Page 1: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way
Page 2: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

ContentsNew Titles

The Life Organizer........................................................................................................................2

Get It Done..................................................................................................................................3

Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love...........................................................................................4

And There Was Light....................................................................................................................5

Fast Fiction..................................................................................................................................6

The Boy Who Died and Came Back............................................................................................7

Sacred Sound...............................................................................................................................8

Happy @ Work.............................................................................................................................9

Encyclopedia of Goddesses & Heroines....................................................................................10

Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way..............................................................................11

Misadventures of a Parenting Yogi............................................................................................12

First Intelligence........................................................................................................................13

Step Out of Your Story...............................................................................................................14

Paradise in Plain Sight................................................................................................................15

Letters to My Son......................................................................................................................16

Meister Eckhart..........................................................................................................................17

The Hero’s Journey....................................................................................................................18

Writing Wild..............................................................................................................................19

Recently Published Titles............................................................................................................20

Shakti Gawain............................................................................................................................24

Eckhart Tolle..............................................................................................................................25

Joseph Campbell.......................................................................................................................26

Dan Millman...............................................................................................................................27



About New World Library...........................................................................................................62

Academic Examination and Desk Copies..................................................................................62

Order Form................................................................................................................................63

Distribution & Contact Information............................................................................................64

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m • National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting personal growth and spirituality publications and blogs

• Published to coincide with New Year, New You promotions

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in DeCeMbeRPersonal Growth • $15.95

Trade paperback • 256 pp. • 6 x 71/2

FULL COLOR throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-245-4

Rights: world

Twenty years ago, Jennifer Louden’s The Woman’s Comfort Book became a bestseller because it addressed women’s yearning to have time for personal needs and dreams in their have-it-all/do-it-all lives. This yearning persists as technology, job insecurity, and financial belt tightening — not to mention women’s perennial fear of being labeled “selfish” — make “me time” ever more elusive. In The Life Organizer, Louden innovates anew with ways to augment tradi-tional goal setting and step taking with the ease that comes from

gentle attention shifting and mindfulness. The heart of the book — 52 two-page spreads, one for each week of the year — is surrounded by playful, thought-provoking questions, practical life-organizing tips, life check-in prompts, and dozens of inspiring stories from women who have used the tools. On every page, day by day and week by week, readers discover the kind of inner knowing that fos-ters true achievement and real fulfillment.

The Life OrganizerA Woman’s Guide to a Mindful Year

First Trade Paperback Edition

Jennifer Louden

“In this important book, Jennifer Louden shows you how to live with more courage and greater intention, and how to embrace the truth that you are enough right now. You’ll write in it, dog-ear it, and use it until it falls apart. It’s just that good.”

— BRENé BROwN, PhD, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Daring Greatly

• Awomen’sself-carepioneerhelpswomenachievebyreplacingfranticbusynesswithbold,intuitivebeing

• Morethan32,000copiessoldinhardcover;theauthor’sbooks,includingThe Woman’s Comfort BookandThe Couple’s Comfort Book,havesoldmorethan635,000copies

• The author has appeared on and in media including The Oprah Winfrey Show,MSNBC,CNN,Self,InStyle,Ladies Home Journal,andGlamour

JenniFeR lOUDen has taught workshops and delivered talks at universities, corporations, and women’s health centers around the world. A certified coach, she has led women’s retreats since 1992 and lives in Puget Sound, Washington.



The Way of the

Happy Woman

Sara Avant Stover

Paperback • $15.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-982-5

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“Organized” and “artist” don’t usually go together. Creative types are more often seen as sensitive, melodramatic, eccentric, mis-understood, and the like. To those who have been labeled in this way, Sam Bennett says, “Congratulations! You’re an artist.” And through the Organized Artist Company, she has coached hun-dreds of artists to overcome procrastination, lack of focus, and time-sucking habits so that they can get their art done and out into the world. Bennett explains why “procrastination is genius in disguise” and then prescribes dozens of wonderfully revelatory

exercises — such as making a “My Heroes” list and “could-do” lists (because Bennett finds to-do lists too dictatorial) — each of which requires only a fifteen-minute commitment. She gives readers practical, real-world tips, such as how to recognize who they should not talk to about their projects and when research has created Analysis Paralysis. Each of the tools she offers shifts the reader’s thinking and prompts the kind of insights that have the power to turn underperforming geniuses into accomplished artists.

• National drive-time radio tour

• National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting business and personal growth publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

Get It DoneFrom Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day

Sam Bennett

Foreword by Keegan-Michael Key

Praise for Sam Bennett:

“Sam is one of my favorite people. You can take her anywhere and talk to her about anything. She is thoughtful, funny, and kind.”

— ED O’NEILL , actor (Modern Family and Married . . .With Children)

“I find myself quoting Sam Bennett all the time — that’s why everyone thinks I’m so smart.”

— KEEGAN-MIChAEL KEy, actor and comedian (MADtv and Key & Peele)

• Fastandfunexcusebustingfromabelovedcoachandsuccessfulwriter,actor,andcomedian

• Includes innovative worksheets, exercises, and online components, plus inspiringtruesuccessstories

• Theauthorhasathrivingcareerwritingandperformingfortelevision,film,andthetheateraswellasapopularcreativitycoachingandconsultingbusiness

AvAilAble in FebRUARYCreativity • $15.95

Trade paperback • 240 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-210-2

Rights: world

SAM benneTT worked at the renowned Second City theater in Chicago alongside comedians Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert. In addition to her multifaceted writing and performance work, she specializes in personal brand-ing and career strategies. She lives in Los Angeles. Writer, actor, and producer KeegAn-MiChAel KeY is the cocreator of Key & Peele. He lives in Los Angeles.



Creative Thinkering

Michael Michalko

Paperback • $15.95

ISBN: 978-1-60868-024-5

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m • National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting personal growth and psychology publications and blogs

• Published to coincide with Valentine’s Day

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in FebRUARYRelationships • $15.95

Trade paperback • 272 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-223-2

Rights: world

MARCiA nAOMi beRgeR, MSW, lCSW , has taught her Marriage Meeting Program for a decade. She coaches, consults, and speaks nationally, has served on the clinical faculty of the University of California School of Medicine, and lives in San Rafael, California.

Most couples — because they watch so many of their peers di-vorce and are themselves the products of failed marriages — don’t have many successful long-term-relationship role models. Parenting and communication issues are perennial, while some challenges, like increasingly 24-7 work lives and economic hard-ships, mark the current decade. Despite all this, psychotherapist and clinical social worker Marcia Naomi Berger asserts that most couples can make love last — they just need to learn how. Berger

answers this need with a deceptively simple prescription: have an interruption-free thirty-minute (or even shorter) meeting each week and follow an agenda that includes the kind of apprecia-tion and planning for fun that foster intimacy and pave the way for collaborative conflict resolution. Berger has refined these tech-niques while working with hundreds of couples — with results that are both practical and profound.

Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted

Marcia Naomi Berger

“Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way to connect lovingly every week, grow in intimacy, and handle whatever comes up smoothly.”

— EDwARD M. hALLOwELL , MD, author of Driven to Distraction

“The perfect book for the twenty-first-century marriage. A practical, easy way to increase intimacy, romance, and teamwork and resolve conflicts more smoothly.”

— SuSAN PAGE , author of Why Talking Is Not Enough

• Helpscoupleseffectivelycommunicateandlovinglyconnecteachweek—andforalifetime

• Step-by-stepguidelinesandreal-worldexampleswalkcouplesthrougheachmeet-ing’s “agenda”: Appreciation, Chores, Plan for Good Times, and Problems andChallenges

• Based on the author’s 25 years of clinical and private practice experience and25 yearsinasuccessfulmarriage



Secrets of Great Marriages

Charlie and Linda Bloom

Paperback • $14.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-678-7

101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married

Charlie and Linda Bloom

Paperback • $14.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-424-0

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When Jacques Lusseyran was an eight-year-old Parisian school-boy, he was blinded in an accident. He finished his schooling and was determined to participate in the world around him. In 1941, when he was seventeen, that world was Nazi-occupied France. Lusseyran formed a resistance group with fifty-two boys and used his heightened senses to recruit the best. After his group merged with the larger Défense de la France (DF), he helped publish an underground newspaper that served the occupied and survives

today as France Soir. Eventually, Lusseyran and other DF members were arrested and imprisoned. Sent to Buchenwald in a transport of two thousand Resistance fighters, he was one of only thirty from the transport to survive the concentration camp. In this remark-able memoir of his first twenty years, Lusseyran tells his gripping story — and gives readers one of the most powerful and insightful descriptions of living and thriving with blindness, or indeed any challenge, ever published.

JACQUeS lUSSeYRAn (1924–1971) became a professor in the United States at Case Western Reserve University after World War II. He died in a car accident in France.

And There was LightThe Extraordinary Memoir of a Blind Hero of the French Resistance

in World War II

Fourth Edition

Jacques Lusseyran

“A magical book, the kind that becomes a classic, passed along between friends . . . How do you explain the incredible suspense of this book? . . . Why is your breath caught in your throat and why can’t you put this book down even the second or third time through it?”

— Baltimore Sun

“Lusseyran allows us to glimpse both heaven and hell on Earth through the eyes of a man who has lived through both. His description of what it is like to ‘see’ as a blind man is fascinating and inspiring; his account of Buchenwald, where he was condemned to the living hell of the ‘Invalids’ Barracks,’ is one of the most anguishing fragments of Holocaust

testimony that I have ever encountered.” — JONAThAN K IRSCh , loS angeleS timeS

“This book is his testament to the joy which exists in all of us, a joy which no conditions — not

even the worst — can kill.” — ROShI PhILL IP K APLEAu, author of The Three Pillars of Zen

• Ariveting,more-astounding-than-fictionmemoirofadaptingtoblindness,fight-ingNazism,andsurvivingtheBuchenwaldconcentrationcamp

• Chosenasoneofthe100BestSpiritualBooksoftheTwentiethCenturybyajuryofwritersincludingHaroldKushner,HustonSmith,andNatalieGoldberg

• Includesanewinsertofphotos;allpreviouseditionsareoutofprint

AvAilAble in MARChAutobiography / Spirituality / History • $15.95

Trade paperback • 288 pp. • 5¼ x 8

16 BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs

ISBN: 978-1-60868-269-0

Rights: N. America

• Promotion targeting literary and personal growth publications and blogs

• Newsletter co-op available

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Writers flock to National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) each November because it provides a procrastination-busting deadline. But only a fraction of the participants meet their goal. Denise Jaden was part of that fraction, writing first drafts of two subsequently published novels in that tight time frame. In Fast Fic-tion, she shows other writers how to do what she did, step-by-step, writer to writer. To ensure success, her program begins a month before the month of drafting. During this prep period writers think

through plot, theme, characters, setting, etc. Then Jaden provides day-by-day coaching for the thirty-day drafting period. After writ-ers “race to the finish,” they are not left high and dry. Jaden’s “After the Draft” revision tips allow writers to determine if a draft is not just workable but compelling, so that they don’t waste months or years developing it. Her camaraderie and skill allow Jaden to both instruct and inspire.

DeniSe JADen fast-drafted her debut novel, Losing Faith (Simon & Schuster), in twenty-one days during NaNoWriMo. Her second fast-drafted novel was published in 2012. She runs a fast-drafting challenge on her blog each March and lives outside Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Fast FictionA Guide to Outlining and Writing a First Draft Novel in Thirty Days

Denise Jaden

• Apublishedwriter’show-tooncreatingastructurallysoundandengagingfirstdraftinamonth

• TheauthorwrotethefirstdraftofbothofherpublishedyoungadultnovelsduringNationalNovelWritingMonth(NaNoWriMo)

• A portion of profits will benefit National Novel Writing Month, which had over250,000participantsin2011

• Promotion targeting writing and creativity publications, blogs, and websites

• Author blog tour on writing blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking


• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in MARChWriting • $14.95

Trade paperback • 256 pp. • 51/4 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-254-6

Rights: worldRECOMMENDED


The Creative Compass

Dan Millman and

Sierra Prasada

Paperback • $14.95

ISBN: 978-1-932073-65-2

A Year of Writing Dangerously

Barbara Abercrombie

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-60868-051-1

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When Robert Moss was three years old, after the first of his three “near-death experiences,” his parents were told, “Your boy died and came back.” The phrase “died and came back” stuck with Moss, who views it as more accurate than “near-death” — and testament to the fact that “soul or consciousness is not dependent on the physical body.” Moss’s death experiences revealed reality to be layered and time fluid. Past and present, other worlds, and brilliant sources of wisdom were all accessible. As the creator of Active Dreaming, Moss has taught thousands to use their night

dreams to improve their waking lives. In this new book Moss teaches readers to be archaeologists, excavating and exploring experiences such as temporary death, dreams, and synchronicity. He offers evocative descriptions of parallel worlds and describes how to seek guidance from great minds and seekers, both past and present. Through stories and shamanic dreamwork, readers discover truths that illuminate not just the nature of life but also the paths they walk here and now.

The Boy who Died and Came BackAdventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse

Robert Moss

RObeRT MOSS leads seminars at the foremost human potential centers around the world, and thousands fol-low him online. His vast media experience ranges from the Today show and Charlie Rose to Parade and Shaman’s Drum. He lives in Albany, New York.

• National radio and TV interviews with the author

• Advertising in Dream Network Journal and Dream News

• Promotion targeting personal growth and spirituality publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s workshop schedule

• Promotion on the author’s website,

• Newsletter co-op available

Praise for Robert Moss’s books:

“Captivating, well-written, and sure to please.” — liBrary journal

“Writing about dreams, Moss is eloquent and authoritative, a wise teacher.”

— puBliSherS weekly

• Exploresthetime,place,andconsciousnesstravelexperiencedinnear-deathepi-sodesanddreams

• Presents tools, includingdreamworkandshamanicpractices, forunderstandingnear-deathexperiences,heaven,andlifeonotherplanes,andforvisitingone’sownpast,present,andfuture

• Theauthor’sbooks,includingConscious Dreaming,The Three “Only” Things,andThe Secret History of Dreaming,havesoldmorethan80,000copies

AvAilAble in MARChMetaphysics • $15.95

Trade paperback • 304 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-235-5

Rights: worldRECOMMENDED



Robert Moss

Paperback • $17.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-891-0

Dreaming the Soul Back Home

Robert Moss

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-60868-058-0

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The mantra and kirtan (call-and-response devotional chants) of yoga practice sometimes get short shrift in the West because they aren’t well understood. These chants are an integral part of almost every Eastern spiritual practice because they are designed to pro-vide access into the psyche while their underlying mythology helps us understand how our psychology affects daily life. Sacred Sound shares the myths behind the mantras, illuminating their mean-ing and putting their power and practicality within reach of every

practitioner. Each mantra and kirtan includes the Sanskrit, the transliteration, and the translation. Clear retellings of the pertinent myths highlight modern-day applications so that readers discover their own personal connection to the practice. Alanna Kaivalya has refined her teaching over a decade with tens of thousands of diverse audience members. Her unique and popular approach to human connection and self-knowledge turns a time-tested tradition into a versatile and potent tool.

