Download - CPC Life Lent 2016


Lent 2016

T oday we find ourselves sitting between the two great mysteries—the Incarnation and the Cross.

The Incarnation was that decisive moment when God “put on flesh” and dwelt among us. Jesus was born. And if there was any doubt that God sees us, knows us, and desires to be known by us, the Incarnation settles the score. As we look at Jesus’ life, it couldn’t be more clear . . . and it couldn’t be more mysterious. Faith is that way, too. Some days it’s clear as a bell. Some days it’s mysterious and mind-blowing.

Recently we spent the season of Advent anticipating the coming of Jesus to earth. At CPC we called it When Heaven Came Down because, well, Heaven literally came down. He came with great surprise and laughter. Who imagined Creator God would come as a tiny baby?

Now we turn to the second great mystery, the Cross. Ash Wednesday kicks off a forty-day season called Lent. If Advent was about receiving the gift of Jesus’ presence at Christmas, Lent is where we begin to participate in His death, burial, and Resurrection at Easter. Advent calls us to prepare for His coming and to receive the gift with joy. Lent is a harder call. Lent asks us to give ourselves to the experience of death. Some call this the path of descent. It’s the way Jesus modeled, and it’s diametrically opposed to our preference for life lived “up and to the right.” Jesus’ first followers were shocked when He died, and it should shock us, too. Who wants to be labeled a failure? Who wants to suffer? But here’s the life-altering mystery: It’s in our pain that we find life. We come to grips with our own limitations and to the darkness all around us . . . and we’re asked to give in. To die. And then to find that the Resurrection

changes everything. We are raised to life in Christ. We die with Him so we can live with Him—now and forever.

Each year our Christian tradition offers these two great mysteries. This year, will Lent impact your busy schedule? Will Easter come and go? Or will this year be different? What if we dare to open ourselves to share in Christ’s journey into death and Resurrection? He’s here with us, calling us into this experience. Because He knows, as we do deep down, that it will indeed change everything. We will never be the same.

David Hammond serves as Director of Creative Worship.

CPC Life is a publication of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC).

Complimentary copies available at CPC or at

Mail Subscriptions: Suggested annual donation of $20. Please write Editor, CPC Life, Christ Presbyterian Church, 6901 Normandale Road, Edina, MN 55435.

Email Subscriptions: To receive a link to the online version, contact [email protected].

We welcome your letters and comments!Please email [email protected].

© Christ Presbyterian Church 2016

Director of Communications: Sarah Long

Editor: Jennifer Boardman

Art Direction & Design: Matt Schubbe, Byron McConnell

Editorial Assistants: Maggie Keller, Claire Sweem

The IncarnationThe Cross

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W ho is Jesus to you?” This is arguably the most important question you will

ever ask or will ever be asked.

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus asks His disciples, “But what about you . . . Who do you say I am?” (8:29).

Personally, I could give you the “right” answer. I could give you the heady, sitting-in-Sunday-School-class response you are looking for: Jesus is God’s Son, sent as a sacrifice for the salvation of the human race in order to be reconciled back to our Creator. I am an oldest child. I’m overly responsible and driven to achieve that illusive ideal called perfection. I would consider giving you this kind of pat answer.

But . . . is that what you’re looking for? Is that what I’m looking for?

How do we go from head knowledge to heart knowledge?

Yes, Jesus is the one God sent to die for our sins and reconcile us back to Himself—“But what about you . . . Who do you say I am?”

When I was an eighth grader at CPC, I met the real Jesus one night after Commitment Class. I was working on homework and felt compelled to pray and proclaim that I wanted Jesus to

be at the center of my life. After that day, I went on to experience the real Jesus, the God of all comfort, when my grandma died suddenly and I struggled with grief-induced depression. Jesus is the one who let me fight with Him and scream at Him in high school when things in my family were falling apart. He is the one who opened my eyes to see dreams of working with teenagers. Jesus is the one who sat with me when I cried and cried after my parents’ divorce. He is the one who helped me see Him in the faces of children in Africa, Honduras, and Haiti. Jesus is the one who remains faithful to me even when I walk away from Him. Jesus is the one who loves me more than I could ever imagine and displays that love continually throughout my life.

