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Business MagazineConnexions

Jennie Gorman“the People Connector”

Create 2015 to be what you want…

Top Tips for

Great Invoicing

Achieving Big GoalsThrough Property

PR Let’s You Reach OutTo More People

Recycling Revolution…and avoiding the wreckage of Christmas

Page 2: Connexions Business Magazine by Jennie Gorman - #24 December/January 2015

From Jennie’s DeskHI everyone,

How has 2014 been for you personally from both a business and personal aspect? My highlight was launching ‘Awesome Authenticity– mastermind business relationships’

2nd Edition on Thursday, 11th December. Here are some photos you may wish to take a look at. Timing too late for this edition but they will be in the next one. For me in other aspects, 2014 is a year to put behind me and move forward with more strength and determination. So, right now I am feeling very positive of what is ahead in 2015. This issue will release whilst I am sailing the seas to get clarity for the year ahead.

It is time to create, become clearer and build a stronger business whilst becoming more focused and energised with more clarity. This year has seen me get off track and now it is time to get my mojo back and return to my vision for my future. It is time to surround myself again with more positive people and let the negative influences that took me and my health off track, subside from my world.

Even though there have been some wonderful highlights in 2014 such as starting with a short 3 day business cruise in January, sevennew mastermind groups run, many talks and on-going training workshops, many ‘time-out’ events and conferences, six Connexions Business Magazines, new websites built and launched, launched my second edition of ‘Awesome Authenticity’ and completing the year with another short cruise to clear away the cobwebs before Christmaswith the family. These are just a few things that have supported me and my growth in 2014.

So, I want to say a very special THANK YOU to all the people who have been there for me this year in both business and my personal life, the authors who have contributed willingly articles for this mag-azine, to my fellow daily supporters at ‘Our Business Hub’, to bothTanja Caprioli and Tam Ho for being such wonderful co-facilitators in MasterMinding and to all the participants who have given us the opportunity to support them in their businesses.

I wish you all a very happy festive season. May Christmas bring you a special connection to those you love and hold dear. I do look forward to seeing you and being part of your life in some capacity again in 2015.

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Awesome Authenticity

TestimonialsI have known Jennie Gorman for many years and I know of her excellent people skills. I was eager to read her book ‘Awesome Authenticity’.

When I started reading the book I couldn’t put it down. It was so exciting to read on every page the enormously useful hints and tips to promote relation-ships and business opportunities.

Jennie is a rare gem in this busy world of entrepre-neurs and business people trying to gain some rec-ognition. She shares her knowledge and experience on every page. Everyone can gain invaluable knowl-edge and expertise by reading her book.

I was very inspired by reading ‘Awesome Authenticity’ and I can highly recommend it to anyone who seeks to build relationships. Jennie you are awesome.

Tove Vine, Author and Teacher of

‘Jennie Gorman is one of those rare individuals that you meet once in a lifetime! I am honoured to know such a remarkable woman with the biggest heart and capacity to care and give unconditionally! Jennie has a unique gift which she generously shares in her new book, which I read from cover to cover in one sitting and absolutely loved it! If you are seeking to excel in business and build longstanding authentic connections, this book is for you! I highly recommend it.’

Natasha Howie,

‘Jennie Gorman is nothing short of an exemplaryhuman being, and has a fantastic reputation amongstbusiness leaders in Australia. Whenever I mention Jennie to a business person I know (it seems like eve-ryone knows her), That’s because she’s an absolute master of creating and nurturing authentic relation-ships. Awesome Authenticity is an must have book. It is an inspirational, thought provoking, step by step guide filled with nuggets of wisdom that every business owner must know in order to achieve joy and success simultaneously in business and in life. I have no doubt that if you read Awesome Authenticity, complete the simple yet an eye openingself-assessments, and followJennie’s advice that you willcatapult to greater success in more ways than you can imagine.’

Josie Thomson,

Getrude Matshe

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‘Awesome Authenticity’ Book Launch photos

Create 2015 to be what you want…

Finding Your Niche to Profits

Customer Relationship ManagementContact -v- Touch...

Top Tips for Great Invoicing

How to Find Balance in Chaos

A Coat of Many Patches 2

Achieving Big Goals Through Property

How to Save Tax All Year Round

PR Let’s You Reach Out To More People

Treat Your Health as Importantly as Your Business

Recycling Revolution…and avoiding the wreckage of Christmas

Oh No! Someone’s using my Trademark

Upcoming Events

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Purchase Now!!

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‘Awesome Authenticity ’

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Book Launch Photographer: Kerrin Smith,

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Create 2015 to be what you want ….by Jennie Gorman

It is now time for reflection on what we achieved and where we didn’t in 2014, whilst looking toward 2015 with enthusiasm and excitement for what we will become not only in ourselves but for our business.

Goal setting has been around for a very long time. It gives one the opportunity to consider what they want now and in the future. If we don’t have goals our lives will go downhill very fast. We need, as hu-mans, something to look forward to in the future, no matter how big or how small. So, what are you wish-ing for your future? What advan-tages are you going to create for yourself? Have you started to write down what you want from 2015 yet? If not, it is time to think about it so that you can take the RIGHT action steps to achieving your dreams.

If you put your wants and needs onto paper, you will find that they will eventuate, more often than not, sometime in the future.

I was fortunate to have spent time and learned some very basic rules

from Jim Rohn, known as the ‘business philosopher of the 20th century.’Jim taught me valuable structures around goal setting to make sure I was on-purpose in my life. I have done my best to adhere to much of what he taught and now teach many of his principles myself.

Jim Rohn said goals must be: ‘Specific, Measureable, Attainable,Realistic, and Time sensitive. I really like this acronym SMART, because we want to be smart when we set our goals. We want to intelligently decide what our goals will be so that we can actually accomplish them. We want to set the goals that our heart conceives, that our mind believes and that our bodies will carry out.’

