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ID_art Titre Auteur URL de l'artiStatut Vrai OA103000574 Production Results and Technolo Anderss http://diss-e OA103001835 o!e"ent #istances and #ensit %ieira- http://&&&'( OA10300)47* To&ards an +cological-,$ste"s atie-,, http://archi OA10300)4*4 .loristic #i!ersit$ at the a(it Al(recht-http://&&&'uOA10300)54 easure"ent and odeling o 2 arl$le" http://&&&'r OA10300)55* Assessing the Technical +icienca(aleta http://&&&'uOA10300)54 h$ 6"pact Anal$sis ,hould o +(oir-9 http://&&&'c OA10300)58 6"pact Path&a$ Anal$sis - An A enders http://&&&'ciOA

10300)570 An Anal$sis o 6pgris 6nluence atts-9 http://&&&'ciOA10300)580 +!aluation o a rop ater-,tre ,un- http://&&&'i OA

10300)37 lassiication o rop ;ield %aria Ada"chuhttp://soil OA10300)41 ,o$(ean Agrono"ic Response t <auer-92 http://corn'a OA10300)44 6nluence o Alle$ rop +n!iron urner-#http://coner OA

10300)5* o"parison o Tillage T$pes and.ran=lue http://&&&'s OA10300)3 Rapid haracteri=ation o Organ 2acheng http://&&&'a OA10300)4 Relationships et&een 6nsuicie Pettigre http://&&&'a OA103003)*5 Protectionis"> Trade> and easucauslanhttp://iesta OA103003307 The +nig"atic Paleo=oic Plants ?rings- http://&&&'s OA10300445 +!idence o 6nter"ediate and A endels http://&&&'l OA10300547 The an$ 2ro&th-Rates and +la Pascarell http://chiron'OA103008443 6nluence o .eeding %arious Ph %al- http://diss-e OA1030084** 6ncreasing <e!els o ) #ierent Raes-? http://edpsci OA103008)0 Addendu" to ounting ($ eig icerso http://&&&'c OA10300873) <ocali=ation and 6dentiication 2argade http://&e('ic OA103008884 $drological and li"atic Respo roos-9 http://&&&'e OA103008885 +sti"ation o ro&n Radii and 2rote-R http://&&&'e OA103008887 %ariation in the #eca$ Resistanc ?ainulainhttp://&&&'eOA10301078 Te"poral-hanges in %arroa-#e Pa@ton-Rhttp://edpsci OA10301085 Autogroo"ing ($ Resistant on %illa-9# http://"sa'arOA103010*) The +ect o 6ntrinsic and +@tri ,o""ei http://&&&'e OA103010*3 A ,cientiic ote on the +ect ollins-A http://edpsci OA103013)4 The +ects o Bsing <actic-Acid ?alac-P http://ho"e' OA103014310 Ospring #esertion in Red-ec ?loso&shttp://&&&'e OA

103014317 Acti!it$ and Predator +scape Pe <egault- http://&&&'p OA1030145*) orld-,i=e 2lo(al arets <ead 2olden( http://shu"' OA

1030145*4 +!olution o an Opti"al <e@icon ester" http://&&&'li OA1030145*7 The +!olution o ,ocial-eha!ior#ean-9, http://&&&'s OA10301)87 .unction o Tail ,trea"ers o Re 9ones-6< http://&&&' OA10301)*3 #eco"position o itrogenous euchat- http://(iolo OA10301583 +ect o Plant o!er on ,eed R 2iannoni http://&&&'c OA10301588 ,hade .acilitates an 6n!asi!e , .acelli-9 http://&&&'( OA103015*7 ,eed ,i=e and ,ur!i!al in the , esto($ http://&&&'( OA10301*7 e& Oreodont Ca""alia> Artio organ- http://digli( OA1030177*) .ood> %igilance> and ,per" - Th Pi==ari-T http://(ehec OA1030177*4 Accessor$-2land ,i=e 6nluences.uter"a http://(ehec OA

