Page 1: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

Course Overview

Page 2: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

Learning Objectives

To examine the role of the media in today’s society.

To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts.

To understand media theory.To link media research and practical

production relevant to the contemporary media landscape.

Page 3: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 – Critical Perspectives

Two pre-set topic areas for study throughout the year.

1) Representations in the media2) The impact of new/digital media

Each candidate MUST produce an individual case study of their own choice for each pre set topic.

Page 4: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 - RepresentationIn class, we will study...

Images of ...... across a range of mediaStereotypingRepresentation and genreWider contextsAudienceCross-cultural factorsThe effect of globalisation on representationsValues and ideologies.

Page 5: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 - RepresentationYou will be expected to complete your own

research into a case study.

Previous examples include;Representation of refugees in British newspapersRepresentation of Los Angeles in Hollywood filmsRepresentation of teenagers in British soap

operas and filmsRepresentation of celebrities in newspapers and


Page 6: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 - RepresentationExample Case Study – refugees in British newspapers

Research into and documentation of the treatment of refugees in a variety of newspapers (or just one).

Study of the political and social reasons for the construction of such representations.

The possible effects on the audience of the newspaper.

Examination of this representation across other media platforms.

Always ask WHY? Why do these representations exist?

Page 7: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 – New/Digital MediaIn class we will study...

The interactive consumerSocial networkingBlogs/podcasts/internetThe role of media institutionsThe media and democracyThe changing role of the distributor and

exhibitorNew technologies and audiences

Page 8: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 – New/Digital MediaYou will be expected to complete your own

research into a case study.

Previous examples include:The impact of mobile phonesThe impact of social networking sites such as

MySpace.Case study of Wikipedia

Page 9: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3Throughout the course, you will also examine

media issues, theories and debates.

Media Issues

and Debates

Media Theories

Reality TV

News Values

Moral Panics

Post 9/11 and the media

Ownership and control

Regulation and censorship semioti

csStructuralism + post structuralism


Gender and Ethnicity



Page 10: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 3 - EXAMSection A – 1 hour and 15

min viewing/reading time

3 compulsory questionsUnseen stimulus

materials – print, e-media, audio or moving image

Note taking and planning essential.

Key conceptsMedia issues and


Section B – 1 hour

One compulsory question from a choice of four.

Questions linked to pre-set topics

Candidates must use examples from texts they have studied.

Two hour paper, marked out of 80. Worth 25% of A level.

Page 11: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 4 – Research and ProductionCritical investigation (48 marks)Linked production piece (32 marks)

“This unit is intended to enable candidates to explore a text, theme, issue or debate relevant to contemporary media.”

Internally assessed and externally moderated.

Worth 25% of A level.

Page 12: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 4Critical InvestigationPresented as a written report of 2000 words.Must have a clearly focused title.Should be textually focused.You will need to collect and evaluate evidence.

Linked productionMust show development from ASShould demonstrate confident use of chosen

technology and key concepts/media conventionsShould follow directly from investigation piece.

Page 13: Course Overview. Learning Objectives To examine the role of the media in todays society. To look at social, economic, political and historical contexts

UNIT 4Critical investigationGender

representation in soap operas

Viral marketing techniques

Contemporary men’s lifestyle magazines

Linked productionThe opening sequence

for an episode of a new soap opera

A viral advertisement suitable for distribution by mobile phone

Mock up of the first edition of a new men’s lifestyle magazine

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