Who is Jesus to you?

Is He someone who doesn’t really affect your life, like Prince Charles or the OxiClean infomercial guy? Maybe you know He’s there, and you think of Him every once in a while, but He has no impact on your daily life.

Is He someone who scares you because of how much He might disrupt your life? Maybe He’s too great, too enormous, too holy?

Is He someone you want to be mad at because of what your life looks like? Is He just head knowledge, but

that information hasn’t been able to transform your heart?

Is He your best friend?

Is He your constant companion?

Is He your Savior? Your only source of grace? Your shepherd and guide?

Jesus can handle whatever you’ve been through, whatever you’re going through, whatever you’ve done, whatever has been done to you, whatever you struggle with, whatever you doubt, whatever makes you mad or frustrated. He can carry the weight of your life because He has already carried the weight of the world on His shoulders.

Who is Jesus to you?

During this Lenten season I pray that you would experience Jesus in a way that brings life to your soul. I pray that His love would surround you, His peace would transcend all your circumstances, and His grace would set you free.

Carrie Gleeson serves as Director of Student Ministries.

Who Is Jesus to You?

“A unt Heather, tell us another story of when you and Daddy were growing up!” begged my young niece at the dinner table. And thus would start the repetition of the marking moments in our lives . . .

reliving memories that were significant and important to us, making us who we are today. Each retelling would become an invitation to the next generation to become part of the story, to continue the message.

So, too, in the Church we repeat and retell the story of God, inviting each generation to become part of the narrative. It happens every week in worship, from the reading of Scripture, to the singing of songs, to the participation in the Sacraments of Communion and Baptism. But perhaps the most dramatic recounting of God’s story happens during Holy Week, when we relive the events of history that changed the world. Imagine the disciples of the early church, recounting what they saw and experienced during Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem:

“Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”“This is My body broken for you.”“Love one another as I have loved you.”“Crucify Him!”“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”“Do not be afraid. He is not here. He is risen.”

We know from the memoir of Egeria, a fourth-century Christian woman, that the followers of Jesus would literally walk the roadways and hillsides of Jerusalem remembering Jesus’ palm parade entry into the city, the Last Supper, Jesus’ final hours on the Cross, the period of waiting on “Black Saturday,” and the resurrection celebration on Easter dawn.

Centuries later at CPC, we carry on the invitation to participate in God’s story by recounting and reliving these same Holy Week events (details on the adjacent page):

• Maundy Thursday – traditional remembrance of the Last Supper

• Good Friday – reflection on the dramatic journey through Jesus’ final hours on the Cross

• Easter Prayer Vigil – twenty-four-hour opportunity for silent reflection and prayer, as we await the resurrection dawn

• Easter Watchnight – worship in the dark of night, sharing God’s stories of salvation, participating in Communion, renewing our vows of Baptism, holding fast to the resurrection hope

• Easter Worship – grand celebrations of the Resurrection— Jesus is alive!

This year you are invited to engage with God’s story of love, sacrifice, power, and victory; to participate in the retelling of those final marking moments of Jesus’ life, death, and Resurrection; to relive that which is significant and important; and to carry on the message of hope. Because these world-changing moments in the past make us who we are as followers of Christ today. Join us for Holy Week, and become part of the story that changes the world!

Heather Hood serves as Minister of Worship and Music.