1030177* Predator +@posure Alters .e"al asolo-A http://(ehec OA1030177*7 onte@t-#ependent Reproducti! urph$- http://(ehec OA

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10301780) ,election or ultiple ating in hao-< http://&&&'uOA103018*37 .loral ,cent o Ara(idopsis-<$raturph$- http://&&&'hOA10301*75* ,coring lustering ,olutions ($ ,ha"ir- http://&&&'c OA10301*771 A art-ased Approach to #isco ,tri""e http://&&&'s OA10301*7*7 ,ensiti!it$ and ,peciicit$ o 6 us"eie http://&&&'c OA10301*7** +icient Re"ote o"olog$ #ete<ee-< http://&&&'c OA

10301*81) odon Adaptation 6nde@ as a e?epes-. http://stat'g OA

10301*815 A o!el ,trateg$ or icroarra$ %esanen http://sig&& OA10301*817 +@traction o Protein-6nteracti 2ilder- http://&&&'c OA10301*8)3 ?ernel ierarchical 2ene lustero(le- http://no(le' OA10301*8)5 6nho"ogeneous olecular #ensi2oede-A http://&&&'d OA10301*8)* etalu@net - The anage"ent Par-, http://hc'i"s OA10301*838 <earning to Predict Protein-Prot R=hets$http://geno"OA10301*844 Auto"atic #isco!er$ and lassiiritchlo http://&&&'c OA10301*84 <ocal-Pooled-+rror Test or 6den raciale- http://&&&'i OA10301*848 ,eDuence Align"ent ?ernel or 2a""er http://&&&'(OA10301*851 A o"putational Pipeline or Pro?i"-#, http://&&&'g OA

10301*85 #esigning ard&are or Protein- Rosato-%http://gisc'u OA10301*80 +@a"ining the 6ndependent in ,idne$-9 http://reiner OA10301*81 aplot$pe 6nerence ($ a@i"u u-; http://&&&'c OA10301*8) 6dentiication and Euantiicatio %er"es- http://eg&e('OA10301*8 Transor"ation and or"ali=ati ager"ahttp://"pa'it OA10301*877 The +< ,eDuence %ersion Arc O$e&ole http://(ioin OA10301**15 ate hoice in e(raish C#anio Rosenth http://people OA10301**)* Transplantation and 6sotopic +!i Teich(er http://aslo'o OA10301**33 uilding a #ata(ase o istoric Pontius- http://&&&'clOA10301***3 Relationship et&een Population%erhe$e http://&&&'g OA10301***5 ,election riteria or ,uites o aisels- http://&&&'e OA

10301*** Predicting 9uniper +ncroach"en asters- http://pss'o OA10301***8 A!ian Asse"(lages Along a 2ra olger-# http://tsutsu OA1030)000) Bse o igh&a$ Bndercrossings ,au!aot http://&&&'c OA1030)0008 2ap-rossing ($ 2liding arsupi2il"ore- http://&&&'(OA1030)00)4 Terrestrial %erte(rate o""unit ,"ith-2 http://&&&'eOA1030)00)7 <o& Reproducti!e ,uccess o <e Paladino http://&&&'s OA1030)00)8 ird-a(itat Relationship or t .erretti- http://&&&'i OA1030)0030 .orecasting 2lo(al iodi!ersit$ .ooce- http://conse OA1030)0135 Procrustean Anal$sis o .luctua .arslo&-9http://&&&'e OA1030))073 Age and <ong-Ter" 2ro&th o T or(es- http://&&&'o OA1030))078 +ects o <and ra(s on <ea-<i ,her"anhttp://&&&'o OA1030))813 .ine apping o the uclear .er u- http://&&&'s OA

