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Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness for the International Business Traveler

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Part One Identifying risk Types of risks Security Awareness Avoiding Trouble Personal Security


Part Two Identifying Scams Surveillance Detection

Techniques Sources for Travel

Security Warning Health & Safety Issues Travel Delays

Part Three Risks associated with

Air travel Hotels Taxis Public Transportation Trains & Ferries Global Emergency Phone

Number Lists

Part Four Cultural Sensitivity Common Cultural Faux

Pas Sources for more info on

Intercultural business

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Reducing Travel Risks


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Choose a window seat near the exit row. In the event there is an emergency you will have an escape route close. If you can’t get an exit row seat, choose a seat near the rear of the plane. Why? In the event of a hijacking, the terrorists will focus their attention to the front of the plane since that’s where they need to get to take over the plane. With there attention focused to the front of the plane, this may give you time to get to your cell phone and possibly inform the authorities.

Once your travel itinerary has been confirmed, notify your supervisor at work and a family member of your travel plans and provide them with a copy of the itinerary.

If you are travelling to elevated risks areas, register with your embassy’s Regional Security Office (RSO) and on-line with your government’s travel safety website

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As soon as you arrive at the airport, be sure to keep a close watch on your luggage and passport. Thieves often target travelers to steal their belongings while they are checking in, go thru airport screening, shopping, eating or drinking in bars and restaurants, snoozing or visiting the restroom.

Go through airport security screening as soon as possible. This area is better controlled for access and weapons. For smokers, avoid the temptation to go outside for one last smoke. The airport entrance, parking lots and ticket counters are most vulnerable to attack, surveillance and criminal activity. Most criminal activity take place in these areas.

Do not engage in conversations or other activity with strangers. Keep a close eye on your belongings to prevent theft, or contraband being placed in your bags.

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• Keep your cell phone on your person. Don’t place it in your carry on luggage in the overhead compartment. You will need easy access to the phone in the event there are problem on the plane to inform airline officials.

• Do not put your passport with your belongings in the overhead compartment. While you are sleeping or in the restroom, someone could easily steal the passport.

• The same applies to your money. Keep it on your person.

Once you are on the Plane

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• Watch and listen to the flight attendant's safety briefing before the flight. If you are a frequent flier I understand that you have probably heard the speech a million times; however, the instructions they provide may save your life.

• Notice who is seated around you. Remember, the passengers who prevented a potential terrorist attack by the “Shoe Bomber” were responsible for recognizing his odd behavior and wrestled him to the ground before he could blow up the plane.

• If you do observe strange behavior from another passenger, be sure to notify a flight attendant immediately. Remember that airline travel security is everyone's business. Not sure what to do? Notify an attendant regardless. As the saying goes, better safe than sorry.

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There are U.S. federal law enforcement officers covertly placed on flights to prevent terrorist attacks and provide air travel security. They are responsible for neutralizing anyone who attempts a terrorist attack on the plane. These agents are very good at keeping a low profile; however, in the event that you recognize one, keep the information to yourself. Don’t mention your discovery to anyone.

When filling out immigration forms be sure not to include too much personal information about yourself. For example, in the occupation section instead of listing "CEO of XYZ Company", simply list "Businessman". Boasting about your high level position can make you a potential target for kidnappers tipped off by corrupt immigration officials.

When traveling to Taiwan (Republic of China) or Israel, ask the Immigration Officer to stamp your passport on an unattached insert page. This is to prevent issues if future travel may include the People Republic of China or some middle eastern countries

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Whenever possible use hotel cars.

Only use official licensed & metered cabs

Sit behind the driver

Lock the doors

Wear the seatbelt (More travelers are killed or seriously injured in traffic accidents than anything else)

Keep windows up in traffic

Write down the driver’s license info & cab #

Insist that the meter is used

Be on alert for unscheduled stops by driver (needs cigarettes, gas, etc.)

Be aware of your surroundings

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Avoid if possible – Usually Infested with pickpockets and are a favorite target of terrorists.

Keep wallet in front pocket or use a money belt

Don’t let your bags, briefcase, purse, etc. out of your site – not even for a second

Be suspicious of distractions – loud noises, fights, someone bumping into you, someone asking you for information, etc.

