
Because we are created in the image of God, we are hardwired for intimacy, designed to crave connection. The makeup of the Triune God is all about connection: Three in such perfect harmony that they are One. One in purpose, in action, in motivation. We are fashioned to reflect Him, so we are not whole without connection. We don’t thrive when we are unplugged, first from God, then from others. We find that when we are rightly aligned with the Father, then our other connections are strengthened and renewed.

He is calling us to an intimacy beyond words. He invites us to be face to face with Him, and sit in His presence in silence, immersing ourselves in His nearness. Noise is more portable than ever before, yet, it is in silence and solitude that we learn to synchronize our hearts with His. The very silence that has become so elusive in our world is the essential element for you who want to move from “saying prayers” to living in an abandoned intimacy with the One for whom your heart is made.

The reason for listening is so that He can breathe His words into our thoughts. His desires become the mold in which our desires are shaped. Wait quietly in His presence so that He can speak peace and truth into the chaos of your frenetic life. Have no agenda except to rest in His embrace, to let Him do the grace-work while you savor His nearness. Out of your wordlessness, words come. But they are words whose origins are in Him. He floods our silence with His living voice.

How do we approach prayer without words? Below are some suggestions, but find your own way.

Picturing Prayer God has designed the Bible to be a book of pictures because He created our minds to be visually oriented. Our minds turn every idea into a mental picture of some sort.

As I describe visual praying to you, let me first emphasize that this is nothing like what New Age religions call “visualizing.” In that false teaching, a person is instructed to visualize something in order to create a reality. The error is that visualizing something will create the power to bring it to pass. This is not what I am talking about.

To pray visually, allow your mind to “see” the reality that God has already described to us—the reality of His presence in

This is not what I am talking about.o pray visually, allow

your mind to “see” the reality that God has

o pray visually, allow your mind to “see” the reality that God has


Connecting to God throughWordless Prayers

Taking Spiritual InventoryConnecting to God (continued)

Wellspring Living ConnectsA Life Changed by God

Passing the Day DevotionallyThe Word of God Living in a Young Woman

Children’s DiscipleshipUpcoming EventsYour Turn: Events

From Where I Stand

CONNECTIONS How important are they? Consider…

• Connecting with the right

person can determine if

you get a job.

• Making a flight connection

can determine if you reach

your destination.

• Getting connected via

Skype can determine if

you get to see and talk

with your grandchild.

We need connections for

practical reasons, but they

also affect our general

well-being. We feel extreme

sadness and separation by

disconnections resulting

from a relocation, job loss,

divorce, or loss of a loved

one. We feel frustrated

when we get disconnected

on a phone call or the cable

goes out on our TV.

Conversely, we are ecstatic

with joy when we re-connect

with family and old friends.

And we feel a strong sense

of belonging when we

connect with our community


What about your connections

with God? How are they? Do

you feel strongly connected

with a sense of joy and

belonging? Or do you feel


far away from God or

spiritually dry?

This issue of CONVERSATIONS talks about connecting with God. How do we strengthen our connections with God?

How can we help others connect with Him? Or perhaps, if we’ve lost our connection, how do we get it back?

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continued on page 2

V O L . 6 , I S S U E 1summer 2012

o n f a i t h • o n l i f e • o n m i s s i o ng e o r g i a b a p t i s t w o m a n ’ s m i s s i o n a r y u n i o n & w o m e n ’ s e n r i c h m e n t m i n i s t r y

you and with you. You are not trying to create a reality, but instead you are entering into the experience of that which is already so. Let your mind’s eye see Him. Maybe you see Him in the room with you or you see yourself in the heavenly realms with Him. Either is true and solidly real.

Conversation Conversation begins—the give and take of two hearts. Let Him tell you how extravagantly He loves you and how He delights in you. Respond to Him in that moment. You are not imagining a scene, you are experiencing His presence.

The Word Let the Spirit of the living and present Word speak His words to you. As you read the Scripture during listening prayer, don’t

make an effort to analyze it or parse it. Ask Him to speak it to you in a new and living way. Focus on Him and His voice.