For me, using the framework that Jim Rohn created of SMART goal setting makes sense. To achieve what we want to achieve, we need to make sure that each goal, be it for the short term (90 days) or long term (10 years) we need to understand the components that are necessary to make the goal become reality. Let’s take a closer look at each of the components of Jim’s SMART goals and see if they are your parameters too …Jim Rohn’s first thing was always to be Specific:‘A SMART goal is specific. Goals are no place to waffle. They are no place to be vague. Ambiguous goals produce ambiguous results. Incomplete goals produce incom-plete futures. When we are spe-

cific, we harness the power of our dreams and set forces into action that empower us to achieve our goals. We then know exactly what it is we are shooting for. There is no question. As we establish our priori-ties and manage our time, we do so for a specific goal to achieve the results we expect. There is no wondering or guessing. The future is locked into our minds and we see it – specifically – and that is power-ful! Never underestimate just how important it is to have very specific, concrete goals. They act as mag-nets that draw you toward them!’

Then Jim would want to know if it was MEASURABLE.‘Always set goals that are meas-urable. I would say “specifically measurable” to take into account our principle of being specific as well. Our goals should be such that we know when we are advancing and by how much. Whether it is by hours, pounds, dollars or what-ever, we should be able to see ex-actly how we are measuring up as we proceed through the jour-ney of life using our goals. Could you imagine if you didn’t measure your goals? You would never know which way you were going or even if you were going anywhere!’

The next thing you need to ask yourself, is it ATTAINABLE? This is where many of us make the error in goal setting. It is easy to be un-realistic when it comes to what is and what isn’t attainable in any set time. Jim suggests …

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2014 December-2015 January 9

‘One of the detrimental things that many people do – and they do it with good intentions – is to set goals that are so high they are un-attainable. Yes, it is very important to set big goals that cause your heart to soar with excitement, but it is also imperative to make sure that they are attainable. In the next section we talk about being real-istic. So what does it mean to be attainable? An attainable goal is one that is both realistic but also at-tainable in a shorter period of time than what you have to work with. Now when I say attainable, I don’t mean easy. Our goals should be set so they are just out of our reach; so they will challenge us to grow as we reach forward to achieve them. After the next paragraph, I will give you an example of a goal that is both attainable and realistic.’

It is easy to set goals for our future, but how realistic and achievable are they in the time you have set to achieving?

Jim would say that for a goal to come to fruition it must be REAL-ISTIC. Here is the reason that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work or last very long.

‘ The root word of realistic is “real.” A goal has to be something that we can reasonably make “real” or a “reality” in our lives. There are some goals that simply are not realistic. You have to be able to say, even if it is a tremendously stretching goal, that yes, indeed, it is entirely realistic

— that you could make it. You may even have to say that it will take x, y, and z to do it, but if those happen, then it can be done. This is in no way to say it shouldn’t be a big goal, but it must be realistic. This is to a great degree, up to the individual.For one person a goal may be re-alistic, but for another unrealistic. I would encourage you to be very honest with yourself as you do your planning and evaluation. Perhaps it would be good to get a friend to help you (as long as that friend is by nature an optimist and not a pessimist). This can go a long way toward helping you know what is realistic.’

Example of Attainable and Realistic:Knowing that perhaps you could use a bit of help differentiating attainable and realistic, here is an example: You are overweight and have 150 pounds to lose to get to your proper weight. Is that goal attainable? Yes, considering that you also make it realistic. For exam-ple, it isn’t realistic to think you can do it in 5 months. 18-24 months would be realistic (with hard work). Thus, losing 150 pounds in 2 years is both attainable and realistic, while losing 150 pounds in 5 months is neither attainable nor realistic.

The final SMART goal setting rule is about understanding what the ac-tions are that need to be done to accomplish the goal you have set and want to achieve.. Where are you at in your life now? Is the sea-son right for you to achieve your

goal at the time you have set? This was a very valuable thing for me to learn and understand. The final thing when setting goals is very im-portant and one that many forget. Jim always said :A SMART goal has a TIMELINE.

‘Every goal should have a time-frame attached to it. I think that life itself is much more productive for us as humans because there is a timeframe connected to it. Could you imagine how much procras-tination there would be on earth if people never died? We would never get “around to it.” We could always put it off. One of the pow-erful aspects of a great goal is that it has an end, a time in which you are shooting to accomplish it. You start working on it because you know there is an end. As time goes by you work because you don’t want to get behind. As it approaches, you work diligently because you want to meet the deadline. You may even have to break down a big goal into differ-ent measured parts time frames. That is okay. Set smaller goals and work them out in their own time.’

Here is a great video on Goal Set-ting with Jim Rohn. I believe; it is worth the time to watch this:CLICK HERE

Be sure to spend some reflection time to make sure your goals fit the SMART parameters. What are your action points associated with them. Put a real engine in your goals to charge them with power to help you accomplish your dreams.

Those in south east Queensland, I am running a workshop on 28th January on ‘Create 2015 to be what you want … ‘. For more information or email [email protected]

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Look your best for that special occasion and do an Ultimate Body® Contour Wrap.

Each jar provides enough product for you to do up to 3 body wraps or several spot reductions.

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2014 December-2015 January 11

Finding Your Niche to Profitsby Deborah Jackson

Fears crop up when we consider focusing on a niche. Many new soloists are afraid to cut off some of the potential market. But if you look at Australia’s fastest success stories, it seems that marketing to one distinct group can work.

Ben Hennock, who started his business at 21, specialised in washing big rigs and didn’t concern himself with other vehicles. He got to know the needs of time-poor truckingcompanies, and now his business is the 70th fastest growingin the country (in BRW’s Fast 100).

On the other end of the scale, I often meet someone who’s trying to run three different businesses, with little success in any. This obviously comes from a fear that one might not work, so backups are created.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”, Edwin C Barnes demonstrated single-minded purpose in pursuit of his goals. He said, “I will burn all bridges behind me, and stake my ENTIRE FUTURE on my ability to get what I want”. Of course, he got just what he set out for.

Get ready to burn bridges — decide which market you want to focus on and which area you want to be the expert in.

Standing Out from ‘The Sheep’ - It’s human nature to copy successful others; new entrepreneurs often copy large companies in their marketing style. Big mistake. First of all, you have a huge advantage by being authentic and person-ally available.