Keep an eye out for suspicious activity or nervous acting people.

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Frequently overcrowded. May never have had a safety inspection and likely doesn’t carry out preventive maintenance or emergency drills with crew.

Do not leave your belongings unattended

Watch out for pick pockets & bag slashers

Know where the life vest (PFD), life boats, rally points and exits are located. There may not be any signage or there may be signage but no devices.

Don’t get caught in the rush to exit or board.

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• Make certain that the hotel has back up generators. It is very common in many countries to have daily power outages. No power - no elevators, lights or air conditioning. Most hotel room windows won’t open and the rooms can get very stifling without air circulation. A 5-Star Rating does not guarantee that they will have generators.

• Make sure that your hotel room has a safe. You will need a safe place to store your passport so that it is not stolen during a robbery while you are out in town. Also, use the safe to store money, ATM cards, credit cards, jewelry (and laptop if it will fit). Never leave these items out when you leave the room, even if you are not expecting maid service. Many times hotel crime involves hotel employees.

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You will want to request a room located between the 3rd and 5th floors. Why? Because the room is high enough to make it difficult for burglars to climb and enter from outside and close enough to the ground that you can escape during a fire or natural disaster. Also, be sure not to get a room so close to other hotel roofs that criminals can climb over and into your room.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with escape routes throughout the hotel. If there is a fire or natural disaster, you will already know the alternatives for exiting the hotel and getting to safety. First, make certain you won’t get yourself locked in, check the fire exit to make certain it isn’t blocked. It also helps to know where it opens to the street and whether that door is locked to prevent people from getting into the stairwell from the street.

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Make sure there is a substantial lock on your hotel room door. This means preferably a deadbolt or at a minimum two key locks. Chain locks are usually not enough to deter burglars. Make sure the doors are locked, even when you are inside the room.

Bring with you a travel door wedge that you can slide under the door to prevent it from being forced open.

The door should be constructed of a sturdy material and have a peephole. This way you can see anyone coming to your door.

Place the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside of your room door, even when you are out of the room. This helps keep out maids and may make potential burglars think you are inside. Never place the "Please Clean Room" sign on the outside of the door because it tells criminals that you are not there.

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Do not allow strangers into your hotel room. This sounds pretty simple. However, you would be amazed at the number of business travelers who meet strange people in bars and invite them back to the hotel room. Unfortunately, many wake up the next morning after being drugged and discover that all of their belongings are missing from the room.

If a pretty girl shows up at your hotel door saying she is compliments of the hotel or your hosts – don’t believe it.

Some countries have been known to spy on their guests. Be very careful what you say or do in your room – you may be recorded. China is known to have special hotel floors or rooms set aside for foreign guest only. Blackmail can be very lucrative.

Leave the television and lights on in the room when you are away because it may fool criminals into believing that someone is inside the room.

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While dining in restaurants, never hang your purse on the back of your chair. Criminals will walk by and steal your purse or the contents inside.

While walking get your purse tuck it under your arm, not using the strap. This way if a criminal runs by and snatches your purse, you won’t be pulled to the ground during the incident.

Don’t accept drinks from people you don’t know. Many times the drinks are laced with drugs like Scopolamine (common in Columbia) or Rufinol (also known as “Rufies” or “Date Rape Drug”).

Cat calls or sexual harassment on the street by foreign men is very common in many countries. The best advise I have is to ignore it, walk with confidence, and continue on your way.

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Walking to your vehicle - carry your keys in your hand with the points of the keys between your fingers. You can use the keys as a weapon.

While driving , make sure to put your purse or computer bag on the floorboard under your seat or behind the passenger seat on the floor (concealed if possible). Avoid leaving your purse or bag in the passenger seat beside you.

If you are going to use a taxi, sit in the back seat behind the driver. Many taxi drivers will ask women to sit in the front seat in an attempt to make unwanted passes at them.

Dress appropriate for the occasion & culture. In some Islamic countries, you can be arrested or beaten for what they would

consider inappropriate dress or inappropriate behavior. Even many European and Asian countries are a lot more prudish than you would think.

