  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    List of alternative country namesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Most countries of the world have alternative names. Some countries have also undergonename

    changesfor political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names

    and initialisms for all nations, countries and sovereign states, in English and any predominant orofficial languages of the country in question.

    Countries are listed alphabetically by theirdescription, the most common name or term that is

    politically neutral and unambiguous. This may followed by a note as to the status of the

    description used.



    1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H 9 I 10 J 11 K 12 L 13 M 14 N 15 P 16 R 17 S 18 T 19 U 20 V 21 Z 22 See also 23 References

    [edit] A
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Albania


    Republic of Albania (official, English), Shqipria (common, Albanian)Republika e Shqipris (official, Albanian)



    People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (official, English), al-Jazir(common, Arabic), al Jumhuriyya al Jazaa'iriyya ad-Dmuqriyya ashSha'biyya (official, Arabic)



    English)Hayastan(transliterated Armenian, original: )




    Commonwealth of Australia(official, English),New Holland(former name,English)




    Republic of Austria (official, English), Republik sterreich (official,German), sterreich (common, German)

    [edit] B

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)



    East Pakistan,East Bengal(former names, English), People's Republic ofBangladesh (official, English)




    Republic of Belarus (official, English), Gudija (Lithuanian), Byelorussia

    (former name),White Russia(outdated)Benin


    Dahomey(former name), Republic of Benin (official, English), Rpubliquedu Bnin (official, French)




    Bechuanaland(former, English), Republic of Botswana (official, English)




    Pindorama (native, pre-colonization, Tupi-Guaran), Terra de Santa Cruz(early Portuguese colonization), United States of Brazil (former, English),Federative Republic of Brazil (official, English)

    Burkina Faso(official, Englishand French)

    Upper Volta(former name, English), Haute-Volta (former name, French),Bourkina-Fasso (unofficial French form in the first few days after the 1984change from Upper Volta until the government clarified the official spelling)

    [edit] C

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names




    Kingdom of Cambodia(official, English), Royaume du Cambodge (official,French),Kampuchea(former officially-sanctioned common name in theEnglish language and transliteration from Khmer language),Khmer Republic(former official),Democratic Kampuchea(former official),People'sRepublic of Kampuchea(former official),State of Cambodia(former


    (official, English

    and French)

    Dominion of Canada (historical long form, English), Dominion du Canada(historical long form, French)

    Central African




    Oubangui-Chari(former, French), Ubangi-Shari (English), RpubliqueCentrafricaine (official, French), Empire Centrafricain (former official,French),Central African Empire(English)




    Chilli (Aymara), Chili (Quechua),Reyno de Chile(colonial Spanish),Capitania general de Chile (colonial Spanish)

    People'sRepublic of



    China/ (common, ambiguous), (official, Chinese), PRC(initialism), Communist China (colloquial, mainly used by Westerncountries), Red China (colloquial, mainly derogatory), (colloquial andmainly derogatory, mainly used by the ROC with a cognate used in Vietnam),

    Mainland China// (colloquial, refers to the area that thePRC Government administers since the end of theChinese Civil War), NewChina/ (colloquial, pro-Communist), Shenzhou/, Ch'in Empire,Cathay (obsolete, now mainly used poetically)


    Republic of theCongo



    Zaire(former official name, 1971 to 1997; still occasionally used todistinguish it fromRepublic of the Congo), DRC (initialism), Congo Kinshasa(used in contrast to "Congo Brazzaville"),Belgian Congo(former name duringBelgian colonization, 1908 to 1960, English),Congo belge(former name,French),Congo Free State(former name, 1885 to 1908),Republic of theCongo(former name, 1960 to 1964, during which time both Congos hadidentical official names)

    Republic of the



    Congo (common), Congo Brazzaville (used in contrast to "Congo Kinshasa"),French Congo(former name during French colonization, 1880 to 1910,English)

    Cte d'Ivoire

    (common,French andofficial, English)

    Ivory Coast (common, English), the Republic of Cte d'Ivoire has asked thatthe French name be used in all languages




    Hrvatska(official, Croatian; also in Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin),Hrvaka (Slovenian)

    Czech Republic


    esk republika(official, Czech, Slovak),esko(common, Czech, Slovak),Czechia(abbreviated, English),Bohemia(former, English)
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names



    [edit] D

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)



