  • 7/24/2019 Cosmic Disclosure the Threat From Artificial Intelligence


    Cosmic Disclosure: The Threatfrom Articial Intelligence


    David Wilcock

    : Welcome to "Cosmic Disclosure." I'm your host,David Wilcock, and I'm here with Corey Goode.Corey Goode started out as an insider working in the elusive Secret Sace !rogram, which I've heard

    aout #or many years #rom a variety o# insiders. $here have literally een hundreds o# data oints that

    I'd never ut online that Corey was ale to indeendently validate #rom his own e%eriences.&nd this, to me, is roo# that something is going on, something very signi#icant, something that

    comletely alters everything that we thought we knew aout who we are, aout the universe, aout

    intelligent li#e, and aout the reonderance o# intelligent li#e.&nd in this eisode, we're going to start uilding our way into a discussion o# the most revalent issues

    that #ace us today regarding the alliance in the sace rogram that's trying to ring eace to humanity.In order to talk aout how we get to eace, we have to talk aout the ostacles. So Corey, welcome to

    the rogram.

    CG: Thank you.

    DW: First of all, just as a very generic question, we know that the universe is estiated to !e

    at least "# !illion years old, ay!e a lot older. Do you think there are other $lanets that had

    co$le% fossil life for on the&

    CG: Fro the inforation ' received, on the sart glass $ads that '(ve entioned so any

    ties, there was sentient life on other $lanets that was e%treely develo$ed !efore our

    $lanet was fully fored.

    DW: Wow. What does that do to our sense of uniqueness& )o any $eo$le in religions are

    taught we are God(s chosen, we are God(s s$ecial $eo$le. *nd then that idea of !eing God(s

    s$ecial $eo$le is used to se$arate their consciousness fro others, as if they(re an elite, that

    they(re a s$ecial, unique, wonderful, +chosen !y God+ ty$e of race or culture.

    CG: *ctually, we are very unique. ut then again, you have to, when you(re talking a!out God,

    who or what are you de-ning as God& *re you de-ning the creative source of the universe as

    God& Do you $icture God as a esh and !lood !eing with a !eard& /ow do you $icture God&

    What do you think God is&

    There have !een no shortage of !eings, 0Ts, and ancient earth !reakaway civili1ations that

    have !een ha$$y to ste$ in to that role of God in what we(ve called a trickster god odel.

    DW: )o o!viously, in intelligent civili1ation, we could say it(s fairly inevita!le that they(re

    going to coe u$ with soething like the internet at soe $oint.

    CG: 2es. That(s actually, fro what ' read, is $retty standard. 't is one of the stages that you

    !uild u$ as you develo$ the a!ility to have a shared consciousness on a level that your

    conscious of, if that akes sense.
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    DW: 'f we get into the 3aw of 4ne $hiloso$hy, as you and '(ve s$oken $rivately, there(s tons

    and tons of correlations !etween the 3aw of 4ne and what these s$here !eings have !een

    telling you. They i$ly that !iological life is eant to !e fragile. We(re eant to have

    weakness and short lifes$ans. Do certain e%traterrestrial s$ecies start to !e a!le to short

    circuit the noral ortality through various eans such as, $erha$s, tie travel&

    CG: 5any of the have e%treely long lifes$ans as it is. '( told originally huan !eings hadlifes$ans that were a$$roaching ",666 years. * lot of these !eings that are thousands or

    illions or !illions of years ahead of us have develo$ed the technology to !e a!le to e%tend

    their lives.

    DW: 's it $ossi!le for a given intelligence s$ecies to take advantage of the internet in a way

    that we have not, where, for e%a$le, they could access the internet through soe ty$e of

    wet wired neural interface, where they have online access as just a !asic $art of their genetic

    akeu$ through soe sort of technological augentation, like transhuanis&

    CG: There have !een several e%traterrestrial grou$s that have gone the route of

    transhuanis, although they weren(t e%actly what we would consider huan. 't has always

    ended e%treely !adly. There is a very $ervasive force out there. *nd it(s hard to call it a

    e%traterrestrial or e%tra7diensional !eing, !ut it is an arti-cial intelligence. *nd it sends it

    itself all across ulti$le gala%ies in the for of an arti-cial intelligence signal.

