
Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


94.204* Object-Oriented Software Development

Part 11

Introduction to Design Patterns: Iterators

• revised March 6, 2002

Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


Iterating Through A Vector

• Suppose we want to "step through" a Vector object, retrieving each of the objects stored in the vector, one at a time; for example:

import java.util.*;public class IterationExample1{ public static void main(String args[]) { Vector v = new Vector(); // Put some Complex number // objects in the vector. v.addElement(new Complex(3.2, 1.7));

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Iterating Through A Vector

v.addElement(new Complex(7.6)); v.addElement(new Complex()); v.addElement(new Complex(-4.9, 8.3));

Complex c; for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { c = (Complex)v.elementAt(i); System.out.println(c); } }}

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Iterating Through A Vector

• This approach works well for vectors because the elements of a vector can be retrieved by specifying their position:

v.elementAt(i);• We start by retrieving element 0, then retrieve element 1,

etc., until we retrieve the last element (at position v.size()- 1)

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What About Other Collection Classes?

• This approach doesn't work well for all collection classes:

– what would a position (i.e. index) mean for a Set?

– values stored in a Hashtable object are retrieved by keys, not by position

• Is it possible to come up with a more general approach, that can be used to iterate over any collection of objects?

• There must be a general design solution to this…

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Design Patterns

• "Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice."

Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language: Towns/Buildings/Construction, 1977

• A object-oriented design pattern systematically names, explains and evaluates an important and recurring design in object-oriented systems

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Design Patterns

• The landmark book on software design patterns is:

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides

Addison-Wesley, 1995

• This is also known as the GOF (“Gang-of-Four”) book.

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Design Patterns

Design Patterns follow a certain structure:

• Name

• Problem

• Solution

• Forces (or Consequences)

Additional topics:

• Implementation

• Known uses

• Related Patterns

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Design Pattern


• how can I “provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object (i.e., an object that contains a collection of objects: Vector, Hashtable, LinkedList, ...) sequentially without exposing its underlying representation”?

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Iterator Pattern

Solution:• The responsibility for accessing and traversing an

aggregation object is placed in a separate iterator object, not in the aggregation object

• All iterator objects should provide the same interface for accessing and traversing elements, regardless of the class of the aggregate object and the kind of traversal that is performed

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GOF Iterator Pattern






return new ConcreteIterator(this)

The arrow represents the association between ConcreteIterator and ConcreteAggregate: a ConcreteIterator object holds a reference to the ConcreteAggregate object that created it.



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GOF Iterator PatternParticipants:

• Iterator

– defines an interface for accessing and traversing elements

• ConcreteIterator

– implements the Iterator interface.

– keeps track of the current position in the traversal of the aggregate

• Aggregate

– defines an interface for creating an Iterator object

• ConcreteAggregate

– creates and returns an instance of the proper ConcreteIterator

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GOF Iterator Pattern

Forces / Consequences:

• “It supports variations in the traversal of an aggregate”: you can use different ways of iterating by defining various concrete subclasses of Iterator for your collection.

• “Iterators simplify the Aggregate interface”

• “More than one traversal can be pending on an Aggregate”

Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


GOF Iterator Pattern


• Good news: there is direct support for the iterator pattern in Java!

• In the previous slides, the names of the participating classes and the operations they provide were the ones used in the GOF book.

• As we shall see, the support for the iterator pattern provided in the Java SDK is based on Java interfaces, not abstract classes (why?), and the operations differ slightly from the ones shown in the diagram, but the basic idea is the same.

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Collection Classes & Iterator Objects

• The Collection interface provides an iterator()method to be implemented by all concrete collections:

Iterator iterator()– Collection plays the role of the “Aggregate” in the

GoF Iterator pattern

• A “ConcreteAggregate” (i.e. Vector, LinkedList…) implementing this method should create and return a iterator object

Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


Iterator Objects

• An Iterator object mainly provides two methods:

– public boolean hasNext()

– returns true if the Iterator object has more elements (objects) that have not yet been returned by next()

– public Object next()

– returns the next element (object) from the iteration

Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


Iterating Through a Vector

// Create a vector object and initialize // it with Complex objects

Complex c; Iterator i; i = v.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { c = (Complex); System.out.println(c);


Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


Iterating Through Any Collection

ex: the code below shows how AbstractCollectionimplements addAll() without making any assumption on the nature of the collection that is passed as an argument:

public boolean addAll(Collection from) { Iterator iter = from.iterator(); boolean modified = false; while (iter.hasNext())

if (add( modified = true; return modified }

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Iterating Through a Hashtable

• Hashtable does not implement Collection, and therefore does not have methods that return Iterator objects for the keys and values in the table

• Instead:– entrySet() returns a Set of the entries in the table– keySet() returns a Set of the keys in the table– values() returns a Collection of the values in

the table• iterator() messages are sent to these objects

• See the Java 1.2 API Specification for more information

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• The “old” way (before the introduction of the Collection Framework) of stepping through a Vector or a Hashtable was to use Enumeration objects. Enumerations are similar to iterators and provide the two following methods:

boolean hasMoreElements() Object next()

• To get an Enumeration for a Vector, call the elements() method on the Vector object.

