Page 1: “Connecting Terms of the New Message” part 14 “The Summary”

“Connecting Terms of the New Message” part 14“The Summary”

Page 2: “Connecting Terms of the New Message” part 14 “The Summary”

GENESIS 22:17 That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

GENESIS 22:18 And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

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HEBREWS 11:12 Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

HEBREWS 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

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HEBREWS 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

HEBREWS 11:14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

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HEBREWS 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

HEBREWS 11:16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

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Brother Winston was using a term – “Cognitive”. This is a great term for the Believers. It means to have all the mastered skills in all the different factions of life.

There is another term for this and it is a person that is “Divergent”. We hold all the diverse skills needed to function cognitively. We are divergents and have overcome all fear. We know when something is real and when it is not.

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Why did terminology have to change?

To "Awaken The Bride" and birth Her from the womb of the seven church ages. There had to be a marriage ceremony and there had to be a message from Christ to enlighten the Bride to her betrothed position.

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The Church Ages ended in 1956. What was the period of seven years time until the opening of the seals?

After seven years of restoration under the Elijah of Malachi 4, from the years 1956 to 1963, we all went to the great gathering

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The Word of God is what pregnates us and there had to be a status change into a betrothed Bride for a short quick work. Then we progressed into a married wife producing children into the third coming Son of David age.

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We found out that every move of God brings a leader, a spokesperson and God regards him.

It wasn’t lamb’s blood that Israel came under the protection of in that day. It was hearing the prophet Moses, accepting what he said, and acting upon what he said. Otherwise every firstborn male child died.

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When those angels ripped the rocks out of the mountain at Mount Sunset – Those Pyramid shaped three cornered rocks represented us coming into the earth.

This Third Testament Age is the Stone cut out of the Mountain that Daniel prophesied of for this day. We have been ripped out of Sunset Mountain in pyramid three corner shaped stones and there are thousands of us all across the world.

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This Star was formed on July 30, 2013 – by the aligning of six planets – All at 60 degree angles from one another – In a configuration for seven hours.

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We realized that we are operating in all seven dimensions continually as a Word Child of this age. What did technology teach us? The fourth dimension is a record of everything! Tape recorders, VCR's, dictaphones, radios, televisions, satellites, computers, palm pilots, telephones, cell phones, pictures IPADS, IPODS, Kendals, Tablets and on and on.

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The fourth dimension is the record of your Books! So when we read in Revelations 20, concerning the Books being opened, it is just saying that our Books are recorded in the fourth dimension. That dimension is a vivid record of a persons life. When we are living here in earth our book is open and playing what we are in those books. Rejoice over the fact that the record of your natural book in the fourth dimension is wiped away. Voices are annihilated in the Sea of Forgetfulness.

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There is a eternal and a temporal. The eternal is in the sixth dimension. They started out in one Mind, the Mind of God. One book of life temporal and another called the Lamb's Book Of Life, created by the Eternal. They started out intertwined looking like one book at the natural birth. When manifested they are indeed two separate lives; two books. In the end the old temporal book is folded and it comes back to One Book.

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After entering this time after the ages, and learning the concepts of measurement in the ages, we are able to section Eternity into pieces of time. We title these sections in many ways; sonships, dispensations, ages, generations and many other ways of pointing out certain attributes expressed. We see terms in the Bible that accurately place our day such as, “The Great and Notable Day of the Lord”, “The Lord’s Day” and “The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord”.

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Aren't we use to “Seven” being the number of completion? Now we have to come to grips with a totally new concept. More days than seven? More ages than seven? More messengers, more things to unroll and a greater unfolding occurring? God's mind always surpasses the carnality of man. If man's mind can't define the framework and outlines of something, then he just can't think.

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The Holy Convocation, the Eighth Day is not a new thing that just happened in our Day. The Eighth Day has manifested itself numerous times. Every time it appears it is a glimpse of Eternity unfolding. The way that Eternity appears is by slowing itself back until Light can be caught and display itself in its colors. We actually have never left Eternity to enter time. What we did is create portals in which to slow ourselves back.

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Back to a speed that can alter, control and adjust the elements to display our image and character. Things that we see that prove this truth are pyramids, diamonds, crystals, rainbows, sunbows and other portals that allow the elements to be captured and imaged. Each of us have a receiver in us that is in fact a portal that does the same thing for us in allowing us to slow down and measure our existence.

