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Crataegus Oxy

Estie SchreiberSA Natural Products (Pty) Ltd

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Hawthorn – berries for the heart

In his work as a naturopath, Alfred Vogel could of course not do without the remedy from the fresh, red berries, which are good for invigorating weak or tired hearts.

‘Hawthorn always reminds me of the time when great-grandfathers and grandfathers were good at recognising plants. As a child I used to help with crushing the berries and putting them into white wine.’

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Hawthorn – berries for the heart

• Many patients value the tincture from hawthorn berries because of its effectiveness.

• They love the heart tonic, which not only calms an agitated heart but also eases heart sorrow.

• Alfred Vogel very cleverly substituted sweet Malaga wine for his grandfather’s tart white.

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Hawthorn – berries for the heart

• Firmly convinced of the effect of hawthorn, the naturopath was not slow to praise the preventative and healing properties of the red berries.

• In The Nature Doctor he recommended hawthorn as a reliable remedy for • arteriosclerosis, • raised blood pressure,• angina pectoris,• as well as for hardening and

narrowing of the arteries in the heart.

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What is the Circulatory System?

The circulatory system can be thought of in 2 parts.• The pulmonary circulation

• moving blood between the heart and the lungs.

• The systemic circulation• moving blood between the

heart and the balance of the body.

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What is the Circulatory System?

For good health, it is important for both these systems to work properly as they are dependent upon one another.• Circulation can be pictured easily as

blood travelling through the body in tubes known as blood vessels.

• On average, we have approximately 5 litres of blood travelling through our circulatory system.

• Blood travels from the heart to all parts of the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients.

• On its return to the heart, the blood picks up carbon dioxide and waste products to be excreted.

• Essentially, the circulatory system is a delivery and collection system for blood.

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The heart

The heart is a muscle that contracts and relaxes in order to pump blood throughout the body. It is made up of 4 parts known as chambers.• The top 2 chambers of the heart are

called the atria, and the bottom 2 chambers are called the ventricles. The heart also contains valves.

• The heart contracts approximately 70 times per minute. Each contraction is a heartbeat, squeezing blood from the heart into the blood vessels. This rate increases with exercise as the body requires more oxygen.

• In an average person, the heart beats over 100,000 times per day, pumping 8,000 liters of blood around the body.

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What is blood?

Blood travels throughout our body and is contained within blood vessels. It is fundamentally made up of plasma and blood cells.

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Plasma is a yellowish fluid and is the ‘liquid’ part of blood. It contains proteins and other dissolved substances.

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Blood cells?

Blood cells are suspended in plasma. There are three types of blood cells.• Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon

dioxide around the body. They also give blood its red colour.

• White blood cells fight against infection and disease. White blood cells are part of the immune system. They have the ability to attack invading organisms and foreign particles.

• Platelets help our body heal when injured, forming a ‘plug’ at the site of a wound in order to stop blood from getting out and infection getting in.

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What are blood vessels?

Our body contains different types of blood vessels which can be thought of as different sized tubes.

Arteries are the blood vessels that carry the blood away from the heart (Think A = Artery and Away).• They are strong enough to carry large

volumes of blood under high pressure which happens when blood is first pumped out of the heart.

• Smaller arteries branch off from the main arteries.

• These are called arterioles and eventually lead to capillaries.

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What are blood vessels?

Our body contains different types of blood vessels which can be thought of as different sized tubes.

Capillaries are the tinniest of our blood vessels. • They are so small that blood cells have to

line up in single file to get through.• Being small allows them to penetrate into

every corner of the body, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

• Blood in the capillaries feed the tissues before traveling away from organs, flowing into small veins called venules and then into larger veins.

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What are blood vessels?

Our body contains different types of blood vessels which can be thought of as different sized tubes.

Veins carry blood back to the heart. • They have much thinner walls than

arteries as blood moves slowly and under much lower pressure.

• Some veins, such as the ones in the legs, require the help of valves in order to prevent blood from flowing backwards, keeping blood flowing in the right direction.

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What are blood vessels?

In summary, blood flows within blood vessels in the following order:

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And when blood gets into the tissues?

The purpose of blood is to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and to transport waste matter away for excretion. When blood reaches body tissue, a process of exchange takes place whereby substances move from an area of high concentration to another of lower concentration.