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Disclaimer – The world is a volatile place. Many of the countries listed here have gone through considerable changes in the past couple of years (Hong Kong, for example, is now run by China, and the European Union (EU) has standardized much of Europe.) In addition, some countries are in the process of changing their systems to one number for all emergency services. This list is accurate to the best of the author's knowledge, but changes may have been made since this list was compiled. Many of the EU countries are retaining, at least for now, their old emergency numbers even as they standardize on the new 112, and are listed here if still in operation.

Cell Phones - '112' can be dialed anywhere in the world with GSM coverage and callers will be automatically transferred to that country's particular emergency number. A caller is able to connect to the emergency services answering point if GSM mobile coverage is available from any carrier's network at the location of the call. For further details regarding '112', consumers should talk to their mobile service providers

Every effort has been made to confirm the accuracy of these numbers, but mistakes do happen. Please try to confirm your information before travelling, and let us know if you find any inaccuracies.

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Country Police Medical Fire Notes

Algeria 17 14 14 National Gendarmerie : 1055; Counter Terrorist Unit : 1548; support for children : 3033.

Chad 17 18

Djibouti 17 18

Egypt 122 123 180 Tourist Police – 126; Traffic Police – 128; Electricity Emergency – 121; Natural Gas Supply Emergency – 129.

Ghana 191 193 192 999 for any of the 3 services.

Mali 17 15 18

Mauritius 999 114 115


City 19



Country 177

Nigeria 199 199 for any of the 3 services.

South Africa 10111 10177 10111 112 from mobile phones (soon also from fixed line phones).

Tunisia 197 190 198 National guard – 193.

Rwanda 112

Uganda 999

Sudan 999 Traffic Police 777777

Sierra Leone 19 999

Zambia 999 991 993 112 from mobile phones (see

Zimbabwe 995 994 993 999 for any of the 3 services. 112 from mobile phones

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Asia ASEAN's suggestion is to use 191. Currently using by 5 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand.

Country Police Medical Fire Notes Afghanistan 119 102 119 Rewards for Justice 010-8600-070

Bangladesh 999 For the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong only (Dhaka Metropolitan Police – "999" and Chittagong Metropolitan Police-"999")

Bahrain 999


Patrol: 110



Traffic accident – 122.

Traffic: 122 999 for private ambulance service in Beijing, along with government owned ambulance service 120.

Myanmar 191

Hong Kong 999 992 (fax on fixed line; SMS on mobile phones – latter being available only to subscribers with disabilities); 112 from mobile phones (routes to any network service) but redirected to the 999 call centre.


100 or 2611

101 or 2611 Chennai Traffic Police – 103. Delhi Traffic Police – 1095. Kolkata Traffic Police – 1073.

112. Bangalore uses both 108 and 100. There is no national emergency number, but 108 is used in many states.

Indonesia 110 118/119 113 Search and rescue team – 115; Natural disaster – 129; Electricity – 123; Mobile phone and satellite phone emergency number – 112.

Iran 110 115 125 110 also serves as general relay. 112 also works for all emergencies from mobile phones.

Israel 100 101 102 112 also works for all emergencies from mobile phones.

103 Israel Electric Corporation.

106 For municipal hazards that are not emergencies, works in any municipality.

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Japan 110 119 Emergency at sea – 118.

Jordan 911 OR 112 From Land-line and Mobile will call Command and Control Center "CCC" – 911.

Kazakhstan 112 Police – 102; Ambulance – 103; Fire – 101; Gas leaks 104.

North Korea 119 112 also works with cellphones. Operators mostly speak only Korean, some may speak English, Russian or Chinese

South Korea 112 119 National security hotline – 111; Reporting spies – 113; Reporting a child, mentally handicapped, or elderly person wandering – 182 (missing child report hotline); 114 connects to the phone service provider.

Kuwait 112 Used to be 777

Lebanon 112/999 140 175

Macau 999

Maldives 102 Civil defence – 118; Police service – 119 can be dialed from mobile phones.

Malaysia 999* The worldwide emergency number for GSM mobile phones, 112 are redirected to the 999 call centre.

Mongolia 102 103 101 100

Nepal 100/103 102 101 112 from any GSM handset will forward to the local emergency number.

