  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    By Dr.Bhavin Kathiriya1st year P.G.SCHOLAR

    Depa. Of Kayachikitsa

    Concept of AavranChikitsa

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    Introduction :

    Like Ama the Avarana also an unique concept of

    disease pathogenesis, especially of Vatavyadhis. urUros urkivUUhq |

    uruqS xu mpur Mii ||


    Vayu is life, strength, sustainer of the creatures, entireworld, master of all activities.

    Vata dosha is the chief among Tridosha, because of its

    Ashukaritwa and its ability to carry on all the life processin association with Pitta, Kapha, Saptadhatus, andTrividhaMalas. It is composed of RajogunaBahulya whichis the Pravartaka-Sarvabhavanam and the other two

    Doshas often described as Pangu or lame without theinvolvement of Vata Dosha.

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    Such dynamic factor Vata, naturally causes morenumber of diseases in the body than the other doshas.

    Avarana, the unique concept of Ayurveda explainsthe abnormal course of activities of Vata due to an

    impediment resultant of an Avaraka. The clinical understanding of Avarana is

    necessary for the diagnosis and management ofdisorders mentioned in the context of Vatavyadhi as

    well as in other chapters of Ayurvedic classics.

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    Derivation :

    The word Avarana is originated from the root uguUh means to

    cover and produce obstruction.

    Meaning of Avarana :

    ua miolkq || c c.c.28/59 AuUh = AuUk Aur Aulkrirj || QsWh

    (x.l 1/85)

    AuUM AcNSM || (uvoSxlS )

    AuUh=AcNSlq AuUh AcNSlq || (voSMsmSq)

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    Definitions of Avarana Vata :

    1 qauUhl ua miolkSu Mmi puli | (cmhc.c.28/59)

    Margavarodha(occlusion/ obstruction) causesobstruction in the speed of movement of Vata, leads to itsaggravation.

    2. xipr AlrSwmhpr AuUh mmros urUu u Mmri|

    (AhS A.W.l. 15/6)

    The anya doshas get accumulated in the srotas andproduces Avarana to the Vata marga is called as Avarana.

    3. uiS Sw qv kil xuXaqu c | Auir Mi rxqi ixqSuUh uS ||


    The occlusion or obstruction which is produced by

    Vatadi dosha, Dhatus called as Avarana.

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    Terms used in the concept of Avarana Vata :

    1 Avarana of Vata : Which denotes obstruction of Vata movement.

    The obstruction can be due to Pitta, Kapha, Dhatus, Malas, even by

    other Vatas.

    2 Samanyavarana : Vata get obstructed by dosha, dhatu, mala etc.

    In case of Samanyavarana :

    ll mMTpr kip qUuUh reri | (QsWhx.c.5/29)

    The Gati Nirodha produced by Pitta, Kapha, Dhatu, Mutra etc

    3 Anyonyavarana : Sub type of Vata get obstructed by another type ofVata.

    In case of Anyonyavarana : i Fku acNSl mh umlxrkaql ailUk

    MuuUM Circri|

    (QsWh x.c.5/29)

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    4 Avaraka :The factor which causes the obstruction of Vata is Known asAvaraka. Eg If Kapha causes Avarana of Vata ,then Kapha is called asAvaraka in this context.

    Prana Vata or Udana Vata having upward movements and Apana is

    having downward movements. That which produce Gati Nirodha to this iscalled as Avaraka

    5.Avruta :Vata movement which is effected by the Avaraka is called asAvruta.

    MiuUh Aui | (voSMsmSq)

    That which get covered is Avruta

    In Samanyavarana : Vata and its bheda called as Avruta.

    In Anyonyavarana : Vata bhedas (Durbala Vata ) as avruta.

    rqirUpqZApxmi osui Sosppi miruixl Aui Circri | (QsWh x.c.5/29)

    When two types of Vata move towards each other and the weaker one overcome by the strongerone is called as Avruta

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    Types of Avarana Vata : The Avarana of Vata may be innumerable

    urUuUh ci oWpS muri | (A.W.l.16/30)

    How ever 42 types of Avarana Vata have been described in the texts,which can be categorized under the fallowing two major divisions.

    1.Murta avarana.(22 types)

    Pitta dosha, Kapha dosha, Dhatus, malas and Anna are the murtasubstances which obstruct the path of Vata and this condition is

    called as Murta avarana.It can be divided into

    a) Dosha avarana(12 types) b) Dhatu avarana(7 types)i.e. pitta , pitta with panch-vata(5), i.e. rakta,mansa,meda,asthi,majja,shukra,

    kapha, kapha with panch-vata(5) sarvadhatu(1)

    c) Mala avarana (2 types) d)Anna avarana(1 type)

    i.e. mutra,purisha i.e. anna

    2.Amurta avarana:(20 types) When the sub type of Vata entraps the functions of another sub type of vata it

    termed as an Amurta /Anyonya Avarana.

