Page 1: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online
Page 2: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

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“You learn to juggle and you learn to prioritize. You truly learn the diff erence

between what’s important and what’s urgent, and you become really good at it.”

Satvir Tkachuk, MBA ’17Vice President Human ResourcesManitoba Public Insurance

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ContentsAthabasca University

Earn your MBA with Athabasca University

Work Life Family Grad Studies

How online courses work in the MBA

Moving beyond memorization to mastery

A team devoted to your success


Tailoring your program

MBA Admissions

MBA accelerated route

MBA accelerated route admissions

Online MBA for Accountants

Accelerated route MBA for Accountants

Online MBA for Supply Chain Managers

Online MBA for Health Leaders

Online MBA in Hockey Management

Tuition and Fees - MBA for Executives

Tuition and Fees - Accelerated route



















“We are all driven by a passion for excellence and a desire to

see each student realize their full potential. I am continually

amazed at the extraordinary level of new knowledge created

by each student as they move through the MBA program. The

caliber of people involved – from students, to faculty to

professors, to staff – is among my greatest source of pride in

my role as Dean of the Faculty of Business.”

Deborah Hurst, PhDDeanFaculty of Business

Work Life Family Grad StudiesWork Life Family Grad StudiesWork Life Family Grad Studies

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Page 5: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

An evolution in advanced learningAthabasca UniversityAthabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online MBA program, and since then has continued to build a

legacy of online excellence in graduate management education. Today, Athabasca University continues to be one of the largest

providers of online education worldwide.

Athabasca University is a public university, fully accredited by the Government of Alberta, and reporting to the Government of

Alberta through the Ministry of Advanced Education. In addition, AU is accredited in the United States (US) through the Middle

States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), one of six regional organizations in the US that accredits universities, and is a

member of:

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)

Association of Commonwealth Universities

Canadian Association for Graduate Studies

Canadian Virtual University

40,000+ AU students 3,500+ MBA grads 1st online MBA in the world



International Council for Open and Distance Education

International Education Council

MBA Roundtable

Universities Canada

“The MBA has helped me realize a more holistic view of the business by learning facets of every department from HR,

to marketing, to fi nance, to operations. To be able to bring it all together adds tremendous value to any organization.”

Len Hoang, MBA ’17Operations ManagerNando’s Canada

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Page 7: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

“As an Indigenous woman that has a Masters degree in business, the opportunities are immense. I think it’s really

important to know where you’ve come from, where you’re going, and to do whatever it takes to get there.”

Marcia Trudeau-Bomberry, MBA ‘16Chief Executive Offi cerToronto 2017 North American Indigenous Games

The secret to our success is the same today as it was when we fi rst introduced our program over 20 years ago – an online environment that facilitates richer interaction than a traditional classroom.

Earn your MBA with Athabasca University

The launch of the AU online MBA in 1994 broke down barriers

of time and space for both learners and faculty and because of

our unique delivery system, we can employ faculty from all over

the world.

As experts in their respective fi elds, with both academic

qualifi cations and industry experience, our faculty ensure that

managers and executives gain practical implementation skills in

all curriculum areas.

Students representing a broad cross-section of industries,

companies, and geographic locations bring an exceptional

diversity of knowledge, perspective, and expertise to the rich

online classroom experience.

In each course, students work in groups of eight to ten under

the guidance of a professor who facilitates active discussion

and collaboration by guiding conversations and providing

insights and tools to help clarify points or themes.

In our unique online learning environment, interactions

between students and academics is extremely high. Ideas,

insights, and skills are shared daily; views are exchanged

and arguments defended. This is a crucial ingredient of a

graduate level management education that has powerful

relevance to the real world of business.

Page 8: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

We can’t promise it will be easy, but we can make it possible.Work | Life | Family | Grad StudiesTime and location are barriers for many students when it

comes to classroom based learning. Organizing your life

to attend a traditional brick-and-mortar school at set hours

can be next to impossible. At Athabasca University (AU), you

schedule your school hours to fi t the rest of your life, and your

program can travel with you, wherever you are in the world.

All of your course activities take place in one online

learning environment that you can access on your laptop,

home computer, work computer, tablet, and even your

smart phone.

