  • 8/8/2019 Continuous Assessment File


    Continuous Assessment File

    Non-Verbal Communication

    An Overview

    Submitted To

    Ms. Eshani SaraswatFaculty

    Deptt. of Corporate Communication

    Submitted By

    (F-41)Group No. 5

    MBA(G)-2011 Batch

  • 8/8/2019 Continuous Assessment File


    Non -Verbal Communication


    Actions speak louder than words.

    Non -Verbal Communication is the message or response not expressed or sent in

    words -hints, suggestions, and indications.

    What you are speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say -Ralph Waldo


    There is a distinction between the meanings we give in words and the meanings we

    give off in NV signals.

    Christopher Turk puts it very simply: One cannot not behave. Now, if it is accepted

    that all behavior in an interactional situation has message value, i.e., is

    communication, it follows that no matter how one may try, one cannot not

    communicate. Activity or inactivity, words or silence, all have message value: they

    influence others and these others, in turn, cannot not respond to these


    NVC is the unspoken communication that goes on in every Face-to-Face encounter

    with another human being.

    It is recognized as the route to discover what the other side wants, without them ever

    saying it, like a secret way into their soul.

    NVC stands for the innermost, instinctual form of human communication


    Communication researcher Mehrabian found that only 7% of a messages effect is

    carried by words; listeners receive the other 93% through non -verbal means.

    Birdwhistell suggested that spoken words account for not more than 30-35% of all our

    social interactions.

    Over 65 percent of the social meanings of the messages we send to others are

    communicated non-verbally.

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    To create impressions beyond the verbal element of communication (kinesics,

    chronemics,vocalics, environment)

    To repeat and reinforce what is said verbally (occulesics, kinesics)

    To manage and regulate the interaction among participants in the communicationexchange (kinesics, occulesics, proxemics, synchrony)

    To express emotion beyond the verbal element (kinesics, occulesics, haptics, vocalics,


    To convey relational messages of affection, power, dominance, respect, and so on

    (proxemics,occulesics, haptics)

    To promote honest communication by detecting deception or conveying suspicion

    (kinesics,occulesics, vocalics)

    To provide group or social leadership by sending messages of power and persuasion

    (kinesics,vocalics, chronemics)


    A. Body Language or Kinesics

    B. Clothing or Art-factual Communication

    C. Voice or paralanguage

    D. Space and Distance, or Proxemic factors

    E. Color

    F. Time, or Chronemics ;

    G. Touch or Haptics

    A. Body Language

    The bodily gestures, postures, and facial expressions by which a person communicates

    nonverbally with others - (Soukhanov 1992:211).





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    Body language and kinesics are based on the behavioral patterns of nonverbal

    communication, but kinesics is still so new as a science that its authorities can be

    counted on the fingers of one hand " -(Fast 1970:9).

    Basic Types of Body Language postures

    1. OPEN / CLOSED people with arms folded and legs crossed and bodies turned

    away are signaling that they are rejecting messages. People showing open hands, fully

    facing you and both feet planted on the ground are accepting them.

    2. FORWARD/ BACK when people are leaning forward and pointing towards you

    they are actively accepting or rejecting the message. When they are leaning back,

    looking up at the ceiling, doodling on a pad, cleaning their glasses they are either

    passively absorbing or ignoring it.

    Body Language:

    1. Facial expression(s)

    2. Eyes

    3. Lips

    4. Arms

    5. Hands

    6. Fingers

    A.1. The Face:

    o The face is an important source of information.

    o Since the face cannot be easily hidden, it is an important source of nonverbal

    information and communicates a variety of emotions.

    o In addition, eye contact, pupil size, and the smile provide additional cues to

    informed observers.

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    Facial Expression(s)

    1 What is the impression you wish to convey?

    2 Do you smile at others?

    3 Always smiling never smile, sometimes.

    Forehead Wrinkles Anger

    Eyebrows Outer edges up Anger

    Nose Upward Contempt

    A.2 Eyes

    Centered Focused

    Gazing Up Thinking

    Gazing Down Shame

    Gaze on the Side GuiltyWandering Disinterested, Bored

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    A.3. Lips

    A.4. Hands

    Rubbing the palms togetherIsnt it exiting

    Hands Clenched Together frustration gesture

    Rubbing Eyes Tired

    Rubbing Chin



    Timid, Shy

    A.5. Fingers

    Fingers Interlocked Tense

    Lips Parted Relaxed, Happy

    Together Possibly ConcernedWide Open Very Happy / Very

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    Pointing at you Angry

    OK Signal


    Everythings OK

    V Sign up yours

    B. Artifactual Communication and Color

    o Art factual communication is an integral part of the nonverbal package.

    o It includes the use of personal adornments such as clothing, jewellery,

    makeup, hairstyles, and beards.

    o People are apt to make inferences about us based on the way we dress.

    C. Voice or paralanguage

    Vocalic (also called paralanguage) deals with vocal cues, more accurately referred to

    as then on phonemic qualities of language. These include accent, loudness, tempo, pitch,

    cadence, rate of speech, nasality and tone, insofar as these convey meaning. Vocalic is

    sometimes subdivided into several categories. Vocal characterizers include laughing, crying,

    yawning, and so on. These can be associated with culture, such as the different ways various

    cultures accept the practice of belching. Vocal qualifiers such as volume, pitch, rhythm and

    tempo also are associated with cultural distinctions. In Arab culture, for example, speaking

    loudly connotes sincerity, whereas in North America it often is interpreted as aggressive.Vocal segregates (sounds such as mmmm,uh-huh, oooo) likewise also differ among various

    cultures. Vocal rate deals with the speed at which people talk, another factor that offers

    various interpretations.

