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Crash Course on Creativity Observation Lab

Lane Bryant

Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? A little. The mannequins in the window are usually pretty eye-catching but it’s not an impossible store to miss.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? Closed but with Sandy approaching, that’s to be expected.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?A little smaller than the neighboring stores but pretty standard overall.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?Lots of browns and creams. It’s not as stark as the sterile white but still neutral.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? It’s carpet and hardwood, but light colored.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Shorter than the big box stores but high than you’d expect. It keeps the store from feeling too busy with all the colors and patterns on display.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?It’s moderately lit. Like some retail establishments, it’s not exceedingly well lit. The dressing rooms are downright dark compared to the rest of the store.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise? It has a moderate noise level.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?

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Yes. It’s a combination of Top 40 pop and your mix station staples.

Is the store warm or cold? It was temperate.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? definitely on the crowded side with the different tables and racks all over the place.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No.

Where is the cash register located? At the back of the store near the dressing rooms.

How visible is the store security? None.

How long do you want to stay in this store? It’s not a store designed to rush you. You aren’t pulled to linger a long time but you can take your time.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?It’s laid out and presented well but not well enough for some of those price tags to be justified.

Personnel:How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? I was greeted right away.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? They do to get started.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Not that I saw.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? It’s about 1:3.

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What age and gender are the employees? It was all women 25-40.

Are the salespeople using the store products? Yes. Several of the employees were wearing items from the store.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? Not officially.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. They are knowledgable, helpful, and most of them clearly shop there.

Products:What is the first product that you notice? The camis and work shirts.

Is there a central display table with featured products? There are a few displays in the center of the store. The one when you come in has camis and collared work shirts. Behind that is the Seven brand items.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? In the back corner near the shoes and dressing rooms.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Combination of designer and occasion. A lot of the label stuff was together but most of the work, casual, sleepwear and intimates were clearly demarcated.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? No.

What products are at eye level? Shirts mostly.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Bras, shoes (only item with a high shelf) and clearance.

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Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive products are in the front and middle while the clearance items are toward the back.

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Mostly yes

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Yes. There are pins, rings, and sale underwear.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Most are alone. One woman dragged her man-person.

What is the average age and gender of the customers? Almost exclusively female all between 25-50.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?There are only three directions to go and those would be dictated by our need (work vs casual, store brand vs designer).

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? At least an hour probably. Trying stuff off and on takes a while and the sales women usually bring helpful suggestions.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes. Clothing needs to be tried on and handled to be appreciated.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? They have a specific need or occasion but they’re browsing as they do it.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?About two thirds.

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Labyrinth Games and Puzzles

Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Not exactly. It’s fairly out of the way and it doesn’t have a storefront that grabs you unless you see the games in the window.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? Closed. It doesn’t feel welcoming until you get inside.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?It’s a reasonable sign but it’s flat against the building. It doesn’t have an awning or much exterior stuff that grabs you.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?Light colored hardwood floors and a light blue-green wall. It’s a lot warmer than if the walls were white. It’s a comfortable color scheme.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? It’s got light colored hardwood. It makes the environment warmer and more homey.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? They’re a normal height for a residence rather than the really high ceilings of typical retail spaces.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?It’s very well lit. There’s a good combination of lamps and natural light.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise? It’s generally quiet unless there’s a gaming event at the tables in the back. The people who were back there were fairly mellow that day.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No music.

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Is the store warm or cold? It was a little warm. If she knows she’s having an event, the owner will adjust the temperature so everyone is comfortable.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? There’s a lot of merchandise but it doesn’t feel crowded despite the store being fairly small.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No.

Where is the cash register located? About midway through the store.

How visible is the store security? It isn’t.

How long do you want to stay in this store? A while. The staff is very friendly and informative and the environment is very welcoming.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Somewhat. Some of the games are pricey but it feels worth it because it’s a welcoming and independent store.

Personnel:How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? I was greeted right away.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? If they know you, you get a warmer greeting but overall it’s pretty equal.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? It’s about 1:3.

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What age and gender are the employees? It’s pretty evenly split between the genders and most employees are 25-40.

Are the salespeople using the store products? They’ve used them and they’ll instruct people playing games but they don’t actively play while working.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes, it’s a t-shirt.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Definitely. They’re helpful, polite, and nerdy.

Products:What is the first product that you notice? The Bananagrams.

Is there a central display table with featured products? There’s a central table displaying some Halloween-themed games.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? I didn’t see any ‘for sale’ items.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? By game theme. Some of the smaller games and classic games (Jacob’s Ladder) are near the front. The more complicate games at near the half-flight of stairs followed by the kids games near the back.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? Yes. There are several store copies of each game.

What products are at eye level? It depends on where your standing but a lot of the more popular games are at eye level.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?