At AU, you don’t need to take leave from work for a month,

a year, or even every second Friday. In fact, you are never

required to be online at a specifi c date or time – a feature of

our program that allows you to study from any time zone, in

any part of the world, any time of the day or night.

Courses have pre-defi ned start and end dates, and clearly

defi ned expectations for discussions and assignments.

However, you control your study hours – working at times

and places that are right for you as you participate in

asynchronous discussions and complete assignments. 8

Page 9: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

“Athabasca University gave me the knowledge, confi dence, and tools to succeed. The online MBA program provided

practical learning opportunities where I was able to immediately apply my education directly to current work

experiences. The online program provided fl exibility and control over my schedule as well as an excellent work-life

balance – I would recommend it to anyone.”

Justin Penasse, MBA ‘15 Vice President, ONFC Crisis Counsellor Entrepreneur

Peer-to-peer learning is keyHow online courses work in the MBA Athabasca University’s MBA students are experienced managers with interesting and diverse backgrounds that span many

diff erent industries, sectors, countries, cultures, and geographic locations. This diversity of opinion and life experience adds

depth to the program’s curriculum, and helps students understand how theories can be applied in a variety of contexts.

You control when and where

You are expected to contribute 20 to 25 hours to

your studies over roughly fi ve to six days per week,

but when and where are completely up to you: early

mornings, over your lunch hour – what works for you,

works for us.


Asynchronous learning means you are never required

to be online at a certain date and time. We have

students and academics across Canada and around the

world engaged in learning and teaching 24-hours a day.


Too much fl exibility can be as challenging as not

enough. AU’s courses have set start and end dates,

include a work plan with assignment deadlines, and

requirements for group work and collaboration within

each course to keep you on track.

Online/Offl ine

Whether you are in Toronto or Dubai, at home, or mid-

fl ight, you can engage with others and never worry

about missing a lecture. Our robust learning environment

allows you to work online or offl ine, so you can draft your

work remotely and upload once you can connect to the

Internet again.

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Changing your perspectiveMoving beyond memorization to mastery

How do you think through and respond to questions? Can you help others to understand your point of view by sharing insights

and examples? Are you able to integrate new theoretical knowledge into your overall management perspective?

At AU we will encourage you to: Foster ideas

Participation in group discussions is an integral part of the AU

peer-to-peer model, we want you to learn from each other.

Cultivate the strength of your arguments, connect academic

theories and concepts to organizational issues, and most

importantly, eff ectively share ideas and thoughts with your peers.

Think it through

Your fi rst answer isn’t always your best answer, that is one of

the challenges of a traditional MBA classroom model. At AU,

we believe that having time – to think and refl ect, to craft a

response, or to make sure you understand someone else’s

argument – is of fundamental importance to your studies and

will help move you beyond memorization to mastery.

Make lasting connections

The AU online MBA for executives program allows you to

expand your networks outside of your geographical area.

You will develop relationships with students from across

time zones and countries, in diff erent industries and levels of

management – you are not constrained by time or location.

Page 11: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

A team devoted to your successTenured facultyAcademic faculty members for Athabasca University’s MBA for

executives are tenure track professors who conduct research,

lead academic disciplines, develop courses, and teach within

master and doctoral level programs.

Course professorsProfessors work with small groups of eight to ten students in

each course, ensuring a high standard of student–academic

interaction. Most professors are PhD qualifi ed, all have signifi cant

industry expertise, and many are full-time faculty members at

other universities.

IT HelpDesk The HelpDesk provides the resources and assistance you need

to participate eff ectively in the online learning environment.

HelpDesk staff work extended hours to ensure your initial online

learning environment is successfully setup, and will continue to

be available for any technical assistance needs.

Graduate enrolment advisorsAll MBA students are assigned an enrolment advisor upon

acceptance into the program. Enrolment advisors will work

with you throughout your program to help you manage your

schedule and ensure you meet your degree requirements.

Course development and productionCourse development and production are responsible for the

editing, design, and distribution of all learning materials for

your MBA. They ensure students have all the proper course

materials and applications required for successful completion.