Worship with Abandon Do you know what I love the most about discovering the inner sanctuary of my own soul? I can worship with abandon. You don’t have to be self-conscious. You are His and He is yours. An audience of One.How do you arrange your life to include solitude and silence? What are the challenges? What works for you?For more information about Jennifer and for resources on prayer, go to


{ life • faith • mission }

Taking Spiritual Inventory

Connecting to God Through Wordless Prayerscontinued from page 1

– Jennifer Kennedy Dean is Executive Director of The Praying Life Foundation and a respected

author and speaker.

Speaking to an overflow crowd at the National Prayer Breakfast, pastor and popular author, Max Lucado, admitted that “prayer was the single most difficult discipline in his life.” I wonder how many of us, if we were really honest, would confess the same thing? Why is it easier to do things for God, than to spend time with Him?

Do you come into God’s presence with a yielded and listening heart, or are there too many distractions clamoring for your attention when you pray? The enemy of our souls enjoys using our busyness and stress-filled lives to disrupt spiritual intimacy with God. Maybe your prayer life could be characterized as a grocery list of

things you need God to do. Scottish writer Robert Law wisely said, “Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man’s will done in heaven, but for getting God’s will done on earth.”

It’s our hope and desire that as you read this issue of Conversations, you will allow God’s Spirit the freedom to probe and examine your heart concerning prayer. Invite Him to take spiritual inventory. If your prayer life has grown stilted or too routine, would you ask God to give you a renewed hunger for Him and a thirst for prayer. If you pray primarily from a sense of duty, because it’s what you ought to do, will you ask God to place within your heart a longing for intimate fellowship with Him?

– Barbara Curnutt is Executive Director - Treasurer for Georgia WMU & WEM

Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man’s will done in heaven, but for getting God’s will done on earth. ”

The mission of Wellspring Living is to confront the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through advocacy, education and treatment programs for girls and women. Wellspring programs including therapy, life skills and spiritual renewal give participants recovery tools for the body, soul and spirit. Because of the remarkable stories we have heard of changed lives through Wellspring Living, CONVERSATIONS wanted to know how they help women and girls connect with God. What follows is a visit with their president (and friend of Georgia WMU&WEM) Mary Frances Bowley.

How would you describe the importance of connecting women and girls to God as you help them overcome their broken pasts and move them towards hopeful futures?

“We believe that true living comes only through “We believe that true living comes only through “WGod. Healing is most effective when it comes through relationship. They need a relationship with God, but they also need someone to walk with them—Jesus with skin on. That’s us. We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God is doing it through us.”

Within your programs for recovery, what methods do you use to connect women and girls to God?

“We do it more with actions than words, and it “We do it more with actions than words, and it “Wmust be based on God’s timing and the woman’s or girl’s readiness. She must be ready to hear…but it’s not our agenda to get her ‘ready.’ As we wait, we prepare ourselves through prayer and immerse ourselves in Scripture. It’s not about us preparing our speech, it’s about preparing ourselves with God, so that what’s inside of us comes out. Then we are able to share words seasoned with truth, but given through grace.

Also, we must be available and consistent. We have to have that authentic walk with the Lord ourselves in order to know how to respond to another person. We want to follow the method that Scripture teaches about sharing with the next generation. To ‘teach...

when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up (Deut. 11:19, NIV).’ That requires availability and consis-tency.

Finally, we have to listen to the girls. Through listening, they always give clues as to their biggest need. They don’t know it’s God, rather they may think it’s love, security, a father, etc. As you listen and get to know her, you will know her heart’s desire, and that gives you clues as to how to connect her to God. For example, if her desire is for a father, you can share biblical stories about God as father. You might find other inspiring stories through music, on YouTube, or in books. You want to listen and then draw from the resources you already have. Somehow, someone helped us relate to Jesus. That’s what we want to do. We want to connect women and girls with the heart of God. That’s how we all are recovered.”

What results have you seen as you’ve connected women and girls with God?

“We are a very results-oriented society, but results “We are a very results-oriented society, but results “Ware with the Lord, and we rest in that. We just continue to do what God has called us to do and the results WILL come, as we have witnessed. Maybe not in our timing, but they do come—sometimes quickly but other times, years! Because God has intervened, we have seen concentric circles of change as women and girls have developed healthy relationships as mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends.”

summer 2012 3

Wellspring Living Connects

Mary Frances Bowley, President, Wellspring Living

Unmarried, unem-ployed, expecting a child, and living with an older sister. This is where a young woman named Kenya found herself in 2006. She had suffered many personal tragedies in her young life due to the mental instability of her mother. But hope

came when a local crisis pregnancy center referred her to the Christian Women’s Job Corps of Greater Columbus

(CWJCGC). Shortly after beginning classes, Kenya accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior and was baptized. Through weekly Bible study and a Christian mentor, Kenya’s life was transformed!

