

Container Management Platform

08 / 2016

About me

● Name: Chu Duc Minh - Age: 32

● Cloud Chief Architect @ VCCorp

● Head of Cloud Solutions department @ VCCloud

● Expertise: SDN, Storage, OpenStack, Kubernetes, Hashicorp tools

● Passion: Distributed System, Cloud &

Infrastructure Technologies

Ok, now we have containers...

Isolation: Keep services from interfering with each other

Scheduling: Where should my service be run?

Lifecycle: Keep my service running

Discovery: Where is my job now?

Constituency: Which (containers) is part of my service?

Scale-up/down: Making my services bigger or smaller

Auth{n,z}: Who can do things to my service?

Monitoring: What’s happening with my service?

Health: How is my service feeling? (well or sick?)

Google and Containers

Kubernetes (short-name: k8s)

● Project was started by Google in 2014.

● Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts.

● Provides container grouping, load-balancing, auto-healing, scaling.

● Can run on anywhere: Public Cloud (AWS, GCE,..), Private Cloud (OpenStack), Baremetal, v.v…

● Extensible: Modular & Pluggable & Hookable architecture


Design Overview

“ Kubernetes is primarily targeted at applications composed of multiple containers, such as elastic, distributed micro-services.

It is also designed to facilitate migration of non-containerized application stacks to Kubernetes.

…[Kubernetes] provides ways for containers to find and communicate with each other in relatively familiar ways. ”

How does it work?

Kubernetes Architecture

Key concepts

● Pod - A group of co-living containers

● Labels - For identifying pods

● Replication Controller - Manages replication of pods

● Service - A logical set of pods and way to expose them

● Namespaces - Way to seperate environments, projects,


● Service Discovery - By cluster-DNS


Small group of containers & volumes

Tightly coupled: same node

The atom of cluster scheduling & placement!

Shared network namespace: share IP address & localhost

Example: Pod 1: data puller & web server

Pod 2: web server & log shipper



Pod networking

Pod IPs are routable

Docker default is private IP

Pods can reach each other

without NAT

even across nodes

No brokering of port numbers

This is a fundamental requirement several SDN solutions


➢ Label is simple key/value pair

➢ Attached to any API object

➢ Generally used for represent identity

➢ Queryable by selectors: think SQL ‘select ... where ...’

➢ The only grouping mechanism of K8s: pods under a ReplicationController

pods in a Service

capabilities of a node (constraints)

Replication Controller

Replication Controller

- Desired = 4

- Current = 4

Replication Controller

Replication Controller

- Desired = 4

- Current = 4

Replication Controller

Replication Controller

- Desired = 4

- Current = 3

Replication Controller

Replication Controller

- Desired = 4

- Current = 4

Replication Controller


A group of pods that act as one == Service group == selector

Gets a stable virtual IP and port called the service portal

also a DNS name

VIP is captured by kube-proxy watches the service constituency

updates when backends change

● By teams

● By projects

● By operators

● By environments

○ Dev

○ Test

○ Staging

○ Production

Server-side Service Discovery

Server-side Service Discovery

Rolling-update a deployment pattern.

Update microservices to new version gracefully!

Also rollback too.


More deploy patterns is supported!



with many customizable options.


Secrets Management

“Secrets” like username/password, API key, SSL certificate, v.v..

Secrets only stored in Kubernetes and only used by

allowed services.

[Encrypted-] secrets no more stored in gitRepo, sysadmin’s laptop,

volume on a storage, v.v…

→More secure!

Pod can access to allowed secrets via:

Files (in pod’s mounted-volume)

ENV vars

Secrets Management

Secrets Management





You can choose [almost] any technology you want!

networking (Flannel, Calico, OpenContrail, Weave, Romana, v.v..)

storage (NFS, GlusterFS, amazonEBS, gcePersistentDisk, RBD, v.v..)

container (Docker, rkt, HyperContainer)

And any cloud-provider you want!

AWS / GCE / Azure

OpenStack / CloudStack

And extend K8s’s scheduler via multi mechanisms

& over multi dimensions.

Integrate with OpenStack (/AWS/GCE/Azure)

Auto-provision and configure:

❖ Load-balancer (LBaaS @ OpenStack)

❖ Volume (Cinder @ OpenStack)

❖ etc



➢ Minikube starts a single node kubernetes cluster locally for purposes

of development and testing.

➢ Packages and configures a Linux VM, Docker and all Kubernetes

components, optimized for local development.

➢ Supports:


○ NodePorts

○ ConfigMaps and Secrets

○ Dashboards

➢ Does not support cloud-provider functionality

(LoadBalancers, PersistentVolumes, Ingress)


Kubernetes is a Toolkit for running distributed systems in production!

Co-locating helper processes Naming and discovery

Mounting storage systems Load balancing

Distributing secrets Rolling updates

Application health-checking Resource monitoring

Replicating application instances Log access and ingestion

Horizontal auto-scaling Support for introspection

and debugging

Q & A

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One last thing...

Kubernetes-based PaaS


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