Page 1: Coral Magnolia Palm Springs Times Coral – Hidden – Holiday – Magnolia – Palm 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

The Springs Times

Coral – Hidden – Holiday – Magnolia – Palm

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 4th Quarter POA dues are due TODAY!

2 Water Aerobics 10 am

3 Chair Yoga 8:30 am Revolving Game Day 12:30 pm

4 Bridge 8:30 am Water Aerobics 10 am

5 Mahjong 11:30 am 7 pm Ballroom Dancing

6 Water Aerobics 10 am


8 9 Water Aerobics 10 am Noon – Adult Potluck Luncheon

10 Chair Yoga 8:30 am Revolving Game Day 12:30 pm

11 Bridge 8:30 am Water Aerobics 10 am

12 Mahjong 11:30 am 7 pm Ballroom Dancing

13 Water Aerobics 10 am



16 Water Aerobics 10 am

17 Chair Yoga 8:30 am Revolving Game Day 12:30 pm ARC Mtg. 10 am

18 Bridge 8:30 am Water Aerobics 10 am

19 Mahjong 11:30 am 7 pm Ballroom Dancing

20 Water Aerobics 10 am



23 Water Aerobics 10 am 7 pm Board of Directors Meeting (ALL owners are encouraged to attend.)

24 Chair Yoga 8:30 am Revolving Game Day 12:30 pm Bunco 7 pm

25 Bridge 8:30 am Water Aerobics 10 am

26 Mahjong 11:30 am 7 pm Ballroom Dancing Due Process Hearing 5 pm

27 Water Aerobics 10 am Playdate Morning 10 am - Noon



30 Water Aerobics 10 am

31 Chair Yoga 8:30 am

Revolving Game Day 12:30 pm

Nov 1 Bridge 8:30 am Water Aerobics 10 am

2 Mahjong 11:30 am 7 pm Ballroom Dancing

3 Water Aerobics 10 am


Newsletter deadline is the 20th of the month.



Community Garage Sale


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A message from your President

I want to congratulate all of us for how well we faired from the hurricane last month. I know many of you had damage and we are still waiting on the debris clean up, but we were so lucky compared to many places. Because of the necessary clean up and recovery, compliance inspections and the due process hearing was canceled for September. Both will resume at the beginning of this month. First will be follow-up to existing violations; then starting the second week of October, new compliance letters will be sent for new noted violations. If you are getting a new roof, please let the office know and complete the required Architectural Application. An ARC form is also required if you are replacing more than 50 % of your fence or changing the style of your fence due to damage. We need to have those approvals on file as well. HUGE THANK YOU'S go out to members and residents who helped clean up the common areas and community center post-IRMA. Tanja Tea, Ana Maria Tea, Katie Latham, Alexander Tea, Bastien Baron, David Reyes, Hugo Baron, Sam Toland, Logan Hernandez, David and Cindy Richards and David and Sandra Hayes. These people, mainly school kids, helped pick up debris and rake leaves to get our community center back in shape. This saved us money and was a great example of community spirit and pride. So again, THANK YOU ALL, as well as anyone else who took it upon themselves to pitch in for the good of the community. We had some community center damage from the storm. Most apparent is the tennis court and the exercise pool pump area. The fencing around the tennis court is damaged, but inspection deemed it safe, so the court remains open while we file the claim and coordinate the repairs. The Exercise pool pump casing (COMVAC) was damaged and caused electrical issues which affect the solar pool pump. This is in addition to

an ongoing issue with this pool which I will go into later. We have a roof leak in the gym and a few more odds and ends. We are working with the association's insurance company and service providers to coordinate corrections. We had trees that did or could have compromised our drainage or safety removed immediately after the storm. We are working on other debris on common property throughout the community. The Exercise Pool has had a troublesome summer. We had an underground pipe break in addition to a valve which made repairs challenging. With all that is on that pool, there is no more room in the ComVac and no way to repair the underground piping unless we replace the entire ComVac system, (the pool pump housing). The cost to do that is estimated at $20,000. In consulting with engineers from the county health department, the pump manufacturer and pool construction consultants, the agreed best solution is to build a pool pump house around the current system which will allow options for the pump and plumbing. The board voted at the September 25th meeting to have a custom pool house built for $7500.00 which will match the community center. Once the building is complete the pump plumbing work can be done. For now we are working to keep it open. The Recreational pool will need to be closed down for its post season algae cleaning which takes 3 days. (See the message below from management.) With regard to drainage, we had pre-storm inspections with a drainage specialist and St Johns Water Management (SJWM) which noted areas that need rehabilitation. As predicted by the St Johns Water Management Engineer, the system did what it was supposed to do during Irma. However we do have areas that need to be re-graded and underground pipes that need to be cleaned out. We are gaining scope of work for

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the surface drains from Santa Cruz Development and once the water level is down we will gain pricing for the known underground pipes and grate system that needs to be cleared. We are also working with SJWM and Florida Fish and Wild Life to help with meeting requirements but allowing for maximum storm drain-off at the exit weir. HOW CAN YOU HELP WITH DRAINAGE?