For example:• Blood leaves the lungs rich in oxygen. When this arrives at the tissues (within

capillaries), oxygen molecules move from blood (high concentration of oxygen) to tissue cells (low concentration of oxygen).

• At the same time, body tissue contains a high concentration of carbon dioxide and these molecules move in the opposite direction - from tissue cells to blood.

• When this blood (rich in carbon dioxide but poor in oxygen) is pumped back into the lungs, carbon dioxide moves out of blood in order to be excreted when we breathe out. At the same time, oxygen is breathed into the lungs and moved into the blood.

• The same basic principle holds with other nutrients and waste matter. Tissue cells are fed with glucose, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Waste matter from tissue cells are brought to organs such as the liver, kidneys and lungs for excretion.

• And yes... all of this happens without us even having to think about it!

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What can go wrong?

It is very important that arteries retain their elasticity. This allows them to expand when blood is pumped from the heart and to contract between heartbeats.• Hardening of the arteries is one of our most common modern disease. Smoking, high

cholesterol levels, abnormal calcification and lack of vitamin E are factors which contribute to the hardening of the arterial wall, known as arteriosclerosis.

• When the walls of an artery harden, loss of flexibility leads to higher pressure when blood is pumped out of the heart. This is known as hypertension (high blood pressure).

• If the heartbeat is weak and lacks force, blood will not be driven around the body efficiently and organs will be poorly supplied with blood. This is known as hypotension (low blood pressure).

• People are more aware of high blood pressure than of hypotension, but yet many are affected. If you feel sluggish and lethargic, have cold extremities and get dizzy or light-headed easily you may suffer from this problem.

• Arteriosclerosis is often associated with fatty plaques, which are partly made from cholesterol. They can build up within the artery wall, narrowing the artery and restricting the blood flow to a specific area (such as the brain or heart). This is known as atheroma.

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What can go wrong?

• If an organ or area is poorly supplied with blood it cannot function properly and will gradually deteriorate. In particular areas there are special terms given to poor blood supply.

• In the heart, poor blood supply causes chest pain - known as angina. In the legs, restriction to the blood supply causes pain in the legs when walking and is known as intermittent claudication.

• If the blood supply to the heart is cut off long enough a heart attack may result. Conditions such as angina must therefore be taken seriously as they indicate definite circulation problems to the heart and may lead to heart attacks.

• Another cause of heart attacks is a clot that has built up around a fatty plaque, which subsequently becomes dislodged, blocking one of the coronary arteries (arteries supplying the heart with blood). If a similar case happens in arteries leading to the brain, a stroke may occur.

• Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that many people are now aware of. It is basically a clot blocking the veins of the legs. Because this occurs in a blood vessel that takes blood away from the tissues, it is a less severe condition. However, if the clot moves to the lungs it can cause the circulation in this organ to deteriorate, leading to a potentially serious situation.

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What can go wrong?

• Veins are much thinner and weaker than arteries, and a sedentary lifestyle or one that involves standing all day, causing them to stretch and enlarge, can weaken them further. This condition is known as varicose veins. Women are more prone to varicose veins than men, and they are also more prone to pregnancy(!), which is bad for the veins.

• Varicose veins around the anus are known as hemorrhoids and often result from constipation. If the strength of the circulation is poor, the delicate tissues of capillaries may ‘break’ causing unsightly thread veins.

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Remedies for the circulatory system

Lifestyle factors• Exercise can help cut the risk of heart

disease in half. This doesn’t necessarily mean painful hours in the gym or throwing yourself around a squash court

• Any activity will help if done regularly and involves getting off the sofa.

• Diet is also very important because the saturated fats that help to clog the arteries can be avoided, as can refined sugar that contributes to fat stores.

Alcohol and caffeine should be minimized and nicotine rigorously shunned, as this is a significant risk factor for heart and circulatory diseases.

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Remedies for the circulatory system

Vitamins and minerals• Vitamin E is vital for retaining elasticity in

the artery wall.• It is well established as a

supplement for reducing heart disease and is also an antioxidant (especially helpful for those who were smokers).

• Magnesium feeds heart tissue allowing a better relaxation of the heart muscles between contractions, balances the heart rhythm and relaxes the nervous system.

• CoQ10 improves energy production in the heart and increases the force of heart muscle contraction.

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Remedies for the circulatory system

Herbal Remedies• This herb has a long and well-deserved

reputation as a heart tonic.• It opens the arteries that bring blood

to the heart, improving blood flow and making angina less likely to occur.