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    Anyonya-avrana(20 types)Avarana Charaka vagbhatta

    Pranavrut udana + +

    Pranavrut vyana + -

    Pranavrut samana + -

    Pranavrut apana + -

    Udanavut prana + +

    Udanavrut vyana + -

    Udanavrut samana - -

    Udanavrut apana + -

    Samanavrut prana - -

    Samanavrut udana - -

    Samanavrut vyana + -

    Samanavrut apana + -

    Vyanavrut prana + -

    Vyanavrut udana + -

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    Avarana charaka vagbhatta

    Vyanavrut samana - -Vyanavrut udana - -

    Apanavrut prana - -

    Apanavrut udana + -

    Apanavrut samana - -Apanavrut vyana + -

    Anyonya-avrana(20 types)

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    General principle of Symptomatology:

    A Aurh osrxuUhi xuMqWlpuli,

    AuUMxr iixa xuMqupuli, ij AuUhl cAur mMmi pui iS xuMqh upuiiuruxj Alr i AuUhrxr xuMqWl, AuUMxriixai upuii uruxjqW ||

    (cmh c.c.28/206-216 )

    If the Avaraka is stronger than Avarya, then the Avaryalooses its function and there is increase in the function of


    AuUM xuMqu (Eixa) Aui xuMqWl If the Avaraka is weaker than Avarya, then the Avarya

    function get increased and decrease in the function ofAvaraka.

    AuUM xuMqWl Aui xuMqu

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    General-line of treatment for Samanyavarana: 1) first treat `avaran with suitable drug/procedure

    2) next treat `avruta dosha chikitsa as per text

    3) if vata is avarut by pitta and kapha avarana then 1st treat pitta,later kapha.xxwO MTmipr miqS uleri | (c.c.-28/188)

    4) mciqMxr uil mil zswqh Am u|

    pwaeiq xqrM Emsr xqcUi || (c.c.- 28/238)

    AlpwrSp xlak xix zMUM|

    MTmiu mb uilsqlq || ( c. c.-28/239)

    if vata is aavruta in all its locations,than adopt therapies which are not

    antagonistic of kapha and pita, but which cause vatanulomana (as downwardmovement of vayu is beneficial),this treatment should be conducted withabhishyandi,which do not cause obstruction to srotas and helps in the cleaningof channels of circulation;drug useful are bhallataka,rasona,guggul,pippali,

    shilajit etc. 5) yapana vasti prepaired with madhuradrvya followed with anuvasana vasti is


    6) all aavruta condition administration of rasayans likeshilajatu,rasona,eranda,gokshura and guggulu along with milk is beneficial.

    7) if rogi is balvan;samsrana is useful. 8) chyavan-prasha along with milk is also indicated.

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    Specific treatment for samanyaavaran:1) Pitta avruta vata:

    miui uzwh ziqwh ij r |urirxi MUri xmeulr c zxri || (c.c.-28/184)-treat with shitoshna upachara,changing repeatedly i.e. first

    ushna dan followed by sheetala,again followed by ushna,thanby sheetal repeatedly.

    - e.g. jivaniya ghrut is very useful as explained in vat-shonitachikitsa,

    milk boiled with panchmoola,balatail,yashthimadhu taila are


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    2 ) Kaphavruta vata chikitsa:xuSxih lW uql xuUclq || (c.c.- 28/187)-kaphahar chikitsa like tiksha sweda, niruha vasti,vamana n

    virechana is to be done followed by vatanuloman.vamana - if kapha in stomach

    virechna-if kapha in pakvashaya or pita spread in all over bodyvasti if kapha is dissolved due to swedana in pakvashaya or

    appearance of pitta feature.

    -if vata combined with kapha located in head , treat it with shtanikchikitsa i.e. dhumrapan and nasya- if vitiated vata is found in respiratory passages even after

    eliminating kapha;than pure vatahar chikitsa is donee.g. Hot gomutra yukta niruha--- eliminates vata 1st and kapha is

    got rid of simillarly.----eliminates vata in association with

    pitta.- Milk containing niruha eliminates vata combined with pita( madhuratail sidha anuvasan would be useful)

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    3)Raktavruta vata:zhilAui MrSuizhiM rq | (c. c. 28/194)

    line of treatment for raktavruta vata is vatarakta.

    4)Mansavruta vata:xuSpra UxU xlW qxui Wi : | (c, c.-28/195)

    swedana and abhyanga is benificial here.

    5) Medavruta vata:mqW ui qSbl Aquimreri | (c. c.-28/195)

    here prameha chikitsa,vata shamana measure along with medoharchikitsa is done

    6)Asthiavruta vata:

    mahasneha (combination of ghruta+ tail+ vasa+ majj) should be done.

    qWxlW Azjqzj | (c. c.- 28/196)7)Majjavruta vata:

    Mahasneha is to be used.

    8)Shukravruta vata:

    in shukravruta vata virechna than shukra vardhana and agni dipan is to bedone.