Don’t cut or allow your landscaper to cut grass into the lake.

Don’t leave debris (grass clippings, leaves, or dirt) in the gutters. Sweep the street gutters clean as part of your lawn maintenance.

When you cut tree limbs or have debris, DO NOT STACK IT ON STREET DRAIN COVERS. When the debris dries, the leaves fall in the drain or block the drain; sticks can fall in the drain and when necessary, access to the manhole cover cannot be accessed.

The current cost estimate for drainage rehabilitation for the surface drainage is $12,000 to $15,000. We are waiting on the cost for the known drains that need to be cleaned out but that should be significantly less than the surface rehab unless the pipes are found to be damaged. The Association had a full reserve study done this year and the results indicate the reserve account is underfunded. This is primarily related to the infrastructure for the drainage system and has been underfunded for many years. Some of this is due to the fact that not all components that are legally the responsibility of the Springs of Suntree were accounted for. This is not to say that the association is in dire need, but it does

mean we need a more proactive plan of action and maintenance for the long run. As I mentioned in the September letter, the treasurer presented the first draft of the 2018 budget at the Sept. 25th meeting, which incorporates the information from the reserve study and conservatively addressed some of the issues brought up. I had hoped owners would take an interest, but only two showed up. I realize that due to the storm we had to push back the original date of the meeting by a week but I did ask for owner participation in my last letter. We were ready to open the floor to questions and recommendations. We will be meeting again on October 23rd at 7 pm and the second updated draft of the budget will be reviewed. Because of the challenges, we are looking at three scenarios for the 2018 budget and assessments. They are: 1) To leave the quarterly assessment as is which would mean our Reserves remain under-funded and little to no wiggle room on the Operating budget; 2) To increase the quarterly assessment by $5 which would allow us to slowly increase our Reserves, but still be significantly under-funded due to the drainage infrastructure needs; 3) Increase the quarterly assessment by $10 which will allow for the reserve contribution to more closely agree with the Reserve analysis and recommendations provided by the Reserve Specialist. Want to understand what we are looking at and why before you get the coupon book to pay your 2018 assessments? Please attend a meeting in person. The next meeting is scheduled for October 23rd at 7pm and the final budget meeting is scheduled for November 15th at 7pm.

Thank you,

Peter Sacco

Peter Sacco Pres. BOD

REMINDER: 4th Quarter POA dues are due October 1st and considered late with penalty if received after the 15th.

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Pool area and Facility

Sorry, the season hit us hard and we need to do some maintenance work. The pools (both of them) will be closed October 16th thru the 18th so that they can have their post season chemical treatment to remove algae build up.

The Facility, except the Gym, will be closed on the 16th (only) to have the tile grout commercially cleaned. The Gym will be accessible from the outside door but there will be no restroom or drinking fountain access.

The office will be closed to foot traffic on the 16th only (sorry no after school candy) but you will be able to reach management by phone and email that day.

I apologize for the inconvenience, please know that these are needed services and I have scheduled them together to limit that inconvenience. Thank you, Angie Hernandez, CAM General Manager Springs of Suntree, POA

Message from Susan Griffin, Springs of Suntree Activities Coordinator… To the Springs of Suntree residents: I am sorry that this year has been very inconsistent with the activities that have been planned for the kids in our community. I had to postpone the “Super Hero” event from the Spring to the Fall partly due to clubhouse issues, but mostly due to the lack of volunteers. When the “Super Hero” event was held in the fall, other than the "Super Heros and Local Heros" who came to interact with our children and of course our one (non-resident) helper, there were no other volunteers. Also, after all the planning, only a few of our kids participated. (Even though everyone who did attend had fun.) I am now cancelling the Fall Festival, with much regret, for the same reason. It takes a lot of time and planning to put on an event for children to ensure they have fun while being safe. Thank you.

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Our Fall Luncheons begin with…


October 9th at 12 noon

We have a very interesting program planned so bring a dish to share and come catch up on what your friends have been doing over the summer.