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. . . this Holy Week and EasterMaundy Thursday WorshipThursday, March 24 • 7:00PM

This dramatic traditional service marks the Last Supper and Crucifixion with Scripture lessons, artwork, lighting, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, music by the Chancel Choir, and a meditation from James Madsen. Childcare: 6 weeks-PreK

Good Friday Worship Friday, March 25 • 5:30PM

Designed for children and adults alike, this service embarks on a creative journey through the final hours of Jesus’ life. Childcare: 6 weeks-3 years

Friday, March 25 • 7:30PM

A contemporary service with traditional readings and Communion. Experience the drama and emotion Jesus’ followers felt at the time of His death. No childcare

Twenty-Four-Hour Easter Prayer VigilFrom Saturday, March 26 at 6:00AM until Sunday, March 27 at 6:00AM • Chapel

A twenty-four-hour silent prayer vigil, symbolizing the period of waiting after the Crucifixion. Sign up in the Great Room for a thirty-minute time period to pray personally, reflect, and prepare for Easter. No childcare

Easter Watchnight Saturday, March 26 • 9:00PM

Worship in the dark, based on the ancient Easter vigil service with a candle processional, Scripture lessons, music, Communion, and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows. A unique and powerful way to start the Easter celebration! No childcareH



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Easter Saturday – ContemporarySaturday, March 26 • 5:15PM

A Saturday evening version of the Sunday morning Easter Contemporary worship, led by the Contemporary Worship Team, with a meditation from John Crosby. Childcare: 6 weeks-PreK

Easter Sunday – SunriseSunday, March 27 • 6:00AM

As the sun rises, we celebrate the Resurrection with singing, Orthodox traditions, Communion, and a meditation from Rich Phenow. Dress casually to walk outside! No childcare

Easter Sunday – TraditionalSunday, March 27 • 8:00 & 9:10AM

Traditional services celebrating the Resurrection with music by the choir and instruments, and a meditation from John Crosby. Childcare: 6 weeks-PreK

Easter Sunday – ContemporarySunday, March 27 • 10:30 & 11:40AM

The Contemporary Worship Team leads a celebration of the Resurrection, with a meditation from John Crosby. Childcare: 6 weeks-PreK

Easter Sunday – The TableSunday, March 27 • 5:00PM

A celebration of the Resurrection led by The Table team, with a meditation from Matt Moberg. Childcare: 6 weeks-Kindergarten







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I grew up in a loving Roman Catholic home. We said our prayers at dinner and before bedtime. When someone in our family or a friend was very ill, we would say Hail Marys with our rosary beads. But I always felt there was

something more to faith than I understood.

When I went off to college at Iowa State, I attended mass a few times, but I didn’t feel like I was learning anything. So when a sorority sister invited me to a nondenominational church called Cornerstone, I was excited to give it a try. I was blown away. The pastors at Cornerstone were on fire for Christ. And there were students throwing their hands in the air, people crying. I saw the emotion behind it, the impact true faith can have.

I was also introduced to books of the Bible I had never heard of in my life. I only knew Genesis, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John! But sometimes I felt stupid: Here I was, nineteen years old, and everyone around me knew so much. I honestly faked it for a while, pretending to know what page to turn to when the small group leader said, “Let’s read from Ephesians.” I had been given a Bible at a young age, but it was the kind with gilded edges and your name imprinted on it. I hadn’t opened it much. But I remember seeing this orange Bible at Cornerstone for $22. As a poor college student, I couldn’t afford it, so I saved for three months. I remember the day I bought it—it brought me so much joy. Now it’s marked up and well used.

In my sophomore year I became friends with a guy named Chris, and I extended to him the invitation to come to church with some sorority sisters and me. I knew Chris knew Jesus, but he was far away from Him when we met. As I looked into my future, I knew I wanted to marry a Christian man. I didn’t care what he did for a job, if he was the

nicest guy on campus—if he didn’t love Jesus, we couldn’t work it out. By the time Chris and I started dating, he was turning toward Jesus. Although it makes me uncomfortable, he always says, “Claire, you’re the reason I came back to Christ.”