1030))837 ,porogenesis and 2a"etogenesiPeng- http://&&&'OA103)))*0 Agroecolog$> ,caling and 6nterdiPorter-9Rhttp://&&&'OA103)))*1 ar(on ,eDuestration in Tropica ?andi-, http://coner OA103))*03 olecular-asis o arle$ Eualit <i-# http://&&&'gOA103050)* iotic and A(iotic 6""o(ili=atio %entereahttp://&&&'l OA10305043 Pri"ar$ Production and ar(on inle$- http://la"ar OA103053** Age-#eter"ination> %alidation a a"pan http://&&&' OA10305533 o"paring +!olutionar$ Algorith%anhe" http://&&&'c OA10305835 6ntraspeciic #A %ariation in ,e!erso http://&&&'n OA103)573*1 #e"ograph$> .e"ale <ie-istor a"ai- http://site"a OA103)573** 6ncident o 6ntense Aggression atsusa http://(eep'c OA103)5*8* atural Presettle"ent .eatures ragg-# http://&&&'s OA

103)5*0 Ru"inal #egradation o Protein #e"arDuhttp://edpsci OA103)5*)) An Atte"pt to Predict the +arni ernu-% http://edpsci OA

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103000575 2enetic-Anal$sis o 3 <ithuanian ?li"as-R OA10300057 oncentrate i@ture> 2rass Pelle?ristensen-T OA103000577 ,oil e"atode Populations enealler-P OA103000578 +ects o +nerg$-<e!el and +n 2oce$re-# OA10300057* +!aluation o +&e Peror"ance i auge-, OA103000580 +ects o ar(oh$drate-.ree #i 6ng!artsen-?< OA103000581 +ects o igh #ietar$ <e!els o +ng(erg-R OA10300058) +ects o ,e@> .eed and Pre-,la ull(erg-A OA103000583 #igesti!e-Tract Anato"$ o or eladi-R OA103000585 The Present ,tatus o the Bse o Anner(erg-R OA10300058 2eneticall$-odiied rops and #ale-P OA103000587 2ene .lo& ro" Oilseed Rape to 9enc=e&si-+ OA103000588 2 rops - A Potential or Pes %ane"den-. OA10300058* 2 Plants and Protection Againsilder-%A OA1030005*0 .unctional 2eno"ics ro" a Pla ehedo!-, OA1030005*1 Resistance anage"ent - ,lo&i arriere-; OA1030005*) .oundations or ,ae 2enetic-+nRegal-P9 OA

1030005*3 2eneticall$-odiied rops - A B,andoe-P OA1030005*4 The Bse o 2 rops in o"pari<onnroth- OA1030005*5 +ect o .ree anganese Acti!it ,ingh-R OA1030005* The Pre!alence and #istri(ution ,er!e-+ OA1030005*8 #eo@$ni!alenol ontent o ere <angseth- OA

1030005** +sta(lish"ent> #e!elop"ent an ?eldsen-9 OA10300000 The +ect o Pol$sti"ulin-A on Allah!erdie!-, OA10300001 #ecrease in $draulic onducti!Anapali-O OA1030000) +ect o Te"perature and ,tora ,hio"i- OA103000701 .eed(ac-ircuits in epatitis- artinetedelist- OA10300070) ,el-Progra""ing achines C66F oulin-9P OA103000703 .airl$ Processing Rare and o" Re(=ani=aha- OA

103000704 Relations et&een acterial io Ra(ouille- OA10300183 igration o the athusius Pipist 9ar=e"(o&si-T OA103001837 2enetic #ierentiation and Rela ,hahin-AA OA103001838 a(itat ,election and o"e-Ranoro&si- OA10300183* 6nluence o Operational ,e@-Ra hang- OA103001840 od$-o"position and 2ut <eng usch- OA103001841 +ects o a(itat .rag"entationA"ori-2 OA10300184) The Annual $cle o olt in the <u- OA