Sacred SoundDiscovering the Myth & Meaning of Mantra & Kirtan

Alanna Kaivalya

Praise for Alanna Kaivalya:

“Alanna Kaivalya seems both exuberant and wise. Her classes blend rigorous poses and soothing adjustments with bursts of yoga philosophy. And the effect is a contemporary un-derstanding of ancient knowledge that can inspire even the most stressed-out type A New

Yorker.” — yoga journal

“Enter yoga’s secret weapon: Alanna Kaivalya. . . .With her knack for serving up ancient yogic philosophies in accessible ways, she is a much sought-after feature at teacher trainings

around the globe.” — Sweat equity magazine

• Ayogasuperstarwhoisalsoarespectedscholarmakesmantrapracticeaccessible

• Theauthor,votedoneofthetop20yogainstructorsunder40byYoga Journal,speaksto20,000-plusyogastudentsandteachersaroundtheworldeachyear

• Theauthor’sMyths of the Asanas,whichhasbeentranslatedintosixlanguages,hassold10,000copies

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion targeting yoga and spirituality publications and blogs

• Promotion on the author’s website,

• Newsletter co-op available

AvAilAble in APRilYoga / Mythology • $15.95

Trade paperback • 256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

BLACK-AND-WHITE line drawings throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-243-0

Rights: world

AlAnnA KAivAlYA is the yoga world’s expert on Hindu mythology and mysticism. Her podcasts have been heard by more than one million people worldwide, and her Kaivalya Yoga Method melds mythology, philosophy, and yoga. She lives in New York City.

The Yoga of Sound

Russill Paul

Paperback • $17.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-536-0

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Even in a tight economy, job satisfaction isn’t a luxury; fulfilled, happy employees are productive, innovative, and loyal. And because employed Americans work more hours than employees in most other industrialized countries, workplace fulfillment spills over into families and communities. Jim Donovan, a small-business owner, consultant, and speaker, has worked with employees and employers for twenty-five years. In that time he has tested and honed these

shift-producing strategies on everything from managing time, making decisions, and marking milestones to breaking patterns, bouncing back, and becoming exceptional. Each tip’s method and rationale are clearly explained and illustrated by a real workplace vignette. The result? Tools that empower readers with the knowl-edge that no matter the circumstance, employees can think, act, and feel in ways that create purpose, success, and, yes, happiness.

JiM DOnOvAn speaks regularly to employees and executives at small businesses and large corporations. He is a frequent media guest and expert source on personal development, business success, and the spiritual laws that develop both. He lives in Buckingham, Pennsylvania.

happy @ work60 Simple Ways to Stay Engaged and Be Successful

Jim Donovan

Praise for Jim Donovan’s Handbook to a Happier Life:

“Great! . . . Should be a part of everyone’s self-help library.”

— JACK CANFIELD, coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul

“Handbook to a Happier Life is a delight! First-rate, proven concepts, supported with personal experiences and presented in bite-size chunks that anyone can use.”

— EMMET ROBINSON, author of How to Prosper in Business, Regardless of the Economy

• Forthepeoplewhomakeworkplaceswork,easy-to-implementtechniquesthatin-creaseemployeewell-beingandemployerproductivity

• A2012GalluppollfoundemployeedisengagementinU.S.companiestobeashighas70percent,costingbusinessesupto$550billionperyearinlostproductivity

• Theauthor’sHandbook to a Happier Lifehassold11,400copies;hisself-publishedbookshavesoldmorethan500,000copiesworldwide

AvAilAble in APRilPersonal Growth • $15.95

Trade paperback • 224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-250-8

Rights: world

• Promotion targeting business and personal growth publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website, Work with Passion

Nancy Anderson

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-444-8

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In 1980, groundbreaking scholar — and award-winning poet — Patricia Monaghan produced the first dictionary of goddesses ever published. That work, Book of Goddesses and Heroines, was reissued many times and became a standard text. Monaghan researched, de-tailed, and documented the fact that from the beginning of recorded history, goddesses reigned alongside their male counterparts as fig-ures of inspiration and awe. Today, although phrases like Mother

Earth and Mother Nature are mainstream, Monaghan’s vibrant and accessible work adds meaningful insight. This comprehensive re-source covers goddesses from Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and every world religious tradition. It makes clear that the history of goddesses is essential to understand-ing the historical, cultural, and spiritual histories of all peoples — and is undeniably meaningful and resonant in contemporary life.

PATRiCiA MOnAghAn (1946–2012) is remembered not only for her pathbreaking books but for her teach-ing at DePaul University and the Black Earth Institute in Wisconsin. As a poet, she won awards including a Push-cart Prize.

Encyclopedia of Goddesses & heroinesFirst Trade Paperback Edition

Patricia Monaghan, PhD

Praise for Patricia Monaghan’s The Red-Haired Girl from the Bog:

“A rich, beautiful story of a nearly forgotten world . . . Myth, tale, and tradition are brought to light and burnished in an engaging style. The world of women, the goddess, and feminine power all shine through.”

— LEONARD ShL AIN, author of The Alphabet versus the Goddess

• Awomen’sspiritualitypioneerpresentsacomprehensivecompendiumofgoddessesandheroinesfromaroundtheworld

• The first time in one volume, 1,000 entries drawing on classics, anthropology,folklore,literature,andpsychology,includingwidelyknownGreekandRomanfiguresaswellaswomenfromlesser-knowntraditionssuchasKorea,theBaltics,Africa,andAustralia

• Theauthor’sbooks,includingMeditation — The Complete Guide,The Goddess Path,andThe Red-Haired Girl from the Bog,havesoldmorethan740,000copies

• Advertising in Parabola

• Promotion targeting women’s and spirituality publications and blogs

• Newsletter co-op available

AvAilAble in APRilMythology / Reference • $29.95

Trade paperback • 512 pp. • 8 x 97/8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-217-1

Rights: world EnglishRECOMMENDED


Goddesses for Every Day

Julie Loar

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-950-4


Joseph Campbell

Hardcover • $24.95

ISBN: 978-1-60868-182-2

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Entrepreneurial businesses are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. economy as people opt out of a challenging job mar-ket, seek to create a craft business on the side, or pursue post-retirement endeavors. But many with a terrifically innovative and commercially viable product or service defer their dream out of fear (and perhaps loathing) of number crunching, strategic plan-ning, marketing, and the like. In her popular Right-Brain Business Plan book, online course, and in-person seminars, Jennifer Lee

gets creative types over this hump with planning that’s as playful as it is practical. Now she guides readers through the next phases of business — from finding and keeping customers, working with staff and vendors, and setting goals to brand building, expanding, taking time to celebrate, and even knowing when to walk away. Worksheets, exercises, and real-world examples help readers use their right-brain strengths to be as successful as they are creative.

JenniFeR lee left corporate consulting to pursue her passion for helping others pursue theirs. In the process she has become a respected teacher and author and built two successful businesses, Artizen Coaching and Right-Brain Business Plan Facilitators. She lives in El Cerrito, California.

Building your Business the Right-Brain waySustainable Success for the Creative Entrepreneur

Jennifer Lee

Praise for Jennifer Lee’s The Right-Brain Business Plan:

“If you think of business planning as boring, well, you haven’t read [The Right-Brain Business Plan] yet. This is not business as usual. . . . It’s fun, creative, and purposeful. If you’re looking to start or improve a small business without getting lost in the planning, you’ve arrived at

the right place. Jump right in!” — ChRIS GuILLEBEAu, author of The $100 Startup

• Aguidetogrowinginnovativebusinessesthatsatisfythevisionsoftheircreatorsandtheneedsofthemarketplace

• Theauthor’sThe Right-Brain Business Planhassold26,000copies

• TheauthorhasbeenfeaturedinmediaincludingtheWall Street Journal,U.S. News & World Report,andFamily Circle

• 15,000-copy first printing

• $15,000 marketing and publicity budget

• National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting business and creativity publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s websites, and

AvAilAble in MAYBusiness • $21.95

Trade paperback • 240 pp. • 7 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-60868-256-0

Rights: worldRECOMMENDED


The Right-Brain

Business Plan

Jennifer Lee

Paperback • $19.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-944-3

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In his Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi, Brian Leaf both in-spired and amused readers as he described the myriad ways that yoga changed his life — and why his life as a college student suf-fering from anxiety, colitis, and ADD needed changing. Now Leaf turns the page, letting readers in on his meeting his future wife, Gwen (at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health), their “not not trying” and subsequent pregnancy — and his wearing a synthetic

strap-on belly during downward dog posture. He took parent-hood seriously from the get-go, exploring Attachment, Playful, Unconditional, Simplicity, and good old Dr. Spock parenting. Humorous trial and poignant error led Leaf to “conscious parent-ing.” His recognition of the supremely practical benefits of being fully present to each new reality gives Leaf, and readers, a glimpse of the very heart of yoga.

bRiAn leAF is the owner and director of the holistic New Leaf Learning Center in western Massachusetts. He has studied, practiced, and taught yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda for twenty-three years. He lives in Northamp-ton, Massachusetts.

• Featured in leading parenting publications including Mothering magazine

• Promotion targeting parenting and personal growth publications and blogs

• Promotion on the author’s Facebook page (80,000 fans)

• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in MAYYoga / Parenting • $14.95

Trade paperback • 264 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-267-6

Rights: world

“Brian Leaf has struck the perfect balance between honesty, humor, passion, and compassion.”

— MAyIM BIALIK , PhD, actress on The Big Bang Theory and author of Beyond the Sling

Praise for Brian Leaf ’s Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi:

“From its first hilariously humiliating image to its closing words of grace, Brian Leaf ’s mem-oir is an unfolding miracle.”

— REBECCA PEPPER S INKLER , former editor of New York Times Book Review

• Arompthroughalternativeparentingtechniquesthatisashelpfulandheartfeltasitishilarious

• Conveyswiseandpracticalinsightsonhowtoparentthroughtheexperiencesofadadwhoisaseriousyogiandhumorousmemoirist

• TheauthorisafeaturedbloggeronMothering.comandElephantJournal.comandhas80,000Facebookfans

Misadventures of a Parenting yogiCloth Diapers, Cosleeping, and My (Sometimes Successful)

Quest for Conscious Parenting

Brian Leaf



Misadventures of a

Garden State Yogi

Brian Leaf

Paperback • $14.95

ISBN: 978-1-60868-136-5

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While many have touted the value of intuition, few have ex-plained and taught it as holistically and convincingly as Simone Wright. While Wright does not denigrate the unseen and non-material, she explains intuition — our first intelligence — in a groundbreaking way: as an innate and universal biological and neurological function. She defines intuition as the language of the authentic self, a unique “marriage of science and spirit”; simply and lucidly describes the biology of intuition; and finally, most

important, shows readers exactly how to “put it all to work” with “Seven Steps to Accessing Your Highest Wisdom.” Wright’s goal is to help readers meet the information age’s tsunami of data with their inherent wisdom, a human GPS system that leads seamlessly to effective action and peak performance. Riveting examples and powerful exercises teach readers to use this “sixth sense” as natu-rally as any other, in every area of their lives.

AvAilAble in JUnePersonal Growth • $15.95

Trade paperback • 288 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-246-1

Rights: world

• Promotion targeting writing, creativity, and personal growth

publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking


• Promotion on the author’s website,

First IntelligenceUsing the Science & Spirit of Intuition

Simone wright

• ThecreatorofIntegratedIntelligencetakesintuitionoutofthemysticalandintotheeverydaypractical

• Explains the scientific grounding of intuition both within the human body andthroughouttheenergeticfieldsthattranscendspaceandtime

• Sharestechniquestheauthorhastaughteliteathletes,policeofficers,entrepreneurs,entertainers,andhealthcareproviders

SiMOne WRighT , “the Evolutionary Mind Coach for Elite Performers and Visionary Leaders,” teaches and consults internationally. She has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show and appeared on radio and television throughout North America. She lives in Los Angeles.



Developing Intuition

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $12.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-186-7

The Science of Making Things Happen

Kim Marcille Romaner

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-853-8

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Every life is an unfolding story, and how individuals tell their story matters. Recent Stanford and Columbia University studies show that how we view the story of our life shapes the life itself. Who are the heroes and villains? Where does the plot twist? How are con-flicts resolved? Whether we are considering how a job was lost, a relationship fell apart, or a dream was deferred, we have the ability to either empower ourselves or turn ourselves into hapless victims.

As both a therapist and a writer, Kim Schneiderman knows the power of story. Her clients often tell their stories in ways that keep them stuck, but when they employ the storytelling techniques she offers, they view their lives as works in progress, become powerful narrators, and understand big-picture story lines in ways that allow them to easily develop their own character, shape their actions and relationships, and create fulfilling happy endings.

• Promotion targeting personal growth publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in JUnePersonal Growth • $15.95

Trade paperback • 256 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

ISBN: 978-1-60868-232-4

Rights: world

Praise for Kim Schneiderman:

“Kim Schneiderman’s techniques helped me reclaim my personal narrative and slowly quiet the noisy voices of counter-narrative that would, if I let them, dictate my own story to me.”

— G. M., political activist

“Using this approach, I found that a new possibility opened for me in terms of reinterpret-ing what was, is, and will be. I feel so happy, so free. Thanks for a creative, out-of-the-box

program.” — y. O., acupuncturist

• Empowersreaderstoviewtheirlivesasstoriesinordertorevisenegativesandcreatepositives

• Offersthepowerauthorsusetoshapenarrativestoreadersseekingperspectiveandshiftintheirlives

• Theauthor isapsychotherapist,writer,andteacherwitha1-million-readeradvicecolumn,a3,000-subscriberPsychology Todayblog,andregulartherapeuticwritinggroupsatvenuesincludingthe92ndStreetYinNewYorkCity

Step Out of your StoryWriting Your Way to the Life You Want

Kim Schneiderman


Christina Baldwin

Paperback • $15.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-603-9

KiM SChneiDeRMAn, lCSW , counsels in private practice, writes for a variety of readerships in print and online, and teaches as a professor and guest lecturer at venues including New York University. She lives in New York City.