• It has a tonic effect on heart tissue as a result of better ‘nourishment’ resulting from the increased blood supply.

• Hawthorn also has a sedative effect on heart tissue, slowing the rate of contraction but improving the force with which the heart contracts.

• This results in a stronger, more regular heartbeat that will be beneficial whether the problem is the result of high or low blood pressure.

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Remedies for the circulatory system

Herbal RemediesThis is the real beauty of Hawthorn; it works on both high and low blood pressure, gently rebalancing heart function.• Angina• Mild high blood pressure (hypertension)• Low blood pressure• Arteriosclerosis

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Remedies for the circulatory system

Herbal Remedies• Gentle is the key word here. Hawthorn

takes up to 6 months to have an effect and is therefore very safe: it won’t dramatically affect blood pressure overnight. It is a gradual, long-term remedy; results are unlikely in the short term.

• It is safe to take alongside conventional heart medication as long as the doctor involved is aware it is being taken. Any reduction in blood pressure will then be caught and the medication can be adjusted accordingly.

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Heart Disease in South Africa

The ‘Heart Disease in South Africa‘ report commissioned byThe Heart and Stroke Foundation SA (HSFSA) revealed the following: • Between 1997 and 2004 in South Africa, 195 people a day died due to some

form of heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease).• About 33 people a day die due to heart attacks.• Two men die for every woman who dies of a heart attack.• About 37 people a day die due to heart failure.• Despite the high rates of AIDS deaths in South Africa actuarial projections

suggest that chronic disease, including heart disease is also going to increase by 2010.

• More than half the deaths due to chronic disease, including heart disease, occur before the age of 65 years. These are premature deaths that affect the workforce in the country and have a major impact on the economy of that country.

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Heart Disease in South Africa

The ‘Heart Disease in South Africa‘ report commissioned byThe Heart and Stroke Foundation SA (HSFSA) revealed the following: • Premature deaths due to heart and blood vessel diseases in people of working

age (35 – 64 years) are expected to increase by 41% between 2007 and 2030. The negative economic impact of this will be enormous.

• The highest rates of heart and blood vessel disease in South Africa are found in the Indian community, followed by the coloured community with the white and black community having the lowest and most similar rates.

• Although the white and black population has similar rates of disease the pattern differs dramatically. The white population predominantly has a pattern of deaths due to heart attacks, while the black population predominantly has a pattern of deaths due to stroke, heart muscle disease and heart disease due to high blood pressure.

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Key Risk Factors

Nine out of 10 heart disease patients have at least one risk factor. Several medical conditions and lifestyle choices can put people at a higher risk for heart disease, including:• High cholesterol • High blood pressure • Diabetes • Cigarette smoking • Being overweight or obese • Poor diet • Physical inactivity • Alcohol use

It is predicted that by 2020 the top five causes of death and disease are predicted to be:• Heart disease• Major depression• Road traffic accidents• Stroke• Chronic chest diseases

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Clinical trials

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular diseaseMary C. Tassell, Rosari Kingston,1 Deirdre Gilroy,2 Mary Lehane,3 and Ambrose Furey

Conclusions• Results recorded from clinical trials, experiences of professionally qualified medical

herbalists, and the low/negligible incidence of side effects experienced by patients would indicate that Crataegus preparations hold significant potential as a useful remedy in the treatment of CVD.

• Clinical trials have until recently been largely confined to patients presenting with NYHA stage I or II heart failure. More recently, the inclusion of patients with more advanced CVD in clinical trials might have affected outcomes, particularly where dosages were not adjusted to reflect the severity of illness.

• Studies by Holusbarsch et al. would indicate efficacy of Crataegus preparations in the treatment of mild to moderate heart failure (NYHA I–II). The more seriously ill patient may need higher dosages (1800 mg) as used by Tauchert for significant improvements to be obtained. Ultimately, an examination of the data to date is encouraging but would point to the need for a more targeted approach in terms of dosage related to severity of illness. It is possible that this remedy might have limited the benefit for more seriously ill patients but, used in the early stages of disease progression, may significantly enhance prognosis.

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Clinical trials

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) in the treatment of cardiovascular diseaseMary C. Tassell, Rosari Kingston,1 Deirdre Gilroy,2 Mary Lehane,3 and Ambrose Furey

Conclusions• The excellent safety profile of this remedy, coupled with the lack of herb–drug

interactions detected to date in clinical trials would further support its inclusion in treatment strategies surrounding CVD, especially in the early stages of disease progression.