103001843 +ect o %egetation T$pe and + odgson- OA103001844 ,easonal-%ariation in the #iet o ogales- OA103001845 ,patial-eha!ior o Adult ale A <uccarini-, OA10300184 o"e-Range #$na"ics o ale auri-< OA103001*34 o!el Reproducti!e odes in .r 2lau(recht- OA103001*35 ,eed #ispersion ($ ,urace as etancourt- OA103001*3 The +ect o ,upple"ental .ood#oonan-T9 OA103001*37 o""unit$ ,tructure o 2round .ernande=haeger-9 OA103001*38 ,patial-Patterns in ,pecies Rich #ini=-9A. OA103001*3* <ea ,tructure !s' utrient Rela ?ull-? OA10300)448 .e"ale Tannin A!oidance - A Po 2osser-A OA10300)450 Age-Related-hanges in #eensi Palo-RT OA10300)45) 6nsect #i!ersit$ in the ape .lor 2ilio"ee-9 OA10300)453 The #iet o a ,"all-2roup o +@ ol!in-,A OA10300)454 To&ards a #ensit$ easure or annhei"er- OA

10300)455 3-a$ 6nteractions et&een Acaard-# OA10300)457 atural <ea-<itter Transport an <eichtried- OA

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10300)458 Tardigrades in ,outhern Arica iddleton-R OA10300)45* uticular Transpiration in oodl oha"ed-A6 OA10300)47 ,oil P A!aila(ilit$ as Aected ($ Pal"-A OA10300)478 itrogen .lo&s #ue to u"an A Tsunea&a-A OA10300)480 6"pact o #itch anage"ent on 2a!in- OA10300)48) itrous-O@ide .lu@es ro" ai=e unch-9 OA10300)483 6ntensiied Agricultural <and-Bs Reid-R, OA10300)48 Ris Alle!iation !ia in-,itu Agr ardsle$-# OA10300)488 Transer o ad"iu" and inc Ti((ett- OA10300)48* a(itat haracteristics o ar! 2riiths- OA10300)4*1 Testing and +!aluation o the A ;ohannes-. OA10300)4*3 +n!iron"ental-Polic$> Agri-+n!i Piorr-P OA10300)4*5 iodi!ersit$ 6ndicators - The h O(rist-? OA10300)4* iodi!ersit$> the Blti"ate Agri-+ i""er"ann-9 OA10300)4*7 ,a"ple-,i=e and Eualit$ o 6ndi Perner-9 OA10300)504 ,uita(ilit$ o Ara(le eeds as 6 Al(recht- OA10300)50 ,electing Target ,pecies to +!al Rosenthal-2 OA

10300)507 #e!elop"ent and ontrol o e 2ero&itt- OA10300)508 6ndicators or +!aluating ,oil Euunch-9 OA10300)50* A iological lassiication once #reher-P OA10300)510 On the Eualit$ o ,oil iodi!ersi #au(er-9 OA10300)511 icro(ial +coph$siological 6ndicaAnderson-T OA

10300)51 The 6nluence o atri@ T$pe on olters-% OA10300)5)3 Application o iotic 6ndicators uchs- OA10300)5)4 io-Resource +!aluation ithin ?ope-B OA10300)5)5 ethod or Assessing the Propor,ch&a(e- OA10300)5) +@periences &ith the Applicationenge- OA10300)5)8 ature alance ,che"e or .ar Opper"ann-R OA10300)530 one$ as an 6ndicator - To ae rauer-6 OA

10300)531 Threshold %alues or ature Pro ,ch&ar=!onrau"er-2OA10300)53) o"parati!e-Assess"ent o Agriarggra-R OA10300)534 onsideration o iotic ature er"ann- OA10300)53 An Assess"ent o Bncali(rated ;u- OA10300)537 An +@peri"ental-6n!estigation o err$-P OA10300)538 A ali(rated odel o heat <o aer-9 OA10300)53* ,easonal-%ariation o Tropical . #eourn$-P OA10300)540 ,onic Ane"o"eter CoF,ine Re #ol"an-A9 OA

10300)541 et +cos$ste" O) +@change o eir$nc-9 OA10300)54) Air-.lo&s and Tur(ulent .lu@ e lanen-P# OA10300)543 Angular-#ependence o .or&ard #eltour-9 OA10300)544 .ield-easure"ents o Air(orne #urand- OA10300)545 Partitioning O!erstor$ and Bnde ,cott-R< OA10300)547 %alidating #ail$ li"ate 6nterpol Petritsch-R OA10300)54* Relation et&een Air-Te"peratu ier=(ica-A OA10300)551 odeling o the ,hort-a!e-Raderliner-PR OA10300)55) Assessing ,oil O) +lu@ Bsing Ei-; OA