Page 16: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

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Zen teacher Karen Maezen Miller is beloved for helping her read-ers and students understand that the insight and contentment they think of as “out there” are actually here and now. In Paradise in Plain Sight, Miller drives this lesson home by describing her family’s unexpected acquisition of a California property with a venerable — and demanding — Japanese garden. Her recounting of the rocky road she and her husband navigated in their new home demonstrates how fear, anxiety, and doubt blind us. The process of transforming both a garden and a marriage shows the

benefits of grappling with the hands-on, day-in-and-day-out needs of “the ground where you stand.” Each chapter explores a Zen koan or quotation, and while Miller’s teachings are warmly personal, they are also gently, insistently pragmatic. In homage to her departed teacher, Taizan Maezumi Roshi, who once gardened the ground Miller now cultivates, Miller’s down-to-earth insights are as simple as planting a seed and as profound as nurturing perennial mindfulness.

AvAilAble in MAYMindfulness / Gardening • $15.95

Trade paperback • 224 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-252-2

Rights: world English

• National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting Buddhist and spirituality publications and blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

Paradise in Plain SightLessons from a Zen Garden

Karen Maezen Miller

Praise for Karen Maezen Miller’s Hand Wash Cold:

“The skillful weaving of personal anecdotes, a few Zen terms, and acute insights . . .distin-guish this book from others in the genre. . . .This disarming book is full of deft and reas-

suring observations.” — puBliSherS weekly

“Hand Wash Cold is . . .without being dogmatic — a guide to finding true happiness by paying

attention to ourselves, to our relationships, and to suds and stains.” — ShamBhala Sun

• Reflectionsonhowaparadiseofpeace,beauty,andfulfillmentcanbefoundeveryday,rightunderourfeet

• Offersuniversalinsightsforreadersofallfaiths,withorwithoutagarden

• Theauthor’sbooks,Momma ZenandHand Wash Cold,havesold26,000copies

KARen MAeZen MilleR is a Zen Buddhist priest, meditation teacher, and self-described “delinquent mother and reluctant dog walker.” Her writing appears in The Best Buddhist Writing 2007 and The Maternal Is Political. Miller lives in Los Angeles County.



Hand Wash Cold

Karen Maezen Miller

Paperback • $14.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-904-7

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At once spiritual, practical, and streetwise, Letters to My Son has been beloved by readers from all walks of life, including single mothers seeking guidance in raising a son, fathers looking to share a voice of clarity about life’s most important issues, and young men wanting an intelligent, thoughtful, and sensitive compan-ion on the journey toward a worthy manhood. In this twentieth anniversary edition, Kent Nerburn adds to his classic reflections

on love, marriage, travel, money and wealth, tragedy and suffer-ing, spirituality, sex, and the true meaning of strength, with new chapters on sexual identity and the difficulty of moving on (from relationships, homes, and stages of life). Unique in its profound simplicity, timeless clarity, and uncommon insight, Letters to My Son is a book to savor and a gift to give to anyone looking for clear and gentle guidance on the big issues in life.

• Promotion targeting personal growth and parenting publications

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking


• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in MAYPersonal Growth / Parenting • $14.95

Trade paperback with flaps • 232 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-280-5

Rights: world

“Magic . . .Nerburn bequeaths his son a legacy of wisdom about marriage, fatherhood, infidel-

ity, wanderlust, war, work, aging, and death.” — puBliSherS weekly

“In these letters, Nerburn’s son has been given a gift that few people ever receive from anyone, let alone their fathers; we’re fortunate to be able to look over his son’s shoulder as he reads them.” — yoga journal

“These thoughtful, serious essays are delightfully lyrical in tone. . . .The results are always engaging.” — liBrary journal

• 20thanniversaryeditionofapopular(morethan75,000copiessold)modernclassicofparentaladvice

• The author’s books, including Simple Truths, Small Graces, and The Wisdom of the Native Americans,havesoldmorethan750,000copies

Letters to My SonA Father’s Wisdom on Manhood, Women, Life, and Love

20th Anniversary Edition

Kent Nerburn

Foreword by Richard Carlson

KenT neRbURn is the author of beloved spiritual bestsellers and defining books on Native American issues. His work has been showcased on media including the History Channel and American Public Radio. Nerburn lives in Minneapolis.



Small Graces

Kent Nerburn

Hardcover • $16.00

ISBN: 978-1-57731-072-3

Simple Truths

Kent Nerburn

Hardcover • $16.00

ISBN: 978-1-57731-515-5

Page 18: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

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Though he lived in the thirteenth century, Meister Eckhart’s teachings were in many ways modern. His thinking was deeply ecumenical, encompassing Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism as well as shamanism and indigenous spirituality. He advocated for social, economic, and gender justice; taught about what we call ecology; and championed artistic creativity. All these elements have inspired Matthew Fox and influenced his Creation Spiritu-ality. While Fox recognizes that Eckhart has influenced everyone

from Teresa of Avila to Eckhart Tolle, Karl Marx to Carl Jung, and Annie Dillard to Anne Morrow Lindbergh, he also wants to intro-duce Eckhart to those activists addressing contemporary crises. Toward that end, and as he did in his Hildegard of Bingen, Fox cre-ates metaphorical meetings between Eckhart and the Dalai Lama, Thomas Merton, Joanna Macy, Black Elk, Rumi, Adrienne Rich, and others. The result is wonderfully reader-friendly, profoundly substantive, and deeply inspiring.

AvAilAble in JUlYSpirituality / Mysticism • $15.95

Trade paperback • 352 pp. • 5¼ x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-265-2

Rights: world

• National radio and TV interviews

• Promotion targeting religion and spirituality publications

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

Meister EckhartA Mystic-Warrior for Our Times

Matthew Fox

Praise for Matthew Fox:

“History will name Fox one of the great Christian spirits of our age.”

— JOhN ShELBy SPONG , author of A New Christianity for a New World

“Matthew Fox might well be the most creative, the most comprehensive, surely the most challenging religious-spiritual teacher in America.”

— ThOMAS BERRy, author of The Dream of the Earth

• Acontemporaryreligiousmaverickrelatesa13th-centuryreligiousmaverick’sradi-calideastoourtimes

• MatthewFoxistheauthorof28books,includingOriginal Blessing(300,000copiessold)

• BothMatthewFoxandMeisterEckhartwereDominicanpriestsexcommunicatedfortheirteachings

MATTheW FOX , a preeminent scholar and popularizer of Western mysticism, became an Episcopal priest after being expelled from the Catholic Church by the cardinal (Ratzinger) who became Pope Benedict XVI. Fox teaches and speaks widely and lives in Oakland, California.



Christian Mystics

Matthew Fox

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-952-8

Page 19: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

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In what amounts to Campbell’s only spiritual autobiography, this beautifully crafted collection of conversations, interviews, and outtakes from the Hero’s Journey documentary reveals and illuminates Campbell’s personal and intellectual journey. Read-ers first see Campbell, warm and relaxed, sipping Glenlivet and encouraging his mentee, Phil Cousineau. Then, as described by Publishers Weekly, “the book ranges widely, from Cro-Magnon art to Arthurian legend. . .as it follows Campbell from his Catholic

boyhood and early interest in American Indians to his years in Paris and Munich.” Readers listen in as he meets Jung (who discusses the meaning of the Hindu syllable Om); hear Campbell quip, “if mar-riage isn’t a first priority in your life, you’re not married”; and learn the genesis of Campbell’s trademark statement “follow your bliss.” As Richard Adams wrote, the book reveals “at every turn fresh as-pects of his genius, wisdom, and understanding.”

The Hero with a Thousand


Joseph Campbell

Hardcover • $21.95

ISBN: 978-1-57731-593-3

JOSePh CAMPbell , bestselling author and mythologist, died in 1987. Phil COUSineAU is an award-winning author, filmmaker, teacher, and editor. He lives in San Francisco. STUART l. bROWn , executive producer of the Hero’s Journey documentary, lives in Carmel Valley, California.

AvAilAble in JAnUARYMythology • $18.95

Trade paperback • 352 pp. • 51/2 x 81/2

BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs and illustrations throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-189-1

Rights: world English

• Promotion targeting personal growth and spirituality publications

• Advertising in Retailing Insights and Parabola

• Promotion at INATS and American Academy of Religions conference

• Extensive promotion on the Joseph Campbell Foundation website,

“These stories reveal how [Campbell’s] sense of the oneness of mythology began and grew over the course of his long and event-filled life journey. As we read them, we experience the warm human presence of a man who spent his life learning from others as well as teaching. Recommended.” — liBrary journal

• Thegreatmythologisttraceshisownquestinconversationwithluminariesheinspired

• FeaturesconversationswithRobertBly,AngelesArrien,JohnDensmore,andStan-islovGrof

• NowintradepaperbackandreformattedtofittheCollectedWorksofJosephCampbellseriestrimsize

The hero’s JourneyJoseph Campbell on His Life and Work

First Trade Paperback Edition

Joseph Campbell

Edited and with an introduction by Phil Cousineau

Foreword by Stuart L. Brown

Page 20: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

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Even if we don’t write about nature, Tina Welling demonstrates, nature triggers our stories. This is because “everything we know about creating, we know intuitively from the natural world.” One can set the stage for creation by following these three steps: con-sciously naming the information gathered by the senses, describ-ing the sensory details of one particular object, and interacting with the energy system of the universe. Welling discovered the last step while hiking and observing an intricate spiderweb shimmer-

ing in sunlight. Spiderwebs, she notes, are both “wondrous and ordinary” — ordinary in that they are made of chewed-up in-sects, yet wondrous in their intricacy. Welling shows writers how to make this kind of connection between the everyday and the hidden, worthy-of-attention beauty all around us. She makes the process of developing a fruitful relationship with wildness inside and out accessible to all writers and insight seekers.

• Promotion targeting writing and creativity publications, blogs, and websites

• Author blog tour on writing blogs

• Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author’s speaking engagements

• Promotion on the author’s website,

AvAilAble in MAYWriting / Creativity • $14.95

Trade paperback • 272 pp. • 5¼ x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-286-7

Rights: world

Praise for Tina Welling’s fiction:

“Like a cliff diver, Tina Welling’s fiction flies, tucks, and slices into the dark depths of her characters. She writes with insight, humor, and complete control. If they ever make com-passion an Olympic sport, Tina will have a room full of gold.”

— TIM SANDLIN , author of Honey Don’t

“Tina Welling is a wonderfully fresh voice in women’s fiction. Cowboys Never Cry will keep you up all night reading — and rooting for wounded characters who heal each other through the power of love.”

— JOAN JOhNSTON , New York Times bestselling author of Shattered

• Auniqueandbeautifulguidetoaligningpersonalcreativeenergywiththatofthenaturalworld

• TheauthorisalongtimespeakerandworkshopleaderattheJacksonHoleWritersConferencewhohasconductedWritingWildworkshopsthroughouttheAmericanWestforadecadeandrunsawritingworkshopinGrandTetonNationalPark

• Detailsa3-step“SpiritWalk”processforinvitingnaturetoenlivenandinspirewrit-ingofallkinds

writing wildForming a Creative Partnership with Nature

Tina welling

TinA Welling is the author of three novels published by NAL Accent/Penguin, including Cowboys Never Cry. Her nonfiction has appeared in The Sun, Body & Soul, and a variety of anthologies. She lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.



Awake in the Wild

Mark Coleman

Paperback • $16.95

ISBN: 978-1-930722-55-2

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Recently P


Bless This Food Ancient & Contemporary Graces from around the World

First Trade Paperback Edition

Adrian Butash

Gift / Inspiration • $14.95Paperback • 208 pp. • 5 x 7¼ISBN: 978-1-60868-214-0

Rights: world

The Art of HealingUncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing

Bernie S. Siegel, MD

Health & Wellness / Personal Growth • $16.95Paperback • 256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

70 COLOR illustrationsISBN: 978-1-60868-185-3

Rights: world

Hard Times Require Furious DancingNew Poems

First Trade Paperback Edition

Alice Walker Foreword by Shiloh Sophia McCloud

Poetry • $14.95Paperback • 184 pp. • 5 x 8BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations throughoutISBN: 978-1-60868-188-4

Rights: world

Grace, Under PressureA Girl with Asperger’s and Her Marathon Mom

Sophie Walker

Memoir / Parenting • $14.95Paperback • 248 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-225-6

Rights: N. American

Pick Your Yoga PracticeExploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga

Meagan McCrary

Health & Wellness • $15.95 Paperback • 240 pp. • 6 x 9ISBN: 978-1-60868-180-8

Rights: world English

Page 22: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way




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ecently Pub


Boundaries in an Overconnected World Setting Limits to Preserve Your Focus, Privacy, Relationships, and Sanity

Anne Katherine

Personal Growth / Psychology • $14.95Paperback • 280 pp. • 5½ x 8½ISBN: 978-1-60868-190-7

Rights: world

Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations

Ancient Philosophy for Modern Problems

Jules Evans

Philosophy • $15.95Paperback • 320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-229-4

Rights: N. American

The Creative CompassWriting Your Way from Inspiration to Publication

Dan Millman and Sierra Prasada

Writing / Creativity • $14.95Paperback • 280 pp. • 5¼ x 8ISBN: 978-1-932073-65-2

Rights: worldAn H J Kramer Title

Holistic Pain ReliefDr. Tick’s Breakthrough Strategies to Manage

and Eliminate Pain

Heather Tick, MD

Health & Wellness • $15.95Paperback • 312 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-206-5

Rights: world

What Happens When We DieA Psychic’s Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul’s Journey After Death

Echo Bodine

Metaphysics • $14.95 Paperback • 160 pp. • 5½ x 8½ISBN: 978-1-60868-035-1

Rights: world

Page 23: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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Recently P


Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed The Fascinating Science of Animal Intelligence, Emotions, Friendship, and Conservation

Marc Bekoff

Animals • $15.95Paperback • 400 pp. • 5½ x 8½ISBN: 978-1-60868-219-5

Rights: world

The Girl Who Sang to the BuffaloA Child, an Elder & Light from an Ancient Sky

Kent Nerburn

Native American Studies • $15.95Paperback • 408 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-015-3

Rights: world

GoddessesMysteries of the Feminine Divine

Joseph Campbell

Mythology • $24.95Hardcover • 336 pp. • 5½ x 8½

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations throughout ISBN: 978-1-60868-182-2