    French Territory of the Afars and the Issas, French Somaliland, ObockTerritory (former names, English), Territoire franais des Afars et des Issas,Cte franaise des Somalis, Territoire d'Obock(former names, French),Republic of Djibouti (official, English), Rpublique de Djibouti (official,French)



    Danmark(common, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian)

    [edit] EDescription Other name(s) or older name(s)Egypt


    Mir (formal shortened, Arabic), Mer (common, Arabic), Aegypt (former, Latin),Kmi (Coptic)


    (common)Eesti (common, Estonian), Viru (poetic, Estonian)



    Abyssinia (former), Habeshastan (Turkish), Federal Democratic Republic ofEthiopia (official, English), Ethiopi (common, Dutch), Al-Habasha (Arabic)

    [edit] FDescription Other name(s) or older name(s)

    Republic ofFinland



    Finland(common, English and Swedish), Suomi (common, Finnish), Suomentasavalta (official, Finnish), Republiken Finland (official, Swedish), Soome(common, Estonian)





    France(common, English and French), Rpublique Franaise (official,French), L'Hexagone (often journalistic, colloquial French),Gaul(former name,English), Gaule (former name, French)

    [edit] G

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Georgia


    Iberia(former, English, East Georgia),Colchis(former, English, WestGeorgia),Iveria(usually used as Christian name),Republic of Georgia
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    English) (former, before the 1995 Constitution),Sakartvelo(in their own language)

    FederalRepublic of




    Germany(common, English), Deutschland (common, German),Bundesrepublik Deutschland (official, German; formerly meant onlyWestGermany), Duitsland (common, Dutch) BRD (German initialism),EastGermany,German Democratic Republic, GDR, Deutsche Demokratische




    Hellas(official and common name),("Hellada" common name inGreek), ("Hellas" official description in Greek), Hellenic Republic(official name of Greek state, English)




    Portuguese Guinea(former, English), Republic of Guinea-Bissau (official,English), Guin-Bissao (archaic, Portuguese), Guinea (shorthand, used whencontext clearly distinguishes Guinea-Bissau from the neighboring Republic ofGuinea)

    [edit] HDescription Other name(s) or older name(s)



    Republic of Hungary(official, English), Magyar Kztrsasg (official,Hungarian), Magyarorszg (common, Hungarian)

    [edit] I

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)

    IcelandIceland (official English name), Republic of Iceland (official English description),sland(official Icelandic name), Lveldi sland (official Icelandic description),Fold (poetic name), Thule (Latin name, also poetic), Frn, safold (both poetic)


    Bhrat(official name inHindi),Bhrat Gaarjya (official long form in Hindi),Republic of India(official long form in English), Union of India, Hindustan(unofficial name in Hindi/Urdu), (Al-)Hind (name in Arabic/Persian/Urdu),Aryavarta (name in Sanskrit)


    Nusantara(dating back from Hindu era), Insulinde (from the Colonial era),Indunesia (suggestion for Dutch East Indies' modern name), Indonesi (common,Dutch)

    Iran Persia was coined by ancient Greeks referring to Iran, which has always been thelocal name. Use of the Greek name continued in the west until 1932, when uponIran's request, the local name of Iran became the internationally legal name,

    replacing Persia. Though both still remain in use today, outside of legal sphere.

    Iraq Mesopotamia(former name)

    Irelandire(official Irish name), Ireland (official English name), Irish Free State (1922

    1937), Poblacht na hireann (official Irish description), Republic of Ireland
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    (official English description), Saorstt ireann (Irish 1922-1937), Erin, Banba,Fodla (three poetic names), Hibernia (Latin name, also poetic)


    State of Israel (official English name), Medinat Yisra'el (official Hebrew name),Dawlat Isra'il (official Arabic name), the Jewish State (unofficial), the HebrewState (unofficial), State of the Jews (unofficial), Palestine of '48 (Arabic, indicates

    non-recognition), the Zionist Entity (English)Italy Repubblica Italiana (official Italian name)

    [edit] J

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)

    Jamaica Xamayca (Spanish version of Taino name)


    Nippon (?) (official name inJapanese),Nihon (alternate, more commonreading of in Japanese),Yamato(?) or (historic, ancient Japan),

    yashima (?