A few months later when her son was born, CWJCGC was able to help Kenya secure and furnish an apartment, and a local Christian doctor gave her the opportunity to work part-time as a receptionist. With this job and public assistance, she was able to provide for herself and her son. Kenya began taking college courses and also applied for child support for her son, which enabled her to come off public assistance. During this time she stayed connected to CWJCGC, continuing to grow in her faith and sharpening her professional and interpersonal skills.

During her junior year of college, Kenya moved to Augusta and obtained custody of her two younger brothers who had been living in a foster care home. Today, Kenya is very active in her church where she teaches in children’s church, sings in the choir, and is part of the movement praise team. Kenya is scheduled to graduate from Troy State University on June 21, 2012 with a Bachelor Degree in Psychology and a Minor in Sociology.

Kenya’s changed life is a testimony to the power of connecting with God!

– Beth Ann Williams serves as state liaison for Christian Women’s Job Corps, providing life

and job skills within a Christian context.


A Life Changed by God

and job skills within a Christian context.and job skills within a Christian context.and job skills within a Christian context.and job skills within a Christian context.and job skills within a Christian context.

How YOU can get Involved with CWJC:

• Teach a job skills or life skills class• Assist with childcare• Be a mentor• Provide decorations for a CWJC graduation• Provide snacks for CWJC classes• Donate baby items • Donate clothing appropriate for work environments• Pray for CWJC site directors and participants• Give to the Esther Fund which directly supports

the ministry of CWJC in Georgia

For more information visit

AS CWJC participants learn life and job skills, mentors help connect them with God.

Passing the Day DevotionallyIn his book The Good and Beautiful Life, James Bryan Smith refers to Madame Guyon’s method of “Passing the Day Devotionally.”

1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.2. Turn yoaur thoughts to God as soon as you awake.2. Turn yoaur thoughts to God as soon as you awake.3. Spend a half hour in a time of devotion.3. Spend a half hour in a time of devotion.4. Set aside time to read a devotional book.

5. Turn to God in prayer throughout the day.6. Set aside time to read from the Bible.7. End your day with a time of self-examination and prayer.8. Focus on the spirit of this exercise; don’t turn it into law.

{ life • faith • mission }

summer 2012 5

The Word of God Livingin a Young Woman Some young Christian women are sponges, teachable and moldable with an insatiable desire to know God. Courtney Parker, brand new graduate of Augusta College, is something like that ... but different. Courtney is more like a colander. She drinks in all she can from wise godly women, lets it sift through her soul, and immediately pours out for others. She isn’t waiting until “some day” to begin connecting others with Christ. She is seizing every moment in multiple environments ... and it’s beautiful.moment in multiple environments ... and it’s beautiful.

For Courtney, connecting is all about relationships, and it starts with friendships that she believes “impact every it starts with friendships that she believes “impact every direction your life takes.” From the first days of college, direction your life takes.” From the first days of college, she had an immediate friendship with Haley. “With she had an immediate friendship with Haley. “With Haley, we could walk together in the Kingdom and grow Haley, we could walk together in the Kingdom and grow deeper with God. Getting to do life together and talk deeper with God. Getting to do life together and talk about our faith constantly has hugely impacted my life.” about our faith constantly has hugely impacted my life.”

Courtney also recognizes the power of connecting with ourtney also recognizes the power of connecting with 25 godly women she served alongside as summer staff at 25 godly women she served alongside as summer staff at Camp Pinnacle. “Because we were all in the Kingdom, Camp Pinnacle. “Because we were all in the Kingdom, we had an immediate connection by His spirit of real we had an immediate connection by His spirit of real friendship and forgiveness and just being able to challenge friendship and forgiveness and just being able to challenge one another and speak truth even when it’s hard. Other one another and speak truth even when it’s hard. Other relationships have allowed her to build her faith that she relationships have allowed her to build her faith that she now pours into others. Describing the flow as “concentric now pours into others. Describing the flow as “concentric circles,” she has gleaned from her campus minister, camp circles,” she has gleaned from her campus minister, camp consultant, church leaders, mentors, etc. “I’ve seen how consultant, church leaders, mentors, etc. “I’ve seen how others share their faith, and that builds mine!”others share their faith, and that builds mine!”