Rights: world English

Pope Francis in His Own WordsEdited by Julie Schwietert Collazo and Lisa Rogak

Religion • $12.95 Paperback with flaps • 160 pp. • 5 x 7¼ISBN: 978-1-60868-248-5

Rights: N. American

Page 24: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way

The Power of Now Creative Visualization The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Way of the Peaceful Warrior Living in the Light The Life You Were Born to Live You Can Be Happy No Matter What Reflections in the Light Diet for a New America Living with Joy Creating Money Practicing the Power of Now Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Spiritual Growth Creating Affluence Opening to Channel Personal Power through Awareness The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Audio Stillness Speaks No Ordinary Moments The Power of Now Audio Soul Love The Laws of Spirit Creative Visualization Meditations Audio Simple Truths No Greater Love The Instant Millionaire Good Night God Creating Affluence Audio The Hero with a Thousand Faces In the Heart of the World Seth Speaks Siete leyes espirituales del exito Creative Visualization Audio Legends The Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter Guardians of Being The Nature of Personal Reality 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married The Wisdom of the Native Americans

Bestsellers from New World Library

Page 25: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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AwakeningA Daily Guide to Conscious LivingShakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.00

400 pp. • 5 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-532-2

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Creating True ProsperityShakti Gawain

Paperback • $13.95

192 pp. • 5 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-170-6

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Creative VisualizationUse the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your LifeShakti Gawain

Paperback • $13.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-229-1

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Creative Visualization Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life30th Anniversary Edition

Shakti Gawain

Slipcased hardcover with 60-minute CD • $25.00

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½


ISBN: 978-1-57731-636-7

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Creative Visualization Deck50 Inspiration Cards

Shakti Gawain

50 COLOR cards • $17.95

Hardcover box with frame • 4 x 6

ISBN: 978-1-57731-521-6

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

The Creative Visualization WorkbookUse the Power of Your Imagination

to Create What You Want in Your LifeShakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.95

160 pp. • 73 8 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-880032-75-6

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Developing IntuitionPractical Guidance for Daily Life

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $12.95

160 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-186-7

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

MeditationsCreative Visualization and Meditation Exercises to Enrich

Your LifeRevised and Expanded

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.95

144 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-235-2

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Reflections in the LightDaily Thoughts and Affirmations

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $16.00

400 pp. • 5 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-410-3

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Living in the LightFollow Your Inner Guidance to Create a New Life and a New World25th Anniversary Edition

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-048-1

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

The Path of TransformationHow Healing Ourselves Can

Change the World

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.95

264 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-154-6

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

The Four Levels of HealingA Guide to Balancing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional,and Physical Aspects of Life

Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $12.95

128 pp. • 5½ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-099-0

Rights: world

Page 26: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way




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A New Earth Inspiration DeckAwakening to Your Life’s PurposeEckhart Tolle

52 COLOR cards • $18.95

Hardcover box with frame

4 x 6

ISBN: 978-1-57731-651-0

Rights: world English

A Namaste Title

ECKHART TOLLE Author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now

Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat DVDStillness amidst the WorldPhotographs and text by

Eckhart Tolle

Hardcover with 2 DVDs

$27.95 • 64 pp. • 6 x 6

DVDs: 4 hours

COLOR throughout

ISBN: 978-1-57731-509-4

Rights: world

The Power of NowA Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentEckhart Tolle

Paperback • $15.00

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-480-6

Rights: world exc. Canada

A Namaste Title

Practicing the Power of NowEssential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises from The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle

Hardcover • $17.00

144 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-195-9

Rights: world

A Namaste Title

Stillness SpeaksEckhart Tolle

Hardcover • $17.00

144 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-400-4

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Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn RetreatStillness amidst the WorldEckhart Tolle

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4 hours

ISBN: 978-1-57731-508-7

Rights: world

In the Presence of a Great MysteryEckhart Tolle

3 CDs • $21.95

2 hours, 49 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-57731-557-5

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2 CDs • $18.95

2 hours, 16 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-57731-486-8

Rights: world

The Power of NowA Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentWritten and read by

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-208-6

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Stillness SpeaksWritten and read by

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2½ hours • Unabridged

ISBN: 978-1-57731-419-6

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A Namaste Title

The Power of Now Deck50 Inspiration Cards

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Hardcover box with frame

4 x 6

ISBN: 978-1-57731-219-2

Rights: world

A Namaste Title

Guardians of BeingSpiritual Teachings from Our Dogs and Cats Words by Eckhart Tolle

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128 pp. • 83 8 x 6¾

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-119-8

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368 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-406-6

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224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-471-4

Rights: world English

The Mythic DimensionSelected Essays 1959–1987

Joseph Campbell

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360 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-594-0

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JOSEPH CAMPBELLJOSEPH CAMPBELL (1904–1987) is widely credited with bringing mythology to a mass audience. His works, including the four-volume The Masks of God and The Power of Myth (with Bill Moyers), rank among the classics of mythology and literature.

Baksheesh & BrahmanAsian Journals — IndiaJoseph Campbell

Hardcover • $22.95

416 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-237-6

Rights: world English

Flight of the Wild GanderExplorations in the Mythical Dimension

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256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-210-9

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The Hero with a Thousand FacesJoseph Campbell

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432 pp. • 5½ x 8½

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-593-3

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192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-109-9

Rights: world English

The Inner Reaches of Outer SpaceMetaphor As Myth and As ReligionJoseph Campbell

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176 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-110-5

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Mythic ImaginationCollected Short FictionJoseph Campbell

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288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-153-2

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Thou Art ThatTransforming Religious Metaphor

Joseph Campbell

Paperback • $14.95

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-187-7

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Myths of LightEastern Metaphors of the EternalJoseph Campbell

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-109-9

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Living on PurposeStraight Answers to Life’s Tough QuestionsDan Millman

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224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-132-4

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320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-40-3

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Way of the Peaceful WarriorA Book That Changes LivesMovie Tie-In Edition

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Paperback • $12.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-20-1

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An H J Kramer Title

Sacred Journey of thePeaceful WarriorDan Millman

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264 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-10-2

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An H J Kramer Title

Wisdom of the Peaceful WarriorA Companion to the Book That Changes LivesDan Millman

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192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-21-8

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Way of the Peaceful WarriorA Book That Changes Lives20th Anniversary Edition

Dan Millman

Paperback • $12.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-89-2

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Peaceful WarriorThe Graphic NovelDan Millman

Illustrations by Andrew Winegarner

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 62 5 x 10

ISBN: 978-1-932073-48-5

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title


Body Mind MasteryCreating Success in Sport and LifeDan Millman

Paperback • $12.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-094-5

Rights: world

Bridge Between WorldsExtraordinary Experiences That Changed LivesDan Millman & Doug Childers

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-26-3

Rights: N. America and open market

An H J Kramer Title

The Life You Were Born to LiveA Guide to Finding Your Life PurposeDan Millman

Paperback • $15.95

464 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-0-915811-60-1

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

The Laws of SpiritA Tale of TransformationDan Millman

Paperback • $10.95

120 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-0-915811-93-9

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

The Four Purposes of LifeFinding Meaning and Direction in a Changing WorldDan Millman

Hardcover • $17.00

168 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-932073-49-2

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

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All My RelationsLiving with Animalsas Teachers and HealersSusan Chernak McElroy

Paperback • $15.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½


line drawings

ISBN: 978-1-57731-430-1

Rights: world

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Paperback • $14.95

336 pp. • 6 x 7½

BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs


ISBN: 978-1-57731-610-7

Rights: world English

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Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 6 x 7½

BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs


ISBN: 978-1-57731-666-4

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Angel CatsDivine Messengers of ComfortAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $12.95

192 pp. • 6 x 7½



ISBN: 978-1-57731-448-6

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Angel DogsDivine Messengers of LoveAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $13.95

240 pp. • 6 x 7½



ISBN: 978-1-57731-493-6

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Angel Dogs with a MissionDivine Messengers in Service to All LifeAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

280 pp. • 6 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-602-2

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Angel HorsesDivine Messengers of HopeAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 6 x 7½



ISBN: 978-1-57731-518-6

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Animal GraceEntering a Spiritual Relationship with Our Fellow CreaturesMary Lou Randour

Paperback • $16.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-225-3

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The Animal ManifestoSix Reasons for Expanding OurCompassion FootprintMarc Bekoff

Paperback • $14.95

272 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-649-7

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Ask Your AnimalResolving Behavioral Issues through Intuitive Communication Marta Williams

Paperback • $15.95

216 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-609-1

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Before & AfterGetting Your PuppyThe Positive Approach to Raising a Happy, Healthy & Well-Behaved DogDr. Ian Dunbar

Hardcover • $19.95

240 pp. • 6 x 9

115 BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs

ISBN: 978-1-57731-455-4

Rights: world English

Beyond the HomestretchWhat Saving Racehorses Taught Me about Starting Over, Facing Fear, and Finding My Inner CowgirlLynn Reardon

Paperback • $15.95

304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-956-6

Rights: world




Beyond WordsTalking with Animals and NatureMarta Williams

Paperback • $16.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-492-9

Rights: world

Animals and the Kids Who Love ThemExtraordinary True Stories of Hope, Healing, and Compassion

Allen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½


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ISBN: 978-1-57731-959-7

Rights: world

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Cherished21 Writers on Animals They Have Loved and LostEdited by

Barbara Abercrombie

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-957-3

Rights: world

Dressage in the Fourth DimensionSherry Ackerman, PhD

Hardcover • $17.95

152 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-623-7

Rights: world

The Emotional Lives of AnimalsA Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy — and Why They MatterMarc Bekoff

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-629-9

Rights: world

Horses with a MissionExtraordinary True Stories of Equine ServiceAllen and Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-648-0

Rights: world English

Kindred Spirit, Kindred CareMaking Health Decisions on Behalf of Our Animal CompanionsShannon Fujimoto Nakaya, DVM

Paperback • $13.95

176 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-507-0

Rights: world

The Language of MiraclesA Celebrated Psychic Teaches Youto Talk to AnimalsAmelia Kinkade

Paperback • $15.95

352 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-510-0

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Mystical Dogs Animals as Guides to Our Inner LifeJean Houston

Paperback • $15.95

240 pp. • 5 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-32-3

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Dogs & the Women Who Love ThemExtraordinary True Stories of Loyalty, Healing, and InspirationAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-692-3

Rights: world

Dog BlessingsPoems, Prose, and Prayers Celebrating Our Relationship with DogsEdited by June Cotner

Hardcover • $16.00

192 pp. • 5½ x 6½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-616-9

Rights: world English

Learning Their LanguageIntuitive Communication with Animals and NatureMarta Williams

Paperback • $16.95

320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-243-7

Rights: world

Horses and the Mystical PathThe Celtic Way of Expandingthe Human SoulAdele von Rüst McCormick, PhD,

Marlena Deborah McCormick, PhD,

and Thomas E. McCormick, MD

Paperback • $16.95

208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-556-8

Rights: world

The Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Arthritis in Dogs and CatsShawn Messonnier, DVM

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-975-7

Rights: world

Goodbye, FriendHealing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a PetGary Kowalski

Paperback • $14.00

184 pp. • 5 x 8

BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs


ISBN: 978-1-60868-086-3

Rights: world


My Animal, My SelfA Breakthrough Way to Understand How You and Your Animal Reflect Each OtherMarta Williams

Paperback • $15.95

232 pp. • 5½ x 8½

BLACK-AND-WHITE photographs


ISBN: 978-1-60868-169-3

Rights: world

The Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Cancer in Dogs Shawn Messonnier, DVM

Paperback • $16.95

320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-519-3

Rights: world

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Riding into Your Mythic LifeTransformational Adventures with the HorsePatricia Broersma

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-655-8

Rights: world

Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals Finding Comfort After Losing Your Pet Allen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

176 pp. • 6 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-626-8

Rights: world

The Souls of AnimalsGary Kowalski

Paperback • $14.00

160 pp. • 5½ x 8½


photographs throughout

ISBN: 978-1-57731-590-2

Rights: world

Straight from the Horse’s MouthHow to Talk to Animalsand Get AnswersAmelia Kinkade

Paperback • $16.95

320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-506-3

Rights: world

Talking with Nature •Journey into NatureA Michael Roads ReaderMichael Roads

Paperback • $18.95

320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-05-8

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

The Tao of EquusA Woman’s Journey of Healing & Transformation through the Way of the HorseLinda Kohanov

Paperback • $16.95

384 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-420-2

Rights: world English

Uncommon FriendsCelebrating the Human-Animal Bond Julie Adams Church

Illustrated by

Constance Coleman

Paperback • $12.95

144 pp. • 5 x 8

25 BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations

ISBN: 978-0-915811-96-0

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Way of the HorseEquine Archetypes for Self-Discovery — A Book of Exploration and 40 CardsLinda Kohanov

Illustrations by Kim McElroy

Boxed set • $35.00

264-page book and

40 COLOR cards • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-513-1

Rights: English

Training Your Dog the Humane WaySimple Teaching Tips for Resolving Problem Behaviors & Raising a Happy DogAlana Stevenson

Paperback • $14.95

208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-018-4

Rights: world

Riding between the WorldsExpanding Our Potential through the Way of the HorseLinda Kohanov

Paperback • $16.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-576-6

Rights: world English

Your Dog Is Your MirrorThe Emotional Capacity of Our Dogs and OurselvesKevin Behan

Paperback • $17.95

344 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-088-7

Rights: world English

Spirit HorsesTony Stromberg

Paperback • $29.95

160 pp. • 10½ x 12

COLOR photographs throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-142-6

Rights: world

RescuedSaving Animals from DisasterAllen & Linda Anderson

Paperback • $16.95

368 pp. • 6 x 9

16-page COLOR photograph insert

ISBN: 978-1-57731-544-5

Rights: world

The Power of the HerdA Nonpredatory Approach to Social Intelligence, Leadership, and InnovationLinda Kohanov

Hardcover • $27.95

464 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-676-3

Rights: world

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Cause for Success10 Companies That Put Profits Second and Came In FirstChristine Arena

Paperback • $18.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-457-8

Rights: world

Creating AffluenceThe A-to-Z Steps to a Richer LifeDeepak Chopra

Paperback • $12.00

120 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-878424-34-1

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

See also Audio, page 56

The Genius MachineThe 11 Steps That Turn Raw Ideas into BrillianceGerald Sindell

Hardcover • $19.95

160 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-650-3

Rights: world

How to Think Like a MillionaireMark Fisher with Marc Allen

Paperback • $12.95

136 pp. • 5¼ x 8¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-643-5

Rights: N. America

The Instant MillionaireA Tale of Wisdom and WealthMark Fisher

Paperback • $13.95

136 pp. • 5¼ x 8¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-934-4

Rights: world English

The Millionaire CourseA Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your DreamsMarc Allen

