saying that computers have become an indispensable part of our lives, would be a gross understatement, to say the least. Computers have permeated every aspect of our lives and have indisputably become a necessity in these modern times, without which life today is simply unimaginable. Being cumbersome and complicated, the initial use of computers was limited to offices and defence related tasks. But with the advent of user-friendly and affordable range of computers in the 1980s, the common man was introduced to the benefits of this wonder machine, which completely revolutionized their lives. over the years and the number of computer users has been growing rapidly ever since. With myriad uses ranging from banking ,industrial sector, engineering, space programs, research and development projects, security purposes, airports, railways and offices, there is hardly a sphere of modern life left untouched by the miraculous influence of computers. computers have become an extension of our lives, making it run smoothly and seamlessly, simplifying mundane chores, saving labour and money. The use of computers in the field of medicine, research projects, leading to path breaking inventions and discoveries hardly needs to be emphasized here. Computers have revolutionized the world of communication with the introduction of the internet, information on any topic is just a click away now, leading to increased awareness and a more informed society. Tools such as e-mail and instant messaging have become the standard norm in business communications. Just how important it is to be well versed with computers, can be gauged from the fact that this is a pre-requisite for any job opportunity these days. People who have not learned how to navigate the Internet and have basic computer skills will increasingly have a difficult time securing employment. It has proved to be a powerful educational tool and has made modernized the teaching methodology around the world. It has also won its way into the hearts of the people as a popular source of entertainment . On the flip side, there are many negatives associated with computers especially regarding the usage of internet, which can as easily prove to be a curse if used injudiciously. Though these faults cannot be wished away, it would be unwise to undermine the staggering benefits accrued from computers as opposed to these relatively less significant drawbacks. Life without computers now would be akin to going back to the Dark Ages, signifying a regression from the giant leaps towards technological, financial and social advancement made possible by computers. So lets embrace and make the best use of this technology instead of being left behind.

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