Chris and I married six years ago and settled in the Twin Cities. We became members at CPC soon after, and I started working here in 2010. In 2013 when I became pregnant with our daughter, Isabelle, I could not get Jesus’ mother, Mary, out of my head. Her whole story followed me throughout my pregnancy. I thought, Look at what God is doing for Mary! She’s becoming a mom, and I’m becoming a mom soon, too! I know that, yes, Isabelle is my child, but she’s ultimately God’s child—and He is entrusting me with raising her to know and trust Him. I also think that because we’ve had such a hard time having children, she just brings that much more joy. Chris and I are co-creators, but God is the true Creator.

I tend to be a worrier, but to have a relationship with Jesus means to have an open line of communication with Him. I talk to Him daily: in the morning through my devotional, in the car, at dinnertime with my family, and during bedtime prayers with my little girl. Sometimes I’m praising Him and sometimes I’m questioning Him. But I know in the end that God wins, and He’s got it down, so really, I don’t need to worry . . . yet of course I still do! But as John Crosby has said before, I know there is nothing I can do to make God love me more and nothing I can do to make God love me less. Through grace I have been saved.

Sometimes I’m

praising Him and

sometimes I’m

questioning Him.

But I know in the

end that God wins,

and He’s got it down,

so really, I don’t need

to worry . . . yet of

course I still do!

But as John Crosby

has said before,

I know there is

nothing I can do to

make God love me

more and nothing

I can do to make

God love me less.

Claire Sweem serves as the Ministry Assistant for Communications and as Room Scheduling Coordinator.

Faith Story • Claire Sweem

Who Jesus Is to Me

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Sharon Irving, nationally-renowned

musician and America’s Got Talent semi-finalist

CPC’s own Joelle Syverson,

founder of Humor to Fight the Tumor

Camp Registration

Opens February 27!



Sign-ups open Saturday, February 27



Friday, March 18 | 7:00-9:00PM | Sanctuary

Happ e n i ng s

MID-MONTH CHAPEL SERVICEWednesdays, February 17 & March 16 • 12:00PMA traditional service with a short message by James Madsen (February) and Rich Phenow (March), hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows. No reservation necessary.

EASTER FLOWERSDue by Monday, March 14On Easter, our worship spaces are filled with flowers representing new life in Christ. Donate $20 toward the purchase of plants as a memorial or tribute. Following the Easter services, plants are delivered to seniors. Complete a form at the Welcome Center, the main office, or at HOLY WEEK EVENTSSee page 5 for full listing and childcare availability

Maundy Thursday WorshipThursday, March 24 • 7:00PM

Good Friday WorshipFriday, March 25 • 5:30 & 7:30PM

Twenty-Four-Hour Easter Prayer VigilFrom Saturday, March 26 at 6:00AM until Sunday, March 27 at 6:00AM • Chapel

Easter Watchnight Saturday, March 26 • 9:00PM

EASTER CELEBRATION SERVICESSee page 5 for full listing and childcare availability

Easter Saturday – ContemporarySaturday, March 26 • 5:15PM

Easter Sunday – SunriseSunday, March 27 • 6:00AM

Easter Sunday – TraditionalSunday, March 27 • 8:00 & 9:10AM

Easter Sunday – Contemporary Sunday, March 27 • 10:30 & 11:40AM

Easter Sunday – The TableSunday, March 27 • 5:00PM



SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATIONRegistration opens Saturday, February 27 at 10:00AM at Visit our website for a full listing of camp dates and descriptions.

