  • 1. Controlling ChaosDesigning Compelling Combat in ActionGames

2. Introduction Adam D. Bormann Lead Gameplay Designer 2K Games, Novato, California 3. What is compelling combat? The player can Learn the tools Recognize and learn the patterns Prioritize and optimize The player needs the right level of intensity The player needs the right level of challenge 4. Learning the toolsThe Controls 5. Learning the toolsThe Controls 6. Learning the toolsCamera 7. Camera Feel 8. Camera View 9. Learning the toolsCharacter 10. Learning the toolsWeapons 11. Recognizing andLearning the Patterns Signs Feedback Enemy Archetypes 12. Signs 13. Feedback 14. Enemy Archetypes 15. Enemy Prioritization 16. Enemy OptimizationCheckpoint Test 17. Intensity vs Difficulty 18. Managing Difficulty 19. Combat Pacing The Art and Science of Pacing and SequencingCombat Encounters Travis Hoffstetter 20. Managing Intensity 21. [email protected]

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