    ) (meaning the country of eight great islands, historic),Cipangu/Zipangu or Gipangu (appeared inThe Travels of Marco Poloin the 13th


    Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (official, English)

    [edit] K

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)



    Republic of Kazakhstan (official English long name), Kazakhstan (Englishpassport short name), Republic of Kazakhstan (English passport long name),

    (official Kazakh short name), (officialKazakh long name), Qazaqstan (Kazakh short name in Latin script), Alash / / Ala (former name, also poetic)


    (conventionalshort form)

    Republic of Kenya(official, English), Jamhuri ya Kenya (official,Swahili),BritishEast Africa Protectorate(former name when held in protectoratestatus prior to becoming a colony starting in the 1880s until 1920),KenyaColony(former name during British colonization, from the 1920 until 1963)

    [edit] L

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Latvia

    (common, English)Latvija (common, Latvian)


    (common, English)Basutoland(former, English), Kingdom of Lesotho (official, English)


    (common, English)Lietuva (common, Lithuanian), (Litva) (common, Russian)
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    [edit] M

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Malawi


    Nyasaland (former, English), Republic of Malawi (official, English)



    Persekutuan Malaysia (official long form, Malay), Federation of Malaysia(official long form, English), Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak(former, Englishnames of the various components), Tanah Melayu or Malay Land (former,

    Malay),/ Mlixy (common, Mandarin),/ Malesiya(common, Tamil)



    Islamic Republic of Mauritania (official, English), Rpublique Islamiquede Mauritanie (official, French)


    (shortened form)

    United Mexican States (official), Estados Unidos Mexicanos (official,Spanish), Mxico (Spanish short form), Repblica Mexicana (Only heard in

    Mexico, colloquial, Spanish), Mjico (Spanish variant), MEX (initialism), MX(initialism)

    Republic of



    (official Macedonian), Macedonia, MKD


    Republic of Moldova(official),Republica Moldova(official, Moldovan),Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic(former Soviet name, English), (former Soviet name,Moldovan),Bessarabia,Bassarabia(historic name, still used byirredentists),Bodan ('Land of Voyvoda I. Bogdan', former common and official nameduring Ottoman Empire, Turkish)

    Montenegro(official, Englishand other


    Crna Gora(official, Montenegrin, Serbian and Croatian), Mali i Zi (official,Albanian)

    [edit] N

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)




    Nederland (Dutch), het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (official Dutch),Kingdom of Holland(former official name, English),Holland(common,English, Dutch and other languages), Bataafse Republiek(former officialname, Dutch),Batavian Republic(former official name, English), Republiekder Zeven Vereenigde Nederlanden (former long official name, Dutch),Republic of the Seven United Netherlands(former long official name,English),Dutch Republic(former short official name, English), UnitedProvinces (former common name),Seventeen ProvincesorLow Countries(aformer official name when united with Belgium and Luxembourg, English)
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    New Zealand(official,English)

    Aotearoa(official, Maori),Realm of New Zealand(official English nameincluding Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and Ross Dependency),Dominion ofNew Zealand(former official, English)




    Norge(common, NorwegianBokml, Danish, Swedish),Noreg(common,NorwegianNynorsk), Kingdom of Norway (official, English), Kongeriket Norge

    (official, NorwegianBokml), Kongeriket Noreg (official, NorwegianNynorsk)

    [edit] P

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)



    Islamic Republic of Pakistan(official and constitutional, English),Federationof Pakistan(alternate official name, English),Dominion of Pakistan(historicofficial name, English),West Pakistan(common and later official name for thearea now covering Pakistan, used when discussing the polity before the

    secession of Bangladesh), (unofficial historical names) Sindhustan and



    Republic of Palau(official, English),Belau(common, Palauan; was alsosometimes used by English speakers who supported Palauan independencebefore it was gained in 1994)




    Republic of Poland(official, English), Rzeczpospolita Polska (official,Polish), Polska (common, Polish), RP (often journalistic, Polish), People'sRepublic of Poland (former Communist name, English),PolskaRzeczpospolita Ludowa(former Communist name, Polish),Rzeczpospolita(historic common name, Polish),Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth(historicofficial name, English), Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodw (historic officialname, Polish),United Commonwealth of the Two Nations(historic officialname, English)


    Portuguese Republic(official, English),Lusitania(official, Latin), Galaico-Portuguese nation andPortucalefrom theGallaecitribe (Celtic Gale androman-celticPortus Cale) andGalician-Portuguese(ethnic term derived fromthe original language);Ophiussaalso spelled Ophiusa (the ancient Greek nameof what is now the Portuguese territory. It means Land of Serpents);