FAMILY COMMUNION WORKSHOPSaturday, March 12 • 4:00PM • Anderson HallElementary-aged children and their parents discover both the biblical beginnings and CPC’s tradition of taking Communion. Led by Jordyn Farris, Associate Director of Elementary. A light supper will be served (free will offering). Sign up: [email protected]

KIDS’ MINI CAMP REGISTRATIONWednesdays, April 6-27 • 6:00-7:30PM Sign-ups open on February 17Kids from 1st-5th grades can choose from fun classes and adventures, even if they have not previously been a part of CPC Wednesday nights. Cost: $10/first child, $5/each additional child. Sign up:

WEEKEND PROGRAMSDuring Saturday 5:15PM, Sunday 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 5:00PM servicesMinistering to kids through 6th grade and their families. New This Year! The ChapelSundays • 9:30 & 11:00AM • ChapelAn in-depth exploration of God’s Big Story for 5th-8th graders. Sign up:

WEDNESDAY NIGHT: THE JUNCTIONWednesdays • 5:00-7:30PM Where K-6th graders learn more about God and live out their faith through music, reading the Bible, and fellowship: • Dinner (5:00-6:15PM) - available to all for a small fee• Choirs (5:45-6:30PM) - K-5th graders• Programs (6:30-7:30PM) - 1st-6th graders

Cost: $30/first child, $20/second child, $10/third child; max $60/family. Sign up:


SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION Registration opens Saturday, February 27 at 10:00AM at Visit our website for a full listing of camp dates and descriptions.

CPCONLINE.ORG 9 5 2 . 9 2 0 . 8 5 1 5


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HOT COCOA FUNDRAISER Sunday, March 6 • 10:30AM-12:30PM • Great RoomHelp the HSM team raise money for their Jamaica GO!Trip.


WEDNESDAY NIGHTSWednesdays, February 17, 24 & March 2, 9, 16 • 6:15-7:30PM No programming due to spring break: March 23, 30 Fun, large-group learning and small-group discussion for 7th-9th graders.

[email protected] [email protected]


HSM HOUSE GROUPSWednesdays, February 17, 24 & March 2, 9 • 8:00-9:15PM No programming due to spring break: March 23, 30 House groups meet in area homes. [email protected]

HSM LARGE GROUPWednesday, March 16 • 8:00-9:15PM • CPC


MOSAIC WORSHIP SERVICE Sundays, February 28 & March 20 • 12:30PM • SanctuaryMosaic is a worship service for kids and students with special needs and their families. Noises, sounds, and movements are welcome! Followed by a light lunch. [email protected]

TAPESTRY Tuesdays, March 1 & 15 • 6:30-7:30PM • Fireside RoomWe explore who God is and how we can have a relationship with Him through Bible study, service projects, games, guest speakers, and story/drama. [email protected]


MARRIAGE BOOSTER RETREATSaturday, February 20 • 9:15AM-4:45PM • Fireside RoomImagine a fun, faith-filled, romantic, and relevant day when married couples can laugh, reconnect, and talk deeply about marriage. Presented by Family Fest Ministries. Cost: $75/couple. Sign up: [email protected]

WELCOME TO CPCSunday, February 21 • 10:30AM & 12:00PM • Fireside Room If you’re new or have been attending CPC for years, come learn more about our community and how to connect! A CPC pastor will answer your questions in this thirty-five minute class.

WOMEN WHO INSPIREFriday, March 18 • 7:00-9:00PM • SanctuaryHow does your unique voice show up in the way you live your life? Enjoy an uplifting evening of music and stories from two distinct voices: Sharon Irving, nationally- renowned musician and America’s Got Talent semi-finalist, and CPC’s own Joelle Syverson, founder of Humor to Fight the Tumor. Come soak in some beautiful, moving music, listen to courageous stories, connect with other women, and reflect on how your own life can sing. Cost: $17 by Thursday, March 17 at 12:00PM at; $20 at the door.

MEMBERSHIP PROCESS Kick-off Lunch: March 20 • 11:00AM-1:00PM • Fireside RoomMeet pastors and gather in small groups. The process will also include three small group meetings with topics central to what we believe. The Joining Lunch is May 15. Sign up by March 15:


IN THE WORDMondays • 9:30-11:30AM • Room 107Led by James Madsen, this discussion-oriented Bible study for men and women focuses on 2 Corinthians.