Her faitHer faith is poured out weekly with high school and collegiate women. Courtney has been a Young Life leader collegiate women. Courtney has been a Young Life leader for 2 ½ years. “Connections is how Young Life works. It’s for 2 ½ years. “Connections is how Young Life works. It’s about being friends with a girl in a way that shows that about being friends with a girl in a way that shows that you’re for them. Passionately pursuing them just as God is you’re for them. Passionately pursuing them just as God is pursuing them through Christ.”pursuing them through Christ.”

“Goin“Going to the high school campus consistently allows me to build up friendships and then invite girls to my me to build up friendships and then invite girls to my house,” says Courtney. “I have a group of girls that will house,” says Courtney. “I have a group of girls that will come over regularly just because they know it means we come over regularly just because they know it means we will eat food and talk about Jesus. We talk about encounters will eat food and talk about Jesus. We talk about encounters He had with people and what that means in their life.” He had with people and what that means in their life.” Because of the trust that has been built through their Because of the trust that has been built through their connections, girls who have graduated will still call connections, girls who have graduated will still call

seeking advice. “They want to know, ‘What does Jesus say about this?’ and they ask for prayer. It’s so cool to be connected in that way and to still get to speak about the Lord with them.”

Another ongoing connection Courtney has is in her home with other collegiate women. “We come together weekly. We see our need for one another and God’s Word. We encourage one another and pray for each other and His Kingdom to come on campus with girls still there, in our jobs, and in Young Life. We are checking in to make sure we are intentionally pointing others towards Christ, and at the same time making sure we are serving out of a place of rest in the Father.”

Courtney shares: “All of it has to come out of a connection with God. You can’t give what you don’t have. If you don’t have Jesus—if you don’t spend time with him—you don’t have anything to give. It requires a discipline of daily seeking time with God. Not just one time of the day…but daily, which means setting my mind on him all day. Also meditating on Scripture and Scripture memorization is important.”

“As I think of connecting women and girls with God, I think it’s about example—setting the example of personally connecting with God; environment—creating sacred space where we can connect with each other and God; and enjoyment in His presence—making sure that what you are giving is from the overflow of your heart.”

Courtney Parker is pictured second from the left. “Building relationships with high school girls builds trust where you can speak truth into their lives.”:


Children’s Discipleship:What Are We Doing ... or NOT Doing to Connect Them with God?

We asked leaders how they connect women and girls with God:

What is the point of life? “I don’t know,” says a man in his 50’s.

How do you connect with God? “I smoke pot and it brings me close to the Lord,” claims a 30-year-old woman.

What do you want on your tombstone? “Is that all there is?” responds a man in his 70’s.

If today was the last day you had to live, how would you spend it? “I would probably kill a lot of people and then kill myself,” says a man in his 20’s.

All of these people were once children. What happened (or didn’t happen) in their lives that brought them to answer basic life questions in such a way? The common theme among these people is a lack of understanding about who God is, how much he wants a relationship with each of them, and our responsibility as believers to share everything Jesus commanded us.

We, according to Scripture, are to make sure children know Him and His ways (Deut. 6; We, according to Scripture, are to make sure children know Him and His ways (Deut. 6; WPsalm 78:1-8; Matt. 28:18-20; John 14). Jesus expects us to be making disciples and it’s clear it starts at home. WE are the ones to be sharing our experiences with God with our children—how great He is, what He is teaching us through His Word, how He answers our prayers, and more! What are children seeing lived out through your life each day that is teaching them about Him?

– Karen Pace is Preschool, Children, Student, and Summer Camp Consultant with Georgia WMU&WEM

Ways to connect children with God:

• Make a family crest—does it

include who God is in your

life? What’s important to you

as a family?

• Look up Scriptures related to

gratefulness and for a week,

discuss ways each family

member was grateful

throughout the day.

• Turn off all technology at

some point during the week

(or day) and discuss Psalm

46:10. What is the power and

benefit to being still? Why

would God tell us to be still

and know that He is God?

• Develop a family mission

statement. Who is Jesus to

you? What does your family

believe? Let your children

direct, write, create this and

use Scripture.