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Faux OA Vrai NOA Faux NOA

identifié comme OAidentifié comme NOATotal

Taux de réussite !it rate"

Taux d'éc!ec false alarm rate"

d' discrimina#ilit$ index"% decision #ias"Plus Due dG proche de ) et loin de 0 est "eI Dui se rapproche de 1 "ontre Due le ro(

Pour aire des co"paraisons on prHsente l<a source est indiDuHe en (as dela igure1'

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.igure 1: ,#A ,cores or +ach ,earch +ngi,ource: http://&&&'"icrosot'co"/usa(ili



Taux de réussite !it rate"Taux d'éc!ec false alarm rate"d' discrimina#ilit$ index"

% decision #ias"

Références#ale erger9ohn i@ted L ?ang <ee#a!id eegerarsten ,chlichting L +ri ilsen

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(atrice de décisionVrai OA Vrai NOA

81 1* 100 *4 100

87 113 )00

)ro#a#ilité *+scores *+scores",,0'*3103448)8 1'48353*85*4 )')008*05144

0'181415*)* -0'*15350*** 0'*)454*7483

)'445074*5*30'5)8)580503 ,i I M1 neutre> I N 1 tendance J dire OA> I 1 tenda

illeure sera la DualitH des recherches eectuHes par le ro(ot ClGalgorith"e est eicacet a plus tendance dGetre neutre'

s rHsultats o(tenues suite J lGapplication de la thHorie de dHtection de signal J Duatre

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  ne o"(ined or all .i!e ,earch Eueries$/&e(con/schlichting/schlichting'ht"

Open Accessnon Open Access%rai OA%rai OA

M %rai OA/ .au@ OAM %rai OA / .au@ OAM =ChitF - =Calse alar"F

M e-CC=ChitsF) -C=Calse alar"F)F 0>5F

An 6ntroduction to ,ignal #etection Theor$,ignal #etection Theor$,ignal #etection Theor$,ignal #etection Anal$sis o ,earch +ngines

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Inter-rétation des résultats

ce J dire OApour diHrencier entre les ausses et les (onnes rHponsesF'

"oteurs de recherche C<$cos> +@cite> 6nosee> Alta!istaF'

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)ro#a#ilit$!it rate 0'7false alarm rate 0')

d' discrimina#ilit$ index" 1'30)1743. 0'15810304

Normali*ed . 0'111111533% decision #ias" 1')41*)8)3*

/o0 to deal 0it! !it rate of 1 and false alarm rate of 26 $ou ha!e an$ hit rates o 1'0 or alse alar" rates o 0> $ou need to do

<etGs sa$ that is the "a@i"u" nu"(er o alse alar"s Ci'e'> itGs the nu

NOT3 T!e follo0in& is an exam-le 0it! a !it rate of 245 and a fa

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*+scores *+scores",,0'5)440051)7 0')74**58*77

-0'841)1)33 0'7083)3008

  a standard correction on those irst' There is so"e cont

"(er o luresF' ot counting =ero> the s"allest alse alar

lse alarm rate of 2464 Insert $our o0n num#ers a#o

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  o!ers$ a(out the (est &a$ to correct hit and alse alar" rates> (ut the standard "ethod is the o

" rate $ou ha!e is 1/' 6 $ou ha!e a "easured alse alar" rate o 0> $ou no& that the true alse


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ne descri(ed (elo&:

alar" rate alls so"e&here (et&een 0 and 1/> so the usual strateg$ is to ust use 1/

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C)F instead o =ero C&hich is the sa"e as sa$ing that $ou o(ser!ed hal a alse alar"F' ,o> i

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40 and $ou ha!e a alse alar" rate o 0> use 1/80 C'01)5F insteadF' The sa"e reasoning applie

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to a hit rate o 1'0' 6nstead o using 1'0> use 1 - 1/C)F> &here is no& the nu"(er o targets'

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