SUNDAY COMMUNITIESSundays • 9:30AM or 10:45AM • new series starts February 21Sunday Communities offer a place to belong and a place to grow with people in a similar life stage.

• MIXED TAPES (20s & 30s) | Debbie Manning teaches (9:30AM - Fellowship Hall West)

• S.A.L.T. (40s & 50s) | “The Four Gospels: Same Only Different” with Dave Scherf (9:30AM - Fellowship Hall East)

• A.C.T.S. (50s & up) | “Six Stages in Our Spiritual Journey: Insights from John’s Gospel” with Randy Anderson (9:20AM - Fellowship Hall Center)

• MORE (Active Retired) | “Philippians” with James and Anna Madsen (10:45AM - Room 107)

• CREDO (Intergenerational) | “Understanding ECO: The Whats and Whys of Our New Denomination” with Maggie Keller (10:45AM - Room 10 South) L.I.F.T. (new community for engaged and newly married couples) | Meets monthly at the Mulliken home Sundays from 6:30-8:30PM | February 21: “Understanding Our Personalities” & March 20: “5 Ways to Bring Out the Best in Each Other”

[email protected]

CPC BOOK CLUBThursdays, February 18 & March 17 • 7:00PM • ParlorFebruary: Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain March: The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Nancy Reutiman at 952.920.1837

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THURSDAY MORNING MEN’S GROUPSSeveral existing Thursday men’s small groups welcome new participants. Sign up:

DADS’ GROUPWednesdays • 6:25-7:30PM • ParlorLed by Allen Pofahl and Tom Wagner, this group meets whenever there is Wednesday night programming for kids and students. We focus on growing in our roles as dads of young children through early high school. Sign up:


MOMS OF TEENSLarge Group Thursdays, February 18 & March 17 • 9:15-11:15AM February: Rhonda Nordin speaks on “The Marriage Imprint: Passing Along a Legacy of Marriage.” March: Joe Cavanaugh, founder and CEO of Youth Frontiers, speaks on “Sabbath Parenting: Navigating Bullying and Building Character in Your Teens.” Cost: $5 per session at the door.

Small GroupsThursdays, February 25 & March 10, 24 • 9:30-11:15AM

[email protected]

MOM’S MORNINGLarge GroupWednesdays, February 24 & March 9, 23 • 9:30-11:30AM • Fireside RoomFebruary 24: Doug Goodmundson on “Generational Stewardship with Children.” March 9: Rolf Garborg on “Family Blessing.” March 23: Todd and Laura Mulliken on “5 Keys to a Healthy Marriage.” Cost: $25/year; $30/child for childcare.

[email protected] Sign up:

Small GroupsMeets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays • 9:30-11:30AMGroups allow you to develop relationships through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and Christ-centered support. Cost: $30/child for childcare. Sign up:

NEEDLEWORK GUILDSaturday, March 12 • 10:00AM-2:00PM • Fellowship HallOur mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve the needy. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Sally Stoutenburgh at 952.927.6915


EDYNAMOES Wednesday, February 24 • 11:30AM • Fellowship Hall“Souper” Pastor Rich and company are back! Please come with friends to enjoy the warmth of friendship and a soup luncheon. We will enjoy the versatile, inspiring Tara B., who brings us a

spirited, passionate, and joyful concert! Please bring Jerry’s cash receipts, pop/can tabs, and soup labels. Cost: $5.

Sign up with Cleo Wedge by February 22: 952.922.2769

NESTERS: SINFONIA CONCERTSaturday, March 5 • leave CPC at 12:30PMJoin other active retirement-age folks for a Sinfonia concert at the Basilica. Meal follows at the Olive Garden. No charge for the concert. Sign up: [email protected]

CIRCLES (WOMEN 60+)Fellowship, learning, and service in a small-group setting; new members always welcome.• Martha Circle

Wednesdays, February 17 & March 16 • 10:00AM • Parlor Pat Haberkorn at 952.941.4188

• Lydia Circle Saturdays, February 20 & March 19 • 9:30AM • Parlor

Ellen Hastings at 952.896.0066

• Esther Circle Wednesday, March 2 • 1:30PM • Home of Carol Koster Fellowship and a study on faith

Char Bonniwell at [email protected]

• Ruth Circle Every Wednesday • 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC.

Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414


SINGLE PARENT FAMILY MINISTRYThursday, March 17 • 6:00-8:00PM • Anderson Hall In this community for single parents and their children, we share a family meal, then the adults break off to hear a speaker on topics that encourage single parents. Childcare and programming for infants through twelve years. No cost. [email protected]


GRACE & HOPE FOR OUR CHILDRENTuesdays, February 16 & March 15 • 7:00-8:30PM • Parlor Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents, friends, and caregivers as we care for one another on our journeys. Meetings include support and fellowship.

[email protected]

ABUNDANTLY SATISFIEDSundays, February 21 & March 6, 20 • 9:30-10:30AM • Room 203We support each other with weight issues that keep us from experiencing the abundant life God wants for us. No weigh-ins; lots of grace and support! [email protected]

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PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRYSaturday, February 27 & Friday, March 11 • 10:00AM • ParlorThe goal of our ministry is to knit or crochet shawls made with the hope of being vessels for God’s presence and comfort. Experience not needed; all are welcome! Coaching and materials can be provided.

Pat Johnson at 952.947.0734

GRIEF RECOVERYTuesday, March 8 • 6:00-8:30PM • ParlorGrief Recovery is for those who have lost a loved one. We experience God’s hope and healing through fellowship, prayer, and sharing a meal.

[email protected]

ALZHEIMER’S EDUCATION SERIESThursday, March 10 • 6:30-8:00PM • Fireside RoomA series for care partners and those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias. March’s topic is “When to Think About Residential Care Placement.” No reservation needed.

[email protected]

INFERTILITY CARE GROUPThursday, March 10 • 7:00-8:30PM • Room 107“Do you have kids?” is a familiar question for married couples. But it’s a difficult question when couples experience infertility. Receive support in this new care group.

[email protected]

NEW BEGINNINGSSaturday, March 19 • 9:00-11:00AM • Fireside RoomNew Beginnings is CPC’s support, resource, and friendship community for those dealing with the practical issues that follow a spouse’s death. Join us for our Touch Base Breakfast. Cost: $10. Sign up: [email protected]

LGBTQ FAMILY GROUPA new group is forming for parents and family members of someone who is LGBTQ. Discuss together how to best love and support loved ones and each other. [email protected]


HOUSING FOR CPC’S SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE June-August 2016This summer we welcome to CPC Palestinian Israeli professor Dr. Yohanna Katanacho along with his wife, Dina (a teacher, author, and Director of the Arab Israeli Bible Society), and their three children. They join us as we learn more about our calling to be peacemakers and agents of reconciliation. We are looking for housing for the Katanachos as well as a vehicle for them to use throughout the summer. [email protected]


THE PLUNGE WITH URBAN VENTURESDate TBD The Plunge is an experiential learning opportunity for deeper missional engagement with local partners. For more information on this month’s gathering, visit

FAMILIES MOVING FORWARDMarch 20-27 Through Families Moving Forward, CPC provides overnight shelter and support to families experiencing homelessness. Volunteer to provide and serve meals, coordinate evening activities, and set up/clean up. Sign up:


UPCOMING GO!TRIPS Sign up and learn more at:

Beni, Congo • with Congo Initiative and Christian Bilingual University of Congo (UCBC) • April 6-18Discover the vision of Congo Initiative through collaborative engagement with students and staff at UCBC. Cost: ~$1,800 (plus airfare ~$2,300). Sign up immediately.