• Spend time in the Word with

your children. As a family,

meditate on a few verses. Let

your children read it on their

own. Read the same verses for

a week. At some point, set

aside a few minutes to let

them explain what they sense

God telling them. Share what

He is teaching you through

those verses.

“By getting them in His Word! Small group Bible studies serve the combined purpose of giving a structured format to get us into the Bible and the opportunity to interact with other women who share the common goal of strengthening their relationship with God. This environment also opens the door to new or revitalized prayer lives as the women unite to lift needs to the Lord through prayer and see His response.”

– Nancy Brownlow, Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Lavonia First Baptist

“The first way we try to connect girls to God is through His own Word. Then, part of the Bible study is to apply what we learned to our own

lives. This is where we begin to connect to God—through obedience to what we learn in His Word. A couple of our girls have committed to reading through the Bible in a year, obeying God’s command to renew their minds each day.I love to see God’s Word take effect in the lives of our Acteens as they obey what He says.”

– Kelly Fletcher, Acteens Leader, FBC Jonesboro

“We recently held a Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend Luncheon at our church. We connected women of all ages for sweet fellowship around the table, and a challenging message in song and word about being real—the real me, real freedom, and His love that sets us free.”

– Connie Johnson, Women on Mission Leader, Concord BC, Clermont

Spending time together in Scripture is an important part of Mother-Daughter weekends at Camp Pinnacle.

{ life • faith • mission }

summer 2012 7


September 14-15, 2012 Pinnacle Retreat Center, ClaytonRegister online at www.georgiawmu.orgRegister online at



Located in the beautiful North Georgia Mountains, Pinnacle is the ideal setting for

church group retreats and conferences from 25 to 250 guests including:

Children•Youth•College•Senior Adults•Women•

Church Staff•Choirs•Deacons•Men•Other Groups•

PO Box 767200 Adventure LaneClayton, GA 30525

(706) 782-3231A Ministry of Georgia WMU&WEM

summer 2012 9


Acts 4:23-32



Your TurnWays you can make a difference

Online registration and downloadable registration forms for all Georgia WMU&WEM events are available at Hard copies can be requested by calling 770-936-5324 or 1-800-746.4422, extension 324.

UPCOMING 2012 EVENTS For the latest in events, go to

For Summer Camp dates go to

FOR WOMENMK Re-Entry RetreatAugust 1-4, 2012For children of international missionaries who are entering college in the United States for the first time. Involve your church and adopt an MK (Missionary Kid).Contact: Beth Ann Williams, [email protected]

E-3 Training: Encourage, Equip, EngageAugust 18 and 25, 2012WMU&WEM regional training for church and associational leaders.August 18 – First Baptist, Cornelia and Central Baptist, AmericusAugust 25 – First Baptist, Jonesboro and First Baptist, WaynesboroContact: Georgia WMU&WEM, [email protected]

Women’s Prayer RetreatSeptember 14-15, 2012Pinnacle Retreat Center, ClaytonA prayer retreat for women. Contact: Beth Ann Williams, [email protected]

International Missions EmphasisDecember 2-9, 2012Week of Prayer for International Missions and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.Order posters, prayer guides, and offering envelopes at the International Missions Study at www.Order the International Missions Study at www.Order the International Missions Study at www.Order the International Missions Study at other resources for the offering can be ordered All other resources for the offering can be ordered All other resources for the offering can be ordered at

FOR STUDENTSTeen Week at Camp PinnacleTeen Week at Camp PinnacleTeen Week at Camp PinnacleJuly 16-20, 2012July 16-20, 2012July 16-20, 2012Camp Pinnacle, ClaytonCamp Pinnacle, ClaytonCamp Pinnacle, ClaytonOpen to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused Open to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused Open to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused

pottery, swimming, campfires, paddleboats, low ropes course, nature hikes, cultural experiences, Bible study, and more. Register online at Karen Pace, [email protected]

JourneyMarch 15-17, 2013Location: TBAA weekend missions event for teen girls grades 7-12.Contact: Karen Pace, [email protected]

FOR CHILDRENSummer CampJune-July 2012Camp Pinnacle, ClaytonOpen to all girls grades K-6. A missions-focused summer camp for girls that includes archery, pottery, swimming, campfires, paddleboats, low ropes course, nature hikes, cultural experiences, Bible study, and more. NEW! Come to Family Camp July 1-3. Register online at Karen Pace, [email protected]