…At the Clubhouse

October 27

10 am - Noon

Bring your child 4 years old and under

to play with other toddlers

Springs of Suntree

Community Garage Sale

Halloween Decorating Contest

The "Springs" did a great job of decorating last year! Let's see if we can do even better this year.

We'll be looking for the best outside decorations…

Have your decorations ready by October 24th. Judging will take place October 25-28 (weather permitting).

The Springs of Suntree HOLIDAY GALA will be December 9th.

Our Caterer will be: Palm Shores Bistro (They did a fabulous job last year.)

Tickets go on sale in November. Mark your calendars now!

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Revolving Game Day

Every Tuesday, 12:30 to 3:30.

Come socialize with friends, play

some games and just relax.

Mexican Train is still going to be

part of the fun, however, there

may be some new games to learn

and play.

American Mahjong is played with four players using tiles stamped with Chinese symbols. The goal of the game is to be the first to match one’s tiles to a specific group. So come and learn to play

Mahjong meets every Thursday at 11:30 am

Tuesday October 24th at 7pm

It is an easy, fun game of luck

Come and join us

Snacks and Drinks will be available

Sign in begins at 6:45 pm


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Springs of Suntree POA

Community Center Hours Gym Hours Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm 5 am - 9 pm Everyday Closed Saturday and Sunday

Office Hours Tennis court, Playground & Pool Area 9 am to 5 pm Monday - Friday Dawn to Dusk (Sunset - street lights on)

Springs of Suntree POA 8300 Holiday Springs Road

Melbourne, Fl 32940 Phone: 242-1734 Fax 242-8528

Email: [email protected]

Community Association General Manager Angie Hernandez, CAM

Board of Directors

Pres. Peter Sacco [email protected] VP Rick Howes [email protected] Sec Evelyn Brown – through the office Treas. Bill Hobson [email protected] Laurel Washburn [email protected] Jerry Aubuchon [email protected] Carl Rosscamp [email protected]

To place an advertisement in the SOS

Newsletter, contact the Management Office

at 242-1734.

Current advertising pricing is:

$10/month for quarter page ad

$15/month for half page ad

$20/month for full page ad

(NOTE: The SOS Property Owner’s Association does not endorse any product or service advertised in this


If you would like to receive the Springs of Suntree Newsletter via email, give your name, street address and email address to the office to be added to the list.

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Hundred Acre Hollows, Inc.

Hundred Acre Hollows, Inc. is turning 1 year old on October 25! We signed the

lease with the county on Nov 15, 2016. There are many activities planned for Oct

and Nov to celebrate our first year, and we hope you will be a part of them.

“Sunset in the Hollows” will be on Oct 1 and 15 from 6:00 to 7:30.

On Oct 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Springs of Suntree clubhouse, we will have an educational event

about bats and bat houses. Shari Clark of Bat Belfrys, Inc. will tell us all about bats and show us

some tiny little bats. Bring a friend. Come at 6:30 for refreshments.

The Oct 23 HAH Board meeting will be at the Springs of Suntree clubhouse at 3:30 p.m. to 5:00

p.m. We invite you to come and learn what goes on at a Board meeting.

We will have two fundraisers at Burger 21 in Viera. The first will be “Spirit Night” on Friday,

Oct 27 beginning at 4:00 p.m. Help us celebrate our 1st birthday! 10% of the proceeds will go to

HAH, Inc. You need a coupon for this event. On Nov 21, HAH is the charity of the month and

10% of all sales from anyone coming in that day will go to HAH. Please come out and enjoy a

delicious hamburger and milkshake and talk to us about HAH.

HAH, Inc. incorporated as a foundation with members, and we invite you to be part of our

organization. We are having a membership drive. We need your participation and financial help.

Our simple budget for 2018 adds up to $4,000. That covers liability insurance, mowing and other

maintenance, speaker fees, and office supplies, to name a few line items. We need at least 100

families to join our organization to keep it going. Will you please join us? Student and teacher

membership is $10 a year, a single adult is $15, and a family is $25. We are planning

educational meetings and outreach events. There will be several “members only” events in 2018.

We also need volunteers! Let us know how you can help make HAH a great place for everyone.

Hundred Acre Hollows, Inc is a 501(c) 3 tax exempt foundation. Your donation will allow us to

continue restoring the land, protecting the wildlife, and expanding our educational programs to

benefit our community.

You can send checks to Hundred Acre Hollows, Inc. 1170 Ida Way, Melbourne, FL 32940 Any

donations are appreciated! You can also donate through PayPal on our new website, . For more information, go to our Facebook page: . You may call 321-757-3637 or email

[email protected]


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