Page 1: from a Gucci-Ambulante grant. The film is about a night-time taxi driver who is the father of two daughters


APRIL 2011 Publication of the Consulate General of Mexico in Toronto

During the

annual mee-

ting of the

C a n a d a -

Mexico Part-

n e r s h i p

(CMP), the

two govern-

ments deci-

ded to increase priority actions in bilateral coo-


This was the agreement reached by the Under-

secretary for North America at the Mexico Fo-

reign Ministry, Ambassador Julián Ventura, and

his Canadian counterpart, Jon Allen, who co-

chaired the event held at the Secretariat of Fo-

reign Affairs (SRE).

The Canada-Mexico Partnership is a mecha-

nism for dialogue, created in 2004, that includes

participation by representatives of the public and

private sectors of both countries.

This innovative program seeks to capitalize on

the growing interaction between federal, state

and local governments in both nations, as well as

between the business sectors and society at large,

to generate concrete collaborative actions.

Approximately 250 representatives of the public

and private sectors participated in meetings by

seven working groups focussed on addressing the

topics of agribusiness; human capital; trade, invest-

ment and innovation; energy; the environment and

forests; labour mobility; and housing and sustaina-

ble communities.

In addition to following up on work done throug-

hout the year, concrete priorities were identified for

the coming months. It will fall to Canada to host

the next meeting of the CMP in 2012.

Relations with Canada are a priority for the

Government of Mexico, with regards to both the

intense political dialogue that has been strengt-

hened at the bilateral level, and the significant and

growing ties in commerce, investment, and tou-


The two governments share the common goal of

creating increasingly extensive and close contacts.

The Canada-Mexico Partnership reflects the

conviction of both countries regarding the strate-

gic and mutually beneficial nature of the bilateral


Mexico and Canada Agree to Create

Priority Actions in Bilateral Cooperation


● Visas and consular ser-


● Mexican Embassy in Ca-


● Facebook Consulmex

● Secretary of Foreign Af-


● Mexican restaurants in

Toronto & GTA [click


● ProMexico (former Ban-


● Mexico Tourism Board:

● Mexican National Coun-

cil for Culture and the


● Canadian Chamber of

Commerce in Mexico:

● Presidency of Mexico:

Canada-Mexico Partnership 2011

Canada-Mexico Partnership 2010

Page 2: from a Gucci-Ambulante grant. The film is about a night-time taxi driver who is the father of two daughters

Page 2 Consul...ting

Mexico will be participating at

the Hot Docs Documentary Film

Festival with the film "Mosca"

(Fly), directed by Bulmaro Osor-


The festival, which will present

199 films from 43 countries, will

take place from April 28 to May


"Mosca" is a coproduction from

Axolote Cine and IMCINE, with

support from a Gucci-Ambulante

grant. The film is about a night-time taxi driver who is the father of two

daughters and a widower and who, between his day to day work, alco-

hol and memories of his wife, improvises his role as a father.

"Mosca" mixes dreams with reality to cope with loss. It is about a

man submerged in nostalgia, who resists the passage of time and rebels

against reality.

The Mexican documentary will be presented during the International

Spectrum Program, with screenings on Saturday April 30 at 4:30pm at

the TIFF Lightbox 3 and Monday May 2 at 9:45pm at Cumberland 3.

Director Bulmaro Osornio was born in Mexico City. He holds a Ba-

chelor of Visual Arts from the UNAM and is a graduate of the Centro

de Capacitación Cinematográfica film school. In 2002 he received

Honorable Mention at the Premio

Nacional de Documental José

Rovirosa for his documentary

"San Vicente de Chupaderos."

In 2004 Osornio lived in Barce-

lona, Spain where he specialized

in Direction at the Escuela Supe-

rior de Cine y Audiovisuales de


In 2006 he was awarded the

creators' grant from IMCINE.

His short film "Septiembre

Aún" (Still September) participated in the official sections of the 27th

International Festival of Short Films in Uppsala, Sweden, and the 24th

International Film Festival in Guadalajara.