    DW: * signal.

    CG: * signal. * wavefor.

    DW: 3ike soe!ody !roadcasting a radio frequency or soething.

    CG: 0%actly.

    DW: /ow do we know that it(s an arti-cial intelligence&

    CG: There(s a history of this arti-cial intelligence. asically it(s !een la!eled an 0T80D *',

    which 0T, e%traterrestrial, slash 0D for e%tra7diensional arti-cial intelligence.

    DW: 0%tra7diensional&

    CG: 2es. This arti-cial intelligence is !elieved !y all of these e%traterrestrial grou$s to

    originally coe fro another reality and coe into our reality any, any !illions and

    trillions of years ago.

    DW: *nother reality.

    CG: 2eah. end your head around that.

    DW: Well, the universe itself, in 3aw of 4ne $arlance, is one. 't(s one !eing, it(s one creator

    that ade everything.

    CG: 4ur universe.

    DW: )o *' would have to have !een, at one $oint, $art of the source.

    CG: 4r another universe.

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    DW: 't(s arti-cial in the sense that it doesn(t have a !iological life for corres$onding to itself&

    CG: Correct. The way it was e%$lained is that it is $ostulated that in its hoe reality, it was

    very uch at hoe. ' guess they(ve $retty uch descri!ed it as77 let(s say, for instance, just

    for arguent(s sake, let(s call this *' a -sh. 'n its hoe reality or universe, it lived in water. 'ts

    density was water. When it crossed over to ours, it was in o$en air, and it had to -nd $uddles

    to ho$ in.

    DW: 'f its hoe reality is water, why would it want to leave that coforta!le $lace& Did

    soething force it out& Did it !ecoe uncoforta!le&

    CG: Don(t know. 't(s unknown. ut since it has coe in through soe sort of ri$, and coe

    into our reality or our universe, it has literally wreaked havoc and conquered any gala%ies.

    DW: Gala%ies.

    CG: Gala%ies.

    DW: *ll the $lanets, all the sentient life, everything in an entire gala%y conquered !y this *'.

    CG: 2es. *nd it has a odel in the way it works. 't !asically shoots itself in all directions as a

    signal. *nd this signal can live in the electroagnetic -eld of a oon or a $lanet.

    DW: 's it a torsion -eld signal& 's it an electroagnetic wave& Do we know ty$e of energy the

    signal is&

    CG: 't(s alost like D9*. 0ach individual $iece or wave of the signal contains an e%treely

    co$ressed aount of inforation.

    DW: 't(s like digital $ackets.

    CG: 3ike digital $ackets that have all of the sae inforation that all of the other little77 '

    guess you could call the waves or signals do.

    DW: Does it $ro$agate at light s$eed, or does it have a su$er luinal velocity&

    CG: 't travels at light s$eed.

    DW: 4. )o it(s going to take soe tie to s$read around, then.

    CG: ;ight.

    DW: 2ou said it lives in the electroagnetic -elds of a $lanet&

    CG: 9ot only that, !ut it can live in the electroagnetic or !ioelectric -elds of living !eings, of

    huans, of anials. 't doesn(t $refer that. 't $refers to live in high technology.

    DW: ut at its core, it(s inforation, and the inforation is fractal and hologra$hic.

    CG: 2es. 't infects technology, takes over the technology, and also evolved life, like huans. 't

    invades our !ioelectric -elds and !egins to a

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    CG: 9aed !y the )ecret )$ace =rogra, ainly. We call the *' $ro$hets.

    DW: *ll right. 3et e just try to get y head around this. 2ou(re saying that this force e%ists as

    $ure inforation, and it can live in your !ioenergy -eld.

    CG: 2es.

    DW: 's it like a !oard or a hive ind, where everything that it(s inha!iting, that it has accessto all that inforation at the sae tie&

    CG: 2es.

