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Copy of PowerPoint presented at Training Sessions to ALSA June 28 &

29, 2005

DIDS – Digital Plan Requirements

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Mapping Plane

Ground Mapping Plane

Mapping Issues

Drawing must be reduced to the mapping plane.

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Mapping Issues due to False Eastings at

edge of UTM mapping zones

Mapping Issues 3 23 June, 2005

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Provincial Mapping data is maintained in 10TM

Province-wide coverage

Mapping Issues 4 23 June, 2005

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PLFD File Submission

Digital Files Required

August 1, 2005 implementation.

Surveyors will submit the plan directly to PLFD.The plan will contain:

Drawing file Meta data file PDF file

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Sample of Current PLA CAD FileContaining Title Block info, Key plan, details, etc.

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Layer Specifications

Layer Disposition Feature Description

9 Property And RW Linework, including other surface activities / dispositions, typically outside area of interest. ATS (section) linework broken for plot purposes .

10 Text For Linework including other surface activities / dispositions, typically outside area of interest.

17 ATS (Section) linework. Linework not to be broken and must be topologically clean. ATS linework must be complete for the entirety of all 1/4 sections affected by the surface activity.

28 Linework for disposition boundary, this linework shows the limits / boundaries of the disposition. In the case of an MSL and LOC on the same plan, the linework is not to be duplicated. This linework must be topologically clean, no duplicated linework an

40 Surface Activity Code Text ie: MSL, PLA (not required to be displayed on plot or image file) Insertion point must fall within the limits of the disposition.

Note: Coding of all other graphic data and text is left tothe discretion of the surveyor. CAD drawing is to bereduced to the mapping plane.

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What's required in the CAD file

Only the 5 layers (9, 10, 17 28, 40) are required, with the drawing entities placed on the correct layer.

The proposed disposition and surrounding information must not be split into segments and must be georeferenced to the March 2005 ATS.

Details, key plans or other information do not need to be shown in the submission drawing.

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What may be in your drawing file now

All layers and entities to represent the survey are present in the drawing.

More than one view may be shown in model space.

Required layers for submission may not be present in the drawing or the information may not be on the required layers.

The drawing may not be georeferenced.

The site may be split into sections.

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PDF File – Plan of Record

The PDF document requirements have not changed. We are not trying to change the way you work.

Create the CAD drawing using your current process.

Create the PDF for submission using your current process.

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Modifying an Existing Drawing

Once the PDF is created, the CAD file can be modified to meet the CAD submission requirements.

Ensure the plan is complete, not split into segments and is drawn to full scale.

Ensure the required layers exist. Create layers as needed.

Move or copy the entities to the proper layers using the available AutoCAD functions. Audit the layers for compliance (e.g. no symbol blocks).

Georeference the plan.

If desired, isolate the required layers and write the plan to be submitted as a block.

Prepare the layout view for the PDF creation and create the PDF file.

Create the metadata file using Ddips.

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Plan View to be Continuous in Model Space- do not split the plan into separate parts

This is unacceptable for the CAD submission:

Remember to ensure the plan to be submitted (CAD) is whole, not segmented.

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1 2

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Plan View in Model Space

The plan must be joined with no overlap:

The two segments shown in the previous slide have been joined into a single plan.

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Ensure the Proper Layers Exist

Make sure the proper layers exist in the drawing. Create layers as needed to conform to the specifications.

You will need layers numbered 9, 10, 17, 28, and 40

Other layers may be used, but their names can not interfere with the submission layers.

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Move the Entities to the Proper Layers - 1

Use the specified layers for these entities:

9 - Property And RW Linework, including other surface activities / dispositions, typically outside area of interest. ATS (section) linework broken for plot purposes.

10 - Text For Linework including other surface activities / dispositions, typically outside area of interest.

17 - ATS (Section) linework. Linework not to be broken and must be topologically clean. ATS linework must be complete for the entirety of all 1/4 sections affected by the surface activity.

28 - Linework for disposition boundary, this linework shows the limits / boundaries of the disposition. In the case of an MSL and LOC on the same plan, the linework is not to be duplicated. This linework must be topologically clean, no duplicated linework and no dangles or undershoots.

40 - Surface Activity Code Text i.e.: MSL, PLA (not required to be displayed on plot or image file) Insertion point must fall within the limits of the disposition.

PLFD File Submission 15 23 June, 2005

If your existing layer structure does not meet the specifications, the required information can be moved to the specified layers without interfering with your existing


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Move the Entities to the Proper Layers - 2

• You can use any of the AutoCAD tools to move or copy entities to the proper layers:– Layer translator– Properties Sheets– COPYTOLAYER

command– CHANGE command

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Isolate the Submission Layers

All non-required layers are frozen

The plan entities are selected, then written as a block to a new drawing and the drawing saved and named as required

PLFD File Submission 17 23 June, 2005

Alternatively, the layers can be isolated and written to a new drawing.

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Building upon the ATS Base

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- The plan can be built upon the existing ATS Base.

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Georeference the Plan – ALIGN Command 1Overview

Use the AutoCAD ALIGN command to reference drawing points to known co-ordinates.

Select all entities within the plan.

Choose the first point and enter the reference co-ordinates. Repeat for the second and third points.