Oman 9999

Pakistan 15 115/1122 16 15/1122 can be used to redirect to any service. 112 from any GSM handset will forward to the local emergency number.



Philippines 117(Metro Manila)

112 and 911 redirect to 117. 112 and 911 can be dialed from mobile phones. 117 may also be texted from mobile phones. 136 for motorist assistance (Metro Manila only), 163 for child abuse (Bantay Bata)

911 (for Davao City)

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

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Qatar 999

Saudi Arabia 999 997 998 Traffic police – 993; Rescue emergency – 911, 112 or 08

Singapore 999 995 Foreign travelers in Singapore with roaming hand phone facilities can dial either the 112 or 911 emergency numbers to reach an Emergency Call Centre in Singapore.

Sri Lanka 119 or 118 110 111 Accident service – 11-2691111.

Syria 112 110 113

Taiwan 110 119 112 from any GSM handset will forward to the local emergency number.

Tajikistan 112 Fire – 101; Police – 102; Ambulance – 103; Gas leaks 104.

Thailand 191 1669 199 Bangkok EMS Command Center – 1646 (Bangkok only), Tourist Police "1155" (English speaking emergency and routine assistance).

Turkey 155 112 110 Gendarmerie – 156; Coast Guard – 158

United Arab Emirates 999 or 112 998 or 999 997

Vietnam 113 115 114

* Changing to 191

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

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The most common European emergency number 112 (following Directive 2002/22/EC – Universal Service Directive) and also standard on GSM mobile phones. 112 is used in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United Kingdom in addition to their other emergency numbers.[11][12][13][14]

Country Police Medical Fire Notes Albania 129 127 128 Road police – 126

Armenia 102 103 101 Search and rescue – 108; Gas leaks – 104; Traffic police – 177

Austria 112 Police – 133; Ambulance – 144; Fire – 122; Gas leaks – 128; Alpine rescue – 140; On-duty medical unit – 141; crisis-hotline – 142; support for children and teens – 147.

Belarus 102 103 101 Gas leaks – 104; also 112 is being redirected to 101 on velcom GSM-operator mobile phones.

Belgium 112 Police – 101; Ambulance / Fire brigade – 100; Missing children – 110; Mental problems/suicide – 106.

Bosnia and Herzegovina 122 124 123

From mobile phones, dial the international emergency numbers 112, 911 and 08 for information about the local emergency numbers that are to be dialed (122, 123 and 124).

Bulgaria 112 Police – 166, Ambulance – 150; Fire – 160.

Croatia 112 Police – 192 (old number was 92); Ambulance – 94; Fire – 93; Search and rescue at sea – 9155; Road help – 987.

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 112 Police - 115; Fire - 199; Ambulance - 112.

Cyprus 112 Alternative numbers: 199

Czech Republic 112 Police – 158; Ambulance – 155; Fire – 150; Municipal police – 156.


112 (old number was 000) Nearest Police (non-urgent) – 114.

Estonia 112 Police – 110.

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Faroe Islands 112


112 (old number was 000) Police number used to be 10022.

France 112 Police – 17; Hospital-based Ambulance (SAMU) – 15; Fire Service-based Ambulance – 18; Fire – 18. 112 calls are answered by 15 or 18 dispatchers, depending on the caller's location. 115 for homeless.

Georgia 22 33 11 Gas leaks – 04; 112 from mobile phones, from 2011 from landlines as well; in 2011 emergency numbers will be replaced as follows: 111 (Fire), 122 (Police), 113 (Ambulance), 114 (Gas leaks).

Germany 112 Additional number for police - 110

Gibraltar 112 or 199 Fire and Ambulance – 190

Greece 112 Police – 100; Ambulance – 166; Fire – 199; Forest fire – 1591; Coast guard emergency intervention – 108; Counter-narcotics immediate intervention – 109; Tourist police – 171; Emergency social aid – 197.

Hungary 112 Police – 107; Ambulance – 104; Fire – 105.