Student and alumni relations This group works to ensure you are happy with your

Athabasca University MBA experience and that you remain

connected with our school after you graduate. They arrange

events, send news updates, and manage social media

eff orts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube,

and more.

“I began my AU journey as an undergrad student, where staff assisted me with a plan to complete my business

degree. After fi nishing my degree, I knew I could take on an MBA. The MBA journey was an amazing

experience supported by great AU staff . I made life-changing connections with people from all across Canada

and not only learned a great deal about business theory, but also about myself.”

Steve Madden, MBA ‘15General ManagerGrande Spirit Foundation

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The work you do throughout your MBA program will give you the tools and confidence you need to take your career to the

next level. Athabasca University’s MBA curriculum is challenging and requires you to connect the program to experiences in

your own organization.

Develop and hone a high-level strategic organizational view

Think critically and become a more effective decision maker

Link theory and practice in varying contexts

Enhance your change management skills

Further develop your leadership and related interpersonal

skills – networking, communicating online, collaboration,

and teamwork

Time commitmentStudents on average spend 20 to 25 hours per week on their

studies and are expected to be active online five to six days

per week.

Core courses are completed in a pre-determined sequence and

are each eight weeks long (with the exception of some

in-residence electives). The program schedule provides small

breaks between each course and two longer breaks annually.

The MBA for executives program can be completed in two and

a half to three years, with a maximum of five years to complete

all requirements.

If you have an undergraduate degree in business, you may qualify

for our accelerated admission route — see page 18.

Learn it today, do it tomorrowThe Athabasca University MBA for executives will enable you to: 12

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The MBA for executives program is completed in two phases:

Phase one – Foundation Developing a global management perspective

Phase one is comprised of six foundational courses (plus orientation) followed by a week-long comprehensive exam. The

comprehensive exam is case-based, completed online, and requires you to integrate and apply all that you have learned up

to this point.

Phase two – CoreHoning in

In phase two, you will delve deeper into key senior management related issues, opportunities, and strategies. Four advanced core

courses solidify your holistic, organizational view of the senior management function.

Phase two – Electives Specialization

In the latter part of phase two you have a choice as to how you would like to proceed; course based route or applied project

route. With the course based route you will complete a total of six electives (five online elective courses + one in-residence

elective). With the applied project route, you will complete a total of three electives (two online elective courses + one in-residence

elective) and one applied project.

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Whether you are looking to increase your expertise in a specifi c fi eld or branch out into new disciplines, you can customize your AU MBA experience to fi t your unique learning objectives and career goals.

Tailoring your program

Use your work scenarios as case studiesWithin almost all core courses, weekly discussions and individual assignments are focused on connecting your learning directly

to your company and your industry. Our goal is to move you beyond imagining what you “might” do within a scenario and

instead help you connect your learning to what is happening in the real world and in your workplace. You will come away from

each course with tangible and usable knowledge and abilities. You’ll also have a series of deliverables you can take back to

your organization.

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Tailoring your program

Create your own electives concentration Electives are available in a diverse collection of subject areas.

You can choose to concentrate on one subject area or mix

things up and take courses in completely diff erent subjects.

Should you choose to concentrate on one topic, the following

areas have multiple courses available:

In-residence electivesAll students must complete at least one in-residence elective

which combines online work with an intensive week of on

location, face-to-face instruction. These courses cover a

variety of business topics and are off ered throughout the year

in major centres across Canada as well as internationally.

International in-residence electives off er students the

opportunity to study and experience diff erent business

practices from around the globe.

Applied project The applied project is a major academic research paper

involving a review of literature and systematic application

of concepts, models, and theories to a specifi c business

problem or solution.

After submitting a proposal for an applied project, each

student is assigned a professor who acts as an academic

supervisor. The academic supervisor is an industry expert

who will guide and challenge the student through the

research process. An applied project gives students the

ability to investigate and analyze a challenge or opportunity

in their workplace. Many students develop business plans in

their applied project and launch new ventures as a result.