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    9)Annavrut vata:Aui iSssZ mcl Sml sb || (c. c.-28/196)food is to be vomited,than dipan & pachana is done

    10)Mutravruta vata:ql i xuS xiU oxir | (c. c. -28/197)diuretics,fomentation, n treated with bladder douches

    11)Purishavruta vata:zMi is LUhQ xlakSuiui r| ( c.c._28/197)Erand tail with udavarthar chikitsa is done

    -- if doshas are located in its own locality should be considered strong and shouldbe overcome with priority of specific treatment like vaman/virechan/vasti etc.

    12)Pittavruta panchvata: (all 5 types)mui i mblqixruUkp | (c.c.28/245)

    The measures to be adopted are pitghna which should never antagonistic to vata.

    13)Kaphavruta panchvata: (all 5 types)MTui MTblxi qixrlsql || (c.c.28/245)The measure to be emplyoed should be kaphghna,but also vatanulomana.- moreover the association of prana & udana with pitta & kapha should be

    identified as serious condition,since the life depends on pranvata and strength

    depends on udanvata.uzwi eui mh ESl xi osq ||( c.c.-28/234)

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    General line of treatment for panchvidha vataESl reri Eku Aml c Alsqri |xql zqri cu k url i reri |mh Ur cipr Am xjl W Axr xji ku |xu xjl aqrSu uilil uqaql ||

    (c.c.-28/219-220)Udana is treated by vamana

    Apanvat is treated by anuloman(vasti+virechana)

    Samanvat is treated by shamanVyanvat is treated by in all the 3 direction treatmentPranvata is to be protected carefully and continuously as its location in its

    normal position is most essencial. Amllui xu Sml aW pwe |

    uilsql r mMuzr uzkl |

    Ci xmi mi Auil cMixi || (c.c.-28/244)

    When aavran is by apanvata; than chikitsa is followed by dipan,grahi,vatanuloman and pakvashaya shodhana.

    for other avaranas the physician himself should use his ownyukti-pramana(discetion) to findout the details of treatment and addopt it by keeping thebasic rule of chikitsa in mind.

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    Anyonya avaran and its management:


    1)PRANAVRUT UDANA Shirograh,pratishyay(Dyspnoea),hradroga,mukhashosh,nishvas-uchchvas sangrahan

    Urdhjatrugat rogdhnachikitsa

    2)PRANAVRUT VYANA Sarvendriyani shoonyatva,Loss of


    Urdhjatrugat rogdhnachikitsa

    3) PRANAVRUT SAMANA Dumbness(jad),inertness,Stammering(mukta)

    Chatushprayog sneha i.e.bahya-abhyantar-basti-sustaining enema

    4) PRANAVRUT APANA Vomiting,dyspnoea(shvasa)

    Vasti n vatanuloman

    5) UDANAVRUTA PRANA Loss of karm-oja-bala-varna. Death

    Cold water sprinklingslowly, consolation &comfort is provided.

    6) UDANAVRUTA VYANA Stabdhata,alpa-agnita,asweda, loss of activity,

    nimilan(closing of eyes).

    Pathya diet n light food.

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    7) UDAVRUTA APANA Vomiting, dyspnoea Vasti n vatanuloman

    8) VYANAVRUT PRANA Swedo atiyarth,lomaharsha,suptagatrata,tvakdosha

    Snehan yukta virechana

    9) VYANAVRUT APANA Vomiting, distension ofabdomen, hard-tumour,

    distress cutting pain inabdomen

    Snigdh anuloman


    Murchcha,tandra, pralap,angasad, agninasha,ojokshaya, balakshaya

    Physical excercise,Light food.


    Grahani, stomach pain,parshva-shoola

    Dipan with sarpi

    12) APANAVRUT PRANA Moha, alpa-agni, atisara Vaman, dipan, grahi(astringent diet)

    13) APANAVRUT VYANA Vinmootra-retasam


    Sangrahanam matam

    (astringent measure)

  • 7/27/2019 Concept of Aavran Chikitsa


    Complication of avarana Emhi Axkr xr Aju SUq |

    Sa uSk msW asq AixU Lu c ||

    pui EmSu iw Auil Emhi |

    ixqS AuUh uk mulxrsri || (c.c.-28/236-237)

    The ignored avruta condition ;mis-diagnosed or mismanaged or allowed to continue for one year would lead may lead to cardiacdisorders,abscess,enlarged spleen,hard-tumour, diarrhoea


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    Prognosis of avaranas Aui zswqmipr mh cSlqu c |

    aUrxiul mzrli pwe zxcw |uzwui mh ESl xi osq ||

    xrir mQllUrw osxr c |

    xu Amri AmUbri: mUxuixUxij |

    EmhSxkr xrUju Smq: || (c.c.-28/233-235)

    experienced physicians should observe the obstruction of prana vayuand udana vayu by both kapha & pitta as a serious condition. Ifundiagnosed or if not properly treated or neglected treatment for morethan a year than all ailments become incurable or difficult to cure.

    Thus physician should diagnose the specific type of feature produced

    wether increased or decreased of their function in their own sthana orremote place by proper observation by yukti n oohya(applyingreasons).then he should conclude the line of treatment among bysnehan,swedan,vaman,virechana,vasti accordingly..

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