Paperback • $15.95

320 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-232-1

Rights: world

See also Audio, page 57

Paradigm FoundLeading and Managing for Positive ChangeAnne Firth Murray

Paperback • $16.95

272 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-533-9

Rights: world

The Power PathThe Shaman’s Way to Success in Business and LifeJosé Stevens, PhD,

with Lena Stevens

Paperback • $14.95

304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-217-8

Rights: world

The Right-Brain Business PlanA Creative, Visual Map for SuccessJennifer Lee

Paperback • $19.95

240 pp. • 7 x 9

COLOR illustrations throughout

ISBN: 978-1-57731-944-3

Rights: world

Financial RecoveryDeveloping a Healthy Relationship with MoneyKaren McCall

Paperback • $14.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-928-3

Rights: world

Ethical IntelligenceFive Principles for Untangling Your Toughest Problems at Work and BeyondBruce Weinstein, PhD

Paperback • $15.95

248 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-054-2

Rights: world

Creative ThinkeringPutting Your Imagination to WorkMichael Michalko

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 6 x 9

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-60868-024-5

Rights: world

The Career ChroniclesAn Insider’s Guide to What Jobs Are Really Like — The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from Over 750 ProfessionalsMichael Gregory

Paperback • $15.95

280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-573-5

Rights: world

The Authentic CareerFollowing the Path of Self-Discovery to Professional Fulfillment Maggie Craddock

Paperback • $16.95

240 pp. • 7¼ x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-438-7

Rights: world




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Dragon SoupArlene Williams

Illustrated by Sally J. Smith

Hardcover • $15.95

32 pp. • 10½ x 8½

FULL COLOR • Ages 4–10

ISBN: 978-0-915811-63-2

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

The Spiral of Memory and BelongingA Celtic Path of Soul and KinshipFrank MacEowen

Paperback • $18.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-423-3

Rights: world

Yearning for the WindCeltic Reflections on Nature and the SoulTom Cowan

Paperback • $16.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-411-0

Rights: world

Good Night GodHolly Bea

Illustrated by Kim Howard

Hardcover • $17.00

32 pp. • 9 x 9

FULL COLOR • Ages 2–6

ISBN: 978-0-915811-84-7

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

A Goose Named GilliganJerry M. Hay

Illustrated by

Phyllis Pollema-Cahill

Hardcover • $15.95

32 pp. • 9½ x 8¾

FULL COLOR • Ages 3–10

ISBN: 978-1-932073-09-6

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title



The Celtic Way of SeeingMeditations on the Irish Spirit WheelFrank MacEowen

Paperback • $14.95

160 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-541-4

Rights: world

The Mist-Filled PathCeltic Wisdom for Exiles, Wanderers, and SeekersFrank MacEowen

Paperback • $16.95

304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-211-6

Rights: world

The Red-Haired Girl from the BogThe Landscape of Celtic Myth and SpiritPatricia Monaghan

Paperback • $16.95

304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-458-5

Rights: world



Z.B.A.: Zen of Business AdministrationHow Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work and Your LifeMarc Lesser

Paperback • $16.95

288 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-469-1

Rights: world

The Seven Spiritual Lawsof SuccessA Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your DreamsDeepak Chopra

Hardcover • $16.00

128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-878424-11-2

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

See also Audio, page 57

Visionary BusinessAn Entrepreneur’s Guide to SuccessMarc Allen

Paperback • $14.95

200 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-662-6

Rights: world

Just for TodayJan Phillips

Illustrated by

Alison Bonds Shapiro

Hardcover • $15.95

32 pp. • 9½ x 8¾

FULL COLOR • Ages 3–10

ISBN: 978-1-932073-07-2

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

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Where Does God Live?Holly Bea

Illustrated by Kim Howard

Hardcover • $17.00

32 pp. • 9 x 9

FULL COLOR • Ages 4–10

ISBN: 978-0-915811-73-1

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

50 Ways to Save the Ocean David Helvarg

Illustrations by Jim Toomey

Paperback • $12.95

208 pp. • 6 x 9

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-930722-66-8

Rights: world

50 Ways to Support Lesbian & Gay EqualityThe Complete Guide to Supporting Family, Friends, Neighbors — or YourselfEdited by Meredith Maran

Paperback • $14.95

176 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-50-7

Rights: world

On Bicycles50 Ways the New Bike Culture Can Change Your LifeEdited by Amy Walker

Paperback • $16.95

384 pp. • 5 x 7¼

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-60868-022-1

Rights: world

The Search for a Nonviolent FutureA Promise of Peace for Ourselves, Our Families, and Our WorldMichael N. Nagler

Paperback • $18.95

360 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-40-8

Rights: world





Quest for the Crystal CastleDan Millman

Illustrated by T. Taylor Bruce

Hardcover • $14.95

32 pp. • 8 x 10

FULL COLOR • Ages 4–10

ISBN: 978-0-915811-41-0

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

Secret of the Peaceful WarriorDan Millman

Illustrated by T. Taylor Bruce

Hardcover • $16.95

32 pp. • 8 x 10

FULL COLOR • Ages 4–10

ISBN: 978-0-915811-23-6

Rights: world

An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

Not a Drop to DrinkAmerica’s Water Crisis (and What You Can Do)Ken Midkiff

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-68-2

Rights: world English

Twelve by TwelveA One-Room Cabin off the Grid & beyond the American DreamWilliam Powers

Paperback • $16.95

296 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-897-2

Rights: world English

The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-EsteemDiana Loomans

Illustrated by Kim Howard

Hardcover • $15.95

32 pp. • 10 x 10

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ISBN: 978-0-915811-25-0

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An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

Lucy Goose Goes to TexasHolly Bea

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32 pp. • 9½ x 8¾

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ISBN: 978-1-932073-15-7

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An H J Kramer/Starseed Press Title

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ISBN: 978-1-930722-74-3

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-115-0

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-075-7

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-584-1

Rights: world English

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Sit Down and Shut UpPunk Rock Commentaries on Buddha, God, Truth, Sex, Death, & Dogen’s Treasury of the Right Dharma EyeBrad Warner

Paperback • $15.95

272 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-559-9

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-521-6

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A Nataraj Publishing Title

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A Namaste Title

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A Namaste Title

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-570-4

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-167-6

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-654-1

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-536-0

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-183-6

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-119-8

Rights: USCO

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128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-214-7

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Paperback • $10.95

96 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-168-3

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128 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-608-4

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-552-0

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-569-8

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Paperback • $18.95

464 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-932073-54-6

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-151-8

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112 pp. • 5 x 7¼

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-167-9

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Effortless MindMeditate with Ease — Calm Your Mind, Connect with Your Heart, and Revitalize Your LifeAjayan Borys

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-248-2

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-234-5

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-188-1

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-478-3

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ISBN: 978-1-932073-00-3

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An H J Kramer Title

Raw Food for Real PeopleLiving Vegan Food Made SimpleRod Rotondi

Paperback • $16.95

208 pp. • 7 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-974-0

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-454-7

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ISBN: 978-0-915811-88-5

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Over ItA Teen’s Guide to Getting beyond Obsessions with Food and WeightCarol Emery Normandi

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208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-148-5

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-421-9

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384 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-60868-047-4

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-206-2

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448 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-880032-91-6

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Misadventures of a Garden State YogiMy Humble Quest to Heal My Colitis, Calm My ADD, and Find the Key to HappinessBrian Leaf

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Paperback • $12.95

144 pp. • 5 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-415-8

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Paperback • $17.95

384 pp. • 6 x 9



ISBN: 978-1-57731-528-5

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The 12 Stages of HealingA Network Approach to WholenessDonald M. Epstein

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Paperback • $14.00

256 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-878424-08-2

Rights: world

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Paperback • $17.95

224 pp. • 7¼ x 9¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-087-7

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Paperback • $14.95

280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-37-3

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Coaching the Artist WithinAdvice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists & Musicians from America’s Foremost Creativity CoachEric Maisel

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-464-6

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176 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-601-5

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256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-19-5

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An H J Kramer Title

Tea Here NowRelax and Rejuvenate with a Tea Lifestyle — Rituals, Remedies, and MeditationsDonna Fellman & Lhasha Tizer

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176 pp. • 6 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-930722-57-6

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Paperback • $14.00

224 pp. • 5 x 8

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-60868-026-9

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Paperback • $13.95

168 pp. • 5 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-111-9

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256 pp. • 6 x 9

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-045-0

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Paperback • $15.95

208 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-60868-092-4

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The Sexy Vegan’s Happy Hour at HomeSmall Plates, Big Flavors & Potent CocktailsBrian L. Patton

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-234-8

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Creating TimeUsing Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your LifeMarney K. Makridakis

Paperback • $22.95

280 pp. • 7 x 9

COLOR illustrations throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-111-2

Rights: world

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Paperback • $19.95

368 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-558-2

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The Green ThoreauAmerica’s First Environmentalist on Technology, Possessions, Livelihood, and MoreHenry David Thoreau

Paperback • $14.00

120 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-60868-143-3

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Translated by Joan M. Burnham

Hardcover • $16.00

128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-155-3

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Let the Crazy Child Write!Finding Your Creative Writing VoiceClive Matson

Paperback • $16.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-880032-35-0

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240 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-890-3

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144 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-677-0

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152 pp. • 5½ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-62-0

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320 pp. • 7 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-52-1

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Paperback • $14.00

240 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-445-5

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JournalutionJournaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams Sandy Grason

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-483-7

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Hardcover • $21.95

432 pp. • 5½ x 8½

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-593-3

Rights: world English

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Paperback • $16.95

304 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-496-7

Rights: world English

Kicking In the WallA Year of Writing Exercises, Prompts, and Quotes to Help You Break Through Your Blocks and Reach Your Writing GoalsBarbara Abercrombie

Paperback • $15.95

248 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-156-3

Rights: world

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-162-4

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Write StartsPrompts, Quotes, and Exercises to Jumpstart Your CreativityHal Zina Bennett

Paperback • $15.00

232 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-689-3

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Writing Alone, Writing TogetherA Guide for Writers and Writing GroupsJudy Reeves

Paperback • $16.95

192 pp. • 7¼ x 87/8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-207-9

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The Book of CeremoniesA Native Way of Honoringand Living the SacredGabriel Horn

Art by Carises Horn

Paperback • $16.95

256 pp. • 6½ x 7

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-57731-504-9

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Hardcover • $16.00

128 pp. • 5 x 7

ISBN: 978-0-931432-78-1

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Neither Wolf nor DogOn Forgotten Roads with an Indian ElderKent Nerburn

Paperback • $15.95

352 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-233-8

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Hardcover • $16.00

96 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-200-0

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Writing Spiritual BooksA Bestselling Writer’s Guide to Successful PublicationHal Zina Bennett

Paperback • $15.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-37-8

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408 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-051-1

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Paperback • $16.95

200 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-880913-61-1

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Paperback • $14.00

224 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-567-4

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Write from the HeartUnleashing the Power of Your Creativity Hal Zina Bennett

Paperback • $16.95

272 pp. • 6 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-177-5

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

A Skeleton Key toFinnegans WakeUnlocking James Joyce’s MasterworkJoseph Campbell

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Paperback • $19.95

432 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-166-2

Rights: world English

A Writer’s Book of DaysA Spirited Companion & Lively Muse for the Writing LifeJudy Reeves

Paperback • $16.95

272 pp. • 7¼ x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-936-8

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StorycatcherMaking Sense of Our Lives through the Power and Practice of Story Christina Baldwin

Paperback • $15.95

272 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-603-9

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100 Ways to Build Self-Esteemand Teach ValuesDiana Loomans with

Julia Loomans

Paperback • $14.95

400 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-932073-01-0

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title


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Paperback • $16.95

256 pp. • 7¼ x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-120-1

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-13-3

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An H J Kramer Title

The Secret Spiritual World of ChildrenTobin Hart, PhD

Paperback • $17.95

312 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-19-4

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The Tao of MotherhoodVimala McClure

Paperback • $14.95

168 pp. • 5 x 7

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-013-9

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Letters to My SonA Father’s Wisdom on Manhood, Life, and LoveKent Nerburn

Paperback • $14.95

216 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-031-0

Rights: world

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Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-660-2

Rights: world

Hearing Is BelievingHow Words Can Make or Break Our Kids Elisa Medhus, MD

Paperback • $16.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-427-1

Rights: world

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Paperback • $16.95

240 pp. • 8 x 10

BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations


ISBN: 978-0-915811-99-1

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An H J Kramer Title

The Wisdom of the Native AmericansIncluding The Soul of an Indian and Other Writings from Ohiyesa and the Great Speeches of Chief Red Jacket, Chief Joseph, and Chief SeattleEdited by Kent Nerburn

Hardcover • $17.95

240 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-079-2

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The Wolf at TwilightAn Indian Elder’s Journey through a Land of Ghosts and ShadowsKent Nerburn

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368 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-578-0

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The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident KidsDr. Jenn Berman

Paperback • $16.95

296 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-563-6

Rights: world English

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192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-187-4

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Beginning MindfulnessLearning the Way of AwarenessAndrew Weiss

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264 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-441-7

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The Best of Hawai`i Wedding BookA Guide to Maui, Lanai, and Kauai — Top Locations, Services, and Resources for Your Destination WeddingTammy Ash Perkins

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256 pp. • 7 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-64-4

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228 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-82-3

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Choosing ME before WEEvery Woman’s Guide to Life and LoveChristine Arylo

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232 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-641-1

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Circle of StonesWoman’s Journey to HerselfJudith Duerk

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128 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-880913-63-5

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Paperback • $14.00

144 pp. • 4¼ x 8¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-888-0

Rights: world English

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144 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-218-5

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312 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-968-9

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Beyond KnowingMysteries & Messages of Death & Life from a Forensic PathologistJanis Amatuzio, MD

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-634-3

Rights: world English

Brain PowerImprove Your Mind as You AgeMichael J. Gelb and

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Paperback • $14.95

248 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-073-3

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Awake in the WildMindfulness in Nature as a Path of Self-DiscoveryMark Coleman

Paperback • $16.95

264 pp. • 5½ x 8

ISBN: 978-1-930722-55-2

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Awakening from GriefFinding the Way Back to JoyJohn E. Welshons

Paperback • $15.95

232 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-18-7

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The Architecture of All AbundanceSeven Foundations to ProsperityLenedra J. Carroll

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352 pp. • 5½ x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-245-1