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I have said before that “Time is a measurement of Death”. This is true and another truth is this; “Time is a measurement of Redemption”. Now, I say that time is only a term to measure ourselves as a Theophany civilization. Without this portal to enter a condition lower than the angels we would never have developed the eternal attributes by using measurement. Now we know “Time is a measured part of Eternity”.

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There was a new beginning after the ending and that beginning was the Third Testament wherein the Eighth Day revelation started breaking again and made an appearance. Now we have terms, titles, measurements and things to identify ourselves in yet another day after the Second Testament.

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Its plain to see that when a new age breaks in the horizon and the Sun Rises, that new day is going to be developed, defined and measured by the functional believers in that time. The new terms tie what God is doing into one revelation. That one revelation is how Christ and His Wife progressed through her growth into full maturity.

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The Matured Wife recognizes herself as one unite in this raptured age of maturity. It is not until the Intelligence of a person is developed that we can say that they are mature. The Mind of Christ took its position in the Body but the Body had to move to maturity before that Mind was fully functional.

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Christ Himself being the Capstone, the Headstone, the 3rd Pull, the Son of David reigning. Connecting the Head and Body makes a fully functional Body, up and walking. We are the Wife of Christ in full maturity understanding our purpose and testimony for this notable day of the Lord. We are Witnesses of the third coming of Jesus Christ into the earth. Intelligence is the Seventh dimensional functions within his fully functional Body.

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It was the quickening power that raised us up to look beyond our form in the pyramid. It was white rock not written on. We set our eyes on the “Intelligence”, the “Headstone” that would come and fill that White Rock with new writings, a new message, and a new day! The quickening power unrolled every thing Eternal and transformed us in his Intelligence.

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We made ourselves ready by turning from the pyramid and receiving the Headstone to imprint his intelligence in us. This move brought the former and the latter rain together transforming us quickly. We have now grown up as calves in the stall by eating the unfailing body word of the former and latter rain. What we are talking about is the greatest uniting of all time. The Body of Believers with Christ; the pyramid with the Headstone.

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The sixth dimension Word Body used Its seventh dimensional Mind to bring the second dimensional Body of the Lord into full functionality. The twain becoming one flesh...those that God joined together let no man put asunder.

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The Third Pull is simple to see. It is the Capstone Ministry, not mystery! It is the Headstone coming down on the ages and transforming the Hidden Mystery to the “Real Time Ministry”. The transformation matured us, revealing the Third pull ministry. We have an understanding of the mystery progressing to a real ministry by revelation. We know that the true ministry is here operating in a full functional Body.

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Don't try to make the New Terms anything other than "THE REVELATION OF GOD BEING REVEALED IN THE AGE WE'RE LIVING IN. It's the revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ in the Church. Always remember this and if you are having trouble with a term just make it Christ in his present living believers and watch it clear up your thinking.

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We have measured, developed and defined our age through creation. We created terms to accent and accelerate the development of the vision and Body that is living in this time. As we view these terms think about how the Spirit brought a movement within us to open the revelation through this language.

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It is Eternity measured into sections; Testaments, dispensations, ages, years, sonships, messages, ministries and lives. We will never do away with time in the fundamental manner of what we used to think. We will always measure things as it is not a problem for Eternal Beings. Measuring helps us to position the attributes of God in their alignment, development and positions.

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The dimensions are interacting in simultaneous motion to bring to light the purpose of Eternal Life. They are intertwined, overlapping, and in circular motions forming the best experiences for the Wordman. He imprints his memory to understand himself. We are eternal and we will continue these cycles perpetually as we grow and walk into the mature Word.

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The Bride Age wasn’t perfect as we know. The Bridegroom was perfect but the Bride still needed to mature into her attributes of the palace; her new home. We now know that we have matured and in this age of maturity she is him! She is prophet, priest, and king. She is the Queen and Wife as her attributes have matured into the male/female relationship.

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There are so many new ways of recognizing our day and its message. The husband and wife have united in a father and son relationship revealing the mechanics and dynamics as the female to male fusion. We aren’t twain, it is a fusion today.

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