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Page 1: Contents Page

I have picked out the colour orange from the clothing the model is wearing. It also follows the colour scheme from the two other pages.

Before I thought of my content I decided to split it up into sections, therefore deciding what to put would be easier.

I decided to use a minimal amount of images on the contents page. My main image covers the feature article and takes up the majority of the page.

Page 2: Contents Page

At this point I have decided on the content for my magazine.

I opted to have a large features and regulars section as this is what ultimately sells the magazine.

I have included another image linked to the competitions section.

Page 3: Contents Page

Because I have so much text, I thought that breaking it up into 2 columns would make it easier to read.

For each feature, I wrote a heading and then underneath a brief outline of what it is about

e.g. “THE WEEK IN PICTURES”The good the bad and the ugly.

Page 4: Contents Page

At this stage, I have decided that this is my final layout.

In the bottom right hand corner, I have included some photography that I took at a gig I attended. Adding gig photos makes the magazine look more authentic, as many of the style models had gig photos in at some point.

Page 5: Contents Page

By adding the black strips, the contents page no longer looks as plain and bland. It looks more sophisticated.

When looking at it, everything is clear to read and is positioned well.

I think I have successfully kept the colour scheme of black and orange flowing throughout the magazine nicely.

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