  • 8/2/2019 Coverage to Mapinfo Area%


    Harminder Gill Page 1 of 8 3/4/2012

    EDX (Planning tool) Coverage prediction to Mapinfo % of the covered Area

    This procedure can be applied with any planning tool as long as the tool outputs in a format easilyconvertible to Mapinfo *.mif/*.mid file pair.Go straight to section 2.2 if your planning tool output is already converted to Mapinfo *.TAB file set.

    1. EDX Prediction

    Do a study of the required area -- (study grid set to 0.100Km)

    Study should be displayed in colour (say Green) for all signals up to and better than 90dBm.

    Use EDXCV utilty to convert the recent study to a mif/mid file (suitable for Mapinfo).EDXCV can be used stand alone without EDX running.

    EDXCV-file--new---- conversions----------edx working file conversion


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    Result of conversion

    EDX job is finished and file is ready for Mapinfo use.Remember Although the prediction was displayed to 90 dBm but study was set to calculateprediction levels up to 120 dBm (my choise). Study boundary also has areas of no signal (Noise).

    Therefore the file has all sorts of information (-90dBm or better, -120dBm or better, Noise etc).This will need to be filtered out using Mapinfo Table (file) handing techniques.

    2. Conversion of mif/mid file to Mapinfo.TAB file

    2.1 Start Mapinfo with a Blank work space.

    Click ---------Table ---------Import ------- Browse to file created above


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    2.1.2 Click ----Open --- Save (import in to table).Mapinfo will start converting mif file in to a Tab file and save at the selected destination.For a mif file of about 150 MB size the conversion to Tab takes approx. 3 minutes and lot longer forLarger (state wide) predictions.

    2.1.3 Result of conversion

    2.2 In Mapinfo open the Tab file created above, File --------- open


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    The file opens and first looks like this

    2.2.2 Maximise the image in workspace and Zoom out to show large area, say a region or stateboundary.

    The Unfiltered mif file of edx study shows in the shape of study area used (blue area).


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    This is where the fun starts!

    2.3 To filter to pixels having the required signal level values:

    2.3.1 Click - Query ------SQL Select

    It is very useful to save the parameters in above panel to a template.Care must be taken with spaces and table file name selections and paths. Mapinfo sets up links andlooks for these when fired up again.

    Click Varify if all parameters / entries are correct you get this message

    Now click Ok (in picture above).

    2.3.2 Result of above action. (takes about 3Min for file size of 150MB)Only few lines from 1,146,352 lines record (in this case) are shown below.


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    2.3.3 Next we need to save this table.

    Click file --- save copy as --- Select file R18_coverage90dbm as named in 2.3.1 above.

    Click save copy as in picture above.Result of above action (takes about 2 minutes).

    2.3.4 Close the Mapinfo Brower window showing tabulations (donor layer).Close original table file r18_coverage-90dbm_edxmif.mif opened in 2.2 above.


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    2.3.5 Open The file saved in 2.3.3 above. File ---- open ---- Table file

    Signal layer pixels only up to and better than 90dBm will show up.Compare this with the shape in 2.2.2 above.

    2.4 To Manipulate or change data in the table:

    Click - Table -- Maintenance ---- table structure

    Select the coverage layer table file (refer 2.2 above), and then click OK in above picture.


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