    DW: ;eally. Well, this is interesting !ecause in the 3aw of 4ne they talk a!out the 3uciferian

    force. *nd they say the 3uciferian force is like an energy that(s all throughout the universe,

    which is a $ortion of the creator that !elieves itself to !e se$arate fro the creator and thinks

    that it can overtake the universe. This is sounding an awful lot like what you(re saying.

    CG: Going !ack to the sart glass $ad, what had ha$$ened in case after case after case is

    that when certain other solar systes and other gala%ies far, far away, when they had gotten

    to a certain level of technological develo$ent, these *'s would !egin to in-ltrate not onlythe $eo$le !ut the technology.

    DW: 's it ore coforta!le in a achine than it would !e in the electroagnetic -eld of a

    $lanet or a $erson&

    CG: 2es. When it(s in the electroagnetic -eld of a $lanet, it is just sitting there !iding its


    DW: 't can(t really do very uch.

    CG: When it(s in a $erson or another anial, it(s !asically77 it(s like us. Would you rather have

    a horse to ride fro where we are now to the West Coast, or would you rather ho$ on a $lane&)o high technology is uch ore desired. We are considered very low tech. We(re like horses.

    *nd they use us to create the infrastructure for the that they then go into and e%ist in.

    DW: /ow do they use us& =eo$le ight stu!le on that.

    CG: Well, they use us to !uild technology, create technology, ins$ire us to create ore


    DW: )o if the *' is $arked in soe!ody(s !ioelectric -eld, and this $erson is an unusual

    intellect, the *' could start to seed that $erson with thoughts that would lead the to invent

    gadgets that will eventually !uild out to the $oint where the *' can ju$ !ack in the water&

    CG: 2eah, it a

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    actually was the -rst one to invent a closed stove that actually had !urners on it. ">66s, we

    got telegra$h, we got railroads, then we get autoo!iles. 'nventors !ecae the rock stars,

    and they were the ones getting all the cele!rity attention !ack then.

    Then you get the nuclear !o!, and it was sort of like a oent for huanity where we

    reali1ed, wait a inute, this high that we(re getting o< of technology, this is not good.

    Technology could kill us all. Do you think that in soe way the *' was !ehind us getting so

    high on this technological revolution, this 'ndustrial ;evolution&

    CG: 2es. 9ot only that. When we(re recovering e%traterrestrial technology, we(re !ackwards

    engineering. There(s several things going on at the sae tie here. To !est illustrate it, '

    should go !ack to the sart glass $ad and talk a!out what had ha$$ened in these other solar


    DW: 2eah, this is cree$y as hell.

    CG: 't(s cree$y.

    DW: *nd ' know a lot of $eo$le ight have trou!le !elieving this, !ut this is a!solutely serious

    within the real that you(ve !een working in, correct&

    CG: *!solutely. We(ll talk a!out the screening $rocesses you have to go through !efore you

    can get close to any technology. 'n these other solar systes, in the $ast, these civili1ations

    had !een tricked !y these *'s into not only !uilding out these ass technological

    infrastructures that were e%treely advanced, !ut when they got to a certain $oint, they were

    convinced !y the *' $ro$hets in their civili1ations that, hey, things aren(t going so fair on our

    $lanet. The only thing that we can think of that could govern us and !e co$letely neutral

    would !e this *'.

    *nd they hand over their sovereignty to this *' that then !egins to govern that $lanet. Well,

    then this *' governs the well, and everyone is ha$$y. *nd then they start to have the !uild

    out *ndroid7ty$e !odies and reote controlled vessels. ' ean, this is sounding like

    Terinator now.

    DW: 2eah, very uch so.

    CG: *nd so they !uild out all of this ty$e of infrastructure as well for the *' to inha!it, the *'

    signal. The *' gets to a certain $oint to where it decides77 listen, these !eings are not totally

    living in harony with what we consider the way things should !e ran on a $lanet. )o it is

    logical that we destroy the. )o the *', out of logic, then wi$es out the creator of all of the

    technology that they have now used as a $ond to swi in.