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There’s a few games located right at the foot of the stairs and the kids games are all the way at the back.

Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive products are in the middle with the cheaper items in the front and back.

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Yes

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Yes. There are several small games and store themed items like mugs.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Some are alone, some are families.

What is the average age and gender of the customers? It’s evenly split between men and women, most of whom are in their 20s or 30s.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Yes. The store’s a big rectangle so there’s not a lot of places for it to go.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? A while. There’s a lot of cool games to discover and the the staff has played a good bit of them.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? You can pick up and inspect the new games and you can play the store’s copy.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Mostly browsing.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?About 70%.

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A. C. Moore

Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? There are several items on display outside of the store in addition to the variety of items inside the entrance way. Some of the items are scented so the smell can be a draw as well.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? They’re automatic. If you come within a couple of feet, they open automatically.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?It’s a big box structure so the signs are very large and light up.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?White. The seasonal sections are colored (red and green for Christmas, black and orange for Halloween). All of the main walls and shelves are white.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? White linoleum. It adds to the industrial feel of the place.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? The ceiling is very high. Because of the white wall, floor, and ceiling and the particle board walls, it makes the place feel more like a gigantic box.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?The store is very well lit. It lets you see and appreciate the colors of the and scrap-booking paper.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise?

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It’s pretty quiet. Since most of the people here are adult women, there isn’t a lot of inherent noise.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? Yes. It’s the standard easy mix canned music. Once Christmas gets here, it will change for the season.

Is the store warm or cold? Temperate. It was comfortable enough that I didn’t notice the temperature.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? The store is pretty full of merchandise. It’s set up upon entering to corral you around a lot of the new, seasonal items.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?Yes. There’s a lot of pumpkin scented seasonal items.

Where is the cash register located? Right next to the door.

How visible is the store security? None.

How long do you want to stay in this store? You want to linger because of the variety of items but not because of the store itself.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Honestly, the environment would cheapen the value if you thought about it too much. It definitely has that chain feeling that will save you money.

Personnel:How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? I was greeted right away.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? Somewhat. It’s not a verbatim script; more of a guideline.

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Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Not that I saw.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? I’d ballpark it from 1:5.

What age and gender are the employees? Mostly female employees in the age range was 25-65.

Are the salespeople using the store products? No. It’s a craft store with a uniform so there’s not a lot of freedom there.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes, a polo and black pants.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. The sales people I dealt with were polite and friendly.

Products:What is the first product that you notice? The Halloween and harvest decorations.

Is there a central display table with featured products? Only in the seasonal department.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? On various endcaps or clearly marked in their regular place

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Seasonal followed by scrapbooking, sketching, yarn, and toys so popularity plays into the layout.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? Yes. There was a free demonstration of calligraphy for an upcoming class.

What products are at eye level? A lot of the decorations and other impulse buys.

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What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Woodworking items, unfinished shelves.

Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive items are in a locked case near the cash registers. The cheapest are between the checkout and seasonal.

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Yes

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Very much yes. Candy bars, watches, holographic bookmarks, goofy pens, and a few other trinkets.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Most are alone. A few were with friends or kids.

What is the average age and gender of the customers? I didn’t see any men while I was in there. The average range was 30-65

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Yes, the store is set up to run in a U-shape.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? It depends on what they’re looking for, if they’re there for a class, etc but I’d guess 30-45 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes. There are several sample items for things like pencils and pens and the yarn is very handy.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Most customers appear to be there for a reason but once they’re in the store, they browse because of the amount of stuff.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

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Most. People rarely go in there without a reason.

Barnes and Noble

Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Yes. The picture windows showcase several displays advertising new and popular books as well as posters.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? Closed but it’s the time of year there things are starting to cool off.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?Yes. As one of the anchor stores in a large outdoor mall, it as a very large sign.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?Green and white. The signature color of the store is green but the white works as a light enhancing neutral.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? White tile or gray industrial carpet. Both colors work to not distract from the products on the shelves.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Since the retail space is a ‘big box’ the ceiling is very high. It allows for a very airy and open feel despite having the walking space broken up by tables and shelves.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?

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The store is very well lit. In addition to several flourescent lights, there are also a great deal of natural light.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise? There is canned music but overall it’s very quiet. You can hear some people chatter but it’s not noisy.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? Yes. There is canned music. Since the bookstore has some more freedom, it varies from the usual easy listening pop. Today it was female jazz musicians while I was there.

Is the store warm or cold? Temperate. It was comfortable enough that I didn’t notice the temperature.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? The store is full of merchandise but it’s not crowded because the large building allows for a lot of wise use of the space.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No. It doesn’t really smell like anything. Books maybe.

Where is the cash register located? Right next to the door.

How visible is the store security? None that I saw.