His documentary "Mosca" participated in the Guadalajara Festival

Doculab 2, and received the Gucci-Ambulante grant and support from

the Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad


More information on the festival schedule can be found at

Watch the trailer for "Mosca" here:

Mexico at the Hot Docs Film Festival

Scene from “Mosca” The director Bulmaro Osornio


for Japan

On March 21, 2011 the Con-

sul General of Mexico to To-

ronto, Mauricio Toussaint, went

to the Consulate General of

Japan to offer his condolences

for the victims of the earthqua-

ke and tsunami that hit that


"The Consulate General of

Mexico to Toronto, represen-

ting the government of Mexico,

expresses its dismay at the con-

sequences of the earthquake and

tsunami that recently took place

particularly in the north of Ja-

pan, which caused the loss of

human lives and serious mate-

rial damage.

"The Consulate extends its

deepest sympathy to the people

and government of Japan," the

Consul General of Mexico,

Mauricio Toussaint, said.

■ 212 Passports

■ 158 Legalizations

■ 49 Certificates issued per request of parties

■ 26 Life certificates to pensioners

■ 33 Visas to foreign passports

■ 14 Birth registrations

■ 31 Notarized documents


■ 3,096 workers (total since January): 3,041 to

Ontario and 55 to Manitoba. In all, 121 are women.

■ 7 farm visits to attend to 34 workers.

■ 895 OHIP applications.

■ 6 retirement pensions and 2 widow pensions.

(*) Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program

Services of the Consulate General

during the month of March:

Hispanic Heritage Month

The inauguration of Hispanic

Heritage month in the City Hall

R o t u n d a

was held

on April 1,

and was

a t t e n d e d

by the

Mayor of

To r o n t o ,

Rob Ford;

Tony Ruprecht, Member of Parlia-

ment of Ontario; Toronto City

Councillor Cesar Palacio; as well as

the Consuls General of Argentina,

Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador,

Mexico and Venezuela. The cele-

bration was dedicated to Mexico

and Venezuela. Mayor Ford gave a

brief congratulatory message to the

Hispanic community. MPP Tony

Ruprecht said that Canada needs

more Latin Americans. Also, two

professionals from the Hispanic

community were recognized for

their community work.

Page 3: from a Gucci-Ambulante grant. The film is about a night-time taxi driver who is the father of two daughters

Consulates Give an Ibero-American Concert

Close to twenty Ibero-American consular

missions in Toronto organized the First Ibero-

American Spring Concert, which was held

April 1 at the Club Hispano, located in west


The consulates of Argentina, Brazil, Chile,

Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain,

Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal,

El Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela partici-

pated in the event.

The concert was enlivened by music groups

and folkloric dance from each participating


Mexico's artistic presentation was the maria-

chi and folkloric ballet group Viva México.

The group was introduced by the Consul

General Mauricio Toussaint, who said that the

event exemplified the richness of Ibero-

American culture, of which we should be

proud, and which we should show Canadians.

Concert-goers also had the chance to sample

delicious traditional foods from the various

countries, and enjoy Colombian cumbia,

Ecuadorian folkloric music, samba from Bra-

zil, and tango from Argentina, as well as mu-

sic from the rest of the participating countries.

The concert was held during Hispanic Heri-

tage Month, which was established in Toronto

in 2009 and in Ontario in 2010.

Consul General Toussaint and his wife Mar-cela (left), Jose Antonio Peral (ProMexico) and his wife Patty, Dolores Eguiarte (right)

Performance by Grupo Viva Mexico

Consul General Mauricio Toussaint


“Consul. . . ting” is the

monthly e-publication of the

Consulate General of Mexico

in Toronto.

Register your e mail to re-

ceive this newsletter and

information about our ac-


Press Office

Isabel Inclán Phone: (416) 368-2875 ext.238

Fax: (416) 368-0676

E-mail: [email protected]

Page 3 Publication of the Consulate General of Mexico in Toronto

Mexican tenor Edgar Ernesto Ramírez ap-

peared as Javier in a production of the zar-

zuela "Luisa Fernanda" which opened March

9 at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts.

The Consul General of Mexico to Toronto,

Mauricio Toussaint, attended the premiere.

In the photo, from left to right: The General

Director Guillermo Silva, tenor Edgar

Ernesto Ramírez and Consul General Mauri-

cio Toussaint.

(Photo: Kristol)

IN QUOTATIONS… “Why to invest in México mining sector? •Strong mining tradition •Outstanding support at all levels of government •Stable tax and fiscal regimes •Excellent professional and hourly workforce •Experienced vendors and suppliers” Source: Gold Corporation, one of the most important gold producers in Mexico

Mexican Tenor in Zarzuela “Luisa Fernanda”

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