    Portugalliae and Lusitaniae (Latin); Regno Portugalensium and Portugalis(Latin, Medieval); Portugalliae et Algarbiae; Purtugall (Middle Ages);Burtughl is the word forPortugaland orange in Arabic (Portuguese influenceand expansion); Portingall orPortingal (common classical English and otherlate medieval Germanic languages); Ocidental Praia Lusitana (WesternLusitanian Beach) and Ptria Lusitana(LusitanianFatherland) from thenational poemOs Lusadasand from all Epic Poetry and Chronicles of the Late

    Middle Ages and Renaissance. Luxitania and Portugraal (Port of Grail) inEsotericism and metaphysical literature.




    Islas de San Lasarus (former named by Ferdinand Magellan), Las Islas

    Felipenas (named by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos), Republika ng Pilipinas,

    Pilipinas, Pinas (Colloquial), RP (English, Official) Filipina (Malay, common)
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    Puerto Rico


    English andSpanish)

    Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico(official, Spanish),Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico(official, English),Porto Rico(archaic, English), Associated FreeState of Puerto Rico (non-official literal translation to English of the officialSpanish name),Borikn,Borinquen, orBorinken (former Tano name alsoused colloquially and among nationalists)

    [edit] R

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)


    Russian Federation (official English description), (official Russian), Russia, (official and common name, ambiguous, English), (old Russian Rossiya, modern Russian Rassiya) (common, Russian), RF(initialism),Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic(former name), RSFSR(former name initialism), Rus (poetic or obsolete name, ambiguous), Great Russia(obsolete name)


    Romnia (official, Romanian), Rumania orRoumania (archaic, English),Kingdom of Romania (name under monarchy, English), Regatul Romniei (nameunder monarchy, Romanian), Romanian People's Republic (former Communistname, English), Republica Popular Romn (former Communist name,Romanian), Socialist Republic of Romania (former Communist name, English),Republica Socialist Romnia (former Communist name, Romanian)

    Rwanda Republic of Rwanda(official, English), Rpublique du Rwanda (official,French), Repubulika y'u Rwanda (official, Kinyarwanda), "Pays des millecollines" (poetic, French), Ruanda (former colonial name)

    [edit] SDescription Other name(s) or older name(s)

    Saint Kitts and


    Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis(co-official, English), Federation ofSaint Christopher and Nevis (co-official, English), Saint Christopher andNevis (alternate short-form, English),Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla(former official, English), Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (former common,English), Saint Kitts orSaint Christopher (shorthand, English), Liamuigaand Oualie (former indigenous names of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis,respectively)

    Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia



    Saudi Arabia(common, English), KSA (initialism), Saudia (former inEnglish, common in Arabic) Al Mumlaka Al-Arribiyyah As-saudiyyah(official name in Arabic)

    Republic of




    Serbia (common, English), Servia (archaic, English), Srbija (common,Serbian), Republika Srbija (official, Serbian), Serbia and Montenegro(former common, English), Yugoslavia (former common, English)
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    Republic ofSingapore



    Singapore (common, English), Singapura (common, Malay), Sinhapura(Sanskrit, i.e., Land of Lions), Xnjip/ (common, Chinese),Cikappr/ (common, Tamil),Pulau Ujong(historical, ancient),Shnan-t/ (former, Japanese occupation),little red dot(colloquial;originally derogatory)

    South Africa


    Azania, Mzansi (Xhosa, forSouth), Suid-Afrika (official,Afrikaans), Zuid-Afrika (former official,Dutch)


    Espaa (common, Spanish), Reino de Espaa (official, Spanish), Espanya(common, Catalan), Espainia (common, Euskera),Spanish State(formername, also used now with political nuances), la piel de toro (Spanish) / la pellde brau (Catalan) ("the bull hide", metaphoric name after the shape of theIberian Peninsula),Las Batuecas(derogatory name in the works ofMariano

    Jos de Larra)

    Sri Lanka



    Ceylon(former, English), Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

    (official, English),Heladiva(Land of Sinhalese) (former, Sinhala),Ratnadeepa (Island of Gems)(former, Sinhala), elangai (official, Tamil),Taprobane(one of the medievalnames of Sri Lanka)