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As You ThinkJames Allen

Paperback • $9.95

96 pp. • 5 x 73/8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-074-7

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Echoes of the SoulThe Soul’s Journey Beyond the Light — Through Life, Death, and Life After DeathEcho Bodine

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176 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-076-1

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

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312 pp. • 6 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-545-2

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-970-2

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280 pp. • 5 x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-060-3

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304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-058-0

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Paperback • $12.95

272 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-475-2

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Paperback • $12.95

208 pp. • 5¼ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-628-2

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208 pp. • 7¼ x 9

300 BLACK-AND-WHITE illustrations

ISBN: 978-1-57731-224-6

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Paperback • $14.95

232 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-659-6

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Conscious EvolutionAwakening the Powerof Our Social PotentialBarbara Marx Hubbard

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302 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-016-7

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Creating MiraclesA Practical Guide to Divine InterventionCarolyn Godschild Miller, PhD

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288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-16-4

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Creating MoneyAttracting AbundanceSanaya Roman & Duane Packer

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320 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-22-5

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Clutter Busting Your LifeClearing Physical and Emotional Clutter to Reconnect with Yourself and OthersBrooks Palmer

Paperback • $14.95

208 pp. • 5 x 8


illustrations throughout

ISBN: 978-1-60868-079-5

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Paperback • $15.95

264 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-164-8

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The GiftUnderstand and Develop Your Psychic AbilitiesEcho Bodine

Paperback • $13.95

208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-205-5

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352 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-470-7

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Paperback • $18.95

224 pp. • 7½ x 9¼

COLOR illustrations throughout

ISBN: 978-1-57731-935-1

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176 pp. • 6 x 7

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ISBN: 978-1-930722-48-4

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-561-2

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Handbook for the SpiritEdited by Richard Carlson, PhD

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Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-613-8

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Handbook to a Happier LifeA Simple Guide to Creating the Life You’ve Always Wanted Jim Donovan

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-401-1

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Hands That Heal Echo Bodine

Paperback • $14.95

176 pp. • 5½ x 8½



ISBN: 978-1-57731-456-1

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The Greatest Secret of AllSimple Steps to Abundance, Fulfillment, and a Life Well LivedMarc Allen

Paperback • $12.95

128 pp. • 45/8 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-963-4

Rights: world

See also Audio, page 57

Five WishesHow Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come TrueGay Hendricks

Paperback • $14.00

152 pp. • 47/8 x 7

ISBN: 978-1-57731-948-1

Rights: USCO

Getting Real10 Truth Skills You Needto Live an Authentic Life Susan Campbell, PhD

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-92-2

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Forever OursReal Stories of Immortality and Living from a Forensic Pathologist Janis Amatuzio, MD

Paperback • $15.95

224 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-599-5

Rights: world English

Freedom IsLiberating Your Boundless Potential Brandon Bays

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240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-600-8

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From Science to GodA Physicist’s Journey intothe Mystery of ConsciousnessPeter Russell

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144 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-494-3

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Full Body PresenceLearning to Listen to Your Body’s WisdomSuzanne Scurlock-Durana

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216 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-860-6

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Life ColorsWhat the Colors in Your Aura RevealPamala Oslie

Paperback • $17.95

368 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-169-0

Rights: world

LessAccomplishing More by Doing LessMarc Lesser

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-617-6

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232 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-067-2

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Human DesignDiscover the Person You Were Born To BeChetan Parkyn

Paperback • $27.95

304 pp. • 7½ x 9¾

ISBN: 978-1-57731-941-2

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In My Own WayAn AutobiographyAlan Watts

Paperback • $17.95

400 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-584-1

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I Sit Listening to the WindWoman’s Encounter within HerselfJudith Duerk

Paperback • $13.95

128 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-880913-65-9

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232 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-683-1

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424 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-160-0

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Healing into PossibilityThe Transformational Lessons of a StrokeAlison Bonds Shapiro

Paperback • $14.95

280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-24-9

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An H J Kramer Title

Healing Yourself With LightHow to Connect With the Angelic Healers LaUna Huffines

Paperback • $14.95

336 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-56-4

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The Heart of MoneyA Couple’s Guide to Creating True Financial IntimacyDeborah L. Price

Paperback • $14.95

224 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-127-3

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Paperback • $12.95

144 pp. • 6 x 6

ISBN: 978-1-57731-512-4

Rights: world

Happiness from the Inside OutThe Art and Science of FulfillmentRobert Mack

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-658-9

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The Hidden Spirituality of MenTen Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred MasculineMatthew Fox

Paperback • $16.95

368 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-675-6

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Know Yourself, Forget YourselfFive Truths to Transform Your Work, Relationships, and Everyday LifeMarc Lesser

Paperback • $14.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-081-8

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The Magical PathCreating the Life of Your Dreams and a World That Works for AllMarc Allen

Paperback • $15.95

336 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-145-7

Rights: world

The Magician’s WayWhat It Really Takes to Find Your TreasureWilliam Whitecloud

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-687-9

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The Mandala of BeingDiscovering the Power of AwarenessRichard Moss, MD

Paperback • $17.95

384 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-572-8

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Maps to EcstasyA Healing Journey for the Untamed SpiritGabrielle Roth with

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Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-045-7

Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Mastering Life’s EnergiesSimple Steps to a Luminous Life at Work and PlayMaria Nemeth, PhD

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-531-5

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Meal by Meal365 Daily Meditations for Finding Balance through Mindful EatingDonald Altman

Paperback • $15.00

384 pp. • 5½ x 6½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-30-9

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Mental ResilienceThe Power of Clarity — How to Develop the Focus of a Warrior and the Peace of a MonkKamal Sarma

Paperback with 1 CD • $16.95

208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

CD: 80 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-57731-625-1

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Paperback • $10.95

96 pp. • 5 x 73/8

ISBN: 978-0-931432-95-8

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The Magical ApproachSeth Speaks about the Art of Creative LivingJane Roberts

Paperback • $14.95

184 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-878424-09-9

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

Limitless MindA Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of ConsciousnessRussell Targ

Paperback • $15.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-413-4

Rights: world

Live Your BlissPractices That Produce Happiness and ProsperityTerry Cole-Whittaker

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-685-5

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Living with JoyKeys to Personal Power & Spiritual TransformationSanaya Roman

Paperback • $14.95

280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-51-5

Rights: world English

An H J Kramer Title

Look for the Good and You’ll Find GodThe Spiritual Journey of a Psychic and HealerEcho Bodine

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-597-1

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Love ColorsA New Approach to Love, Relationships, and AurasPamala Oslie

Paperback • $15.95

376 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-575-9

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Love Has WingsFree Yourself from Limiting Beliefs and Fall in Lovewith LifeIsha Judd

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224 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-121-1

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Personal Power through AwarenessA Guidebook for Sensitive PeopleSanaya Roman

Paperback • $12.95

216 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-04-5

Rights: world

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Pele’s WishSecrets of the Hawaiian Masters and Eternal LifeSondra Ray

Paperback • $13.95

152 pp. • 5½ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-44-6

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288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-424-0

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Path of EmpowermentPleiadian Wisdom for a World in ChaosBarbara Marciniak

Paperback • $16.95

296 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-41-5

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One Soul, One Love, One HeartThe Sacred Path to Healing All RelationshipsJohn E. Welshons

Paperback • $14.95

280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-588-9

Rights: world

Opening to ChannelHow To Connect With Your GuideSanaya Roman and Duane Packer

Paperback • $12.95

252 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-05-2

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An H J Kramer Title

One-Minute Mindfulness50 Simple Ways to Find Peace, Clarity, and New Possibilities in a Stressed-Out WorldDonald Altman

Paperback • $14.95

200 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-030-6

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Ordinary SacredThe Simple Beauty of Everyday LifeKent Nerburn

Paperback • $14.00

128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-60868-077-1

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101 Exercises for the SoulSimple Practices for a Healthy Body, Mind & SpiritDr. Bernie S. Siegel

Paperback • $14.95

208 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-57731-852-1

Rights: world

The Nature of Personal RealitySpecific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You KnowJane Roberts

Paperback • $17.95

480 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-878424-06-8

Rights: USCO

Copublished with Amber-Allen

Messengers of Love,Light & GraceGetting to Know Your Personal AngelsTerry Lynn Taylor

Paperback • $15.95

272 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-14-0

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

The Mindfulness CodeKeys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and UnhappinessDonald Altman

Paperback • $16.95

288 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-893-4

Rights: world

Miracles of MindExploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual HealingRussell Targ and Jane Katra, PhD

Paperback • $15.95

360 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-097-6

Rights: world

Money MagicUnleashing Your True Potentialfor Prosperity and FulfillmentDeborah L. Price

Paperback • $15.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-244-4

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240 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-60868-158-7

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Rock Your World with the Divine MotherBringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives Sondra Ray

Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-75-0

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Sacred SelfishnessA Guide to Living a Life of SubstanceBud Harris, PhD

Paperback • $16.95

368 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-930722-51-4

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Saying What’s Real7 Keys to Authentic Communication and Relationship SuccessSusan Campbell, PhD

Paperback • $14.95

192 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-12-6

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An H J Kramer Title

The Science of Making Things HappenTurn Any Possibility into RealityKim Marcille Romaner

Paperback • $16.95

304 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-853-8

Rights: world

Secrets of Great MarriagesReal Truth from Real Couples about Lasting LoveCharlie and Linda Bloom

Paperback • $14.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-678-7

Rights: world

Seth SpeaksThe Eternal Validity of the SoulJane Roberts

Paperback • $17.95

476 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-878424-07-5

Rights: USCO

Copublished with Amber-Allen


The Seven WhispersA Spiritual Practice for Times Like TheseChristina Baldwin

Paperback • $14.00

128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-505-6

Rights: world

She Who DreamsA Journey into Healing through DreamworkWanda Easter Burch

Paperback • $16.95

336 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-426-4

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Playing the Quantum FieldHow Changing Your Choices Can Change Your LifeBrenda Anderson

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-527-8

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The Power of PartnershipSeven Relationships That Will Change Your LifeRiane Eisler

Paperback • $18.95

304 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-408-0

Rights: world English

The Prayer ChestA Tale about the Power of Faith, Community, and LoveAugust Gold and Joel Fotinos

Paperback • $13.95

208 pp. • 5 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-049-8

Rights: world English

The Practicing MindDeveloping Focus and Discipline in Your LifeThomas M. Sterner

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168 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-090-0

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Present Moment AwarenessA Simple, Step-by-Step Guideto Living in the NowShannon Duncan

Paperback • $14.95

160 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-485-1

Rights: world

Quiet Your MindJohn Selby

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-930722-31-6

Rights: USCO

Reader of HeartsThe Life and Teachingsof a Reluctant PsychicDarrin Owens

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144 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-522-3

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Spiritual GrowthBeing Your Higher SelfSanaya Roman

Paperback • $12.95

252 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-12-0

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

SoulmatesFollowing Inner Guidance to the Relationship of Your DreamsCarolyn Godschild Miller

Paperback • $15.95

256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-86-1

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An H J Kramer Title

Spirit HealsAwakening a Woman’s Inner Knowing for Self-Healing Meredith L. Young-Sowers

Paperback • $15.95

336 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-577-3

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The Soul SolutionEnlightening Meditations for Resolving Life’s ProblemsJonathan Parker

Paperback • $14.95

240 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-932073-52-2

Rights: world English

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216 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-037-5

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Soul CurrencyInvesting Your Inner Wealth for Fulfillment & AbundanceErnest D. Chu

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272 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-851-4

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Soul LoveAwakening Your Heart CentersSanaya Roman

Paperback • $12.95

276 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-0-915811-77-9

Rights: world

An H J Kramer Title

Spiritual EnvyAn Agnostic’s Quest Michael Krasny

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264 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-60868-069-6

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256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-341-0

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240 pp. • 5 x 7¼

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384 pp. • 6 x 9

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ISBN: 978-0-915811-61-8

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112 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-515-5

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280 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-939-9

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20 Something ManifestoQuarter-Lifers Speak Out about Who They Are, What They Want, and How to Get ItChristine Hassler

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-479-0

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-551-3

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-020-7

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PartneringA New Kind of RelationshipHal Stone, PhD

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256 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-107-2

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-129-7

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-422-6

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-604-6

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-642-8

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-627-5

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-548-3

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-900-9

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256 pp. • 5 x 8

ISBN: 978-1-60868-012-2

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112 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-57731-083-9

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96 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-878424-05-1

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Wisdom WalkNine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World’s Spiritual TraditionsSage Bennet, PhD

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-582-7

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-437-0

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ISBN: 978-0-915811-90-8

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Los guardianes del ser(Guardians of Being)Words by Eckhart Tolle

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128 pp. • 8¾ x 6¾

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-947-4

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144 pp. • 5 x 7¼

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256 pp. • 6 x 9

ISBN: 978-1-57731-185-0

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Practicando el poder del ahora(Practicing the Power of Now)Eckhart Tolle

Paperback • $12.95

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-446-2

Rights: USC

A Namaste Title

There Is No God and He Is Always with YouA Search for God in Odd PlacesBrad Warner

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Visualización creativa(Creative Visualization)Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $14.00

200 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-880032-69-5

Rights: USC

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Viviendo en la luz(Living in the Light)Shakti Gawain

Paperback • $12.95

232 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-153-9

Rights: USC

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50 Ways to Improve Women’s LivesThe Essential Women’s Guide to Achieving Equality, Health, and SuccessNational Council of Women’s


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ISBN: 978-1-930722-45-3

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ISBN: 978-1-60868-028-3

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Paperback • $10.95

128 pp. • 5 x 7¼

ISBN: 978-1-878424-19-8

Rights: USC

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Usted sí puede ser feliz pase lo que pase(You Can Be Happy No Matter What)Richard Carlson, PhD

Paperback • $12.95

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-049-5

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Paperback • $16.95

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ISBN: 978-1-930722-36-1

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208 pp. • 5½ x 8½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-657-2

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ISBN: 978-1-930722-71-2

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Madly in Love with METhe Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own Best FriendChristine Arylo

Paperback • $16.95

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2-COLOR printing and illustrations


ISBN: 978-1-60868-065-8

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-537-7

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Paperback • $15.95

320 pp. • 6 x 9

Line drawings throughout

ISBN: 978-1-57731-982-5

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Creative Visualization Written and read by

