Page 1: Conventions of Horror Film Posters, Front covers & Trailers



Page 2: Conventions of Horror Film Posters, Front covers & Trailers

Horror Film Posters

TitleUsually in a large and uppercase, the font may be distorted or distressed in order to reflect the genre.

Main ImageUsed to fill the frame to capture the audience’s attention, featuring elements of iconography to indicate the sub-genre and create interest.

TaglineSimple but memorable, while not giving to much away about narratives.

Institutional InformationProvides details about the production and is normally presented at the bottom. An example would be the poster for “Suspiria”.

Release DateWill the encourage the audience to immediately plan on seeing the film.

Page 3: Conventions of Horror Film Posters, Front covers & Trailers

Horror Film Trailers

EquilibriumTo demonstrate the normality and happiness of the situation, prior to any disruption taking place and to create an early indication of the isolation of the location – that there is nowhere to call for help.

DisruptionWhen the characters realise something has gone wrong.

Fast Montage of ShotsA collection of short cuts to give he audience a sneak peek of the film’s most intense scenes.

Title, Release Date & StrapsInformation about the trailer given out through pieces of text displayed on screen.

StingA sudden disruption to the calmness to the ending of the trailer, shocking the audience as a result. An example would be the trailer to “The Conjuring” when a demonic spirit suddenly appears in front of one of the main characters.

Different Types of SoundMysterious music being played over scenes to build the suspense along with diegetic sounds such as screams to emphasise characters’ fear.

Page 4: Conventions of Horror Film Posters, Front covers & Trailers

Film Magazine Front Covers

MastheadPlaced at the top in large font, the name itself being an indication of the genre that magazine is gearing towards. Established magazines such as “Empire” may have it slightly covered as the magazine is easily recognisable even though the masthead has been partially blocked off from view.

Main Sell LineAccompanies the main image of the magazine to reveal the title of the film being featured as the main image.

Main ImageThis will advertise the main article of the magazine, commonly featuring the protagonist/antagonist of the featured film thataudiences may recognise from the posters of trailers of the film, making them interested. This will dominate the front cover and may have the image model partially covering the masthead to display importance.

Feature Article PhotographsImportant in selling the magazine to those who are not interested in the film being promoted as the main image.

Other TextWill accompany the feature article photographs to give a bit of information on those films as articles.

PuffsIncluded to draw attention to specific pieces of information relating to the magazine itself such a promotion or competition.

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