Project Management


Human Resources

IT Management


Operations Management



Finance & Governance

International Business



“As a father of four and a busy executive, fl exibility in course delivery was critical. The Athabasca MBA provided

the opportunity to integrate my professional, family, and academic life through the online delivery model. Whether

I was in the offi ce early, on a plane, or waiting for my daughter’s basketball game to start, I always had the ability to

access, generate, and contribute course content. Without this fl exibility, I would not have been able to complete an

MBA program.”

Dean Doige, MBA ‘16Chief Information Offi cerClark Builders

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The requirements outlined above are minimum requirements and do not guarantee acceptance into the program. The Admissions Committee will

make a decision based on a comprehensive review of your application including work experience, academic performance, references, and written

compositions. Applicants without an undergraduate degree must apply to and successfully complete phase one of the MBA (fi rst six courses and

comprehensive exam), earning the Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Management (PBDM), and then apply to transfer into the remainder of the MBA.

MBA admissionsYou can apply to the MBA through one of three pathways:

What should your application package include?

Please refer to our website for full, detailed application instructions: have an undergraduate degree from an accredited

university plus at least three years of managerial experience

(managerial experience should include managing people,

projects, or budgets, or any combination of these), or

you hold an accepted professional designation and at least

fi ve years of managerial experience, or

you have at least eight years of managerial experience.

A detailed resume.

Three reference letters attesting to your management

experience and readiness for graduate studies.

Offi cial transcripts of your post-secondary education and/or

proof of any professional designations.

A succinct essay outlining your expectations from the MBA for

executives program.

A completed online application form.

$200 application fee.







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MBA admissions

“Staying competitive in today’s business climate

takes dedication, hard work, and ongoing learning.

AU’s online MBA for executives provides real-world

education in all key management areas and can be

earned without sacrifi cing work or home life.”

Jason Byrne, MBA ‘15Regional DirectorCredit Structures, RBC Private Banking

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MBA Accelerated route Finish your MBA in as little as 19 months if you already have a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Management, or similar

business degree. This accelerated route to your MBA recognizes that the academic knowledge you acquired in your

undergraduate studies – in combination with the experience you have gained in the workplace since graduating – provides a

solid base from which to advance into senior management study and practice. 18

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The requirements outlined above are minimum requirements and do not guarantee acceptance into the program. The Admissions Committee will

make a decision based on a comprehensive review of your application including work experience, academic performance, transcripts, references,

and written compositions.

*Degrees slightly more than 10 years old may be considered on a case-by-case

basis; additional courses may be required.

MBA Accelerated route admissions

To be considered for entry into the MBA for executives – accelerated route, you must have:

What should your application package include?

Please refer to our website for full, detailed application instructions:

An undergraduate degree in business, completed within the

past 10 years*,

grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher for the last 60

credits taken,

a minimum of three years of managerial experience

(managerial experience should include managing people,

projects, or budgets, or any combination of these).

A detailed resume.

Three reference letters attesting to your management

experience and readiness for graduate studies.

Official transcripts of your post-secondary education and/or

proof of any professional designations.

A succinct essay outlining your expectations from the MBA

for executives program.

A completed online application form.

$200 application fee and a $259 transfer credit evaluation fee.







The accelerated MBA route gives you the flexibility to tailor your master’s studies to your own interests and career goals. Once

you have completed two mandatory courses, you can design the rest of your program using a combination of online and

in-residence electives, international electives and, if you choose, a major research project.

Page 20: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

Online MBA for AccountantsAthabasca University (AU) and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada are committed to developing global business

leaders who combine solid strategic management skills with superior fi nancial management knowledge and an understanding

of sound corporate governance.

Your professional accounting designation gives you enhanced access to Athabasca University’s online MBA for executives

program and a unique opportunity to broaden the scope of your strategic management knowledge.

As you work through the online courses with other talented management professionals from various industries and locations,

you will hone and expand your skills in managing information, people, resources, markets, and operations, and learn to think in

terms of organization-wide strategy from the executive viewpoint.

AU acknowledges the advanced fi nancial education and experience attained by professionally designated accountants. If you

have a CA, CMA, CGA or CPA designation, you will receive direct transfer of nine credits towards your MBA, allowing you to

complete the program up to six months faster. 20

Page 21: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

Accelerated route MBA for AccountantsThe accelerated route to your MBA recognizes that the

academic knowledge you have acquired in your undergraduate

studies – in combination with your accounting knowledge

and the experience you have gained in the workplace since

graduating – provides a solid base from which to advance into

senior management study and practice.