For some solo-preneurs, it seems overwhelming to choose a niche, and they’re tempted to just go for the best paying audience. Rather than forcing it, look for a type of client or type of service that you would LOVE to work with. It could be as simple as highlighting that your value is in your projects’ outstanding results for small business. Those businesses focused on quality rather than price will seek you out – just the ones you want.

An Authentic Message Choose the most authentic marketing message for your niche. This is easy just by

being honest about where you started from. Did your business idea originate from a frustration at work, for example?

Your target market is quite likely in the position that you used to be in. When someone is considering a service provider, they’re usually looking for a solution to their most pressing problem. They also need reassurance that you’re a worthwhile and honest provider who walks their talk… That they’ll gain by the work you perform or by what you teach them.

Once you’ve established empathy, explain in your materials that you’ll share what you’ve learned, but in an easier and more systematic way. Specialists are Always in Demand By working within your niche, you’ll not only build up knowledge of that area, over time you may become known as ‘the expert’.

Being an expert or specialist naturally attracts more clients without much effort, because: Your marketing message is clear and authenticYour marketing strategy is streamlined and cost-effective You’ll get sought out by the media for commentsYou’ll get more referrals and requests for alliances, as you’re well known for that that solution

And best of all, you can start to charge higher rates, due to the value of a rare and defined niche.

Deborah Jackson, author of ‘Easy Marketing for Women’, and creator of the ‘How to Get Clients’ home study system which is full of valuable information, templates, scripts and examples on everything all self employed people who are run-ning their own service business needs to know. It’s a building block system with steps, which builds on the past step. It’s all handed to you on a silver platter.

Connect to her by going to ready to burn bridges — decide which market you want to focus on and which area you want to be the expert in.

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Customer Relationship Management

Contact -v- Touch...The results of your marketing will be determined by how well you understand and implement the concept of ‘Contacting’ and ‘Touching’ your Current & Prospective Customers.

With today’s rapid pace of communication… e-mail, SMS, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc … it’s easy to believe you are communicating with your Customers. The question is “How well are you doing it?”

These somewhat ‘impersonal’ methods of communication are nothing more than ‘contacting’ people on your computer or mobile phone database. As per the Weekly Business Boost last week (Effective Communication), if true communication’ is ‘the response I get!’ then what sort of communication are you having? What sort of response are you getting?

In fulfilling the human need and desire to be heard and to be touched or nurtured, the above mentioned methods can fail dismally.

While it may seem old fashioned, a written letter, a hand written card, a telephone call etc, all work in fulfilling the basic human need. So when someone sends you an email or a text, rather than simply hitting the reply button… pick up the phone and turn a ‘Contact’ into a ‘Touch’.

The next step in this process is ensuring you record your customer ‘contacts & touches’. There are a myriad of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems to do this eg Goldmine (as used by the Brightwater team). The advantage of a good CRM is you can record and analysethe regularity of your ‘touch’, what form it took and what response it generated.

Is your communication working for your business? How do you ensure your customers get the ‘personalised touch’? Please feel free to share any great communication ‘touches’you have and the responses they generate from your customers. If you have a specific question you would like answered let us know in the comments section of our blog (see link below), or email us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you! For further information on the range of Brightwater Coaching Tools & Programs, visit

Anthony Davis & the Brightwater TeamCopyright © 2014 Brightwater Business Coaching Pty LtdAll rights reserved.Ph: +61 7 3367 0967 Free 1800 242 [email protected]

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2014 December-2015 January 13

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Top Tips forGREAT INVOICINGby Sandra Price

Getting paid and having steady cash flow is the backbone of every small business. It’s not always as simple as invoicing monthly.

You will be watching the bank balance rise with these 1. Discuss payment terms before you get startedThis sets the clients expectations and removes all confusion before you start the work.

2. Make the invoice simple and easy to followFormat the invoice in a way that is easy to read and follow. Have everything clearly marked out and don’t forget to add your logo, address and bank details.

3. Set appropriate payment termsXero recently revealed that if you want to receive your pay-ment within 30 days, your terms need to be 13 days or less. Most debtors pay on average 2-3 weeks late. You need to take this into consideration.

4. Address the invoice to the person payingFind out who is in charge of paying the bills and address the invoice directly to them.

5. Invoice as soon as possibleSend your invoice as soon as possible. Don’t leave it for weeks then send it. The quicker you invoice, the quicker you get paid.

6. Keep on track with debtorsHave a procedure for following up. Send out reminders and statements and follow it up with a phone call. Most times they have simply forgotten and just need a reminder. It also gives them an opportunity to address any issues.

Sandra PricePaperwork WizardPrice Bookkeeping Solutions Pty LtdPh: 0468 944 130 Fax: 07 3372 [email protected]

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How to FindBalance in Chaosby Gay Landeta

This article outlines how you can use the wisdom of TCM to find your balance once again.

THE PHASES:The colour green signifies spring. This is the wood el-ement and, as in spring, it is time to transform and make choices, let go of the old and begin the crea-tion of the new. The sound associated with this ele-ment is shouting and the feeling is anger. While in the west we may consider anger inappropriate, it is so only when used inappropriately. Within it lies the energy of boundaries and clarity about who we are.

Summer follows spring and the colour of summer is red. This is the fire element and contains the fires of passion. In Chinese medicine the heart energy lies here as does the energy of assimilation, understand-ing and moving forward. The energy of Will is strong here. In the fire element the emotion is joy and the sound is laughter.

Once the heat of summer is over it becomes time to re-group before autumn arrives, Indian Summer in North America. I used to love this time of year, it feelsb sort of timeless. This grounding element, Earth, is the colour yellow and contains the energy of reflection and contentment. At this time we make balanced

decisions about our life. In the Earth element you will find compassion. The sound is singing.

Autumn follows, the element of metal and the purity of white. Precise and clear. This element holds our self worth. At this time we begin to let go of the old as in-sights emerge. In metal lies the sound of crying and the feelings of grief. This feeling is often difficult for us, but it is essential to grieve the loss of the old to create the space for the new.

