
PowerPoint Presentation

International Day of YogaUN International Yoga DayOfficial nameInternational Day of Yoga - IDYAlso calledYoga DayObservedbyWorldwideTypeUnited NationsCelebrationsYoga,Meditation, meetings, discussions,cultural performancesDate21 JuneNexttime21 June 2015FrequencyAnnualRelatedtoWorld Health DayRecognizing that yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being..- UNO

"Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modiji during his address toUN General Assemblyon September 27, 2014 stated:It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of Oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.

By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us to deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting Yoga as a way of life beginning with the International Yoga Day.Traditional definitions of YogaYogah Chitta - Vritti Nirodhah Maharshi Patanjali

7 Manah Prashamanopayah yoga ityabhidhiyate Maharshi Vashishth To relax and expand the mind is YogaDevelops stamina & capacity Samatvam Yoga Uchyate Equanimity of mind is YOGA8The Bhagwad Geeta. Unperturbed state of mind in all pairs of opposites is YOGA

.This is helpful for mastering WORKPLACE situations Yoga-Yujyate Anen iti Yogah.Union, Balancing, Developing , ExpandingYoga means to join.Union with Individual, Society, Nature is Yoga.910Yogah Karmasu KaushalamYoga in action.Yoga in every action Leads to Happiness

Each action can take us to the bigger WE from smaller I

10Everything is part of that single entity

Despite diversity, basic existence is of energy Concept of living and non-living is comparative To discover the sense of Oneness in Minerals, Plants and Animal Kingdom

Transitions of MineralsDiamonds in mines

Basic existence of atom

Energy from disintegration process

quarks energy

Turning point for scientistsMineral Kingdom basic existence is the energy

We can understand development in Plants

Comparison of minerals & plants

Plants - distinguishing features - reproduction

Intelligence/ reactions / emotions in plantsPlant Kingdom basic existence is the energy

Sun -Power House basic existence is the energyPlants, Animals, human beings Sun is basic source of energy

Animals developed existence

Reproduction, movements

Memory, emotions

Action, reactions - programmed basic existence is the energyAnimal Kingdom

Human beings developed species

Aahaar, Nidraa, bhaya, Maithun common in animals & humans

Power of Discrimination in human beings

Story of a Sage - Scorpion

basic existence is the energy

Developed stage curiosity regarding existenceThought provoking consciousnesscosmic consciousness basic existence is the energy. ?. ?. ?

Energy can be transformedSolar EnergyGravitationAtomic EnergyElectric EnergyMagnetic EnergyWind EnergyVarious forms of energy are transformable . basic existence is the energy

Plants, animals humans made of cells

cells nucleus - chromosomes jenes

Chemical Chain .

basic existence is the energyWhat are we then ?

Macrocosm MicrocosmAs in the universe So in the human bodySame cycle --- chemical chain atoms nucleus protons - quarks - energy

basic existence is the energyConsciousness

Everything has got life,

the Mineral Kingdom has got life, the Plant Kingdom has got life, andthe Animal Kingdom has got life. basic existence is the energyAll is oneTo understand ourselves .

Let us Understand the laws of Existence22Laws of Existence - IThe whole existence isInter-CONNECTEDInter - RELATEDInter - DEPENDENT23Human body systemLaws of Existence - IIEach Part of the whole existence is UNIQUEIt has a PURPOSE to fulfill FUNCTION to perform ROLE to play24Laws of Existence - IIIThe part can survive only if it is related to the WHOLE This organic ONENESS is EXISTENCEOur BodyAll Organs related, connected, dependent Yet Unique in function and performanceBut NO Part can survive, if cut apart or moves apart. 2526

AwakeExpansion is life, Contraction is death0 Individual1 Family2 Organization3 Society4 Nation5 Parameshti Connecting the Self with Expanding, Infinite Ishwara is Yoga. Path / Streams /Flow of Yoga ( inter-connected - inter-related - inter-dependent )

Bhakti Yoga Science of emotions

Jnana Yoga - Path of Knowledge

Karma Yoga Secret of actions

Raja Yoga systematic bent of Body and mind Yam-Niyam-Asana-Pranayam-Pratyahar- Dharana-Dhyan-Samadhi.

Yama defines our interactions with others (Including nature)

Non-violence, truth, non-stealing, brahmacharya and non-aggrandizement constitute Yama.YamaNiyamaNiyama is for self-preparation, for self-development, and are related to oneself, ones attitudes, approach to ones own self.

Shaucha, Santosha, Tapa, Swadhyaya, Ishvarapranidhan constitute Niyama.Yoga is way of life - Our living should be in accordance with the entire Existence which is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent.Based on this is the Yoga way of life.30Why are we not able to see Underlying Oneness ?Ashanti - Continuous flow of thoughts

Ashuddhi - Identification with Body, Mind, Intellect


Yoga Way of Life3030Training Mind Through YogaFor Shanti - Inward State (Samahit Avastha ) - Asana Pranayama DhyanaTo discover the sense of Oneness with yourself To discover the sense of Oneness with the world and the nature For Chittashuddhi - Outward State (Vyutthan Avastha )Yoga in every ActionAims and intentions are one with the purpose of life All actions tuned with nurturing the existence. Cycle of Sustenance -VyaktiSamajSmaller EntityLarger EntityYogakshemKarmaYajnaKarmafala

3232Pay Back We have received everything from the Society. Education, Culture. Security, Law & Order, Peace We are indebted. It's our duty to Pay it back to the Society. This is the only Insurance

What are indicators of Oneness?Samatvam () - Equanimity

Santosh () - Contentment

Sarvasamaveshakata () Acceptance, Accommodation

Seva () - Service

Samyam () - ControlPitruyajna Remembering the role of Parents and Elders

To be practiced by AllPurpose : To transfer good human values to next generation.

Activity : Samskar 3434Rishimirmitam Rashtram. Bharat came from the penance of the Rishis. Thus Rishi Yagna is nurturing our connection with our nation. In practice it should be Samskar and continuation of family tradition, Seva - Manav Seva MAdhava seva, ecological protection, transmitting the purpose and vision of this nation to the coming generation, rooting oneself in Oneness - IShwara, Nar-Yajna : Service to Humanity is worship of Divinity

To be practiced by AllPurpose : Serve the needy, suffering people in society.

Activity : Seva karya service activities in all spheres of societyRishi Yajna : Respect to the People who do Tapas for the welfare of all

To be practiced by AllPurpose : Can study and understand the truth by independent intelligence.

Activity : Swadhyaya

DevYajnas: Respect to the Nature, everything in creation

To be practiced by AllPurpose : Conservation of depleting resouces

Activity : Conserve resources, reduce waste, use what is needed

BrahmaYajna : Respect to the Energy that alone exists

To be practiced by All

Purpose : To live better life in higher state of happiness and peace.Activity : Ishwar Pranidhana Constant invoking of God in each thought, activityYoga is a way of life based on the vision of Oneness. Our activity should link an individual to the family, family to the society, society to the nation and all to the inherent Oneness of existence.

World has accepted this Yoga way of life and paving way to Universal Brotherhood.

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