Shakti Gawain

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Rights: world

A Nataraj Publishing Title

Creative Visualization MeditationsShakti Gawain

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-240-6

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A Nataraj Publishing Title

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ISBN: 978-1-878424-76-1

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

Women of CourageInspiring Stories fromthe Women Who Lived ThemKatherine Martin

Paperback • $17.95

384 pp. • 6 x 7½

ISBN: 978-1-57731-093-8

Rights: world

As You Think James Allen

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-581-0

Rights: world


The Secret Lives of Lawfully Wedded Wives27 Women Writers on Love, Infidelity, Sex Roles, Race, Kids, and MoreEdited by Autumn Stephens

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ISBN: 978-1-930722-63-7

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Developing Intuition Practical Guidance for Daily LifeWritten and read by

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-565-0

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A Nataraj Publishing Title

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-640-4

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1 CD • $12.95

48 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-878424-56-3

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

In the Presence of a Great MysteryEckhart Tolle

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2 hours, 49 minutes

ISBN: 978-1-57731-557-5

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-486-8

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MeditationsShakti Gawain

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-477-6

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A Nataraj Publishing Title

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3 CDs • $21.95

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ISBN: 978-1-878424-79-2

Rights: world

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The Millionaire Course SeminarA Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your DreamsMarc Allen

3 CDs • $19.95

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-465-3

Rights: world

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-208-6

Rights: world

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ISBN: 978-1-57731-417-2

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3 hours

ISBN: 978-1-878424-78-5

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

The Seven Spiritual Laws of SuccessA Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your DreamsWritten and read by Deepak Chopra

2 CDs • $18.95

1½ hours • Unabridged

ISBN: 978-1-878424-75-4

Rights: world

Copublished with Amber-Allen

Stillness SpeaksWritten and read by Eckhart Tolle

3 CDs • $21.95

2½ hours • Unabridged

ISBN: 978-1-57731-419-6

Rights: world

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Active Dreaming, 52

Active Hope, 52

All My Relations, 28

Ancient Secrets of Facial Rejuvenation, 36

And Live Rejoicing, 53

And There Was Light, 5Angel Animals, 28

Angel Animals Book of Inspiration, 28

Angel Cats, 28

Angel Dogs, 28

Angel Dogs with a Mission, 28

Angel Horses, 28

Angelic Messenger Cards, 35

Animal Grace, 28

Animal Manifesto, The, 28

Animals and the Kids Who Love Them, 28

Architecture of All Abundance, The, 42

Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child, 36

Aromatherapy for the Soul, 36

Art of Healing, The, 20

Art of True Healing, The, 36

Asanas, 36

Ashtanga Yoga, 36

Ashtanga Yoga — The Intermediate Series, 36

Ask Your Animal, 28

As You Think, 42

As You Think (Audio), 56

Atheist’s Way, The, 53

A to Z Guide to Raising Happy, Confident Kids, The, 41

Authentic Career, The, 31

Awake in the Wild, 42

Awakening, 24

Awakening from Grief, 42


Baksheesh & Brahman, 26

Before & After Getting Your Puppy, 28

Beginning Mindfulness, 42

Best of Hawai`i Wedding Book, The, 42

Beyond Fear, 42

Beyond Knowing, 42

Beyond the Homestretch, 28

Beyond Words, 28

Bhagavad Gita, The, 34

Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves, 55

Bless This Food, 20, 53

Body Mind Mastery, 27

Body of Health, 36

Book of Ceremonies, The, 40

Book of Miracles, A, 42

Boosting Immunity, 36

Bouncing Back, 52

Boundaries in an Overconnected World, 21

Boy Who Died and Came Back, The, 7Brain Power, 42

Brainstorm, 52

Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap, 52

Bridge between Worlds, 27

Bugaboo Review, The, 38

Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way, 11


Calm Surrender, 42

camino de la abundancia, El, 54

Career Chronicles, The, 31

Caregiver’s Tao Te Ching, The, 42

Cause for Success, 31

Celtic Way of Seeing, The, 32

Cherished, 29

Choosing ME before WE, 42

Christian Mystics, 53

Circle of Stones, 42

Clutter Busting, 43

Clutter Busting Your Life, 43

Coaching the Artist Within, 38

Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, The, 36

Conscious Evolution, 43

Courage & Craft, 38

Creating Affluence, 31

Creating Affluence (Audio), 56

Creating Miracles, 43

Creating Money, 43

Creating Time, 39

Creating True Prosperity, 24

Creative Compass, The, 21

Creative Thinkering, 31

Creative Visualization, 24

Creative Visualization, 30th Anniversary Edition, 24

Creative Visualization (Audio), 56

Creative Visualization Deck, 24, 35

Creative Visualization Meditations (Audio), 56

Creative Visualization Workbook, The, 24

Creativity for Life, 39


Desde el corazón del mundo, 54

Developing Intuition, 24

Developing Intuition (Audio), 57

Dice Game of Shiva, The, 34

Diet for a New America, 36

Difference a Day Makes, The, 43

Does It Matter?, 34

Dog Blessings, 29

Dogs & the Women Who Love Them, 29

Do It Anyway, 43

Dragon Soup, 32

Drawing as a Sacred Activity, 43

Dreamgates, 52

Dreaming the Soul Back Home, 43

Dressage in the Fourth Dimension, 29


Eastern Wisdom, Modern Life, 34

Echoes of the Soul, 43

Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat (Audio), 25, 57

Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat DVD (Video), 25

Effortless Mind, 36

Embracing Our Selves, 52

Emotional Eater’s Repair Manual, The, 36

Emotional Lives of Animals, The, 29

Emotional Wisdom, 43

Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines, 10Endometriosis Natural Treatment Program, The, 36

Escaping the Prison of the Intellect (Audio), 57

Essential Aromatherapy, 37

Essential Ayurveda, 37

Essential Homeopathy, 37

Essential Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, 34

Ethical Intelligence, 31

Everyday Meditation, 43

Expand This Moment, 43


Fast Fiction, 6Fathering Right from the Start, 41

Feeding the Hungry Ghost, 43

50 Ways to Improve Women’s Lives, 55

50 Ways to Leave Your 40s, 43

50 Ways to Save the Ocean, 33

50 Ways to Support Lesbian & Gay Equality, 33

Financial Recovery, 31

First Intelligence, 13Five Wishes, 44

Flight from Intimacy, The, 52

Flight of the Wild Gander, 26

Forever Ours, 44

Four Levels of Healing, The, 24

Four Purposes of Life, The, 27

Fragrant Mind, The, 37

Freedom Is, 44

From Science to God, 44

Full Body Presence, 44

Future Primal, 33


Genius Machine, The, 31

Get It Done, 3Getting Real, 44

Gift, The, 44

Gift of Our Compulsions, The, 44

Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo, The, 22

Glad No Matter What, 44

Goddesses, 22

Goddesses for Every Day, 55

Goddess of Happiness, The, 44

Golf ’s Three Noble Truths, 34

Goodbye, Friend, 29

Good Night God, 32

Goose Named Gilligan, A, 32

Graceful Passages, 44

Grace, Under Pressure, 20

Greatest Secret of All, The, 44

Greatest Secret of All, The (Audio), 57

Green Thoreau, The, 39

guardianes del ser, Los, 54

Guardians of Being, 25, 35

guerrero pacífico, El, 54

Guided Imagery for Self-Healing, 37

Guide to Zen, A, 34


Handbook for the Spirit, 44

Handbook to a Happier Life, 44

Hands That Heal, 44

Hand Wash Cold, 34

Happiness from the Inside Out, 45

Happy @ Work, 9Hard Times Require Furious Dancing, 20

Healing into Possibility, 45

Healing Secrets of Food, The, 37

Healing Yourself With Light, 45

Hearing Is Believing, 41

Heart of Money, The, 45

Hero’s Journey, The, 18Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, 26, 39

Hidden Spirituality of Men, The, 45

Hip Tranquil Chick, 55

Page 60: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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Hiring the Heavens, 45

Holistic Pain Relief, 21

Horses and the Mystical Path, 29

Horses with a Mission, 29

How to Think Like a Millionaire, 31

Human Design, 45


I Ching for Writers, The, 39

If Women Ruled the World, 55

In My Own Way, 34, 45

Inner Reaches of Outer Space, The, 26

Instant Millionaire, The, 31

In the Heart of the World, 53

In the Presence of a Great Mystery (Audio), 25, 57

Intimate Kisses, 39

I Sit Listening to the Wind, 45


Jesus in the Lotus, 53

Journalution, 39

Joyous Cosmology, The, 52

Just for Today, 32


Kicking In the Wall, 39

Kindred Spirit, Kindred Care, 29

Knitting the Threads of Time, 55

Know Yourself, Forget Yourself, 45


Language of Miracles, The, 29

Last Frontier, The, 45

Laughing Classroom, The, 41

Laughter, Tears, Silence, 45

Laws of Spirit, The, 27

Leaning into Sharp Points, 45

Learning Their Language, 29

Legends, 35

Less, 45

Let It Shine, 33

Letters to a Young Poet, 39

Letters to My Son, 16, 41

Let the Crazy Child Write!, 39

Let There Be Light, 53

Life Ahead, 34

Life Colors, 45

Life Organizer, The, 2Life You Were Born to Live, The, 27

Limitless Mind, 46

Live Your Bliss, 46

Living a Life of Inner Peace (Audio), 25, 57

Living Beyond Miracles (Audio), 57

Living Fully, 34

Living in the Light, 25th Anniversary Edition, 24

Living on Purpose, 27

Living with Joy, 46

Look for the Good and You’ll Find God, 46

Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteem, The, 33

Love Colors, 46

Love Has Wings, 46

Love’s Alchemy, 39

Lucy Goose Goes to Texas, 33


Madly in Love with ME, 55

Magical Approach, The, 46

Magical Path, The, 46

Magician’s Way, The, 46

Making Your Creative Mark, 39

Mala of the Heart, 39

Mandala of Being, The, 46

Maps to Ecstasy, 46

Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love, 4Mastering Creative Anxiety, 52

Mastering Life’s Energies, 46

Meal by Meal, 46

Meditation — The Complete Guide, 37

Meditations, 24

Meditations (Audio), 57

Meditations with Teresa of Avila, 54

Meister Eckhart, 17Mental Resilience, 46

Message of a Master, The, 46

Messengers of Love, Light & Grace, 47

Millionaire Course, The, 31

Millionaire Course Seminar, The (Audio), 57

Mindfulness Code, The, 47

Miracle of the Breath, The, 37

Miracles of Mind, 47

Misadventures of a Garden State Yogi, 37

Misadventures of a Parenting Yogi, 12Misleading Mind, The, 52

Mist-Filled Path, The, 32

Modern Dad’s Dilemma, The, 41

Money Magic, 47

Monk in the World, A, 54

Mortician Diaries, 39

Movement for Self-Healing, 37

Movie Lovers’ Club, The, 39

My Animal, My Self, 29

Mystical Dogs, 29

Mystic Heart, The, 54

Mythic Dimension, The, 26

Mythic Imagination, 26

Mythic Worlds, Modern Words, 26

Myths of Light, 26


Native American Wisdom, 40

Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Arthritis in Dogs and Cats, The, 29

Natural Vet’s Guide to Preventing and Treating Cancer in Dogs, The, 29

Nature and the Human Soul, 52

Nature of Personal Reality, The, 47

Neither Wolf nor Dog, 40

New Earth Inspiration Deck, A, 25, 35 No Greater Love, 54

No Ordinary Moments, 27

Not a Drop to Drink, 33

Nurturing the Soul of Your Family, 47


On Bicycles, 33

101 Exercises for the Soul, 47

101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married, 47

100 Ways to Build Self-Esteem and Teach Values, 41

One-Minute Mindfulness, 47

One Soul, One Love, One Heart, 47

Opening to Channel, 47

Opening to Meditation, 37

Ordinary Sacred, 47

Over It, 37


Paradigm Found, 31

Paradise in Plain Sight, 15Partnering, 52

Passionate Hearts, 40

Path of Empowerment, 47

Path of Transformation, The, 24

Pathways to Bliss, 26

Pathways to Joy, 34

Peaceful Warrior, The Graphic Novel, 27

Pele’s Wish, 47

Personal Power through Awareness, 47

Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, 21

Pick Your Yoga Practice, 20

Playing the Quantum Field, 48

poder del ahora, El, 54

Pope Francis in His Own Words, 22

Power of Now, The, 25

Power of Now, The (Audio), 25, 57

Power of Now Deck, The, 25, 35

Power of Partnership, The, 48

Power of Stillness, The, 37

Power of the Herd, The, 30

Power Path, The, 31

Practicando el poder del ahora, 54

Practicing Mind, The, 48

Practicing the Power of Now, 25

Practicing the Power of Now (Audio), 25, 57

Prayer Chest, The, 48

Present Moment Awareness, 48


Quest for the Crystal Castle, 33

quietud habla, La, 54

Quiet Your Mind, 48


Radiant Body, Restful Mind, 37

Raw Food for Real People, 37

Reader of Hearts, 48

Red-Haired Girl from the Bog, The, 32

Reflections in the Light, 24

Rescued, 30

Rethinking Depression, 52

Riding between the Worlds, 30

Riding into Your Mythic Life, 30

Right-Brain Business Plan, The, 31

Rock Your World with the Divine Mother, 48


Sacred Jewels of Yoga, 34

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior, 27

Sacred Selfishness, 48

Sacred Sound, 8

Sacred Verses, Healing Sounds (Audio), 57

Sake & Satori, 26

Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals, 30

Saying What’s Real, 48

Science of Making Things Happen, The, 48

Search for a Nonviolent Future, The, 33

Secret History of Dreaming, The, 53

Secret Keeping, 53

Secret Lives of Lawfully Wedded Wives, The, 56

Secret of the Peaceful Warrior, 33

Page 61: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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Secrets of Great Marriages, 48