How long do you want to stay in this store? It’s a place that will encourage lingering to a point. They’ve done away with the comfy chairs and only have sparsely placed wooden ones outside of the cafe. The variety of items (games, books, calendars, bags) make one want to explore a little.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Not really. Because it’s a chain, you know what you’re dealing with going in.


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How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? No one did until I got to the check out counter.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? Somewhat yes.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Not in my experience.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? It’s hard to tell because the store is open visually but I’d guess 1:5.

What age and gender are the employees? Mixed genders but the ages were from 20-40.

Are the salespeople using the store products? No but it’s a bookstore and they’re at work.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? No.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Yes. Most of the sales people I encountered were polite and friendly (except for one fellow who stepped over me when I was looking at something in poetry).

Products:What is the first product that you notice? The Nook. Unless you make an immediate left into magazines, you can’t not see it. The foyer space has differently clearance books and kits (origami, cooking, etc.) but you remember seeing the nook displays.

Is there a central display table with featured products? The nook displays are the only centralized one. Behind them are the ‘new and notable’ displays. There’s also a display between the main walkway of the store and music/DVDs that showcases the classic literature collections.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?

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To the right of the nook displays, behind the calendars. The shelves are clearly marked and different in that they’re not wood, they’re metal. It’s a very visual difference.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? By topic then author’s last name. Fiction, teen, and clearance are much easier to find than science (annexed over near the bathrooms) so popularity is a factor.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? There was maybe one employee available to ask about the nook but there were several models you could play with.

What products are at eye level? Save for a few shelves on the wall, none of the shelves in the open parts of the store were about 5 or 6 feet. Any forward facing item was a new release or discount (buy 2 get 1 free). Everything else was the standard set up.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Science and health were in out of the way locations. They weren’t inaccessible but were not placed to draw you in.

Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive (nook) was the first thing you saw upon entering the store. You had to pass it to get to the least expensive items.

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Yes. They were either on the back above the barcode or on a clearly marked sticker on the front of the item.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Several displays. There were gift cards, multiple racks with little books, magazines, bookmarks, tote bags, and CDs.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? I’d say about 2/3 are alone while the rest are with someone (another adult or child).

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What is the average age and gender of the customers? 35 for average age and about 75% were female.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Yes. The tables and displays are set up in such a way as to create standard walk ways. Those paths take you past the nook displays and split toward children and DVDs/CDs with information at the fork.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? I’d say it depends if you’re browsing, on a mission, or looking for a gift but don’t have something exact in mind.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Absolutely. The only time touching is not encourage is when the item is sealed in plastic.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Most were browsing but some were browsing with a purpose. They needed something but didn’t have an exact item in mind.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?I’d ballpark it around 75%. Some of the people who were there longer did so specifically not to buy something.

Kramerbooks and Afterwords

Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Yes. There are plenty of signs and books on display in the windows.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? The doors are closed but it’s also drizzling. Sometimes the doors are open.

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How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?There is a larger sign on the awning that’s a standard size for the other signs in the neighborhood. There’s also an illuminated sign in the window that’s smallish but effective.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?The carpet is the dark industrial kind that’s gary-ish. The walls (that aren’t covered by books) are red and cream.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Linoleum and industrial carpet. It’s perfect for the high traffic, simple aesthetic nature of the store.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? The ceiling is higher than one would expect. 10 feet at its lowest. The shelves are very high but the high ceilings are not something you immediately notice because the store is on the smaller side.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?The store is very well lit. The lights are low hanging so it gives the illusion of a lower ceiling.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise? The noise is almost always from the crowd of people. Kramers is usually crowded so there’s plenty of background noise.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No. I don’t think they have canned music. When there was a lull in the background noise, I didn’t hear anything.

Is the store warm or cold? The store is very warm. It was almost uncomfortable.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?

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The store is definitely crowded with merchandise. They have all sorts shelves for different sections.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No. Since there’s a cafe and a bar, it smells a little like food but not very much.

Where is the cash register located? Near both entrances doors.

How visible is the store security? There isn’t any.

How long do you want to stay in this store? They have such a variety of books that I want to stay there a while and explore. The problem is that the store is small-ish and there’s no where to sit that isn’t part of the bar or cafe.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Somewhat. It’s one of the few independent bookstores and it has some items you don’t see in a lot of the big chain stores. It’s like hipster cred.

Personnel:How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? It’s incredibly rare for a sales person to initiate contact at this store. Since I go in to browse, it’s not a big deal.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? Definitely not.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Not usually.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? There are not a lot of sales people but definitely a lot of customers.

What age and gender are the employees? Mixed genders but the ages are usually between 21-35.

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Are the salespeople using the store products? No but it’s a bookstore and they’re at work.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? No.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Since the store has more of an indie vibe so mostly yes.