Finally the cycle enters winter, the water element. The dissolution of the old and the stillness while waiting for the new. Winter is the colour blue. This time fears emerge and inner direction is needed before moving once again into the renewal of spring. The sound of winter is groaning, like the trees in winter wind!

In the SHEN CYCLE each phase follows the other naturally and easily. We synchronistically move from ideas into actions, then into re-considering, slowing, stopping and letting go, moving gracefully through the phases.

Unfortunately many of us end up in what TCM practi-tioners call the Ko cycle, or the control cycle, lurching from wood to earth to metal to fire. Chaotically mov-ing from reacting, instead of responding and then growing before we have finished letting go.

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So how can we regain balance once we find ourselves in the chaotic Ko cycle?

1. Stop and listen to where you are in the cycle, notice if you are roaring into the next phase before completion of the present.

2. Experience the element you are stuck in – or avoiding – and explore the feelings, the sounds and/or the colour. You may notice an extreme reaction – love or hate – to the sound or the colours of the one that is over or under energised. Explore the concepts of the season you are stuck in or avoiding. Play with the energy to discover why you are stuck.

For example, you may feel out of phase with the wood element, unable to transform the old or make choices about new. You may be angry and shouting or unable to express yourself at all. You may detest the colour green or be drawn to wearing it constantly. To transform this element consider if you need to sacrifice something for the sake of the greater i.e. let go to grow. One way to shift this energy is to find a quiet place to scream and yell, then fill yourself with the colour green or spend some time in the green of nature filling your senses.

3. Learn to feel the flow of the Shen Cycle; sit in med-itation with each colour in order. Green, red, yellow, white and then blue. Imagine yourself in a room of each colour or fill yourself with the colour in whatever shade is right for you. You may want to spend more or less time in each, allow yourself to flow in your own natural rhythm and relax into the gentle flow of the Shen cycle.

And if it that still leaves you feeling chaotic consider calling your acupuncturist or come and get a balance and regain the peace of the Shen cycle.

This article was written by Gay Landeta to help you to Create The Life You Want To Live copyright 2014 all rights reserved

Cartoonist Ryan McDonald-Smith


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Giving you the power to

change lives every day.

You can make a different …. It is as easy as a click on your computer.

Tove Vine

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2014 December-2015 January 19

Tales from my fascinating life in China.A Coat of Many Patches 2

Continued from previous issueby Tove Vine

During the later summer days I sat on the table which my mother had placed in the garden under the large pear tree, enjoying the last days of summer. I watched her sew the patches together, being careful to line up all the patterns perfectly. I was even allowed to turn the handle of the old Singer sewing machine. I watched my mother convert the patches into a beautiful coat. I was elated and I went to school tellingmy classmates that I would go to church Christmas Eve, as I now had a coat.

In the village there was an unwritten rule that you could only go to church Christmas Eve if you were perfectly dressed and indeed wearing a coat. In my family, of course, we didn’t have clothes that were good enough for church so we never went to church Christmas Eve.

After my mother finished the coat it was placed in the wardrobe where our best clothes were stored - clothes only used for very special occasions. During the autumn and early winter weeks I would often go to the wardrobe and just stand there looking at my coat, dreaming of wearing it to church Christmas Eve. I imagined in my mind how I would finally be accept-ed by my classmates, as I now had a “new coat” and was not wearing “hand-me-down” clothes.

Christmas Eve arrived; in Denmark Christmas is cel-ebrated December 24th starting with a church ser-vice at 5 p.m. The evening of the 24th is the Christ-mas celebration where families gather around a table with roast pork or duck, potatoes, red cabbage and a rice pudding as dessert. My mother was busy cooking in the kitchen, having saved all year for the Christmas feast. The children had to wash themselves at a basin in the kitchen because we didn’t have in-side plumbing and therefore no bathroom. After we had all washed, one of my older sisters came to the wardrobe with me where my coat had been placed months before. I was so excited to be able to put on my new coat over my second-hand dress and walk to church.

We were not able to find my coat in the wardrobe and, after looking for a long time, we finally asked my mother where my new coat was. My mother then told me that she had given my coat away to a little girl whose family home had burned down a few weeks early and the family had lost everything. My mother was a very kindhearted woman and, even though we had very little, she was always kind and helped other who she felt had less.

I was heartbroken and didn’t go to church that Christ-mas Eve and not for many Christmas Eves to come. Even when I left home and earned my own money and could afford a coat, I was unable to make myself go to church Christmas Eve. The hurt from the memo-ries was too great.

To be continued...

by Tove Vine, Author, Philanthropist and Teacher of English as a second language – Owner of MissTove’s English School, Tian He, Guangzhou - South China Author of T.I.C. This is China - M.A.D. Making a Difference in China - G.A.P Get a Purpose. Tove Vine - Have you ever

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It’s that time of year! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many more to come!

If you’re reading this around the lead up to New Year or in the beginning of 2015, awesome! Now is the perfect time to think about goals. Maybe you’ve already written some goals for 2015?

Let me guess: lose weight, quit job, retire (or get a little closer to it), run a marathon, spend more time with your kids, go on an awesome holiday, save more money, help out or start a charity, and maybeeven buy your dream home.

All of those are excellent goals. And at first glance, altogether, they can seem quite overwhelming. However, when you think about it, they are almost all achievable by doing one thing. Earning more money.Even losing weight or running a marathon can be helped along with some extra cash (a personal trainer goes a long way).

So – to really kick your goals for the New Year, the best thing you can do now is figure out a way to make more money!

From my experience, the best way you can start achieving your financial goals right now is to invest in property. Why property? It is one of the stable investments you can make. You can invest nearly anywhere and count on it to go up – eventually.

But you don’t want eventually! You want to see profitmuch sooner than that so you can start running a marathon, starting your charity, and going on an incredible holiday.