• A robust and succinct response to a letter to the editor of the European Journal of Heart Failure, criticizing the inclusion of a clinical trial involving the use of a homeopathic Crataegus preparation in the treatment of heart failure called for more open-mindedness within the scientific community and a celebration “of the success of bringing different medical cultures together to focus on patients unmet needs.” Whole plant hawthorn remedies represent an excellent opportunity for this commendable concept to be taken forward.

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Clinical trials

Hawthorn extract for treating chronic heart failure:meta-analysis of randomized trials.Pittler MH1, Schmidt K, Ernst E.

Abstract• The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the evidence from rigorous clinical trials of

the use of hawthorn extract to treat patients with chronic heart failure. We searched the literature using MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, CINAHL, CISCOM, and AMED.

• Experts on and manufacturers of commercial preparations containing hawthorn extract were asked to contribute published and unpublished studies. There were no restrictions about the language of publication. Two reviewers independently performed the screening of studies, selection, validation, data extraction, and the assessment of methodological quality. To be included, studies were required to state that they were randomized, double-blind, and placebo controlled, and used hawthorn extract monopreparations.

• Thirteen trials met all inclusion criteria. In most of the studies, hawthorn was used as an adjunct to conventional treatment. Eight trials including 632 patients with chronic heart failure (New York Heart Association classes I to III) provided data that were suitable for meta-analysis.

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Clinical trials

Hawthorn extract for treating chronic heart failure:meta-analysis of randomized trials.Pittler MH1, Schmidt K, Ernst E.

Abstract• For the physiologic outcome of maximal workload, treatment with hawthorn extract was

more beneficial than placebo (weighted mean difference, 7 Watt; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3 to 11 Watt; P < 0.01; n = 310 patients).

• The pressure-heart rate product also showed a beneficial decrease (weighted mean difference, -20; 95% CI: -32 to -8; n = 264 patients) with hawthorn treatment.

• Symptoms such as dyspnea and fatigue improved significantly with hawthorn treatment as compared with placebo. Reported adverse events were infrequent, mild, and transient; they included nausea, dizziness, and cardiac and gastrointestinal complaints. In conclusion, these results suggest that there is a significant benefit from hawthorn extract as an adjunctive treatment for chronic heart failure.

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Menopause is the cessation of a woman's reproductive ability, the opposite of menarche. Menopause is usually a natural change; it typically occurs in women in midlife, during their late 40s or early 50s, signalling the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life.• Menopause is commonly defined by the state of the uterus and the absence of menstrual

flow or "periods", but it can instead be more accurately defined as the permanent cessation of the primary functions of the ovaries.

• What ceases is the ripening and release of ova and the release of hormones that cause both the build-up of the uterine lining, and the subsequent shedding of the uterine lining (the menses or period).

• The transition from a potentially reproductive to a non-reproductive state is normally not sudden or abrupt, occurs over a number of years, and is a consequence of biological aging.

• For some women, during the transition years the accompanying signs and effects (including lack of energy, hot flashes, and mood changes) can be powerful enough to significantly disrupt their daily activities and sense of well-being.

• In those cases various different treatments can be tried.

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Menopause is the cessation of a woman's reproductive ability, the opposite of menarche. Menopause is usually a natural change; it typically occurs in women in midlife, during their late 40s or early 50s, signalling the end of the fertile phase of a woman's life.• Medically speaking, the date of menopause (in a woman with an intact uterus) is the day

after the final episode of menstrual flow finishes.• "Perimenopause" is a term for the menopause transition years, the time both before and

after the last period ever, while hormone levels are still fluctuating erratically.• "Premenopause" is a term for the years leading up to menopause.• "Postmenopause" is the part of a woman's life that occurs after the date of menopause;

once a woman with an intact uterus (who is not pregnant or lactating) has gone a year with no flow at all she is considered to be one year into post menopause.

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Menopause Formula

Menopause Formula

Indications:• Hot flushes• Mild depression• Headaches• Irritability• Erratic periods


Botanical name Common name

Agnus Castus – D2 Chase berry

Ignatia Amara – D6 St.Ignatius Bean

Lachesis – D10 Bushmaster

Cimicifuga Racemosa – D6 Black snake-root

Sanguinara Canadensis – D6 Bloodroot

Sepia – D12 Ink of cuttle-fish

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Menopause Formula

Menopause Formula

Comments:• A well selected remedy which can assist

with most menopausal signs without disrupting the process.