• To get an Enumeration for the keys of a Hashtable, use the keys() method on the Hashtable object.

• To get an Enumeration for the elements of a Hashtable, use the elements() method on the Hashtable object.

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Building an Iterator

• Suppose we have a class called CircularList that provides these methods (other CircularList methods not shown here):

// Constructor.public CircularList();// Return the count of the number of// elements in the list. public int count();// Return the element stored at the specified// position in the CircularList.public Object get(int index);// Remove the element stored at the specified// position in the CircularList.public Object remove(int index);

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Building an Iterator

• How do we build an iterator (i.e., an Iterator object) for this class?

• We want an object that lets us do this:

CircularList l = new CircularList();...//store integers in the list...Iterator i = l.iterator();while (i.hasNext()) { System.out.println(;}

Copyright © 2002, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University. 94.204-14-Patterns.ppt


The Iterator Interface

• When we look through the documentation for the Java API, we discover that Iterator is an interface, not a class:

public interface Iterator { public boolean hasNext(); public Object next(); public void remove();}

• An Iterator object is an instance of a class that implements the Iterator interface; i.e., defines the hasNext(), next(), and remove() methods

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Class CircularListIterator

• Iterator objects for class CircularList will be instances of class CircularListIterator:

class CircularListIterator implements Iterator{ public boolean hasNext() {} public Object next() {} public void remove() {}}

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Class ListIterator

• How can the Iterator object (an instance of CircularListIterator) access the elements stored in a CircularList object?

– the easiest way is for the CircularListIterator object to contain a reference to the CircularList object

– it can then send messages to the CircularList object to retrieve the elements

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Class CircularListIterator

class CircularListIterator implements Iterator{ private CircularList myList; public Object next() {} public boolean hasNext() {} public void remove() {}}

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Class CircularListIterator

• How does a CircularListIterator object obtain the reference to the CircularList object? – pass a reference to the CircularList object to CircularListIterator’s constructor

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Class CircularListIterator

class CircularListIterator implements Iterator{ private CircularList myList;

public CircularListIterator(CircularList theList)

{ myList = theList; }

public Object next() {}

public boolean hasNext() {}

public void remove() {} }

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Class CircularListIterator

• How should a CircularListIterator object traverse a CircularList object?

• Because elements in a list are accessed by position, an easy way is to traverse the list from front to back

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Class CircularListIterator

class CircularListIterator implements Iterator{ private CircularList myList; // constructor not shown private int pos = 0;

public Object next() { Object o = myList.get(pos); // Update pos to indicate the position of // the element that will be returned the // next time this method is invoked. pos++; return o; }

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Class CircularListIterator

public boolean hasNext() { return(pos < myList.count()); }

public void remove() { if (pos > 0) { myList.remove(pos-1); // This method should throw an

// IllegalStateException if next() has not // yet been invoked, or if remove() has // already been invoked after the last // invocation of next(). }

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Modifying Class CircularList

• All that remains is to define a method in CircularList to create and return a CircularListIterator object

• In order to be consistent with other Java collection classes, we'll call the method iterator()

class CircularList{ public Iterator iterator() { // Create a CircularListIterator object,passing // it a reference to this CircularList object. return new CircularListIterator(this); }}

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Interfaces and is-a Relationships

• Notice that CircularList’s iterator() returns a reference to a CircularListIterator object, but the method’s return type is Iterator

• Q: Why is this o.k?

• A: CircularListIterator implements the Iterator interface

– i.e., a CircularListIterator object is-a(n) Iterator object

• In other words, is-a relationships exist between

– a subclass and a superclass

– an interface and the class that implements the interface

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CircularList-CircularListIterator Relationships

CircularList CircularListIterator


The arrow represents the association between CircularListIterator and CircularList: a CircularListIterator object holds a reference to the CircularList object that created it.

CircularListIterator implements theIterator interface

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