Iceland 112 Police in Reykjavík Capital Area Non-urgent – 4441000

Ireland 999 or 112

The emergency telephone number to dial in Ireland for Fire, Gardaí (Irish Police), Ambulance, Irish Marine Emergency Service and The Mountain and Cave Rescue is 999 or 112. These numbers are to be used only in an emergency.

Italy 112 Ambulance – 118; Fire – 115; (State Police) – 113; (Carabinieri) – 112; (Forest Service) – 1515; Guardia di Finanza (Customs/Financial Police) – 117; Coast guard – 1530. Also 911 is redirected to 112.

Kosovo 911

Kosovo Police – 192/922 from cellphones, and 92 from fix lines. The previous number used to be 112 Emergency dispatch center where citizens can be connected with all first responders in emergency (Fire Fighters, Kosovo Police, and First Medical Aid).

Latvia 112 Police – 02; Ambulance – 03; Fire – 01; Gas leaks – 04.

Lithuania 112

Police – 02 / 102 / 022; Ambulance – 03/ 103 / 033; Fire – 01 / 101 / 011. The non-112 numbers are for separate emergency services differ in distinct telecommunications networks, whereas 112 is available on all networks.

Luxembourg 112 Police – 113.

Republic of Macedonia 112 Police – 192; Ambulance – 194; Fire – 193.

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

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Malta 112 Previously: Police 191; Ambulance 196; Fire 199.

Moldova 902 903 901 112 is being implemented by 2010.

Monaco 112 Police – 17, Ambulance, severe – 15; Ambulance, less severe – 18, Fire – 18. 112 calls are answered by 15 or 18 dispatchers, depending on the caller's location. 115 for homeless.

Montenegro 112 Police – 122; Ambulance – 124; Fire – 123.

Netherlands 112 Police (non-urgent) – 0900-8844. Also 911 is being redirected to 112 on GSM mobile phones.

Norway 112 113 110 Police (non-urgent) – 02800.

Poland 112 Police – 997; Ambulance – 999; Fire – 998; Municipal wardens – 986; natural gas/LPG emergencies – 992.

Portugal 112 Forest fire 117

Romania 112 Former short numbers: (Police) – 955; Ambulance – 961; (Firefighters) – 981; (Gendarmerie) – 956; Civil Protection – 982; Family Violence – 983

Russia 112 Police – 02; Ambulance – 03; Fire, Search and rescue – 01; Gas leaks – 04. The new number 112 began operating in 2011

San Marino 113 118 115

Serbia 112 Police – 92; Ambulance – 94; Fire – 93

Slovakia 112 Police – 158; Ambulance – 155; Fire – 150

Slovenia 112 Police – 113

Spain 112 National – 091; Local Police – 092; Ambulance – 061; Fire – 080,085; Civil Guard – 062; Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalan police) 088


112 (old number was 90000) Non-urgent police – 11414

Switzerland 112

Police – 117; Ambulance – 144; Fire – 118; Poison – 145; Road emergency – 140; Psychological support (free and anonymous) – 143; Psychological support for teens and children (free and anonymous) – 147; Helicopter air-rescue (Rega) – 1414 or by radio on 161.300 MHz; Air rescue (Air Glaciers) (in Valais only) – 1415.[15]

Turkey 155 112 110 Gendarmerie – 156; Coast Guard – 158

Ukraine 112 Police – 102; Ambulance – 103; Fire – 101; Gas leaks – 104.

United Kingdom 999 or 112

In 2006 101 was made available as a non-emergency number for police (and in some areas local authorities) in England and Wales. 111 was made available (in England and Wales) as a non-emergency number for health issues. 999 and 112 can be used from any phone. When dialing 999 or 112, the caller is connected with a telecoms operator such as BT, Cable & Wireless, Railnet, or Kingston Communications, and the operator will ask which service is required. Operators have access to interpretation services covering 170 languages. Deaf people can text 18000 for the emergency services (after registration). 999 was first introduced on the 30th June 1937 in London.

Vatican City 113 118 115 112 is being redirected to 113 on GSM mobile phones

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

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Australia and Oceania

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

Australia 0 From a mobile phone – 112 or 000. No other emergency numbers, such as 999 or 911, are redirected.