The exciting thing about property is that if you really know what you are doing, you CAN see amazing re-sults and it won’t necessarily take years. If you know…• What to buy• Where to buy• How to do the research• Who can help you• How to manage your finances• And a few other key things…

You can do really well in property. It is possible to make hundreds of thousands in capital growth in just a few years, but only if you know what you are doing.

So here’s what you need to do:

1. EDUCATE YOURSELFDon’t spend your money without knowing exactly what you’re doing. Get an education in property investments from a trusted source. Talking to your friends and family does not count.2. TAKE ACTIONOnce you know what you are doing, it can be easy to get caught up in all the potential risks and sec-ond guess yourself to death. Don’t do that. Take steps to avoid all risk where possible, then purchase that investment property. The best time to take ac-tion is yesterday, the second best time is today, and the worst time is tomorrow (because tomorrow never comes!).3. WAITProperty is not an instant fix. But if you’ve done the right thing, you can take a short break and wait for your property to take care of itself. Rents will rise, values will rise, and then you’ll have the equity you need to…

Achieving Big Goals Through Property

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4. GROWDon’t stop there. Enjoy a holiday, send your kids to a good school, and all that… but the best kind of results in property come from growing your portfolio long term. Use the extra equity in your first property to get your next one, and then the one after that, and so on…

Make 2015 your year. The year you decide to take control of your future, and make sure that you could achieving your goals this year and every year after that. Excited yet?

Remember Step 1? Get your education.

I host complimentary property investor training days around the country (we are doing a full tour this January), so please visit or give the of-fice a call on 1300 372 677 if you’re interested in finding out more.

Daimien Patterson is a leading property investment strategist in Australia and CEO of Integrity Invest-ment Properties. Want to know more? You can also get Daimien’s book for FREE at

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• Do you wish to move your business to the next level for 2014?

• Would you like help to generate a large number of ideas for solutions to any challenges you are experiencing?

• Are you wishing to have input from otherbusiness people into your business?

•• How would you like to have your businessdissected in a creative way?

• Are you looking for new contacts to support you?

• Do you have ideas you would like to share with others?

• Would you like to have your business bbrainstormed by other business people?

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2014 December-2015 January 23

How to Save TaxAll Year Round by : Robert Bauman

The old adage “You don’t know what you don’t know” applies to many areas of life, including what you can claim on tax. Small business owners are generally well clued up as to what they can claim as a tax deductable expense, but they may not know about all legal ways to minimise their tax obligations.

Here are just three little known ways how you can reduce your tax bill. It only requires a little fore-thought and putting a system in place to make sure that all relevant receipts and expense docu-mentation are being collected throughout the year. You’ll be surprised how much tax you can save this way and the results will be worth it!

1. Writing Off Your Child’s Education ExpensesGetting your kids through school, college and maybe even university can be a drain on the hip pocket. But there’s a silver lining, and it is good for business and reduces your tax bill. Put your child on the payroll! Yes, I am serious. This is such a great way to help your child learn how to handle and appreciate money, when they work for what they earn. And on top of that, you are reducing your taxable income for yourself and your busi-ness. You’ll be amazed how quickly this adds up, for both of you.

Think about the possibilities you have in your busi-ness, you could organise for your child to come in 4 hours or more per week to perform office chores, or other business related tasks like clean-ing services, or routine copying, filing and typing, the list goes on and only changes by the nature of your business.

In 2013, a child can earn up to $18,000 and pay no income taxes on the earnings. Your business can deduct wages paid to your child provided the amount is reasonable and for bona fide work. And if you are a sole proprietorship, you will elimi-nate self-employment tax on the income as well.

2. Deducting Vacation Travel ExpensesTry to combine business (a meeting with a client or possible client, checking out some material or resources for your business, etc.) with your vaca-tion travel. As long as your trip is documented in advance, showing an intent to build your business in some way, your travel expenses become busi-ness expense deductions. Meals, hotel rooms, plane tickets, car rentals, and even certain ex-penses for entertainment are deductible as busi-ness expenses with proper documentation.

3. Deducting Phone, Internet Service and Utility BillsIf phone calls, Internet service, or utilities are used for legitimate business purposes, then, with proper documentation, they become tax deductible business expenses. If you have a credit or debit card solely for your business, and you probably should, the annual fees and interest payments are also tax-deductible business expenses.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this article are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s ap-plicability to their particular circumstances.

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PR Let’s You Reach Out To More Peopleby Annette Densham

In 1964 Bob Dylan sang ‘times they are a’changing’ and keep changing they do. As a small business owner, keeping up with changes is almost a full time.

With Facebook constantly changing the rules of engagement, Google changing their SEO rules, new players like Pinterest and Instagram on the block, new marketing strategies…when do you sleep, let alone run a business?

Since the dreaded GFC, spending by all has been pulled back especially on marketing. For the savvy business owner finding innovative ways to get your products and services to prospective customers and clients is a challenge on a tighter budget.

Many businesses are dramatically reducing their PR budgets or not bothering with PR at all. This is a huge mistake. Even if you pay a small agency to develop and implement a PR plan for you, you are still ahead of the game. Why? Because when you weigh up the cost against the credibility you gain through the publicity generated by PR, you come out ahead – more people know about you, cement your place as an authority and sell more stuff.

What is great about the how the world has changed is there are so many people you can reach out to share your message. There are bloggers, tweeters,

online forums, websites, newspaper - online and offline, radio programs, newsletter, networking events, conferences…

You have two option – you can learn how to DIY PR (there are heaps of programs and training courses available) or you can engage someone who con-nects with you and your business, buys into your pas-sion and excitement about what you are doing. You want someone who not can do the work for you and with you but also teach you along the way.

If you use a small agency, especially one that specialises in PR training, you will learn the skills you need to be able to DIY PR. Another great saying ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’ I know you have a full plate just running your business, but by learning basic PR skills and spending a few hours a monthimplementing your plan, you can get publicity for free.

PR does need to be part of your overall marketing strategy. The real value of public relations lies in be-ing consistent (plan, plan, plan), getting consistent media coverage and not giving up. If you are ex-pecting to become an overnight media star, I urge you to rethink. As with any strategy, getting free pub-licity does take time. Building the relationships with the media and getting coverage is at a minimum a three month plan but in reality can take six months to crack the media.

