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Major issues of the Environmental Problem in India

One of the primary causes of environmental degradation in a country could be attributed to rapid growth of population, which adversely affects the natural resources and environment. The uprising population and the environmental deterioration face the challenge of sustainable development. The existence or the absence of favorable natural resources can facilitate or retard the process of socio-economic development. The three basic demographic factors of births (fatality),deaths (mortality) and human migration (migration) and immigration (population moving into a country produces higher population) produce changes in population size, composition, distribution and these changes raise a number of important questions of cause and effect. Population growth and economic development are contributing too many serious environmental calamities in India. These include heavy pressure on land, land degradation, forests, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. Changing consumption pattern has led to rising demand for energy. The final outcomes of this are air pollution, global warming, climate change, water scarcity and water pollution. Environmental issues in India include various natural hazards, particularly cyclones and annual monsoon floods, population growth, increasing individual consumption, industrialization, infrastructural development, poor agricultural practices, and resource misdistributions have led to substantial human transformation of India’s natural environment. An estimated 60% of cultivated land suffers from soil erosion, water logging, and salinity. It is also estimated that between 4.7 and 12 billion tons of topsoil are lost annually from soil erosion. From 1947 to 2002, average annual per capita water availability declined by almost 70% to 1,822 cubic meters, and overexploitation of groundwater is problematic in the states of Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. Forest area covers 18.34% of India’s geographic area (637000 km²). Nearly half of the country’s forest cove.

Haze smoke Genetic controlled growth of urbanization and industrialization, expansion and massive intensification of agriculture, and the destruction of forests. Major environmental issues are Forest and Agricultural land degradation, Resource depletion (water, mineral, forest, sand, rocks etc.,) Environmental degradation, Public Health, Loss of Biodiversity, Loss of resilience in ecosystems, Livelihood Security for the Poor.

It is estimated that the country’s population will increase to about 1.26 billion by the year 2016. The projected population indicates that India will be the first most populous country in the world and China will be ranking second in the year 2050. India having 18% of the world's population on 2.4% of world's total area has greatly increased the pressure on its natural resources. Water shortages, soil exhaustion and erosion, deforestation, air and water pollution afflicts many areas.

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Save rainforests

Tropical rainforests cover a mere 6% of the Earth's land surface yet harbor over 50% of the Earth's terrestrial biodiversity. Tropical rainforests are a place of enchantment and represent the splendors and potential of life on our unique planetary home.

Besides being a place of incredible beauty and wonder, tropical rainforests are also important to us. Of the 3000 plants identified by the National Cancer Institute as a source of cancer fighting chemicals, 2100 are from the world's tropical rainforests. Less than 1% of the estimated 125,000 flowering plant species of tropical rainforests have been examined for their medicinal properties. This is but one example of the richness that exists within rainforests.

However, about 50 million acres (approximately the size of Great Britain) of tropical rainforests are destroyed each year. Much of this deforestation occurs through slash and burn agriculture by subsistence farmers who lack knowledge of sustainable alternatives. The effects of global warming through slash and burn are enormous. It is responsible for 20% of the total global emissions of CO2 into our atmosphere each year. To halt further effects of global warming we must implement climate change mitigation through reforestation programs and insist on the full protection of remaining tropical rainforests. Tropical deforestation also leads directly to the extinction of several thousands of animal and plant species every year and causes changes to global water cycles.

Tropical rainforests are the richest ecosystem on our planet and are an essential element to the planet’s life support machine. In 3 acres of tropical rainforest one can find up to 300 species of trees as opposed to up to 10 in a temperate forest. Panama has over 3000 species of trees in the rainforests of the Panama Canal alone.

Nearly 80% of the Earth’s animal species are from tropical rainforests. It is estimated that each tree in the rainforest could harbor over 400 unique species of insects found nowhere else on earth, such is the immense diversity of tropical rainforests.

Tropical rainforests store approximately 46% of the worlds living carbon and 11% of all soil carbon. The loss of tropical rainforests is more than just the loss of trees; it is the removal of a critical element necessary for our survival.

Eighty percent of the nutrients in tropical rainforests are in the vegetation and not in the soil. This means that the soils are nutrient-poor and become eroded and unproductive within a few years after rainforests are cleared.

The uneven distribution of wealth and land is one major factor in the destruction of tropical rainforests. Over one billion people worldwide depend directly on tropical rainforests. Many of them exist in absolute poverty. This is causing further destruction of rainforests through the inefficient and unsustainable use of their resources through lack of knowledge.

Unfortunately the pressure on tropical rainforests is not decreasing but increasing and it is estimated that within a few decades no large expanse of tropical rainforests will exist.

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We have to educate the people about the how and why save a rainforest. Company who are cause to deforestation they have to take the program of the saving rain


The people are can donate the money in the funds which are used for developing the rainforest.

If people are thinking 1 year ahead, sow seeds.

If people are thinking 10 years ahead, plant a tree.

If people are thinking 100 years ahead, educate the people.

If the company is destroying the tree for there business proposes then for every 5 trees they have to plant the 10 small trees in forest and take care of the trees.

In the vacation of the schools the company can design the programmed for the students to how help the increasing the rain forest.

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Name: Abhishek Krishnakumar Rane.

Roll no: 39

Sub: envoirmental problems.

Page 5: Corporet social responciblity

Class: FYMMS

Prof. Bharat Nadkarni.

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