State Emergency Service (ACT, VIC, NSW, QLD, SA) – 132 500; SES (WA) – 1300 130 039;

From a Textphone/TTY call the National Relay Service on 106;

Non Emergency – Police Assistance Line – 131 444;


Crime Stoppers – 1800 333 000;

Threats to national security – 1800 123 400;

Fiji 911 9170

New Zealand 111 *555 traffic (from mobile phones only)

0800 161616 Deaf TTY

0800 161610 deaf fax

111 deaf SMS (registered mobile phones only)

Solomon Islands 999 There are also local numbers for each service in each urban centre. These local numbers may be quicker than dialing 999.[16]

Vanuatu 112

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North America

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

Canada 911

Non-emergency 311 in certain areas. Some rural areas still lack 911 service. 112 is being redirected to 911 on GSM mobile phones. *677 connects to the Provincial Police within the province of Ontario and *4141 links to the Sûreté du Québec in the province of Quebec.

Greenland 112 112 works from only mobile phones; fixed line phones must call the local police or hospital.

Mexico 66 65 68 "066" can be used as a general emergency number, In densely populated areas, 911 is redirected to the proper number.

Saint Pierre and Miquelon 17 15 18

United States of America 911

Various services available through regional or national N11 codes (e.g.: 311 non-emergency police) in certain areas. Also 112 is being redirected to 911 on GSM mobile phones.[17]

Central America and the Caribbean

Country Police Medical Fire Notes Guatemala 110 120 123 Note: The number 911 exists only for private services like medical insurance.

El Salvador 911

Costa Rica 911 or 112

Panama 911

Barbados 211 511 311 References: Police, Ambulance, Fire

Cayman Islands 911

Dominican Republic 911 or 112 From a mobile phone – 112 or 911 Also 112 is being redirected to 911 on GSM mobile phones[12].

Jamaica 119 110

Trinidad and Tobago 999 990

Nicaragua 118

Honduras 199

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South America

Country Police Medical Fire Notes

Argentina 101 107 100 Emergency dispatcher for Buenos Aires (city), Santa Fe (city), Rosario (city), Salta and Buenos Aires (provinces) 911.

Bolivia 110 118 119

Brazil 190 192 193

Federal highway police 191; federal police 194; civil police 197; state highway police 198; civil defense 199; human rights 100; emergency number for Mercosul area 128; 112 will be redirected to 190 when dialed from mobile phones and 911 will also be redirected to the police number (190) See also: Brazilian telephone numbering plan#Public utility.

Chile 133 131 132


112 or 123 (landlines & mobile phones)

Traffic accidents 127, GAULA (anti-kidnapping) 165. More specialized three-digit numbers are available; check the local Yellow Pages for more information.

156 132 119


911 (landlines & mobile phones)

All types of emergencies in Guayaquil (112 landlines, *112 mobile phones), traffic accidents in Guayaquil 103, red cross 131.

101 911 102

French Guyana 17 15 18

Guyana 911 913 912

Paraguay 911

Peru 105 117 116 Civil defense (disasters) 115 – Domestic violence helpline 100

Suriname 115

Uruguay 911

Venezuela 171

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Coming Soon …

Part 4 – keep a look out for the release of Part 4 in the series -

Cultural Sensitivity Common Cultural Faux Pas Sources for more info on Intercultural business

Available soon from TRUSYS, Inc. & The TRUSYS Institute


or [email protected]

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True System Designers, Limited (TRUSYS) is a leading provider of integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management advisory.

Our company was founded by a CEO passionate for helping organizations to build and maintain their security program. We believe that in order for an organization to achieve the maximum level of protection you must to take an integrated approach to managing your security program. Our approach is to bridge the main areas of security including Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management because they are undeniably interdependent.

Headquartered in Seattle, TRUSYS has a global reach and offers years of experience & knowledge in the security industry. TRUSYS offers defacto CSO resources, operational and technology consulting, system design, and project and construction management.

For more information contact :

Jeff Starck at + 1 206-861-2219 (USA)

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TRUSYS delivers integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis advisory to help build and maintain your security program goals.

Security Consultants Our team of professionals are knowledgeable and experienced in security technology making TRUSYS your reliable source for design and project execution services



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