Before you say ‘my business is boring’…go talk to someone not in your business about what you do. Spend 30 minutes sharing with them all you do and I bet they uncover some great story ideas you have not considered.

Annette Densham, Publicity Genie’s PR Superwoman

[email protected]

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2014 December-2015 January 25

Contact UsAddress: 4/1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea Qld 4106Phone: 1300 494 188Email: [email protected]

Aussie App Store allows you to edit and manage an iPhone, iPad and Android app online using our powerful (CMS) content management system. Every app created by Aussie App Store is a native app that appears in the iTunes app store and Google marketplace.

Our easy Our easy to use content management system allows for beautiful app design, customisation and functionality across a broad range of mobile devices.

UUpdate your app’s content or appearance when-ever you choose by using our powerful CMS (Content Management System) without having to send your app to Apple and Google for a time wasting update.

Aussie App Store creates apps especially for small business. Our charter is to create you a state of the art app tailored specifically to your business’s needs.

Aussie App Store offers a no questions asked 30 day unconditional money back guarantee.If If for whatever reason you are unsatisfied with your mobile application within the first month of service.

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Email :[email protected] : 0414 278 344


Mastering Business Relationships

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2014 December-2015 January 27

Treat Your Health AS IMPORTANTLYas Your Businessby Gail Caines

After owning and operating my own businesses over many years and also witnessing the highs and lows of so many of my fellow business owners and their families, I have come to realise more than ever, the very real importance of taking care of my health and well-being.

Every day sees the need for us, not only business owners, but capable,vital individuals, to step up to the plate and be ‘available’ in so manycapacities. If we are not being accountable for our good health, emotionally and physically, on a daily basis, then we are leavingourselves open to a wake-up call that we will not have factored in time-wise or financially!! Don’t waitfor a reality check that regular self-care and awareness can help to prevent. Imagine if we were to give a fraction of the commitment to ourselves that we do to our busi-nesses…we would be sparking on all cylinders with the motor revving!!

Make a commitment to yourself now to take the time for a regular health check, schedule it in like you would any other business appoint-ment. Make a conscious effort from here on, to be more mindful of your daily intake of good wholesome food, stay hydrated with plenty of pure water and do some form of

exercise that you enjoy. It is not always convenient, but the benefits far outweigh the consequences.

Interpersonal relationships are complex in nature and often have a tendency to become quite fragile at times due to any numberof factors. Communication is the key when it comes to dealing with staff and colleagues. Often in small business we are working closely with partners, friends or family so it is important to keep the communication lines open when the pressure is on. There is good stress and bad stress. We have all experienced it… when things are going well, the good stress keeps us honed and energised, however the bad stress is harmful to our rela-tionships and our health. Learning to recognise and manage it when the going gets tough will stand you and yours in good stead.

It’s the festive season so eat, drink and be merry with the energy and vitality that comes with a healthy balanced lifestyle. Take the time to put a plan in place that promotes your health. If we don’t have our health how can we expect to ef-fectively meet the demands and everyday responsibilities that come with being in business, let alone everything else?

In today’s society, eating a natural and balance diet may not always be appealing due to any number of reasons, e.g. our conditioning, our lifestyle, the convenience or inconvenience at the time, our circumstances etc, however when we choose to be more mindful of what we eat, whatever our situa-tion, the benefits are many fold. Our attitude can all too often be influenced by the bad dietary choices we may make, so practis-ing a ‘better choice’ policy when you need to eat, can help to pro-mote better emotional and physi-cal well being.

If this is not your usual way of life, can I challenge you to make a start … one day a week, where you add a piece of fruit and or some vegetables, do some form of fun activity that gets you moving that is not work and gradually build on that.

Be happy, eat consciously, do things that you enjoy and stay in front of your health. Your body will thank you for it, so will your loved ones and ultimately, your business will reap the rewards.

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RECYCLINGREVOLUTION....and avoiding the wreckage of Christmasby Caroline Miall

It’s reassuring that the recycling movement has really successfully begun to integrate into our cul-tures, evolving from the Reduce Re-use Recycle message. Sometimes I’m sceptical about the rate at which its happening, and the actu-al impact it’s enacting are dubious but at least something is happen-ing to our collective consciousness so that most of us are doing things differently. The internet and social media can be credited with tying a lot of it together and mobilising the masses and the vocal, in the form of communities and shared forums. The great part about that is that people are using their voices, sharing ideas and making a dif-ference. The negative may be per-haps that these sites/communities, are preaching mostly to the con-verted and sometimes to a lot of self satisfied back-slappers. All the same, people are giving it more consideration that they need to re-duce the resources they waste and look for every opportunity to reuse and recycle.

The recycling habit is something that has always been integral to my life and quite dear to my heart really, since my Grandma ran a church store in WA. Not to mention, being raised by the late-to-postwar Depression Generation who were, understandably, conserving of everything. I remember the trips to the tip where amongst piles of junk, there’d be a shiny coveted thing...

a kayak, a chest, an old guitar. Many people have lamented to me for the old days when the tip wasn’t a massive concrete chasm. Nowadays, I can occasionally be seen surreptitiously filling the ute with curiosities of bygone eras from the council kerbside collections. Nobody has the time to deal with (restore, sell, giveaway even) these forgotten treasures. I can’t bear to see beautiful vintage pieces be compacted in an almighty truck!

When things were not cheap, mass produced, readily available and easily broken, most people would seek to purchase second hand goods far more often. In any case, I always loved the life and soul in old things, and the way they were made to last and often with craft and distinction. Now, though, the overwhelming issue of waste and environmental devastation is one that really ought to have each of us reconsidering how often we need a new...whatever! Especially when everything is plastic and built cheaply to become readily obso-lete, so we all need to go and buy another one! (Oh, and did you ever think about the number of toothpaste tubes that are littering the ground of our poor old Mother Earth? I may be getting off track here... but have you??)