    D. Space and Distance or Proxemic factors

    o Researchers divide environmental spaces into four zones: intimate, personal,

    social, public based on the perceived permanence of the physical space shown

    in fig 9.

    o Territoriality is an important concept in communication: typically, humanbeings stake out space or territory.

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    o Territoriality describes the need to demonstrate a possessive or ownership

    relationship to space. Markers are used to reserve space

    and set


    that help

    identify the space as belonging to someone.

    Gender, Diversity, and Technology

    Zone Distances

    The radius of the air bubble around suburban middle class white people living in

    Australia, New Zealand, England, North America and Canada is generally the same. It

    can be broken down into four distinct zone distances.

    1. Intimate Zone (between 15 and 45 centimetres or 6 to 18 inches)

    Of all the zone distances, this is by far the most important as it is this zone that a

    person guards as if it were his own property. Only those who are emotionally close to

    that person are permitted to enter it. This includes lovers, parents, spouse, children,

    close friends and relatives. There is a sub-zone that extends up to 15 centimetres (6

    inches) from the body that can be entered only during physical contact. This is the close

    intimate zone.

    2. Personal Zone (between 46 centimetres and 1.22 metres or 18 to 48 inches)

    This is the distance that we stand from others at cocktail parties, office parties,

    social functions and friendly gatherings.

    3. Social Zone (between 1.22 and 3.6 metres or 4 to 12 feet)

    We stand at this distance from strangers, the plumber or carpenter doing repairs

    around our home, the postman, the local shopkeeper, the new employee at work and

    people whom we do not know very well.

    4. Public Zone (over 3.6 metres or 12 feet)

    Whenever we address a large group of people, this is the comfortable distance at

    Which we choose to stand.

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    o The use of nonverbal cues is affected by variables such as gender, culture, and


    o The ways men and women use nonverbal cues reflects societal practices.

    o To a large degree, people modify their use of nonverbal cues depending on theculture they belong to or identify with.

    o Nonverbal communication is also affected by whether communication is

    occurring on-or off-line.

    F. Time or Chronemics:

    Chronemics deals with the use of time as an element of communication. Formal time

    is measured in minutes, hours, days, and so on. Informal time is measured relative to seasons,social customs, lunar cycles, etc. Chronemics involves specifics such as punctuality (which

    can be monochromic or M-time and polychronic or P-time) along with patterns of dominance

    or deference within a communication situation. For example, studies show that men are more

    likely than women to dominate a conversation and interrupt another speaker. Chronemics

    also deals with time from the standpoint of social settings, such as the likelihood among

    Americans of arriving early for business meetings but being fashionably late for social

    activities, while in Latin American and Arab culture, business people often arrive at a time

    Westerns would consider late, taking business meetings as occasions for hospitality and

    socializing. Meanwhile, the Sioux language doesnt even have a word for late, reflecting a

    very relaxed attitude toward time. Chronemics also considers the use of monochronemics

    (doing one thing at a time, emphasis on schedules and promptness, getting to the point

    quickly) versus polychronemics (doing several things at a time, emphasis on people and the

    whole of a relationship). Studies show that the monochronemic conversation (talking about

    one thing at a time) is common in Northern Europe and North America. Meanwhile, Latin

    American, Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures are more likely to use

    polychronemic conversation (multiple conversations at the same time, and frequent

    interruption by other speaker-listeners).

    G. Touch or Haptics:

    Haptics focuses on touching as an element of communication, indicating both the type

    of touch as well as its frequency and intensity. Like many other elements of nonverbal

    communication, haptics is very much a function of culture. It has been noted, for example,

    that Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Latin American cultures employ much social

    touching in conversation, including embraces and hand-holding; these are called high-contact

    (or high-touch) cultures. In moderate-touch cultures such as North America and Northern

    Europe, touching is used only occasionally, such as in handshakes and sporadic shoulder

    touching or back slapping. In low contact cultures such as in Northern Asian cultures,

    meanwhile, social touching is rarely used at all. But the geography is by no means thatsimple. People in the Asian nation of the Philippines, for example, use a large amount of

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    social touching in conversation and personal interaction. Even within a culture, haptics vary.

    For example, handshakes vary in length and strength of grip depending on the actual (or

    hoped for) degree of intimacy between the two people shaking hands.

    Tips to improve Non-Verbal Communication

    o Be honest, especially when communicating emotions.

    o Use a firm, friendly handshake when meeting new people.

    o Maintain eye contact with your entire audience.

    o Reinforce your words with tones and gestures.

    o Be aware of your postures.

    o Use appropriate gestures to support your points.

    o Imitate the posture and appearance of people you want to impress.

    o Show respect for speakers and listeners.

    o Touch people when appropriate and acceptable.

    o Smile genuinely, as a fake one be obvious

    o Positive NV behavior improves your non-verbal communication effectiveness.

    o You can improve your effectiveness as a non-verbal communicator by

    observing and analyzing both the physical environment of interactions and the

    body language, appearance, gestures, vocal cues, eye contact, and touching

    behavior of the participants.

    o Inculcate positive Body Sport.


  • 8/8/2019 Continuous Assessment File


    1. Body Language by Allen Pease

    2. Communication for Business Shirley Taylor, fourth Edition , Pearson Education

    3. Google Images for pictures.

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  • 8/8/2019 Continuous Assessment File


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