    Sudan Republic of Sudan(official, English),The Sudan(alternate English),Anglo-Egyptian Sudan(colonial name, English),Mahdist State(former Englishunofficial), Nubia(ancient name, also poetic)



    Dutch Guiana(former, English), Netherlands Guiana (former official,English), Republic of Suriname (official, English), Republiek Suriname(official, Dutch), Surinam (English name until 1978)



    Sverige(common, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian), Konungariket Sverige

    (official, Swedish), Kingdom of Sweden (official, English), Svea Rike(possibly former/poetical, Swedish), Thule (Latin name, also poetic), Svitjod(Old Norse)




    Switzerland(common, English), Schweiz (common, German, Danish,Swedish), Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (official, German), Suisse(common, French), Confdration suisse (official, French), Svizzera(common, Italian), Confederazione Svizzera (official, Italian), Svizra(common, Romansh), Confederaziun Svizra (official, Romansh),Confoederatio Helvetica,Helvetia(Latin, sometimes used officially), CH(initialism)

    [edit] TDescription Other name(s) or older name(s)


    Republic of China(official, English), (official, Chinese),(common, Chinese), ROC (initialism),Chinese Taipei/ (internationaldesignation), Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen andMatsu/ (international designation),
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    Taipei, China (designation used by China to imply that Taiwan is part of China),Taiwan, Province of China (UN designation), Nationalist China (obsolete), FreeChina (obsolete, pro-Nationalist), Formosa (former, English)



    United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar (former, English), UnitedRepublic of Tanzania (official, English). Deutsch-Ostafrika, together with

    Ruanda and Urundi (= German East Africa, colonial name until 1918). The countryis named afterTanganyika, its mainland part, and theZanzibarislands off its eastcoast.

    Thailand Siam(former name), Kingdom of Thailand (official, English)

    TransnistriaPridnestrovie(official shortform name), Pridnestrovskaia MoldavskaiaRespublica (official, longform)


    (official, Arabic)(common, French, English)

    Tunisia (official shortform name), Republic of Tunisia (official, longform),, (official, Arabic)


    Republic of Turkey(official, English), Trkiye Cumhuriyeti (official, Turkish),

    Asia Minor(geographical, English),Anatolia(geographical, English),OttomanEmpire(former, English), Turkish Empire (former unofficial, English),PorteorSublime Porte (English descriptions of the former Ottoman state)

    TuvaluTuvalu(short- and long-form name, English and Tuvaluan),Ellice Islands(colonial name, English)

    [edit] U

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)United States


    United States of America (official), America (colloquial), the States(colloquial), US, U.S., USA, Usa, U.S.A. (initialism), Columbia (Latin, poetic)




    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (official, English),Britain (colloquial),Great Britain(colloquial), UK(initialism), UnitedKingdom (short form), Albion (poetic, Latin),Perfidious Albionif you are anold enemy of this country (mainly humorous today), Anglia (poetic, Latin,England), Alba (Scottish, Gaelic), Caledonia (poetic, Latin), Cymru (official,Welsh), Ulster (colloquial, Northern Ireland)

    United Arab


    United Arab Emirates (English), Trucial States (English, prior to 1971) AlEmirat Al Arrabbiyah Al Mutahidah (official, Arabic) UAE (English


    [edit] V

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Vanuatu New Hebrides(former name under British and French condominium rule from
  • 7/28/2019 Countries and Old Names


    (common) 19061980, Niuhebridis(Bislama), Nouvelles Hebrides (former official name inFrench), Rpublique de Vanuatu (French), Ripablik blong Vanuatu (Bislama),Vanuatri (jocular name used in humour)[citation needed]



    Champa (Sanskrit),French Indochina(former name under French colonizationwhen united with Laos and Cambodia, English), Socialist Republic of Vietnam

    (official, English), parted inNorth Vietnam(Democratic Republic of Vietnam)andSouth Vietnam(Republic of Vietnam) from 1954 to 1975, Cng ha X hiCh ngha Vit Nam (official, Vietnamese), Vit Nam (short form, Vietnamese)

    [edit] Z

    Description Other name(s) or older name(s)Zambia

    (common)Northern Rhodesia(former, English), Republic of Zambia (official, English)



    RhodesiaorRepublic of Rhodesia (former names, English), Republic of

    Zimbabwe (official, English),Southern Rhodesia(former, English)

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