Southern US • Sankofa Journey • April 7-10We seek to move toward an informed and theological response to social ills related to racism. Explore historical sites from America’s Antebellum and the Civil Rights Movement. Trip Leader: Dee McIntosh, CPC Associate Pastor of Missions. Cost: ~$595. Sign up immediately.

Israel/Palestine • The Global Immersion Project • April 22-May 2 Better understand the issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Begin our journey at home on February 28 with an eight-week online learning lab, followed by seven days in Israel/Palestine in April. Trip Leaders: Ryan Corcoran (CPC) and Jer Swigart (TGIP). Cost: $2,770 (plus airfare ~$1,500-$1,800). Sign up immediately.

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Students and families hang out following the Wednesday Advent service Volunteers hand stamp the Invited brochures sent to all CPCers

Deep discussion at John Ortberg’s Vision Night

John Ortberg and Roger Anderson connect in the Great Room

Praising God during Kids’ Choirs

C P C L I F E | L E N T 2 0 1 6 13An invitation to pray for the world at our Prayer GatheringVolunteers hand stamp the Invited brochures sent to all CPCers

Deep discussion at John Ortberg’s Vision Night John Ortberg and John Crosby share the stage at CPC’s second Vision Night

MARRIAGESAnna Sanders and Justin Kallberg were married on December 15. Pastor Daryl Kallberg officiated.

Kial Phoebe Lindvall and Riley Reed Nelson were married on February 6. The Rev. Rich Phenow officiated.

DEATHSAnna Peterson passed away on January 11. Her daughter is Becky Shedd.

Karl Leupold passed away on January 16.

Gerald “Jerry” Erlandson passed away on January 17. His wife is Betty Erlandson.

Craig Hastings passed away on January 23. His mother is Ellen Hastings and sister is Nancy Ebeling.

Richard Erickson passed away on January 25. His son is Stuart Erickson.

Douglas Foster passed away on January 25. His brother is Ken Foster.

Angeline Bevilacqua passed away on January 31. Her son is Michael Bevilacqua.

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZEDPhyllis WagnerJoyce ErvinCathi DrozEllie AlcockPat KattlemanLyla BormannWayne KratzerClare Anderson

STAFF TRANSITIONSCourtney McKinley joins Finance as Accounts Payable.

FINANCIAL UPDATEJune 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015Ministry Offering Budget: $2,945,599Actual Offering: $2,983,063.91Variance: $37,464.91Christmas Offering (Urban Homeworks): $338,281YTD Mission Focus Total: $434,023.10Expenses are under budget year-to-date.

14 L E N T 2 0 1 6 | C P C L I F E

C P C L I F E | L E N T 2 0 1 6 15

to children & families in spiritual, physical, & emotional need.



CPC is partnering with our friends in Zambia to bring

Mark “Easter Offering” in your check memo line to contribute.

The Present Need• Zambia is one of the world’s

poorest countries

• 600,000 children have lost at least one parent to AIDS

• Almost half of children under five suffer from malnutrition- induced stunted growth

How We Hope to Help• Finish building and properly

equipping the new hospital in Moyo

• Empower the local church’s work in George, the poorest neighborhood in the capital city of Lusaka

• Invest in economic empowerment initiatives

Visit for:FAQs

BrochureCommitment Guide


Empowered by the Gospel and sent out by the Great Commission,

we are excited to embark together on this bold vision of extending the

invitation of Jesus.

Join us for worship!Contemporary Worship

Traditional Worship

Contemporary Worship

The Table at CPC

| Saturdays at 5:15PM

| Sundays at 9:30AM

| Sundays at 11:00AM

| Sundays at 5:00PM

Commitment Weekend is February 27/28. Please bring your completed Commitment Cards with you to worship services.

Commitment Cards will arrive in homes by

the week of February 22.

You Are

Be Part of CPC’s Vision for Our Future

iInv ted.

Christ Presbyterian Church | 952.920.8515 | | | @CPCEdina

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