If you have completed an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of

Commerce, Bachelor of Management) in business within the past

10 years, you could qualify for the accelerated MBA admission

route, allowing you to complete your MBA for executives in as

little as 17 months.

For more information and to see which option you qualify

for, please visit our website:


“The MBA transformed my decision-making processes and introduced frameworks and tools to think more strategical-

ly and diff erently. Having earned an accounting designation, AU gave me transfer credits, which reduced tuition costs

and time to complete the program. I would highly recommend AU’s MBA to other accountants wanting to take their

careers to the next level.”

John Couto CGA, MBA ‘14Finance ManagerCommunity Natural Foods Ltd., AB.

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Online MBA for Supply Chain Managers Athabasca University and the Supply Chain Management

Association are committed to developing strategic business

leaders who combine innovative management leadership skills

with superior supply chain management knowledge, along with

the highest level of integrity based on adherence to the SCMA

Code of Ethics.

Your Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) designation

gives you enhanced access to Athabasca University’s online

MBA for executives program by providing transfer credit for up to

nine total credits, enabling you to fi nish your online program up

to six months faster.

“The SCMP designation opened doors for signifi cant career

progression within the industry. The decision to embark on an MBA

was an easy one with enhanced access to Athabasca University’s

online MBA program for executives. The program is a perfect

complement to build on my supply chain management experience

and to broaden my strategic management knowledge.”

Marlene Houstan Certifi ed SCMP, and MBA student Vice President, Procurement Infrastructure Ontario

Accelerated MBA for Supply Chain Professionals

Professionally designated supply chain managers who

already hold an undergraduate degree (Bachelor of

Commerce, Bachelor of Management) in business within the

past 10 years could qualify for the accelerated MBA route,

allowing you to complete your MBA for executives in as little

as 17 months.

For more information and to see which option you qualify for,

please visit our website: 22

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Online MBA for Health LeadersAthabasca University’s collaboration with the Canadian College

of Health Leaders (CCHL) allows students to earn both an MBA

and the Certifi ed Health Executive (CHE) designation, Canada’s

only professional credential available to health leaders. CCHL

is a national, non-profi t, professional association dedicated to

developing, promoting, advancing and recognizing excellence in

health leadership.

Lead tomorrow’s health care industry with an education that

combines comprehensive business management knowledge

with today’s most advanced health leadership practices.

After successful completion of phase one of the MBA, apply for

membership with the CCHL and then apply to the CHE program.

Hold a current CCHL membership.

Apply to the CHE program before completing the MBA for

Health Leaders. You must apply to the CHE program prior

to graduating from the MBA to be eligible.

Once accepted into the program, candidates must

successfully complete the LEADS Online Self-Assessment,

Career Development Plan, and the online CHE Exam. AU

MBA students are not required to complete the LEADS

in Action Project in recognition of their academic work in

health leadership while in the MBA program.

“AU’s MBA program helped me discover my untapped

potential and design the future of my dreams,

including a career in healthcare that touches millions of

lives each year.”

Louise Taylor Green, MBA ‘12Senior Vice President & Chief HumanResources Offi cerEconomical Insurance

Requirements to earn your CHE designation:

For full details on the MBA for Health Leaders, please visit

our website:




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Online MBA in Hockey ManagementThe global entertainment industry is fast-paced, lucrative, and competitive. All professional sport franchises and entertainment

businesses are looking to win fans’ time, attention, and money.

It’s not enough to be an exciting game with talented athletes.

In today’s sports world, branding, operational effi ciency, and

fi nancial savvy are almost as critical to team success as recruiting

the best players.

Athabasca University has collaborated with the Business of

Hockey Institute, leading sports agents, top management

minds, and hockey executives to develop elite, hockey-specifi c

courses; a unique blending of the Athabasca MBA in Hockey

Management and the Business of Hockey Institute’s Certifi ed

Hockey Professional (CHP) designation.