• The main remedy is Sepia.• This remedy helps to regulate the

hormonal changes during menopause. • Agnus Castus is also valuable to elevate

progesterone levels during menopause which can regulate periods and reduce sensitive breast.

• Ignatia Amara is a great help for fluctuating moods and weepiness.

• Menopause Formula can be used long term whilst going through this transformation which can take a few years.

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Menstruation is the periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue (the endometrium) from the uterus and vagina. It starts at menarche at or before sexual maturity (maturation), in females of certain mammalian species, and ceases at or near menopause (commonly considered the end of a female's reproductive life).

The periodicity of menstruation gives rise to commonly used euphemisms like "period" and "monthly".• Women typically stop menstruating if they conceive or if they are breastfeeding.• When menstruation stops for longer than about 90 days in the absence of pregnancy or

breastfeeding, a medical evaluation should occur, as a number of health problems can result in absent menstruation.

• Menstruation lasts from puberty until menopause among non-pregnant women.

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Menstruation Formula

Menstruation Formula

Indications:• Painful periods• Irregular periods• Heavy periods• Abnormal menstrual flow• Pre-menstrual tension


Botanical name Common name

Cimicifuga – D6 Black snake root

Cyclamen Europaeum – D6 Sowbread

Lachesis – D10 Bushmaster

Potentilla Anserina – D1 (European herb)

Aristolochia Clematitis – D12 Snake root

Pulsatilla – D6 Wind flower

Hydrastis Canadensis – D6 Golden Seal

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Menstruation Formula

Menstruation Formula

Comments:• An excellent formula to regulate painful

periods, PMS and associated symptoms relating to the menstrual cycle, without causing any harm to the woman.

• The main remedy is Pulsatilla; a wonderful remedy for women who suffer irregular periods with many ups and downs emotionally.

• This remedy acts on the oestrogen levels. • All the other remedies act beneficially on

the flow of the period, discharges etc. • Menstruation Formula can be used for a

few months until all the problems have been sorted.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, or spastic colon) is a symptom-based diagnosis characterized by chronic abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and alteration of bowel habits. • As a functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID), IBS has no known organic cause.• Diarrhea or constipation may predominate, or they may alternate (classified as IBS-D, IBS-

C or IBS-A, respectively).• Historically a diagnosis of exclusion, a diagnosis of IBS can now be made on the basis of

symptoms alone, in the absence of alarm features such as age of onset greater than 50 years, weight loss, gross hematochezia, systemic signs of infection or colitis, or family history of inflammatory bowel disease.

• Onset of IBS is more likely to occur after an infection (post-infectious, IBS-PI), or a stressful life event, but varies little with age.

• Although there is no cure for IBS, there are treatments that attempt to relieve symptoms, including dietary adjustments, medication and psychological interventions.

• Patient education and a good doctor-patient relationship are also important.

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Indications:• Stomach pains, cramps and colic• Mild diarrhea• Flatulence/bloatedness• Sense of fullness• Indigestion• Food stays in stomach for a long time


Botanical name Common name

Nux Vomica – D4 trit 20% Poison nut

Aesculus Hipp – D4 trit 20% Horse chestnut

Argentum Nitricum – D4 trit 20% Nitrate of silver

Alumina – D8 trit 20% Aluminum

Bryonia – D4 trit 10 % Wild hop

Colocynthis – D4 trit 10% Bitter apple

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Comments:• A Vogel Gastronol tablets is a superb

combination of remedies for discomfort of the stomach.

• Nux Vomica addresses the typical stomach disorders after too much to eat or too drink.

• Aesculus assists with the fullness, Argentum Nitricum helps the indigestion due to sugar, Alumina has the typical lazy bowel, Bryonia does not want to move, talk or be disturbed on account of the stomach discomfort.

• Colocynthis is for stomach pain which is better when bending double.

• This is a wonderful remedy which should be in everyone’s house, handbag and suitcase when traveling.

• A Vogel Gastronol tablets can be used on a need to basis or daily if the lower bowel is sluggish or if there is a spastic colon.

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Estie SchreiberSA Natural Products (Pty) Ltd

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