Girls ExtravaganzaOctober 6, 2012Shirley Hills Baptist Church, Warner RobinsA fun-filled missions event for girls grades 1-6.Contact: Karen Pace, [email protected]

LANGUAGE GROUP EVENTSKorean WMU TrainingAugust 11, 2012Atlanta Love Korean Baptist Church, LilburnContact: Min Young Lee, [email protected]

Language WMU TrainingLanguage WMU TrainingAugust 11, 2012August 11, 2012August 11, 2012Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville Flat Creek Baptist Church, Fayetteville Contact: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected]

Hispanic Women’s CelebrationHispanic Women’s CelebrationHispanic Women’s CelebrationHispanic Women’s CelebrationOctober 6, 2012October 6, 2012October 6, 2012First Baptist Church, Franklin, NCFirst Baptist Church, Franklin, NCFirst Baptist Church, Franklin, NCFirst Baptist Church, Franklin, NCContact: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected]: Sandra Rice, [email protected] to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused Open to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused Open to all girls grades 7-12. A missions-focused

summer camp for girls that includes archery, summer camp for girls that includes archery, summer camp for girls that includes archery,

summer 2012 11

About Georgia Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union & Women’s Enrichment MinistryConversations is published three times a year by the Georgia Conversations is published three times a year by the Georgia ConversationsBaptist Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) & Women’s Enrich-ment Ministry (WEM).

Our FocusWomen encouraging and equipping women and girls:n To really know Godn To understand and fulfill their role in His Kingdomn To lead others to do the same

Our VisionBecause we believe God is Who He says He is and can do what He says He will do, we are empowered to engage a lost world through prayer, ministry, and witness that will be modeled, taught, and nurtured among future generations.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God.”–Hebrews 11:6a, NIV“And without faith it is impossible to please God.”–Hebrews 11:6a, NIV“And without faith it is impossible to please God.”–



Baptist Woman’s Missionary UnionAux. to the Georgia Baptist Convention6405 Sugarloaf ParkwayDuluth, GA 30097-4092Reaching the World in Missions and Ministry




From Where I Stand

Contact Us800.746.4422, ext. 324

770.936.5324 • 770.452.6572 (fax)

I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we I don’t think any of us run out of things to pray…but are we praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when praying effectively? Are we really connecting with God when we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a we pray? Last September, a group of women met to discuss a prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia prayer strategy for the purpose of involving more Georgia Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of Baptist women in praying. As the result of several sessions of brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy brainstorming, praying, and praying some more, our strategy emerged and a website was developed: emerged and a website was developed: emerged and a website was developed: emerged and a website was developed: emerged and a website was developed: emerged and a website was developed:

TThe more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the he more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the he more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the he more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the he more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the he more we read Scripture and studied about prayer, the more we realized the first step was to really know God. We more we realized the first step was to really know God. We more we realized the first step was to really know God. We more we realized the first step was to really know God. We more we realized the first step was to really know God. We more we realized the first step was to really know God. We can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and can’t know God outside of His Word—reading Scripture and praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the praying go hand-in-hand. A helpful resource included on the website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a website, “Listening and Responding to God,” provides a different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers different name or attribute of God weekly to help readers know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our know more fully the God to whom they are praying. At our recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the recent Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event, I had the

opportunity to opportunity to share about share about During the closing During the closing prayer, women were prayer, women were invited to spontaneously invited to spontaneously invited to spontaneously invited to spontaneously speak out the many differspeak out the many differspeak out the many differspeak out the many differ--ent names and attributes of ent names and attributes of ent names and attributes of ent names and attributes of God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God. It was a special time of worship as our prayers focused on God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through God rather than ourselves. To connect with God through prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently prayer, I believe we need to apply a statement I read recently in Daniel Henderson’s book, in Daniel Henderson’s book, Transforming Prayer:Transforming Prayer:Transforming Prayer:Transforming Prayer: “Pray to “Pray to Transforming Prayer:Transforming Prayer: “Pray to Transforming Prayer:Transforming Prayer:seek God’s face, NOT just His hand.”seek God’s face, NOT just His hand.”

– – Mary LaughmanMary Laughman is President of Georgia WMU&WEM is President of Georgia WMU&WEM

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