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7/25/2019 cours B2 S1 1/5

Thursday, November 5th  .

Book 2 : Jobs and chores. How to negotiate !

ocabuary :

wage : paie / salaire ti" : pourboireea# (leaves) : feuille umber$ack : bucheroncashier : caissier shove  : pelle

she# (shelves) : rayons stock %v.&  : ranger / disposer"a"er round dog waker

waiter ' waitress : serveur

(riday, November )th  .

*+gisation du travai des adoescents en (rance : – autorisé à partir de 14 ans

 – 35 heures par semaine ! heures par "our

 – uni#uement pendant les vacances (plus de 14 "ours)

 – interdit de $$ heures à % heures du matin&

ocabuary :ads : annonces cover etter : lettre de motivation

counter : comptoir #utime ' "arttime : plein temps / mi'tempsbag %v.&  : mettre en sac awnmowing : tondre

odd $ob : petit boulot

The ) ads :  page $4 – ads from employers : 1 / $ / 5

 – ads from young people : 3 / 4 / %

Thursday, November -2th  .

uestions and answers :' hat ill * have to do +

,ou ill have to al- the dog in the par-&

' .ould you trim the hedges (tailler la haie) +

,es of course *0m great at gardening

' hen do you need me at the shop +

hen it0s busy (occupé) on aturdays&

run errands : rendre servicegreat at / verbe / ing : *0m great at playing video games&

7/25/2019 cours B2 S1 2/5

(riday, November -0th  .

*a #r+1uence : once a ee- / tice a year / three times a month / four times an


*es 1uestions en how...  : – ho much : le pri2

 – ho long : la durée

 – ho often : la fré#uence&

2 : o long ill she or- + o often ill she al- the dog + o much ill she get

paid +

nterview :he girl ill have to al- the dog in the par- and feed it& *t is a poddle called .uster

it is $ years old& he ill or- tice a ee- : one afternoon after school andaturdays afternoons& he ill or- 45 minutes and get paid 65 an hour& he has

already ta-en care (prendre soin) of dogs before&

34ercice - "age 2 :a' o often ould you need me + very 7riday&

b' o long ould you need me for + 8ne hour a day&

c' o much ill * pay you for that + 9oes 65 an hour sound reasonable to you +

ounds perfect

d' o often could you do errands for me + 8nce a ee-& ould that be 8 +

6onday, November -)th  .

*e "resent "er#ect : – au2iliaire have au présent ; participe passé

 – on parle d0un fait passé #ui a des consé#uences dans le présent

 – il n0y a "amais d0indications de temps dans ces phrases

 – on emploie souvent alays / already dans ces phrases& <es adverbes se placent

devant le verbe&

2 : * have alays had dogs at home&

ave you already ta-en care of babies before +

Job seeker :=ichael ants to or- : he ill ash the car and ra-e (ramasser) leaves& e ill ash

the car once a month& e ill meet the man ne2t aturday at 1> am& e ill get paid

6?& e ants to save up (économiser) to buy a scooter&

Thursday, November -th  .

7/25/2019 cours B2 S1 3/5

*7accentuation et 7intonation des 1uestions : – bien prononcer le /h/ au début des #uestions en ho

 – accentuer nettement les mots clés

 – accentuer les prépositions en fin de phrase

 – respecter l0intonation montante (#uestions ouvertes) et descendante (#uestions


34ercice 2 "age 2 :@ell : * have already done (do/already) lots of odd "obs before

=rs <int : Aood ave you ever ra-ed (ra-e/ever) leaves +

@ell : r no never but that0s because e have never had (never/have) a garden e

have alays lived (alays/live) in a flat you see&

=rs <int : * see no problem ave you ever ta-en (ever/ta-e) care of a dog +

@ell : @ot me But my brother Ceter is great ith dogs& e has never had

(never/have) a dog but he0d love to =rs <int : 8h ell then hat "obs have you already done (already/do) before +

(riday, November 28th  .

flat (AB) D apartment (E) currently : actuellement

mainly : principalement apply : poser sa candidature

friendly : amical clear (v&) : débarasser

service station s-in : peaue2pect (v&) : s0attendre manner : maniFre

vacancy : poste libre dove : colombereliable : fiable

(riday, November 29th  .

iaogue $obseeker and em"oyer :

 – ello my name is =arion& *0d li-e to or- in your restaurant&

 – Aood morning& *0m the boss& ave you ever or-ed in a restaurant before +

 – @o * haven0t& But * li-e coo-ing and * have a good contact ith people&

 – Areat hen can you or- +

 – *0d li-e to or- after school and during the ee-end&

 – 8-ay ho long ould you li-e to or- +

 – G hole year Gnd ho much ill * get paid +

 – rm&&& 6% an hour& hy do you ant to or- +

 – o pay my studies because it is very e2pensive&

 – 7antastic he "ob is for you

6onday, November 08th  .

7/25/2019 cours B2 S1 4/5

;over etters :*n a cover letter it0s a good idea to say hen you are free/available and hy you

ould be perfect for the "ob&

rystal ill probably have the "ob : they are loo-ing for someone ho en"oys manual

or- and she loves mechanics& But amir has never loo-ed after animals&

current : actuelhighight : mettre en valeur (highighter : surligneur)

cosey : de plus prFs ti" : astuce

Thursday, ecember 0rd  .

;over etters : vocabuary : am wiing to D * am ready to in res"onse to

be interested in sincerey

(riday, ecember <th  .

=ttention : es "r+"ositions ne sont "as es m>mes a"r?s certaines e4"ressions : – interested in : * am interested in video games&

 – ready to : * am ready to sleep

 – illing to : * am illing to or- hard&

 – responsible for : * am responsible for the pet section&

 – good at : e are very good at nglish

6onday, ecember 9th  .

*es subordonn+es de su""osition :lles sont introduites par le subordonnant *7&

 – if ; présent ill ; base verbale

e2 : *f * get the "ob * ill be happy&

 – if ; prétérit ould ; base verbale

e2 : *f * on the lottery * ould buy a <amborghini / an Gston =artin&

<e passage au prétérit mar#ue un décalage par rapport à la réalité : passage dans


34ercice 0 "age 2 : reie cha1ue d+but de "hrase %a @ c& @ a #in 1ui uicorres"ond %- @ 0&a' *f * get this "ob *0ll develop my communication s-ills&

b' *f * had a big house * could adopt three big dogs *0d love it

c' *f * or-ed in *reland this summer *0d become e2cellent at nglish&

The $ob interview :

7/25/2019 cours B2 S1 5/5

he manager needs someone on aturdays and undays from % am to 1$ am& he

employee ill have to brea-s of tenty minutes each (chacun)& e ill earn 65&5> an

hour& e0ll stoc- shelves in a supermar-et&

34ercice < "age 2 :

1' *f my best friend comes over the ne2t ee-end e ill ta-e photos ith Hetrica&$' *f * on the lottery * ould buy a very big house&

Thursday, ecember -8th  .

magination :*f * had superpoers * ould fly&

*f * had superpoers * ould stop crime&*f * on the lottery * ould travel around the orld&&&

Bian Book 2 Aituation - : (depuis le 5/11)

 – le vocabulaire

 – les subordonnées de supposition

 – le present perfect

 – l0intonation des #uestions

 – les #uestions en 8&&& et la fré#uence&

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