It’s fascinating to see organisationsforming online in response to much needed action, like The Story of

Stuff Project, which I’ve been fol-lowing for a while:

We have a problem with Stuff. We use too much, too much of it is tox-ic and we don’t share it very well. But that’s not the way things have to be. Together, we can build a society based on better not more, sharing not selfishness, commu-nity not division. The Story of Stuff Project’s journey began with a 20-minute online movie about the way we make, use and throw away all the Stuff in our lives. Five years and 40 million views later, we’re a Community of 750,000 change-makers worldwide, work-ing to build a more healthy and just planet. We invite you to watch and share our movies, participate in our study programs and join our campaigns. Come on, let’s go!

And there you have it... a poignant little animated movie online be-gets a whole movement of a holis-tic nature, addressing the problem, why we have it, and how we might fix it in the context of healthier lives and planet. Yay for Social Media and motivated people. Go check it out, it’s amazing, albeit American, but its following the USA’s blind con-sumer culture that got us into this mess in the first place, so perhaps we can follow them out. Why have we chosen Faster, Cheaper, Newer over Safer, healthier and Fairer? More over Better?

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2014 October-November 29

h t t p : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m /watch?v=cpkRvc-sOKk

Sometimes I find it really hard to reconcile with the notions that ac-company Christmas, like the ubiq-uitous mountains of wrapping, plastic toys, wasted food and all the rubbish it creates... and we’re all guilty of doing it. It’s good then to see things like the Shop Small Movement this Christmas, which has in fact a large corporation be-hind it (American Express). Try to keep it local this holiday season, give hand-made, spend time not money, and reduce the piles of stuff as much as you can.

Don’t use disposable plates, get the kids to make the cards and wrap-ping, go for sustainable, quality practical gifts. There are so many lit-tle things that can be done slightly differently this year – start new tra-ditions around the ethos. For more Christmas tips to lessen the load on

the environment this silly season, see Planet Arks 12 ‘Dos’ of Christmas here are a few:

Wrapping paperPaper wrapping can be easily re-cycled in your kerbside, or used for arts and crafts. While that foily plastic isn’t the easiest to recycle, it can usually be reused fairly easily, so stash it away for wrapping your own gifts next year.

The same can be said of those pretty Christmas bags and fab-ric wrap. Check out these tips for smarter wrapping next year.

Christmas cardsThese can be easily recycled in your kerbside recycling, but if you think it’s a shame to throw them all out, you can re-use them for decorating next year! Check out these tips for giving your Christmas cards a second life.

Living treesYour tree could do a valuable ser-vice for the soil. Find out if your lo-cal council will mulch your tree by popping your postcode in here.

Yummy leftoversHave even more leftovers than you thought you would? Put a shout out to friends and family and see if anyone would like to avoid cook-ing the next few days. and may also be able to help you out. If anything is developing green fuzz though, pop it in the compost.

PackagingUnsure if that mountain of plastic wrap is recyclable (it probably is!)? Find out by searching Recy-clingNearYou.

See also Bloggers DOing Christ-mas with more joy and less waste

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2014 December-2015 January 30

Cartoonist Ryan McDonald-Smith


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2014 December-2015 January 31

Oh No! Someone’s using MY TRADEMARK!by Geoff Moller If you own a registered trademark and you come across someone using YOUR trademark (or some-thing very close) to promote and sell their products, what do you do?

The normal course of action is to contact your IP law-yer for advice and to take action but, if you prefer, there are some things you can consider doing your-self before that step.

Things you can do yourself:a) Politely (but firmly) advise them that you are the registered owner of your respective trademark(s).b) Point out that consumers are likely to be confused between your registered trademark and what they marketing, providing or selling.c) Ask them to immediately stop using your registered trademark to promote, deliver or supply any material using your registered trademark or anything similar which may lead to confusion in the marketplace.d) If they are using the Internet to promote their products or service (but using your registered trademark) you can apply to Google, YouTube and Facebook that your trademark is being used without your permission. It’s a fairly straight forward process these days.e) Gather ample evidence showing the infringement of your trademark and intellectual property rights e.g. photos, brochures or marketing material, screen shots etc. and as much as you can (handy for the IP lawyer later on as well).f) Now that you’ve become aware of it don’t wait to act, it could be construed as permission.

If all that doesn’t work have your IP lawyer write to them, he or she will know what to say. If they don’t comply within a reasonable timeframe after receiv-ing your lawyer’s letter consider using the media, they love stories like this.

What not to do:Do NOT threaten to sue or take them to court etc., that can backfire on you, the threat of strong legal action should be left to the lawyer and it’s their role in mat-ters like this.

Alternatively you might invite them to purchase a li-cense for the use of your brand and material.Note: This article does not substitute for legal or profes-sional advice; always seek professional advice for your particular situation.

The Australian Government agency that administers intellectual property (IP) rights and legislation relating to trademarks is IP Australia -

“Intellectual property is the currency of today’s knowledge economy” - IP Australia.

If you would like to know more about applying for a trademark or about Intellectual Property matters in general Geoff Moller is a trademarks and Intellectual Property specialist and can be contacted via email [email protected], Mobile 0411 351 110 or by completing a contact form on his website at

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Photos by: Kerrin Smith,

Business Blueprint Christmas Party

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2014 December-2015 January 35

Trish Springsteen said: “Jennie is a great mentor and the ultimate people connector. Connecting people with others to obtain win-win situations is one of Jennie’s passions and one of her greatest skills. I was privileged to be a member of one of her Mastermind Groups. If you get a chance to work with Jennie do so - you will come away with a better un-derstanding of the importance of relationships, of mastermind groups, of yourself and of your business.”

SIMON TAYLOR said: “Jennie is very caring and passionate about ensuring each and every person is doing the utmost to see them succeed. Her groups are very supportive, willing to listen and give honest feed-back about helping you progress to the next stage.

Without Jennie I would be lost in a business that I couldn’t un-derstand why it wasn’t working for me. There is no hesitation in recommending any person or group in business to Jennie, and her mastermind program. Thank you Jennie.”

