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  • Consultation, Communication & Change 77 th Annual EPLGA Conference Waves of Change: Oceans of Opportunity 24 February 2014 Presenter - Sally Richardson
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  • No Bad Drilling Feedback 12 July 2012
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  • What constitutes consultation?
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  • Concerns How to ensure that the community received accurate information How to ensure that the community had a voice in the process and decision-making How to influence decision-making of Developers How to influence decision-making at State and Federal Government level How to assist the community to cope with the potential changes Consultation, Communication & Change
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  • Support Encouragement from Local and State Government Elected Members, Community Members & Groups Information about the Mining Act and Community Consultative Committees Interest from the media
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  • Issues Timing Community ownership of committee Getting all community groups, government representatives and stakeholders to sit at one table
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  • A Voice For the District of Tumby Bay Meeting to establish Tumby Bay District Community Consultative Committee or Tumby Bay District Community Development Board 21 January 2013
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  • The Objective: Working Together [with no scorched earth!]
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  • Protecting what we value; Communicating and Negotiating; Moving with Change; Capitalizing on Benefits & Opportunities; Planning Together The Vision
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  • Steering Committee Representation Terms of Reference Call Public Meeting
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  • Representation Broad Representation from across District Independent Chairman
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  • Terms of Reference Tumby Bay District Community Consultative Group Terms of Reference and Constitution These Terms of Reference set out the objectives, expected outcomes, operation and reporting mechanism for the Tumby Bay District Community Consultative Group (TBDCCG) with respect to major and associated projects in the Tumby Bay district. Tumby Bay District Community Consultative Group will maintain a community consultative committee comprising a representative group of key stakeholders, to provide a mechanism for community engagement related to the major and associated projects in the Tumby Bay district.
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  • What will be affected? What decisions do we want to influence? How will we operate?
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  • Scope of Reporting 1.Water 2.Air Quality (Dust, Odours) 3.Noise and Vibration 4.Greenhouse Gas Emissions 5.Flora 6.Fauna 7.Social and Economic Impact Assessment 8.Indigenous Cultural Heritage 9.Non-Indigenous Cultural Heritage 10.Visual Amenity 11.Traffic 12.Processing 13.Integrated Waste Landform 14.Mine Closure and Rehabilitation
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  • Public Meeting July 2013
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  • Briefings and Public Meetings All meetings include a public gallery Minutes & information distributed via email list of interested Community Members & Developer/DMITRE websites Q & A of Community Concerns So far Eyre Iron & Iron Road Planning DMITRE, Electranet
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  • Benefits 2-way exchange of [accurate] information Formal Arena for Community Consultation Group of well-informed citizens Opportunity to influence decision-making Greater understanding across the Community Improved understanding between landowners and developers
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  • Summary Well-positioned to consult on major projects Educating our community Support the role of the DCTB share the work Recognised CCC Developers, Government Conduit for information and communication
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  • Consultation, Communication & Change 77 th Annual EPLGA Conference Waves of Change: Oceans of Opportunity 24 February 2014 Presenter - Sally Richardson

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