
Refugees & guest workers

Contemporary (Recent & Present) WorldWHII.15abcRefugees & guest workersRefugee people forced to flee their homelandGuest worker (in Europe) - an immigrant worker who is temporarily hired to do work and then returns to his or her native country.

Northern Ireland ConflictCatholics vs ProtestantsIn the 16th century, English forces occupied Ireland.Under English rule Catholic Irish could not:VoteHold officeInherit landPurchase landThe wealthy English took ownership of much Irish land.

3Northern Ireland Conflict Catholics vs ProtestantsAfter protests in 1921, most of Ireland (except the northern part) declared itself free from Britain.Tensions between Protestants and Catholicsjob discriminationpolice brutalitypolitical statusIRA wants N. Ireland to unify with Ireland.Bombings and assassinations

4Balkans Conflict Serbs vs. BosniansTensions between many ethnic group have existed for many years.Josip Broz Tito (Communist Leader) suppressed these feelings with his harsh rule.The end to Communism led to uprising of these suppressed nationalistic feelings with a desire to self rule.

SOL 2007 Released TestAfricas ConflictSudanMuslim military regime has been charged of genocide against the Nuba (Christians).RwandaFighting between Hutus & TutsisLead to horrendous rights violationsIn 1994, about 500,000 Tutsis were killed as a form of genocide

JanjaweedBeck p. 6086Asias Conflict China and TibetChinese have ruled the Tibetans since 1950Persecution of Tibetans by the Chinese for:Buddhist religionTraditional cultureDesire for independenceEstimated 1 million Tibetans have been killed under Chinese ruleDalai Lama (Tibet religious leader ) remains in exile

Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai LamaBeck p. 608 7New TechnologiesWidespread but unequal access to computers and instantaneous communications. Example: USA population regularly used the internet 6 times the amount of Brazil.Internet Government Censorship: China, Iran, & other counties.Genetic engineering create new strains of plants and animals.What could be the unforeseen side effects?Raise ethical questions both for and against:Gene therapyStem cell researchGenetic Research

Economic InterdependenceRapid transportation, communication, and computer networks have lead even more to a global economy.Global economy Economy linking the economies of many nationsmultinational corporations a corporation that operates in many countriesDeveloped & Developing NationsDeveloped nation Industrialized nationDeveloping nation nation that is still developing industryMany corporations founded in developed nations began opening branches in developing nations where cheap labor was readily available.

SOL Released Test 2007What do you think the ratio is for the literacy rate vs access to health care or famine? 10EnvironmentThat economic development and the rapid growth of population are having an impact on the environment.This leads to increase pollution, loss of habitat, and decrease ozone.Population

Relationship between economic and political freedomFree market economies produce rising standards of living and an expanding middle class, which produces growing demands for political freedoms and individual rights. Recent examples include Taiwan and South Korea.European Union (EU)EU formed by 12 nations in 1991a powerful economic and political bloc promoting European unity.There are currently 27 EU member nations.Made a single currency = Euro

Google Finance 13NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)removed barriers and increase trade among the United States, Canada, and Mexico1993 14World Trade Organization (WTO)WTO establishes powers forreducing trade barriersMonitor trade agreementsSeattle WTO protestsCharged WTO of putting corporate interests above democracy, workers rights, and the environment

Seattle Times Monetary Fund (IMF)a specialized agency of the UNdesigned to stabilize international monetary exchange rates.Helps member countries meet temporary difficulties encountered in foreign exchange payments

Google Finance 16Major World LeadersIndira Gandhi First female prime minister of India Established a close relationship with the Soviet Union during the Cold War and built a nuclear program

Margaret Thatcher First female British prime ministerLess government regulate of businessClose relationship with the U.S. on foreign policyMajor World LeadersMikhail GorbachevLeader of the Soviet Union who allowed people to criticize the government (glasnost)Allowed private ownership of small business (perestroika) Last president of the Soviet Union

Deng Xiaoping Became leader of Communist China after Maos deathReformed economy to a market economy which allowed for rapid growthContinued Communist rule of China

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