All the selected entities should re-align to the specification.

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Georeference the Plan – ALIGN Command 2Coordinates – available from AltaLIS Website

Key in ATS

Select Projection

Coordinate resultsthese valuescan be copied intoAutoCAD using cut and paste

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Georeference the Plan – ALIGN Command 3Coordinate Input

Values can be copied from the ATS application into AutoCAD when using the Align command.

Select first source point

Select first destination point using the values from the ATS application

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Georeferencing the Plan – ALIGN Command 4Completion

NW 20-58-21-5N. 5987485.514E. 493592.397

N4 21-58-21-5N. 5987483.921E. 496006.871

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Georeference the Plan – Using an ATS DWG

Non Spatial CAD drawing

March 2005 ATS 6TM Projection

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Georeference the Plan – Align to ATS Grid

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Georeferencing the Plan - Completion

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Q: I use a pattern/hatch, of the same colour as the background, behind text that overlaps lines, for plotting purposes. Will this cause a problem with a submission?

A: There can be no pattern or hatch placed on the submitted layers; however, they can be used on other layers.

Q: I currently use complex symbols. Do I have to change the symbols I use for all future submissions?

A: No, symbols can be used as long as they are not placed on any of the 5 required levels.

Q: My ATS line work is broken; is that acceptable?

A: ATS line work on layer 17 is required and must be clean and unbroken for every quarter section affected by the surface activity. Other ATS line work can be placed on layer 9 and broken as necessary for drafting and snapping purposes. All ATS line work for all quarter sections affected by the surface activity must be included on layer 17. You may choose not to turn on Layer 17 when creating your paper plots or PDF file but the linework must be submitted as part of the CAD submission.

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PLFD File Submission 27 23 June, 2005

FAQ - continued

Q: I include dimensioning in the detail, rather than on the main plan. Should I include the detail in my submission?

A: Details do not need to be included in the digital submission.

Q: I use descriptive names for my layers (AutoCAD) rather than numbers. How will this affect submission?

A: The layer numbers are required to be used as in the specifications. All files must be submitted with the correct layer structure. For AutoCAD users, there is a layer translator tool that can be used to translate the layer names to the numbered layers required by PLFD.

Q: I currently use a different layer structure. Do I have to change my layer structure entirely?

A: No, as long as the data is segregated properly, a copy of the file can be made and the layer structure reconfigured just before submission.

Q: My entire design is in model space (AutoCAD), including the Title Block. Does this present a problem?

A: For the digital CAD submission, only layers 9, 10, 17, 28, and 40 need to be georeferenced and included. Other information is extraneous and will not be used. For the PDF file, the design and title block must be presented as it has been traditionally. Remember, the PDF file becomes the “Plan of Record”. The method for creating it is unimportant.

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PLFD File Submission 28 23 June, 2005

FAQ - continued

Q: We use the cadastral mapping files as a reference base for mapping. Will this satisfy the requirements for being georeferenced?

A: Yes, the March 2005 ATS was created from the Cadastral Base.

Q: Will it matter if I georeference and submit the entire CAD file rather than just the specified layers?

A: No; however, the appropriate data must be contained on the mandatory 5 layers.

Q: There are instructions for georeferencing the CAD file in AutoCAD. How do I georeference my file in Microstation?

A: Open the file to be georeferenced and attach the ATS file to be used for georeferencing. Place a fence (overlap) around the active file. Fence Move the active design from the ATS corner to the corresponding point in the reference file. Fence Rotate the active file using the 3-point method with the common point used for movement as the pivot.

Q: I use a local coordinate system for drafting. Will this interfere with the submission?

A: Yes, however, after creating your file: make a copy, scale the file and translate and rotate the file to match the March 2005 coordinates.

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PLFD File Submission 29 23 June, 2005

FAQ - continuedQ: I tied my data to ASCMs. Do I still need to georeference my data to the ATS?

A: No. Surveys tied in to ASCMs do not need to be georeferenced to the March 2005 ATS. Submitted data needs to be either aligned with the ATS or tied in to provincial survey control.

Q: Will the Disposition Mapping set be coincidental with the Cadastral Base and will it be as accurate as the Cadastral Base?

A: No, the Government is not able to manage dynamic data with their present system, and has therefore requested that the data be compiled on a frozen snapshot of the ATS.

Q: Why are the layers different from the LTO specifications?

A: SRD and LTO are separate entities and have separate approval and registration processes.

Q: What if I use the DDIPS “create file” and I have not yet created the PDF file?

A: The required PDF (and CAD) file(s) must be created prior to running the DDIPS application. The DDIPS application will assemble all three files, PDF, XML and CAD, into a zipped file.

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PLFD File Submission 30 23 June, 2005

FAQ - continuedQ: I have security concerns about including my signature in the digital files. Is this a problem?

A: Signatures are only required in the PDF file, which will become the Plan of Record, and is not required in the CAD submission. Q: When we are registering for the training seminar, why are we registering with Martin Newby Consulting Ltd. rather than the Director of Surveys?

A: MNC has a service contract with AltaLIS, who is the operating entity for SDW. SDW has been requested by the Government to oversee and manage the Disposition Mapping project.

A copy of the FAQ can be found on the AtlaLIS Website


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