Secret Spiritual World of Children, The, 41

Seth Speaks, 48

7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality, 38

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The, 32

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The (Audio), 57

Seven Whispers, The, 48

Sex, Sin, and Zen, 34

Sexy Mamas, 56

Sexy Vegan Cookbook, The, 38

Sexy Vegan’s Happy Hour at Home, The, 38

She Who Dreams, 48

siete leyes espirituales del éxito, Las, 55

Simple Truths, 49

Simply Living, 49

Single Woman of a Certain Age, 56

Sit Down and Shut Up, 35

Skeleton Key to Finnegans Wake, A, 26, 40

Small Graces, 49

Smart Couple’s Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams, The, 49

Snap, 49

Solitude, 49

Son Rise, 49

Soulcraft, 53

Soul Currency, 49

Soul Love, 49

Soulmates, 49

Soul Mind Body Medicine, 38

Soul of an Indian, The, 40

Souls of Animals, The, 30

Soul Solution, The, 49

SoulSpace, 49

Sourcebook of the World’s Religions, 54

Spiral of Memory and Belonging, The, 32

Spirit Heals, 49

Spirit Horses, 30

Spiritual Envy, 49

Spiritual Growth, 49

Spot of Grace, 50

Standing at Water’s Edge, 53

Step Out of Your Story, 14Stillness Speaks, 25

Stillness Speaks (Audio), 25, 57

Still, Small Voice, A, 50

Still the Mind, 35

Storycatcher, 40

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth, 30

Stress Reduction for Busy People, 38


Talking with Nature • Journey into Nature, 30 Tao of Equus, The, 30

Tao of Healing, The, 38

Tao of Motherhood, The, 41

Tea Here Now, 38

Ten Percent Solution, The, 50

Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter, 50

Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart, The, 50

There Is No God and He Is Always with You, 54

31 Words to Create a Guilt-Free Life, 50

31 Words to Create an Organized Life, 50

Thou Art That, 26

365 Prescriptions for the Soul, 50

Three “Only” Things, The, 53

Toolbox for Our Daughters, A, 41

Trager for Self-Healing, 38

Training Your Dog the Humane Way, 30

Tranquilista, 56

Translucent Revolution, The, 50

Truth in Dating, 50

Twelve by Twelve, 33

12 Stages of Healing, The, 38

20 Communication Tips for Couples, 50

20 Something Manifesto, 50

20 Something, 20 Everything, 50

Type-Z Guide to Success, The, 50


Uncommon Friends, 30

Understand Your Dreams, 50

Usted sí puede ser feliz pase lo que pase, 55


Van Gogh Blues, The, 53

Vegetarian Lunchbasket, The, 38

Virtuous Consumer, The, 33

Visionary Business, 32

Visualización creativa, 55

Viviendo en la luz, 55


Way of Conflict, The, 51

Way of the Happy Woman, The, 56

Way of the Horse, 30

Way of the Horse Journal, 35

Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Movie Tie-In Edition, 27

Way of the Peaceful Warrior, 20th Anniversary Edition, 27

We Got Issues!, 56

What All Children Want Their Parents to Know, 41

What Happens When We Die, 21

What Is Tao?, 35

What Is Zen?, 35

What Would You Do for Love If You Had No Fear?, 51

What Would You Do If You Had No Fear?, 51

When in Doubt, Make Belief, 51

When Prayers Aren’t Answered, 51

Where Does God Live?, 33

Why Dogs Hump and Bees Get Depressed, 22

Why Walk When You Can Fly?, 51

Wild Mind, 53

Wisdom of the Native Americans, The, 41

Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior, 27

Wisdom Walk, 54

Wolf at Twilight, The, 41

Woman’s Belly Book, The, 56

Women of Courage, 56

Work with Passion, 51

Work with Passion in Midlife and Beyond, 51

World Is a Waiting Lover, The, 51

Worst Enemy, Best Teacher, 51

Write from the Heart, 40

Writer’s Book of Days, A, 40

Write Starts, 40

Writing Alone, Writing Together, 40

Writing and Being, 40

Writing Spiritual Books, 40

Writing Wild, 19


Yearning for the Wind, 32

Year of Writing Dangerously, A, 40

Yoga of Sound, The, 35

You Can Be Happy No Matter What, 51

You Can Buy Happiness (and It’s Cheap), 51

Your Dog Is Your Mirror, 30

Your Heart Knows the Answer, 51

You the Healer, 38


Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration, 32

Zen Wrapped in Karma Dipped in Chocolate, 35



Ababio-Clottey, Aeeshah, 42

Abercrombie, Barbara, 29, 38, 39, 40

Ackerman, Sherry, 29

Ahlers, Amy, 55

Allen, James, 42, 56

Allen, Marc, 31, 32, 34, 36, 44, 46, 50, 56, 57

Altman, Donald, 46, 47

Altman, Nathaniel, 38

Amatuzio, Janis, 42, 44

Anderson, Allen, 28, 29, 30

Anderson, Brenda, 48

Anderson, Linda, 28, 29, 30

Anderson, Nancy, 51

Ardagh, Arjuna, 50

Arena, Christine, 31

Arylo, Christine, 42, 55

Assante, Julia, 45


Badalament, John, 41

Balbes, Xorin, 49

Baldwin, Christina, 40, 48

Barnett, Doyle, 50

Bays, Brandon, 44

Bea, Holly, 32, 33

Behan, Kevin, 30

Bekoff, Marc, 22, 28, 29

Bell, Jeff, 41

Bennet, Sage, 54

Bennett, Hal Zina, 40

Bennett, Sam, 3Berger, Marcia Naomi, 4Berman, Jenn, 41

Beversluis, Joel, 54

Blake, Tobin, 37, 43

Bloom, Charlie, 47, 48

Bloom, Linda, 47, 48

Boddy, Joe, 33

Bodine, Echo, 21, 43, 44, 46, 50

Borys, Ajayan, 36

Bouris, Karen, 50

Brady, Shelly, 50

Broersma, Patricia, 30

Brown, Diane, 41

Bruce, T. Taylor, 33

Burch, Wanda Easter, 48

Burnham, Joan M., 39

Butash, Adrian, 20, 53

Page 62: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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Calderón, JLove, 56

Campbell, Joseph, 18, 22, 26, 39, 40

Campbell, Susan M., 44, 48, 50

Caponigro, Andy, 37

Carlson, Richard, 44, 51, 55

Carroll, Lenedra J., 42

Cayton, Karuna, 52

Chia, Mantak, 43

Childers, Doug, 27

Chopra, Deepak, 31, 32, 54, 55, 56, 57

Chu, Ernest D., 49

Church, Julie Adams, 30

Clement, Anna Maria, 38

Clement, Brian R., 38

Clottey, Kokomon, 42

Coleman, Constance, 30

Coleman, Mark, 42

Cole-Whittaker, Terry, 46

Collazo, Julie Schwietert, 22

Combs, Deidre, 51

Conway, Diane, 51

Cotner, June, 29

Cousineau, Phil, 18, 53

Cowan, Tom, 32

Craddock, Maggie, 31


DeLuca, Dave, 34

Don, Megan, 54

Donovan, Jim, 9, 44

Dove, Pragito, 45

Duerk, Judith, 42, 45

Dunbar, Ian, 28

Duncan, Shannon, 48

Dyer, Wayne, 57


Eisler, Riane, 48

Ellison, Sheila, 55

Epstein, Donald M., 38

Evans, Jules, 21


Faass, Nancy, 36

Fellman, Donna, 38

Fideler, David, 39

Fideler, Sabrineh, 39

Fisher, Mark, 31

Fotinos, Joel, 48

Fox, Matthew, 17, 45, 53


Ganahl, Jane, 56

Garrett, Leslie, 33

Gawain, Shakti, 24, 35, 55, 56, 57

Geffert, Annette, 41

Gelb, Michael J., 42

Gisonni, Debbie, 44

Goddess, Rha, 56

Godoy, Julia, 41

Gold, August, 48

Goldberg, Stan, 45

Graham, Linda, 52

Grason, Sandy, 39

Gregory, Michael, 31

Groves, Dawn, 38


Harris, Bud, 48

Harris, Gail, 51

Hart, Tobin, 41

Hassler, Christine, 50

Hawley, Jack, 34

Hay, Jerry M., 32

Haynes, Linda, 38

Heinowitz, Jack, 41

Helvarg, David, 33

Hendricks, Gay, 44

Herman, Louis G., 33

Horn, Carises, 40

Horn, Gabriel, 40

Houston, Jean, 29 Howard, Kim, 32, 33

Howell, Kelly, 42

Hubbard, Barbara Marx, 43

Huffines, LaUna, 45


Jaden, Denise, 6Johnson, Trebbe, 51

Johnstone, Chris, 52

Jones, Karen M., 43

Jones, Shirley Ann, 49

Judd, Isha, 46, 51


Kaivalya, Alanna, 8Kanner, Ellen, 43

Katherine, Anne, 21

Katra, Jane, 47

Kaufman, Barry Neil, 49

Keith, Kent M., 43

Kesten, Deborah, 37

Key, Sheila, 43

Kingma, Daphne Rose, 50

Kinkade, Amelia, 29, 30

Kohanov, Linda, 30

Kolberg, Karen, 41

Kowalski, Gary, 29, 30

Krasny, Michael, 49

Krishan, Shubhra, 37

Krishnamurti, J., 34

Kull, Robert, 49


Lang, Diana, 37

Leaf, Brian, 12, 37

Lee, Jennifer, 11, 31

Lesser, Marc, 32, 45

Loar, Julie, 55

Loomans, Diana, 33, 41

Loomans, Julia, 41

Louden, Jennifer, 2Loudon, John, 46

Lusseyran, Jacques, 5


MacEowen, Frank, 32

Mack, Robert, 45

Macy, Joanna, 52

Maehle, Gregor, 36

Mager, Marcia Zina, 50

Mairi, Audrey, 38

Maisel, Ann, 52

Maisel, Eric, 38, 39, 52, 53

Makridakis, Marney K., 39

Malkin, Gary, 44

Maltz, Wendy, 39, 40

Maran, Meredith, 33

Marciniak, Barbara, 47

Markova, Dawna, 50

Martin, Katherine, 56

Martin, Nancy, 42

Martin, William, 42

Matson, Clive, 39 McCall, Karen, 31

McCartney, Francesca, 36

McClure, Vimala, 41

McCormick, Adele von Rüst, 29

McCormick, Marlena Deborah, 29

McCormick, Thomas E., 29

McCrary, Meagan, 20

McDonald, John, 46

McDonnell, Patrick, 25, 35, 54

McElroy, Kim, 30, 35

McElroy, Susan Chernak, 28

Medhus, Elisa, 41

Mengelkoch, Louise, 40

Messonnier, Shawn, 29

Michalko, Michael, 31

Midkiff, Ken, 33

Miller, Carolyn Godschild, 43, 49

Miller, John, 35

Miller, Karen Maezen, 15, 34

Millman, Dan, 21, 27, 33, 54

Mittra, Dharma, 36

Mogilner, Victoria J., 36

Monaghan, Patricia, 10, 32, 37

Moss, Richard, 46

Moss, Robert, 7, 43, 52, 53

Murphy, Nora, 55

Murray, Anne Firth, 31


Nadle, June Knights, 39

Nagler, Michael N., 33

Nakaya, Shannon Fujimoto, 29

Nathwani, Ravi, 39

National Council of Women’s Organizations, 55

Nelson, G. Lynn, 40

Nemeth, Maria, 46

Nerburn, Kent, 16, 22, 40, 41, 42, 47, 49

Normandi, Carol Emery, 37


O’Malley, Mary, 44

Oslie, Pamala, 45, 46

Owens, Darrin, 48


Packer, Duane, 43, 47

Palmer, Brooks, 43

Paris, Anne, 53

Parker, Alice Anne, 50

Parker, Jonathan, 49

Parkyn, Chetan, 45

Patton, Brian L., 38

Paul, Russill, 35, 53

Perkins, Tammy Ash, 42

Perlin, John, 33

Phillips, Jan, 32

Page 63: Contents · Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted Marcia Naomi Berger “Gives couples what we all long for: a simple way



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Plotkin, Bill, 52, 53

Pollema-Cahill, Phyllis, 32

Powers, William, 33

Prasada, Sierra, 21

Price, Deborah L., 45, 47

Prin, John Howard, 53


Ragonnet, James, 34

Randour, Mary Lou, 28

Ray, Sondra, 47, 48

Reardon, Lynn, 28

Reeves, Judy, 40

Regardie, Israel, 36

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 39

Roads, Michael, 30

Roark, Laurelee, 37

Robbins, John, 36

Roberts, Jane, 46, 47, 48

Robinson, Henry Morton, 40

Rogak, Lisa, 22

Roman, Sanaya, 43, 46, 47, 49

Romaner, Kim Marcille, 48

Rossman, Martin L., 37

Roth, Gabrielle, 46

Rotondi, Rod, 37

Rountree, Cathleen, 39

Russell, Peter, 44


Saputo, Len, 36

Sarasohn, Lisa, 56

SARK, 44

Sarma, Kamal, 46

Saxer, Dena, 43

Schneider, Meir, 37

Schneiderman, Kim, 14Scurlock-Durana, Suzanne, 44

Sekida, Katsuki, 34

Selby, John, 43, 48

Semans, Anne, 56

Sha, Zhi Gang, 38

Shapiro, Alison Bonds, 32, 45

Sherven, Judith, 49

Shield, Benjamin, 44

Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, 34

Siegel, Bernie S., 20, 42, 47, 50

Silva, José, 38

Simon, Julie M., 36

Sindell, Gerald, 31

Slatter, Jean, 45

Sloane, Sarah Jane, 39

Smith, Howard, 53

Smith, Huston, 53

Smith, Sally J., 32

Smoley, Richard, 34

Sniechowski, James, 49

Sommer, Sue, 38

Spencer, Peggy, 43

Stephens, Autumn, 56

Sterner, Thomas M., 48

Stevens, José, 31

Stevens, Lena, 31

Stevenson, Alana, 30

Stillwater, Michael, 44

Stone, Hal, 52

Stone, Robert B., 38

Stone, Sidra L., 52

Stonehouse, Julia, 36

Stover, Sara Avant, 56

Strobel, Tammy, 51

Stromberg, Tony, 30


Targ, Russell, 46, 47

Taylor, Terry Lynn, 47

Teasdale, Wayne, 54

Teresa, Mother, 53, 54

Thoreau, Henry David, 39

Tick, Heather, 21

Tizer, Lhasha, 38

Tolle, Eckhart, 25, 35, 54, 57

Toomey, Jim, 33

Treviño, Haven, 38

Trudeau, Renée Peterson, 47


Ullman, Dana, 37


Viereck, Eleanor G., 37

Vogt, Kate, 39


Walker, Alice, 20

Walker, Amy, 33

Walker, Sophie, 20

Warner, Brad, 34, 35, 54

Watts, Alan, 34, 35, 45, 52

Weinhold, Barry K., 52

Weinhold, Janae B., 52

Weinstein, Bruce, 31

Weiss, Andrew, 42

Welling, Tina, 19Welshons, John E., 42, 47, 51

Whitecloud, William, 46

Williams, Arlene, 32

Williams, Heather C., 43

Williams, Marta, 28, 29

Wilson, Kimberly, 55, 56

Winks, Cathy, 56

Wood, Patti, 49

Worwood, Susan, 37

Worwood, Valerie Ann, 36, 37

Wright, Simone, 13


Young-Sowers, Meredith L., 35, 49

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