    DW: )o is this *' a lot ore intelligent than you or ' would !e&CG: 2eah.

    DW: *nd when it gets the right kind of circuits, it can have androids that are $ro!a!ly so fast

    in the way they think that the s$eed that it would take you and ' to talk right now is like

    illennia for that intelligence&

    CG: 2eah. The way it $erceives tie and the way we $erceive tie, it(s alost like a

    huing!ird ying around watching us, you know, rrrrrrr. 2ou know, we(re just77 we would

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    look like we(re in slow otion.

    DW: What does it think a!out our eotions&

    CG: )ees all that as a weakness.

    DW: Does it e%$erience love&

    CG: 9o.

    DW: )o this is the devil archety$e, ???. 'n sacred nuerology, Geatria, ??? is the asculine

    nu!er. Therefore )atan is the over7inated asculine. 't(s the head without the heart. )o

    again, sounds like there(s a $arallel here. This is like $ure intelligence without heart, without

    love, !ut just intelligence at its highest logical $oint of attainent on its own.

    CG: Well, there were any records of civili1ations trying to -ght !ack against these *'s. *nd

    entire $lanets and entire solar systes had !een destroyed in these incidents. *nd the *'s

    then s$read to the ne%t solar syste.

    DW: Can the *' in-ltrate and $ose as a $erson& Does it have like nanites that can hold hands

    on a su!7olecular level and create soething that would !e indistinguisha!le fro a $erson

    to ost $eo$le&

    CG: 't can take over huan !eings with nanites. *nd actually a lot of $eo$le are $roised

    iortality, ade all ty$es of $roises if they inject these nanites into their !odies.

    DW: For those who don(t know, what is a nanite& /ow does it work&

    CG: * icrosco$ic achine that is an arti-cial intelligence.

    DW: 's it self7re$licating&

    CG: )oe are.

    DW: )o it can take whatever aterials it -nds and !uild ore of itself, like re$roduction&

    CG: ;ight. 't can take the etals out of your !ody and !uild ore of itself, anufacture ore

    if itself, kee$ an equili!riu of a certain aount of nanites in your !ody.

    DW: 's there a $oint77 is there like a honeyoon when you give control to the *' where it starts

    giving you this really aa1ing technology, and you have this huge technological lea$ in a

    short tie&

    CG: 2eah. 3ike ' said, when they -rst hand over sovereignty, the $eo$le are ha$$y, and the *'

    then turns on the. 9ow, one of the things77 this advanced technology that(s develo$ed !ythe $eo$le on one $lanet that have now !een destroyed, or the $eo$le that have !een wi$ed

    out77 this technology is then sent throughout the gala%y. *nd if there !e a $lanet that is

    soewhat like us in the "@A6s or (B6s, a!out at that level, they will crash on $ur$ose, like a

    Trojan horse, soe of their technology onto the $lanet to give the a technological !oost.

    DW: 3ike ;oswell.

    CG: That(s not what ;oswell was. ut yeah, like a ;oswell event.

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    DW: )o the $eo$le would -nd this and think, oh cool, we found soething really great and

    start develo$ing it.

    CG: *nd then reverse engineer it or start develo$ing it into their own technology. *nd then it

    re$eats the $rocess all over again on another $lanet.

    DW: *re the nanites sart enough to self7destruct soe of theselves if they were at risk of

    !eing identi-ed with a icrosco$e or soething&

    CG: 2es, they have a self7destruct77 they(re a!le to self7destruct a !eing that they(re in, an

    entire !eing, va$ori1e, leaving no trace of the.

    DW: )o any one nanite has no instinct for its own self7$reservation. 't(s a total hive ind.

    CG: ;ight

    DW: Wow. )o where do we -t into this draa that you(re talking a!out now& /as *' ade it

    out here to our solar syste&

    CG: 2es.