The idea of an elite MBA focusing on the business of hockey

was fi rst conceived by Ritch Winter, President Wintersports

Ltd., and Brian Burke, President of Hockey Operations,

Calgary Flames. Together, they worked to make this MBA with

a focus on the business of hockey—the fi rst of its kind in the

world—a reality.

For more information on and tuition fees for the MBA

in Hockey Management and the Certifi ed Hockey

Professional designation, please visit our website:

“I travel with the team and on any given night I’m either

at an arena or on a plane. Managing team services for

an NHL team while also earning Athabasca University’s

MBA and CHP designation from BHI is challenging but

AU makes learning on my terms doable. Every day I’m

connecting what I’m learning to the Oilers and setting

myself up for the next role. It’s already taking my game

to a whole new level.”

Patrick GarlandStudent, MBA in Hockey ManagementManager, Communications & Team Services Edmonton Oilers Hockey Club 24

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Students are provided with detailed payment schedules upon acceptance into the program. Tuition and fees are subject to change. Students may choose to take in-residence electives outside of Canada, or may choose more than one in-residence elective. Selections will aff ect overall tuition. Application fee, admission fee, transfer credit fee, and international student program surcharge are non-refundable.

Application fee

Admission fee

Application fee

Admission fee

Six core courses

Six core courses

Four core courses

Two online electives

Elective in-residence (Canada)

Applied project

Four core courses

Five online electives

Elective in-residence (Canada)

$11,724.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

$5,862.00 ($2,931.00 per course)



$11,724.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

$14,655.00 ($2,931.00 per course)


due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration





Applied project route fees

Course-based route fees

MBA for ExecutivesTuition and Fees

Phase One

Phase One

Phase Two

Phase Two





due with your application

due upon acceptance into the program

due with your application

due upon acceptance into the program

$17,586.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

$17,586.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

Application & Admission

Application & Admission

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Athabasca University reserves the right to make additions, deletions, changes, or modifications to its policies, practices, procedures, tuition fees, course availability, delivery mode, schedules, or program requirements at any time without prior notice. The publication of information in this brochure does not bind the University to the provision of courses, programs, services, or facilities as listed herein. Students are responsible for informing themselves of the University’s procedures and policies and any specific requirements associated with the degree or diploma sought. Every student accepted for registration with Athabasca University shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the regulations and policies of the University and of the program in which that student is enrolled. Athabasca University specifically reserves the right to exercise its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion in admitting individuals to the University, its programs, or courses.

MBA for Executives - Accelerated routeTuition and Fees

Application fee

Transfer credit evaluation fee

Admission fee

Application fee

Transfer credit evaluation fee

Admission fee

Two core courses

Two core courses

Four online electives

Elective in-residence (Canada)

Applied project

Seven online electives

Elective in-residence (Canada)

$11,724.00 ($2,931.00 per course)



$20, 517.00 ($2,931.00 per course)


due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

due upon course registration



$27, 257.00

$31, 538.00

Applied project route fees

Course based route fees

Core Program

Core Program

Elective and Applied Project

Elective and Applied Project







due with your application

due with your application

due upon acceptance into the program

due with your application

due with your application

due upon acceptance into the program

$5,862.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

$5,862.00 ($2,931.00 per course)

due upon course registration

due upon course registration

Application & Admission

Application & Admission 26

Page 27: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

Tuition and Fees

Additional information on all of our MBA programs, how to apply, and associated fees can be found on our website, For assistance, call 780-488-2832 or 1-800-561-4650 (toll-free in North America) or email [email protected]

Page 28: » cover photo - AU Faculty of Business€¦ · An evolution in advanced learning Athabasca University Athabasca University (AU) launched the world’s fi rst fully interactive online

Faculty of Business Graduate Management Programs:

» Master of Business Administration (MBA) for Executives

» Master of Business Administration in Hockey Management

» Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA)

» Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Management (PBDM)

» Post Baccalaureate Diploma in Leadership and Management (PBDLM)

Athabasca University Faculty of Business

201, 13220 St. Albert Trail Edmonton, AB T5L 4W1

Phone: 1-800-561-4650 (toll-free in North America) Email: [email protected]


@AthabascaUBiz Athabasca University Faculty of Business

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