Products:What is the first product that you notice? The table of literary fiction books by the door.

Is there a central display table with featured products? Not any one table. Several smaller tables and shelves.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? I’ve never seen a sale or clearance section in the store.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? By topic then author’s last name.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? No

What products are at eye level? Only the wall shelves get close to eye level. On those shelves it’s by whatever happens to be there alphabetically.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? The books that they had extras of and are stacked horizontally on the shelves. They can only be reached with a ladder but offers and excellent aesthetic.

Where are the most and least expensive products located? None of the items were sorted by price.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?

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Are there impulse items near the cash register?Yes. One register is home to most of the humor section. The other has several nonfiction works.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? It’s a pretty even split between solo book buyers and people wandering before going to the cafe.

What is the average age and gender of the customers? 30s and more of the customers were male.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?No. There are several different sections and shelves so there is no readily set direction.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? I couldn’t guess.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Absolutely. People often pick up the books and read them a little before either putting them back or deciding to buy them.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Mostly just browsing. Because Kramer’s isn’t large, I don’t imagine they have the kind of stock that dictates a ‘mission.’ Maybe to find a good book club book.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?Above 50% but below 100% It’s a fun place to browse and it’s a good spot to meet up with someone since it’s not too large. I know some people buy things just because they want to support their independent bookstore.

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Before you enter the store:Does the store draw you in? If so, how? No. It’s a big box store. There’s no window displays or anything outside to draw you in.

Is the door open or closed? How does this make you feel? The doors are automatic so they’re closed right up until you go in. It makes the store less inviting.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font? What does it tell you about the store?The is one large sign that lights up at night. It doesn’t tell you much. I don’t know the exact font but there’s something no-nonsense about it.

Environment:What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?The main color would be white. There’s some red accents but the walls, shelves, and floors are white. There’s some gray carpet in the clothing area.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Linoleum and industrial carpet. It’s perfect for the high traffic, low aesthetic nature of the store.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? The ceiling is very high. I suppose it makes the store a little lighter but it reflects how the store is really like a giant box.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?The store is very brightly lit. I don’t see that it has much of an affect but all of the products are clearly visible.

How loud is the environment? What is causing the noise? The only noise are the various people and their children. It wasn’t nosiy but it certainly wasn’t quiet.

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Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? I didn’t hear any canned music.

Is the store warm or cold? The store is moderate. It’s comfortable enough that I don’t really notice the temperature.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? The aisles themselves are very sparse. There’s plenty of room to move around. The shelves have plenty of merchandise.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?No. Any smell the store has is dictated by department (pet food, detergent, clothes)

Where is the cash register located? Near the doors.

How visible is the store security? Aside from the one guy near the exit, not very

How long do you want to stay in this store? Not very long. It’s more about practicality than comfort.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?Possibly. It’s better than Wal-Mart but less than a boutique so it depends on the item.

Personnel:How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Never happened and often doesn’t.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? Aside from the cashiers, definitely not.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? I don’t believe so.

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What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? I only saw a smattering of sales people to a large number of customers. Maybe 1:8

What age and gender are the employees? Mixed race and gender but ages are almost exclusively 16-30

Are the salespeople using the store products? Not that I’m seeing but Target sells nearly everything.

Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes, red shirt and tan pants.

Do the salespeople match the stores image?Not completely. The image they try to present is much cleaner and more family-sitcom-style and the employees are every day people

Products:What is the first product that you notice? Handbags.

Is there a central display table with featured products? Depends on the department but there definitely was for accessories

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? Usually on an out of the way end-cap for the corresponding department.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Usually the newest are clearly visible with the sale items or new items on an end-cap to grab your attention.

Are there free samples or demonstrations? No

What products are at eye level? It varies from department to department but it’s usually the new releases, popular products, and the fancier of the store brands.

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What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? The furtherest department is the tech, movies, and music. The least accessible items are usually less popular or clearance.

Where are the most and least expensive products located? The cheapest products are the first you see and the most expensive are the farthest from the door.

Are the prices of the products easy to find? Yes.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?Plenty. In addition to your usual magazines and candy bars, there’s sections containing various toys, gift card and everyday items.

Customers:Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? They’re either alone or with their kids.

What is the average age and gender of the customers? 30s and most of the adults were women. More of the children were boys.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?Not always. It depends on what they need.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average? I couldn’t guess. It’s not a place designed to encourage lingering so however long it takes them to shop.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Absolutely. Nobody’s ever stopped me from touching something.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? A little bit of both. Most people are there for a reason (namely Sandy) but will sometimes browse once they’re in the store.

Page 26: Crash Course in Creativity Observation Assignment

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?100% Target isn’t a place you go solely to wander.

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