Adam Cottrell said: Starting a new business requires direction, unbiased and honest opinions giving you the momentum to move forward to new heights of confidence and reasoning both within yourself and your business. Positive momentum comes when one understands who they are and what it is that makes you react and respond in a particular way, in turn, influencing how others respond to you. Business Mas-termind Groups, facilitated and mentored by Jennie Gorman, Connexions Unlimited, with over 30 years of business experience, enables one to understand all of this and more in a very trusted and positive en-vironment.

You will learn for your business:

• Accountability

• Setting Goals

• How to meet your goals

• What makes other people tick?

• What makes you tick?



Chris Wildeboer, Nick

Gail Caines, Jennie Gorman, Maria Brady, Kaja Quinn

Linda Mellor, Margaret Wilmink, Gail Caines

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36 Connexions Business Mag

‘Our Business Hub’ Our Training Room and our Board Room is available for hire at reasonable rates – full day,

half day, evening and weekends.

4/1311 Ipswich Rd., Rocklea, Queensland, Australia 4106(entrance via Abercrombie Street, second driveway on the left, off Sherwood Road)

For more details, visit

Page 37: Connexions Business Magazine by Jennie Gorman - #24 December/January 2015

‘Our Business Hub’Unit 4, 1311 Ipswich Road, Rocklea


Using a GPS Key in Abercrombie Street, Rocklea (noting that the entrance to the street is via Sherwood Road). We are the second driveway on the left when you come into Abercrombie Street. Park in the complexwhere you can see a space. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite of Westpac.

Coming from the city via Ipswich Road: Travel down Ipswich Rd to the Muriel Rd/ Sherwood Rd exit. Also signed as Brisbane Markets. Veer Left and keep in the right lane. Turn right at the lights under the motorway. Continue through the next set of lights and take 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Coming via Fairfield Road: Head south on Fairfield Road until you come to the intersection of Sherwood, Ipswich and Muriel Roads. Turn right into Sherwood Road. Turn 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Coming from Ipswich: From the Ipswich Motorway take the Fairfield Rd exit. Turn 2nd left into Sherwood Rd, then take 1st left into Abercrombie St. Turn left into the 2nd drive way and find a park in the complex. In the open you will see some spots with Connexions Unlimited or Aussie Painters Network OR go undercover or up the ramp. Office is located towards the end of the driveway facing Ipswich Road. You will find us on the Ipswich Road side of the complex closest to Sherwood Road, opposite Westpac.

Call Jennie on 0414 278 344 if you need help.

We welcome our clients and friends to ‘Our Business Hub’.This place has been created as a place for small business owners to get together to

support, collaborate, co-operate, joint venture, share, learn and network for the future of small business owners.

2014 December-2015 January 37

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Upcoming Events

‘Learn HOW MasterMinding is 10 Times More Powerful than Networking’Wed, 14th January 2015 | 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (AEST)Rocklea, Qld

Discover how to use our MasterMinding Success formula to :• Gain new business referrals• Double or Triple your business bottom line• Collaborate and create joint ventures• Create your own an advisory board• Be kept accountable• Removing road blocks that stop you from growing your business• Grow your business to where you want to be• Share resources• Business coaching/mentoring combined• Learn what to do next when you and your business grow• Maintain Confidentiality in your group• Get only the business results that count• Meet past participants who can tell you’re their experiences.

How To Create An Award Winning BusinessINSPIRING ENTREPRENEURSWed, 21st January 2015 | 7pm – 9.30pm Lord Stanley Hotel, South BrisbaneIn this powerful and insightful evening, you will:• Connect and network with Inspiring Entrepreneurs in a fun and innovative way!• Delve into the minds of inspiring entrepreneurs and discover what makes them tick.• Learn the crucial keys for being a successful and inspiring entrepreneur.• Inspiring Social Media: Hear how Donna Hamer uses social media to inspire others, make a difference and raise money for charity (she will share how she made $800 from one Facebook • Post and eventually raised $28,000 for charity).• Discover how Inspiring Entrepreneur Richard Hanson is making a huge impact in his community, making a difference and growing his business at the same time… AND how you can do it too!

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Upcoming Events

2014 December-2015 January 39

Discover HOW to Make YOUR Business More Sustainable (Workshop)Thurs, 22nd January 2015 | 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM (AEST)Rocklea, QLDWould you like to grow your business, go after more exciting opportunities and make more money… but you can’t because you already feel over-worked and stressed out just running your business?

Come and spend 3 and a half hours on your business growth and be sup-ported whilst you learn some new tools ….• Experience some of the processes to help you grow;• Learn how you can create what you want by understanding some new processes;• Develop some strategies to streamline you better;• Gain some new skills and resources to move your business forward;• Discover the importance of accountability for your business;• Leverage by outsourcing;• Unburden your head on information overload; and much, much more

CREATE 2015 to be YOUR Year...a ‘How TO’ WorkshopWed, 28th January 2015 | 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM (AEST)Rocklea, QLDJOIN US and create 2015 to be what you want by making it YOUR year at this ‘HOW TO’ workshop through GOAL SETTING and VISION BOARDING. Jennie will take you through a process so you can consciously create your future. She can show you the ‘HOW TO’ by DOING and CREATING your vision in three hours. This will be life changing. The goal setting process will help you set your year and life. BUT, you do need to understand the process to get exactly what you want.

You will have a workbook and do activities to help you achieve what you want from 2015 by putting in place strategies that will sup-port you to achieve your goals. You can overcome the obstacles to achievement:

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Cover :Jennie Groman

“the People Connector”

Editor : Jennie Gorman

Graphic Design : J. Anne Delgado

Dont ask what the world needs ask yourself what makes you come alive

- Jennie Gorman

Everything is vibration positive or negative

- Jennie Gorman

Understand networking and become a netweaver

- Jennie Gorman

Annette Densham

Anthony Davis

Caroline Miall

Daimien Patterson

Deborah Jackson

Gail Caines

Gay Landeta

Goeff Moller

Jennie Gorman

Robert Bauman

Sandra Price

Tove Vine

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