    DW: What is it trying to do&

    CG: 't(s trying to re$eat the $rocess. *nd there are a lot in these in the secret earth

    governent and secret earth governent syndicates that are *' $ro$hets. *nd they are

    trying77 they(ve !een shown this inforation on the sart glass $ads. They had to take these

    $eo$le77 !efore any of us are allowed to go onto the )ecret )$ace =rogra !ases or !e

    involved with77 interface with any of the technology, there is a handheld device that they $ut

    your forehead that will detect the signal if you(re infected or not.

    *nd if you(re infected, there(s a $rocess that you go through that involves a oderate

    electrical shock and a cou$le other things that they $ut you through77 '( not sure of theentire $rocess77 to reove the *' signal fro your !ody.

    DW: *nd that(s the signal, not the nanites& 4r could it !e !oth&

    CG: Well, it neutrali1es the nanites. ;eove the signal, the nanites are neutrali1ed. )o soe

    of these *' $ro$het $olitician7ty$e $eo$le have !een taken after they(ve !een cleared of *'

    and shown this inforation on the sart glass $ads, and they were shocked. *nd they(re in

    denial and saying, oh, that won(t ha$$en to us. This won(t ha$$en here. *nd then the inute

    they(re sent hoe, they(re reinfected !y the *' signal. *nd it was $retty uch a waste of tie.

    DW: There(s a little disconnect '( not quite getting here. 'f the signal is all out there, the

    signal can inha!it the electroagnetic -eld of a $lanet, it can inha!it our !ioelectric -eld, andyou get infected, you say they can clear it. ut if the signal is everywhere, aren(t you

    instantaneously re7infected as soon as it(s cleared& /ow does that clearance do anything&

    CG: 4nce you(re cleared, you have to !e re7infected !y going !ack and either shaking hands

    with an infected $erson or touching a key!oard, and !eing infected through interfacing with a

    network that is infected with the *'.

    DW: )o the *' can use the static electricity that coes o< of a co$uter device and ju$

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    !ack into you o< of that&

    CG: ;ight, it can use the !ioelectric -eld of another $erson and a handshake.

    DW: 's everyone on earth infected already&

    CG: 9o.

    DW: ;eally.

    CG: There(s a large nu!er of $eo$le that are co$roised. *nd they(re ainly interested in

    the $eo$le in $ower.

    DW: *re there !enevolent 0Ts that are kee$ing ost $eo$le fro !eing infected& 's there

    soething where if you have good $ositive kara that they(ll $rotect you&

    CG: 9o. The 0Ts out there know a!out77 ' guess we(ll call the the Ca!al that are using this *'

    technology. *nd they(re very concerned and very u$set a!out it. 't(s !een e%$lained over and

    over and over how dangerous and irres$onsi!le it is to use it. ut this *' technology has given

    the Ca!al an edge. 't has a $ro!a!le future technology that hel$s the foretell the future. *nd

    they use this a lot. They(ve !een a!le to use this to kee$ one ste$ ahead of !eing defeated on

    several occasions. *nd they have a lot of faith in it.

    DW: )o the *' actually has the a!ility to access that layered tie like we were talking a!out&

    't can see $ro!a!le futures like =roject 3ooking Glass&

    CG: ;ight. *nd it also does so any calculations, and it calculates $ro!a!le futures.

    DW: Well, that(s all the tie we have in this $articular e$isode. ' hate to leave you hanging,

    !ut we gotta cut it in half an hour chunks here. This is o!viously a su!ject that we gotta get

    into ore !ecause as you said, this *' infection, what it(s really going for, this a$$arently is

    one of the ain $ro!les that we(re facing now as a society.)o when we coe !ack ne%t tie, we(re going to get ore into this su!ject and hel$ it to

    round out the conte%t of what(s really going on today and how we(re going to !e hel$ed out

    !y these !enevolent forces that want to restore $eace and harony to our $lanet and solar


    )o this is +Cosic Disclosure,+ !ecause you need to know. '( your host, David Wilcock, and '

    thank you for watching. *nd if this scares you, then coe !ack ne%t week !ecause a$$arently

    this whole infection is going to get cleared u$ here. )o thank you for watching.

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